Passage of the game mass effect andromeda. All endings and key decisions

Mass Effect Andromeda.

Prologue. Hyperion

The first mission in, the events of which take place on the Hyperion, is rather educational. Just follow the suggested steps. All dialogues with characters in the game, if they are not marked with markers, are optional for passing the main storyline.

And before that, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Mass Effect Andromeda video walkthrough (the beginning of the game):

Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda. First mission "On the surface"

After landing on the planet, another short tutorial will begin, during which you will learn about the mechanics of jumping and the basic principles of combat. Just follow the directions and do what you are told and shown until you meet Fisher.

Your first encounter with the kett is pretty straightforward; you have to kill two opponents. Once you kill them, then use the scanner on everything you see around. Get used to using it constantly, as scanning will earn you the research points you need to develop blueprints for new weapons and armor. Follow to another marker.

Eventually, you will reach a strange structure where you will need to kill another group of opponents. Use covers, and after destroying the enemies, inspect the motionless body of Kirkland. You can't save him!

Shortly after receiving the distress signal, you will be ambushed. After talking with Liam, get ready to kill opponents. Continue following the marker until you reach the point where the path diverges.

Your main task is ahead, but you may want to go to the left to find the alien building. The entrance is at the bottom, on the right side under the big pipes. Scan everything you see inside, then activate the generator in the far left corner to open another door. It will lead you to your first encounter with the relics. Destroy the robot.

After you've done this and explored the rest of the building, return to the fork and head towards the marker to the southeast. You will come across another part of the escape shuttle located near the kett cave. Get rid of them, and then move to the main goal.

When you arrive, you will encounter a more substantial group of kett who will attack in waves. This time you will have to use cover even more often, since the enemy has an advantage in numbers. You can use your jump to suddenly flank mobs. While jumping, you can land near enemies to push them back and deal some damage.

As soon as the location is cleared, a new marker will appear. Head to the new location to meet Ryder Senior and prepare for a rather lengthy battle against the kett. By the way, before that you can save Grieg, another member of the squad. If this is not done before meeting with Ryder Senior, then you will find his body in a huge kett complex.

When you reach your destination, you need to protect Ryder Sr. while he opens the door. Most opponents will come from the upper areas, left and right. Therefore, send one partner to the right side, and the other to the left. Fight until the target refreshes. Watch a lengthy cut-scene after entering the structure.

When you arrive at the Nexus, talk to Avina near the entrance, then go forward, climb over the boxes and talk to the technician.

Soon you will receive a new task, which is optional. But for this you just need to talk to a few NPCs and finish everything with a conversation with Director Tann.

You need to talk to him twice to complete the mission and unlock the main quest, which will take you to Eos in the Pythia system.

Passage of Mass Effect Andromeda "From a clean slate"

Talk to SAM to start the mission " family secrets Ryder" and then go to the "Storm", you new house. After a short tour and getting to know the crew, you will be able to travel to Eos, to the Pitya system.

As soon as you land, then move to the marker. The door will be locked, so follow to a new location. Examine the data pod on the table to get the password, and then return to the first building.

Use the console inside it, then go back outside and head to the building with the generator. Someone has barricaded themselves inside and won't let you through, but he will allow you to activate the generators.

Turn on the nearby generator and then scan the small pylon nearby. As soon as SAM prompts you, then jump up and activate the pylon. Go to the second generator and do the same. A kett dropship will spawn, so you'll have to destroy them. Then you will be able to access the building. Activate the power management system and go to the next point on the map.

Scan a huge box with right angles that looks like a garage, then use the keyboard on the side. Go to the new marker to summon your first mobile station within .

Go back, enter the research building near the large container and interact with the terminal. Walk back and use the keyboard on the container again to access the Nomad.

Jump into it and drive to the marker. Leave the Nomad and examine the terminal in the center of the location before interacting with it. SAM will tell you what to find Additional information, so use the scanner again and follow the visible yellow cables. Scan the objects on top of the huge pillars before returning to the terminal.

When you interact with him, Peebee will appear. She's harmless, so ignore her. Talk to her and then destroy the relics. Focus on larger robots first, which can spawn an infinity of Watchers.


Return to the Nomad and follow the markers until you reach a large relic monolith.

Before you can access the terminal, you need to destroy a group of relics. And you will again need to use the scanner to follow the yellow cables and scan two glyphs.

The horizontal pillar can be reached by walking along its far end and top, and the vertical pillar can be accessed by using a small terminal near it, which will create several pillars that you can jump on.

Once you've scanned both glyphs, return to the central terminal to solve the first relic puzzle. Arrange the characters so that they do not repeat horizontally and vertically. Everything is very simple!

After completing such puzzles, you will activate various terminals. Interact with them and then prepare to fight another group of kett.

After that, you need to go to the kett research center. Return to the "Nomad" and move through the desert to the indicated point. Kill the enemies on the territory of the complex and inside the building talk to another ally - Drak.

Next, it will be time for another monolith of relics. After short conversation with Drak, approach the nearest monolith. Scan the glyphs and interact with the terminal, then return to the Nomad. To get to the glyphs, again, use the scanner and other terminals that create columns that you can jump on.

Head to the next marker, leave the Nomad and interact with the console to create a bridge across the ravine. Approach Peebee on the opposite side. Go down the ramp, open the big door and go inside. Jump through the large hole in the center of the room to reach the area below.

Interact with the terminal at the back of the room and then use your scanner to follow the yellow air duct within Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda.

Avoid hitting the big barriers in the next room, go through the door, jump into another gravity well and kill the enemies.

Activate the terminal and then continue following the cable along the ledge on the right. Deal with the relics and continue on until you see Peebee again.

Continue along the wider corridor and you will find yourself in another area with relics. Eliminate the resistance and then activate the terminals on either side of the room to access another gravity well. Get down.

When you find yourself at the bottom, you will find yourself in a dead end. Fortunately, Peebee will tell you what to do. Use your omnitool to fix the leak and then move on along the yellow cable. Activate the console in the next room, jump over the pillars and activate the other terminal to create a path to the other side where you will encounter some more relics.

Once they are neutralized, activate the adjacent terminal, then go to the center and follow the new path to find a new console.

After activating it, kill the relics, and then use the next terminal to create a bridge over the abyss.

Before going through the door, activate the terminal located on the upper platform on the right. It will create a new bridge at the back of the hall - go back to the central area with the tree and jump over the posts to a new location. Kill the relics and enter the "library".

Scan the glyphs on the walls on both sides and then solve the relic puzzle to get the loot.

Go through the big door, activate the end terminal, and then run. You will have enough time even for respite, but still you should not stop. Just follow the markers.

When you're done, you'll be at the mobile station. Expand the Nomad and head towards the marker. Along the way, help Drak, who will join your team.

Use the nearest outpost beacon. You will be given the choice to deploy a research or military outpost. Each of them will have their own advantages, but your choice will not have a significant impact on the plot of the game. You will be able to set up other outposts on other planets, so choose what you like best.

Return to the Tempest, speak with Drak, then head to the Nexus and speak with Tann again to complete the mission.

Now you will have a choice. It is possible to complete the side quest "Destroying the kett" or the mission related to the Prime Architect, but we would recommend doing them later due to the high difficulty. Next, you need to start the task "Ray of Hope", which will allow you to study Aya, the planet of the Angara.

Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda "Ray of Hope"

Travel to the Onaon system and once you are there, you will eventually land on the planet Aya.

Follow Paaran Shi around the city; here you can't influence anything. Just watch what happens, and then return to the Tempest and talk to Jaal, the newest member of your team.


Now you have two missions - to help the scientists on Havarl and to meet the resistance. In the second case, there will be less action, but in order to progress through the story, you only need to complete one of the two tasks. You can do both if you like, in any order. When you're ready, return to The Tempest and contact Ephra to continue the Light of Hope quest. Read the walkthrough of both missions below.

Use the visor in the conference room on the Tempest to talk to Ephra, then head to the resistance base on Voeld.

When you arrive at the place, then use the scanner to find the access point to the right side of the force field. Use this hotspot to create an opening and kill the kett that are waiting for you on the other side. When the path is clear, then go up to the vent on the right, scan the grate and break it by simply shooting it.

When you get to the T-junction, then kill the enemy hiding in the far left corner of the corridor. Rooms on either side have datapods and credits, and the marked room contains a group of kett hiding in cover on the other side. Deal with them and watch the cut-scene of events taking place in a huge hall.

Fight your way through the kett compound until you reach a shielded door. Use SAM to deactivate the barrier and then scan all internal modules before using the console.

Once you know where Moshae is, make your way through the compound, destroy another gate, and deal with a few more kett as you head towards the shuttle launch area in Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda.

When you arrive at the place, you will encounter the Cardinal. She can fly and teleport, has her own shield, which will need to be destroyed before she can be damaged. Shoot at the orb rotating around the Cardinal until the shield is destroyed. After that, deal as much damage to the enemy as possible, as soon the shield will be restored again. You have to repeat everything from the beginning. The location has a large number of consumables, so do not stand still.

After chat with Moshae and you will have two options. As far as we can tell, your choices only affect the upcoming dialogue, but it's possible that there could be repercussions in future installments of the series.

Now you need to leave the base. Moshee will give you a protective energy shield while you take out opponents. But it has only a short-term effect, so it is better to use regular covers instead.

When you find yourself in the far part of the bridge, you will first meet with a huge creature. Do not get close to him, otherwise he will trample the hero in no time.

If there is a sniper rifle, then try to kill him before the monster has time to reach you. But soon there will be new monsters, so you need to evacuate on the arriving shuttle.

Return to Aya and talk to Ephra and Moshae. You will be taken to the Vault. When the cutscene ends, return to Ephra to complete the mission and start the new Archon Hunt quest.

Help scientists on Havarl

Go to the planet Havarl and go to the research station. Immediately behind it is a deployed mobile station. Activate it before entering the building.

Talk to the scientists inside and go to the monolith in the jungle. On the way, you will need to destroy hostile creatures. When you get to the monolith, you will have to kill the relics before using the console. Use the scanner to find the glyphs in the room and then access the terminal. Solve the relic puzzle.

Once the scientists are freed, quickly head back to the mobile station and report back before returning to the Tempest.

If you decide to meet with the resistance (the second of two missions), then you should know that this task is much simpler and shorter. Take the Tempest to the planet Voeld, follow the marker and talk to the resistance forces. Don't stay outside for too long.

Once you meet your contact, activate the mobile station on the other side of the cave and return to the Tempest.

From there, call Ephra through the vidcom in the Tempest conference room to continue the Light of Hope quest and infiltrate the kett facility.

Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda "Hunting the Archon"

First of all, go to the Kadara port location in the Govorkam system and after landing, go to the bar. Wait for your informant to arrive and follow suit to meet with Sloane Kelly. She will let you see Van Terev and tell you the approximate location of the Archon transponder, but on her own terms. If you do not agree, then get information from the informant.

Go to the transit console and select Slums as your destination. Go to the exit to enter the Badlands. Ahead on the right there is a place to call a mobile station. Do this to get Nomad.

Drive over rough terrain to the marker. You must first move in the direction of the west, go around the ridge and break through several enemy outposts.

When you get to your destination on the Nomad, you will find a transponder buried in the ground under the southwestern part of the large building. Return to the Tempest and speak with Gil in the engineering department. Return to the bridge and set course for the Tafeno system.

Dock to the Ark and use the console at the back of the room to open another door. Walk down the corridor to the medical bay. Scan the salarian lying on the bed on the left side of the room, use the nearby console, and then go through the room to the terminal within Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda.


Once the Salarian has been identified, head to the previous corridor and scan the pods along each wall to find a Salarian Pathfinder.

When the Salaf recovers, you will find yourself on the kett ship. There will be many opponents on the way to the next room. When you go through the door, go to the left and look back to see several opponents at the top behind you, which can take you by surprise.

After clearing the room, go to the upper level and use the console by the window to disable the kett security system. Now wait for the salarians to retreat before you can access the door controls.

There are two more safe rooms behind the door, but when you get to the hangar, you will be attacked again.

Ships will land on the platform on the left at different points throughout the fight, so it's safer to stay as close to the entrance as possible.

Clear the area and then proceed to the far door until you reach the next firefight during the course of Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda.

This time you will face the Rising, who will have the same shield as the Cardinal. Destroy his shield, and then attack the mini-boss himself, as you did with the Cardinal.

Make your way through the ship and eventually meet up with Raeka. Talk to her through the glass and then continue moving deeper into the ship.

Eventually, you will reach a door that opens with a voice. Choose the answer to go inside, and you will soon encounter another group of kett before you reach the Archon.

After your capture and escape, you will find yourself in a room with a hatch control. Use it (in one of the two side rooms) and then return to the hall to see a passage (ventilation) at the top of the wall.

Follow through a narrow tunnel and soon you will find yourself in the personal room of the Archon. Use your scanner to examine relic artifacts floating in the sky and earn research points. In the far part of the room, inspect the smallest artifact that you needed.

After the cutscene, you will be ambushed - pay special attention to the Behemoth as he can deal decent damage if you allow yourself to get close to him.

Clear the room and go to the corridor, where you will face another choice. It does not affect the plot of the game in any way, but you can have consequences. Whichever option you choose, you'll have to storm a corridor full of kett. When you get to the end, wait for the Tempest to arrive and leave this place.

Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda "The Way to Meridian"

The mission begins with a lengthy dialogue that will be interrupted by good news. Once you get the controls go to the dock area and talk to the other Pathfinders. Return to the Storm.

Head to the research station and use it to install the required Spectral Storm technology. Head upstairs to the conference room and brief your crew before setting a course for Hi Taseera in the Zivki system.

Move to the ledge ahead and use the scanner to follow the cable and find the hidden terminal. Interact with him to open the bridge over the chasm and activate the terminal on the other side. Jump into the gravity well to be at the bottom and follow forward.

The next room will give you some kett, and then a handful of relics. When you get to the command node, go up the slope to the right and move along the cable using your scanner.

It is quite a long and curved path, but without forks, so you won't get lost. Just keep following it, killing the kett, and then activate the tower at the very end.

Just below the east side of the bridge, there are several platforms that you can jump onto.

On the lower part is a locked door that requires a special solution. challenging puzzle relics to continue Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda.

Several relics will appear after the tower is activated, so kill them and then follow the marker. You will encounter more kett and a couple of relics blocking the path. As soon as you cross the bridge, another relic will appear ahead.

When you finally get to the control room, interact with the terminal on the far side.

Now you will need to restore power using the four smaller terminals, but this must be done in a certain order - the wrong order will lead to relics that will need to be destroyed.

If you look from a large terminal, then you need to activate the smaller ones as follows:

  • near right;
  • near left;
  • far right;
  • far left.

Activate the main console, kill the giant relic, and follow the markers until you reach the bridge.

Pull it out, jump onto the platform at the end and follow the path to the control room. As expected, ketts will appear. The Relics will release their new deadly weapon - the Destroyer. Eventually, you will be able to reach the central command node.

Sword of the Archon

Activate the console and watch the light show. Get ready for a tough battle. A wide variety of ketts will appear, accompanied by the next boss - Archon's Sword.

Sword of the Archon

The boss has an excellent shield, as well as a cloak that makes him invisible. As soon as you destroy the shield, you will have a short period of time to deal real damage to the enemy before he disappears again and hides from you, recharging his shields. Try not to let him out of your sight.

You can still damage him even if he is in stealth mode. Ahead of you is the final mission of the game.

Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda "Meridian: the way home"

The first step is simple. Ride the Tempest to any of the three marked systems and probe to find the location of Meridian.

After finding it, return to Hi Tashira. Starting this mission will activate the endgame of the game - after it is completed, you will be able to continue completing side quests in Walkthrough Mass Effect Andromeda.

From the drop zone, follow the markers - they will lead you through several doors with relics on the way, until you finally get to the console.

When you activate it, everything will not go according to plan. Get to the next marker, after which you will be given control over another relative of Ryder (if you play Scott, it will be his sister, or vice versa).

Go to the weapon locker and grab it, then make your way through the Nexus to kill the enemies. Do not forget that you do not have good weapons and armor. Once the SAM is reloaded, you will regain control of your character - interact with the terminal several times until it works. Walk down the corridor until you reach a place with gravity. Returning to the Tempest, go to the bridge to start the last stage of the mission.

Use the terminal and then activate the gravity well and continue into the building. You will pass through three open areas, swarming with enemies that you need to kill. Next, another well awaits you.

When you get down, you can open the doors for yourself. You will enter the central hall. Kill the enemies to start the final showdown with the Archon.

The boss fight, in fact, consists of three identical stages. First you need to clear the location of enemies, and once this is done, you need to run to the marker and hold the position until the console is activated (look at the scale). Shortly after the Archon's defeat, Birth of Mass Effect Andromeda will end.

You just have to go through an excerpt from the epilogue!

After dramatic but predictable events, players put on the shoes of the pioneer and begin their epic adventure.

Having docked with the local analogue of the Citadel, you will soon find out that Andromeda met the strangers far from cordially, some of the arks were lost, the station was not completed, the colonists staged a coup, which led to the formation of gangs of bandits and marauders that spread throughout the galaxy.

We strongly recommend that you chat with all the characters introduced before going to Director Tann. Fortunately, you don’t have to go far, since Kesh, Edison and Kendros are concentrated in one place. After chatting with them, you will complete an additional task and learn more about many plot details.

After you chat with everyone you can, you can go to Director Tann, who will direct you to the planet Eos and ask you to look for other missing arks along the way. This side quest is extended throughout the game and its further development is tightly intertwined with the main storyline, so you don't have to try to focus your efforts on it.

After listening to parting speeches and numerous pleas for help with food, missing scientists, dead colonists and other troubles, you need to return aboard Hyperion to chat with SAM. You can also listen to additional audio recordings of your father, which will not only reveal some details from Alec Ryder's past, but also make a few references to the original trilogy. Right there you can grab a Normandy SR-2 model for your cabin.

Stormcloak and several new crew members are already waiting for you at the docks, with whom you need to start your exciting adventure in a new galaxy, the first stop of which lies on Eos. The most notable addition to the team will be the turian Vetra (you can sleep with her), which, apparently, according to the developers' plan, was supposed to be a worthy replacement for Garrus, but it did not work out. However, behind the copious flow of verbiage about smuggling and problems with his sister, Vetra hides his good skill with weapons. A large stock of health and good damage turn it into a good walking tank, which you can take with you on almost every mission.

Upon arrival on Eos, you see a rather depressing picture: radioactive winds rage on the surface, and the first outpost is defeated. After wandering around the location a little, you can activate another additional task, read the records of the colonists and chat with the only survivor who will advise you to get the hell out and not touch the generators. It is clear that Ryder still touches the generators, which attracts a combat detachment of ketts to the outpost - an alien race of green-faced ones that the Ryder family encountered on Habitat-7. After you deal with the intruders, the game will finally give you the opportunity to steer the Nomad, but first you need to call the forward station from orbit, and then get the code for the garage in which the Nomad is parked.

By the way: forward stations not only reload weapons and repair the nomad, but also serve as points for fast travel when you are on the surface of planets.

It is better to do this in the first place, since the rest of the tasks will be seriously complicated by the prospect of burning alive in the radioactive atmosphere of the planet.

Jump into the Nomad and head east to the black alien monolith near the first outpost. The colonists have carefully erected a protective perimeter around the monolith, so that you do not have to drive the life support system of your suit to wear out. Here again, the game forces you to actively use the scanner to find the characters for the console needed to solve a non-trivial Sudoku puzzle, but first you will need to deal with a new type of synthetic enemies that guard the structure.

Don't forget to scan downed enemies, as this accumulates an impressive amount of research data needed to get new types of weapons and armor.

Activating the console will launch a story video in which we will be introduced to a new character with whom we can also sleep.

After launching the first monolith of relics, it becomes clear that they are doing something useful and (suddenly!) Only the pioneer can interact with them. It would be foolish not to take advantage of such an amazing opportunity to push buttons in a strange alien structure.

If you intend to stick exclusively to the main storyline, then you only need to travel between the monoliths, practically without getting out of the Nomad. However, the route is often laid out in such a way that you will definitely pass kett camps, which can and should be cleared to get new equipment.

The trick with the monoliths and puzzles must be done several times to gain access to the grander alien structure hidden in the bowels of Eos.

To decipher the second puzzle, you will need to tinker with the scanner again, since some hieroglyphs are missing on the console. To find them, you need to follow the cables leading to the missing hieroglyphs.

After fiddling with platforms and a scanner that pops out of the ground, we can finally activate the console after playing Sudoku. The key to the puzzle is that the characters must not be repeated vertically and horizontally.

After activating the second monolith, you need to follow to the third. The routine this time is diluted by the fact that the monolith is surrounded by a force field, which is powered by generators located in the kett base. Since the green-faced ones clearly do not like us, the base will have to be taken by storm.

Having parked the Nomad at the entrance, you can begin the siege of the base. Be prepared for the fact that there are a lot of enemies at the base and they will give you more than worthy resistance. We advise you to level up the available abilities (if you haven't done so already), as well as to actively use cover and jump pack.

Pay attention to the small generators located in the aisles. They feed the force fields built into the hideouts that the enemies hide behind, so deactivating them will be a priority for you for more high levels difficulties.

The base is symmetrical and the aisles are full of heaps behind which you can hide from enemy fire, so we recommend not to climb on the rampage and correctly assess the situation. In general, the siege of the base is such a clever trick of the developers, designed to better acquaint the pioneer with the game mechanics and what awaits him in the future.

Don't forget to scan everything you see - the base is full of various panels and terminals, the study of which will bring a lot of points.

After the enemies are finished, you can safely go to the last monolith. The procedure is the same: we take out the scanner, look for the missing hieroglyphs and activate the relic terminal. Both missing hieroglyphs are located on top of the columns.

After activating the monoliths and meeting Granddaddy Krogan Drak, you can head to some grandiose relic structure, located deep in the ground and which is now marked on your map.

Along the way, you'll encounter several kett advance parties and relics that can be smashed for experience and crates of gear.

Upon arrival, Peebee will already be waiting for you and another story cutscene, during which you can slightly influence the development of events by pressing R2 / RT in time. It won't affect the storyline as a whole, you'll just look more or less stupid.

The Vault of the Relics looks like a gloomy and intricate labyrinth, shrouded in neon light. Once inside through the gravitational field, you find yourself in a large room with another console. Activate the scanner to find the wires stretched from it to the second console. By scanning the second console, you get a code that must be entered on the first in order to open the door.

While you're here, don't forget to scan the Relic Building to earn points. By the way, relic equipment is the most powerful and best in the game, so we advise you to use the scanner as often as possible.

After a short cutscene, the group splits up. Peebee leaves the trio to explore the vault on their own. Please note that there is a room to the west that is currently closed. There is a supply crate that you can access on the way out. In addition, it will add one more additional task.

From here, the vault is quite straightforward and is a simple set of passages and rooms guarded by relic synthetics. We advise you to actively climb and explore everything, as there are a lot of places that can be scanned. Well, since the vaults are designed in such a way that you will not return to them later, you can miss a lot of interesting things.

Some sentries can just be quietly bypassed, but since brawls bring experience, we still do not recommend relying on stealth.

After wandering around the vault for a while, you will finally find Peebee. Get ready for another hot skirmish with assemblers and observers. It's best to focus on the Observers, as their shots can easily pierce armor and they can end your misadventures fairly quickly. You need to aim directly at their red eye and it is advisable to use a rapid-fire weapon.

The room also has several consoles that control the turret and cover. It's better to use them.

Having dealt with the relics, run around the room in search of victims for your scanner and collect cartridges. After that, go to the next room, where you will encounter a leak. The console you need is leaking and useless, but exactly until Peebee comes running and advises you to fix the leak with (who would have thought) his universal scanner. Open the door. Before leaving, don't forget to inspect the southern part for a chest with a melee weapon.

The next room is huge and contains several terminals that control the platforms. Since each terminal highlights what it is responsible for with a white line, you won't stay here for long.

As soon as you get outside, you will immediately realize that the vaults act as terraforming devices that can work real miracles on even the most miserable planets, making them habitable. Well, since the atmosphere of Eos is now much more friendly to space bums, the pioneer can finally establish his first outpost.

As soon as you arrive at the site of the upcoming construction, you will notice that Drak has panicked a kett combat squad, including several burly men with force shields and multi-barreled cannons. First you need to help Grandpa deal with the enemies, and only then solve the issue with the outpost.

Having laid the kett carcasses in the foundation of the future settlement called Prodromos, you need to decide on its purpose. Since resources are critically scarce, the Nexus can sponsor the construction of either a science or military outpost. The choice is yours.

It only seems at first that you are faced with a difficult dilemma when, in fact, from decision practically does not matter.

Players will now be far beyond Milky Way, deep in the Andromeda galaxy. The main character (or heroine) will take on the role of the Pathfinder and thereby lead the search for a new home not only for humanity, but also for many other races in a new, hostile corner of space. Discover new and completely unfamiliar secrets of the endless galaxy, eliminate alien threats, create your own powerful and combat-ready team, plunging headlong into a deep system of development and settings of skills (abilities).

The Andromeda Galaxy is a completely new chapter in the history of mankind, so it will depend on your choice whether the new founders will be able to survive in it and find a new home for themselves. As you delve into the mysteries and secrets of Andromeda, with the future of many species resting on your shoulders, ask yourself the question... What are you willing to do to survive?

Walkthrough of the mission: "Get comfortable on the Nexus"

“The Nexus is full of different organizations and departments. To fully understand what is happening, talk to the leaders and key personnel of the base.

This first optional quest can be obtained during the storyline at the very beginning of the game. After the shocking news, the main character (or heroine) is offered to look around and get to know everyone, so the main four tasks appear: the first - «» , second - «» , third - «» , fourth - «» .

First of all, talk to Addison, because she will be the closest - on the captain's bridge a little higher. It will be possible to discuss many things with her, so the dialogue will turn out to be amusing. At the very end, I recommend talking with Director Tann, because after talking with him, the Mass Effect: Andromeda storyline will continue. Kandros can be found by going down a little further (he will stand on the right side in a small peculiar compartment). Professor Gerick on the task «» can be found at the very end of the same room in which they spoke with the Tyrant Kandros. As for Kesh, he can be found on the opposite side of Director Tann's room - on the other side. After that, you can already go, in fact, to Director Tann, talk to him, complete the first additional task and continue the storyline.

Walkthrough of the mission: "Sabotage at the station"

“Teznik Raj Patil believes that someone is deliberately damaging the systems of the Nexus. You are asked to inspect the places where problems have arisen.

After a conversation with Director Tann on the Nexus, right next to the exit you can see a person delving into some details of the panel. Soon he will have a small explosion, so you can approach and talk to him. As a result, after a short dialogue, he will ask the main character (or heroine) to help solve technical problems on the Nexus, so if you agree, then get this task. In any case, several main tasks will appear, each of which is related to the investigation and inspection of the station: the first - «» , second - «» , third - «» . Return to the headquarters of the pioneer (it is closest). The damaged panel in this place can be found behind a small tree in a pot. Use the scanner to inspect it.

♦ : “The explosion at the node occurred as a result of the system's attempt to compensate for a major energy surge. If we can trace the origin of the spike, we can determine who had control over the system.

Now be careful and do not turn off the scanner, because thanks to it it will be possible to trace the next crime scene using some analog of the wiring (yellow lines). At some point, you will notice that the line breaks at the top, so go up the stairs and scan the next location.

: “This relay is designed to collect a small amount of excess charge each time power is distributed to other systems. If it had not been found, it would eventually lead to overload and severe discharge. Only someone with physical access to the console could install it."

In this place, the finds end, so go to the next place, or rather to the militia barracks and look for the next place with a breakdown up there - this is, as usual, a square, inside of which there are a bunch of all sorts of technical gizmos, and around there are black spots indicating explosions and short circuits.

: “The damage in the area was caused by direct blocking of the safety devices. There are many names on the work list. I (SAM) will collate all other data.”

The next cell is hidden because it is locked and located behind the crates, right on the corner. By eye, it may not be possible to immediately determine the correct place, but if you turn on your scanner, then immediately look for a broken panel.

: “Someone tampered with the system in such a way that a discharge pulse was randomly created that would erase the system’s memory. The sabotage was carried out remotely. If we can trace the source, we may be able to determine who had access to this site."

After this find, the next yellow strip will appear, which you need to follow to the next panel, so climb the stairs nearby and turn to the right side, where the next panel is right next to the crates. The scanner will most likely not scan the cell immediately, so wait a bit. After scanning, Raj Patil will contact the hero by radio, who will tell you that Zara Kellus worked with these panels. This is how the task appears: «» .

: “There was a complete sabotage here. Only a few technicians had permission to enter here.”

So, in order to find the right character, you need to get to the living deck, and for this you need to go down, go through the doors between the stairs, get further to the monorails and press the button to go to another location.

Upon arrival, go forward, go down the stairs, turn right and stomp to the Atrium, where you will find a saboteur. After the dialogue, it turns out that Zara Kellus is the same ordinary technician who noticed strange problems in the panels, so a version appeared that a third party was involved in this whole thing. This is how the task appears: «» . Get to the Command Center (to do this, go back to the monorails).

Check all security records upon arrival. There will be three entries in total, and only in the third one will it be possible to find a clue. Immediately after that, two main tasks will appear: the first - «» , second - «» . For show, scan all employees nearby (although you can immediately go to the Hyperion), then go to the monorails to go to another location. During the sanitization, sooner or later you will stumble upon Dale Atkins, who will match in all respects, so you will need to talk to him. At the end of the dialogue, you will have to decide what to do with it, but in any case, the task will be completed.

Walkthrough of the mission: "First strike"

« shock troops militias conduct risky operations throughout the cluster. Talk to Kandros and see if he needs your help."

During the conversation with the Tyrant Kandros, you can find out about the strike groups, and next to him there will be a control panel with the image of the planet, so click on this panel and get the current task, the first task of which will be: «» .

It will be easier, of course, to immediately, being on the Nexus, come up and talk to him. After the conversation, a task will appear: «» . You won’t have to go far, because the right panel is nearby. There will be nothing difficult in the APEX strike force control panel itself, so when you select the appropriate task to complete, the current task will be completed.

: “To support the Initiative's endeavors, you can hear shock troops on missions. If successful, they receive experience points, and Ryder - rewards. If you fail, there will be little experience, and no reward at all.

: “A strike force on the most important missions in the sector. Select and press the "Space" key to send the APEX there. The game will save before the launch of the multiplayer game, and you will take on the role of one of the APEX operatives as part of a small group. APEX Missions can be completed online with friends or through matchmaking to earn rewards and bonuses for your Pathfinder."

Passage of the mission: "The first killer"

“Nilken, an employee of the Initiative, was accused of murder, but not the fact that he is really guilty. Everything must be checked to establish the truth."

The passage of this task begins on the Nexus, after a conversation with a turian. The first task in this case: «» . The guard will allow you to talk to the prisoner without any problems. Moreover, Renzus (aka a prisoner) will tell you that the murder on the mission happened unintentionally, and since the “Pioneer” is an unbiased person, he asks for an investigation, so the task appears like this: «» . So head back to the Turian Commander at Militia Headquarters for a chat.

After the conversation, two tasks will appear: the first - «» , the second additional - «» . Since the audio recording is nearby, you can listen to it on the control panel. But in any case, you have to go to the witness. Go to the Department of Colonization and climb to the very top. After talking with the girl, go to Director Tann (he is in the Pioneer Headquarters) to talk to him now.

Director Tann will be open to suggestions, so he will kindly provide Pathfinder with coordinates from the crime scene where the body can be examined, but he only asks that no one be told anything, since it is not yet clear whether he is really innocent. Either way, I'll have to go to the planet where, according to Renzus, the kett were spotted.

As you already understood, the path now lies on the planet Eos, where you need to urgently inspect the crime scene. Upon arrival, simply follow the marker on the map. When you are in place, scan what is left of the dead. After you finish, SAM will report that in fact Nilken did not commit a crime, but he wanted to, he was simply ahead of him. So now with the information received, you can return to Director Tann to make a key decision.

Option One - Let Nilken Go

If you decide to release Nilken anyway, then he will receive community service as a punishment, as a participant in this mess, but will remain on the Nexus. When you talk to Marietta, she will express her deep gratitude to you. In addition, when you warn Nilken to watch his behavior in the future, Marietta will ask him what the "Pioneer" had in mind, but he will evade the answer and your paths will part ways.

Option Two - Banish Nilken

In this case, Nilken will be expelled, that is, he will be kicked out of the Nexus. And after talking with Kandras, he will say that you made the right choice. However, this is not the end, because the next meeting with Nilken will take place on the planet Kadar, in the Govorkam star system, where he will already try to establish a life in exile. But that's all.

Walkthrough of the mission: "Monkeys in space"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Fire Brigade"

"Dr. Aridana asked me to add some complex formulas to the SAM module."

"Fire Brigade" - a side task in which this time you have to deal with the cult of people who despise the very existence of artificial intelligence. In this walkthrough, you will learn how to complete the "Fire Brigade" mission in the game.

"Doctor Ariadana, upon arrival, will ask her to do her a favor."

How to complete the task "Fire Brigade"?

In order to take on this quest, the first step is to check Ryder's mail in his private quarters. The message you receive will tell you that Doctor Aridana is asking for the help of the Pathfinder on the Nexus. The girl needs the SAM to solve certain equations. After you go to the core and after SAM solves the equations, it turns out that in these puzzles there was a special virus that could disconnect SAM from Ryder, but this did not happen. The doctor will be out of business, but on the Habitat Deck, Ryder will meet Avina (AI assistant), who turns out to have been hacked by hackers. Moreover, the hackers will think that their venture ended in success and therefore SAM will offer to play along with them, which, in fact, will need to be done. As a result, the hackers will promise to bring the hero to the leader of their group, whose name is Knight. But the meeting will take place only if you must select the option “Can I meet her?” in the dialogue. In general, after this conversation, you will have to wait for the moment when a letter arrives in the mail.

"AI-Avina will be hacked by hackers."

As a result, the message will only come when you visit Kadar, because the lair of new "friends" will be located on this planet. During the conversation, you will find out why she hates artificial intelligence so much. And thanks to this, it will become clear that the girl has started something dangerous, so you have to find out exactly where Knight is going to strike his next blow. In total there will be two options for solving the problem: option one - you can safely kill absolutely everyone in the lair, because any of your scans will still lead to this; the second option - it will be possible to make implants for the son of Knight (Alena), which will help to recover from a serious illness, after which he will issue a search word in the system.

"Implants for Knight's son can be made on Tempest."

And once you have the information, you can safely return back to the Nexus to disable the three devices. Once you've done that, you can talk to Knight again. However, now you have to decide: kill Knight or arrest (although there is a possibility that the possibility of arrest appears only if you cured Alain).

However, there is another option. If you cure Knight's son with an implant, but still run a scan and then kill the entire hacker team, then there will be another gloomy ending. Knight's arrest will fail, so she will be shot. Immediately after that, a letter will come to the post office from Alain (son), where he swears that he will avenge the death of his mother.

"Location of the first device."

"Location of the second device."

"Location of the third device."

Walkthrough of the mission: "Stones for Science"

"Use the scanner on unexplored worlds to test Lucan's new VI for geophysical exploration."

The task can be taken near Professor Gerik from a character named Chef Lukan. The first task will be: «» .

Walkthrough of the mission: "Missing Scientists"

“Doctor Aridana sent a group to investigate the Fel, but the group has not been in contact for a long time. There is reason to fear the worst. You are being asked to find out what happened to the scientists."

The task is taken on the Nexus from Dr. Aridana. The first task will be: «» . In fact, finding the ship will not be so difficult: when it becomes possible to fly into outer space, go to a system called Ericsson, in which you will carefully study the Filth. When the radar against the background of the Fel turns green, an anomaly will be found, which will be the wreckage of the ship, and the very one that needed to be found.

: “The ship was heavily damaged by the Corruption, which destroyed all internal systems. Dr. Aridana's team died instantly. The ship is drifting, it is impossible to use it due to radiation contamination. The name of the shuttle is "Yudoxus". Number of crew - 7".

Walkthrough of the mission: "The Lost Arks"

"Tann asked you to look for clues that could lead to the missing arks."

The task is taken on the Nexus from Director Tann. Thus, there are three main tasks: the first - «» , second - «» , third - «» .

Passage of the mission: "Secrets of the Ryder family"

“Your father has blocked part of SAM's memory and he cannot access some data. To gain access, look for memory activators while exploring planets."

During the passage of the story mission «» , after a private conversation with SAM, this task appears, the first task of which will be: «» .

Where to find the first memory activator?

First of all, I recommend going to the cabin of the late father of the Ryders, which is located on the left side of the SAM Module. In the cabin you can find the first memory activator (such a round luminous circle in the center). Click on it and talk to SAM about the unlocked memories. SAM will say that his program has certain conditions that must be met in order to unlock the memory, so go back to the SAM Module to listen to important information.

Walkthrough of the mission: "The path of the hero"

"Asari journalist Keri T'Vessa wants to interview you for documentary film about current events.

The task is taken on the Tempest, and the first task will be: «» .

Walkthrough of the mission: "The Ghost of Hope"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Traces of data"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Models of spheres"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Shock therapy"

Passage of the mission: "Wonderful life"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Early awakening"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Movie Night: The Beginning"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Search for the past"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Trade benefits"

Trade Perks is another side mission in Mass Effect: Andromeda. So, when you find yourself on a planet called "Aya", a merchant named Sohkaa Esof, who can be found in the port (near the "Storm"), will ask the hero (or heroine) to deliver an important cargo to him. In return, the merchant promises not only to enter into trade relations with the character, but also to put in a good word with the leader of the Resistance. In this walkthrough, you will learn how to complete the Trade Perks quest in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Take the task from Sokhki Esof, fly to the planet Voeld and follow the mark on the map.

Go to the planet indicated above, find the merchant and take the task from him. Sohkaa will ask you to deliver him boxes of goods that are located on a snowy planet called Voeld. Gather a team and go to the marked place.

Scan the boxes and return to the merchant back to Aya.

Arriving at the indicated place, go to the active mark, which is located in the southeast. Move until you come across a broken patrol, near which supplies will lie. In the same place, use the scanner to examine all the objects, during which you fall into an ambush, the initiators of which will be the ketts. Nothing will be difficult, so just fight back and go back to the supply boxes. Scan them, collect them and return back to Aya to return the cargo to Sohke Esof. As soon as you transfer the cargo to him, it will be possible to trade.

Passage of the mission: "Restoration of the world"

“Remnant technology is the key to rebuilding Voeld and turning it into the golden world it should be. But first, you need to find the vault by activating all the Remnant monoliths.”

Restoring Peace is an optional mission on the planet Voeld. As on the planet Eos, you will need to activate three Relics (or, more simply, monoliths) in order to improve the atmosphere for building a colony. The main problems during the passage arise with puzzles, which are Sudoku. In this guide, you will learn how to complete the "Restore the World" quest in Mass Effect: Andromeda and how to decipher the codes of the Relics (monoliths).

The character will receive the task automatically when he arrives on the planet Voeld, having swept through the surroundings. Below are screenshots that show the location of all the Relics on the planet Voeld and their solution.

The first Relic on the planet Voeld

Go to the places that are marked in this order. Upon arrival at the specified location, look for the missing glyphs that are needed to decipher the relic code. The screenshot below shows the correct solution to the Relic code.

Deciphering the first code of the Relics on the planet Voeld.

Second Relic on the planet Voeld

The second Relic is located inside the cave, where you can also find the necessary glyphs, so turn on your scanner and look for important items for the task. After the search is successful, hack the Relic console.

Deciphering the second code of the Relics on the planet Voeld.

Third Relic on the planet Voeld

The third monolith will be a little more difficult than the rest. First, this time you will have to fight with enemies. Secondly, after the destruction of the enemies, you will need to find glyphs, two of which are on the surface, and not inside the indicated cave. If you do everything right, then the character will open the location of the storage, from which the lock will now have to be removed.

Deciphering the third code of the Relics on the planet Voeld.

Vault on the planet Voeld

Once in the vault, there are two very important things to do: the first is to activate the emergency generator, the second is to remove the lock from the vault. All these actions can be done using the relic console. After activating the emergency generator, the hero (or heroine) will enter the next location, which will contain platform elements from the previous planet. In case there is no desire to bother with access to all sorts of random additional rooms with quite good things, activate the console to the right and go to remove the lock from the storage.

In the storage on the planet Voeld, you can find an additional room with good things. On the left side of the Vault unlock console.

In the middle of the path you have to go upstairs - there is an additional room. Inside, you will need to destroy a couple of powerful opponents. Next, approach the console and hack it, after deciphering the Relic code. In addition, after the decryption is completed, your character will be able to receive two additional skill points.

Deciphering the code of the Relics in the Vault on the planet Voeld.

Everything worked out? Then you need to continue the path forward to unlock the vault. Activate the console, then quickly move away from the black smoke in order to stay alive and, in the end, seal the vault.

Walkthrough of the mission: "Removal of the heart"

Walkthrough of the mission: "Frequency"

"A scientist from Voeld complains about some kind of interference interfering with the operation of the equipment"

Frequency is one of the planetary missions in Mass Effect: Andromeda. You can get the task in one of the camps of the Angara rebel base. Inside the building is a researcher who will ask for help. The bottom line is that you need to investigate an unknown signal, so the character receives the main task and the first task: «» . In this guide, you will learn how to complete the "Frequency" mission on the planet Voeld in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Talk to the scientist and get important coordinates.

In this mission, you will need to deal with a strange and unknown signal source that causes certain problems for local rebel scientists. After a conversation with a research assistant, he will mark a key place on the map, so a task will appear: «» . As soon as he does this, you can safely go to the marked point in the east. In addition, along the way you can stumble upon several Kett outposts, so if you want, then you can clear them.

Scan the fallen meteorite and follow further instructions.

When you arrive at the specified location, the hero (or heroine) will notice a huge piece of a stuck meteorite, so analyze and scan it at the same time. However, be on the lookout, because soon your team will be attacked by a pack of Savage Ahdi, from which you can get a couple of Visible Plates. But still, after you kill all the enemies, it remains to neutralize the signal and the task will be completed.

Walkthrough of the mission: "Cashes with medicines"

"A Resistance doctor on Voeld needs medical supplies to save the lives of wounded soldiers and civilians affected by the planet's harsh conditions."

Medical caches are one of the optional quests in Mass Effect: Andromeda. You can receive the task at the Angara resistance base, on a snow-covered planet called Voel. The main character (or heroine) will be asked to find three boxes of medicines in the form of supplies. The most problematic of these boxes is the third, because, as it turned out, it is not so easy to get to it. In this guide, you will learn how and where to get medical caches on the planet Voeld in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Talk to Dr. Kharin to get the coordinates for the location of the medical supplies.

So, the doctor who will issue the task can be found inside the Resistance base. After the conversation, the doctor will mark the location of the boxes with medicines on the map, so you can safely go in search.

In this screenshot, all medicines are marked and I recommend looking for them in the specified order.

The first two crates of medicines are fairly easy to find. In addition, one of them will be unguarded, but there will be an ambush by the kett, which you can safely ignore and go immediately after the second box. The second one will be a little more difficult, as you will come across a small kett base with several enemies inside, so you can only get another crate of medical supplies after killing the kett.

As soon as you get to the landing zone of the capsule, drive up the slope and look for a cave.

As for the third cache, it can cause certain difficulties, because it is located on the top of the mountain. So that you do not get confused, navigate and follow thanks to the map. First of all, get to the capsule, and then climb higher up the slope. Eventually, you will reach the cave, but to enter you will first need to deal with the kett (they will ambush your team). So fight off the enemies, take the last box of medicines and go back to Dr. Kharin to complete the task.

The second cache can be found inside the cave after you kill a couple of aggressive ketts.

Walkthrough of the mission: "Sleeping Dragons"

“A group of protesters demand that their families be taken out of cryostasis. We need to talk to Nexus management about how best to resolve this situation.”

Sleeping Dragons is a side quest on the Nexus in ME: Andromeda. So, the protesters on the Nexus find themselves unhappy with the fact that their family members have not yet been awakened from stasis after the colonization of the planet Eos. In this guide, you will learn how to complete the Sleeping Dragons side mission in Mass Effect Andromeda and you will learn what to do with the protesting villagers.

Protesting residents can be found in the common area of ​​the Nexus, after the construction of an outpost on the planet Eos. They stand in the hydroponics zone. Upon arrival, talk to them, after which they will convey all their complaints to the main character (or heroine). It turns out that all the protesters will be unhappy with your choice on Eos, no matter what it was (military or scientific). The family members of these rebels were next on the list to unfreeze, but character selection on Eos dropped them down the list. So they will send you to talk to Kandros.

And if you do not talk to them, then it will look like you ignored the protesters' complaints, so they will end up in jail. In general, I recommend talking to him. After the conversation, he will arrange a meeting with Director Tan, Cash and Addison. In the course of a conversation with them, such arguments will appear that are directed in favor of nipping the rebellion in the bud. They will argue that the Initiative is unable to support any additional colonists at this stage, so they believe this matter should be dealt with with a firm hand.

Therefore, by the end of the conversation, the "Pioneer" will have to choose how to deal with the protesting residents. There are two options for solving the problem, which pass without any serious consequences, and they also do not affect the main storyline in any way. Two options for solving the problem: 1 - "Stop the protest" (Kandros will arrest all the protesters), 2 - "The protesters are right" ("Pioneer" will personally unfreeze all relatives).

Walkthrough of the mission: "Nexus: Infestation"

“The initiative was brought out of cryostasis by a citizen suffering from an incurable infection. Track down the patient and bring her back to the capsule before she spreads the infection."

"Infection" is a side mission in . The plot and events of this quest will revolve around the search for one local resident of the Nexus, who turns out to have disappeared. The task, in turn, is quite long and has a difficult choice at the very end. So this walkthrough guide will help you complete the quest, so you will find out exactly what will happen if you kill or spare the Roekaar leader.

Useful information: The task "Infestation" can only be accepted after you open Kadara, however, you will not be able to complete the passage of the task until you have access to the slums of Kadara (which means that you will need to complete the main mission of the storyline under titled "The Hunt for the Archon").

How to complete the mission "Infection" inMass effects: Andromeda?

So, after Kadar is opened, then upon returning to the Nexus, Ryder will receive a message from Captain Dunn. You can talk to her on Hyperion. The girl will talk about the fact that a sick woman has disappeared, so she will ask for more details about the incident and problems to talk with Dr. Carlisle in the infirmary on the same ship.

After the doctor, you will need to talk with the officer who is in charge of immigration in the common area. The next step in this task is to scan the common area. The purpose of the scan is to look for traces of Ruth Becker's activities. The trail should lead you to a bar called Whirlwind. Follow the trail inside, where you will need to scan the hologram next to the table.

"Use the scanner to follow Ruth Becker's footsteps."

A salarian named Lator will stand by the bar - talk to him. During the conversation, he will send the hero to the command center, where, in turn, you will need to talk with Theron. The next stop after talking with Theron is at Once again docks. In this place, find and talk to the wounded pilot. It turns out that Ruth Becker stole his ship, so he will have to go on the "Tempest" in pursuit.

“It is necessary to scan anomalies to find out exactly where the girl sent next.”

As soon as you find yourself in space, the game itself will tell you which system you need to scan. Beacons will need to be launched to the indicated place, as usual, and as soon as the first trace (anomaly) of Ruth Becker is found, it will be possible to move on to the next specified system. Soon, in this way, you will find yourself on Kadara, where the girl is now arriving.

In the northwestern part of the map to Kadara, you will first need to find Ruth's shuttle. Then you will need to follow the path straight to the shelter called "Roekaar". Along the way, you will definitely run into bandits, so after you kill them, enter the lower floor of the base. Use the terminal to open the doors upstairs. As soon as the hero enters the room on the top floor, he will find that Ruth Becker is standing at gunpoint from the local leader of the Roekaar hideout

“The choice is yours: save Ruth Becker and thereby release the bandit from the virus, or kill the bandit and Ruth, thereby eliminating the possibility of the virus spreading.”

Option One - "Kill Leader Roekaar"

The only problem is that Ruth Becker is a carrier of the infection. Leader Roekaar, in turn, plans to take a sample of the virus and use it as a new biological weapon. If you decide to kill him, then he will kill Ruth and there is no way to prevent this. However, in this case, the infection will be stopped, so not everything is so bad. At the end, Ruth Becker's body will have to be transferred to the Nexus in a cryo-chamber.

Option two - "Let the Roekaar leader escape"

If you give the bandit leader the opportunity to escape, he will escape with a degraded and even possibly unsuitable virus for the sample. In addition to being a risk, Ruth Becker's life could also be saved in this way. After this incident, Ruth will have to freeze and go with her back to the Nexus.

Walkthrough of the mission: "Betrayal of the Krogan"

“William Spender is an undeniably complex man. But there is reason to believe that the assistant director of colonial affairs is actively digging under the krogan. Drac wants you to check it out."

The Krogan Betrayal is the first quest that is intended to increase Drak's loyalty in the game. Assistant Addison (named William Spender) turned out to be dishonest and does everything in order to interfere with the krogan, thereby compromising their work on the Nexus. You, in turn, will have to lead this person to clean water. In this part of the guide, you will learn how to complete the "Krogan Betrayal" quest in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Passage of the task "Betrayal of the krogan"

"Comrade Kandros after the dialogue will provide access to the security records."

Head to the Nexus to talk to Kandros, Kesh, and, in fact, Spender himself. So, it turns out that Kesh thinks that Spender is hiding something, so he asks Kandros to find out if there is evidence of Spender's crimes on the records from the security cameras. Having gained access to the security cameras, you will find out that there is a recording, but it is the only one and has poor quality, so the SAM will come into play, which will determine the coordinates of Kadara, so it will go there. Upon arrival on Kadar, go down to the local slums and then on the "Nomad" drive straight on the trail of Spender. Right in front of the lair there will be a mined field, so you have to get off the all-terrain vehicle and walk further on your own two with a scanner in your hands.

“You can get to that distant building, but you won’t be able to get there, because the field around is mined, so go there on foot, using the scanner along the way.”

After all resistance is crushed, it turns out that Spender is selling stolen goods on the Nexus to some exiles, and he also works with a certain person named Aoran. So it's time to head back to the Nexus and visit Spender's apartment to get the scrambler (hidden behind a monitor on the wall). And after the device is found, hand it over to the technician and finally speak with Drak, who will issue the next task, and the current one will be completed.

"The scrambler can be found just behind the monitor."

Walkthrough of the mission: "The future of the people"

"The krogan tracked the stolen transport to the mines outside of Elaaden. The krogan colony could face starvation if Pathfinder and Drac don't return the stolen seeds."

"The Future of the People" is the second quest that deals with Drak's loyalty in the game. According to the plot, the transport of the krogan colony, which in turn was transporting a unique seed fund, was stolen, so Drak asks Ryder to help find him. This mission is essentially a direct continuation of the Krogan Betrayal mission, so this walkthrough will guide you through the Future of the People mission in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

How to pass the task "The Future of the People"?

“Here, in fact, is New Tuchanka.”

After accepting the task, go to Elaaden, and on the planet, get behind the wheel of the Nomad and get to a place called New Tuchanka. Upon arrival, talk to a krogan named Hark, under whose guard, in fact, the ship was hijacked. So, he will give you the coordinates of the local pirate lair, so you can go immediately to this place.

"Guard Hark will send the protagonist in search of a pirate lair."

Upon arrival, a long fight with the local guards will start, but when the fight is over, you will meet the same Aroan who was lit up in the last task. So, after another shootout, Ryder will be contacted by Vorn (a laboratory assistant, without which the fund is absolutely useless). They will not put your hero before the choice, because this time Drac will decide everything himself, but after saving Vorn, another shootout will follow. Then, after the battle, you will have to go for the cargo, where the battle will start again.

Overcoming enemies, the chase will end with Ryder and Drak meeting with Aroan again. And now you have to decide what to do with this interesting person: kill or leave alive. If it is decided to kill Aroan, then Drak will throw him into the abyss without delay, but if you leave him alive, it will be possible to find out something from him about Spender. However, in any case, the task, one way or another, will be completed.

"It's up to you to decide exactly how to deal with Aroan: kill and enjoy revenge, or let him live and get valuable information."

Walkthrough of the mission: "Voeld: The Lost Song"

“Outlaws prey on the Yeevara, local creatures revered by the Angara. Hunt down the poachers and earn the respect of the people of Voeld."

The Lost Song is an optional quest that can be picked up on the planet Voeld. According to biologists, creatures called "Yevara" are quite rare view, which, in addition to everything, was attacked by local poachers. The main character will have to not only find the poachers, but also punish them. In this walkthrough, you will learn how to complete the Lost Song quest on the planet Voeld.

“The first thing you have to do is talk to the biologists. After the dialogue, you will not only receive the task itself, but also find out where the poachers are now.”

How to pass the task "The Lost Song"?

So, near the camp, which is located in the very center of Voeld, you can find biologists. After talking with them, it turns out that the sacred animal species of Yevar is at the stage of extinction and therefore needs effective protection from attacks by poachers. And since they are sacred to them, they ask for help. Therefore, as soon as you receive the task, go along the presented route to find the poachers. Upon arrival at a key location, scan and read the data block carefully. Based on the information received, you will find out exactly where the poachers' camp is located.

"Find a block of data that will help you now find the location of the poacher's lair."

When you get to the camp, the first thing you need to do is clear the area of ​​kett and local mercenaries. Thus, free the entrance to the cave. Making your way through the cave inside, you will again encounter several enemies along the way, but nothing difficult, so follow the marker ahead. At the very end of the cave, Ryder will stumble upon the leader of a gang of poachers, Voeld, who will tell his version of what is happening around. After listening to everything to the very end, you have to make a rather difficult choice.

"At the very end of the cave you will meet with the leader of the gang, but after a little conversation you will learn new details of the whole story, so you will have to make a difficult choice."

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Thinking out loud after replaying the gameMass effects ANDROMEDA". Already without a race, rather find out what will happen in the end. Trying to create your own character.

Finished the game for the second time. But now not in a hurry, with a sense of sense and arrangement. I have to admit, I did enjoy the game in the end. Despite all the shoals of developers. But more about that later. This time I tried to create my own protagonist. And of course female. What can I say?! This is far from Skyrim, where you can do whatever you want with your hero. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get better results. Well, why laugh if you can only move your eyebrows higher or lower. The rest of the settings are about the same.

Sara Ryder. In my case, the main character.

Scott Ryder. Brother of the main character.

Ryder is the eldest.

The settings, in my case my heroine's brother, are the same. So don't overclock too much. There is one trick here, when we change the standard hero to our own, then the appearance of their father changes dramatically. Moreover, the race of the father depends on which model you took for the role of JGG. His appearance will also depend on such trifles as the presence of a mustache or beard on your MGY. The mother of our protagonists, which we will observe in the cutscenes, does not change.

The role itself, brother or sister in the game is not beaten. At the beginning, we discover that the cryopod in which our twin is located is damaged, and at the end, a little interaction and that's it. After the epilogue, we can talk to the twin again, then he disappears somewhere. Although, maybe I'm just looking bad?

The ship's staff.

Unlike all three previous parts of Mass Effect, where we could arm and change the armor of our team, this is not the case here. The GG himself, being at the location of the ship or in a place not involving hostilities, runs around in underpants. Sort of like a training suit. No aesthetics. Despite the fact that everyone else, as expected, walk in armor or overalls.

Asari, Solarian, and Turian pioneers.

Now about the jambs of developers. The plot of the game at the very beginning of the game kills the father of our protagonists. The fact itself seems to be admissible, but how clumsily it is done! They flew in, the devil knows where, but the helmet of the spacesuit is glass! Who from the developers came up with such nonsense ?! Why does an astronaut need glass on the back of his head? In general, it is because of this that Ryder Sr. dies. Complete nonsense.

According to the plot, sometimes you need to talk with one of the team members or other characters. If you are on a mission with this character, then it was not there! To do this, you must definitely return to the ship, fly into space, and only then you can talk. I would kill this script writer!

As for the fights. It's something with something! Complete imbalance! One must have an incredible pile of lime ammo before the enemy falls. And by the end of the game, mutants appear already from those who arrived with you, and they turn out to be even stronger. The mess is full.

About the fact that everything needs to be scanned ... I’d better not say anything!

Combat team of the ship.

Team. Of the entire team that we take on assignments, only Cora looks adequate. Former paratrooper, and served in the asari landing force. The rest, frankly, suckers. Yes, there is also a krogan in the team, also an old warrior.Each of them will have a personal quest, and they (quests) look accordingly.

Summing up, paraphrasing the classic, I will say: “And yet you can play it!”.

Mass Effect: Andromeda. Passage.

You will have to spend a lot of time on the new part of Mass Effect (about 60 hours), and you need to be ready for this. There are much more adventures, the world is freer, decisions still influence the further development of events. If so, then it’s not shameful to ask what is in the game and what it affects in order to prevent stupid mistakes or miss something important. So, here's the walkthrough of the main story.

Mass Effect classes

It all starts in the best traditions of Mass Effect - the creation of a hero. We decide on the gender of the character, how it will look, its preparation. We give him a name and a biography. The choice of gender is classic (male/female), the view can be selected from templates or customized by yourself, and preparation is the same class. By the way, I would like to write about it in more detail.

We are given a choice:

Biotic is a standard wizard with defense and attack spells. There are six of them (three of each type). Want more game skill testing? It seems that any fool can shoot? Then this preparation is for you. With the ability of the biotic shield, it becomes possible to stay in the open for a long time without fear of being killed.

A soldier is an ordinary fighter, a lover of war. Of the skills - three basic and all for weapons. This preparation is perfect for players who do not want to bother too much. Those who want to go further in the story without unnecessary troubles will definitely appreciate this option. He can carry a lot of weapons with him.

Leader - shares a role with the engineer, but more of an aggressor. Such leadership abilities as "absorption of energy" and "extermination" allow you to show yourself from a militant side.

Engineer - more suitable for those who like to help. For it, you can break equipment and create drones. The task of an engineer is technical support. It may not seem so tempting, compared to the others, but if you try, then he can "play" too.

Bully - furious preparation. Will appeal to those who like to scatter enemies to the right and left. With this class of players, a quick death awaits, but a beautiful one. The class is strictly for lovers of bloody follies.

The operator is silent death. We sneak up on the enemy, sabotage and win. If this is for you, then feel free to choose. It’s worth mentioning right away that at difficulty levels below “hard”, all these sneaks are not needed, since the enemies are too weak.

Attention: preparation in no way limits the development of your character. It only outlines the approximate framework for development, since in Mass Effect: Andromeda your skills are not tied to a class.


Our ark has finally reached its destination. You have just recovered from cryosleep, and life is already seething around. Specially trained personnel are engaged in awakening. Preparations for the arrival are in full swing. First, let's define personality. We talk with Dr. Lexi T'Perro. You can choose both casual and professional. Further, again, the dialogue is only with artificial intelligence, whose name is SAM.

So, all the necessary checks are passed, but it's still not right. The ark collides with an unidentified object. Panic on the ship. It would seem that Cora Harper manages to restore gravity, but the ship is so damaged that too many systems have been disabled.

Finally, Ryder is under your control. It's time to choose: are you and Dr. T'Perro dealing with the twins, or are you leaving the room? See the information panel - there is information about the mission to Andromeda. If you climb near the beds, you can find a couple of datapads. We are in the bay. We can chat with someone there, or we can go straight to Kora. She is near the door.

Block explosion! We take out the scanner and scan the first part of the device. That's how we find the problem. On the side of the device, turn off the power and go on. By the way, congratulations, you just saved everyone who was in the bay. We head for the bark to the transport. The ship is in a terrible state, it is being restored by the sweat of its brow. As soon as we are ready, we get on the tram and forward to a new location.

A couple of minutes later, you find an argument scene between Captain Dan and Alec Ryder. So who are you for? Once you choose, each

a team member will say something about your decision. Whom you choose is not so important, since Alex will still swear.

And now Hyperion is finally at the heavenly place. It's called "Dwelling 7". Of course, there is something wrong with her. Otherwise it wouldn't be interesting. After some deliberation, the team comes to the decision that a "pioneer" is needed, who, taking his room, would go to the planet to determine the level of landing safety.

We run into the room with the equipment. Cora is waiting for us there. We talk to her about the family. We pick up the helmet, look for everything useful and important. There are several datapads and objects to interact with in the room. Once everything is done, we go out the door. Further conversation with Alec. He will try to support you. We sit down with other members of the team in the apparatus and fly into a marvelous new world. Let's say up front that talking to different characters and tugging on different objects can affect how the story progresses, so think about what you're doing.

New world

We fall out of the shuttle. Liam finds himself with Ryder in an unknown location. Here we are waiting for a lot of mysteries. Do not forget to inspect everything, scan. This way you will get a lot of research points. After you turn away from the cliff, a QEC comms relay will show up. Let's start our research with him. Do not forget about plants, they can also tell you a lot.

Walk along the wreckage to the goal, to the very static field. It will be possible to bypass it with the help of a jetpack. Next, we use a gun, since Liam is interested in him and hints that it would be nice to shoot through the fuel tank. Before blowing it up, you can use the scanner. After the explosion, a passage will appear. We go along it and collect ammunition.

The plot brings Ryder closer to Liam. Learn to climb ledges and jump walls. We climb higher, admire the landscapes and find something radiating energy in the distance. Then another choice, as Fisher appears with an unknown race. What will you do? Will you follow protocol or expect the worst? Regardless of the choice, we chat with aliens. We observe an attack on Fisher, if the soldiers were not lured to themselves. Dealing with enemies. Checking out Fischer.

Fisher turns out to be alive, but not very healthy. Those who were with him went for help. Let's start looking for them. A couple more side tasks are attached: body scanning, searching for supplies. It is highly recommended not to miss the containers, because they can become your main source of ammunition and weapons. In addition, there is often material for creating useful items and just the right things.

Again we make a choice, only this time between paths. The right path will take you to the "pioneer" member. His name is Kirkland. He is in captivity. We attack enemies. Our new friend is dying. We approach the body and enjoy a small video. The path by the building will lead you to scan a door and a strange pillar with unstable blocks.

We run to the main path. We go along the scorched foliage mixed with the details of the ship. Be sure to keep scanning everything that comes to hand, as this is an excellent source of research points. At the end of the road, you will see an atmosphere sensor. Such a gift of fate will give you information about the planet. Without a doubt we interact with him. We run further. Enemies again, but that's okay. There are only three of them, so they still do not suspect that you are nearby. We easily deal with them, find a large hole and look for a box. There will be items to scan nearby.

So, all opponents are killed. We again have several paths to choose from. It's good that they all definitely lead to the wreckage. We examine the wreckage and find the container. It has a bunch of useful gizmos, ammunition and a recorder. A little to the north you will run into an ambush, so be prepared! In it, four aliens will be waiting for you, and a couple of creatures that can skillfully hide.

Let's go for Greer. We run under a large bridge, right next to the alien building. We see rocks. We move forward, but carefully monitor the left side, as there should be a small passage. He will lead you to the cave. Here is our unfortunate Greer, talking to the aliens and still can not understand what they need from him. We break into the cave. We quickly process the aliens, while they did not have time to explain anything to the poor fellow. Once everything is over, Greer will talk about the broken transmitter. Because of him, he was never able to contact the others.

We see that a signal was launched somewhere. Of course we run there. As we approach, we hear a call for help. Cora sends him. We accept a new task - we begin the search for the second shuttle. On the way to it there will be many obstacles, so do not forget about the jetpack. It can save you time.

At the shuttle, we will again have to defend our own from the aliens. It is best to do this among comrades. Shooting enemies one at a time is recommended. Grenades will fly at you, so do not lose face and use rolls and a satchel. The battle is expected to be quite intense, but between the waves of enemies you will be able to take a break and prepare.

At the end, a heavily armed machine will come. The enemy can very quickly remove the shield from you and also quickly all your health. We are not in a hurry to attack, we think everything will work out for you. Be sure to use cover. As soon as victory comes, watch the video.

Finally, the adversaries depart, communication is being established. We go out to SAM, the latter leads us to Alec. It turns out that the "Pioneer" is trapped. The task is clear - we find it and save it to the best of our ability. Direction is east. There is the desired location, indicated on the map. We spread more aliens and watch the scene.

We listen to Alec, and he broadcasts about the need to destroy the tower, which definitely does not allow newcomers to fly away. Therefore, the structure explodes, which leads to a colorful, but dangerous release of lightning discharges. We hold on to our father, while simultaneously fighting off enemies.

Again, we watch the scenes that tell about your becoming a "pioneer". Alec is no longer at the helm.

Back with the Nexus

Launching the monorail. We speak with the builder, which leads to the launch of the scene. We head to Tann, we speak with him and with several other characters. Upon completion of the dialogue with one of them, tasks for researching the station will appear.

We start everything from the beginning

Attention: in our opinion, Vetra will show herself better among partners, as she will assist in relations with Drak.

On the road again. A new mission will direct you to the monorail. We're going to Hyperion. We communicate with artificial intelligence and again to transport.

We open the map of the monorail and look for the point of the docking compartment. Click on it. Meet! You will be shown the "Storm" - this is your spaceship.

We need to go to the icon on the map. Doors do not work - need a code. He lies in a building that is not far from here. It has a data block. Lies on the table.

Attention: in no case do not forget to turn on the scanner! This helps a lot in saving scanning time. Containers shouldn't be skipped either. Nothing gets in the way.

We open the locked door, and again we run into an obstacle. Again the door, only it no longer works due to lack of power. We run into the far room a little to the right and use the console. Determine the location of the power antenna.

The marker will lead you to the tower. It is located near your ship. Clancy activates the power supply at your request. We run to the generator and try to start electricity. The generator is located next to the front door. Nothing will come of it, so we scan the tower nearby. Then jump up and dig into the generator panel.

Another energy tower requires activation. We do the same steps as with the first one. You will be attacked. Once you figure it out, run to the station to Clancy. He is a merchant, so take advantage of the moment and sell everything you don't need. You can also buy what you need, by the way. If the Hoe rifle attracts attention, then do not take it, as you will find it in the container a little later. Again we work with the control panel. We provide food again.

After we go to Object-1. It is located at the door that you opened with the access code. Next to the door, scan the huge container and get data on the Ark. We use the terminal on the side. We run on the map to the destination. You need to get to the mobile station, which will soon appear in the objectives. You can change clothes a little, load your weapons. When finished, go to the terminal, open the container and go.

Again to the goal. We reach the right place, we are engaged in the study of the area with a scanner. We examine the devices of aliens until we find the glyph. A little higher you can find a control point on the tower. She has scaffolding. We climb on them to the glyph and start the device.

Next comes a conversation with Peebee. We are preparing for battle, as Monoliths and Collectors will attack. We sit down again in the "Nomad", we go to the marked places. There we turn off alien devices. Next to the first one you will find a laboratory. It belongs to the Kets. We go upstairs and kill everyone.

On the way we turn off the barriers - on the way we use the generator. You won't be able to enter the station because the entrance is closed. The roof will help with this. We climb onto it and find another entrance. We find what we need. We turn off and get into the building. Here we are waiting for a video about the appearance of Drak.

Now our goal is alien equipment. Looking for glyphs. Activate the scanner. Thanks to this, we see the location of the towers with glyphs. We climb the towers, scan the necessary. We use the device.

Next on the plan is another technology from other worlds. We use the opening in the rock in order to get to the relics. We destroy them. We are looking for glyphs with a scanner. Once everything is found, we go to the Remnant control panel. With the help of it, we create steps along which we go to the glyphs. We scan, turn on the device. To turn it on, you need to solve a puzzle. It is not difficult.

Now we are interested in the place where the rays are directed. We use the control panel of aliens and go to the structure. We move to the building down. We go into it. Before us will be the console, which we will activate. We follow the contour and talk with artificial intelligence. Enjoy the cutscene.

We do not change the orientation and follow all the same. Don't focus too much on the little things. We do not lag behind and shoot enemies along the way. Chatting with Peebee. Then we go into the spacious hall through the corridor nearby. A couple of devices will be allocated for us. Then again the opponents. It is best to launch the relic control panel, which is located on the right side, before attacking the robots. So you can launch a weapon that can help you in a difficult fight. We launch console number two. We use a gravity well.

Once you're downstairs, find the closed door. If you find the panel opposite, then a leak will be found along with it. We are doing research and waiting for Peebee. close up the hole, activate the console. Here we have moved on.

The place is interesting. We see some separate platforms with relic control panels. If you click on each of them, you will advance further. Activate the furthest panel. First, go to the left platform, to the relics. There you will find a panel. Then go to the trees to the trees. We run to the mark, parallel jumping on the platforms. This will open the correct door.

We run to the goal, watch the video. Now we urgently run away from the storage to the target that has appeared. Again we go to the goal, turn on the module.

Solution: Think about which outpost you like better - scientific or military. Both have their pluses. The first speeds up research, and the second pumps your weapons.

We go on board the ship and fly away from the system. We land in the docking bay in the Nexus. Your choice of outpost will affect the opinions of the characters about you. Someone will thank you, and someone will scold you. We get to the command compartment on the monorail. There was a conversation with Thane, and the mission was completed.

Choose who to wake up. OPA.

Teaching task. We speak with Addison Brack and at the same time with Vladimir. Next, we start the OPA. This is how we get knowledge about cryonic sleepers. We learn how to select the right specialists. Once you learn and decide, start awakening those you need.

Start of strike missions

Once on the ship, find the digital system " shock groups". She lies on round table. We speak with Kandras in the Nexus. After the conversation, we learn how to manage shock troops. You can do this using the console. Shock troops are capable of performing certain missions.

Ray of hope

Let's move on to the next task. I'm going to the starship. It will fly to Onaon. We watch regular videos, we talk with all the heroes that are available. Here you will also meet the Angara race - your new brothers in arms.

On the captain's bridge, we make a choice of tasks. Two options will be given. We choose and that's it - the mission "Ray of Hope" is completed.

Havarl. Helping scientists

So, we go to the Pharaong system, namely to Havarl. Everything is extremely simple - select the desired place with the mouse, click and go!

We communicate with Kiiran Dals. It can be found at the science station nearby. We run to the goal, dealing with all the enemies along the way. We find ourselves in a monolith, scatter enemies. Now our goal is to find scientists. They were taken prisoner. We are trying to interact with the panel, but nothing happens - there is not enough information. We need glyphs again. A properly pumped character will be able to hack this panel. Others will still have to solve the puzzle.

On the right side of the building is the first glyph. On the left side is the second glyph, right on the large pillar. We recognize them, as expected, using a scanner. We solve vile tasks of aliens. Not difficult. Get it right.

We return to Kiiran. We speak with the character marked on the map and complete the mission.
