Tarkan Tevetoglu: biography. Singer Tarkan - the prince of Turkish pop music What year was the singer Tarkan born

Tarkan Tevetoolu (tur. Tarkan Tevetoğlu; October 17, 1972, Alzey, Rhineland-Palatinate), better known as simply Tarkan - Turkish singer, winner of many awards both in Turkey and in the world. Started my solo career at the beginning of 1992. Tarkan has released several platinum albums that have sold over 25 million copies. … Read all

Tarkan Tevetoolu (tour. Tarkan Tevetoğlu; October 17, 1972, Alzey, Rhineland-Palatinate), better known as simply Tarkan, is a Turkish singer, winner of many awards both in Turkey and in the world. He began his solo career in early 1992. Tarkan has released several platinum albums that have sold over 25 million copies. He also produces and owns music company HITT Music founded in 1997. For the huge impact on Turkey with his shows, Tarkan has been compared many times with Elvis Presley and his influence on America in 1957 (reports by the Washington Post). Ahmet Ertegun, co-owner of Atlantic Records, described Tarkan as the best showman he has ever seen.

Tarkan was able to rise to the top of the charts without singing songs in English. He took high places in the charts of Russia, Europe and South America with the song Simarik. Due to its wide-ranging success, Rhapsody recognized Tarkan as a key artist in the history of European pop music with his hit Simarik, which was the basis of his further promotion.

The famous singer Tarkan left the bachelor ranks. The Turkish star, who has made a great contribution to the development of the music of his country, finally got married. Particularly interesting is the fact that his longtime fan became Tarkan's wife.

Tarkan's personal life

For a long time, there was no place for a wife in Tarkan's biography. Moreover, he was suspected of homosexuality. He publicly denied these rumors, and at the same time said that he was dating girls, he simply did not see the point in tying his relationship with marriage. Perhaps the singer was a little cunning and rejected marriage due to the fact that he could not find a woman whom he would sincerely love. By the way, in Russia, Tarkan was seen with his girlfriend Bilge Ozturk - the couple walked around St. Petersburg and seemed quite in love. But by no means did Bilge become the wife of a handsome man.

The wife of the singer Tarkan

More recently, it turned out that Tarkan got married. Happy chosen one successful singer became a fan who broke through to him backstage a few years ago. The girl's efforts were not in vain, Tarkan noticed and singled her out of the thousands.

The relationship between Tarkan and Pinar Dilek, which lasted 7 years, for a long time were kept secret, just as the details of the marriage ceremony were not disclosed. But still, little information was leaked, and the public saw photographs of Tarkan and his wife from the gala. The wedding took place at the singer's villa in Istanbul - the newlyweds said to love each other forever in a beautifully decorated garden.

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Only the closest people were invited to the wedding, but Tarkan mentioned that he was going to arrange another, more magnificent celebration in honor of his marriage.

Tarkan can be safely called the most famous Turkish singer and musician. He managed to gain almost worldwide fame by singing songs only in Turkish.

He was adored and idolized by the public, Tarkan was literally carried in his arms and called the Prince of Pop. This was only ten years ago. Now his popularity has fallen, but people continue to enjoy listening to the songs of this impressive artist.

Husametin Tarkan Tevetoglu was born in Germany, in the city of Alzey. By the way, the first part of his name is translated as "sharp sword". After the economic crisis hit Turkey, his parents decided to move to Germany.

The boy grew up in a large family. The mother already had two daughters and one son from her first marriage. In her second marriage, in addition to Tarkan, she also had a son and a daughter. Despite the change of residence, the family carefully preserved the traditions of their people. Turkish music was always played in the house.

In 1985, the family decided to return home to Turkey. Ten years later, his father died of a heart attack. Soon, the mother married for the 3rd time. Her choice was a Turkish architect.

After returning from Germany, Tarkan decided to go to study music. He was then thirteen years old. Later his musical education he continued in Istanbul, at the Academy of Music.

Tarkan's musical career

During his years in Istanbul, he had to earn his own living, he sang in restaurants and at weddings. Once, while in Germany, he met a man directly associated with a record company.

His name was Mehmet Soyutoulu. He listened young guy, appreciated his vocals and offered his help in recording the debut album.

During the recording of the album, fate brought Tarkan with another talented person- composer Ozan Cholakolu. He, like the young performer, was practically unknown in those years. The acquaintance continued with many years of successful cooperation.

The success of the first album in 1992 was deafening. In it, Turkish melodies intertwined with Western motifs, resulting in a unique flavor and sound. Two years later, the second album of the artist was recorded.

Soon Tarkan went to the USA to learn English language and sing on it. True, the album in this language was released already in 2006. He also continued his musical education in the USA.

Tarkan's albums became popular not only in his native Turkey, but also in Europe. In 1997, his third disc was released. The performer began to receive prestigious music awards.

Despite the growing global popularity, no one canceled his duties as a Turkish citizen. Namely, he was threatened with military service, the deferment from which had ended by this time.

In Turkey, this is very strict, for evasion you can go to jail, the country's authorities discussed depriving the singer of citizenship. Everything was decided by the earthquake that occurred in Turkey in 1999.

Then the parliament passed a law allowing for the introduction of 16 thousand dollars to help the victims, to serve only 28 days. Tarkan took advantage of this right and also gave a charity concert in Turkey.

In total, to date, Tarkan has released 8 albums, recorded many video clips. The last CD was released in 2010. Many of his works have become real hits. The performer was incredibly popular in Russia.

Tarkan's personal life

The singer, despite the already solid age for marriage, is not yet married. At one time, rumors about his homosexuality were actively exaggerated in the press.

This was initiated by one Turkish edition, which placed on the cover of its magazine a photo of Tarkan kissing another man. As it turned out later, it was a photomontage.

However, the photo did a lot of hype. Tarkan explained in an interview that he has a girlfriend, that he is not blue, although he does not condemn same-sex relationships.

For several years he dated a girl named Bilge Ozturk. However, the marriage never took place. Tarkan didn’t really want to go to the registry office at all, saying that free relationships are better and that marriage needs to be suffered. Or it is necessary that his bride be pregnant.

Now the singer lives on a ranch in Istanbul, where he breeds plants and takes care of animals. He also has expensive apartments in New York.

Who has achieved success in the Turkish field, see and read

Birthday October 17, 1972

better known simply as Tarkan - Turkish singer, songwriter and producer



Tarkan was born in Alzey, Germany, to Ali and Neshe Tevetolu. He was named after the hero of a humorous book that was popular in Turkey in the 60s. In 2009, it was proved that Tarkan is his middle name, and the first is Hyusametin (tur. H?samettin), which translates as "sharp sword."

His parents, who are Turkish by nationality, immigrated to East Germany after the economic crisis in the country. On the father's side, Tarkan's ancestors are military, for example, his grandfather is a hero Russian-Turkish war, and on the mother's side - Turkmen folk singers. Tarkan has a brother and sisters - Adnan, Gyulai and Nurai, from his mother's first marriage. And brother Hakan and younger sister Handan. In 1986, when Tarkan was 13 years old, his father suddenly decided to return to his homeland. In 1995, Tarkan's father died of a heart attack at the age of 49. Tarkan's mother married an architect for the third time - Seyhun Kahraman.

The beginning of a musical career

After Tarkan's family moved to Turkey, he began to study music in the city of Karamyursel before going to study at the Istanbul Academy of Music. In Istanbul, he had no acquaintances and money, and he had to earn extra money as a singer at weddings. During one of his visits to Germany, Tarkan met the head of the label "?stanbul Plak" Mehmet Soyutoulu. He subsequently produced Tarkan's debut album, Yine Sensiz, which was released in 1992. During the recording of the album, Tarkan met an almost unknown composer then - Ozan Cholakolu, with whom he still works today. The album was successful among the Turkish youth, because Tarkan introduced into the traditional Turkish music western notes.

“Most likely this happened for the first time - Turkish slang began to be actively used in the lyrics of the brave guy with green eyes"- this is how the Turkish magazine Milliyet described Tarkan's debut album.

In 1994, the second album "Aacayipsin" was released. At the same time, Tarkan began working with the composer Sezen Aksu, who wrote two songs for the album, including "Hepsi Senin Mi?", which later became the European single "??k?d?m". In the same year, Tarkan went to the USA to continue his studies in New York and learn English. A video for the song "D?n Bebe?im" was also filmed there. In America, Tarkan met Ahmet Ertegan, who was the founder of the American label Atlantic Records and wanted to start producing Tarkan's English songs. But Tarkan's first English-language album was released after Akhmet's death, in 2006.

Success in Europe

In 1997, Tarkan released the third album "?l?r?m Sana", and in parallel the single "??mar?k", which was successful in Turkey. But in Europe, the single was released only two years later, along with "??k?d?m". After the success of the songs, the Tarkan compilation was released in Europe. In the same year, Tarkan received the World Music Awards for album sales. After the single "Bu Gece" was released.

In 2000, Tarkan quarreled with Sezen Aksu, who wrote the songs "??k?d?m" and "??mar?k". After the termination of the contract, Sezen began to sell copyrights different performers who did covers of these songs. For example, Holly Valance as "Kiss Kiss", and Philip Kirkorov as "Oh, Mama Shika Dam."

In 1999, Tarkan was drafted into the army, from which he had a deferment from 1995, which ended back in 1998. Due to the fact that he was drafted into the army, he did not return to Turkey after he released the Tarkan compilation in Europe. This aroused great interest in the press, and the Turkish Parliament also discussed the possible deprivation of Tarkan Turkish citizenship. After the Izmit earthquake at the end of August 1999, a law was passed on a 28-day military service, provided that the future soldier will pay 16 thousand dollars to the earthquake relief fund. Taking advantage of this, Tarkan returned to Turkey in 2000 and completed 28 days of military service. Before leaving for the army, Tarkan gave a concert upon his return to Istanbul, the money from which also went to charity. Tarkan said about his military service - “It was January and wild snowfall. It was difficult, the food was terrible. Eighteen months of my life for nothing. I think my dreams are more important."
