Ekaterina shipulina instagram official. Personal life, wife and children of Denis Matsuev

Olga Shablinskaya, AiF: “Every morning the body falls apart” - these are the words of your colleague ...

Ekaterina Shipulina: This is true! If nothing hurts you, then you are already dead - that's how they joke in ballet. Chroma McGregor, "Hero of our time" Kirill Serebrennikov And Yuri Posokhov- ultra-modern ballets, after which the body does not belong to you. But in the morning you go to the theater, you start to warm up... Probably, we can be called careless: we do not see the line when we need to stop and go to the doctor.

My friend recently asked for a rehearsal of the play "The Legend of Love" Yuri Grigorovich where i dance main partyMekhmene Banu. Then she said: “I'm in shock! You repeat the same movement a hundred times. The viewer sees the final result and thinks: yes, everyone can jump like that, run, make spins! And this is a big compliment to the artist: if everything looks easy, it means that the hardest work in the hall was carried out successfully.

Soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet Ekaterina Shipulina Photo: RIA Novosti / Ilya Pitalev

- Katya, I know that due to a serious injury, you did not go on stage for more than a year ...

- There was a rehearsal of "Russian Seasons" Alexei Ratmansky. After the jump, I landed badly. Swelling of the knee, a huge hematoma... Doctors' verdict: "Tear of the meniscus." 4 months I was treated with injections. It only got worse. I went to another doctor, they took a second picture ... And it turned out that I was diagnosed incorrectly - in fact, the ligament was torn off.

Friends advised a doctor in Austria who literally "gathers" football players and skiers. The operation lasted about 4 hours.

And already 5 hours after the operation, a nurse came to me and said: “Now we will go for a walk.” I was extremely surprised! In my view, people after such an operation lie for a week and do not move. And I went for a walk on crutches. And so every day. With a physiotherapist, they began to slowly develop the knee. Despite the fact that I used to endure pain since childhood, at some point despair set in ... You make every effort, but your leg does not move. You cry, you understand that everything is gone, life is over ... Yes, I also recovered by 8 kg, my cheeks appeared, which I usually have sunken.

But I tried to find the positive even in this position. I visited all the museums in Vienna, went to the Vienna Opera for three performances. Upon returning to Moscow - two workouts a day in the gym, physiotherapy, swimming. She did everything she could to get back on track as soon as possible. In total, I did not go on stage for 13 months ...

- What role did you play first after the operation?

- It was the ballet "Spartacus" by Yuri Grigorovich. The party of the leader of the courtesans Aegina is considered one of the most difficult in our repertoire: a huge number of jumps. At that time, my teacher was still alive Tatyana Nikolaevna Golikova- a very strong, strong-willed woman. She was persuaded in the theater: “Why should Shipulina go out in a difficult performance? Let's give it a little variation first." But Golikova and I decided to dance in Spartak. Otherwise, you can fight through your whole life after an injury and consider that you are not yet ready for a difficult ballet ...

Ekaterina Shipulina. Photo: RIA Novosti / Valery Levitin

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- And what does a ballet star do off stage to maintain perfect shape?

- Nothing special. I am an absolutely simple person, without any stellar quirks. But everyone is so accustomed to seeing me on the stage of the Bolshoi “royal” that they think: Shipulina is cold, arrogant ... I don’t know, maybe it’s because my facial features are so sharp? .. But when I’m closer recognize, say: “Lord, we thought you were such a bitch, but it turns out - affectionate person with an angelic character!

All stardom disappears as soon as a person leaves the stage. You can relax after work. And to eat, including: we have such physical activity that everything burns out.

For example, I love Uzbek plov. I eat chocolate, ice cream in any quantities. And I love to cook myself. Recently I cooked lagman for the first time - however, under the dictation of a friend.

- In our last interview, you said that you do not want to delay motherhood ...

- Certainly. But here, as God wills. Am I afraid to fall out of the working rut due to pregnancy? No, absolutely not scary. Before my eyes, my mother is a ballerina who gave birth to two daughters and returned to the stage.

Ballerina Date of birth November 14 (Scorpio) 1979 (39) Place of birth Perm Instagram @primabalerina

Ekaterina Shipulina - famous ballerina, leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. The girl, despite such an “airy” profession, is a real extreme. She loves water skiing and ice skating. Among other sports, tennis stands out - it happens quite often on the court - and football. Regularly visits fitness rooms, although with her daily workload about overweight one can only dream.

Biography of Ekaterina Shipulina

Ekaterina Valentinovna was born in one of the Perm maternity hospitals on a cold November 1979. The baby's mother - Lyudmila Shipulina - performed on stage Perm theater opera and ballet, so the girl's future was sealed from the moment she was born.

Little Katya almost did not see caresses from her mother. And this is not surprising, since the woman devoted almost all her energy and time to her students and performances. She was more than critical of her daughter and never let her relax.

Incessant pain for ballerinas is a familiar state in which they are constantly. And for Katya, she also became a part of life. The girl was by nature very hardworking and even being very young showed promise.

Catherine has a twin sister. In 1898, they passed the entrance examinations to the Perm Ballet School together and entered. Later, her sister quit ballet, unable to withstand the strongest emotional and physical stress, but Catherine herself continued to work on herself and her body, moving towards her goal.

In 1994, she entered the Moscow Choreographic Academy and after 4 years graduated with honors. The graduation number was the party from the ballet "Le Corsaire".

The stage of the Bolshoi Theater became the place of work of Ekaterina Shipulina as a ballerina. A year after the start of her dancing career, she goes to international competition ballet dancers, held in Luxembourg, and takes 2nd place there. This is the first honorary "silver" among her many awards.

The girl does not linger on the achieved result and continues to work on herself. With each new performance, she rises one step higher in her career ladder. And now she is already the Queen in the ball "Fantasy on the theme of Casanova." Further it achievement list replenish "Sylphide", "Humpbacked Horse", where the ballerina shines in the part of the Tsar Maiden. Shipulina so skillfully conveys all the feelings and emotions of her hero that it is almost impossible not to believe in the recreated image and plot.

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Daughters-mothers: family beauty secrets of stars

Personal life of Ekaterina Shipulina

In the personal life of Ekaterina Valentinovna, for the past 10 years there has been only one man. This is a talented pianist, whose concert schedule is more than saturated - Denis Matsuev. Young people are considered the most stable couple in the theatrical scene.

This year they became young parents. Not so long ago, Catherine had a daughter.

famous pianist Denis Matsuev says almost nothing about his personal life. He rarely makes an exception and only for his friends. Yesterday Denis became a guest of the new edition of the show " Evening Urgant", where he first told Ivan Urgant about the newborn daughter from the ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina. According to Matsuev, the daughter was named Anna and the baby already has her favorite pieces of music.

To Ivan’s question about how Denis’s life has changed with the birth of a child, the pianist replied that there is no way yet, if he changes something, then only after 2021.

Before that, unfortunately, everything is already planned for me. A simple example today: I flew in from Tel Aviv, yesterday I had a concert there with Zubin Meta, an Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, tomorrow I have a concert in St. Petersburg, in "Oktyabrsky", we play a jazz program. So I have time to come to you, to my favorite studio, and there is an hour to see Anna Denisovna.

Denis Matsuev and Ivan Urgant

Denis, as Ivan guessed, was already checking for musical ear with Anna Denisovna and, as it turned out, managed to introduce his daughter to many outstanding classical works.

He played concertos by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, and even Prokofiev. Her favorite work- "Petrushka" by Stravinsky. Let's say it's not for children. But she really doesn't like Liszt's 2nd concerto. I do not know why...

It is known that the daughter of Denis and Catherine was born in October last year. The prima ballerina also did not tell subscribers about this on social networks and the press, only once, on Mother's Day, she posted her photo with a rounded belly.

Pregnant Ekaterina Shipulina

Such a stir around the name of this wonderful ballerina arose by no means by chance, because quite recently she gave birth to a daughter (October 31, 2016), whose father was the world-famous Russian pianist Denis Matsuev. Meanwhile, Ekaterina Shipulina is a ballerina whose personal life for a long time was not advertised, so it is not difficult to imagine how this news surprised her fans.

And no wonder, because only recently the public was glad that Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev got married after a ten-year relationship, as it turned out that they had become parents. But the real shock of the fans of the creative couple was ahead, because in the end it turned out that Denis and Katya did not sign at all, but simply celebrated a magnificent engagement and it never came to an official marriage, even after the birth of their long-awaited first child. A little later, in an interview, the pianist reacted rather harshly to another question about the wedding, emphasizing that he was not going to the registry office, as he was very happy in his personal life and without a stamp in his passport. Meanwhile, Matsuev turns 42 this year, while his beloved Ekaterina will be 38, although, probably, in modern world there are no limits to tying themselves in the bonds of Hymen and this wonderful couple has a long way to go.

One should not be surprised at the peculiar restraint of Ekaterina Shipulina, whose personal life over a long period of time was far from the most in the best way, and all because the ballerina constantly improved her skills, spending days on end in training. Of course, all these efforts gave a tremendous result, because today Katya is the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, which every dancer dreams of, and in 2009, in addition to everything else, she was also awarded the title People's Artist Russian Federation. However, in fairness, it should be noted that such a high standard for this wonderful dancer was originally set by her mother, Lyudmila Shipulina, who danced all her life in ballet troupe on the stage of the Perm Theatre.

So, in one of candid interviews the girl admitted that her mother had always been her toughest critic, forcing her to set the most incredible goals and go to them at all costs, overcoming unbearable pain, fatigue and laziness, even with the help of painkillers.

But Ekaterina Shipulina did not become a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater right away, because for several years she had to study ballet skills at a choreographic school in her native Perm, while simultaneously performing on the stage of her theater, and for another four years at the Moscow School classical dance(class of Lyudmila Sergeevna Litavkina). And only in 1998 she was enrolled in the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, on the stage of which in the very first season she was lucky enough to dance in La Bayadere and The Nutcracker. Next year turned out to be even more generous for Catherine, because she was offered to dance in such magnificent productions as Giselle, The Little Humpbacked Horse, Don Quixote, Chopiniana, albeit not in the first parties. A real triumph awaited the ballerina in 2002, because it was this year that she had the opportunity to perform the parts of Odile and Odette in the world-famous "Swan Lake" - the dream of every dancer.

With this part and the part in Giselle, Ekaterina begins to tour the most famous cities in the world, and in 2003 she had the opportunity to conquer the American audience during a performance at the Kennedy Center. After that, there was Paris, Tokyo, Rome and many other beautiful places, so it is not surprising that Shipulina simply had neither the strength nor the time for any personal stories. And only in 2006 on one of social events she happened to meet Denis Matsuev, who accidentally ended up with Katya in the same company of mutual friends. It is noteworthy that the spark between the guys flew right away, because both were young, beautiful, and most importantly, everyone was talented in their field. In addition, Denis also had a huge experience behind him, because having been born into a musical family in distant Irkutsk, he, like Katya, was able to conquer the capital.

In 2009, Matsuev was awarded the title of laureate State Prize Russian Federation, and in 2011 they were given a People's Artist, which is a huge achievement for every figure. As for his relationship with the ballerina, it should be noted that this couple is united not only by a love of art, but also by some interesting hobbies.

So, for example, few people know that Katya Shipulina is seriously interested in skating and water skiing, and also madly in love with traveling with her lover. In addition, this wonderful couple has been spotted more than once at various ski resorts on skis and snowmobiles.

Name: Matsuev Denis

Age: 43 years

Place of Birth: Irkutsk

Activity: Russian virtuoso pianist and public figure. National artist RF. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

About the personal life of the famous Russian pianist Denis Matsuev in the press detailed information No. As there was no information about his wife and children, until famous musician did not tell in live about the birth of their daughter Anna in 2016.

In the past ten years, the chosen one of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Denis Matsuev, ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina has been under the watchful eye of the yellow press. The couple did not advertise their relationship, they were in no hurry to arrange a magnificent wedding.

The musician never told all the questions of journalists about the details of his personal life - Denis Matsuev always believed that his wife and children should be able to exist in peace, not being an object close attention paparazzi.

Denis Matsuev, photo

Young people met at the opening of a restaurant with mutual friends. A little later, they had to work on staging a joint performance on the project of the American director Sergei Danielyan "Reflections".

According to the script, 5 ballerinas were supposed to perform on stage to the accompaniment of 5 different musicians.

Shipulina had to perform various pas to Tchaikovsky's work, while her beloved accelerated the pace three times, focusing on the composer's intention, and not on the ballet length of the melody.

From the stories of Catherine it is clear that the couple have been together for a long time - they come every year to New Year to the homeland of the pianist in Irkutsk to celebrate the holiday on the shores of Lake Baikal and plunge into the icy water of the legendary lake at Epiphany.

Therefore, when in 2016 journalists noticed the rounded forms of the ballerina, they began to besiege the lovers with questions. Matsuev and Shipulina withstood a spectacular pause and pleased their fans with the news of the addition to the family only after the birth of their daughter.

Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev

The musician does not comment on his paternity, he only says that he plays various classical works trying to find out if his daughter has his love for music. According to Denis Leonidovich, Anya categorically does not accept Liszt's melodies.

Facts from the biography of the chosen one

Ekaterina Shipulina was born, who this moment is civil wife Denis Matsuev and the mother of his only daughter, in 1979 in Perm. In the biography of the girl, ballet was actually present from the moment she was born - the artist's parents were famous masters of this type of classical dance in their small homeland.

Catherine and her twin sister early childhood prepared for life on pointe, rehearsing with the little ones all sorts of steps and classical dance exercises.

Ekaterina Shipulina studied at the Moscow Choreographic Academy

The girls' mother devoted a lot of time not so much to her own children as to her students, paying attention to Katya and her sister only in case of their successful studies. Oddly enough, Shipulina is proud of her parents, considering such rigor as the engine of her progress in the profession.

In 1989, both sisters entered the Perm Choreographic School, deciding to follow in the footsteps of their parents. After graduation, the family moved to the capital in 1991 at the invitation of musical theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Well-known ballet artists became choreographers and teachers for younger generation artists of this illustrious institution. And in 1994, Ekaterina Shipulina became a student at the Moscow Choreographic Academy, having the opportunity to hone her skills under the guidance of a world-famous teacher Litavkina.

A year later, Katya confirmed her professionalism by performing the main role in the production of Le Corsaire.

Career growth and world fame

After graduation, Shipulina received an invitation to work at the Bolshoi Theater, where she initially performed in crowd scenes and episodic roles.

Speech by Ekaterina Shipulina

It has become Starting point in her creative biography- in the arsenal of the artist appeared the leading roles in productions of world significance:

  1. "Fantasies on a Casanova Theme".
  2. "Chopiniana".
  3. "Sylph".
  4. "Don Quixote".
  5. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
  6. "Russian Hamlet".
  7. "Pharaoh's Daughter"
  8. "Swan Lake".
  9. "La Bayadère".
  10. "Sleeping Beauty".
  11. Chippolino.
  12. "Giselle".
  13. "Spartacus".

In 2002, for her work in the production of The Nutcracker, with which the corpse with the participation of Catherine traveled half the world, Shipulina was awarded the Triumph Prize. The ballerina becomes the prima of her native theater, she is introduced into the top ten the best dancers modernity.

Talent and diligence, supported by external data, played a role - the dancer becomes popular performer classical dance not only at home, but also abroad.

Usual life

According to Ekaterina, for a long time she was so eager to meet the requirements of her parents, teachers, directors, that she behaved like a “pioneer” at work - even when she had a high temperature or a serious injury, she went on stage.

Modern ballet art is merciless to the bodies of performers - many compositions require the ballerina to fall hard on her knees.

Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev for a walk

The habit of enduring pain, drowning it out with pills and various ointments, played its unseemly role - the woman's limbs have practically no reflexes.

A little later, Catherine became more sensitive to her own health, having the opportunity to dictate her own conditions to directors involved in the development of a particular project.

However, in everyday life, the girl loves extreme sports, in the trunk of her car there are always skates, roller boots and a bathing suit. She enthusiastically descends the steep slope to ski resort loves to play tennis and football.

He loves to please himself with goodies and will not refuse a steak with blood, contrary to the strict requirements of choreographers. Fortunately, an active lifestyle and the natural constitution of the body allow you to keep yourself in great shape without exhausting diets and many hours of effort in the gym.

Ekaterina Shipulina considers the appearance of baby Anna in her life to be a great happiness and is not going to stop her concert activity.

For a young mother, her own parent remains a model - Lyudmila Ivanovna entered the stage after the birth of two babies and successfully continued to dance for several decades.

Paternal Responsibilities

The press has long known the attitude of a world-famous musician to a stamp in his passport.

Denis Matsuev, whose personal life and attention to the presence of his wife and children was exaggerated in open sources information constantly, stubbornly does not want to reveal the secrets of his own relationship to the family.

Denis Matsuev is in no hurry to tell all the details from family life

According to the artist, he was married so many times that he does not want to comment on such statements. At the moment, there is no exact data on the official status of Denis Matsuev and Ekaterina Shipulina.

Evil tongues claim that the first parties in Bolshoi Theater the ballerina has only thanks to the eminent lover.

It is difficult to say otherwise, but the recognition of the child as his daughter for the musician was a kind of feat - Matsuev was an ardent supporter of free marriages for many years.

His assertion that only music can be his wife, and jazz will become his mistress, for a long time created an aura of arrogance for the musician.
