Karmic diseases, hereditary and genetic .... Diseases and their karmic causes. Mental causes of disease


Illness is a signal that a person has ceased to live in harmony with the Universe, violates its laws. The subconscious through the disease reports that we overreact to the events of life, we are not doing our own thing. A person who was born with a disease or in a problematic family has the karma of past incarnations and his task is to understand his mistakes, be kind to people, and earn good karma.

If a person was born healthy, but fell ill, then he made some mistake, violated the law of nature, accumulated negative karma.

Childhood illnesses are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of parents. This is a signal to the whole family. Normalization of the atmosphere in the family leads to the recovery of the child. As the saying goes, "all diseases are from the nerves." Calm, balanced people with an optimistic mindset are less likely to get sick and live longer. A person is surrounded by an energy shell and is saturated with energy. He constantly gives energy and receives it from everything that surrounds him and what his attention is focused on.

From positive emotions and feelings, the amount of energy increases, which is facilitated by joy, kindness, optimism, faith, hope, love. The amount of energy decreases if a person experiences anger, irritation, despondency, disbelief, envy, jealousy, fear. The aura of a person depends on the amount of energy, which protects him from external influences like a cocoon. If the aura is depleted, then various diseases appear, up to death.


(By knowing the causes of diseases, reviewing and eliminating them, you will get rid of diseases.)

Allergy is a denial of one's abilities.
The flu is a reaction to negative beliefs.
Cold - irritation, annoyance.
Obesity is a defense against something.
Dental problems - inability to make decisions.
Lungs - fear of being unheard, misunderstood, inner tightness.
Stomach - fear and envy of others (stinginess).

Large intestine - an excessive desire for stability, fear of change and a desire to live life without shocks (potato juice).
Pancreas (increased sugar, immunity) - excessive authority, the eternal desire to put everything under your control, resentment, discontent.
Heart - fear of manifestation of love, suppression of emotions, lack of joy. Listen to your heart.
Small intestine (noise, earache, blurred vision, contraction of the little finger of the hand) - fear of action (acts only at the behest of others).
Bladder (cystitis, infections) - a ban on the manifestation of sexual emotions.
Kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis) - back pain, epilepsy, convulsions - rejection of the world around, an obsessive desire to remake it according to one's own system, fear of shocks (do not move anywhere).
Meredian of the pericardium (chest pain) - fear of sexual intimacy.
Three body cavities nervous system, psyche) - stubborn unwillingness to take lessons from the Universe (tongue, ring finger, lower leg, knee joint, subclavian fossa).
Gallbladder (neck, face, vision) - the inability to forgive a loved one, to understand.
The liver is the confidence that it must retain in itself a noble feeling of anger (anger). The desire to justify one's actions and actions, "undeservedly offended" (muscles of the first toe, genitals).

Barley - anger at someone.
Blindness is the unwillingness to see something.
Conjunctivitis - avoiding conflict.
Color blindness - realize the unity of all things and its diversity.
Cataract - find the light within yourself.
Glaucoma - confess your sadness, shed unshed tears.
Myopia - clinging to little things. Find space in yourself and expand the limits of the world around you.
Squint - be honest. Don't try to push out a piece of wholeness.
Farsightedness - you see the fullness of life, do not cling to trifles.

Nose-desire to close. You need to take a break from people, problems, gather strength and resolve the conflict.

Ears - unwillingness to listen, stubbornness. Listen to the inner voice. Listen and learn.

Mouth - inability to accept new impressions and ideas.
Teeth and gums - suppression of aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others. Be honest with yourself. Transform aggression into a positive creative force. Learn to love yourself and others.
Night gnashing of teeth is helpless aggression. Be aware of your aggression.
Tartars are unresolved problems. Recognize them and decide.

Neck - fear, suppression of feelings, rejection of something. Be yourself. Don't force yourself.
Cough - the desire to get rid of something.
A heart attack is the sum of accumulated anger and annoyance.
Anemia - lack of joy, lack of strength and dynamics. Joy, strength and energy are in the Universe, accept them.
Hypertension - the inability to resolve the conflict. Learn to leave the past behind, accept and survive the problem.
Hypotomy - the desire to avoid problems and conflicts, an escape from sexual life. Accept yourself the way you are. Be sincere to yourself. Find strength in yourself.
Varicose veins - lack of flexibility and energy, the inner core. Become free inside - the blood will circulate freely.
Edema - the desire to hold something. Let go and more will come back to you.
The stomach is the reception and digestion of impressions. An ulcer is a manifestation of aggression within oneself.
Lack of appetite - fear of new experiences.
Heartburn - you swallow resentment, annoyance. Realize that everything in life has a meaning. Freely express desires and feelings.
Nausea and vomiting - unwillingness to digest. During pregnancy - unwillingness to accept a child into the body, to be a mother.
Constipation is greed.
Hemorrhoids - something oppresses. Something scares you, you can't get rid of it. Accept it and get through it.
Diabetes is the desire and inability to accept love, to fully let it in.
Bladder - the inability to leave everything in the past.
Urinary incontinence is the fear that something bad will happen.
Impotence - sexual pressure, guilt, desire to act out of spite. Sex cannot be controlled by the mind. Give a piece of yourself, your true love.
Chest - you overdo it in the desire to protect, show maternal care. Allow yourself and others to be free and independent.
Menstruation is an internal protest. Resistance to one's own femininity, sex and man.
Prostate disease - erroneous judgments, fear of old age, sexual pressure.
Climax - fear of aging, live according to natural needs. Life is growth and change.
Warts - you think that there is something terrible in you, which you consider yourself guilty of. Everything has the right to exist. You are beautiful and worthy of love.
Hump ​​- you need to learn humility. Anger and anger built up in my back.
The reduction of the tendons in the hand is the hiding of aggressiveness and hostility. Open up your spirit.
Fracture of bones - no activity of the spirit. Be flexible.
Hand problems - fear of getting down to business.
Knee problems - do not want to bow out of pride, stubbornness, selfishness, fear. Learn to empathize and forgive.
Paralysis - flight from responsibility, spiritual inflexibility.
Convulsions - a strong tension, a desire to hold something by force.
Pain in the back of the head - stubbornness.
Rheumatism - lack of love, accumulation of annoyance, bitterness, desire for revenge. Thirst for power.
Migraine - the desire to be perfect, an inferiority complex and guilt.
Amnesia is fear, the desire to forget everything, to run away from everything.
Radiculitis - fear and anxiety for money, for the future.
Stroke, paralysis, paresis - jealousy and hatred, rejection of one's life and fate.
Women's diseases are the result of denial and avoidance of men or dissatisfaction.
The tumor is an insult.
Frigidity is fear.
Smoking is a denial of life, do not love yourself.

Alcoholism is a sick soul (fear, resentment, anger, despair). Eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. Find ways to achieve states that allow you to relieve mental stress.


Illness is a subconscious clue that something is wrong from head to toe.

Conflict or indecision - you always want to do one thing, but feel that you "should" do something completely different.

Conflict, repressed resentment, the desire to achieve perfection in everything.

Why don't we want to see this? Myopia: we do not look ahead enough, we do not see prospects; farsightedness: we live in the future, ignoring the details; astigmatism: distort reality; glaucoma: we experience pressure from the side; suppress all emotions.


What is it that we don't want to hear? We do not hear the inner guiding voice.

Pain in the neck:
Who or what is sitting around your neck? Inability to flexibility, indecision.

Inability to express yourself in words; resistance to change. It's scary to start the work of your life.

Shoulder Pain:
What kind of burden are you carrying? Maybe you have burdened yourself with the cares and responsibilities of other people? What will you do: let them go or start looking for help and support?

Motherhood, parenting, femininity.

Blockage regarding the problems of giving and receiving love, feeling the joy of life, “loss of heart”.

You feel like you are suffocating, you are too well protected. There may also be repressed tears, you feel like you "don't have the right to breathe", you feel unworthy, you are blocked in the area of ​​"give and receive", you are indifferent to the fact that you are here.

This is where we store our feelings.

This is where the processing and sorting of feelings takes place. (Alcohol, which attacks the liver, can be used to keep us from paying attention to our feelings. However, there is a price to be paid for this.)

Something that makes you sick. Perhaps these are new ideas or experiences that you "can't digest".

Fear, a sense of "control", perfectionism.

Related to what you give (right hand) and what you receive ( left hand). Hold on and let go. Reach out to others.

Suppressed resentment or resentment. Inflexibility.

You are offended, you are not supported. Suppressed resentment, self-pity. You try to be perfect and take yourself way too seriously.

Stubborn anger.

You do not allow yourself to properly nourish yourself, the refusal to "take into yourself." You are running away from someone or something.

Perhaps you are living in the past; squeezing emotions, refusing to let go of the past, suffering from a lack of trust.

Feeling out of control.

Venereal diseases:
Feelings of guilt about sexuality.

You feel like you are being "pinned down" (perhaps by your partner).

Coccyx injury:
Anxiety about survival and security, such as financial worries, fear of death, or fear that you "can't survive without a partner," a home, or your job.

Stubbornness, inflexibility, resentment / indignation, often starting from childhood.

Associated with pleasure and sexuality (2nd chakra).

Our mobility, our desire to move forward. Stay in this world; safety and survival (1 chakra); lameness is the way to the future.

Left side of the body:
Connection with the "female" aspect of the Self, and with the mother.

Right side of the body:
Connection with the "male" side of I, and with the father.


There are no accidents! Usually it comes from anger directed against oneself; the need for a break, or change of path; needs for sympathy and support.

Seeing the world as a threat; lack of trust; lack of control over their power.

Alzheimer's disease.
Escape from the world; ignoring emotions.

Resentment, bitterness; self-criticism; unyielding approach to life.

Blood diseases.
Associated with your relatives (with those whom you consider your family); emotional problems or conflicts with loved ones.

High pressure.
Suppressed anger and dissatisfaction with family members.

Low pressure.
Passive attitude towards life; lack of respect for everything that exists in the world. Fractures.
A broken bone suggests that your main "support" is at risk - perhaps it's your family, your career, finances, or self-worth; or perhaps you are trying to break free - but it seems dangerous to you. (Note that a broken bone stopped you, or delayed something you were afraid to do. Also, it matters where the fracture occurred)

Suppressed sadness and discontent; feelings of hopelessness and/or helplessness; lack of meaning or purpose in life; suppressed need for "growth"; fear, something that "eats" you from the inside. (It is necessary to know the location of the tumor to determine the causes of its occurrence).

Runny nose.
Self-pity; suppressed tears; the need for rest; confusion and uncertainty.

Suppressed anger.

Trying to achieve perfection; excessive demands on oneself or others.

Weakened immunity.
Lack of self-confidence; feeling of powerlessness; self-pity; demand for love.

Suppressed anger.

Do not let go of the past, the feeling of the need to be protected.

Premenstrual syndrome.
As a woman, you feel uncomfortable, do not believe in the natural course of life, do not own your strength.

Vascular problems.
Suppressed tears or grief; you are angry about something.

Skin problems.
Connected with your image, how you present yourself to the world. Red, inflamed skin, burns, blisters - repressed anger. Increased sweating - suppressed grief. Dry, flaky skin - you cut off your emotions, live too much only with your head. "Spots" on the skin, rashes - problems of adolescence (for example, problems of becoming a person, fear of losing control over oneself, conflict over sexuality and intimacy, bragging.

Joint immobility.
You are inflexible, stuck in your own ideas.

You refuse to believe in the life process, you do not want to go with the flow of life, you ignore spirituality.

Bruised toes.
See where you're going. Stay on the ground, don't be in the clouds.


Health - inner freedom, free circulation of energy, balance between the head, heart and stomach.

Illness is evidence of inner trouble, it points the way to healing. Self-healing is a natural ability of the human body.

To help the body, you can use self-hypnosis, sound healing, mudras, reiki energy, meditation, yoga, etc. The main thing in case of illness is not to focus on it, but to find at least one healthy place and be glad that it is healthy, then the illness itself will go away.


With the growing moon at 4, 6, 7 lunar day can be healed with sounds.

The sounds "Yu" and "YuYa" treat the kidneys and bladder.
The sound "OH" will cure hemorrhoids. "NGONG" affects the stomach, liver, brain and sinusitis, "I" will heal the eyes, runny nose, and a little bit of fun.
"SI" and "A" - from voltage. "MN" will bring wealth, "IA" - saves the heart,
"E" gives peace, peace and love,
"U" - wisdom, will make the blood boil,
"O" - brings harmony,
"OE" - gives harmony in love,
"NG" and "A" - for creativity.

The sound “OM” pronounced 3-4 times stimulates the work of the epiphysis, which affects the 7th chakra.

Chakra Opening Exercises (after relaxation):

1 chakra (root) - "y"
2 chakra (sacral) - "oh-oh-oh"
3 chakra (solar plexus) - "oh"
4th chakra (heart) - "ah"
5th chakra (throat) - “ai” (a tone higher than the previous one)
6th chakra (third eye) - "hey"
7 chakra (crown) - "and-and"


Mantra - sound vibrations that cause a state of goodness and peace in a person. They connect a person with the Cosmos through Sahasrara, free from diseases and evil. Vibration of the voice is very important for good health. It helps promote health. The reproduction of some vowels makes the tonsils and glands vibrate and forces them to cleanse the body of toxins. Mantras are based on certain combinations of vowels, which are sung in a special way to cause an oscillatory effect throughout the human body, in the nervous system, endocrine glands, and in the brain. Vibrations also have a healing effect on diseased organs. This chanting is performed easily and calmly, however, with the full energy of deep breathing. Try it and you will soon feel full of new energy.

Make a strong and piercing sound Y-Y, parting your lips as if in a smile. Do it not in the form of singing, but rather in the form of a shout from afar. The sound should be even and the same height at the beginning, middle and end. You can’t start powerfully, but end with a weak squeak; stop before you run out of breath, because before the end of the sound there should always be a small supply of air. Rest and repeat 2-4 times. At first, no more. Gradually you will notice the effect of vibrations on the head, very pleasant sensations arise. It helps clear the brain, eyes, nose, ears and gives the impression of exhalation.

There are sounds based on other vowels and consonants that affect various organs:
I-I-I - causes vibrations in the head;
O-O-O - in the middle part of the chest;
E-E-E - in the glands, brain;
SU-SU-SU - in the lower part of the lungs;
A-A-A - in the head;
U-U-U - in the pharynx, larynx;
M-M-M - in the lungs.
The cores must first strengthen the heart with a short MMMPOMM and a longer OM-MANI-PADME-HUM (in one breath).

And cancer patients can try this treatment.
The patient must pronounce the sound "He" 9 times a day. It's a cleansing sound. If the patient's blood has changed for the worse (especially after chemotherapy), in addition to "ChE" you need to pronounce the sound "SI" once a day.
Further, when pronouncing a sound, it is necessary to imagine a diseased organ, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich during treatment both hands are superimposed.

The left hand is pressed to the body, the right hand is on top of the left: after that, make sounds. Liver, gallbladder, glaucoma - palms on the liver area, the sound "GU-O" - 7 times. Kidney diseases and urological diseases - palms on the kidneys on the back, the sound "Yu" - 12 times. Bronchopulmonary diseases - palms on the chest cross-to-cross, the sound "SHENG" - from 10 to 20 times. The vibration emanating from the sounds reduces the neoplasm of dangerous cells and stops their growth. Diseases of the spleen and stomach - palms on the solar plexus, the sound "DON" - 12 times. Diseases of the heart and small intestine - palms on the heart area, the sound "CHAN" - 9 times. Diseases of various organs require different sounds. If you treat the heart - a low sound, with diseases of the stomach, kidneys, spleen - a high sound intensity.

The sounds "O" and "E" - for each person are extremely beneficial. "O" has healing,
and "E" - cleansing power. The sound "OM" increases vitality, is effective for brain tumors and high blood pressure.
The sound "AM" helps with prostatitis, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the appendages.
The sound "IM" has a protective, cleansing and harmonizing effect.
Knowing the sounds, you can choose combinations yourself.
If your head hurts and you are stressed, you can use the sound "AUM" or "PAM".
All the best combinations of sounds have a positive effect on people.


To apply color therapy, you need to paint the points (on the palm, foot) or the matching area with a felt-tip pen of the appropriate color or stick colored paper colored surface to the skin.

Black color - with redness, when there is no swelling and pain.

Green color - with swelling, itching, weak dull transient pains.

Red color - with significant, but not constant pain, erosion.

Yellow color - with severe constant pain, ulcers, the affected area is grayish-black.
There are several ways to influence the bioactive points of the palm and feet:
1 mechanical massage (1-2 min)
2. Magnetic field (magnet)
3. The biological strength of live seeds (attach the grains of buckwheat, wheat with a plaster)
4. Warming up (with wormwood sticks)
5. Color (see above)


Healing with color.

With the help of color, you can learn to heal both yourself and your loved ones.

The easiest way is to sit or lie down in front of a colored lamp, for which you need to prepare several colored bulbs, you can also color them yourself. True, this has a drawback - this is a rather laborious process (coloring light bulbs), and not everyone will succeed.

A more acceptable way is to use a slide projector. To obtain different colors, it is enough to make your own slides of different colors. You need to purchase slide frames and insert transparent color film into them instead of photographic film. As you know, from the three primary colors (red, yellow, blue), any color can be reproduced.

To obtain natural colors, you need to combine several layers of color film and insert it into a slide frame.

Here are some combinations:

scarlet 2 red
Red-orange 2 red and 1 yellow
Orange 1 red and 1 yellow
Orange-yellow 2 yellow and 1 red
yellow-green 2 yellow and 1 blue
Green 1 yellow and 1 blue
Blue-green 3 blue and 1 yellow
Turquoise 2 blue and 1 yellow
Indigo 2 blue and 1 red
Purple 1 red and 1 blue
Blue-violet 2 blue and 1 red
Red-violet 2 red and 1 blue
Crimson 3 red and 1 blue
Magenta 1 yellow, 1 red and 1 blue

To get more options, you just need to use your imagination and experiment.

To conduct a color therapy session, you need to insert color slides into the projector in the sequence necessary for this purpose. It is recommended to start and end the session with pure white light, although there are options.
For example, ending a session with green light balances the human energy system.

Ask the patient (or himself) to take a comfortable position in front of the light source - slide projector. It is possible to receive a session while sitting, but it is still better to install the apparatus so that the light falls evenly on the entire body of a person when he lies down. In the supine position, it is much easier to relax. The total duration of the session should be at least 30 minutes and, accordingly, if you have chosen several colors for treatment, then the total duration of the session must be divided by the number of colors used, not forgetting to include an intro and an end. Perhaps you find it necessary to use a certain color longer than others - in this matter you need to trust your intuition.

Before starting the session, you need to relax, first take a few deep breaths. When using color, imagine that the projected light fills the entire body, energizes and heals.

Here is a list of common ailments and recommended colors for healing them.

Condition / Beneficial Colors

Abcesses blue, blue-violet
Alcoholism indigo and yellow
Allergy indigo and soft orange
Anemia red
Losing appetite yellow, lemon
Excessive appetite for indigo
Arthritis purple, blue-violet
Asthma blue and orange
Anxiety light blue and green
Headache blue, green
Toothache blue, blue-violet
Muscle pain pale orange
earache turquoise
Bronchitis blue, blue-green, turquoise
Blisters milky or milky blue
inflammation blue
Hemorrhoids dark blue
Flu dark blue, turquoise, purple
Chest pink, red-violet
Depression yellow, lemon
Diabetes purple
Vision indigo, azure
purple infection
Intestine yellow-orange
Intestinal colic summer, lemon
Bones purple, lemon
Skin diseases lemon, blue-violet
Bleeding blue-green
Blood pressure(high) blue, green
Blood pressure (low) red, red-orange
Leukemia purple
Fever blue
Menstrual problems light red and blue green
Bladder yellow-orange
Nerves green, blue-green
Burns blue, blue green
Tumors purple, blue-violet
Parkinson's disease indigo
Liver blue and yellow
Pneumonia red, red-orange with indigo
Buds yellow, yellow-orange
Swellings pale blue, milky blue
cold red
Cancer blue, blue-violet followed by pink
hay fever red-orange
Heart disease green and pink
AIDS red, indigo and purple followed by pink and gold
Rash lemon and turquoise
Nausea milky blue
Acne red, red-purple
eczema lemon
Epilepsy turquoise, dark blue
Ulcer green


For this purpose, you need to make color cards 8x12 cm in size, on the back of which write various characteristics of a given color.

First you need to relax and breathe in rhythmic breathing (the length of the inhalation is equal to the length of the exhalation). Go through all the colors several times and read what is written on the back. You need to start with the seven colors of the rainbow, if you succeed with these colors, you can start adding secondary colors.

Next, close your eyes, mix the cards thoroughly, after making sure that they lie with the colored side up. Pull out one of the color cards (at this time, be sure to be in a state of relaxation). Hold your palm over the card and try to determine whether it is warm or cold. This will allow you to find out whether it belongs to the warm and cold parts of the spectrum.

Try to remember all your impressions and sensations from this color card (a feeling of tingling, sensations in some part of your body, perhaps some color will appear in front of your inner eye). Pay attention to any, even random sensations.

With practice, you will be able to identify color by feel.


More detailed information about the human chakra system, their name and location can be found in other sources. Here in question only about the effect of color on the chakras.

Muladhara, the color red, is at the base of the spine.
This chakra is associated with the level of consciousness that controls our life sustaining energy.
With insufficient activity - a tendency to manipulate, excessive caution, underestimation of one's own strength, need for approval, excessive fatigue. To normalize, use red.
With excessive activity - physical aggressiveness, militancy, impulsiveness, obsessive sexuality, increased activity, restlessness. To normalize, use green followed by a small dose of red
When properly stimulated, the Muladhara Chakra can awaken the awareness of talents. past life and calm your fears.

Svadhisthana, orange in color, is located in the region of the spleen.
This chakra influences sensations and emotions, desires, pleasures and sexuality. Awareness of creativity.
With an insufficiently active chakra - distrust of people, inability to show emotions, lack of communication, following the crowd, worrying about what others think. To correct, use Orange color.
With excessive activity, selfishness, arrogance, lust, excessive pride, lust for power, emotional excitability To normalize, use blue, followed by a small dose of orange.
With proper stimulation, a connection with energies and entities from the astral plane opens up.

Manipura, the color yellow, is in the region of the solar plexus.
Manipura is associated with a level of consciousness that can open up extrasensory perception to us. It is the center of psychic impressions.
With an overly active chakra, pickiness and criticism, boasting of one's mental abilities, eternal plans and lack of action, stubbornness, the need for constant change and diversity. To normalize, use purple and magenta.
With insufficient activity, a feeling of deprivation of recognition, a feeling of isolation, fear of learning something new. To normalize, use yellow.
In the case of proper stimulation, it reveals awareness of the talents and abilities of other people, helps to tune in to the natural element.

Anahata, color green, is located in the region of the heart.
This chakra is associated with a level of consciousness that awakens higher compassion and our natural healing abilities.
An overly active chakra manifests itself in the form of anger, jealousy, blaming other people for everything, stinginess, excessive self-confidence. For normalization, use pink or light red followed by a small dose of green.
With an insufficiently active anahata, lack of confidence, inability to show will, possessive attitude, self-doubt, feeling that you are not loved, lack of compassion. To normalize the green color.
With the right stimulation, it helps to understand the feelings and dispositions of other people, gives a deep understanding of nature, plants and animals.

Vishuddha, the color blue, is located in the throat area.
This chakra is associated with the creative functions of the mind.
With excessive activity, imperiousness, fanaticism, excessive reactions, harsh statements, excessive activity. For normalization, use orange followed by a small dose of blue.
With insufficient activity, submission to other people, resistance to change, melancholy, stubbornness, difficulties in communication. To normalize, use blue. With the right stimulation, it gives impetus to creativity, telepathy, comprehension of the true laws of natural phenomena.

Ajna, the color blue, is located in the area between the eyebrows.
This center manages the magnetism of the whole body and influences clairvoyance.
An overly active chakra is manifested in anxiety, fearfulness, excessive sensitivity, belittling the actions of other people. To normalize, use a soft orange or peach color, followed by a small dose of blue.
With insufficient activity, it manifests itself in a tendency to doubt, envy of the talents of others, forgetfulness, superstition, timidity, anxiety. To normalize, use blue.
When stimulated properly, it enhances intuitive perception, creative imagination and the ability to evoke visual images.

Sahasrara, the color purple, is located in the region of the crown.
This center has a connection with our spiritual essence. It helps to act with the higher forces of the universe and has an impact on the purification of subtle energy bodies.
With excessive activity of this center, a vivid erotic imagination, a need for popularity and necessity, a need for sympathy. For normalization, use yellow followed by a small dose of purple.
With insufficient activity, a feeling of misunderstanding, shame, self-denial, a negative image of one's self. To normalize, use violet color.
With the right stimulation complete harmony both spiritual and physical.

The science of chakras is very extensive and only a small part is given here. special case work with them, very easy and efficient. From the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to normalize any chakra with its excessive activity, you need to use the color opposite to its color, but in order not to completely deactivate the chakra, at the end of the session you need to give a small dose of the color of this chakra. And, accordingly, to stimulate with insufficient activity, you need to use the color of this chakra.

During one session, you should not work with all the chakras at once, it is best with one or, in extreme cases, with two. For general harmony, give white at the end of the sense.

For a session:

1. Identify which chakras are out of balance
2. Determine which chakras are overactive and which are underactive.
3. Apply color therapy.

IN last years the number of people around the world has increased significantly different ages suffering from cancer.

But how can one explain the nature of the occurrence of such diseases as, for example, tumors in the brain or lung cancer, karmic causes - this is what esotericism focuses on. In this article, you will learn how cancer is explained from a metaphysical point of view and what actions contribute to its cure.

Why people get cancer: karma and its pollution

Every day people face many kinds of diseases. These can be viruses, various infections and other types of pathogenic effects on the human body. You can protect yourself from most of them thanks to a strong and powerful immunity, which, like a shield, protects human health. But things are completely different when the disease does not need to penetrate the body, since it is part of it and is already inside. That disease is cancer.

Oncological diseases appear quite unexpectedly. Often a person does not know that he is sick and finds out only after passing the appropriate tests and examinations.

Cancer is not transmitted in any way, but is a kind of disruption of the endocrine system or some cells in particular.

Cancer cells are not introduced into the body from the outside, they are the same cells of one or another organ, but they lose their original appearance, functions and begin to randomly divide, affecting an increasing number of cell “neighbors”, which then form a tumor.

The most terrible diseases are always associated with the human body itself. After all, when we discover any disease that is foreign to the body, we can pick up an individual medicine that will eradicate the infection, but will not bring practically any harm to the person himself. But what to do if the body itself is the source of the disease, how to destroy what needs to be saved on the contrary?

In fact, modern medicine does not have in its hands a single method of treating oncology, which would give an absolute guarantee of healing. Of course, there is painful and painful chemotherapy, but it often enough becomes just torture for the patient, which delays the inevitable end a little.

Naturally, the reality is not so gloomy, you can easily find a lot of examples from life when people who were diagnosed with even the third or fourth stage of cancer emerged victorious from the fight against the disease. Such cases occur quite often, usually in this case, medicine calls the healing that has taken place nothing but a miracle. Esoteric teachings have a slightly different opinion on this matter, and the victory over cancer from this point of view is not a surprise, but a completely logical pattern.

Such a concept as karma came to us from the East - the area of ​​our world, which is traditionally considered the cradle of metaphysical wisdom. It was here that most of the religious teachings were born, which put at the head spiritual development person. All this knowledge is based on the idea of ​​reincarnation. This concept itself means an infinite number of rebirths. human soul. It follows from this that people do not come to our world once, the immortal soul is simply placed in a new physical shell over and over again, while the material consciousness does not remember what is happening in a past life.

True, sometimes there is a slight failure, which is expressed in the appearance of phantoms of the past and fragments of memories of events that never happened. That's right, they were not only in this particular life, but earlier they happened when the soul was enclosed in another material shell.

Like any phenomenon in our world, reincarnation has its own laws, which it steadily obeys. The most important of these is karma. If we briefly consider this systematization of reincarnation, then we will get a causal relationship of any action. This means that karma acts as a kind of scales that balance the balance of evil and good in our world.

In those cases when he causes any harm to other people, he simultaneously releases negative energy, this force does not go anywhere and does not dissolve in space. Instead, negative energy returns to the one who created it, and this does not necessarily happen at the same moment. It even happens that by doing something terrifying in one life, a person receives the fruits of such an action in another. It is this effect that is considered by esotericists as confirmation that oncology is a karmic disease.

Of course, where there is negative energy, there is also positive energy. Thanks to the introduction of light energy into your karma, it is cleansed and gets rid of the destructive influence of negativity. Of course, such work cannot be easy, especially when the karmic balance is strongly inclined to the negative side, but diligence and, most importantly, a complete understanding of the nature of these processes allows you to do truly impressive things.

According to esotericists, the karma of each person is a kind of scales. Imagine this classic device that has two bowls. When we put something heavy on one of them, the second immediately rises up. This means that the balance of forces is broken, and our Universe, as you know, is arranged in such a way that it tries to maintain harmony in everything by any means, and does not tolerate such significant disturbances.

When a person performs actions of a negative nature, he loads his karma, usually some minor deprivation or test in the future becomes the price for this. There are practically no special difficulties in overcoming such troubles. The situation is completely different in cases where negative actions are systematic or something truly terrible is committed by a person. The result of such incredible pollution is the development of karma by oncology.

At first glance, such a payment seems rather cruel, especially in cases where the disease comes to a person who is just a reincarnation. In fact, the patient did nothing wrong, and you have to pay for the mistakes of others. In fact, these errors are not alien and are not taken out of thin air.

Cancer is a karmic disease that is a complete test.

The way in which a person overcomes these hardships and whether he withstands them with dignity - his healing depends on this. Oncology is an extreme measure taken by the Universe in order to maintain the balance of power, so this should not be neglected and it is necessary to take this chance to fix everything.

Karmic diseases and their causes: cancer and other serious diseases

According to esotericists, there are several options for why cancer forms. The most common of them is resentment and anger, which devours a person from the inside. These feelings can lurk deep in the soul and not be obvious even to the person himself. Tellingly, after a disease is diagnosed in such people, these feelings begin to manifest themselves especially clearly, even relatives and friends notice this. Think about how resentment and anger feel.

At first you feel something insignificant, as if a small seed has been planted within you. Then, over time, it grows and now your entire inner space is overflowing with this harmful sensation, it has completely covered you and causes, first of all, harm to your body, and not to the object due to which it arose.

Agree, this process is somewhat similar to the development of oncological diseases at the physical level, when the tumor slowly captures more and more healthy tissue, turning it into the same disease-causing one as it is. That is why, in such cases, esotericists recommend, first of all, to hack at the root of the mentioned feelings within yourself. This first step is quite often enough and the disease miraculously recedes after a while.

Of course, there are also cases when getting rid of feelings that eat away from the inside is not enough.

Oncology is, first of all, a sign. A sign that signals that something is wrong with your life.

There are a large number of examples when people, having learned that they have been diagnosed with cancer, drop everything and change their lives dramatically. They know the approximate date when the disease will be fatal and try to have time to do everything that was not available to them in normal life.

The result of such life changes is that the patient not only does not die at the appointed time, but the doctors state an erroneous diagnosis, since no signs of the disease are found. This widespread phenomenon is esoterically explained by the fact that a person, changing his life, changes his karma, there is a kind of working out of the negative that has accumulated and caused the onset of the disease.

The Buddha said that every suffering has a cause, if it is eliminated, then the suffering itself will disappear.

The same scheme works here, only oncological disease plays the role of suffering.

Rarely enough, the cause of cancer is the presence of a person with negative karma in the house. The fact is that when we consider a family, the karmic boundary between spouses or close relatives is erased here. Each member of the family becomes a member of the general karmic cycle and the processing of certain mistakes of the past takes place together.

Of course, most often family ties allow the most successful correction negative character karma, but do not suffer the disease, but in the event that both family members have a negative karma, then in combination with each other such a symbiosis has unpredictable results. Although, you should never discard the option that the arrival of a spouse with negative karma into your life is precisely the test that is prepared for you personally to correct your energy.

It is impossible not to note another theory that some esotericists put forward. As you know, our whole world is filled with energy, which is constantly in a state of vibration. These vibrations occur in every object, regardless of whether it is animate or not. The sum of all these fluctuations is a single system, which is considered the vibration of the Universe.

In recent years, its frequency has increased significantly, this is noted by many cosmoenergetics and representatives of other esoteric teachings. Negative karma, in turn, has a low-frequency structure. It is this frequency resonance, according to these experts, that is the cause of cancer. Thus, the Universe, as it were, is trying to restore harmony and rid the Cosmos of all manifestations of negative energy with a low frequency.

After a person with cancer has been healed or reborn, his soul becomes a full-fledged part of the energy space of our world, which is tuned to high frequencies.

Another energy theory can also be attributed here, only it is not connected with the features of the Universe, but is hidden in the depths of the human energy body itself. Everyone knows how negatively the presence of negative energy inside the human biofield affects. Contaminated karma is precisely clearest example such strength.

Due to its presence at the physical level, some cells are oversaturated with energy, and because of this, their uncontrolled division occurs, which then forms a tumor. According to the supporters of this theory, the healing of an oncological patient is possible if, at the first stage, the karma is made positive, and then the energy balance of the biofield is normalized.

I would like to remind you that all means are good in the fight against serious diseases, but one should not think that working with karma is a panacea. Perhaps this helped someone, but for another, this method will not bring any tangible results and will have absolutely no positive effect on, for example, progressive lung cancer.

Karmic causes are just a theory, one of many that try to explain the nature of this serious illness. First of all, if you have been diagnosed with this terrible disease, you need to seek the help of traditional medicine, and only then work out additional measures. Faith in your own strength and confidence in the future victory over oncology - these are the main postulates that you must remember. This is the secret of those who emerged victorious from the battle with cancer.

Traditional medicine has accumulated a large amount of practical material explaining the causes of all types of diseases - from infectious to oncological.

Viruses, bacteria, stress, neglect of the rules of a healthy diet, abuse bad habits- all this by medical standards can cause illness.

Causes of karmic diseases

There is such a thing as "karma". It is believed that karma is a program with which a person came to this world from other lives and must work it out.

In the karma of each person there are imprints not only of his past lives, but also of the lives of members of his family, his ancestors.

Accumulation of "bad" karma leads to karmic illnesses. Illness is a lesson that the Universe teaches negligent students so that they correct disharmony at such a cost.

If a person acquired a disease during his life, although he was originally healthy, it means that he let destructive energy into his aura.

Fatal mistake, wrong line of behavior, negative actions - that's possible reasons karmic diseases in such cases. A child born with a congenital disease works out the karma of his parents or elder members of the family.

A healthy baby who suddenly begins to catch cold often may have karmic illnesses due to the negative attitude of family members towards each other.

Our aura is a vessel with positive energy. As long as it is in this vessel, life goes on. Negative experiences and transferred strong emotions can reduce its level: anger, fear, envy, slander, apathy, irritation, jealousy.

And, conversely, the aura gets a second wind when the person to whom it belongs experiences positive emotions: joy, love, optimism, faith, hope, kindness, compassion for another person. These qualities do not depend on material security, level of education and other factors.

It is possible to have access to excellent medical care, but not be able to eliminate the causes of karmic diseases due to a negative attitude towards this world. And you can never take a single pill in your life, but live with with a pure heart and a clear soul to a ripe old age.

How to work with the table of diseases?

So that you can correct your karma, a table of karmic diseases has been created. It consists of two columns:

  • Wounded organs and systems.
  • Possible karmic reason.

You need to select your problem in the first column and determine what could cause it, what qualities of character or actions caused the pathology. Examples of karmic causes of diseases:

  • Kidney diseases - the desire to remake the world "for themselves";
  • Obesity - the need to build protection from the world, vulnerability;
  • Dental problems - fear of making key decisions;
  • Diseases of the stomach - fear of the future, transferred envy, pettiness and stinginess;
  • Diseases of the large intestine - fear of change, the desire not to change anything in your life;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system - lack of positive emotions, joy, restraint of love and tenderness directed at another person.
Diseases and wounded organs/systems Possible karmic reason
allergic reactionsDenial of one's own abilities and strengths, loss of goals, and positioning oneself with weakness
FluNegative beliefs, points of view, principles
ObesityAcute anxiety, feeling vulnerable, needing protection from something
Colds, SARS, acute respiratory infectionsAnnoyance, anger, irritation for no good reason
Caries, pulpitis, other dental problemsInability or unwillingness to accept key decisions in my own life
gastritis, ulcerFear of the future, envy, avarice
Bronchitis and other lung diseasesAnxiety in relation to others, fear of being misunderstood and not heard, inner tightness
Colitis, enterocolitis, other diseases of the colonExcessive conservatism, fear of any changes, constant striving for strict stability, unwillingness to develop, desire to live a life without stress
Pathology of the small intestineInability to act independently, making decisions solely on the instructions of others
Diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, pancreatic diseasesAssertiveness, constant desire to keep everything under control, resentment, discontent, thirst for comprehensive control, abnormal authority
cystitis; infections and other diseases of the genitourinary systemObservance of the ban on the manifestation of sexual and intimate experiences
Heart attacks, tachycardia, hypertension, hypotension, other cardiovascular pathologiesLack of positive emotions in life, persistent fear of showing love and tenderness towards another person, lack of joy
Nephrites, nephrolithiasis, other renal pathologiesFear of moral upheavals, a manifestation of dislike for the world around, the desire to remake it in your own way
Cholelithiasis, gallstone disease, other diseases of the biliary tractDeeply hidden old resentment, the inability to forgive and understand a loved one
Chest painFear of showing love, fear of intimacy
Mental and CNS disordersPersistent unwillingness to promote the laws of the Universe and understand its obvious signs, the constant path "on the same rake", inability and unwillingness to correct and work on mistakes, rejection of karmic lessons, the desire to do "in spite"
Hepatitis, cirrhosis, other liver pathologiesPerception of one's own evil deeds as nobility, cruelty justified by "good intentions", a constant feeling of "undeserved" insults and insults in one's direction

You need to have a high level of self-control in order to accept the information that the table of karmic diseases offers. Its creators claim that after serious work on oneself, there will be no trace of the disease. Cleansing karma from negative emotions, the eradication of destructive feelings will lead to healing, will avoid the return of the disease.

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Over all the variety of diseases described by modern medicine, it is possible to model a metaphysical pyramid. This will make it possible to understand the super-essential cause of any disease.

All diseases can be divided into two large groups: karmic and sacred. Each of them has several levels.

KARMIC 1. Hereditary 2. Genetic 3. Admitted

SACRED 1. Restraining 2. Purifying 3. Controlling karma.

In each of these levels there are physical planes of diseases.

genetic diseases are formed only by the character of each person, this is his individual karma, and hereditary diseases are the karma of people like you. This is the fundamental difference in genetic disorders and breakdowns that appear in some at the time of conception, while in others, children are born healthy, but at some point in their lives they get sick and get complications at the genetic level.

For example, polio, meningitis, diphtheria and many other diseases. It is characteristic that many genetic failures occur as an infectious disease. This suggests that the spirit and soul of this person became infected with spiritual dirt. Children bring this dirt from a past life, and adults have already collected it in this life.
We already know that diseases that go untreated become chronic, require hormonal treatment or surgery - all of which are genetically coded in order to change your soul and spirit. You yourself will change this, but already in the next life, although everything can be cured while a person is alive, until he left our earthly world.

Karmic medicine says that there are no incurable diseases, there are people who do not want to change anything in their lives, in their minds and feelings.
The genetic hereditary disease of the spirit that manifests itself after birth can be influenced by blocking them with vaccinations and vaccines. This method blocks the individual karma of the spirit, and spiritual freaks appear in families and society, which block the development of civilization and the evolution of souls with their character. Many have already regretted that they gave birth to a child who does not understand anything, does not listen to anyone, does everything in defiance, drinks, smokes, swears, fights, and so on and so forth.

A GENETIC failure that occurred after the birth of a person can be cured, but only when the spirit is directed towards spirituality. Medicine, psychology and pedagogy should be directed to this.

Admitted illness. The name itself suggests that by the unreasonable force of our will or the weakness of the soul, we have created fertile ground for the development of the disease in our body. These are karmic diseases with the karma of the present, laying the foundation for the karma of the future. These diseases are rewarded to us for our inability to control our thoughts and feelings.

Some admitted diseases are formed from the forces of evil, envy and pride, when the body is in a constant excited state. A person always lacks something, and then these thoughts and feelings begin to suppress him. There is a desire to throw off this accumulated dirt and be filled with new energies. This is how a disease appears, which in karmic medicine is called "energy vampirism." If a person allows his feelings to break down, then this gives rise to a lot of karmic diseases that can become chronic and incurable. And we already know what it leads to.

Other admitted illnesses arise from the weakness of the soul and spirit. Simply put, a person often and for a long time gets sick from rudeness and rudeness, to which others provoke him. By this they force a person to open up, to answer, to throw out a beam of life-giving energy from himself. And then the heavy energies of your partner begin to fill this void. People call such diseases "stases", and in karmic medicine this phenomenon is called "donation", when he gave the energy of his health, and in return received a disease.
With vampirism, the body calms down, returns to “normal”, so for a long time no illnesses are felt, but in fact great shocks and terrible troubles arise in the body.

During donation, the body will immediately react to the changed state or pound in the temples, while the soul groans and cries at this time. If a person cannot calm down for a long time, then the diseases will progress and even acquire chronic forms. So energy vampirism and donation are the first triggers for most admitted diseases.
Any karmic illness comes first as admitted, and then it begins to teach us to live differently: to restrain and control ourselves. There are very good way in order not to let the disease into oneself - this is the tone of life. What is the tone of your thoughts and feelings, so the body will behave.

SACRED ILLNESSES. They can be divided into three levels: restraining, purifying and controlling karma . Each of these levels bears a special imprint of sacred action. Sacred diseases happen only to people who are mistaken in something or do not understand the essence of things happening around them. And vice versa, unrighteous, evil and rational people do not have sacred diseases, but only karmic ones. We have already said that bad (biopathogenic) people are outwardly more resistant to diseases, while righteous people suffer from the slightest feeling, thought or deed.

Restraining diseases are diseases that stop a person from the wrong path. The less rationality in the actions of people, the more accessible they are to biopathogenic people. These signals begin with the endocrine and lymphatic systems, indicating the search for an inner secret of the soul and spirit that can change the state of health.

Let us remember the Reverend Elder Seraphim of Sarov. He spent many years bedridden. Seeing the spiritual imperfection of people, priests, striving for power, positions and titles, he could not object to them, could not and did not want to convince them, and from this there was a weight of impotence in his soul. He knew that they would not understand him, that they would condemn him, that even without that, for his righteousness, many priests looked askance at him. Therefore, illness restrained him from active actions, because it is easy to break, but nothing can be changed. Only by your work, patience and humility can you show both the Way and the Truth.

Restraining diseases are not cured, for the nature of their origin is such that they will continue until the circumstances and events around the patient change. Remember how many times in your life, when you need to do a seemingly important thing or work, you get sick. This is the restraining sacred disease. But as soon as the time of the event passes, the disease suddenly stops. Therefore, do not blame, do not punish yourself for what you have missed, otherwise the disease will sit in your body for a long time. “Whatever God does, everything is for the best,” people say, and this phrase is karmically justified.

Another way to recover from a holding disease is when you learn to hold back the feelings and thoughts that your actions give rise to. For all this creates new causes for new health problems.
Most of all, these include diseases of the sense organs: sight, hearing and touch. Diseases of these sense organs say that a person does not look, does not listen, and does not come into contact with what constantly irritates him. Only when he learns this, the sense organs will restore their functions.

Restraining diseases can appear unexpectedly and disappear just as suddenly. They can take years and decades until a person realizes something. Many childhood illnesses act as a deterrent for parents, especially mothers, to change their way of life, work, feelings, etc.
The most important tool for controlling our thoughts, feelings and actions is intuition. She will tell you: do not go there, do not do this, do not communicate with that. If you do not hear the voice of intuition or go against this inner feeling, you will get an illness, a stop, a delay in order to lie down and think.

The danger of restraining diseases may lie in the fact that by restraining oneself from unpleasant thoughts and feelings, a person keeps them in himself, thereby creating tense zones in his body. And again, a simple sacred rule will help you clean out the filth of thoughts and feelings from yourself. This rule is the same for everyone, for any illness: forgive, forget the offense, admit that you yourself were wrong, repent. Then all diseases with pain will begin to leave the body, and the body will begin to cleanse itself.

Cleansing illness. This is the second type of sacred diseases, which indicate that a person is undergoing changes in the soul and spirit. These diseases occur only in people who begin to change their lives in its best spiritual qualities.
When our senses were constantly shaking the body and rocking the functions, the whole organism was under constant pressure, shrouded in heavy energies and permeated with negative vibrations. And here the person calms down. He begins to perceive the world and events in a new way, in a different way. The quality of feelings and energies in his body begins to change, to be replaced by purer ones, and this is accompanied by incomprehensible pains. If, for example, a person has stained the body with paint, then it has to be washed mechanically, and this causes pain. So inside the body there is a washing, washing out, scraping off old dirty energies and slags. That is, order is put in the body-temple so that it shines from within.

And this radiance is immediately noticeable in the eyes of a person, in his speech and demeanor. The radiance of the eyes indicates that the soul is ahead of the development of the spirit and leads it in the direction necessary for God, giving it spiritual qualities. But this process takes a long time and is painful, because it is impossible at one moment to become different, to restructure one's thoughts and feelings. No medicines help, but natural remedies and prayer help.

Helena Ivanovna Roerich, who experienced these sacred pains, wrote about them this way: “Urusvati knows what sacred pain is. Modern doctors will call this pain Neuralgia, Nerve Spasms, Inflammation of the Nerve Canals. Many definitions will be expressed, but even an earthly doctor will see something special. We define this something as a thud of psychic energy from Infinity... Such pains begin without any apparent cause and subside without any consequences. They are varied, and it is impossible to foresee which center will get sick. Now one can imagine how subject the Great Teachers are to such tensions. It cannot be otherwise - the primary energy is knocking on new spheres. The treatment of such pains can only be vibrational. We send currents often of very strong degrees.

In addition, Helena Roerich points out that “these diseases are called occult fever, which is caused by increased fatigue and changes in the body. We need to be careful about this time."
During the course of cleansing diseases in the human body, pain is felt not so much in any separate organ, but the whole area inside the body is captured by this sensation: throat, heart, stomach or intestines. Strange burning, burning, or tingling occurs in these areas. It breaks new currents. They capture the space, which in Indian yoga is called chakras.

If, in addition to mental changes, a person also changes in consciousness, then this further intensifies pain and expands its boundaries. Therefore, for everyone who is imbued with new knowledge of secret teachings, religions, who studies and follows these teachings, changes begin inside the body. I myself went through these pains and this is what I found amazing. These pains return again and again to different areas of the body, but they are already more gentle and transient, but the sensations of perceiving the world and knowing it become easier, cleaner and more understandable.
Carlos Castaneda, having experienced the state of sacred pains, described them as follows: “A person walking the path of knowledge may feel itching in the stomach or burning, then pain, which is so severe that it causes convulsions. This may continue for several months. But the more pain, the better; true strength always preceded by pain. When the pain and convulsions pass, the person notices that he perceives the world in an unusual way. He gained strength and will."

Sometimes cleansing diseases go unnoticed. It can be diagnosed by hand. I will note only one point, which occurs more often in children, although it often happens in adults. White dots under the nails are the main indicator that shows us these hidden processes. Doctors call these points a metabolic disorder. Everything is correct. The process is broken, but what? White dots under the nails indicate a cleansing process inside the body, because changes are taking place in the human soul in a clean and bright direction. No wonder we say that white dots are for gifts. It is nice to give gifts to a child when he is passionate about some kind of creativity, when he is obedient and kind. These children, and even adults, are vulnerable and sensitive, because they are kind in soul. Let the white dots under the nails delight you. The process began, irrevocably breaking the old attitudes of the soul and spirit. Therefore, I call these points "sacred and good." Let them help you diagnose the quality of the soul, the work of its feelings and functions.

Purifying diseases from the point of view of karmic medicine can hardly even be called diseases, because the body is undergoing restructuring on all planes and levels. This can be called a transformation into a new quality that causes painful sensations. Therefore, help your body with the joy of the soul, with the love of life, and you will see, you will feel something new in yourself. You will have new acquaintances, friends with whom you will find spiritual unity, and the old ones will move further and further away. You try to pull them into your new world, but they are more accustomed to the old, well-established, and therefore chronic and karmic.

In addition, it has been noticed that the thinner, cleaner and a more moral person sets himself the tasks of perfection, the better his body is cleansed of toxins, energies and stench, and the pains become more and more mysterious. If moral laws become the norm of your life, then already on the spiritual plane, each sense organ begins to perform a holy work: vision cleans the liver and gallbladder, taste cleans the heart and small intestine, touch cleans the spleen and stomach, smell cleans the lungs and large intestine, and hearing - kidneys and bladder.

Cleansing pains indicate that the body's susceptibility to infections, radiation and environmental problems of the earth, water and air drops sharply, and eventually completely stops. For a person purifies his living space with the power and light of his feelings and thoughts. That is why it is said: save yourself, and thousands will be saved around you.
And one more statement of Helena Roerich: “The question of people who purify and people who harm is needed in medicine. Without a solution to this issue, there is no way to find salvation from many of the latest diseases.
It is a completely different matter when a person forcibly and constantly cleanses his body of toxins and heavy energies. This is already work with karmic problems that remain unresolved.

Karmic medicine says that cleansing pains are also the release of the body from the influence of vaccines. Having received vaccinations against various diseases in childhood, we thereby had the opportunity to sin with impunity. Any sin leaves its sediment in the body, which can be freed only through repentance, and various techniques and methods of purification do not even affect this level of spiritual and biological blocks. So we once again come to the conclusion that purifying illnesses and pains come only when a person sincerely repents of his sinful life.

It is impossible to cover the entire spectrum of feelings and all the moral laws of being at once. Even putting things in order, you can endlessly get angry and shout at those who arrange it, which means that all your impulses towards the light will only be mental breakdowns. Therefore, cleansing pains stretch out for many years, periodically signaling to us that the process of physical and spiritual perfection still continues.
And this is the main conclusion we come to. The body, purified through feelings and thoughts and filled with light energies, becomes incorruptible after death. These are saints. Their souls no longer return to earth, for the process of evolution is over. Their souls and strong Spirit became the new cosmic quality of the "radiant man". They returned to God the Father to help Him perfect those who remained on Earth. Therefore, there is a reason to bow before the relics of the saints and ask them for help, support and health.

Rulers of Karma . To deal with these diseases, we must identify one important principle. When children get sick, we say that this is a holy disease, for why did the Lord punish him, small and sinless, with some kind of disease? We still do not know that this disease came with him from a past life. We only see that a sick child was born in this family. This means that parents, and especially mothers, will have to devote themselves to a holy cause - caring for a sick and helpless child. Parents are obliged to carry this holy cross to the end.

The ancient wise doctors knew and spoke about holy diseases, until Hippocrates appeared. In his book On Sacred Diseases, he dispelled the myth of the divinity of any disease. In particular, he wrote: “And because of ignorance in what they do not know, they are given to her (epilepsy) a divine property; by virtue of the knowledge of the method of treatment, divinity is canceled. Wow! It turns out that even Hippocrates knew how epilepsy is treated, and it still remains incurable. Paradox! In this statement of Hippocrates lies the most important and biggest mistake of modern medicine, which led to the fact that the cause of any disease is sought at the biological level, forgetting about the existence of spiritual, divine and karmic.

Karmic medicine considers the sacredness of any illness, especially childhood, in that they force and force parents, relatives, doctors and teachers to develop the warmth of their soul for the weak, sick and infirm. So that there is no time and nowhere to disperse oneself, except for the divine earthly service.
Deviation from these sacred duties will give rise to a host of problems, both at the household level and at the social level. But not only do we ourselves do not want to deal with sick children, but also doctors have come up with a remedy that frees a person from the karma intended for him. This remedy is a vaccine and general vaccination of children and adults against possible karmic diseases.

Illness is a signal that a person has ceased to live in harmony with the Universe, violates its laws. The subconscious through the disease reports that we overreact to the events of life, we are not doing our own thing. A person who was born with a disease or in a problematic family has the karma of past incarnations and his task is to understand his mistakes, be kind to people, and earn good karma. If a person was born healthy, but fell ill, then he made some mistake, violated the law of nature, accumulated negative karma. Childhood illnesses are a reflection of the behavior and thoughts of parents. This is a signal to the whole family. Normalization of the atmosphere in the family leads to the recovery of the child.

Calm, balanced people with an optimistic mindset are less likely to get sick and live longer. A person is surrounded by an energy shell and is saturated with energy. He constantly gives energy and receives it from everything that surrounds him and what his attention is focused on. From positive emotions and feelings, the amount of energy increases, which is facilitated by joy, kindness, optimism, faith, hope, love. The amount of energy decreases if a person experiences anger, irritation, despondency, disbelief, envy, jealousy, fear. The aura of a person depends on the amount of energy, which protects him from external influences like a cocoon. If the aura is depleted, then various diseases appear, up to death.

Causes of some diseases:

Allergy is a denial of one's abilities.

The flu is a reaction to negative beliefs.

Cold - irritation, annoyance.

Obesity is a defense against something.

Problems with teeth - inability to make decisions.

Lungs - fear of being unheard, misunderstood, inner tightness.

Stomach - fear and envy of others (stinginess).

Large intestine - an excessive desire for stability, fear of change and a desire to live life without shocks (potato juice).

Pancreas (increased sugar, immunity) - excessive authority, the eternal desire to put everything under your control, resentment, discontent.

Heart - fear of manifestation of love, suppression of emotions, lack of joy. Listen to your heart.

Small intestine (noise, earache, blurred vision, contraction of the little finger of the hand) - fear of action (acts only at the behest of others).

Bladder (cystitis, infections) - a ban on the manifestation of sexual emotions.

Kidneys (nephritis, pyelonephritis) - back pain, epilepsy, convulsions - rejection of the world around, an obsessive desire to remake it according to one's own system, fear of shocks (do not move anywhere).

Meredian of the pericardium (chest pain) - fear of sexual intimacy.

Three cavities of the body (nervous system, psyche) - stubborn unwillingness to take lessons from the Universe (tongue, ring finger, shin, knee joint, subclavian fossa).

Gallbladder (neck, face, vision) - the inability to forgive a loved one, to understand.

Barley - anger at someone.

Blindness is the unwillingness to see something.

Conjunctivitis - avoiding conflict.

Colorblindness - realize the unity of all things and its diversity.

Cataract - find the light within yourself. Glaucoma - confess your sadness, shed unshed tears.

Myopia - clinging to little things. Find space in yourself and expand the limits of the world around you.

Squint - be honest. Don't try to push out a piece of wholeness.

Farsightedness - you see the fullness of life, do not cling to trifles.

Nose - the desire to close. You need to take a break from people, problems, gather strength and resolve the conflict.

Ears - unwillingness to listen, stubbornness. Listen to the inner voice. Listen and learn.

Mouth - inability to accept new impressions and ideas.

Teeth and gums - suppression of aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others. Be honest with yourself. Transform aggression into a positive creative force. Learn to love yourself and others. Night gnashing of teeth is helpless aggression. Be aware of your aggression. Tartars are unresolved problems. Recognize them and decide.

Neck - fear, suppression of feelings, rejection of something. Be yourself. Don't force yourself.

Cough - the desire to get rid of something.

A heart attack is the sum of accumulated anger and annoyance.

Anemia - lack of joy, lack of strength and dynamics. Joy, strength and energy are in the Universe, accept them.

Hypertension - the inability to resolve the conflict. Learn to leave the past behind, accept and survive the problem.

Hypotomy - the desire to avoid problems and conflicts, an escape from sexual life. Accept yourself the way you are. Be sincere to yourself. Find strength in yourself.

Varicose veins - lack of flexibility and energy, the inner core. Become free inside - the blood will circulate freely.

I wish you good luck on your life path!!!

Karma and the so-called karmic illnesses” – conditions that are defined in Eastern culture, suggesting reincarnation as the basis of their philosophy and religious faith. This means that the soul is immortal, and that its development is from one body to another, from one life to another. You should not confuse karma with fate., as it is very often done by those who are familiar with the philosophy of life, and how it is interpreted by those who are sure that the physical state is part of the category of karmic diseases, which means it is insoluble.

Illness has never been only good or only evil, it is always both at the same time.

S.N. Lazarev

Karma is not a complete synonym for fate, and in fact it is not. It is impossible to model it, but it contains all the thoughts, words and actions from this life and from the past that accompany us, and which support us if they are good deeds, and of course act against us if they are negative.

According to astrology, there are two types of damage to health:

  1. Karma(sent by the cosmos for our "sins" in a past life)
  2. Happening(diseases, injuries, accidents - mainly dependent on the understanding of human life).

So, karma is an information flow and an energy flow, partially pre-established, amenable to change in the full sense of the word. In Sanskrit, "karma" means "action". Karmic illnesses are the result of negative actions in relation to life and in relation to someone. Every word we utter, every thought and every action, can respectively determine "bad" or "good" karma for the future.

There is a logic in all these correlations, since not only in Hinduism, where "karma" has a certain concept, but in all religions (also in popular views) there is a teaching according to which you will get what you envision or desire.

In Christianity, for example:

“Do for others what you want others to do for you.”

Or according to the wise popular saying:

“Do not do to others what you do not wish to yourself.”

The Talmud (Jewish religious book) interprets:

"Don't make your neighbors hate you - that's the true law."

Buddhists say:

“Do not offend others so as not to be offended.”

When we choose to contribute to the happiness and success of others, the effects of karma will be marked by health, happiness and prosperity. The law of karma is, respectively, the law of action and reaction.

Karmic illnesses can move from a past life, this is typical of those people who are treated with medication, who have negative life facts who persist in their mistakes, who refuse to change for their own good.

Karma can be balanced and harmonious, until the last moment of a past life. Someone's mood at the time of death can affect future life. Karmic diseases, against which medicine is powerless, are caused by feelings of discontent that have appeared since the moment of life. Any mental or physical instability is projected in the biocamp of each of us (in the aura), and the biophysician (eniopsychologist) can identify it very accurately and even cure it within a certain period (through eniocorrection). Such intervention is not enough, because situations are repeated if we do something wrong. In most cases, when we are angry, dissatisfied, upset, when we cannot forget (forgive) the moments of our past, the energy field first becomes ill, and then all emotions are reflected in the physical body and its condition. Now you understand that karmic diseases are karmic workings through which you need to go through, not just go through, but realize, only through awareness you can heal yourself from sick karma, and whether the process will be long depends on the degree of the disease, the degree of neglect of the karma itself or karmic program and your desire to work on yourself and improve yourself.

Karmic illness or death is almost impossible to avoid, since they are programmed from the birth of the individual, they are divided into:

  1. Physical punishment (body disease, birth defects, health)
  2. Mental punishment ( mental illness, dementia)
  3. Harassing us through bad luck (poor choice of husband, close partner, etc.).

You understand that if a person does not fulfill his high goal (life mission) and does not lean towards it without working on himself, without improving, without fighting his bad habits (drinking, debauchery, betrayal, etc.), wasting themselves, upsetting and creating tense situations for their loved ones, then in the next incarnation, they will have to be in the role of a victim, experience all the karma on themselves.

Karmic retribution may affect us, may affect us through our children, and life will present us with a number of specific tests (checks). There is an old saying that it is often the children who pay for the karma of their parents. Diseases develop from poor lifestyle choices, which are reflected in the physical condition by harmful factors and constant stress. However, there are such karmic illnesses, which, in astronomical language, are truly karmic. These are most commonly skin conditions (such as psoriasis) and brain damage (cerebral palsy). Although these diseases may not develop only for karmic reasons, since there are also “purely” medical causes of diseases of this kind.

Did you know that the cause of psoriasis is related to three factors:

  1. Infectious
  2. Neuto-endocrine exchange
  3. Heredity (disputed issue)

According to Medical Handbooks, the etiology of psoriasis is still a mystery. Psoriasis has been known since the time of Hippocrates. Naturally, karmic psoriasis is not curable with antibiotics (unless it is an infectious form, even though psoriasis is, according to most, a non-contagious disease) or gene therapy (for the hereditary form). Karmic disease can deepen, and the accumulated sins can be expressed in various forms of psoriasis.

To get rid of karmic tests (karmic programs and checks), a person needs to work on himself, develop both spiritually and intellectually, develop feelings of compassion and warmth.

You already understand that illness is a kind of test (test). Karmic death is given as an opportunity for a new incarnation, for a new improvement or correction of individuality, according to Eastern wisdom.

And there is enough evidence for this. Modern medicine always has a “purely scientific point of view”, and there are not enough explanations for many riddles.

Karmic disease is the result of our views, that is, diseases associated with the previous incarnation. That is, our actions and thoughts, it means that we sowed seeds in a past life that grow during real life. Nothing happens without a reason, not even a common cold. Many karmic diseases are associated with wounds, wounds of the body. For example, heart disease, as a karmic disease, is associated with cardiac activity in a past life. It could be: a stab wound, cardiac surgery or a heart transplant, a traffic accident. Information is formed and stored in the mind, and the mind, like one of the shells of the subtle body, carries information to the next body.

In a serious illness, as a rule, there is always a reason. For example, lung disease, bronchial dilatation, consumption, tuberculosis, asthma are a consequence of unhealthy lifestyles in the past incarnation, such as smoking, alcohol and drug addiction. Cancer is a karmic disease, due to the fact that a person cannot for a long time part with the old resentment, a sense of abandonment and internal suffering, experiences. Oncological diseases are inherent in people with high self-criticism, suppressing their emotions and feelings, they live in the interests of others, it is very difficult for them to realize their own goals. internal state, their true needs.

Serious gynecological diseases, impotence, diseases of the prostate confirm that in a past life a person followed the desires of his organs. Diabetes is the result of the use of heavy foods, sometimes alcohol, a great thirst for desires.

Karmic illnesses and include myopia, and blindness and deafness and loss of speech. Why are children born short-sighted, who is to blame for the fact that children who have not managed to do anything wrong in this life suffer? The reason is the need to rethink your past life. Myopia is a serious eye disease in a past life. For example: cataracts and glaucoma, cataracts, and if the chain has to extend to one life before it turns out, people who are constantly subjected to such emotions as anger and thirst. The disease of the eyes was associated with dysfunction of the physical fire, with immunosuppression. When a person is angry, his eyes fill with blood, suffering from the eyes of the optic nerve, and with frequent and constant flashes of the eyes of the optic nerve of anger, beginning to reduce and impair vision, the lens of the eye begins to become clouded and the flow increases.

Mute and deaf in this life, so people had head injuries in a past life, hearing-related brain damage, speech is impaired by hearing loss. Head injury, concussion leads in the next birth to diseases like epilepsy, epilepsy. All chronic diseases that have accumulated towards the end of his life become the cause of a future disease that will appear in the next life in weakened parts of the body, since the energy channels are clogged with birth.

The emotions that controlled a person's activities in a past life remain, and at the beginning of life the body is negatively affected, and when a person becomes more mature, then the disease already manifests itself more openly, disturbing the person's mind. Physical deformity is also associated with human desires, human passions, emotions, a life that has been under passion and ignorance.

Exists individual karma, but also exists collective karma. There are cases, you may notice, for example, when problems (illnesses, quarrels, divorces, alcoholism) appear in the family one after another for no apparent reason. It could be inherited karma or kind karma, which can be resolved only at the moment when this family has a desire to forgive, to change when good facts and thoughts. Do you know that in families, energy transfers from one person to another occur more quickly, there is a genetic and resonant connection. Thus, you can receive an energy charge from relatives through the channels, exactly the energy that is currently identified with the family, the transmission of emotions is especially acute: suffering, experiences, joy, happiness. A pleasant, harmonious atmosphere within a family makes people strong and keeps them healthy, while tensions can make people sick.

Karmic illnesses can also be generated collective karma that manifests itself in society and people. Wars, malnourished children in many parts of the world, prostitution, mistreatment of animals, pollution and any manifestation of disrespect for all living beings or indifference to all living beings. In such places and environments, neither people nor nations can be happy or rich.

Epidemics are such karmic diseases, as a way to remind people of the existing values ​​that they have ignored, a kind of cleansing and mass initiation of humanity. Kind karmic working off. For our own benefit, we must understand karmic illnesses that appear as manifestations of negative facts from our past lives or present that give us the opportunity to free ourselves or try to free us. The law of karma is not fate or fatality, it is a kind of balance, harmony and the law of love, since no one should be left or ignored (which happens more often in the modern world).

We will be healthy only if we always remember the only point that our goal is to do only good things, that we did not come into this life as victims, that everyone has the opportunity heal your karma, work out karmic programs You can do it every day by reconciling yourself with yourself, with those around you and with the whole world as a whole, and you can heal yourself only through spiritual perfection.

Now you yourself can define “Karma”.

What is "karma"? Karma, according to Vedic astrology– essential actions for the sake of enjoying its fruits, as well as the consequences of such actions, “that is, ignorance of the law of God, this self-will in this world, a person does not live according to the laws of God and lives by the whims of your mind, as he pleases. The Vedic literature says that only God Almighty can change karma, and everything happens according to the will of God. Every living creature has a life program, where life expectancy is also determined. The soul, having received a certain body, leaving it at the appointed time, and even a new heart will not force the soul to stay longer in the body. If our lives did not depend on the will of God, then all doctors would cure their patients. Make no mistake when you think the doctor saved you on his own. You have been sent to help God, which means it is not time to leave yet. Higher forces push you to certain actions so that you yourself will be able to cope with the disease.
