Aspects of the sun and jupiter in the natal chart. Unfavorable aspects of the Sun to Jupiter

The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter is a good sign. Since both of these celestial bodies are benefic planets, their close interaction in the horoscope gives a person cheerfulness, inexhaustible optimism, the ability to attract good luck and success.

The sun and Jupiter are energy givers celestial bodies, therefore, a native with such an astrological combination not only enjoys the gifts of fate, but also gladly makes generous gifts to others. They can be both material and spiritual (in the form of advice, knowledge, enlightenment, blessings, good parting words, etc.).

The influence of the aspect on the personal qualities and worldview of a person

If in the horoscope the Sun is in conjunction with Jupiter, then a person is naturally kind, noble, cheerful and inclined to see only the good in everything. Such people have extraordinary spiritual breadth, they tend to help their neighbors and provide them with patronage. People around admire honesty, sincerity, humanity and high level spiritual development such a person. Next to him it becomes especially warm, fun and joyful. In the company of this kind sage, one wants to think about the lofty and beautiful, discuss progressive ideas and develop spiritually.

The conjunction of the Sun with Jupiter stimulates the native to expand the horizons and knowledge of the world. As a rule, the owners of this aspect are people who are well-read, educated and love to travel. Thanks to constant self-education, they develop philosophical view on the world and a high degree of loyalty to the worldviews and behavior of others. They are tolerant and respectful towards representatives of other cultures and religions, even if they find conflicting feelings about them inside themselves.

For people with the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter, the question of a life calling is very important, and from their youth they devote a lot of time to searching for themselves. Top areas activities for them are education, law, entrepreneurship, sports, tourism, philosophy, religion, optics and photography. Such people often, in addition to their main work, are engaged in charity and educational activities.

The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in the female horoscope

Since the Sun in the female chart is a marriage significator, this aspect will describe the type of men most attractive to the native. Often a person of a different culture and faith becomes a partner, or the owner of a horoscope finds her female happiness outside the country in which she was born. In any case, a man attracts attention due to his broad outlook, nobility, social activity, authority and high position in society.

Since the Sun and Jupiter form a good conjunction, the marriage as a whole can be happy. The only thing that women with this aspect should be afraid of is the excessive idealization of a partner. Many ladies are waiting perfect man, and in life it is not easy to meet such a person.

The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in some signs of the zodiac

The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter is especially pronounced in fire signs Sagittarius and Leo.

The sign of Sagittarius, highlighted due to the conjunction of the planets in the horoscope, speaks of a bold, independent nature and constantly striving to go beyond the limits of its capabilities. People with this aspect are not afraid of adventure and long-distance travel, they are happy to play sports, take part in competitions and competitions.

If the Sun and Jupiter are united in Leo, then the subject strives for a prestigious position in society and constantly improves his level of education, social status, and improves his financial situation. Such a person loves to lead and most often achieves the desired honors and glory.

Training course of the Munich Institute of Parapsychology. Transits

In its passage through the harmonious aspect of Jupiter's radix, the Sun will indicate the phase of the native's excellent health and mental stability. The desire for achievement and power will lead to a pronounced impulse to expansion, which can be realized in social sphere. In general, transits should bring joy, happiness, confidence and reliability, as well as chances for a successful completion. These days are considered auspicious for social relations, negotiations with the authorities or with high-ranking social workers, as well as for marriage, financial transactions and legal acts. Patients are making significant progress in the treatment of the disease.

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IN best case: a person can seem to the new bosses, tk. there is an opportunity to make a good impression and achieve everything, such as visibility or awards. A person may have either a need for religious authorities, or a craving for legal affairs.
In the worst case: a person has an increased opinion of himself, swagger, arrogance, a craving for scenery, trouble from superiors (undermining authority). The boss can play a bad role in your career. If everyone in the team is to blame, and you catch the eye of the boss, then you alone will be punished for everyone.

Transit - Business

You will feel optimism and generosity, you will feel goodwill towards you from other people. Probably, you will have a desire for sponsorship, patronage, philanthropy and altruism will appear. This is one of the most successful happy days in a year. Make the most of it! Feel free to spend financial operations and speculation. Already now you can count on profit. Interact with superiors and influential people: You will receive understanding, support, material assistance, praise, awards, you can achieve a promotion, a higher social or professional position. The possibility is not ruled out big win in lotteries, victories in various contests and competitions. You will be able to manage large sums, - it depends on you how well you will be able to dispose of them. good time to decide legal issues, start litigation filing a claim. Assign responsible speeches, briefings, negotiations, making deals and signing important papers for this day. The day is favorable for opening new or subsidiaries, expanding the scope of activities, starting a new project. Long, long-distance business trips will give excellent results. You can hope for gifts of fate and specific individuals, this is especially true for women.

Transit - Health

The period is accompanied by good spirits, an increase vitality: physical and mental. Overeating and excessive desire for pleasure should be avoided. It is especially important these days not to overload the liver and heart. Patients with liver diseases get relief, this transit is good to use to start a course of treatment for liver diseases. Usually these days you put on weight. In women in late pregnancy, labor may begin. The period is favorable for conception.

Transit - Love and family

A good period for harmonizing relationships in the family and in a couple. You are drawn to loved ones, it is easier for you to get along with them. Women can count on benefits from relationships with men in the form of gifts, etc. good time for recreation, activities with children. Some people during this transit report laziness and apathy, a desire to be entertained. These days, you generally succeed in a lot, so in your personal life you will feel happiness and peace. auspicious days for explanations, engagement, marriage, for family evenings and celebrations, picnics. Possible conception.

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in solar system. The stripes and swirls on its surface are cold, wind-blown clouds of ammonia and water. The atmosphere is mostly helium and hydrogen, and the famous Great Red Spot is a gigantic storm larger than Earth that lasts for hundreds of years. Jupiter is surrounded by 53 confirmed moons, as well as 14 temporary ones, for a total of 67. Scientists are most interested in the four largest objects discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei: Europa, Callisto, Ganymede and Io. Jupiter also has three rings, but they are very hard to see and not as elegant as those of Saturn. The planet is named after the supreme Roman god.

Comparative sizes of the Sun, Jupiter and Earth

The planet is removed from the luminary by an average of 778 million km, which is 5.2. At this distance, light takes 43 minutes to reach the gas giant. The size of Jupiter compared to the Sun is so impressive that their barycenter extends beyond the surface of the star by 0.068 of its radius. The planet is much larger than the Earth and much less dense. Their volume correlates as 1:1321, and their mass - as 1:318. From the center to the surface, the size of Jupiter in km is 69911. This is 11 times wider than our planet. The size of Jupiter and Earth can be compared as follows. If our planet was the size of a nickel, then the gas giant would be the size of a basketball. The size of the Sun and Jupiter in diameter are related as 10:1, and the mass of the planet is 0.001 of the mass of the star.

Orbit and rotation

The gas giant has the shortest day in the solar system. Despite the size of Jupiter, a day on the planet lasts about 10 hours. A year, or revolution around the Sun, takes about 12 Earth years. The equator is tilted with respect to its orbital trajectory by only 3 degrees. This means that Jupiter rotates almost vertically and does not have such pronounced changes in the seasons that occur on our and other planets.


The planet formed along with the entire solar system 4.5 billion years ago when gravity caused it to form from swirling dust and gas. due to the fact that it captured most of the mass left after the formation of the star. Its volume is twice the rest of the matter of other objects in the solar system. It's made of the same stuff as a star, but the planet Jupiter hasn't grown in size enough to trigger a fusion reaction. About four billion years ago, the gas giant found itself in its current position in the outer solar system.


Jupiter's composition is similar to that of the sun, consisting mainly of helium and hydrogen. Deep in the atmosphere, pressure and temperature rise, compressing hydrogen gas into a liquid. Because of this, Jupiter has the largest ocean in the solar system, made up of hydrogen instead of water. Scientists believe that at depths, perhaps halfway to the center of the planet, the pressure becomes so great that electrons are squeezed out of hydrogen atoms, turning it into a liquid electrically conductive metal. The rapid rotation of the gas giant causes electric currents in it, generating a strong magnetic field. It is still unknown whether the planet has a central core made of solid material, or whether it is a thick super-hot soup of iron and silicate minerals (like quartz) with temperatures up to 50,000 ° C.


As a gas giant, Jupiter has no true surface. The planet consists mainly of rotating gases and liquids. Since the spacecraft can't land on Jupiter, it can't fly away unscathed either. Extreme pressures and temperatures deep within the planet will crush, melt and vaporize a ship that tries to land on it.


Jupiter looks like a colored tapestry of cloud bands and spots. The gas planet likely has three separate cloud layers in its "sky", which together span about 71 km. The top one consists of ammonia ice. The middle layer, most likely, is formed by ammonium hydrosulfide crystals, and the inner layer is formed by water ice and steam. The bright colors of Jupiter's thick bands may be emissions of sulfur and phosphorus-containing gases rising from its interior. The rapid rotation of the planet creates strong eddy currents, dividing the clouds into long dark belts and light zones.

The lack of a solid surface to slow them down allows Jupiter's sunspots to persist for many years. The planet is covered by more than a dozen prevailing winds, some reaching speeds of 539 km / h at the equator. The Red Spot on Jupiter is twice the size of Earth. The formation of a swirling oval shape has been observed on the giant planet for more than 300 years. More recently, three small ovals formed a small Red Spot, about half the size of the larger cousin. Scientists do not yet know whether these ovals and bands encircling the planet are shallow or extend far into the depths.

Potential for life

Jupiter's environment is probably not conducive to life as we know it. The temperatures, pressures and substances that characterize this planet are likely too extreme and lethal for living organisms. While Jupiter is an unlikely place for living beings, the same cannot be said for some of its many moons. Europa is one of the most likely places to search for life in our solar system. There is evidence of the existence of a huge ocean under the icy crust, in which life can be supported.


Many small ones and four large ones form a solar system in miniature. The planet has 53 confirmed satellites, as well as 14 temporary ones, for a total of 67. These newly discovered satellites have been reported by astronomers and have been given a temporary designation by the International Astronomical Union. As soon as their orbits are confirmed, they will be included in the number of permanents.

The four largest moons - Europa, Io, Callisto and Ganymede - were first discovered in 1610 by astronomer Galileo Galilei using an early version of the telescope. These four moons represent one of the most exciting avenues of exploration today. Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Ganymede is the largest of them (even larger than the planet Mercury). Jupiter's second largest moon, Callisto, has few small craters, indicating little current surface activity. An ocean of liquid water with ingredients for life could lie beneath Europa's icy crust, making it a tempting subject to study.


Discovered in 1979 by NASA's Voyager 1, Jupiter's rings came as a surprise because they were made up of tiny dark particles that can only be seen against the sun. Data from the Galileo spacecraft suggests that the ring system may be formed by the dust of interplanetary meteoroids that crashed into small inner satellites.


The magnetosphere of a gas giant is a region of space under the influence of a powerful magnetic field of the planet. It extends for a distance of 1-3 million km to the Sun, which is 7-21 times the size of Jupiter and narrows in the shape of a tadpole tail for 1 billion km, reaching the orbit of Saturn. The huge magnetic field is 16-54 times more powerful than the earth's. It rotates with the planet and captures particles that have an electric charge. Near Jupiter, it captures hordes of charged particles and accelerates them to very high energies, creating intense radiation that bombards nearby satellites and can damage spacecraft. The magnetic field causes some of the most impressive in the solar system at the planet's poles.


Although Jupiter has been known since ancient times, the first detailed observations of this planet were made by Galileo Galilei in 1610 using a primitive telescope. And only recently it has been visited by spaceships, satellites and probes. The 10th and 11th Pioneers, the 1st and 2nd Voyagers were the first to fly to Jupiter in the 1970s, and then Galileo was sent into orbit of the gas giant, and a probe was lowered into the atmosphere. Cassini made detailed photos planets on their way to neighboring Saturn. The next Juno mission arrived at Jupiter in July 2016.

Significant events

  • 1610: Galileo Galilei made the first detailed observations of the planet.
  • 1973: The first Pioneer 10 spacecraft crossed and flew past the gas giant.
  • 1979: Voyagers 1 and 2 discover new moons, rings and volcanic activity on Io.
  • 1992: Ulysses flew past Jupiter on February 8. Gravity changed the spacecraft's trajectory away from the plane of the ecliptic, bringing the probe into its final orbit above the south and north poles of the Sun.
  • 1994: Comet Shoemaker-Levy impacts near Jupiter's southern hemisphere.
  • 1995-2003: The Galileo spacecraft dropped a probe into the gas giant's atmosphere and made long-term observations of the planet, its rings and satellites.
  • 2000: Cassini made its closest approach to Jupiter, at a distance of approximately 10 million km, capturing a highly detailed color mosaic photograph of the gas giant.
  • 2007: Images taken by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft en route to Pluto show new perspectives on atmospheric storms, rings, volcanic Io and icy Europa.
  • 2009: Astronomers observed the fall of a comet or asteroid on the southern hemisphere of the planet.
  • 2016: Launched in 2011, Juno arrived at Jupiter and began conducting in-depth studies of the planet's atmosphere, its deep structure and magnetosphere in order to unravel its origin and evolution.

pop culture

Jupiter's sheer size rivals its significant presence in pop culture, including movies, TV shows, video games, and comics. The gas giant became a prominent feature in the Wachowski sisters' sci-fi film Jupiter Ascending, and the planet's various moons became home to Cloud Atlas, Futurama, Halo, and many other films. In Men in Black, when Agent Jay (Will Smith) says that one of his teachers seemed to be from Venus, Agent Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) replied that she was actually from one of the moons of Jupiter.

Main influence: positive
Duration of influence: 10-15 days (rarely up to 2 months)

If the transiting Jupiter passes through the Sun in the horoscope of your birth, that is, there is a conjunction transit Jupiter With natal Sun, then this is an indication of a successful period that will bring increased craving for personal growth and development, will allow you to find new and / or realize your talents and abilities. Luck increases, new opportunities arise personally for you or thanks to your character traits, abilities, inclinations. Increasing the likelihood social success, various kinds of growth and expansion are often characteristic of such a period. Increased sense of personal well-being. There is a growing desire for recognition. It will be important for you now that your progress is noticed. Possible success in education, travel.

This aspect occurs only once every 12 years, and therefore it can and should even be used to start important, promising and long-term business and projects in your life. The business and enterprises that have been started now will develop quite successfully over almost the entire next 12 years, and therefore one should not miss such a favorable and such a rare opportunity.

The impact of the aspect on personal life

The conjunction of transiting Jupiter with the natal Sun has a favorable influence of medium significance, unless the Sun or Jupiter are important elements of the houses of relations in your birth chart.

The passage of Jupiter across the Sun in the birth horoscope enhances optimism, a sense of happiness, including from relationships, interaction with a loved one. Since it is important for you that your successes be noticed, you will definitely want to share them with your loved one.

New promising acquaintances are more likely in women. But this aspect only attracts optimistic, promising people into your life, and whether this will result in personal or business relationship depends on many factors and the current circumstances of your life. To a small extent, the aspect enhances love of love.

Transiting Jupiter conjunct the Sun natal horoscope also significantly increases the likelihood of conception. This is true for both men and women. It also increases the desire to have their children, and if they already have, then spend more time with them.

Influence of aspect on health

The transit of Jupiter through the Sun has a strong impact on health. This influence is usually positive and brings improvement. Usually there is optimism and this alone helps to feel better, recover faster, recuperate and fight diseases.

However, with this aspect, it is important to avoid any kind of excesses. Overeating, self-indulgence or, on the contrary, excessive stress on the body now can easily turn into problems with the heart and spine, and will also allow you to gain weight very quickly. overweight. However, it is worth noting that the period of validity of this aspect is not suitable for a diet, since it will be extremely difficult to limit oneself.

Effects of the conjunction of Jupiter with the Sun on career and business

Both in business and in a career, the influence of this aspect will be noticeable and harmonious. This is a great time to start projects, especially in businesses in which you will take a central or leading role, in which the success of the entire project will largely depend on you and your abilities.

Typically, this aspect brings the chances of growth in terms of career ladder At the very least, I make you and your candidacy more visible. There are patrons, assistants, sponsors. Often in business we are talking about about expansion, new opportunities, the emergence of new prospects.

Impact on the financial sector

The influence of the conjunction of Jupiter with the Sun on the financial sector is more indirect, positive. It will be more noticeable if the Sun is related to the financial houses of the horoscope. In other cases, the financial situation improves somewhat, there may be an increase in income from everything that this aspect gives in business area. But expenses and extravagance can also increase, so try to control your expenses during the entire period of the aspect. Despite the fact that most of the purchases made will still be successful, not all acquisitions of this period will be important, valuable and necessary for you.

Aspects of the Sun in natal chart specify our activity, the channels through which the energy of the Sun will run. The sun is our will and activity. It can form 5 major aspects: conjunction (0 degrees), sextile (60 degrees), trine (120 degrees), square (90 degrees), opposition (180 degrees).

Aspect of the Sun and Moon

This is an aspect of luck, vitality and relationships with the opposite sex. In fact, the aspect of the Sun and the Moon is the phase of the Moon under which you were born. The New Moon is the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. If you were born on a new moon, this conjunction gives you a very strong character, great self-confidence, increased survival. She shone in one fist, in one degree. The same self-confident relationship with the opposite sex.

The sextile or trine of the Sun and the Moon portends a person's general luck in life, the two luminaries are harmonious with each other. Relations with the opposite sex are harmonious, no matter how a person behaves. This person has nothing to fear from the negative, the aspect will pull him out in any case. Good vitality, the person feels good.

The tense aspects of the Sun and Moon in the natal chart are people who were born according to the lunar cycle on days 1 and 3 of the quarter. Square: such people have fluctuations in vitality, i.e. sometimes good health, sometimes bad, the same fluctuations in relations with the opposite sex. The conflict between what a person wants and what he should. This conflict is not constant, but periodic.

Opposition: people have longer rises and falls in vitality. Fate forces such a person to work out a strong character.

Those who have the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon are born with a strong self-confident character, and those who have the opposition - fate, the situation in childhood, circumstances childhood make you have a strong character.

Aspect of the Sun and Mercury

This is an aspect of rationality, sociability and volitional thinking. Of the major aspects, it forms only a conjunction, as well as Venus. Mercury can move away from the Sun by a maximum of 28 degrees, Venus - by 48 degrees. Mercury and Venus are favorites of the Sun.

Orbis aspect Sun Mercury 9 degrees. The whole question is how accurate this aspect is.

If the Sun and Mercury coincide degree by degree, then this is burning. Burnt Mercury gives egocentric thinking, all thoughts about oneself beloved. Concentrated thinking is manifested either by speech defects such as stuttering, or by very clear and clear speech.

Aspect 18 degrees - creative aspect, very good.

Aspect 20 deg half nagon N/2, black phobic aspect. A person is afraid of gossip, afraid of saying something wrong and being discussed, afraid of becoming an object for gossip.

Mercury cannot form other aspects with the Sun in the natal chart.

Aspects of the Sun with Venus

This is an aspect of popularity, external attractiveness, even if a person is ugly in the generally accepted sense, he will still attract to himself. Aspect of artistry, charm, taste, fashion. The connection is less common. Orbis 9 deg.

In general, the slow planets Pluto, Uranus, Neptune are responsible for the fashion dynamics. In the Middle Ages, their position was very different from the present, and the clothes of the people also differed from the present.

The conjunction of the Sun with Venus in the natal chart is an aspect of innate taste, a person attracts the sympathy of others and attracts money. Love and money stand side by side. When it comes to which of the two loves more, it is the one who is willing to sacrifice more (i.e., who is willing to pay).

Aspects 18, 20 deg is not bad.

Aspect 30 degrees is a wonderful aspect, a semi-sextile, an aspect of inner peace. A person's mood was spoiled, and he went, ate something sweet, did something pleasant for himself, and thereby gained inner harmony.

Aspect 40 degrees - no good.

Aspect 45 degrees is a semi-square, in a man it causes complexes and self-irritation on the topic of relations with women.

The Sun does not form other aspects with Venus in the natal chart.

Sun aspects to Mars

In general, this is an aspect of excitement, two male planets meet.

The conjunction of the Sun with Mars gives a person hyperactivity, strong inner core, fearlessness, determination, readiness to get into a fight for any reason, while experiencing only positive emotions.

Any conjunction with Mars in the natal chart is a tense aspect. Such people in the highest degree reckless, angry for any reason, active, and sometimes vindictive.

Red aspects of the Sun and Mars (sextile and trine). Here are collected qualities: determination, ability to practical work.

Blue aspects: - clashes, something that requires a measure of strength, as a result of these trainings (which it would be better to avoid), a strong character, hardened in battles, is formed. If the square is periodic acute conflicts with somebody. Opposition is a life-long confrontation with someone, a rivalry over who is stronger.

Aspect of the Sun and Jupiter

The presence of the aspect of the Sun with Jupiter is the most successful aspect, it can be compared with the aspect of the Sun with the Moon.

In general, the aspect of the Sun and Jupiter in the natal chart is the aspect of fame, social connections and support. Such a person enjoys authority, is successful in public life, he does not want, but he is put forward, Very impressive in behavior (the image of Zeus), often literally of an impressive physique. There is a danger here of too much faith in one's authority, because praise is not always deserved.

Sun and Jupiter in red aspect. Congenital optimist, with good vitality, friendly and easy-going. Lack of desire to get involved in the fight, even when it is necessary.

Sun and Jupiter in blue aspect. A square in the natal chart will manifest itself in the fact that it will constantly diverge from authorities (teachers, mentors, etc.). In the case of opposition, there may be excessive self-conceit, but if a person overcomes himself, learns to respect others, then he becomes wise, generous, and he provides real patronage to other people.
