Yaroslav small. Yaroslav Maly: Being a father is a huge thrill! Homecoming

The host of the #Selection on Jam FM chart, Alexander Stasov, spoke with Yaroslav about his plans and projects, about his life priorities and about his attitude to events that cannot be influenced.

- Is it true that in 2016 Yaroslav Maly will practically disappear from the radar of music lovers?

Yes, we are going on a big vacation for almost a year. During this period we will not give concerts. Only selectively, pointwise and very little. Because we're going to be doing Havakkuk, recording, and basically, that's all we're focusing on right now.

- After moving from Moscow to Kyiv, did a reclusive lifestyle begin?

I do not sit in a vacuum or in a void. From the moment we supported Ukraine and moved to Kyiv, we gave concerts by the Machete group, also very selectively, there were several of them. And basically we were working on our new project, which is called Havakkuk. We have worked in Europe and

Israel over this music, and now we continue. In general, we were concentrated on this project. We do not lead a reclusive lifestyle, we just decided that we do not hang out anywhere and do not spend time just to light up somewhere. Not interested. We each have our own duty. I, as a musician and poet, have a duty to express my thoughts, feelings about what is happening in my life - in my songs, so I spend a huge amount of time on this. I have a beloved family, and I devote more time to my family than to being in companies that are not interesting to me.

- What is the fate of the album War and Peace of Machete? Its release was announced for the fall of 2015. ?

We plan to start recording this album. We're partly writing it in Ukraine because it just so happened that we finished the EP somewhere around three or four months ago. We will again finish a few more tracks that we have in Ukraine, maybe in Israel or partially in Belgium, we'll see. I think that the main part of this work will be recorded in Ukraine.

- You can explain the differences between the Tokyo, Machete and Havakkuk projects for those who do not find them.

First of all, if we talk about the projects of Tokyo, Machete and Havakkuk, then, probably, in them one can trace the personal or spiritual growth of the person who writes these songs. This is me talking about myself. I can say that if we are talking about the spiritual component of all these three projects, then, of course, this is love, its various expressions, manifestations in this world. As for how we distinguish which track is on which album and which band it belongs to, we are talking about the musical component. Havakkuk is a completely different music, symphonic musicians, brilliant musicians, world stars take part in the project, so the music is qualitatively different. This is the lyrics

About the relationship between people, between a person and the Almighty, about what a person should do in this world, being here for such a short period of time, what we can influence, what we can change, what is in our power and what is not.

If we talk about Tokyo, this is still a more electronic component. This is lyrics, the relationship between a man and a woman, love and all kinds of manifestations in this particular hypostasis.

If we talk about Machete - practically live music, with a social focus in the songs.

- Over the past two years, Yaroslav Maly has changed outwardly. Fans in social networks complain that they can’t immediately recognize the “blue-eyed rebel”.

Firstly, I have never been blue-eyed, and secondly, I have never been a rebel. Maybe it wasn't me.

I was not a rebel. I was always looking for some way out of those questions that have been ripening inside me all my life. The answers that I received from people, even those I respected, did not always suit me. That's why I've always found my way. And it can be clearly seen in my songs. As for whether someone recognized me or didn't recognize me, people change. Inner world matches the outside. Therefore, I am now studying Torah, learning Hebrew, devoting my time not to fashion and self-care, but to things that are more subtle and more beautiful for me. Therefore, I think that I still look cool.

Was the decision to go to the Maidan in the fall of 2013 difficult?

I just thought that I should support my Motherland and that's it. Otherwise, he couldn't do it. My wife Rachel and I flew from Israel, learned about the events that are taking place in Ukraine and flew to Moscow, gathered the guys and immediately flew to Kiev on the next flight. We called our friends, they gave us the opportunity to land normally, calmly and go to the Maidan. And we gave a concert there.

- After almost three years, there is no disappointment in the Euromaidan?

I now understand that what is happening now cannot be fixed in any way, neither by the desire to monitor the information space, nor simply by the desire for something to change. This can only be corrected by turning to the Almighty. Because where Ukraine is moving now compared to where it could move at the beginning of all these events, these are two different routes, in my opinion. It must be understood that we are now in such circumstances when neither Europe, nor America, nor other countries will help us; or the desire to look more powerful, militarized - all this is not real. And the only thing that can help us is an appeal to the Almighty, with a real request that he help us.

You know, parents always punish their beloved children. If he moves in the wrong direction, then it's just that sometimes you can get in the ass. The same thing is happening with Ukraine. Right now we are getting hit on the head, on the ass, in all other places. We need to understand that as soon as our desire to just take these blows ends, and the desire to really think about the reasons for this happened, we all need to turn to God, apologize for what

that we did something wrong and ask for help. Then everything will be tip-top. It's like in a person's life, it's a mini-society, like a family, just like a country - if something goes wrong, then you need to find out the spiritual reasons first of all. I am sure that the physics of the manifestation of some circumstances is like twigs, and the root is in another. You need to think, understand what has been done wrong, what needs to be corrected, in which direction you need to move. More often you need to look at the sky, and not at your feet. And to think about what really was done wrong by us, my opinion is. There is no other way out, because some people change, for others the situation only worsens. Everyone is focused on disrupting financial preferences for themselves, for their clans and moving further in this direction. And no one is interested in the country moving forward and moving forward.

- Being one of the opinion leaders, is it possible to broadcast your ideas and influence the situation?

We are broadcasting. It's just that our influence is not in the realm of the physical world. Nothing can be done here if you do not pay attention to the spiritual component, I am 100% sure of this, we talk about it in our songs.

- Changes for the better are possible if they first of all start with yourself?

I dream that people, this world and everything that happens to us, thanks to some simple things, will change in better side. And it's actually really simple things. We are constantly inventing something for ourselves, trying to find some excuses, for some little things to divert attention from serious, big problems that are actually solved very simply. And here is my desire, my dream - a simple understanding of complex things, so that each of us has it inside, so that we understand that we are here for a reason, not to eat pasta or watch some kind of program on TV or write comments in social networks, and we are here to really change this world for the better. In order to find our Daddy in this world, who loves us very much. It's very simple. Without taking this into account, it is impossible to change anything. I am sure about that. That's my dream - for people to understand this. And I understand that each of us has a duty in this life and we can only do something, and whether it works out or not is the business of the Almighty. That's my opinion is that everyone should do something in the direction of this. Everything else is bullshit.

- What causes a smile on the face of Yaroslav Maly during the war?

I smile because such a frivolous person is given such a serious task. I'm in terms of the fact that I have always perceived this world somehow easily. And I was just lucky because my wife also always supported me in this. And as soon as we start to take some things seriously, we have a huge number of problems. As soon as we think that something depends on us, we immediately find ourselves in some circumstances, from which we can hardly get out. Lightness is in each of us. Why do you sometimes look at a child, at his reaction and get high on how easy it is for him to express the most difficult things in two or three words and for everyone it turns into a huge smile, for everyone who sees it. We lack this. And in this there is a huge humor of the Almighty, which gives each of us the feeling that he can change something and at the same time - the feeling of who we are without him at all.

- Are there any successes in self-improvement?

In my work on myself, I did not succeed in anything. Only that I found a wife who helps me work on myself.

When Yaroslav Mal th, the lead singer of the Tokyo and Machete groups, and his wife Rachel agreed to an interview, I was very surprised, because they never talk about their personal lives, and even more so about children. Until now, the press only knew that Yaroslav had four children from ex-wives and four children of Rachel, who also became his children.

We met at the synagogue at 9 o'clock in the morning. All morning I could not collect my thoughts - I was very worried. First of all, because I wanted to meet Yaroslav the father - I know Yaroslav the musician from his performances: these are almost the only concerts after which you leave with a feeling of love and light inside. Unusual warmth comes from texts, music ... and in general - from Yaroslav himself.

During our conversation, I found myself thinking that the typical relationship "I am a father - you are a child: I teach - you listen" is embodied in something amazing here. Yaroslav and Rachel complement each other so much and talk about their children in such a way that it immediately becomes clear what love is.

- Yaroslav, do your children go to your concerts?

Yaroslav: Yes, of course, our children perform with us.

Rachel: And then we go and look at those who they like (laughs - author).

- And what performers do they like?

Yaroslav: Well, now, for example, we are going to go to Hurts. So let's all go together.

- I asked about the concerts, because I saw only one news that your children were at your concert.

Yaroslav: Oh, by the way, you are somehow miraculously the first to take pictures of us with children. I mean - in this form, when we came with the family and give interviews - this is the first time.

Rachel: We've been offered before, but...

Yaroslav: Somehow Rachel liked you.

- It's nice! Yaroslav, tell me, what is it like to be such a father of many children?

Yaroslav: We don't have any dramatic stories. Each of our children is our common child. The fate of each of us is ours common destiny. Therefore, we do not share our children, all of them are really ours. We love them very much.

For example, Rachel was on the phone with my daughter for an hour and a half yesterday. Between them - excellent contact. I know less than Rachel what is happening to her.

Vitalik (Yaroslav's son - author), for example, calls only Rachel. Because he knows - dad can ask questions (laughs - author).

- What feelings did you have when you found out that you would have your first child?

Yaroslav: You know, with the advent of Rachel, 4 children appeared in my life at once. Straightaway! And I can say that, of course, I did not expect this. But it's so strong... I can't explain it, but I see myself in them - they really look like me. Literally yesterday there was a situation: we came to the synagogue, I sat down behind a column, opened the Torah, started to teach... And I heard a conversation between two grandfathers: “Look, what good children this man has - they are beautiful and have beautiful names. And a copy of the pope - they don’t look like a mother at all! (laughing - auth.).

I believe that, in addition to physical connections, there is a spiritual connection. And we feel it very well.

In general, we feel each other so much - you can’t even imagine. If something happens to us with some difficulties, we immediately see it in our children. Here we have to face something, resolve something, overcome some obstacles, and we see that they are at one with us. We never ask them for anything. We very rarely say that this is the situation and you need to be careful. What you need to pray to the Almighty, ask him to help us.

Rachel: This is because together with them we get to know this world, God. Together with them, we sit down every Saturday on Shabbat, a family day, and read stories about people, about their qualities, where it is clear what is good and what is bad. And we discuss it, and then the whole week everyone goes about their own business. Saturday is a special day when we comprehend the world together with children. These days we come to understand who we are, what we want to do.

- In your cultural tradition it is customary to treat children up to a certain age as celestials, when, in principle, everything is allowed to them - is this so?

Yaroslav: We do not have such a tradition. Just up to 3 years, some people do not make comments to children, and then there is some kind of adjustment. But, in principle, we were just really lucky with the children. It’s just that they chose us, I don’t know why - apparently, to make it easier for us (smiles - author).

That is, they do not bother us at all, and they are not deities for us, in any case, they are just our kind of partners in this life: we learn something from them, they learn something from us. We have a common scale of values. And there is no violence in this - we absolutely calmly talk on different topics and never force them to do anything. Just how we feel is how we talk about it with them. And then we realize that they feel the same way. This is an amazing moment, because sometimes children speak to us in such a way that we understand that this is the ruin of the situation that we had.

So you don't have to raise kids?

Rachel: They need to be corrected. 🙂 And our faith helps us a lot. First of all, it is respect for parents. What is respect? It's just trust. That is, not just stupid obedience, but precisely trust in the opinion of your parents, because they have already lived something. Our faith teaches children to treat their parents properly.

Yaroslav: We do not insist, we do not impose - we give them freedom in their choice. But at the same time, we adjust very carefully so that later it does not affect their psyche. We take great care of them, and they take great care of us.

Rachel: Dad talks to them. In any situation, they close in the office - and talk.

Yaroslav: They love to travel with me. We are always going somewhere, the children always talk to me. They have a whole world inside - in general, cool! And we share this world with each other.

- Do they go on tour with you?

Yaroslav: Yes, sometimes we take them with us.

- And on the recording of songs?

Yaroslav: Yes, and at the rehearsal. They are with us everywhere. The two of us don’t go anywhere at all - someone else always goes with us.

- I saw someone helping you, do you have a nanny?

Rachel: Yes, there is a nanny, of course. But, this is not education - this is care.

- How long has your nanny been with you? I'm asking because I recently got a nanny too, and I was painfully worried about this fact, because I'm kind of a bad mother, since I leave my child and want to work.

Rachel: Well, firstly, a nanny must be there so that mom feels good. Because the state of the mother is directly transmitted to the child. When the mother is tired, the child will also be irritable. It's verified! 🙂

When a nanny appears, it is not necessary to leave the house immediately. It is better to take a nanny just when you are still at home. And you can see this person, correct somehow. After all, in any case, the nanny cannot justify all expectations at once. But the most important thing is that she should be treated as an assistant, because even if there are feelings between the child and the nanny, this is not mother's love. She is only a child with a mother. Even if mom is very busy.

- How is your typical day? A normal working day when everyone woke up and went somewhere?

Yaroslav: We wake up at 6 am. Rachel prepares the children for transportation to school, I go to the synagogue for prayer, then we meet after prayer at home. We hang out there, do some business, sometimes I manage to make music if there are no rehearsals or some kind of meetings. Then I go to a rehearsal, and Rachel does things related to business, contacts, negotiations, concerts. A huge amount of everything hangs on her, in addition to the fact that she is a mother. Then I arrive, and we all meet together again, the children are just returning, we eat together, then we go to the synagogue together. In the evening we have time to play together, sometimes I have time to make music - a little bit. 🙂 They also take part in this process, and then we pass out instantly. 🙂

- Is it scary to be a father?

Yaroslav: Not scary at all!

- Have you ever been afraid?

Yaroslav: No, it's generally a huge buzz. It is impossible to explain what happens when you have contact with a child. It's fantastic and not scary at all - it's absolute happiness. And we want to have as many children as possible.

- What is the role of the father? What is the most obligatory thing a father should pass on to his children?

Yaroslav: The father just has to be a kind and worthy person. Sometimes strict, but very rarely. Basically, mom should be strict. It seems to me that we are doing just that. Our mother is the general in the house. 🙂 Really, dad is there, on the street, and somewhere else in charge. And at home everyone is guided by their mother.

It is important that children are good people. And this must be shown by example. After all, you grow up with your children. You understand that you can not give up slack, because they look at you. You have to be more organized, you have to be clearer. Well, because they follow your example. They do love you. So they watch what and how you do. And, of course, this is a mutual process of growth.

- How is your family? I understand there are older children. Do they choose their own path? Or are you trying to guide them in some way?

Yaroslav: We help them with this. This is exactly what Rachel does with us. As, in principle, and everyone else. 🙂 I say, you should have interviewed her - she would have told you everything!

Rachel always has some ideas and she shares them with our children, and then they think that these are their own ideas! Somehow, miraculously, she does it all. But we never insist on anything. We always have our opinion, it is 100% clear for us, and we very rarely change it, because we are very rarely wrong, very. 🙂 But in general, of course, they are adult guys, this is their life. Our task is to make everything around them so that they make as few mistakes as possible.

- Do you share your experience with them? That is, tell them about some moments of your life?

Yaroslav: We don't really have much to share. They can take food themselves (laughs - author).

- I mean, for example, that I opened Wikipedia and read that from the age of 16 you took drugs and you had an addiction. Do you tell them about such moments?

Yaroslav: The elders know about it, of course, but children live in such an atmosphere and environment that they do not understand what drugs are at all. God bless! And for me, it was also a spiritual search, because all the things that surrounded me stopped inserting me. And so I looked for something else. Some way out. And, in fact, the whole life of a person is an opportunity to become better, an opportunity to let your soul manifest itself. The opportunity to feel a part of the Almighty within yourself. And this is the most important, so here all paths are good. Apparently for me, for the soul that I have, it was necessary to go through these moments. And they don’t need it at all - they are already initially at such a level that sometimes you just look at their actions, at the way they look at things, and you understand that you yourself have something to learn from them. We do not hide it in any way. This is my path, and I am very glad that I went through it with dignity and move on.

- If you were speaking to your parents and you were asked to advise them something - what would you recommend to them ?

Yaroslav: Well, probably, be yourself and understand that you do not live this life for children - you live this life for the person who is next to you. You must make a person in your couple beautiful, happy - this is the most important thing. Children - they are around it. They are not in the first place, because as soon as the children come first, a substitution occurs. The most important thing is to feel whole in this world. And you can’t feel complete without your soulmate. Children need to be taught this too. They understand this very well, and then they tune in to meet their soul mate, and they will continue to pass this experience on to their children in the same way. And in this sense, the only thing we would like to wish is not to lose ourselves under any circumstances.

Nature rewarded him generously. The growth of Yaroslav Maly is so significant that next to him on the stage, Philip Kirkorov himself seems to be short. But the surname seems to have been specially given so that the leader of the two groups - "Tokyo" and "Machete" - does not become arrogant, remembering spiritual development.


A citizen of Ukraine, a future soloist, was born in the Dnepropetrovsk region (Krivoy Rog). Date of birth - 02/11/1973. Vocal ability the music teacher I.S. Beer was the first to discover, almost by force sending the boy to music school, where he studied in the balalaika class. Then in Kyiv he entered the music school at the conductor's department. From the third year he was expelled, and Yaroslav Maly, whose biography has changed dramatically, went to conquer the Russian capital.

It was 1991. With him were only his talent and ambition. Before the creation of the Tokyo group, 10 years will pass, filled with composing music, parties and, unfortunately, drugs. Two people during these years played a decisive role in his life: Gosha Kutsenko and Natalya Simakova.

Gosha Kutsenko, after listening to the song "Indira Gandhi", said that this is worth doing. He agreed to participate in his video without payment, and did everything so that the musician began a relationship with MTV.

The actress and singer was friendly with Ilya Lagutenko, appearing in his studio to record her tracks. The growth of Yaroslav Maly (204 cm) and his talent impressed the girl. A romance began between them. For eight years (2005-2013) they were husband and wife. A few months after the birth of their daughter Michelle, the couple divorced. But did Natalia succeed in something for which the musician will always be grateful? - get him off drugs.


In 2002, together with bass guitarist Demyan Kurchenko, the composer and musician created the Tokyo group, which has nothing to do with the Japanese capital. "Currents" is energy, constant forward movement. The compositions of the collective are love: for a woman, friends, country. Their video clip "Tenderness" has collected more than 15 million views on the Internet.

Films by F. Bondarchuk "Ninth Company", " inhabited island", R. Gigineishvili's comedy "Heat" added popularity to the group, thanks to the amazing soundtracks. The song "When you cry" was dedicated to the main woman at that time in the life of a musician - N. Simakova.

After the appearance of the group on the television screen, especially at the "Christmas Meetings" by A. Pugacheva, they began to speak openly about the growth of Yaroslav Maly: "Two meters of beauty and talent."

Label "Machete"

In 2010, the composer and musician created his own production center "Machete Records", launching three more projects: Machete, Siberia, Mishka. In two of them - "Tokyo" and "Machete", the author remains a soloist, having fallen in love with the audience due to his charismatic appearance, recognizable timbre and amazing emotionality. The groups are distinguished by different musical material, which has accumulated quite a lot over the years of creativity.

After the divorce, the contract with Siberia was terminated. This is the whole Yaroslav Maly. His wife (N. Simakova) was the soloist of the group, and he did not want to bind her with obligations.

"Tokyo" is actively touring abroad, with great success. "Machete" for a long time successfully performed in Russia, but a year and a half ago the situation changed.


Before historical events in Ukraine, Maly bought an apartment in Kyiv. He accepted the events on the Maidan, and even performed there with his team. Subsequently, he began to feel a misunderstanding with former colleagues in Russian show business, which connects with the media's incorrect presentation of events in their historical homeland. Together with a new wife named Rachel, who became the director of his projects, he moved to Ukraine.

Having four children from previous wives, he brings up four more with Rachel, born before they met. Father of many children does not separate children into their own and others. spiritual growth Yaroslav the Small is associated with his appeal to the religion of his ancestors. He has Jewish name- Moshe Pinchas, he reads the Torah, attends the synagogue and honors religious holidays and traditions.

His latest disc is dedicated to the relations between Ukraine and Russia "War and Peace". I would like to believe that peace will definitely come, and Yaroslav Maly will speak to admirers of his talent from Russia more than once.

More precisely, a small part of them, unexpectedly for dad, came to congratulate him on a solo concert. As it turned out later, there are already eight of his offspring living in the world, which Yarik diligently keeps silent about. And, judging by the latest data, the artist is not going to stop there.

Very little is known about the singer's personal life, although he assures that the answers to all questions can be found in his songs. Each album is a piece of the story of his life.

Yarik had several wives and, it seems, each tried to tie him to her in the old proven way - with children. But Small is not the kind of person who agrees with conventions. Therefore, when his last official wife gave birth to a daughter, he still filed for divorce a couple of months after this pleasant event. What to do - love in life creative people occupies a special place. If it is not, then there is no inspiration.

By the way, the singer manifests himself as a caring and attentive father. He does not shy away from responsibility and provides for his children. The only pity is that he does not like to brag about their successes and achievements.

The children of Yaroslav the Small, Luka, Eva and Solomon (what names!), ended up on solo concert father is no coincidence. True, no one thought that this fact would lead Yarik into such confusion. Of course, he could not evade the curious fans who filmed the happy dad on and off stage. It is important that the guys prepared not only flowers for him, but also congratulations. Nice reminder of yourself, right?

They danced backstage, periodically ran out to the dance floor of the fan zone and, according to others, sang all the songs that their father performed that evening.

Unfortunately, we could not find out anything about the other five guys. Still privacy, Yaroslav Maly guards with enviable stubbornness.

That is why, in Once again We turn to you, our beloved readers. If you know the names of the children, what they do and how they live, share this information with us and everyone else. Comments are provided for this case.

Recently, the well-known Moscow group "Tokyo" came to visit us, headed by their leader and soloist Y. Maly. However, why Maly, when he is two meters tall? .. And why visit when Maly himself, almost every Monday and Thursday, visits the homeland of his ancestors. Rather, not a visit, but as a dacha ...

And why, as in the country? .. - a Krivoy Rog Jew named Yaroslav picks up the tone. - Like home! Actually, not even HOW to go home, but simply - home!

- And what do you perceive here as the most "home"?

This one ancient land and mine proud people walking on it with his head held high. What could be more beautiful - to wander somewhere for years, and then again be here, on your own land!

- Do you have a favorite place?.

Of course, Jerusalem! I dream of this city at night when I am away from it. I can't even convey the feelings that the spirit and peace of holy Jerusalem gives rise to in my soul.

I read the household rider of the Tokyo group, published on your official website, and felt that based on it, you can shoot a stylish program for the Beautiful Life TV channel. I especially liked it - the obligatory whiskey with ice in the dressing room ...

These guys have worked hard! So they need it. If we are talking about me, then I can get by - I personally don’t drink alcohol at all. And teammates - maybe they are so accustomed to at home, skip a glass in the evening for inspiration and tone. When you travel a lot with tours, you fly from place to place, you always want to feel at home. A simple human desire, reflected in the Tokyo rider. Nothing special!..

You once said that in your younger years you liked to have a meal in a good restaurant and disappear from there, not only without saying goodbye, but also without paying ...

In my youth, it used to be that they did this ... Now it’s scary to remember! And, on the other hand, who lived this time of his life without sin? You might think that you weren’t naughty fifteen or twenty years ago ...

I'll tell you more than that - I'm naughty to this day! But to escape from the "tavern", in English... It's fraught, after all... Aren't you ashamed now?

Not ashamed! Because then I always returned myself and returned money for lunches and dinners.

- By the way, it sounds, and as a hint to the producers ...

We, fortunately, do not have producers! We are responsible for ourselves, both organizationally and creatively. We write songs about how we live and make music the way we feel about it. This is boundless happiness, if anyone does not know, to do in creativity what your heart desires.

Since our conversation involuntarily concentrated on the topic of creativity and money, why do Russian "stars", unlike, say, Western ones, behave rather modestly in the field of charity?

What do you mean?

Everything from helping the poor and disadvantaged to adopting HIV-infected children from Ethiopia and Cambodia.

It’s hard for me to say, I didn’t dive deep into this story. Just imagine taking someone else's child into your home. You still need to be able to approach this correctly ... In charity, the most important thing is to clearly understand for whom and for what you do certain things, and not just participate in various actions, as they say, “for show”. A colossal level of responsibility is needed, for the same adoption, we, simply, are not yet ripe for this.

The musicians of your group are so primordially Russian, I’m not even afraid of the word “epic” names: Demyan, Yaroslav ... It’s even somehow strange that you are called “Tokyo” and not, for example, “Yaroslavl” ...

My Jewish name is Moshe Pinchas!..

Yes, I saw with my own eyes such captions on the video clip with your interview, posted on one of the largest Israeli Internet news portals Ynet. Thought you were making fun of the local natives.

No! ( laughs!) I am Moshe Pinchas, Demyan is David, and Roma is Reuben!

- Okay, then the group should definitely not be called "Yaroslavl", but rather "Yerushalayim", or, better, "Kfar Chabad".

By the name "Tokyo" we do not mean the Japanese capital. "Tokyo" is currents, a stream of charged particles, inexhaustible energy. The whole point is to move forward!

- Is it true that you are seriously engaged in the study of the Torah?

Absolute truth.

- Did you manage to learn something new for yourself?

Wouldn't you be surprised if I told you that this is a very serious book? Every time I open it, I manage to learn something new. The Almighty gave us this Book, putting boundless love into its pages. You read just a little, and everything around you is seen in a completely different way. I have a spiritual teacher - Vladimir Iosifovich Slutsker, who helps me to comprehend the wisdom of our world through awareness of the deep wisdom of the Torah.

They say that you want to divide yourself between music and cinema, to make a picture about the adventures of a thought in a person's head. Imagine that now the command “Motor!” sounded, and the camera rushed to chase the thoughts in your mind. What are you thinking about now?

Oh happiness! I am just overwhelmed with happy thoughts, ideas and reasoning. The fact that soon I will again take the stage and be with hundreds and thousands of my favorite viewers. And that somewhere very close is my Jerusalem.

Dmitry Aizin

Photo by Alex Lerner

2002-2012 Boot. Original material: http://www.boti.ru/node/47833

Yaroslav Maly: “If I have a concert on Shabbat, then I don’t get paid for it

Yarik Maly is the founder and leader of the Tokyo group, one of the most popular domestic rockers of 2006. But he became famous not only for the soundtracks to the "Ninth Company". Maly is the organizer of a rally in support of Israel. “The group's second album has just been released, it's called Plus Two Hundred. On January 13, we had a concert in London on Trafalgar Square on the occasion of the Old New Year, for some reason the British call it the Russian New Year,” says Yarik. “Soon we are going to go on a big concert tour in Russia and Europe. I am writing music for Fyodor Bondarchuk's new film "Inhabited Island" based on the book by the Strugatsky brothers and for Roman Prygunov's film about "indigo" children. In continuation of the conversation about the cinema, I will add that our music sounds in Bondarchuk's "Ninth Company" and the film "Heat", which was released at the end of December. We are already working on our third album, it will be released in two versions: in Russian and English”, he tells Daniil Tunin, a correspondent for the Hillel Country newspaper. Today "Jewish Journal" presents you full version interview with Maly.

It's very cool to play a street concert in London, but the metropolitan audience is also looking forward to meeting the Tokyo band. When will you be heard in Moscow?
- February 17 we will have big concert in the club "B 1". This is the new big concert hall with very good sound and light, there can be up to three thousand people. In my opinion, this metropolitan club can be safely called a beautiful, correct and the first European stylish place. Almost immediately after the Moscow concert, tours begin, first Russian, then European.

Tell us a little more about your European tour. Which countries are you planning to visit, with whom to meet?
- In Moscow, we get on a bus with all the equipment and equip it for a studio. I myself do not yet know everything about the details, the route is still being specified. For example, on the way from Moscow to Paris, we record a new song right on the bus. We are in Paris for three or four days, we give concerts there, we negotiate with local producers, and this new song gets on one of the local music radio stations. Then we go to Berlin and on the way we hear ourselves on the radio. The main feature is that during the trip we will be filmed by television cameras. I hope everything goes well and this tour will be televised with the support of MTV as a reality show. The idea is that everything is in the head, there are no boundaries, and if you want, you can do anything. Also during this trip we plan to meet our friends and hang out at some private parties. In Paris with Monica Bellucci, in London with The Age, in Spain with Almodovar. I think we will have an interesting trip. Some time after returning from Europe, we will go on an Asian tour, we have plans for Japan and other countries. But it is too early to talk about this in more detail, because the trip is scheduled for late spring or early summer.

- A lot has been said about you and the Tokyo group over the past few years. And what happened before that?
- I was born and raised in Krivoy Rog in Ukraine. My first music teacher's name was Igor Semenovich Beer, and he brought me by the ears to a music school. At first I learned to play the balalaika, then I entered School of Music to the conducting department, in the third year I was expelled from there. And at the age of seventeen I came to Moscow, it was 1991 in the yard. At first I tried to make music that no one wanted. Then I had my own clubs and agencies related to music, but by and large it was all not interesting to me, because I always wanted to make music. Everything in my life changed dramatically after meeting Gosha Kutsenko. I had a certain transitional period in my life then, I thought in what direction to move on. Gosha said a lot of good things about me, his words were very important for me then. And I gave up everything, deciding to devote myself to music.

- Tell me, how did you meet Gosha Kutsenko?
- I met with one girl who studied with Gosha on the same course. And I had an idea to shoot a video for one song. Shortly before that, Gosha starred in the movie "Mom, Don't Cry" and was very popular. I called him with an offer to star in my video. Gosha agreed, despite the fact that I had no money to pay him. That's how our friendship began.

You were one of the organizers of the rally in support of Israel on July 31, 2006. What prompted you to take such an active part in this?
- We were then in Europe and saw constant highlighting in the press, statements of politicians and conversations ordinary people Israel as an aggressor, occupier and enemy of all mankind. After talking with different people about the Israeli-Lebanese war, I realized that I needed to show and voice a different point of view. The purpose of this rally was to support the Israelis, not the government. People came out not only because everyone criticized Israel. Everyone smart people it is clear that Israel did not receive any benefit from the summer war with Lebanon. I then called my friends and said that we need to express our point of view. And we decided to get together, talk and support Israel. About a hundred people came to the rally, I thought we would be no more than 20-30 people. There were not only Jews there, people were really worried, some read psalms and the Shema, Yisrael prayer was expressed different points vision. On the eve of the rally, I received strange calls from some Jewish organizations. They demanded that everything be canceled, because there may be provocations, everything must be organized and carried out differently, everything must be discussed, the deadlines must be rescheduled. I told them that I have an idea that I am implementing now, not later. We submitted an application to the Moscow City Hall, received permission, and everything turned out great for us.

IN last years in various Jewish circles, it is customary to talk about a systemic Jewish crisis in the post-Soviet space. Do you share this point of view?
You have to understand what it means to be a Jew. When you stand against the wall with your hands up and declare your love for the Most High, and at that moment someone comes up to you, pulls on your sleeve and asks for money, then this becomes a problem. In my opinion, all the problems that are happening in the world today are connected with the fact that the Jews cannot understand in any way that they must turn to the Almighty. This is the most important thing, while no one interferes with doing business, politics, creativity. It's great that you can realize yourself in life, you just need to understand who provides it to us. It is obvious that it is impossible to talk about love for a woman without hugging her, kissing her, smelling her ... It is useless to talk about these things if you do not understand with what love the Almighty created this world. I visited many synagogues, in different cities and countries. There are almost no young people there.

And if they appear there, they pursue some interests. It happens that those who want to immerse themselves in Jewry come, but, seeing the atmosphere there, they merge from there without much delay. Today is a completely different time than 15 years ago, when Jewish life and the awakening of Jewish identity was only gaining momentum. You need to be active, mobile, communicate with the world, not withdrawing into yourself, and begin to love the Almighty. If you do all this, then wisdom will come. If you have become wise, then you understand how everything works and you can influence it. We need to understand how much the Almighty loves us, and without Kabbalah this is impossible. It is known that Jews are united either by some big problem, or by a great love for God. And right now this moment is coming, to love Him, I feel it very clearly. You can not shut yourself off from the world, now our time begins. But you need to feel it, believe in it and live it. Jews just won't agree on anything with each other.

-When and where did you start studying Kabbalah?
- I read and collected books on my own Jewish tradition, I have been to many places, communicated with various Jewish educators, by the way, among them there are a lot of idle talkers and charlatans who are looking for a simple and quick profit from Jewry. This continued until I met my teacher and spiritual mentor Vladimir Slutsker. He finds the right words for each of his students. I have been a student at his yeshiva for two years now. The main thing I learn there is love. This place gathered beautiful and very beautiful people, I see there what is not found anywhere else in the world, and I have been and am in so many places on planet Earth. I see there a very special relationship to teachers, to books, to wisdom, to prayer and to each other. After these classes and communication, new songs are beautifully written, and interesting and bright thoughts come to mind.

- To what extent do you adhere to the canons of the Jewish tradition?
- I observe kashrut, I celebrate all Jewish holidays. If I have a concert on Shabbat, I don't get paid for it. But on the phone on Saturday I say, the Torah does not say that it cannot be used. By the way, it is on Saturday that the most good concerts. Now is the 21st and we must be open to the world, the Messiah is coming and we must really act. At the same time, I take the commandments very seriously, trying to keep them as much as possible. A Jew without a creator is not a Jew.

- What message can you give to those who want to understand themselves, their Jewishness and get on the right path in life?
- One of my friends, his name is Misha Pelik, once told me the following: "Do not hesitate and move on your own way." You have to turn your head on and analyze. And do not think that there is an opportunity to feed themselves at the expense of the Jews. It is necessary to live beautifully, but without love it is impossible. Do not hesitate and look for love in this world, there is enough for everyone.

Text and photo: Jewish magazine: Original material
