Attract a man by Feng Shui. Feng Shui and recipes for a happy relationship

Greetings Dear friends! I recently learned that many people use feng shui for love and marriage. It would seem that the interior design of rooms, offices, plants and various symbols can attract not only positive energy for home or work, but also to harmonize your personal life!

A certain energy emanates from any person, which changes depending on how his personal life develops. The science of feng shui shows a person to direct his energy in such a way as to bring relationships with those close to ideal, and build life in harmony with others.

From the article you will learn:

feng shui for love and marriage

Feng Shui is considered the main element in the horoscope of every person. With the right direction, you can change the internal energy that affects the fate of a person. First you need to study all the elements of this trend in order to use them for the benefit of yourself and those around you.

Feng Shui elements include: Water, Fire, Wood, Metal, Earth. They are able to return love, build harmonious relationship, to build a life in connection with its purpose.

Not only doctors, psychologists, but also other specialists have written a lot of books, articles, developed a huge number of trainings, programs in order not only to find, but also to maintain harmonious relationships in love or marriage. Despite this, perfect union is extremely rare.

Although this area is very individual and subjective, feng shui for love and marriage has formed certain recommendations. Adhering to the main points of Taoist philosophy can improve your personal life.

The main feng shui area for love and marriage in the house

The territorial direction of marital relations, according to ancient teachings, is considered to be the southwestern zone of an apartment or a private house. It is here that the foundations of relationships are laid not only between spouses, but also family members, relatives, friends, colleagues.

The most important principle of harmonious design is the overall balance of all the elements:

  1. The strongest elements are Fire and Water, so their presence in all rooms should be moderate if they do not become leading;
  2. Metal And Tree calmer matters, so their number can be increased;
  3. Earth is the most neutral element, therefore it is used everywhere.

What element controls the feng shui love zone in the apartment

As we found out above, the southwestern part of your house, that is, the feng shui sector of love and marriage, is greatly influenced by energy Earth supported by fire , contributing to the disclosure and strengthening of the following qualities:

  • Adoption;
  • Susceptibility;
  • Emotionality;
  • Passivity.

Based on this location, it is best to equip the bedroom here, because this room symbolizes sensuality, love, partnership. For its interior, it is desirable to use warm shades of orange, yellow or other "Earthly" colors. It is worth beingware of the elements accompanying the elements Water, because it can introduce misunderstanding in relationships, up to treason. Also undesirable is the abundant presence metal And tree, by their nature depleting nature Earth.

Feng shui love zone in the room. How to find the right

Of course, the southwestern part of an apartment or a private house is considered to be the main section of this direction, however, each room has its own territory responsible for this sector. Usually this is a corner or the entire wall. How to choose it, how to activate the feng shui love zone, we will consider below.

Feng Shui how to attract love and get married - Bagua grid

by the most the best assistant in order to determine the sector of love according to Feng Shui in the apartment, there will be a scheme called the “Bagua Grid”. There are 2 versions of this image:

  1. Eight equal parts of the geometric octagon, which have their own names, color scheme, elements, directions;
  2. Nine equivalent parts of the square, also denoting the cardinal points along with the elements.

Despite this, both images work, just superimpose them on top of the plan of your apartment, correlating with the compass readings. The most important criterion is attractiveness, a comfortable stay in the territory where the Feng Shui marriage zone is located in the apartment.

The sector of love and marriage according to feng shui: activation

If you are haunted by misfortunes in your personal life, you are lonely and your loved one has left you, then you need to experiment with the things and forms of the interior of the home. Such feng shui experiments to attract love will help you bring love, harmony, passion, tenderness and other human feelings back to life. There are many ways, for example, if you move the bed closer to the window, then your well-being will improve, and this will attract joy into life. The right environment in the apartment is the reason for achieving positive emotions that contribute to success in various fields.

First you need to clean your house of unnecessary things that carry the negative old energy, cause an imbalance in the energies of Yang and Yin and contribute to memories that do not allow you to set new program life. To get started, let yourself and your new home know that you are ready for the changes that should improve your life.

How to activate the feng shui love zone

You need to start these changes with a symbolic ritual, which should be built on sounds, smells, colors and sensations. The ritual may consist of prayer, lighting candles, fumigating the room with incense. Such rituals lead to the understanding that from this moment a new life begins.

After the ritual, you need to start changing the interior of the apartment to your taste and state of mind. The interior of the apartment should be in harmony with the element of your sign according to the horoscope.

Feng Shui love zone in the apartment and room

With the help of the Bagua grid, you need to determine in your apartment and room. The element of the element of Fire should always be present in the interior of your house, for this you need to have a large number of elements of the Wood in your house. Wood saturates Fire, thanks to which coziness and comfort appear in the atmosphere of the apartment. To do this, the furniture should be made of wood, there should be a large number of plants around, it is better to choose a green wallpaper. This will make a good energy of the Tree in the house, which will be absorbed by the Fire.

Symbols and talismans of love in feng shui

Red and orange colors will balance in combinations with green and brown. If you have a lot of passion in your relationship with your partner, then you need to introduce neutral calm colors into the interior of the apartment, because passionate love can swallow you whole. Bright yellow colors in the interior cause despondency and depression. Green aloe plants bring their Wood element into the home, giving a person peace and tranquility.

Various books bring positive energy into the house. Several shelves with old and new books will bring stability and comfort to the house. Items to be kept in the bathroom blue flowers Helping the element of Water. Sea stones and shells made from natural materials, make the elements of Water circulate well, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, in turn, perfectly nourishes the elements of the Earth.

In the kitchen there should be jars or boxes with spices and. Exotic spices such as coriander, nutmeg and cinnamon provide a grounding sensation that opens up the realm of the earth element. It is not recommended to keep cacti and creeping flowers in the kitchen, as they depress the energy of the kitchen, causing constant quarrels and swearing on its territory.

In the interior of the apartment there should always be an element of Metal. It can add spice to intimate life spouses. The best metal that nurtures intimate interest is gold. You can stick a few gold stars on the bedroom door or hang pictures in a gilded frame. Gold chains and other gold jewelry can be hung on the nightstands near the beds, gold will return your intimate relationships to their former passion. And feng shui love pictures with images of red peonies will attract passion in bed with a partner. You can also hang pictures with couples in love and hearts, and that you like them. You can also add souvenirs - two ducks or two cats, symbolizing love in a couple.

Yin and Yang Symbols in Feng Shui

The essence of ancient Chinese teaching is the concept that studies the world through the twins Yin and Yang. In these concepts, the ancient sages saw not opposites, but complementary models. In order for one of the twins to live in his life, the opposite beginning must be present. Thus, one of the ancient and impressive symbols arose - the symbol of Yin Yang.

The Yin-Yang symbol is a simple meaningful black and white circle. It is in it that all the provisions of the ancient Chinese teachings are concentrated. Each half contains the seed of the other half. This means the inseparable and unified beginning of the two halves.

Everyone knows that white means Yang, and black means Yin. This means the polarity and duality of our world. The curved line represents opposition and interconnectedness. The dots in each of the twins means the germ, which symbolizes one beginning in the other. Yin and Yang are very dependent on each other. They are like the plus and minus of one magnet, they are a single whole.

Everything comes from Tao. This is where Yin and Yang come from. And because of this, everything is in balance. These opposites are reincarnated into each other every time. They never stop and are in constant flux and movement. This is what allows the flow of Qi energy to be born. This process can be compared with the process of supplying alternating electric current.

Yin and Yang are present in almost all things, but not in equal amounts. They always interact with each other. Thus, they generate cyclical changes. These constant changes are like the movement of a pendulum. Tao is precisely the natural process that is able to combine these two forces into one.

If you believe the traditional canons of Chinese medicine, then we can say that the human body also needs harmony, which must be maintained every time. internal state man is Yin. The external state of a person is Yang.

If negative processes function in the human body, then there is a violation in the balance of Yin-Yang. The same can be said about human emotions. in order for all emotions to be under control, harmony reigned in the house and at work, it is necessary to balance the amount of energy of Yin and Yang.

The Feng Shui teaching says that if you want to have harmony in your home, you must balance the energy of Yin and Yang. Only then will a person be in harmony with environment and in personal life.

Now, fully armed, use “all the chips” in Feng Shui to attract love and marriage, especially since you know how to decorate the Feng Shui love zone - act and be loved!

how to attract a man into your life feng shui

Let's try to figure out what needs to be done in order to find your soul mate, increase the romantic side of relationships, learn to love, accept yourself, improve relations with the outside world.

Definite activation of the feng shui love zone

Many people think that family happiness is like lottery ticket, but this is not true. Attracting love and a man into your life according to feng shui is not laborious, but daily work. It is important to remember a benevolent attitude towards others, try to avoid selfishness, negativity, because it is able to return to you like a boomerang.

It is also important to remember about harmonious ratio yin-yang in your personal space, that is, objects that bring masculine and feminine energy should be about equal. For example, if the apartment of a single lady is filled exclusively with pink ruffles, cats, faded floral patterns, then the appearance of a man here is unlikely. To attract happy love according to feng shui, it is necessary to add yang energy - masculine objects, bright saturated tones.

Let's take a look at the most common tips. ancient philosophy instructing how to attract the love of a man:

  • During full moon it is best to light candles floating in the water;
  • For a date, it is more correct to choose clothes or its individual elements in red tones. This will enhance the influence of the "Qi" energy;
  • It is very important not to forget about the basic rule - if you need to get something new, you need to make room in space, get rid of the old. Therefore, throw out trinkets, souvenirs, gifts from previous partners;

Another important rule lies in exact description future partner. After all, as a spouse, you need exactly the chosen one, and not the first man who comes across. The Universe should not, and cannot, reliably know about your preferences or desires. Therefore, it is important to make an extensive list of qualities inherent in your ideal, and containing both positive aspects and formulations with the word “not”. For example: "Does not drink alcohol without restraint, does not smoke."

Having decided on a set of qualities, they must be beautifully written on paper in the color of love (pink or red), rolled up, be sure to tie with a red ribbon. This tube must be carefully placed in the so-called "marriage corner". This is the furthest corner from front door on the right side.

What picture for the bedroom according to feng shui for love and marriage is needed

Having found out the location of this sector, you need to know how to strengthen the feng shui love zone. Can be posted here various images on photographic paper, paintings, figurines. They are able to support, spread, but also enhance the sensual romantic energy. How to choose them:

  • Images of peonies or roses symbolize bright feelings, trust, sincerity, therefore they will help to maintain a stormy relationship in a marital bed;
  • Reproductions or photographs of single women (for women) or single men (respectively for men) can play a bad joke on you, as they can attract this into your real life. It is best to opt for paired happy images, projecting this energy onto yourself;
  • The energy power of the full moon can increase the likelihood of attracting your chosen one. That is why a picture with a similar landscape will become indispensable;
  • You should not hang your portraits, but you can find a specific place for a photo with the image of a person you like.

How to choose the right pair of feng shui items

Paired items - feng shui figurines for love

A weighty amulet family happiness, attracting romantic luck are considered paired figurines of animals and birds. Usually it is a pair of dolphins, swans, pigeons, phoenixes or mandarin ducks. They are the guardians and activators of the love sector.

How else to activate the love zone? According to Feng Shui, you can decorate the interior with beautiful paired sinks. For this purpose, paired figurines of elephants with trunks lowered down are also suitable. It is believed that they not only bring passion to intimate relationships, but also help to conceive a child.

The tangerine tree is considered a symbol of fidelity, enduring love, so its presence in the marriage zone will bring the former passion to the extinguished feelings.

Bright talisman - feng shui mandarin ducks

The most recognizable popular talisman, symbolizing fidelity to family ties, is considered to be figurines of mandarin ducks. It is these birds in nature, like swans, that choose a couple only once, remaining faithful to each other throughout their lives. If one partner dies, the other will suffer the same fate.

Mandarin Ducks - Feng Shui for Love and Marriage

How to choose these amulets:

  • The color of the chosen figurines should be as close as possible to the original, preferably in orange tones;
  • Talismans should be made of materials suitable for the elements of the Earth, because feng shui for love and marriage determines exactly the southwestern direction. Semi-precious stones will be an excellent choice;
  • When choosing, it is worth remembering firmly - the number must be even, otherwise by adding an extra duck without a pair, you risk inviting someone else into your family relationship.

Mandarin ducks, feng shui. Where to put to strengthen marriage

Even if you buy 10 pairs of these figurines, but place them incorrectly, there will be no benefit from them. So what criteria should be followed in order to strengthen the existing union:

  1. The southwestern zone is the optimal location;
  2. A pair of ducks will settle down perfectly in the bedroom of the spouses;
  3. The most conspicuous arrangement will do, so that they catch the eye more often;
  4. Aquarium or favorite indoor flower become good neighbors;
  5. Wedding rings are best stored next to mandarin ducks, you can even buy boxes with their image;
  6. To enhance the impact on the southwest wall, you can place an image of these birds, and a couple of talismans in your purse can bring additional romance.

What to Avoid in the Feng Shui Love Zone

  • Mirrors reflecting the bed in the love zone, especially in the bedroom, are not at all the place, they can take away your romantic luck;
  • If the house resembles a lone wolf's lair (one chair, glass, bedside table, lamp, pillow, and so on), then this must be corrected with a double bed, two pillows, two stools, a pair of sconces;
  • The space above the bed should be free, and shelves with massive decorations should be moved to another place;
  • It is better to remove the workplace from the southwestern zone in general;
  • armful soft toys from your childhood, computers, printers, unnecessary things, dirty clothes do not belong in this zone.

Someone thinks that feng shui is used mainly for the correct arrangement of furniture in the apartment, but knowledgeable people have long understood the true purpose of feng shui. It consists in helping a person organize space and his life so that the most necessary thing comes into it - happiness.

I agree with the statement that happiness for each of us is different, but it seems to me that there is something that unites even the most different people: it is the desire to love and be loved. You can use feng shui to attract love - you just need to learn some secrets, and I will share them with you.

Where to begin

Feng shui for love works if a person is really ready for serious relationship and wants to let feelings into her life. So how do we start attracting love with Feng Shui?

First of all, let's put things in order at home. You should not brush aside and assume that such a neat person like you has perfect cleanliness in the apartment. Feng Shui cleaning is a little different, you need to not only thoroughly clean all surfaces, but also be sure to:

  • wash mirrors and windows, because dirty glass collects negative energy;
  • to sort out all the rubble - every woman has a lot of little things in her apartment that she simply cannot raise her hand to throw away, so now is the time for this;
  • to part with the past - throw away what has not brought happiness and joy for a long time, take away from sight (or better, completely out of the apartment) gifts from former lovers, you should not store their energy where you want to attract love;
  • determine where in the apartment which sector is located.
After the house is clean not only in terms of logic, but also in terms of Feng Shui, you can proceed to the next step.

Feng Shui is a practice based on space zoning. Each sector is responsible for some area of ​​human life, and in order to achieve happiness and harmony, it is best to place in each sector the symbol that will attract what you need into your life.

For example, a very common symbol of relationships - images of peonies - is recommended for very young girls, because it enhances their sexuality. If you put an image of peonies in the marriage sector of an elderly couple, quarrels may begin, the man will begin to look to the side.

love zone

Each apartment has a zone of love and marriage. Usually this is the place that is located in the southwestern part of the apartment. The marriage zone belongs to the elements of fire, so you need to carefully monitor that there are no elements that belong to the elements of metal and wood.

In order for the sector responsible for love to be more active, it is necessary to place more colors of fire in it - shades of red, pink, orange. It also makes sense to bring something from the elements of the earth there - it can be any objects in brown, sand and yellow shades. Using the power of the elements of the earth in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment will help to find strong and stable relationships.

Some paired objects are usually used as activators for the love sector. You can get by with something very simple - identical boxes, paired pillows, candlesticks or lamps. A live fire in this zone will be of great benefit - always a pair. The easiest way is to light a couple of beautiful red candles in this sector from time to time.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the strongest pairs in the animal kingdom are found among birds - in Chinese traditions, these are usually mandarin ducks, cranes or pigeons. A pair of figurines of these birds will help attract love, as well as strengthen existing relationship. However, not only figurines can be used as talismans of family happiness.

Talismans of love

Feng Shui talismans are needed in order to attract this or that energy to your home, usually some images, paintings, objects and figurines are used as talismans, which are a symbol of the necessary element.

One of the main talismans focused on happy relationships that can be used in the marriage zone or in the bedroom is a picture of peonies. Girls who want early marriage, can use a talisman with peonies in several places of their apartment - not only the love zone is responsible for relationships, it should also be noted that the sector that symbolizes the entrance to the bedroom.

Another powerful symbol and the talisman of love - crystals. However, it should be remembered that this talisman will be very powerful only if you prepare it - you need to clean it with water and salt (it is better to use natural sea salt). If you want to hear about love more often, then you should highlight the crystal, it is best to do it in red colors.

What else can be used as a pair talisman:

  • images of pairs of swans or any other birds, better than light shades;
  • the symbol of the footprints of the Buddha;
  • images of women and men.
It must be borne in mind that a talisman that does not have a pair will not work - for this, two things must be placed in the marriage sector.

Why is the love zone so important?

Energetically, the love zone is the concentration of love in the apartment. Therefore, never swear in this room, refrain from mournful thoughts there if you like. happy marriage. The love zone will work better if you carry out certain feng shui rituals in it that are needed to attract a spouse and a happy marriage.

Feng Shui allows you to express your feelings different ways- you can use talismans to attract marriage, some symbol that has a couple will work well.

You should not collect everything that comes into your head into the love sector - it is best if the talismans are selected with love and attention. There must be talismans that emphasize femininity - flowers and birds do an excellent job with this.

Choose talismans carefully, you should have a bright association. If you are indifferent to birds, you should not use talismans with their image - it is better to choose how main character love and marriage beautiful flowers.

A symbol of mutual understanding must also be placed in the marriage sector - wisdom-oriented talismans will cope with this.

What else to pay attention to

The feng shui love zone requires regular attention. Get some kind of pleasant to the touch symbol there - these can be talismans that are pleasant to you personally. Such a symbol will need to be stroked several times a day. Great symbol for the fulfillment of desires, which can be placed in the sector of relations - Hottei, if you stroke his fat tummy a certain number of times, he will certainly fulfill the desire.

Feng Shui also recommends that the marriage area be well lit. To do this, you can use both daylight and artificial lighting. The zone of love, which is constantly in the twilight, usually works worse - in order for the zone to work, it needs positive energy that flows into the bright areas of the apartment.

My experience

I always use new knowledge that comes into my life - it seems to me that fate constantly throws me some signs and clues. The same goes for Feng Shui. When I learned about how to attract sensuality with this ancient technique, I was in a happy and lasting relationship, but nevertheless I decided to try it myself. And you know, I can say that feng shui will help even happy couples to establish an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding in the apartment!

I used candles and crystals, and we also brought back a cute figurine from a trip with some kissing tropical birds. Having brought together all the items in the zone of love and well-being, a week later I began to feel how our relationship was changing - my lover became more sensitive and attentive, he began to talk about his feelings more often and confirm his love daily. So I advise you to try to use the secrets of Feng Shui - and if you have a loved one, and especially if you are single, love will come to you.

To attract love? It is important to properly organize the space in the house, get rid of objects - symbols of loneliness and fill the rooms with love talismans.

Apartment design

The most important thing in the Eastern teaching is to properly organize the space in the house in which you live. This should be done first of all, and only then pick up talismans and symbols of love to decorate the interior.

General Tips:

  • Print out pictures of handsome men (only strangers) and hang them around the house. It is very important that these are abstract people, not stars and not guys from your environment.
  • Remove all items that symbolize loneliness. It can be sad, decorative figurines. Replace them with pairs. For example, it is better to change the figurine of one angel for a figurine, where there are already two angels. And so on
  • Birds, according to Feng Shui, are a symbol of love. Therefore, fill the space with paintings, figurines, figurines and any other images of birds. It is best if it is phoenixes or peacocks
  • All gifts former men must be discarded or destroyed. Do not regret anything, otherwise the past will never allow you to build normal relations with the new chosen ones. Ruthlessly burn photos, distribute expensive gifts and jewelry to your girlfriends. If it's a pity, sell it, and spend the money for your own pleasure
  • Keep all “female things” in one place, do not distribute them throughout the apartment. These are cosmetics, jewelry, lace underwear, little things dear to the heart and so on.

It is considered the most important place to attract love. Therefore, the space in this room must be organized very carefully. Observe the following rules:

  1. At the head of the bed, you can hang pictures depicting the moon and everything connected with it. This attracts lunar energy, which is very important for a woman to fill up.
  2. Mirrors must be placed in such a way that they do not reflect. It is believed that mirror reflection draws love energy
  3. You can not keep fresh flowers in the bedroom, they are better placed in the sector of wealth and good luck, in the southeastern part of the apartment
  4. Keep more paired items at home. A double bed, two pillows, two toothbrushes, slippers and more - all these things attract men into your life
  5. It is undesirable to place the bed in such a way that you sleep in the direction of "feet towards the door"
  6. The bedroom should not be a walk-through room, ideally it is a separate room with one entrance door
  7. Items symbolizing marine items attract love. Decorate your bedroom with shells, sea stones, themed appliqués
  8. Store children's toys in the child's room. If there is no separate room for the nursery, place them anywhere, but not in the bedroom

Natalia's tips for attracting love and marriage:

  1. If the bedroom is oversaturated with female energy, the chances of meeting the second half are small. Therefore, you need to get rid of the little things that are dear to the female heart: soft toys, objects Pink colour, excessive pillows
  2. Imagine that every night in your bedroom you fall asleep not alone, but with a man. What will the room look like then? Put not one, but two pillows on the bed. Free up a shelf in the closet for the clothes of the future husband, do not litter the place under the mirror with cosmetics
  3. It is forbidden to store electrical appliances in the love sector. From there you need to remove all household appliances: from the TV to the hair dryer. So you will remove the "lifeless" energy that does not allow love to appear in your life.
  4. Fill the space of love in the house (the southwestern part of the apartment) with symbolic things. It could be paintings. happy couples, figurines in the shape of hearts, red scented candles
  5. To maximize the energy of love, make a wish card. Fill in the appropriate sector of the card with images of happy couples, weddings, romantic dates, sign with the correct affirmations (“I met the love of my life”, “I married the man of my dreams”)

In addition, in order to meet your chosen one, you need to clearly understand what he should be like. Therefore, first try to visualize the image of a suitable partner, and only then proceed to decorate the house according to Feng Shui.

Watch a video on how to attract love with Feng Shui:

According to Eastern philosophy, it is necessary not only to follow the correct organization of space, but also to follow some other recommendations.

They are the following:

  • Take some time and think about what kind of man you want to meet. Write on paper in detail all the features of the future chosen one. What it should be, and what qualities can repel you. Visualize pictures of your acquaintance, imagine how the relationship will develop. The finished list can be tied up with red thread and put away in a secluded place.
  • Occasionally light red scented candles at home. The red color and the energy of Fire attract flows of love energy, fill a woman with attractiveness and beauty.
  • Going on a date, put on a red dress. As a last resort, use accessories of this color.
  • Keep order in the house. Designate a place for each item and always put it away after use. Get rid of broken and damaged items that block energy flows in time

You will be surprised how quickly the feng shui methods begin to work. As soon as you organize the space correctly, many opportunities will come into your life to meet the man of your dreams.

If you are still single, but do not give up trying to find your soul mate, feng shui for love can help you in this difficult matter. Let's see what feng shui experts advise in order to find happiness and love as soon as possible.

feng shui

If you are serious about arranging your personal life, it is recommended to hang at the entrance with the image of peonies, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolize love. You can also decorate the bedroom with live peonies in a beautiful vase. For married couples, both live and painted peonies are extremely undesirable, because due to an overabundance of love energy, one of the spouses may be drawn to treason.

Another feng shui love talisman is crystals, symbolizing Mother Earth. Before installation, they must be “cleaned” by holding for seven days in sea ​​water and then place in the southwest corner of your bedroom.

feng shui for love: paired figurines

Another powerful talisman that attracts love to a person's life are paired figurines. Any images of people or animals will do, the main thing is that there are two figurines, and they symbolize a couple. It is desirable to place these talismans in the love zone, which is located in the far right corner of the bedroom from the door. By the way, this place must be treated reverently, keep it clean and try not to clutter it with unnecessary things and objects.

feng shui for love: bedroom decoration

Pay special attention to the interior of your bedroom: it is desirable that it be designed in delicate pink or peach tones. It is believed that these colors are able to attract love.

You should also always remember that in the whole apartment, and especially in the bedroom, order should always reign. Try to get rid of old unnecessary or broken things, artificial flowers and cracked dishes, because all these items attract only negative energy into the house.

feng shui for love: bed

The location of your bed deserves special attention. If you want to attract love into your life, then your bed must be double. When you lie on the bed, some beautiful object should open to your eyes: ideal option will be the already mentioned picture of peonies. Also, feng shui categorically does not allow massive chandeliers or shelves hanging over the bed to attract love. The ideal location of the bed is considered if it is installed with the headboard towards the window.

Due to the fact that, as a rule, the home of single girls and women is filled with exclusively female and childish energy thanks to various soft pillows, trinkets, teddy bears etc., in order to attract a man into your life, you need to bring a little male energy into your apartment. To do this, place in your bedroom a model car or plane, a photo of your favorite athlete, singer or actor. You can also get any pet, but only male.

This article is for you if your life is not loving man. You have been alone for a long time, and maybe you have a man with whom you meet or periodically have sex. But it doesn't matter, because inside you know that it's not Him and you need it only in order not to be alone.

So how attract a man into your life, and not just a man, but how to attract love into your life? That's what we'll talk about now. It's not magical simoron rituals, and not Feng Shui, and not even the energy of the sexual chakra. Because no red underpants on a chandelier, men's slippers, lists with the qualities of a future spouse and activation of the southeast sector in the apartment are able to attract a beloved man into your life. You don't believe me because there's so much written about it on other sites? Then try...

Red shorts on a chandelier

In the morning you put on red shorts, in the evening you take them off and with the words “underpants on the chandelier, MAN in the house” you throw it on the chandelier. Then you sit and wait for the appearance of a man.

If a man has not been identified in the next month, then you can try another "powerful" ritual. You take a big horseradish root, finding the biggest one is in your direct interests :). You decorate it with ribbons, bows and tie 2 eggs from a kinder surprise to it. Then you dip horseradish in water and, splashing yourself, say complete nonsense: “I sprinkle with horseradish spirit, I appoint the queen of life, I inseminate all desires, live as you want, I allow you.” And then you hit yourself on the head with horseradish!

If horseradish did not help attract a man, then all hope is for a slipper ritual. I think that it is not worth continuing further and explaining to those who do not understand what kind of nonsense I am writing here. These are popular Simoron rituals to attract a man. Many women are addicted to them, and I am also a sinner, I tried. But now I can say with 100% certainty that it doesn’t work!

Because the whole point of these comic and absurd actions is to go beyond the boundaries of the ordinary world, to go where you are a magician and creator. And if you're a wizard, you can conjure whatever you want: loving husband, lots of money and a fancy house to boot. And the main thing is that for this you do not need to make any efforts, you just have to be weird.

But sooner or later the circus leaves, taking away the soap bubbles of happiness, but the clowns remain. They again become ordinary Lenas and Natashas, ​​and they again have to live in real world returning from work to their empty apartments. The euphoria of omnipotence vanished, and disappointment from unfulfilled hopes came.

Therefore, girls, it is better to use cowards for their intended purpose, and hell too. We won't need them. For a beloved man to come into our lives, we need emotions, feelings and thoughts. Because our psycho-emotional state is the only way to influence the events in our lives. That's what we'll be working with.

How to attract the man you love: Allow yourself to be

When a person drowns, in order to swim up, he needs to reach the bottom, push off and begin to rise to the surface. It also happens in life. Eat life situations, which cannot be solved without reaching the bottom. But only, pushing off the bottom, we begin to rise towards the light.

You are 30, 35, 40 years old, you are not married and you have no children. And it is quite possible that nothing shines ahead on the personal front. This is your bottom state: you are unmarried and childless! Allow yourself to be. If you are sad, then be sad for a while, suffer. And then, step by step, begin to gratefully accept everything that is already in your life.

As you accept it, you will begin to feel how amazing things happen to you: new strengths and energy come from somewhere, you start doing what you have long dreamed of, but have been putting off all the time, and men are paying more and more attention to you. Why this is happening can be found in my earlier article. In this article, in fact, I just described the first step in attracting a beloved man into my life. Therefore, I will not repeat myself and move on to the second step.

How to Attract the Man You Love: Create a Void and Be Prepared

Now I will say very important words. In them concluded the basic law of attraction between a man and a woman: WOMAN LETS IN, MAN COMES. And only in this order and nothing else. First, a woman must allow a man to come into her life, and only then can he come.

And now let's talk about how we, women, "let" a man into our lives. Imagine a vessel filled with water. To pour in clean water, it is necessary to pour out of it everything with which it is filled. The woman is the same vessel. Therefore, you need to let go of all old relationships. It doesn’t matter what was in them: joy and love or pain and disappointment. Both equally fill the vessel of our soul. Now there are many energy practices and meditations on how to let go of men with whom there were relationships in the past. As for me, I like the technique that I described in the article.

It is clear that letting go so that thoughts about a person completely stop bothering you is a rather long procedure, and I have already written about this. Therefore, in parallel, we allow yourself to be a woman. And this means that we stop doing "men's affairs." If you need to urgently repair something, nail a nail, move a heavy bedside table - we ask a man. Let it be a neighbor, friend, acquaintance, or just "husband for an hour." The main thing here is that inside of us there should be a need for a man. This female state is a kind of request or request to the Universe: I need a man, I am a woman and I need help. And if I can do everything myself, and repair an apartment, and earn money for a car, and move a closet, then why do I need a man !? I can manage myself.

What do we do next? And then we need vacate part of the dwelling for a man. He's also human :) After all, he needs somewhere to put his things, somewhere to sleep, eat, wash, go to the toilet. Look around you: the cabinets are packed to capacity, there is no free space on the bathroom shelf for various jars and vials, and you can’t hang another jacket in the hallway.

Therefore, the first thing we do is clean the cabinets: everything that for a long time not dressed, give away or throw away, leaving only the most favorite things. The freed up space in the cabinets should remain empty. Similarly, we free up space in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the corridor. If children's toys are preserved, then they must be disposed of first. You have grown up!

If you are used to sleeping in the middle of a double bed, then you need to make room. I advise you to put two pillows side by side, and sleep only on one side of the bed, and let the other side be left free.

Attention! All these procedures to free up part of your living space do not mean at all that a man will come and stay in your apartment. Maybe it's the other way around. You will move to live in his luxurious mansion. The main thing here is your willingness to give something away, let go, release something in order to let someone else into your life.

That's all! Let me briefly list all our activities. We accepted our current life with gratitude, ceasing to waste energy on a senseless struggle with it. We stopped doing “male” things, thereby sending a request to the Universe that we need a man, because we can’t cope on our own. We freed up space inside and outside ourselves so that a man had a place to come. And we, most importantly, are ready to let him into our lives. Waiting-s-s-s...

I think there are questions here. I will try to predict and answer them.

Your questions are my answers

And how long to wait?

I don't want to lie. Therefore, I will not promise that the door will open tomorrow and MMM (the Man of My Dream, that is, yours) will appear on the threshold. There are no such practices, conspiracies or prayers that can attract a man, love, the birth of children or a major financial upsurge. They simply do not exist in nature!

Why? Because we live within strictly defined boundaries. Each of us has our own opportunities and our own life schedule, when we can realize these opportunities and reach our Ceiling. Therefore, I emphasize many times in my articles that we need to watch the Horoscope, which is the key to our life program. An experienced astrologer will always be able to correctly calculate the time when the Above will give the green light for a meeting with a loved one or for marriage.

But then a logical question arises: why all these dances with a tambourine to attract a man, if everything is already a foregone conclusion. But the fact is that it is our willingness to "take" or, in other words, our emotional mood, allows you to take advantage of all the chances that are given to us from Above. Believe me, each of us has chances, only many pass them by. Here I am writing about it.

But there is also an opposite situation. In the forecast, a woman has strong indications of a relationship. And it doesn’t matter whether she is single or married, whether she is ready for a new relationship or resists them in every possible way. As they say: receive and sign! new man will surely break into her life and turn everything upside down.

Do you need to get to know yourself?

Here everything is individual, and much depends on how the sphere of personal life is described in the Horoscope. Someone needs to take the initiative most actively: register on a dating site; visit more places where you can meet; be the first to approach the man you like. And someone needs to passively wait: the husband himself will knock on the door and say, “I want to be your husband.” Believe me, it happens.

I read/heard from a friend/know someone personally who bought men's slippers/wrote a list of the characteristics of a future husband/visualized/prayed and He showed up! Why did they succeed?

In response, I will tell the story of one of my clients. She was 30 years old, and she decided it was time to get married. The woman created the "intention" for marriage. And six months later she got married. But when I looked at past events, then in her birth chart for exactly 30 years there are indications of marriage with emigration. Therefore, I think that she intuitively felt what should happen to her and acted in the right direction, namely, she went to rest abroad at that time. By the way, my client is really intuitive and sensitive. On the other hand, “intention” is the same willingness of a woman to “let” a man into her life, which I wrote about above.

So, if something happened to someone after the ritual, it is a pure coincidence. As for prayer, there is a slightly different algorithm of action here, which you can read about. But even in the case of the help of prayer, there should be indications of marriage in the birth chart for a given period of time. Otherwise, the man, as he came, will leave.

Will we live happily ever after and die on the same day?

If you have excellent indicators in your birth chart that are responsible for marriage and men, then the marriage will be successful, and the husband will be wonderful. If the indicators are weak, then you will have to work hard on yourself, on your words, emotions and actions, and also learn the ability to build relationships in order to maintain relationships. The horoscope will reflect everything weak sides where you need to pay attention first. I also wrote a lot about this, for example, in.

The astrologer predicted a happy wedding and a beloved husband for me, but I never got married. Why?

Several options are possible here. First, you got a weak astrologer. How to choose an astrologer can be read. The second option - you did not "let" a man into your life, you are emotionally closed. Just, the very readiness and emptiness that I wrote about in the article was not enough. And the last option is the astrologer's mistake. Everyone can be wrong: financial analysts, predicting the growth of shares instead of falling; doctors of the “highest category” who confuse healthy organs with diseased ones. And do not forget that the astrologer deciphers the secrets of Fate, and this can hardly be compared with the dollar or the flu!

It seems there are no more questions. I apologize that the article turned out to be a lot of links. It turns out that I have already written about many things, but here everything turned out to be in place.

I wish you good luck in attracting your soulmate!

Girls, if attracted, then tell us how? Interesting, maybe I missed something. And you need to hang men's shorts instead of women's red ones? :)

Went to tidy up the cabinets...
