What is common between the fates of Vanyusha and Andrey. “What is the significance of the meeting between Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha for each of them?” (According to Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man")

M. A. Sholokhov is one of the most talented Russian writers. He is a master of creating atmosphere, color. His stories immerse us completely in the life and life of the heroes. This writer writes about the complex simply and clearly, without going into the wilds of artistic generalizations. His peculiar talent manifested itself in the epic " Quiet Don", and in short stories. One of these small works- the story "The fate of a man", dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

What is the meaning of the title of the story "The Fate of Man"? Why, for example, not "The Fate of Andrei Sokolov", but in such a generalized and indirect way? The fact is that this story is not a description of life. specific person but showing the fate of the whole people. Sokolov lived as usual, like everyone else: work, wife, children. But his ordinary, simple and happy life interrupted by the war. Andrei had to be a hero, he had to risk himself in order to protect his home, family from the Nazis. And so did millions of Soviet people.

What helps Andrei Sokolov endure the trials of fate?

The hero went through the hardships of war, captivity, concentration camps, but what helps Andrei Sokolov to endure the trials of fate? The point is the patriotism of the hero, humor and, at the same time, will. He understands that his trials are not in vain, he fights against strong enemy for his land, which he will not give up. Sokolov cannot dishonor the honor of the Russian soldier, because he is not a coward, does not cease to fulfill his military duty, and continues to behave with dignity in captivity. One example is the call of a hero in a concentration camp to the chief Muller. Sokolov spoke frankly about the camp working: "They need four cubic meters of working, but for the grave of each of us, even one cubic meter through the eyes is enough." This was reported to the authorities. The hero was taken out to be interrogated, he was threatened with execution. But the hero does not beg, does not show his fear to the enemy, does not refuse his words. Muller offers to drink for the German victory, but Sokolov rejects the offer, but for his death he is ready to drink not even one, but three glasses without blinking an eye. The stamina of the hero surprised the fascist so much that "Rus Ivan" was pardoned and awarded.

Why does the author call Andrei Sokolov "a man of unbending will"?

First of all, the hero did not break down, although he lost all his loved ones and went through hell on earth. Yes, his eyes are "as if sprinkled with ashes", but he does not give up, he takes care of the homeless boy Vanya. Also, the hero always acts according to his conscience, he has nothing to reproach himself with: if he had to kill, it was only for the sake of safety, he did not allow himself betrayal, he did not lose his composure. It is phenomenal that he has no fear of death when we are talking about the honor and defense of the motherland. But such is not only Sokolov, such is the people of unbending will.

Sholokhov in one fate described the will to victory of the whole people, which did not break, did not bend under the onslaught of a harsh enemy. “Nails should be made of these people,” said Sholokhov's colleague Mayakovsky. It is this idea that the writer embodies in his great creation, which still inspires us to accomplishments and feats. The strong-willed power of the human spirit, the Russian spirit, appears before us in all its splendor in the image of Sokolov.

How does Andrey Sokolov manifest himself in a situation of moral choice?

War puts people in extreme, critical circumstances, so it is then that all the best and worst in a person manifests itself. How does Andrey Sokolov manifest himself in a situation of moral choice? Once in German captivity, the hero saved from death an unfamiliar platoon leader, whom his colleague Kryzhnev was going to hand over to the Nazis as a communist. Sokolov strangled the traitor. It is difficult to kill one's own, but if this person is ready to betray the one with whom he risks his life together, can such a person be considered his own? The hero never chooses the path of betrayal, acts for reasons of honor. His choice is to stand up for his homeland and defend it at any cost.

The same simple and firm position manifested itself in the situation when he stood on the mat with Muller. This meeting is very indicative: the German, although he bribed, threatened, was the master of the situation, could not break the Russian spirit. In this conversation, the author showed the whole war: the fascist pressed on, but the Russian did not give up. No matter how hard the Mullers tried, the Sokolovs outplayed them, although the advantage was on the side of the enemy. Moral Choice Andrew in this fragment is the principled position of the whole people, who, although they were far, far away, supported their representatives with their invincible power in moments of severe trials.

What role did the meeting with Vanya play in the fate of Andrei Sokolov?

The losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War beat all records, as a result of this tragedy, entire families died, children lost their parents and vice versa. The protagonist of the story was also completely alone in the world, but fate brought him together with the same lonely creature. What role did the meeting with Vanya play in the fate of Andrei Sokolov? The adult found in the child hope for the future, for the fact that not everything in life is over. And the child found lost father. Let Sokolov's life not become the same, but you can still find meaning in it. He went to victory for the sake of such boys and girls, so that they live freely, not be left alone. After all, they are the future. In this meeting, the author showed the readiness of the people, exhausted by the war, to return to peaceful life, not to become hardened in battles and hardships, but to restore their home.


Comments on essays

2.1. What brings together the images of "little people" - Akaky Akakievich and the tailor Petrovich? (According to the story of N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat".)

Both Akaki Akakievich and Petrovich are “little people”, humiliated and insulted. Their life is worth nothing, they are like guests in this life, having neither their place nor a certain meaning in it. The overcoat is an image with which all the heroes of the story are somehow connected: Bashmachkin, tailor Petrovich, Bashmachkin's colleagues, night robbers and " significant person". So, for both Akaky Akakievich and Petrovich, the appearance new overcoat- a turning point in life. Petrovich “felt in full measure that he had done a considerable job and that he suddenly showed himself the abyss separating the tailors who only substitute linings and ferry, from those who sew again.” The brand new overcoat, in which Bashmachkin puts on, symbolically means both the gospel “robe of salvation”, “bright clothes”, and the female hypostasis of his personality, making up for his incompleteness: the overcoat is “an eternal idea”, “friend of life”, “bright guest”.

2.2. How does lyrical hero in the poetry of A. A. Fet?

Poetry A.A. Feta reflects the world of "volatile moods". It has no place for political, civic motives. The main themes are nature, love, art.

The lyrical hero Fet subtly feels the overflows and transitions of the states of nature (“Whisper, timid breathing”, “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch”, “Swallows”).

In thoughts about the harmony and contradictions of man and nature, the lyrical hero finds his destiny - to serve beauty, which is understood only by "initiates" ("To drive away the living boat with one push", "How poor our language is! ..", "Melody", "Diana" )… Contradictions are also the main feature of love lyrics. Love is “an unequal struggle between two hearts”, an eternal clash of individuals, it is “bliss and hopelessness” (“She was sitting on the floor”, “ last love”, “With what negligence, with what longing in love”),

2.3. What is the role female images in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"?

The female images of the novel, bright and original, serve, first of all, to “shade” the nature of Pechorin. Bela, Vera, Princess Mary ... On different stages the life of the hero, they played an important role for him. These are completely different women. But they have one common feature: the fate of all these heroines was tragic. In Pechorin's life there was a woman whom he truly loved. This is Vera. By the way, it is worth thinking about the symbolism of her name. She was his faith in life and in himself. This woman understood Pechorin completely and accepted him entirely. Although her love, deep and serious, brought only suffering to Vera: “... I sacrificed myself, hoping that someday you would appreciate my sacrifice ... I was convinced that it was a hope in vain. I was sad!"

But what about Pechorin? He loves Vera as best he can, as his crippled soul allows him. But more eloquently than all the words about Pechorin's love are his attempts to catch up and stop the woman he loves. Having driven the horse in this pursuit, the hero falls next to her corpse and begins to sob uncontrollably: “... I thought my chest would burst; all my firmness, all my composure - disappeared like smoke.

Each of the female images of the novel is unique and unrepeatable in its own way. But they all have something in common - a pernicious passion for the mysterious, the unknown - for Pechorin. And only one girl did not succumb to the charm of the hero of the novel. This is an undine from the story "Taman".

All the women in A Hero of Our Time just wanted to be happy. But happiness is a relative concept, today it exists, and tomorrow ...

2.4. What was the significance of the meeting with Vanya for Andrey Sokolov? (According to the story of M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man".)

Andrei Sokolov has amazing courage and mental strength, the horrors he experienced do not make him embittered. The protagonist leads a continuous struggle within himself and emerges from it as a winner. This man, who lost his loved ones during the years of the Great Patriotic War, finds the meaning of life in Vanyusha, who also remained an orphan: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is all in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain!” It is this boy with "eyes as bright as a sky" that becomes new life Main character.

Vanyusha's meeting with Sokolov was significant for both. The boy, whose father died at the front, and his mother was killed on the train, still hopes that they will find him: “Daddy, dear! I know that you will find me! You will still find it! I've waited so long for you to find me." Andrei Sokolov awakens paternal feelings for someone else's child: “He pressed himself against me and trembled all over, like a blade of grass in the wind. And I have a fog in my eyes and I also tremble all over, and my hands are shaking ... ”The glorious hero of the story again performs some kind of spiritual, and, possibly, moral feat when he takes the boy to himself. He helps him get back on his feet and feel needed. This child has become a kind of "medicine" for Andrei's crippled soul.

At the very beginning of 1957, Sholokhov published the story “The Fate of a Man” on the pages of Pravda. In it, he spoke about the full hardships and hardships of the life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian man Andrei Sokolov. He lived before the war in peace and prosperity, shared his joys and sorrows with his people. Here is how he talks about his pre-war life: “For these ten years I worked day and night. I earned well, and we did not live worse than people. And the children were happy: all three of them studied with excellent marks, and the eldest, Anatoly, turned out to be so capable of mathematics,

What about him even in central newspaper they wrote... In ten years we saved up a little bit of money and before the war we built ourselves a little house with two rooms, with a pantry and a corridor. Irina bought two goats. What more do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, they have a roof over their heads, they are dressed, shod, so everything is in order.

The war destroyed the happiness of his family, as it destroyed the happiness of many other families. The horrors of fascist captivity far from the homeland, the death of the closest and dearest people weighed heavily on the soul of the soldier Sokolov. Remembering the difficult years in the war, Andrey Sokolov says: “It’s hard for me, brother, to remember, and even harder

Talk about what happened in captivity. When you remember the inhuman torments that you had to endure there in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died, were tortured there in the camps, the heart is no longer in the chest, but in the throat, and it becomes difficult to breathe ... that you are Russian, for being White light you still look, because you work for them, bastards ... They beat him easily, in order to kill him to death someday, so that he would choke on his last blood and die from beatings ... "

Andrey Sokolov withstood everything, since one faith supported him: the war would end, and he would return to his close and dear people, because Irina and her children were waiting for him so much. Andrei Sokolov learns from a neighbor's letter that Irina and her daughters died during the bombing, when the Germans bombed the aircraft factory. “A deep funnel filled with rusty water, weeds are waist-deep all around” - this is what remains of the past family well-being. One hope remained - the son Anatoly, who fought successfully, received six orders and medals. “And the old man’s dreams began at night: how the war will end, how I will marry my son, and I myself will live with the young, carpentry and babysit the grandchildren ...” - says Andrey. But these dreams of Andrei Sokolov were not destined to come true. On May 9, on Victory Day, Anatoly was killed by a German sniper. “So I buried my last joy and hope in a foreign, German land, my son’s battery hit, seeing off his commander on a long journey, and it was as if something broke in me ...” - says Andrey Sokolov.

He was left all alone in the whole wide world. A heavy, inescapable grief seemed to settle in his heart forever. Sholokhov, having met Andrei Sokolov, draws attention to his eyes: “Have you ever seen eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes, filled with such inescapable, mortal longing that it is difficult to look into them? These were the eyes of my random interlocutor. So he looks at the world Sokolov eyes, "as if sprinkled with ashes." The words escape from his lips: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that? What did you distort? There is no answer for me either in the dark or in the clear sun ... No, and I can’t wait!

Deep lyricism is permeated by Sokolov's story about an event that turned his whole life upside down - a meeting with a lonely, unhappy boy at the door of a teahouse: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is all in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain! And when Sokolov finds out that the boy’s father died at the front, his mother was killed during the bombing, and he has no one and nowhere to live, his heart boiled and he decided: “It won’t happen that we disappear separately! I will take him to my children. And immediately my heart felt light and somehow light.

This is how two lonely, unfortunate people crippled by the war found each other. They began to need each other. When Andrey Sokolov tells the boy that he is his father, he rushed to his neck, began to kiss him on the cheeks, lips, forehead, loudly and subtly shouting: “Daddy, dear! I knew! I knew you would find me! You will still find it! I've been waiting so long for you to find me!" Taking care of the boy became the most important thing in his life. The heart, which had turned to stone with grief, became softer. The boy changed before our eyes: clean, trimmed, dressed in clean and new clothes, he pleased the eyes of not only Sokolov, but also those around him. Vanyushka tried to be constantly with his father, did not part with him for a minute. Hot love for his adopted son overwhelmed Sokolov’s heart: “I wake up, and he nestled under my arm, like a sparrow under a trap, sniffing softly, and it becomes so joyful in my soul that you can’t say it in words!”

The meeting of Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha revived them to a new life, saved them from loneliness and longing, filled Andrei's life deep meaning. It seemed that after the losses suffered, his life was over. But life "distorted" a person, but could not break him, kill him living soul. Already at the beginning of the story, Sholokhov makes us feel that we have met a kind and open person, modest and gentle. A simple worker and soldier, Andrei Sokolov embodies the best human traits, reveals a deep mind, subtle observation, wisdom and humanity.

The story evokes not only sympathy and compassion, but also pride in the Russian person, admiration for his strength, the beauty of his soul, faith in the boundless possibilities of a person, if this real man. This is exactly how Andrei Sokolov appears, and the author gives him both his love, and respect, and courageous pride, when, with faith in justice and the reason of history, he says: “And I would like to think that this Russian man, man unbending will, will survive and grow up near his father’s shoulder, who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything in his path, if his Motherland calls him to this.

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Vanyushka is an orphan boy of five or six years old from M. A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man”. The author does not immediately portrait characteristic this character. He quite unexpectedly appears in the life of Andrei Sokolov - a man who went through the whole war and lost all his relatives. You won’t notice him right away: “he lay quietly on the ground, crouching under the angular matting.” Then, individual details of his appearance are gradually revealed: “fair-haired curly head”, “pink cold little hand”, “eyes as bright as the sky”. Vanyushka is an "angelic soul". He is trustworthy, inquisitive and kind. This Small child already managed to experience a lot, learned to sigh. He is an orphan. Vanyushka's mother died during the evacuation, was killed by a bomb on the train, and her father died at the front.

Andrei Sokolov told him that he was his father, which Vanya immediately believed and was incredibly happy about. He knew how to sincerely rejoice even in small things. He compares the beauty of the starry sky to a swarm of bees. This war-deprived child early developed a courageous and compassionate character. At the same time, the author emphasizes that only a small, vulnerable child, who, after the death of his parents, spends the night anywhere, was lying around covered in dust and dirt. His sincere joy and exclamatory sentences indicate that he yearned for human warmth. Despite the fact that he almost does not participate in the conversation between the “father” and the narrator, he carefully listens to everything and looks closely. The image of Vanyushka and his appearance help to better understand the essence of the main character - Andrei Sokolov.

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The sad story of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" takes to the quick. Written by the author in 1956, it reveals the naked truth about the atrocities of the Great Patriotic War and what Andrei Sokolov, a Soviet soldier, had to endure in German captivity. But first things first.

The main characters of the story:

Andrei Sokolov is a Soviet soldier who had to experience a lot of grief during the Great Patriotic War. But, despite the hardships, even captivity, where the hero suffered brutal abuse from the Nazis, he survived. A ray of light in the darkness of hopelessness, when the hero of the story lost his whole family in the war, the smile of an adopted orphan boy shone.

Andrey's wife Irina: a meek, calm woman, a real wife, loving husband who knew how to comfort and support in difficult moments. When Andrei left for the front, she was in great despair. Died along with two children when a shell hit the house.

Meeting at the crossing

Mikhail Sholokhov conducts his work in the first person. It was the first post-war spring, and the narrator had to get to the Bukanovskaya station at all costs, which was sixty kilometers away. Having crossed with the driver of the car to the other side of the river called Epanka, he began to wait for the driver who had been away for two hours.

Suddenly attention was attracted by a man with a small boy moving towards the crossing. They stopped, said hello, and a casual conversation ensued, in which Andrei Sokolov - that was the name of a new acquaintance - told about his bitter life during the war years.

Andrey's difficult fate

What kind of torment a person endures in terrible years confrontation between peoples.

The Great Patriotic War crippled, wounded human bodies and souls, especially those who had to be in German captivity and drink the bitter cup of inhuman suffering. Andrey Sokolov was one of them.

The life of Andrei Sokolov before the Great Patriotic War

Fierce misfortunes befell the guy from his youth: parents and sister who died of starvation, loneliness, the war in the Red Army. But at that difficult time, a clever wife, meek, quiet and affectionate, became a joy for Andrei.

Yes, and life seemed to be getting better: work as a driver, good earnings, three smart children-excellent students (about the eldest, Anatolia, they even wrote in the newspaper). And finally, a cozy two-room house, which they put up with the accumulated money just before the war ... It suddenly collapsed on Soviet soil and turned out to be much worse than the previous, civilian one. And the happiness of Andrei Sokolov, achieved with such difficulty, was shattered into small pieces.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with, whose works are a reflection of the historical upheavals that the whole country was then experiencing.

Farewell to family

Andrei went to the front. His wife Irina and three children saw him off in tears. The wife was especially hurt: "My dear ... Andryusha ... we will not see each other ... we are with you ... more ... in this ... world."
“Until my death,” Andrei recalls, “I won’t forgive myself for pushing her away then.” He remembers everything, although he wants to forget: and the white lips of the desperate Irina, who whispered something when they got on the train; and the kids, who, no matter how hard they tried, could not smile through their tears ... And the train carried Andrei farther and farther, towards military everyday life and bad weather.

First years at the front

At the front, Andrei worked as a driver. Two light wounds could not be compared with what he had to endure later, when, seriously wounded, he was captured by the Nazis.

In captivity

What kind of bullying did not happen to endure from the Germans on the way: they beat them on the head with a rifle butt, and in front of Andrey they shot the wounded, and then they drove everyone to the church to spend the night. I would suffer even more main character, if among the prisoners there was not a military doctor who offered his help and put his dislocated arm in place. There was immediate relief.

Betrayal Prevention

Among the prisoners was a man who conceived the next morning, when the question is raised whether there are commissars, Jews and communists among the prisoners, to hand over his platoon leader to the Germans. He was deeply afraid for his life. Andrei, having heard a conversation about this, was not at a loss and strangled the traitor. And later he did not regret it a bit.

The escape

Since the time of captivity, Andrey was more and more visited by the thought of escaping. And here he introduced himself real case accomplish what is intended. The prisoners were digging graves for their own dead and, seeing that the guards were distracted, Andrei quietly fled. Unfortunately, the attempt turned out to be unsuccessful: after four days of searching, they returned him, let the dogs out, mocked him for a long time, put him in a punishment cell for a month, and finally sent him to Germany.

in a foreign land

To say that life in Germany was terrible is an understatement. Andrei, who was listed as a prisoner under number 331, was constantly beaten, fed very poorly, and forced to work hard at the Stone Quarry. And once, for reckless words about the Germans, uttered inadvertently in the barracks, they called to the Herr Lagerführer. However, Andrei was not afraid: he confirmed what was said earlier: “four cubic meters of production is a lot ...” They wanted to shoot him first, and they would have carried out the sentence, but, seeing the courage of a Russian soldier who was not afraid of death, the commandant respected him, changed his mind and let him go to a hut, even while supplying food.

Release from captivity

Working as a chauffeur for the Nazis (he drove a German major), Andrei Sokolov began to think about a second escape, which could be more successful than the previous one. And so it happened.
On the way in the direction of Trosnitsa, having changed into a German uniform, Andrei stopped the car with the major sleeping in the back seat and stunned the German. And then he turned to where the Russians are fighting.

Among their

Finally, being in the territory among Soviet soldiers Andrew was able to breathe easy. So he missed native land that clung to her and kissed her. At first, they did not recognize him, but then they realized that it was not the Fritz who got lost at all, but his own, dear, Voronezh resident escaped from captivity, and he also brought important documents with him. They fed him, bathed him in the bathhouse, gave him uniforms, but the colonel refused his request to take him to the rifle unit: it was necessary to receive medical treatment.

Terrible news

So Andrew ended up in the hospital. He was well fed, provided with care, and after German captivity life could seem almost good, if not for one "but". The soul of the soldier yearned for his wife and children, wrote a letter home, waited for news from them, but still no answer. And suddenly - terrible news from a neighbor, a carpenter, Ivan Timofeevich. He writes that neither Irina nor younger daughters and son. A heavy shell hit their hut ... And the elder Anatoly after that volunteered for the front. The heart sank from the burning pain. Andrey decided, after being discharged from the hospital, to go himself to the place where his father once stood. native home. The spectacle turned out to be so depressing - a deep funnel and waist-deep weeds - that I could not ex-husband and the father of the family stay there a minute. Asked to return to the division.

First joy, then sorrow

Amid the impenetrable darkness of despair, a ray of hope flashed - the eldest son of Andrei Sokolov - Anatoly - sent a letter from the front. It turns out that he graduated from the artillery school - and has already received the rank of captain, "commands the battery" forty-five, has six orders and medals ... "
How delighted the father was by this unexpected news! How many dreams awakened in him: his son would return from the front, he would marry and his grandfather would nurse the long-awaited grandchildren. Alas, this short-term happiness was shattered: on May 9, just on Victory Day, Anatoly was killed by a German sniper. And it was terrible, unbearably painful for my father to see him dead, in a coffin!

Sokolov's new son is a boy named Vanya

As if something broke inside Andrew. And he would not have lived at all, but simply existed, if he had not then adopted a little six-year-old boy, whose mother and father died in the war.
In Uryupinsk (because of the misfortunes that befell him, the protagonist of the story did not want to return to Voronezh), a childless couple took in Andrey. He worked as a driver on a truck, sometimes he carried bread. Several times, stopping by the teahouse for a bite, Sokolov saw a hungry orphan boy - and his heart became attached to the child. Decided to take it for myself. "Hey, Vanyushka! Get in the car, I'll drive it to the elevator, and from there we'll come back here and have lunch, ”Andrey called the baby.
- Do you know who I am? - he asked, having learned from the boy that he was an orphan.
- Who? Vanya asked.
- I am your father!
At that moment, such joy seized both his newly found son and Sokolov himself, such bright feelings that he understood former soldier: did the right thing. And he can no longer live without Vanya. Since then, they have not parted - neither day nor night. Andrey's petrified heart became softer with the arrival of this mischievous kid in his life.
Only here in Uryupinsk did not have to stay long - another friend invited the hero to the Kashirsky district. So now they are walking with their son on Russian soil, because Andrei is not used to sitting in one place.
