Alexandra the meaning of the female name character and fate. origin of the name Alexander

Alexandra is a majestic name. Hearing it, something courageous, bold, powerful appears. The name has Greek roots and translates as "protector of people."

Origin of the name Alexandra:

The name Alexandra comes from a male Greek name Alexander.

The nature and interpretation of the name Alexander:

Little Sasha is a very lively girl, fidget and fidget. Often receives minor injuries, in the form of abrasions and bruises. But it does not stop her aspirations to explore and climb all around. Having played, he can forget about food and sleep. If Alexandra is greatly pampered and indulged in everything, then there is a high probability that she will grow up capricious and stubborn. Sasha prefers leisure on fresh air. He does not like to play with other children, he prefers to be in the company of adults more.

At school, usually, she studies "excellently" in all disciplines, is engaged in socially useful affairs, she is often chosen as the head of the class. Achieves great success in sports. Teachers appreciate Sasha for her dedication and active life position. She does not like housework, and tries in every possible way to avoid it, to the point that she is ready to play a sentimental scene about how she suddenly became very ill. Often people around think that Alexandra is very closed. But this is only apparent isolation, in fact, it is sincere and open man. School mates appreciate Sasha for insight and justice in actions. She does not accept even the most insignificant deceit. If Alexandra finds out that she was deceived, she may forever lose confidence in the person who lied to her. She will constantly try to show others that no matter what happens - she is extremely indifferent to it. This habit remains with Alexandra for life.

Her optimism, the desire to achieve the ideal in everything, sometimes does not suit her. Trying to master many different skills, you may not succeed in any one. Alexandra will make a good economist, accountant, teacher or doctor. She prefers to be friends with men. He drives a car perfectly, loves trips to nature, travel.

Alexandra has a unique intuition, the ability to generalize the necessary facts, wonderful memory. However, she is often overly emotional - she gives in to an internal impulse, reacts violently to an event that “hooked” her.

Alexandra simply infects with her sensuality. Able to stun many members of the opposite sex with her actions, in an attempt to attract someone's attention. As a partner, he chooses a person who is bright, interesting, not like the others. If the relationship is not fixed by a marriage stamp, it can have several partners at the same time.

However, in marriage, she will never cheat on her husband and will not tolerate betrayal on his part. Alexander is getting married already in adulthood, having taken place in a career and occupying a certain position in society. She will be true friend and an assistant to her husband in all his affairs - whether it's watching a hockey game or going fishing. She will strive for the birth of a large number of children, whom she will take care of all her life.

Alexanders born in winter are very self-confident, in autumn they are overly picky. Extremely quick-tempered and capricious summer and spring Alexandra.

During a quarrel, when the situation reaches the point that it can harm Sasha herself, she can suddenly attack her opponent with her fists.

Absolutely any name can be explored in detail and eventually understand both yourself and any person nearby. The meaning of the name Alexander is of interest to many, since it is one of the most common both in our country and around the world.

Women with this name are distinguished by strength in character, the ability to keep their word and go towards their goal through difficulties and obstacles. But at the same time, they do not lose their feminine attractiveness and charm.

The origin of the name is always important, because in the past, names were invested deep meaning, and just one word could mean a lot. So, what does the name Alexander mean, history will help us find out. On this moment There are several versions of where it might come from:

  • The first version says that it originated in Ancient Greece and is a form of the name, which translates as "protector". Many are interested in the name Alexandrina - it must be said that this is also one of the forms, and its translation coincides with the translation of the name Alexander.
  • Another version sends us to the countries of the Ancient East, and, as the researchers say, the word Alexander comes from the name Iskander, which translates as “winner”.

As you can see, it carries a serious male energy, unconsciously orienting girls to exploits. Alexandra can be called differently: use diminutives - Sasha, Shura, Sanya; you can affectionately - Sashenka, Sashulya, Alexandrushka; you can shorten it down to the Al form (but I must say that not all owners of the name like this option).

Therefore, you can call Sasha in different ways, using and full name, which sounds like Alexandra, and is a diminutive, abbreviated or affectionate. The main thing is that the way you call a person, he liked and did not cause resistance.

For the sacrament of baptism, this name fits perfectly - moreover, girls who are called differently are often baptized with it. After the child is baptized, he will be able to celebrate his name day or angel's day - March 20 and April 23.

Character Facts

The name Alexandra for a girl is one of the best options, but when choosing how to name a child, it is important to first know how this name will affect your child. So, Sasha has been energetic and strong since childhood, she literally glows from the inside. For this reason, she often becomes the leader for many girls and boys.

She likes active games in the fresh air, likes communication, interaction. She enjoys chatting with other children as well as with adults, because they can all answer her questions.

In adolescence, Alexandra becomes strong and independent, she tries to be independent in literally everything. But, nevertheless, she will need advice and support from her parents.

Education plays an important role for her. The older she gets, the more responsible and attentive she is to learning.

Alexandra also tries to develop not only in her studies, but also in creativity and in sports. Often the owners of this name achieve serious results in individual sports.

This feminine strong name is revealed in the adult Alexandra. Adult Sasha is a source of endless energy, she literally boils and boils. She can handle several projects at the same time, and her energy is enough to do everything thoughtfully and efficiently.

Alexandra values ​​close communication, it is important for her to have a reliable and trusted friend next to her, who will always be able to listen and support her in Hard time. But most of the people around her may not even suspect that there are difficulties in her life, because she is always full of strength.

Sasha loves everything new, interesting and exciting. She likes to travel, get to know new cultures and people, she enjoys going not only on vacation, but also on business trips. Changing the type of activity for her is incredibly useful.

To find out the meaning of the name Alexander means to learn a little more about this person, to lift the veil of secrecy and understand something secret about her. Alexandra is not an easy woman, and the meaning of her name affects her character and fate.

  • Health is an important and serious issue. Alexandra is a person who pays special attention to her condition - both physical and psychological. Therefore, she should not have problems or difficulties in this area.
  • This woman is smart and well-read, she skillfully conducts a conversation with any person and is able to simply and clearly present her knowledge. She is also distinguished by her analytical abilities, which only improve every year.
  • This girl will prefer responsible and serious work, where you can show many of your skills. Alexandra is hardworking and responsible, so the employer can safely trust her to solve difficult or contentious issues. In addition, she will perfectly cope with the role of a leader, but for this it is important for her to constantly learn and improve her skills.
  • This woman does not hold perseverance, therefore she is capable of entrepreneurship, because she is ready to devote all her potential, all her strength to the cause. She can make an excellent business owner, so if she has a desire to create something of her own, then she can safely take it on.
  • The secret of the name is also hidden in the understanding of certain irrational processes. Intuition is what works great for Alexandra. But more often, she tends to rely on calculation and logic, which can move her away from achieving her desired goal.

Love and family

The characterization of a name is not an easy question, and it must be said that the secrets of this female name, as well as any other, are hidden in feelings and relationships. Sasha is an interesting girl, this is what attracts men to her, they like to spend time with her, communicate, share information.

This girl is strong, and sometimes it seems that she does not need support and support, but in fact this is not so. A man needs to slowly reduce the distance, and one day Sasha, tender, trusting and in need of warmth, will open up to him.

As a husband, she will choose a strong but sensitive person who is able to understand her and share with her her views, her worldview, her goals. And for this person, she will become a real support, a reliable rear, a true comrade-in-arms, this is a fact that means that Sasha will be faithful and devoted in all respects.

It is important to say a few words about compatibility and about who Alexandra will feel more comfortable and pleasant with. So, the compatibility of the names of Alexander and Alexei is quite high, and Sasha can successfully build relationships with Philip, and. But difficulties and possible misunderstandings may arise when communicating with Konstantin and Valery.

Warm relationships are important to Alexandra, touches play a huge role for her, when she is called in a special way, using various forms her name and calling her not just Alexander, but Sashulya, Sashenka. You can also use an abbreviated or multiple name, calling Alexandra - Shura.

Family is a matter that means a lot to her, it is essential part Sasha's life, especially children, because they add new colors to her life. When Sasha has children, the choice of a name will be of particular importance, because Alexandra certainly wants the best for her child. Therefore, the husband needs to treat this process with understanding and patience.

Any name, including Alexandra, has its own meaning hidden in the name, and special attention should be paid to it. The path of knowing oneself and another lies through the study of many aspects, including the name, the decoding of which can provide answers to many questions.

Alexandra is an independent, power-hungry nature. A woman with this name is always true to her beliefs and principles. She is very stubborn, her will cannot be broken. The nature of these girls also depends on the season in which they were born.

Origin of the name Alexandra (Alexandrina)

Translated from Greek the female name Alexandra means “protector”, “hope”, “brave”. It comes from the male Greek name Alexander, which means "protector of people."

In Rus', they began to call children like that after the adoption of Christianity. The name gained great popularity after Alexander Nevsky was canonized.

The female name Alexandra comes from male version Alexander, which means "protector"

Forms of the name Alexander

Abbreviated forms of the name:

  • Sasha;
  • Shura;
  • Sanya;
  • Sandra;
  • Xandra;
  • Lesya;
  • Leka;
  • Xana;
  • Sana.

Diminutive forms:

  • Sashenka;
  • Shurochka;
  • Alexa
  • Sanyur;
  • Sashulya;
  • Sanechka.

Photo gallery: forms named after Alexander

Alexandra - full form the name Asya - a gentle appeal to Alexandra Shura - one of the short forms of the name Sasha - the most common abbreviated form of the name

The church name is Alexandra.

Transliteration of the name - Aleksandra.

related names:

  • Olesya;
  • Sandra;
  • Sandrina.

When writing poems about girls with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Alexandra - oleander, Sasha - the cup, ours, Alexandrina - the ruler, the core, the picture.

Table: Alexander's name in different languages

Patronymics that are combined with this name

The following patronymics are best suited to the name Alexander:

  • Alekseevna;
  • Yuryevna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Mikhailovna.

The most famous song, where this name is mentioned - this is, perhaps, the composition "Alexander" from the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears". Mikhail Shufutinsky (“Shura, Shura, Shurochka”), the group “Korol i Shut” (“Father and Masks”), Zhanna Bichevskaya (“Queen Alexandra”) and many others also sang about Sasha.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a Youtube channel or Instagram account, you can use the following nicknames:

  • sandra;
  • shura;
  • alexandriya;
  • alexa;
  • sanya.

Patron saints of Alexandra, name day

Patron Saints Alexander:

  • Martyr Alexandra of Amisia (Pontic);
  • virgin and martyr Alexandra of Ancyra (Corinth);
  • Empress and Martyr Alexandra of Rome (Nicomedia);
  • martyr queen Alexandra;
  • Holy Martyr-Virgin Alexandra.

One of the famous patron saints, Alexandra of Rome, was the wife of Emperor Diocletian. He ruled from 284 to 305 AD. This ruler worshiped pagan gods and was a zealous opponent of the Christian faith. Diocletian ruthlessly persecuted and executed all those who believed in Jesus Christ.

The Great Martyr George the Victorious did not want to renounce his faith and declared publicly that he believed in the One God. The emperor subjected him to severe torture. Then the heavens opened up, and a voice was heard in the peals of thunder. He urged George to be strong and said that his prayers were heard. All those present were confused, many subjects of Diocletian believed in the power of Jesus, but not the emperor.

And then Alexandra decided to put an end to her husband's tyranny. She came to the place where the prisoner was in torment, fell at his feet and began to pray and glorify Christ. Upon learning of this, King Diocletian ordered the execution of his wife along with George.

Alexandra of Rome - one of the famous patrons of all Sasha, a martyr for her faith during the time of persecution of Christians

Angel Day (name day):

  • March 22;
  • April 2;
  • 4, 6 and 31 May;
  • November 19;
  • December 23rd.

If on Alexander's Day, April 2, there are blue clouds in the sky, this is a sign of coming rains and warm weather.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • zeal;
  • diligence;
  • sincerity;
  • dedication.

Negative character traits:

  • does not like to do household chores;
  • lust for power;
  • tries to subjugate everyone: friends, parents, spouse.

Video: the meaning of the name Alexander

The influence of the name on the character of the child

Sashenka is growing very difficult child especially if she is the only one in the family. It is sometimes difficult for parents to get along with a girl, because in any situation she can start to get hysterical. Already in childhood Sashulya shows character, trying to manipulate relatives and friends and wanting everything to be the way she wants it. If mom and dad let the baby behave like this, she can become selfish and spoiled, not accustomed to making independent decisions.

Alexandra is not the kind of kid who will look for friends her own age. She is much more interested in communicating with adults. A child sometimes has a difficult relationship with her mother.

At school, Sasha is a good student, she is easily taught, she has a craving for the exact sciences. But in the class she has no friends, as an innate sense of justice sometimes takes precedence over tact. Alexandra's relationship with teachers is also not going well. She will never hide her indignation at the reduction in grades. Even in a conversation with elders, the girl is not distinguished by politeness and hostilely perceives any comments addressed to her.

Sashenka is a child with character

The influence of the name on the character of young Sasha

In adolescence, Alexandra becomes more sociable, friendly, her desire to achieve justice fades into the background. Relations with her mother are gradually improving, the girl listens to her advice, becomes softer and sincere. Sasha begins to realize that parental support is very important for her.

Sasha is sociable, it is easy for her to make new acquaintances. At the same time, the girl has very few friends to whom she could fully open up. Young Alexandra is honest and rude in dealing with people. Prefers to express her opinion in person, so many try to avoid her company. The opinion of others is of little interest to the girl, since she always remains true to her principles.

Because of complex nature young Sasha has very few friends

Alexandra is a very purposeful young lady. She is ready to overcome all obstacles to achieve her desired goal. Young Sasha wants to be financially independent from his parents, so he will seek various ways earnings. She also thinks about her future. The owner of such a name herself decides to receive higher education She is good at balancing work and study.

Alexandra is fickle, she has a difficult character, which sometimes prevents her from achieving her plans. The girl is very quick-tempered and sharp, and such emotional attacks sometimes repel her. the right people. Having worked on her character, combining gentleness with sincerity, she is able to become friendlier and more restrained in communicating with others. Then her path to the realization of desires will be much easier.

The influence of the name on the character and fate of an adult

According to P. Florensky, along with the male name Alexandra, a strong-willed character is transmitted. She has perseverance, courage and endurance. But at the same time, Sasha is characterized by femininity and charm. Combination opposite qualities often causes disharmony and anxiety. Such a woman usually puts on a mask of indifference when she hears condemnation or criticism addressed to her. But deep down, she is very vulnerable and can keep feelings in herself for a long time. The owner of such a name wants to be perceived as she is. She herself often tries to change people, adjusting them for herself.

The priest and philosopher Pavel Florensky believed that the origins of male name give rise to a strong and strong-willed character in Alexander

According to P. Khigir, Sasha is a faithful and understanding friend and will always come to the rescue at the right time. Lies and betrayal are alien to her. Alexandra is ready to forgive a lot to her loved ones. But if she catches someone lying, don't expect the liar to get away with it. If the offense is strong, the owner of such a name will definitely take revenge on the offender.

Alexandra is far from a conflict person. She tries in every possible way to avoid a quarrel, choosing the right words and showing delicacy to her interlocutor. But if someone manages to piss off Sasha, her anger can destroy any relationship with this person.

P. Rouget believes that Alexandra in most cases prefers to look for friends in male society. She is confident in the honesty and openness of the representatives of the stronger sex. Sasha is always in the struggle for superiority, her desire to gain recognition and rule is sometimes very great. The desire for leadership applies not only to the work sphere, but also to personal life.

Talents and hobbies

Alexandra is versatile and skillfully uses her knowledge, but her temper and tendency to jump to conclusions cloud her judgment. Because of this, Sasha is often overtaken by difficulties.

The owner of this name prefers an active lifestyle, it is not common for her to sit in one place for a long time. Alexandra can spontaneously agree to a trip or a trip to nature. Despite the fact that it is more usual for her to relax in cozy apartments, Sasha will not refuse to spend the night in a tent under open sky with friends.

Alexandra directs her energy in the right direction. She takes care of her appearance, maintaining her figure with regular workouts. The girl likes sports. She can find herself in figure skating, swimming, athletics or rhythmic gymnastics.

Alexanders are fond of sports, they can become successful in this area

Professions, business and career

For Alexandra in choice professional activity it is important that there is no monotony and constancy in the work. She likes business trips and a change of work environment. Sasha is quite creative. She is able to apply her creative ideas in everyday moments. The owner of such a name can become a wonderful teacher, doctor or accountant.

Alexandra has the makings of a leader. If her work does not bring her the desired income, and career development is not so promising, such a girl will not consider it necessary to devote herself to official duties completely. Her goal is often the place of a leader, while Sasha tends to fulfill her duties diligently and diligently.

Alexandra can also find herself in entrepreneurial activity. To make her dreams come true, she will overcome all obstacles on the way to success.

Alexandra strive for leadership at work

Love, sexuality, marriage

Alexander's temper and intemperance also manifests itself in romantic relationship. Her love can flare up brightly and suddenly. But if her partner does not take the initiative, the girl will soon lose all interest in him. This temperamental woman, even in family life, is prone to self-will.

Only the strongest and most sincere feelings can curb Alexandra's freedom-loving disposition. For the sake of joint happiness, she is ready to pacify her disobedience. The main thing is that her chosen one surrounds the girl with care and attention, dedicating her to his sincere feelings.

Intimate connection for Alexandra is almost the most important part love relationship. She perceives affection no longer on an emotional, but on a physical level. Sasha, perceiving the tenderness of his partner, rarely answers him in the same way. But if a man manages to kindle passion in this woman, she will give him an unforgettable experience. She will not mind experimenting and embodying joint erotic fantasies.

Alexandra tends to succumb to feelings, she is able to know true love. But this girl is in no hurry to get married, as she is afraid of losing her freedom. He approaches the issue of choosing a husband very seriously, evaluating all the qualities of his chosen one. For Sasha it is important:

  • strong financial position;
  • education;
  • behavior at home;
  • perspectives on parenting.

Alexandra marries a worthy, strong and purposeful man, with whom they will create a wonderful family, and the children will grow up in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

Alexandra's chosen one must be as strong and purposeful as she herself

Sasha is very economic, maintains cleanliness and participates in arranging home comfort, trying to create a comfortable environment for the family. She appreciates and respects her husband and can become a wonderful helper for her husband in his business. With great love and tenderness, she treats her children, she always tries to support her child. This woman never tries to impose her opinion on the baby, believing that he has the right to find a solution on his own.

Alexandra's relationship with her mother-in-law is not always smooth, and she strives to live separately from her husband's parents, but if they pay a visit, Sasha will always give a warm welcome.

Table: compatibility with male names

DmitriyIn this family, there can be no question of peace, since they are too different in characters. However, despite Alexandra's irascibility, temperament and Dmitry's desire to idealize everything, family relationships can develop successfully.
AlexanderSame names are not guaranteed ideal relationship. But if sensitivity and mutual understanding prevail in the family, such an alliance can be successful.
EugenePurposeful and conservative Eugene will be able to put up with the stormy and quick-tempered temper of his wife. Alexandra will answer him with loyalty and understanding.
SergeyThis family is filled with harmony of feelings. They are able to understand each other without words. The relationship between Sergei and Alexandra is based on friendship, love and partnership.
AndreyIn the union of Andrei and Alexandra, romantic feelings are not so important as loyalty, reliability and mutual support.
AlexeiIn Alexander's relationship, he approaches everything prudently. The sharpness and straightforwardness of Alexei suppress Sasha's feelings, because of this, the union may fall apart.
AnatolyOver time, an idyll of feelings will come in this family, since each of them does not seek to limit the partner’s personal space, they completely trust each other.
IvanThis couple strives for constant joint pastime. Every day they get to know each other better and fall in love again. The feelings of Alexandra and Ivan remain strong until the end of their lives, and over the years the relationship becomes stronger.
NovelIn such a family, love and mutual understanding reign. Partners respect each other's opinions and beliefs. They are wonderful lovers. There is also a strong friendship in the relationship between Alexandra and Roman. Together they strive for the intended goal and can become excellent business partners.
VladimirResponsive and freedom-loving Vladimir attracts Sasha, but the passion may be temporary.
DenisTheir harmony in relationships can only be envied. Such a strong union is created once and for all life. For Alexandra and Denis, love, loyalty and mutual understanding are important.
IgorThe union of Alexandra and Igor promises them a happy family life. Both are afraid to hurt the partner's feelings, they will always treat each other with understanding.
VitalyHardworking Vitaly wants to find not only loving wife but also an excellent hostess. Alexandra will perfectly cope with the wishes of her lover, which will serve to create a happy family life.


Alexandra has a strong immune system since birth. In childhood, the girl is not very susceptible to diseases, but problems associated with the respiratory tract may occur.

Sasha is very emotional, so you should pay attention to her psychological state. Since Alexandra leads an active lifestyle, she is at risk of getting any kind of injury.

Table: characters that match the name

CharacteristicMeaningImpact on a person
PlanetMarsPersistent character. Often quick-tempered, aggressive, but very purposeful people. Get what you want at any cost.
Zodiac signAriesThey are always in a continuous struggle for superiority, they want to take the place of the leader. Quite temperamental natures: despite their upbringing, it is sometimes difficult for them to curb their straightforwardness.
ElementEarthSuch people are very thoughtful. They tend to think carefully about their actions. They have serious plans for the future.
Number1 They have extraordinary thinking. Very hardy and strong-willed people, seeking to discover something new. For them, self-improvement is important. The "ones" have high self-esteem, which they will not allow anyone to lower even an inch. Sometimes they show selfishness and hostility towards others.
ColorBlueIt symbolizes fidelity, harmony, balance. Encourages to learn the secrets of the universe and gain new knowledge.
totem animalHippopotamusA symbol of power, endurance, rebelliousness and at the same time vulnerability. Sometimes the hippopotamus is considered the personification of absolute equanimity and composure, which is associated with the thick skin of the animal.
TreeCypressMeans eternal youth, perseverance and the desire for prosperity. IN Eastern countries cypress personifies well-being, success, but at the same time - the collapse of all living things.
PlantHydrangeaFor the Japanese, it is a symbol of generosity and sincerity.
StoneAventurineIt attracts success, strengthens family relationships, giving peace and mutual understanding, promotes positive deeds, tends to absorb the negative thoughts of its owner, giving confidence in achieving various goals.
MetalGoldHoliness, omnipotence, purity, happiness. A symbol of prosperity, longevity, uniqueness.

When was Sasha born?

Winter Alexanders are always looking for adventures on their own heads and find them. Often get into trouble life situations who are unable to solve on their own. They are quite stubborn and wayward, they perceive any criticism with hostility.

Spring Alexandra is whimsical, arrogant, selfish. She puts her priorities above all else, this harms not only career activity, but also the creation family relations. If such a girl becomes responsive and friendly, her financial and Family status will change for the better.

Alexandra, born in the spring, can be arrogant and selfish

Summer Alexandra is impulsive and vindictive. You shouldn’t piss off such a woman if you don’t want to be cruelly avenged in the future. It contains the makings of a leader, but Sasha, who was born in the summer, does not always manage to competently build a plan to achieve what she wants and calculate her capabilities.

Autumn Alexandra is overly persistent, sometimes annoying and whimsical. She is often grumpy and unhappy with something. This condition can cause nervous breakdowns and apathy. To avoid this, Sasha, who was born in autumn, needs to be in the company of happy and friendly people.

Name horoscope

AriesA fiery and energetic woman. Her actions are unpredictable. Being for a long time alone, she may experience a depressive state. Alexandra-Aries is always surrounded by optimistic friends. She does not like people who constantly complain about fate, they make Sasha feel sad.
TaurusResponsible, prudent and practical, in important matters she never gives vent to feelings. Many colleagues and acquaintances consider her cold-blooded and insensitive, but this opinion is false. Alexandra-Taurus is a sensitive, calm and modest woman. In relation to her partner - tender and caring.
TwinsPositive, energetic, cheerful, graceful. He does not dwell on the past, proudly moves forward to new achievements. No difficulties and obstacles can stop her. Nothing can spoil the mood of Alexandra-Gemini. She enjoys every little thing that happens in her life.
CancerSensitive, vulnerable, soft-hearted. Worries not only about own life, she is worried about the hardships of others. Alexandra-Rak is understanding and sympathetic, so she is most often chosen as a vest in which you can cry. Such a responsible girl, always ready to help.
a lionAlways in the spotlight good example to their colleagues and acquaintances. Alexandra the Lioness has high self-esteem. She - strong personality capable of overcoming all obstacles on the way to success. She has few friends, because not everyone can open up to her.
VirgoDelicacy, prudence and practicality are characteristic of Alexandra-Virgo. She purposefully goes to her goal without any losses. She leads humble life, does not like noisy companies, but her life is filled with various surprises and amazing events.
ScalesGraceful, graceful, fragile. Able to charm anyone with her lightness and good nature. At the same time, Alexandra-Libra has a steadfast character and will never allow herself to be insulted or humiliated.
ScorpionSubject to frequent and sudden mood swings. Because of this feature, she has practically no friends. But the eccentricity of Alexandra-Scorpio attracts interesting and bright people to her who bring new colors to her life.
SagittariusLeads an active lifestyle. She is one of the first to know about everyone important events. Such a girl is a very curious person, sometimes other people's fates are more interesting for her than her own. She should be careful, as she may lose the trust of others and end up alone.
CapricornDelicate, prudent, meek. Alexandra-Capricorn is almost impossible to piss off. She is able to find a way out of the most tense situation. She has a well-developed intuition: before panicking, she will think through all the options for solving the problem. Surrounding people appreciate her for her strong-willed character, accuracy and tact.
AquariusSecretive, vulnerable and sensitive. Often think about the meaning of life. Alexandra-Aquarius loves history and philosophy. Often lives in her own world, so such a girl is often considered strange. She does not know how to express her emotions, believing that this is a waste of time.
FishCharming, graceful, charming. Alexandra-Pisces knows her worth. She skillfully uses her attractive appearance to achieve her own goals.

Famous women named Alexandra

There are many famous women in history with this name:

  • Alexandra Exter - artist, theater decorator;
  • Alexandra Romanova - Russian Empress;
  • Alexandra Kollontai - leader of the international and Russian revolutionary socialist movement;
  • Alexandra Pakhmutova - songwriter;
  • Alexandra Zabelina - Soviet athlete, three-time Olympic champion in fencing;
  • Alexandra Zakharova - Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist Russia;
  • Alexandra Glagoleva-Arkadyeva - physicist who created the so-called mass emitter;
  • Alexandra Efimenko - historian, ethnographer, the first woman - an honorary doctor of Russian history;
  • Alexandra Zaretskaya - Israeli figure skater;
  • Alexandra Pivovarova is a Russian top model.

There are both children's and adult poems about Alexander: Agniya Barto "Joke about Shurochka", Alexander Dolsky "Sanka", Elena Frantsuzova "Suitcase".

Photo gallery: famous Alexandra

Alexandra is very hardy, she stubbornly overcomes all obstacles and achieves what she wants. Sasha is categorical in everything and quite unpredictable, so it is difficult for others to contact her. The owners of this name are very quick-tempered and emotional. Often her impulsiveness leads to an unpleasant outcome of the situation. Despite practicality and foresight, Alexandra often succumbs to a fit of feelings.

The name Alexander carries a special energy and strength. Although initially it has male origin, the owners of this name manage to combine femininity and inner rod that allows you to get what you want.

The meaning and origin of the name

The name Alexandra has several roots. It is known from history that it appeared in Greece and almost immediately spread to other nations. In Rus', this name gained particular popularity during the reign of Alexander Nevsky - first in its "male" incarnation, and then in the female one.

Translated from Greek, it means “protector”, “preserving”, “giving hope and help”. Also exists short forms given name: Aleksania, Sanya, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashulya, Shura, Shurena, Alexa, Aleksyusha.

The fate and character of the name Alexander

The character of the girl Sasha will be strong-willed, and how strongly this trait will manifest itself will depend on the color of the eyes of the bearer of the name. However, Alexandra will retain her features even at a conscious age, since in childhood she will not be denied anything.

On the one hand, determination and even toughness in character will help Alexandra achieve her goals and successfully build a career in any field. But it is precisely these traits that can play a negative role in her life, because, remembering the origin of their name, many Sasha consider themselves not attractive and feminine enough.

The owner of this name is independent, loves solitude, prone to reflection and analysis. There is also discretion in Alexandra's character: before taking certain actions, she will think several times and calculate everything. possible options.

In life, Alexander is a great optimist. She boldly takes on any business that seems interesting to her, and always brings it to the end. He does not like to procrastinate and tries to do everything in the shortest possible time. Such speed and speed of decision-making does not prevent her from calculating all possible options and making right choice. Therefore, it is often women with that name who become leaders and are able to achieve a leadership position.

However, the position of the boss can quickly bore Alexandra, and contrary to everything, first of all, the expectations of others, she is able to choose a job related to communication and travel. Her range of interests is so large that she can choose any profession that she likes and achieve in it best result. Therefore, it cannot be said about Sasha that only leadership positions are suitable for her. She is a talented and versatile person.

Alexandra's chosen one will be very lucky, because if she meets with someone, and even more so start a family, then only Great love. Alexandra's feelings know no bounds, she is a passionate lover, good friend and a great housewife. Of course, not everyone will be able to get used to her busy life rhythm, but after stopping communication with such a nature, it will be difficult for a man to return to a measured pace. Therefore, one who has connected his fate with Alexandra will definitely not be able to complain about gray everyday life or a boring marriage.

The meaning of the name Alexander for a child

IN school age Sasha likes to attend additional circles and sport sections, therefore, she does not have enough time for gossip and various tricks. But she doesn’t like to clean the house and run the household and does it only when absolutely necessary. Alexandra grows up resourceful and creative nature, but she is not compliant - this must be borne in mind by the girl's parents when they choose the name of Alexander for the child.

If Sasha is the only child in the family, then she can grow up to be a rather spoiled girl, so it is important for her parents to track this moment as well. At first, Sasha has few friends, since she is rather secretive and does not trust everyone she meets, but the same circumstance will save young Alexandra from many troubles and help her find faithful and reliable friends.

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Name energy: the name Alexander is associated with independence, a strong-willed character and purposefulness.

Alexandra's birthday 2.04, 6.05, 18.05, 31.05, 9.11, 19.11, 12.12.

To which patronymic the name Alexandra is suitable: Yurievna, Naumovna, Mironovna, Adamova, Oskarovna.

Patron Animal: Great Dane dog

Name element: Air

Charm stone: Aventurine

Protector metals: aluminium, silver

Color: orange

Planet: Jupiter

Plant: oak

Lucky number: 1

Notable Representatives: Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova - Russian Empress, Alexandra Pakhmutova - composer, Alexandra Goncharova - Russian actress, Alexandra Zabelina - athlete and Olympic champion in fencing, Alexandra Glagolyeva-Arkadieva - physicist, Alexandra Pivovarova - Russian top model, Alexandra Timoshenko - rhythmic gymnastics athlete .

Numerology of the female name Alexandra

One, the number of the name Alexander, speaks volumes. Alexandra is a born leader who can lead people. Nature endowed her with such rare qualities as determination, straightforwardness and perseverance. She is capable of any task that at first glance may seem impossible ... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

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If little Sashenka is growing in your home, then it is no wonder that loving parents want to know more about the meaning of the name of the child. And if Alexandra is already an adult, mature person, it is interesting to analyze the relationship between her character and name. After all, as they say, whatever you call a boat, so it will float. So, what is the meaning of the name Alexander?

Alexandra - what does this name mean

The name Sasha, meaning "protector", "courageous", came to us from the Greek language. So Alexandra has no other choice but to be a fighting and stubborn girl. By choosing such a name for a child, you give her strength and fortitude. The female analogue of the name Alexander completely repeats the features of the male.

Alexandra's character

Sasha has been a very active girl since childhood. She almost never can sit still - she always needs to run somewhere, do something, and everything around her seems too slow. This hyperactivity is explained by high intelligence and lightning-fast logic, so the child simply does not understand how it takes so long to solve some problems and think over a plan of action. The girl is very fond of the company of boys, because with them she converges better in character.

Sashenka has excellent analytical skills, she can succeed in school if her energy is directed correctly. But sometimes Alexandra is indecisive, so for such a child they have great importance constant praise and support.

Alexandra is a very purposeful girl. This means that if she set a goal, she will reach the end. Plus, she has a great tongue. Suitable professions: entrepreneurs, lawyers and journalists.

origin of the name Alexandra

The name Alexander came from the roots of two Greek words: "alekso" - to protect and "andros" - a man. It got into the pantheon of Russian names from Byzantium, when Prince Vladimir decided to baptize Rus'. It is not known exactly when exactly the female analogue of the name Alexander appeared, but from the semantics of the name it can be concluded that women were so called for their courage and justice.

Sasha's perspective

The meaning of the name Alexander subconsciously pushes her to be a real leader and an "iron lady". She is unlikely to pass on to others the adoption of any important decisions and will try to make an equal contribution to the family budget.

Sasha rarely get married before 30 years old. This is explained by the fact that they are accustomed to solving all issues progressively - first to grow a tree, build a house, and only then raise their son. Marriage, which sometimes means an extra burden of responsibility for this woman, will be acceptable when she stands firmly on her own feet. But on the other hand, relationships that mean a lot to her, she will keep very carefully.

Alexandra's name day

Sashenka has holidays all year round. Angel days are celebrated almost every other day. But of these, the most significant dates can be distinguished: April 2, May 6, June 26, July 17 and November 19.

Health impact

Unfortunately, Sasha's "Achilles' heel" is the respiratory tract and everything connected with them. She is prone to frequent colds and their complications. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the warming of the arms, legs and head in order to protect it from unpleasant consequences.

Compatibility and relationships

Everything about the name Alexander can be found in her relationship with the males. She always tries to be on a par with her chosen one - both intellectually and financially, so in restaurants a woman often pays for herself. Very important for Alexandra in life is her own independence. Suitable men with whom she will find harmony in relations: namesake Alexander, as well as Vladimir, Alexei, Yaroslav and Sergey.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus.
  • Talisman stones: aquamarine, opal, alexandrite.
  • Lucky color: blue.
  • Favorable season: spring.
