Does Makarevich have children. Andrei Makarevich - biography, information, personal life

Andrey Makarevich - Russian musician and composer, singer, bard, lyricist, TV presenter, founder and permanent leader of the Time Machine group.

Once Andrei gave his group such an unusual name, and did not even know that in a year it would reflect the whole essence of what they had been doing for many years on stage. After all, the music of the group does not age, it reaches a new generation through the years, the members continue to perform with a new line-up, and the fans will always associate the name of Makarevich with “Machine ...”

When the group first appeared on the Soviet scene, their music and lyrics immediately sunk into the souls of many listeners, and then young Makarevich first became popular. Even then, newspapers wrote about him as about a real breakthrough in Russian music, and today the middle-aged and gray-haired members of the team still remain idols for a whole generation.

It is not surprising that people are still interested in their work, and Makarevich himself has become a legend of rock and roll, about which fans want to know everything, even height, weight, age. You can find out how old Andrei Makarevich is on his Wikipedia page, as well as on many music sites on the net. Today, the composer is 64 years old, but he is not going to leave the stage, and in 2018 the group is still performing.

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

The biography of Andrei Makarevich originates in 1953 in Moscow. WITH early years the young man played the piano, composed uncomplicated melodies and dreamed that someday he would play for the public. The boy was very versatile, taught English language in a special school, and was also fond of collecting butterflies. In high school, he dreamed of becoming a reptile specialist, and even kept a live snake at home. In general, Andrey is an enthusiastic person, and his desires changed very often. Either he wanted to become a musician, then a biologist, then an athlete, he even became seriously interested in swimming, and after school he generally entered the Architectural Institute.

As a student, the guy played the guitar well, analyzed the songs of the Beatles, and with the same "Beatles" he created his own musical group, which the guys poetically called "Time Machine". After university, Makarevich worked as an architect, and music was his hobby, the guys performed on stage for themselves and a few spectators, and recorded several songs, including "Time Machines". At first they played in small clubs, at sessions, and did not earn any money at all, and then in 1979 they signed a contract with the Soyuzconcert, and that's when the popularity came.

Andrei Makarevich began to be invited to programs and television, and in 1993 he became the host culinary program"SMAK", which he led for 12 years.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich became a good confirmation that good music, like water, is capable of sharpening a stone. So the unknown group that created good music“For myself” people liked it, and became known all over the Union, not thanks to money and connections, but due to the fact that it was real. Many fans who have lost sight of the group today are wondering where Andrei Makarevich is now, but the answer is simple - everything is right there, on stage. In 2018 they give a new tour in Russia.

The personal life of Andrei Makarevich, like his biography, has never been boring. The singer was officially married three times, but divorce followed three times in his life.

Family of Andrey Makarevich

The fact that Andrei grew up as a very versatile child and collected butterflies as a child, and also loved reptiles, is an absolute regularity, because his father, Vadim Grigoryevich, was an architect, taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute (where the future musician eventually entered), and his mother, Nina Markovna , worked as a microbiologist. The family of Andrei Makarevich, like many Soviet citizens, then lived in a communal apartment on Volkhonka. Here the young naturalist spent his childhood until the age of 10, until they moved to a dedicated apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt.

In his free time, Makarevich's father played the guitar and sang Vysotsky's songs, so Andrei is a good student of his father, who taught the guy to play musical instruments.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

During his life, the singer was officially married three times, and for a short time cohabited with different women. Maybe, creative person it’s hard to be in the company of someone who does not understand his hobbies, because Makarevich’s wives had nothing to do with music and show business, which is probably why the spouses did not find mutual language after marriage and how the first love passed.

Andrei Makarevich has three children from three women. The children of Andrei Makarevich - two daughters and a son today live separately from the singer, but he keeps in touch with his offspring, and on his birthday, his entire large family gathers in the singer's apartment.

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich was born in 1987 in the second marriage of the actor with Alla Golubkina. Ivan grew up with his mother, but today it is clear to the naked eye that he is the son of Makarevich, since Ivan is simply exact copy singer. After school, the guy entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and then transferred to the Academy of Theater Arts, from which he graduated.

He played in the films "Shadow Boxing", "1814", and also played young Andrey Makarevich in the film "House of the Sun". The actor also plays in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and in the Moscow Praktika Theater.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich was born in 1975. Makarevich was then 22 years old, and he lived with a girl who gave birth to Andrei illegitimate daughter, but she didn’t say anything to the man, she left for America. Already adult daughter the singer found him in Moscow and offered a meeting. The composer once said that he didn’t even doubt that Dana was his daughter, he saw right away.

The girl graduated from college with a degree in law, and works in Philadelphia. Dana is married to a businessman. Makarevich has already flown to his daughter in America, they often call back.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

Andrei Makarevich's daughter, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, was born in 2000 in the artist's third marriage to Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. When the girl was born, the parents immediately decided to name their daughter in honor of their mother, so two Anya appeared in their family. After the parents divorced, Makarevich's daughter stayed with her mother and grandmother.

Last year, the girl graduated from high school and made her debut at the Tatler 2017 ball in Moscow. The girl appeared in a purple dress and high heels, arm in arm with a young man. This year, Anya entered the university.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Elena Glazova

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Elena Glazova, was the daughter of the famous Soviet political observer Igor Fesunenko, who at that time helped Makarevich's group Time Machine, wrote reviews about their performances and style in music. So they met Lena, and immediately fell in love.

The girl was then still a student at the historical institute, and Makarevich did not start long round dances around the relationship, but immediately got married. In 1973, they had a wedding, although the young did not live long, only 3 years. Andrei does not like to talk about personal things, so the journalists do not know the reason for the collapse.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Golubkina

Makarevich was unlucky with marriages, either love really lives for three years, or the singer just feels uncomfortable in a legal marriage, but Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife, Alla Golubkina, also lived with a man for only three years. After the first divorce, Andrei for a long time was alone, and then met Alla and almost immediately married her. The girl worked as a cosmetologist.

Within a couple of months, she became pregnant, and soon the couple had a son, Ivan, who today is an actor. Alas, their relationship began to deteriorate even during Alla's pregnancy, so soon after the birth of their son, they divorced.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

After his second wife, Makarevich had several more novels in which he briefly cohabited with women, and soon the media began to say that the singer had fallen in love again. This time, Makarevich's chosen one was the press officer of his Time Machine group, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, with whom he lived in a civil marriage. For a long time they just talked and looked at each other, then they began an affair, and in 1999 Anya became pregnant.

In 2000, their daughter was born, who today youngest daughter performer, but Makarevich got scared again and ran away from responsibility. Ex-wife Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya raised her daughter herself.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Natalya Golub

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich is Natalya Golub, so far the last ex-wife of Makarevich. They met at work, Natalya, a stylist and photographer, helped with the design of the concerts, and somehow the couple gradually became closer. Even though the girl was much younger than the singer, it didn't bother them.

Makarevich had several unsuccessful marriages behind him, and Natalya just fell head over heels in love. So they started dating, and in 2003 they got married. With Natalia, the singer lived longer than all his women, they divorced in 2010.

Andrei Makarevich latest news

Andrei Makarevich has open oppositional views, which may be why the actor has been “buried” in the media several times. In 2015, one of the news sites reported that he had died, and then various Internet portals published such information for several years in a row. Last news the singer’s death was picked up very quickly, and the musician got tired of it, he even wrote on his Facebook page so that the journalists “Don’t dig in the manure.”

Fans of the artist today are very interested in whether the Time Machine group and its permanent leader Andrei Makarevich are performing. The latest news from the life of the singer says that the group not only continues to actively record songs, but also in 2018 they started a new tour in Russia.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich will tell a lot of interesting things about his work. And the artist himself has repeatedly mentioned many funny stories from his privacy. For example, when their song was first taken as a soundtrack (the film "Soul"), after the premiere, all Makarevich's friends, including Mikhail Boyarsky and Sofia Rotaru, celebrated the event in his apartment on Leninsky Prospekt.

The pop stars were very noisy and the neighbor called the police, what was the surprise of the arriving patrol when Boyarsky himself opened the door for them, and behind him stood a whole crowd of all-Union famous artists. The scandal was hushed up, but this situation was remembered by the artist for life.

Andrei Makarevich was born into the family of a father who has Belarusian and Polish roots, and his mother has Jewish nationality. It is important to note that Andrei's father is one of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in which he lost his leg during military operations on the Karelian front.

Andrei Makarevich, biography, personal life, his musical preferences and creative way may seem quite interesting to study, because it is really peculiar and deep man with their outlook on life.

Andrei Makarevich is known as:

  • the creator of the rock group "Time Machine", which still remains one of the most popular in the entire post-Soviet space;
  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • People's Artist of Russia;
  • author of own famous poems and paintings;
  • presenter of various television projects.

This article will focus on Andrei Makarevich, his biography and personal life, as well as how this person changed in the photo and in life over time.

Andrey Makarevich

Childhood and youth

Andrei spent the first years of his life in a communal apartment in the capital, and his first dreams about who he would become in the future took shape there. Among the most interesting professions, Andrei singled out herpetologists, zoologists, divers and paleontologists, and, as Makarevich himself assures, most of these plans really could be realized in his adult life.

Noteworthy is the fact, for example, that Andrei began playing the guitar at the age of 12, addicted to the music of Vysotsky and Okudzhava. In 1966 Makarevich discovered " The Beatles"And quickly became a real Beatleman, listening to his favorite songs literally all day long.

Andrei Makarevich in childhood

Already, being in the eighth grade, Andrei decided to organize his first musical group, which was called "The Kids". Then they and their friends performed covers of popular foreign bands, which was facilitated by the school itself, as it was with an emphasis on learning English.

A year later, Makarevich and his classmates created the Time Machine group, which exists and continues to perform to this day.

After school, Andrei tried himself as an architect at the Moscow Architectural Institute, but after three years of study he was expelled, probably due to the special interest that he had in rock music, which was actually banned at that time. Despite the work of the architect in the Giproteatre, Makarevich always paid the main attention to music and his group.

Andrei Makarevich in his youth

Music. "Time Machine"

Andrei Makarevich's biography and personal life have always been associated with work on his group. Back in the days when school enthusiasts founded the "Time Machine", one could talk about the great influence foreign music and the various principles of the hippie movement that still seeped through the Iron Curtain.

In the 70s, the group was actually in the underground in relation to the norms accepted at that time and the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"trustworthy" musical groups. This made it difficult to legalize the activities of the group, and also led to the disruption of various concerts and festivals.

Andrei Makarevich and "Time Machine"

The situation improved in the 80s after the "Time Machine" officially became an independent ensemble at the "Rosconcert". Musicians at that time received various rather lucrative offers, for example, the opportunity to play music at performances.

After the group began to tour steadily throughout the USSR, and together with the inclusion of its repertoire on the air of state radio stations, "Time Machine" ceased to be perceived as something counter-cultural, gaining widespread fame in the Union and abroad.

Legendary rock band "Time Machine"

In the early 90s, the Time Machine performed at the barricades near the White House in support of Yeltsin. In the era of formation new Russia Andrei Makarevich himself also changed, his biography and personal life, which influenced where the singer lives and what he works on.

At this time, a lot of news about the group is constantly coming out, the music acquires a new electronic sound. According to the results of an all-Russian survey, "Time Machine" is among the ten most popular and interesting musical groups.

Andrei Makarevich on stage

Transfer "SMAK"

From 1993 to 2005, Makarevich was the main host of the SMAK TV show, where he constantly tries to cook new dishes with invited famous guests. The program at that time was of an authorial nature and quickly fell in love with millions of viewers across the country.

It is important to note that Makarevich himself decided to leave the project, because for 12 years he was simply tired of filming. Ivan Urgant became the next host, and Makarevich himself became Ivan's first guest.

Andrei Makarevich and Ivan Urgant in the program "Smak"

Political views and scandals

Despite the fact that the singer always tried to distance himself from political issues in his work, it can be said that he never supported the Soviet regime and, in general, advocated the removal of the Communists from governing the country. After perestroika, Makarevich strongly supported Yeltsin and even became his confidant, and later he advocated the election of Medvedev as well.

Andrei Makarevich - protests

In the 2010s, Makarevich began to criticize the current government. He communicates personally with Putin, pointing out specific problems, participates in protests, speaks of general disappointment in Putin and the dominance of the established regime.

Makarevich expressed open support Pussy Riot, but at the same time pointed out inadequate hype around such a minor case. In 2013, Makarevich supported Navalny in the Moscow mayoral elections.

In 2014, the musician expressed an open protest against the annexation of Crimea to Russia and gave concerts in Ukraine. After that, many politicians raised the question of depriving Makarevich of all state awards and the possibility of organizing performances in Russia. At the same time, the singer himself did not give up his position, continuing to actively criticize the position of the Russian authorities.

Andrei Makarevich protests in Ukraine

Personal life

Fans of Andrei Makarevich are of great interest to the artist's biography and his personal life, including questions about his wife and children. The musician for all the time managed to marry three times and he has three children. The first wife was Elena Glazovaya, who was the daughter of the political observer Igor Fesunenko, who repeatedly helped the Time Machine.

The second wife was Alla Makarevich, in the marriage with whom the son Ivan was born, who later became an actor. From 2003 to 2010, Andrei was married to Natalya Golub, who was a photo artist and make-up artist.

Andrei Makarevich and third wife Natalya Golub

Studying Andrei Makarevich, his biography and personal life, it is necessary to mention his children. For example, his first daughter Dana was born in 1975 and now works as a lawyer in Philadelphia, and she married an American businessman. Son Ivan was born in 1987 and remained in Russia, and the last daughter Anna was born in 2000.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich now

IN this moment, judging by the photos and recordings from concerts, Andrei Makarevich continues to hold the bar of a popular rock star, despite the fact that in 2019 "Time Machine" will turn 50 years old.

At the same time, the musician is not hindered by the public pressure that arose after his statements about Ukraine and Crimea. Because of this departure to the opposition, the group's concerts began to be often canceled, and sometimes even frustrated.

Andrey Makarevich now

But it should be understood that Makarevich worked in more difficult conditions in the USSR, and even the then regime could not become an obstacle for him. Ultimately, this man achieved truly universal popularity and sincere appreciation of listeners, which include more than one generation of people in the post-Soviet space.

In contact with


Andrei Makarevich - popular Russian singer, a talented composer, the permanent leader of the Time Machine group. Andrei Vadimovich composes poetry and lyrics for his songs, paints pictures. His songs are relevant at all times. Many viewers remember him as the TV presenter of the Smak program.

Due to recent high-profile statements, Makarevich was written down almost as a traitor to the Motherland. However, Andrei Vadimovich himself once admitted that he was never interested in politics. More than anything, he wants to do his main business - music.

Parents saw Andryusha as the successor of his father's work - Vadim Grigorievich Makarevich, a famous Soviet architect. But in the first grade, they nevertheless sent him to a music school, to the piano class. Musical notation was not given to the boy in any way, and the solfeggio lessons were brought to hysterics. In the end, Andrei left classes.

Khrushchev's "thaw" of the 1960s broadened the horizons Soviet people. Music was one of the discoveries British group The Beatles. Andrei Makarevich first heard Lennon and McCartney at the age of 12 - and also went crazy: “I had the feeling that all my previous life I wore cotton wool in my ears, and then they suddenly took it out. I just physically felt that something inside me was tossing and turning, moving, changing irreversibly. The days of the Beatles have begun. The Beatles listened from morning to evening ...

Sometimes my parents, exhausted by the Beatles, kicked me out onto the balcony along with the tape recorder, and then I made the sound to the fullest so that everyone around would also listen to the Beatles ... ”By the way, the Beatles records appeared in their house thanks to the father of the family, Vadim Makarevich. He asked a colleague for a foreign record and copied it onto a tape recorder. Of course, the enthusiastic teenager also wanted to play "like the Beatles." Together with his father, he even sawed his first guitar out of plywood.

But in the USSR, Beatles were not favored, and English-language songs too. But Andrew found a way. While studying at a school with an English bias, he, together with classmates Misha Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova, created The group Kids ("Children"), which performed English folk songs. The guys played at the evenings of school amateur performances, where they even performed covers of the Beatles. All this was presented as a process of learning English.

Once the musicians of the famous VIA "Atlanta" came to the school. Supervisor VIA Alexander Sikorsky allowed schoolchildren to play on their equipment. Makarevich was struck by the sound of the bass guitar. But it was difficult to buy it in those years. Then Andrei bought an ordinary acoustic one and put the strings from the cello on it. The sound is quite acceptable.

Another serious step was the decision of the teenager to assemble a new team, which received the name Time Machines (“Time Machines”), drummer Yuri Borzov came up with this name. In the same year, the guys recorded their first album on a home tape recorder.

Performing rock in the USSR was a thankless task. A few rock bands disguised themselves as VIA, playing rock under the guise of folk music. Soviet group with an English-language name and a student body had no chance of becoming famous. Makarevich did not immediately, but agreed to rename the name to "Time Machine". The move turned out to be successful, and in 1973 the Melodiya company recorded a record of the vocal trio Zodiac, accompanied by Time Machine.

“...Even such a trifle helped us to exist: in the eyes of any bureaucratic idiot, the ensemble that had the record is no longer just hippies from the gateway,” the musician recalled. A year later, director Danelia invited Andrey and his team to star in the comedy "Afonya". The group did not get into the frame, but in the scene where Kuravlev's hero comes to the dance, Makarevich's song "You or Me" sounds. But a fee of 500 rubles allowed the musicians to purchase a Grundig tape recorder, which for a long time served as their recording studio.

"Homemade" recordings of "Time Machine" meanwhile spread across the country. Makarevich's voice became familiar to thousands, but not many knew what he looked like. And yet, "machinists" became popular. When the girls found out that this smiling curly guy was Andrei Makarevich, they immediately showed interest in him. But his heart already belonged to Elena Fesunenko, the daughter of a well-known international journalist.

In the wake of popular popularity, the host of the program "Music Kiosk" Eleonora Belyaeva recorded a whole issue with the "machinists". And although the program was taken off the air, the musicians still had high-quality recordings of their songs.

For several years, "Time Machine" did not have access to big stage. In the end, in 1979, a conflict occurred between the founders of the group, Makarevich and Kawagoe, which resulted in the closure of the group. And only six months later, Alexander Kutikov convinced Makarevich to revive the "Machine".

Tired of the persecution of the authorities, Makarevich willingly agreed to conclude the first contract with Soyuzconcert. This gave the right to legal touring activities. However, the debut disc "Time Machine" was released not in the USSR, but in the USA "... without any participation and knowledge on our part, it was called" Fortune Hunters and sounded disgusting, - the musician recalled. “Surprisingly, we never saw the money for it.” But Makarevich was summoned to the Lubyanka, where he gave explanations about how the record with his songs was released across the ocean.

The 1980s were the peak of the popularity of "machinists". So, in 1981, the director and husband of the singer Alla Pugacheva, Alexander Stefanovich, invited the group to star in his film Soul, where Sofia Rotaru played the main role. After the film received several prizes, the artists gathered at Makarevich's apartment to celebrate the success. An elderly teacher who lived one floor below decided to teach the musician a lesson and called the police at night.

The door was opened by Mikhail Boyarsky. The patrolmen were in a hurry. When Sofia Rotaru, Rolan Bykov, Ivar Kalninsh began to come out into the hallway, the guys in uniform realized that their arrival did not at all imply hitting a celebrity party. Having apologized, they left - however, the harmful neighbor did not give Makarevich a quiet life for several more years.

Although the concerts of the Time Machine were always sold out, until 1986 the group was forbidden to perform in Moscow. Only perestroika finally brought the "Machine" out of the shadows. Then, in 1987, Makarevich married a second time - to the cosmetologist Alla Golubkina. A son, Ivan, was born in the marriage. But three years later, due to frequent tours family life gave a crack. Then Andrei had civil marriages with radio host Ksenia Strizh and journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. The latter gave birth to his daughter Anna. Third official wife musician, stylist Natalya Golub, lived with him for seven years - from 2003 to 2010.

What was the reason for the group's success in Soviet years? Fans of Makarevich's work saw in his songs a protest against the Soviet system. At that time, he himself eschewed politics. Only in August 1991, "Time Machine" openly sided with Yeltsin, performing a concert at the barricades, and in 1996 the artist became a confidant of the president. Yes, and with Vladimir Putin, he initially had a good relationship, he even became a member of the President's Council for Culture.

Andrey Vadimovich's transition to the camp of fierce critics of the authorities occurred after the events in Ukraine in 2014. He did not accept the return of Crimea to Russia and made loud statements more than once. The keyboard player and the director of the Time Machine, who supported the policy of the authorities, were fired by Makarevich. Fans reacted differently: someone was on the side of the idol, someone was categorically against it, and someone simply did not understand why the musician went into politics. But that's a completely different story. Andrei Makarevich made a significant contribution to the development of Russian music. And the status of an icon of Soviet rock belongs to him by right.

If you are curious to know if nature rests on the children of the stars, let's get to know the son of the legendary creator of the rock band Time Machine. 30-year-old Ivan Makarevich (photo presented in the article) did not follow in his father's footsteps, choosing the profession of an actor for himself. In the present, he plays in and actively acts in films. So, in more detail.

Ivan Makarevich: the beginning of the biography

The young man was born in 1987, June 30. He is the middle of three children of Andrei Makarevich. His mother, Alla Mikhailovna, a cosmetologist, divorced her husband two years after the birth of the heir, but managed to keep him a good relationship.

The father took an active part in the fate of Ivan, trying to instill a love of music. But two years of music school in the guitar class was enough for the boy to understand: this is not him. Ivan Makarevich became interested in playing the drums, which he still does.

At the end of the prestigious 45th gymnasium, the graduate went to storm the Moscow Art Theater School. He became a student, but a year later he was expelled. I did not despair, having tried to start all over again in GITIS. He studied at the course of S. Golomazov, to whose theater he was subsequently invited. He showed himself superbly in graduation performances, playing Lariosik in The Days of the Turbins, Vozhevatov in The Dowry, Petrusha in Possessed. Currently busy with "Arcadia" (Augustus Coverly) and "Kinomaniya. band".

Ivan Makarevich: filmography

The film debut of the aspiring actor took place in 2004. Alexei Sidorov, the director of the film "Shadow Boxing", saw his portrait in one of the magazines and invited him to audition. First main role in cinema became in the film "1814".

Then the proposals literally rained down on young actor, which today has 18 projects in its piggy bank. The most famous role was the image of the young Ivan the Terrible in the director's film of the same name (2009). This work largely changed his worldview: behind the appearance of a tyrant, he saw a deeply unhappy person who had experienced a difficult childhood.

Ivan Makarevich created on the screen the image of his own father. This happened in the film by Garik Sukachev called "House of the Sun" (2010). It is curious that it was Makarevich Jr. who played the son in the 2012 sequel.

In 2013, viewers could see the actor in the disaster movie Metro. He recreated the image of the assistant driver. Was Ivan Makarevich filmed in TV series?

The role of Sasha - a computer genius from the TV project "Survive After" (2014-2015) - he achieved with enviable persistence, passing the casting several times. So he liked the script. His last work was the television series "Hunting the Devil" (2017).

Currently, Ivan is involved in the filming of a comedy, which will soon be released on a wide screen.

Personal life

Ivan does not flaunt his personal life and is not a frequenter of secular parties. Not yet married. IN free time young man playing musical groups"Stinky" and "The Ant Principle", writes music. Ivan Makarevich also tries himself as a TV presenter on the Peretz channel.

Since the age of 14, he has been a vegetarian, while he loves to cook and dreams of opening a bakery. Like his father, he is fond of diving (his record is a dive to 38 meters), models clothes and tries himself in stand-up. Such an interesting young man with various interests is the son of A. Makarevich.

Ivan Andreevich Makarevich - actor, musician and aspiring fashion designer, son People's Artist RF Andrey Makarevich, bard and creator of the legendary rock band Time Machine.

Among the most notable works of Ivan in the cinema are “Shadow Boxing”, “18-14”, “Brigade: Heir”, “House of the Sun” (where he played his father in his youth), as well as the television series “Ivan the Terrible” and “Drunk firm".

Childhood and family

The future artist and representative of a famous creative dynasty was born on June 30, 1987 in one of the maternity hospitals of the capital. On the paternal side, in addition to musicians, there were also architects in his family - grandfather Vadim Grigoryevich and aunt Natalya Vadimovna. The father himself, Andrei Makarevich, a graduate of the Moscow Architectural Institute, also considers himself primarily an artist, although he gained fame, of course, as a rock performer. Mom Alla Mikhailovna and grandmother Nina Markovna devoted themselves to medicine, one is a cosmetologist, the other is a phthisiatrician. Ivan has two paternal sisters - the elder Dana (born 1975) and the younger Anna (born 2000).

Shortly after his birth, his parents separated. However, the boy did not take the divorce as a tragedy, as he knew for sure that he had both a mother and a father whom he could trust. He lived with his mother, but his father actively participated in his upbringing, and, as clever man, did without strict prohibitions and moralizing, but did it in the process of communication and by personal example. For example, Vanya constantly saw that Andrey Vadimovich was a very responsible person and always kept his word, so he tried to fulfill his promises himself.

He graduated from the forty-fifth gymnasium - one of the most famous and prestigious Moscow schools with in-depth study foreign languages. He studied averagely, it happened that he missed lessons. The teachers remembered his father more, who every year arranged concerts for the students, and after the performances he had entertaining discussions with the children.

Ivan Makarevich's rules of life

For two years, the teenager also studied at music school in the guitar class, but, according to him, without any pleasure, although dad tried in every possible way to “hook” him on the guitar. As for playing the piano, one lesson was enough for him to understand - and this lesson is not for him. But the African drum found once in his father's attic immediately attracted the attention of 12-year-old Ivan, and since then he has been playing drums - contrary to popular belief, various and complex instruments.

traditional holiday his graduation classlast call- went to the nightclub of Makarevich Sr. At the event, the founder of the Time Machine first spoke, then Ivan, who, while studying at the gymnasium, put together his own group. As Andrei Makarevich later joked, he acted as the opening act for his son.

Actor career

In 2004 he became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. The head of his acting course was Konstantin Raikin. However, allegedly due to the fact that he “did not get along with the characters” with the eminent teacher, after a year of study he was expelled from the university. In 2005, the young man tried his luck at GITIS, and after 4 years he was already a graduate of the workshop of Sergei Golomazov.

Diploma performances of Ivan were "Days of the Turbins" (Lariosik), "Demons" (Petrusha Verkhovensky), "Dowry" (Vozhevatov). Shortly after graduation, he entered the service of the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya (where he was employed in the famous play his favorite playwright Tom Stoppard "Arcadia") and in the theater new drama"Practice", where for several years he played in a very popular play based on the work of Natalia Moshina "Heat".

The debut work of an aspiring actor in the cinema was the role of Kostya, the brother of the girl of the protagonist of the action-packed film Alexei Sidorov (by the way, the director of the famous television series "Brigade") "Shadow Boxing" (2005). Two years later, he starred in its sequel. In 2007, the historical adventure film "18-14" was released, in which he played Pushkin's lyceum friend Ivan Pushchin. In the film, his character, nicknamed Jeannot, actively participated in the investigation of atrocious crimes.

The actor considers his participation in the TV series Ivan the Terrible (2009) by Andrey Eshpay, where he had the opportunity to play a young tsar, with young years surrounded by intrigues, intruders and conspiracies (the "adult" version of the tyrant was played by Alexander Demidov). Director Makarevich Jr. called crazy wise man and was delighted with the entire cast. In particular, he noted that, although he did not intersect at film set with Chulpan Khamatova, who played a messenger from Kazan, but still he "felt her."

In 2010, he presented to the audience the role of a completely different plan. The artist, who has a striking resemblance to his father, portrayed him in his youth in the film House of the Sun, a drama written by Ivan Okhlobystin and Garik Sukachev. The film about the hippie era in the USSR turned out to be sincere and sincere, accurately recreating the time and events of those years.

In 2012, viewers saw the actor in a key role - the son of the "hero of the 90s" Sasha Bely - in the continuation of the cult TV series "Brigada" ("Brigade-2. Heir").

In 2013, the disaster film "Metro" was released, where Ivan Makarevich played an assistant train driver. At the end of the same year, he became a member of another interesting project TV series Survive After. The script interested the actor so much that he persistently went through the casting several times, eventually getting the role of computer genius Sasha, nicknamed Skat.

"Survive After": Ivan Makarevich as Skat

Ivan successfully combined his work as an actor with performances in the Ant Principle and Stinky groups. In addition, he writes his own music under creative pseudonym name is James Oklahoma. He could also be seen as the host of the show "Heroes of the Internet" on the channel "Pepper".

Ivan Makarevich: acoustic performance

In 2016, the younger Makarevich starred in new episodes of the post-apocalyptic series Survive After. He also harmoniously fit into the stellar ensemble of actors working on the creation of the criminal comedy by Gregory of Constantinople "The Drunk Firm". The creators of the mini-series promised a non-banal script, replete with unexpected twists, as well as an outstanding cast- Mikhail Efremov, Marat Basharov, Evgeny Tsyganov, Victoria Isakova and others.

In August 2016, the young man also realized a new edge its many talents, presenting a fashion collection of more than 45 items of clothing. As reported, the novice designer independently drew sketches, looked for suitable fabrics, and even came up with a certain branded seam.

Personal life of Ivan Makarevich

Ivan Makarevich is not married. He is a rare guest social events, prefers not to publicly cover his heart affairs, but is ready to talk for hours about his creative plans.

He is a calm peace-loving person, has been a vegetarian since the age of 14, loves to cook and even dreams of owning his own bakery. Not indifferent to dogs; I helped homeless animals with my mother. Doesn't watch TV at all. In terms of creativity, he is a maximalist, therefore he considers it impossible for himself to act in empty TV shows or play in bad performances. He likes to design and model clothes, do stand-up and diving (submerged to a depth of 38 meters).

Stand-Up Vanya Makarevich

The artist admitted to his followers on the Web that he was baptized and circumcised. There was a time when, at the insistence of his grandmother, he taught "Our Father", then he was carried away by the ideas of the organization "Jehovah's Witnesses" (went from apartment to house and asked citizens: "Do you know that Jesus loves you?"), then he became interested in the ideology of Satanism. But later he basically ceased to adhere to any faith.

Ivan Makarevich now

In 2018, Ivan Makarevich starred in the author's film by Gregory of Constantinople "Russian Demon", which was nominated for the main prize of the Kinotavr and took the prize for best director at the same festival. The tape, which critics called "a mixture of Pelevin's novels and" American Psycho "", touches on the eternal conflict of the rebellious Russian soul with its heightened sense of justice and the lack of opportunities to change anything.
