What is a recursive verb. What are reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

In some intransitive and reflexive verbs formed from them we are talking about the same situation, for example: something blackens in the distance and something blackens in the distance. True, in the vast majority of situations, to understand what it means irrevocable verb and how it looks “in life”, you can pay attention to the fact that the verbs reflexive and irrevocable denote completely different moments.

The division of verbs into reflexive and irrevocable has developed in the Russian language completely irrespective of their division into transitive and intransitive, collateral and non-collateral. It does not coincide with either one or the other one hundred percent, but is in a certain connection with the categories of transitivity and voice: -sya represents the intransitiveness of the verb, but only the reflexive form can provide the voice correlation.

  • dress up, dress up, bathe(action is directed at oneself);
  • See each other, hug, quarrel(reciprocal action that is performed by several subjects in relation to each other);
  • Rejoice, be sad, upset(physical or mental state of the subject);
  • The fabric is wrinkled, the cat scratches, the nettle burns(permanent property, quality of the subject);
  • Build up, tidy up, settle down(indirectly recurrent action performed by the subject in his own interests);
  • I want it to get dark(impersonal action).

Reflexivity of verbs- a grammatical category of verbs, indicating the direction (or non-direction) of the action or state called by the verb on the subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms of verbs that differ in the presence or absence of reflexive postfixes -sya / -sya, as well as shades of meaning.

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

The division of verbs into irrevocable and reflexive was established in the Russian language, regardless of the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix -sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and only reflexive forms of the verb give voice correlation.

The collateral category is one of the most difficult problems Russian grammar. Linguistic scholars define the content of this category in different ways, and therefore solve the issue of the number of collaterals in different ways: some count up to 17 collaterals, others generally deny the existence of collaterals.

What are reflexive and non-reflexive verbs

All reflexive verbs are intransitive. This is their common grammatical property. Therefore, like other intransitive verbs (irreflexive), they cannot control the accusative case of nouns with the meaning of a direct object and do not form passive participles.

Contents What is recurrence of verbs. Reflexive verbs Shades of the meaning of reflexive verbs Formation of reflexive verbs Non-reflexive verbs Test What is reflexivity of verbs. Reflexivity of verbs is a grammatical category of verbs, indicating the direction (or non-direction) of the action or state called by the verb on the subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms of verbs that differ in the presence or absence of reflexive postfixes -sya / -s, as well as in shades of meaning.

Returnable and non-returnable forms- 1. Variants like the sail is whitening in the distance - the sail is whitening in the distance (with the reflexive and irrevocable forms of the verb having the same meaning "to be visible in its color, to stand out by it") differ in that in the reflexive verb the indicated sign ... ... Spelling and Style Guide

Participle forms- 1. Of the options wandered - wandered, acquired - acquired, dragged - dragged in - the first is used in book speech, the second - in colloquial speech. 2. Non-prefixed verbs with the suffix well like go out, get wet, dry (see § 172 ... ... Spelling and Style Guide

Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian

What is the correct fireman or firefighter? In modern Russian, the words fireman and fireman, denoting a firefighter, are synonymous. The adjective firefighter is derived from the noun fire. The word firefighter denotes a detachment, a signal, a hose - everything that relates to extinguishing fires.

How do you spell the word nostalgic? The spelling of unstressed vowels in the word nostalgic should be remembered or checked against the spelling dictionary. The verb to nostalgic has a number of unstressed vowels at the root of the word. The suffix of the verb is stressed: In its formation, this verb went through a series of steps: nostalgia - nostalgic - nostalgic.

What are significant parts and how to determine a reflexive or non-reflexive verb

Let's figure out what are the significant parts of verbs? It's simple, these are all its constituent morphemes. One of such important particles of any verb will be suffixes: XYA, XY, TH, CH, L; as well as the basics: infinitive, present tense. (Splashing - toiling, SITTING - CROWDED, DRINK - CRY, LIE - FLOW, Podudel - licked; speak - speak, spit - spit - - the basis of the infinitive; carry - carried, draw - drawing - the basis of the present tense).

Two words are given: run and walk. We produce breakdown by composition. 1st chapter: beige - root; -at - ending, suffixes СЬ and СЯ out of stock. 2nd ch.: pro- - prefix; hum-root; -yat - ending; -sya - postfix (which speaks of recurrence). Also, all irrevocable are both transitive and intransitive, and their “brothers” are only intransitive.

What is irrevocable and returnable

Since the entry into force of the new amendments, passengers have become familiar with a new term - "non-refundable tickets", for which prices have been reduced (note - for domestic destinations) by almost ¼. You will not be able to return such a ticket before departure - after all, most likely, the airline simply will not have time to sell it, which means an empty seat on the plane and losses for the carrier.

Life doesn't always go according to plan. There are frequent cases when she makes her own adjustments to the planned events, and even hits the pocket. For example, when you have to cancel a flight with non-refundable tickets. On the one hand, such tickets are much more profitable, on the other hand, it is impossible to return them in case of "force majeure".

Morphology of the Russian literary language*

Depending on the presence or absence of grammatical features in verbs that indicate the intransitivity of the process, verbs in Russian are divided into two categories: reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. In other words, the division of verbs into reflexive and irrevocable is determined by whether or not the very form of the verb indicates that the process it denotes is not reversed, not directed to a direct object, which is expressed by nouns in wine. pad. without a suggestion.

passive meaning, denoting that the action is reversed by some actor to the object defined by the verb, which is thus the object of the action. With this meaning, reflexive verbs are used mainly with inanimate nouns, and the protagonist in this case is expressed by animate nouns in the instrumental case: the house is painted by painters, the locomotive is controlled by the driver, the problem is solved by the students, the model is designed by engineers etc. It should be noted, however, that such phrases with the instrumental case of the protagonist are rather artificial literary formations and are relatively unused. More commonly, the use of reflexive verbs in a passive sense without indicating the producer of the action, in abstraction from him: Soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not soon done, The floors are washed once a week, New cities are built etc., but in this case the passive meaning is not so clearly revealed and may be completely lost, cf.: Problem solved by students And Problem solved(can be solved) Linen is washed by a laundress And Linen doesn't wash well(does not become clean, white), etc.

What you need to know about refundable and non-refundable tickets

Return tickets are always more expensive. For example, to book a flight from Moscow to Rome on August 11 at Aeroflot at a non-refundable fare, you will have to pay 14,890 rubles. For comparison, the airline has two return fares - "Economy Optimum" worth 18,155 rubles (with 70 euros for the refund) and "Economy Premium" worth 22,640 rubles (in this case, return and exchange will be free).

After the start of the changes in the Air Code, the so-called non-refundable tickets were introduced. The authorities believed that the innovations would create fertile ground for the development of low-cost airlines in Russia. However, all carriers have made the cheapest flights non-refundable. In addition, the fares on the market have become more flexible - not only non-refundable and non-exchange tickets have appeared, but also those providing for a flight without luggage. As a result, flying to domestic destinations has become about 25% cheaper.

Irrevocable verbs are called verbs without the postfix -sya; returnable- verbs with the postfix -sya. Historically, the formation of reflexive verbs is associated with the pronoun Xia, which was originally attached only to transitive verbs ( wash + sya ("yourself") = to wash).

All verbs in Russian can be divided into several groups:

irrevocable verbs,

from which returnable



a) wash

build + xia education return


meet + xia

b) turn white + sya

darken + sya - morphological synonyms

c) look - look at verbs

work - work out SD

d) write - impersonal is not written

sleep - can't sleep verbs






Thus, we can conclude that the postfix –sya in Russian can perform several functions:

Form reflexive forms of verbs ( wash, bleach);

Form reflexive verbs that differ from producing non-reflexive verbs lexical meaning (to forgive - to say goodbye, to finish off - to achieve).

It should be noted that some -sya verbs have a synonymous reflexive combination ( to lose - to deprive oneself, to cover - to cover oneself).

The division of verbs into irrevocable and reflexive was established in the Russian language, regardless of the division of verbs into transitive and intransitive, voice and non-voice. It does not completely coincide with either one or the other, although it is associated with the categories of transitivity and voice: the affix -sya is an indicator of the intransitivity of the verb, and only reflexive forms of the verb give voice correlation.

Collateral category

The category of voice is one of the most difficult problems of Russian grammar. Linguistic scholars define the content of this category in different ways, and therefore solve the issue of the number of collaterals in different ways: some count up to 17 collaterals, others generally deny the existence of collaterals.

In Russian linguistics, there are the following definitions of voice:

1) pledge means “an act that passes from one thing to another, and an act that does not pass from one thing to another” (Lomonosov);

2) voices are such verb forms that denote a difference in relation to the verbal action to its subject. On this basis, it is possible to allocate a refundable deposit ( the book is being read) and non-refundable deposit ( read a book) - Aksakov, Fortunatov;

3) pledge is the relation of the action to the object (Buslaev, Shapiro);

4) pledge is an expression of the asset and liability of the subject (Isachenko, AG-70);

5) pledge - is the relation of action to subject and object(Vinogradov, Golovin, Gvozdev, Shansky).

In all these definitions of voice, there is a common criterion - the relation of the action to the subject and object. This feature is indeed important in the voice content, since the voice, like other verbal categories, manifests itself primarily as a certain grammatical relation - the relation of the action to its source and to the object. The category of pledge reflects objectively ongoing processes, the implementation of which is possible in the presence of an actor and an object of application of the action.

The mother (subject) washes (action) of the child (object).

The child (subject, object) washes (action).

But in Russian there are verbs that name such actions, for the implementation of which only the doer, the subject of the action is needed:

Clouds (subject) float silently across the sky.

Thus, all verbs in Russian can be divided into two groups:

1) verbs capable of conveying voice relations (voice verbs);

2) verbs that do not convey voice relations (non-voice verbs).

A verb is a word denoting an action and answering the question "What to do?" The last clarification is very important, because the word "walking", for example, also denotes an action, however, it cannot be classified as a verb.

The action is always directed towards some object. It may be the same object that does it, or some other. In the first case, we will talk about a reflexive verb, and in the second - about an irrevocable one.

Identification feature of reflexive verbs

The fact that the action performed by a certain subject is directed at himself may be evidenced by reflexive pronoun. In Russian, there is only one such pronoun, which does not even have nominative case- "myself".

The language always strives for brevity, so the reflexive pronoun in combination with verbs was reduced to “sya”, and then turned into a part of these verbs - the postfix, i.e. suffix that after the end. This is how reflexive verbs arose, the identifying feature of which is the postfix “-sya”: “dress yourself” - “”, “wash yourself” - “wash yourself”. Verbs that do not have such a postfix are called non-reflexive.

Types of reflexive verbs

Not always the semantic content of the reflexive verb is so simple. The action that someone directly performs on himself is only one reflexive verb - proper reflexive.

A verb of this kind can also imply some action that the object performs not on itself, but in its own interests. For example, if people are said to be “building”, this can mean not only “building themselves in a line” (proper reflexive verb), but also “building a house for themselves”. In the latter case, the verb will be called indirectly reflexive.

The joint actions of several objects are also indicated by reflexive verbs: “meet”, “talk” are mutually reflexive verbs.

However, not having the postfix "-sya" is reflexive. It is impossible to classify as such verbs that have passive voice, i.e. implying that the action on the object is performed by someone else: “the house is being built”, “microbes are being destroyed”.

A verb cannot be reflexive if it is transitive, i.e. denotes an action directed at another object, although in the impersonal form such verbs may have the postfix "-sya": "I want to buy a car."


F.I. ___________________________________________

Reflexive and irrevocable verbs.

Remember: in Russian languagein reflexive verbs after the vowel -s is used, and after the consonant -sya: rush, learn. Suffix–sya (-s) differs from other suffixes in that it comes after all morphemes, including after endings.

1. After reading the poem, underline the reflexive verbs.

The fly was going to visit
Travel very far.
washed my face,
got dressed
I was worried, I was curling, I was rushing about in front of the mirror, I was gaping ... And I fell into milk.

2. Write out the verbs with the suffix -sya (-съ) and mark it. What are these verbs called?

Knock, sink, blacken, surprise, build, be guided.


3. Write out the fableI. Krylovareturnable Verbs.
Swan, Pike and Cancer
When there is no agreement among comrades,
Their business will not go well,
And nothing will come out of it, only flour.
Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, a cart came from
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!
The luggage would have seemed easy for them:
Yes, the Swan breaks into the clouds,
Cancer moves back, and Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame among them, who is right - it is not for us to judge;
Yes, only things are still there.


4. Correct the mistakes of negligent students.

1. I am in the seventh grade. 2. My notebook has already been found. 3. Zhenya went to the station by tram. 4. After a while she sat down at the letter. 5. Tanya looked at him for a long time, and then she met him. I washed my face in the morning, combed my hair, had breakfast and got dressed.

Most reflexive verbs are formed from irrevocable ones: wash - wash, scold - scold. Some of the reflexive verbs without -sya (-s) are not used: laugh, fight.

5. Form reflexive verbs.

Angry - __________________, warm - _____________________, captivate - _________________, calm down - _________________, please - _______________, hug - _____________________, cry - ________________, comb - ___________________, fasten - ____________________.

6. Replace with one word.

Greet each other when meeting ().

To be in an anxious state, to be agitated ().

give consent().

Collect things before the trip ().

To make a mistake().

Show interest in something.

Feel hurt().

Pay in full, how much should ().

7. Eliminate the shortcomings of the word usage of negligent students.

The girl is playing with a doll. This game is played by three people. Washed clothes sway in the wind. The passenger began to wait for the next stop. My sister made friends with a neighbor.

Schoolchildren and linguistic students need to be able to correctly determine the recurrence of verbs. This is required to complete morphological analysis, competent presentation of ideas. There are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when determining the reflexivity of the verb. It is not enough just to remember that a reflexive verb ends in -sya or -ss: this kind of analysis is the cause of regular errors. It is important to understand the originality of this morphological category of the verb.

Reflexivity as a category of a verb
To correctly determine the recurrence of the verb, you need to know exactly the features of the category under study.

Reflexive verbs are a specific type of intransitive verbs. They denote an action directed by the subject on himself, have a postfix –sya. Postfix -sya is part of the word, reflecting the historical changes in the Russian language. IN Old Church Slavonic the postfix denoted the word "self", performing the functions of a pronoun.

Be sure to know that the reflexivity of the verb is directly related to the morphological category of transitivity. First, find out if the verb is transitive. You need to remember: the definition of the recurrence of the verb takes time and should be based on the analysis of the word. The presence of the -sya postfix does not guarantee that you have a reflexive verb in front of you.

Algorithm for determining the recurrence of the verb
It is desirable to determine the reflexivity of the verb according to a specific scheme, then the probability of errors will noticeably decrease. You will need to be familiar with the basic terms used in the Russian language course.

  1. First determine the category of transitivity of the verb. Remember the signs of transitivity and intransitivity of the verb:
    • A transitive verb denotes an action directed at oneself (subject). It freely combines with a noun that is in the accusative case, without a preposition. For example, to do (what?) a task. To do is a transitive verb because it goes with a noun without a preposition, and the noun is in the accusative case. To determine transitivity, simply model a phrase where there is a noun dependent on the analyzed verb in the accusative case.
    • Intransitive verbs denote actions that do not transfer to an object. Nouns cannot be combined with such verbs in the accusative case without a preposition.
  2. If the verb is transitive, it is not reflexive. The category of recurrence for him at this stage has already been determined.
  3. If the verb is intransitive, you need to continue its analysis.
  4. Notice the postfix. The postfix -sya is an obligatory sign of a reflexive verb.
  5. All reflexive verbs are divided into 5 types.
    • General reflexive verbs are needed to express changes in the emotional state of the subject, his physical actions. For example, rejoice, hurry.
    • Verbs from the group of proper reflexives denote an action directed at the subject. Thus, one person becomes object and subject. For example, to dress up - dress up yourself.
    • Reciprocal verbs denote actions performed between several subjects. Each subject is simultaneously the object of the action, that is, the action is transferred to each other. For example, to meet - to meet each other.
    • Verbs from the group of non-objective reflexives denote actions that are permanently inherent in the subject. For example, metal melts.
    • Indirectly reflexive verbs imply actions performed by the subject in their own interests, for themselves. For example, stocking up.
    Try to determine what type the verb is. The reflexive verb must be included in one of the groups.
  6. Please note: the postfix -sya is not always a sign of a reflexive verb. Check if the verb belongs to one of the groups:
    • Transitive verbs reflecting the intensity of the action. For example, knock. The postfix increases the intensity.
    • Verbs with impersonal meaning. For example, do not sleep.
If the verb is included in one of the groups, it is not reflexive.

If the verb does not fit into any type from point 6, but clearly belongs to one of the groups of point 5, it has the category of reflexivity.
