KVN on the topic of healthy lifestyle material (grade 8) on the topic. The scenario of the sports kvn "healthy lifestyle" Kvn healthy lifestyle jokes

(preparatory group for school)

Purpose: to consolidate with children the knowledge of how to take care of their health; form healthy lifestyle habits; develop the ability to reason; instill in children the desire to be healthy.


  • Team Emblems
  • Badges for captains
  • Jury flags
  • Food replicas /healthy and unhealthy/, large delivery, two baskets, two tables
  • Vegetables: carrots, potatoes, beets, cabbage, onions, garlic, apple
  • Masks and attributes for staging "Microbes"
  • Chest / with fruit treats /
  • Crossword, marker


The screen saver for the KVN game sounds.

Leading: Attention! Attention!

Children read poetry

I myself got up early today, I went to brush my teeth,

He washed himself from the tap, and found the comb himself.

I'm standing in front of the mirror - look at me, is it really me ?!

We brush our teeth twice a day, brush for a long time for three minutes,

We clean with a brush not shaggy, with a delicious fragrant paste.

Brush up and down - well, germs beware!

Open the faucet, wash your nose. Wash both eyes at once.

Wash your ears, wash your neck, wash, wash, pour yourself,

Wash off the dirt, wash off the dirt!

Leading: What are these verses about? /about cleanliness/. And cleanliness is the key to health. We all want to be healthy, strong, beautiful. Today we will try to figure out what will help us to become such. We start KVN. There are two teams in our game. Let's welcome them. Team "Why" and the team "Know-it-alls".

Let's welcome our jury.

Address to the jury : Jury don't judge us too harshly,

we know enough for our age.

Jury : Each team will receive a flag for the correct answer.

At the end of the game, we will count the flags and determine the winner.

1 contest "Team greeting"

1st command:We are a team - "Why"

We have come to meet you

We brought wit and skill with us.

2. command:We are know-it-alls, friends to everyone,

We can't possibly lose.

We will fight with you, we will not give up so easily.

2 competition "Warm-up" (riddles )

Leading: You all know the expression "Cleanliness is the key to health." For that

so that we can successfully fight germs, we need helpers. I will tell riddles about them.

Riddles for the "Why" team

1. It slips away like a living thing, but I won't let it out.

Foams with white foam. Do not be lazy to wash your hands. /Soap/

2. He lay down in his pocket and guards the “roar”, “crybaby” and “dirty”.

They will wipe the streams of tears, let's not forget about the nose. /Handkerchief/

3. With a hairy head in her mouth, she deftly climbs

And counts our teeth in the mornings and evenings. /Toothbrush/

Riddles for the know-it-all team

1. I walk and wander not through the forests, but through my mustache and hair.

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. /Comb/

2. Here's a funny case: a cloud settled in the bathroom.

Rain pours from the ceiling onto my back and sides.

What a pleasure it is! The rain is warm and warm.

There are no puddles on the floor, all the guys love ……… / shower /

3. The track says "two embroidered ends":

Wash yourself, you, a little, wash the ink off your face.

Otherwise, you'll get me dirty in noon! /towel/

3 Competition " Homework» / Chastushki/

Children sing ditties:

We are funny guys and will not disappear anywhere.

We are very friends with sports, we will sing about it now.

Although the grades are not very good, Sasha is very famous.

Because, by the way, he wiggles his ears.

That's it, that's it, that's it! You don't recognize.

If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!

At the lesson, Vitya and Borey talked about football,

They scored a goal together. Received together.

That's it, that's it, that's it! You don't recognize.

If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!

We went camping yesterday, there we drank water from a puddle,

Our Lily has three frogs in her stomach.

That's it, that's it, that's it! You don't recognize.

If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!

Seryozha tells his friends: “I am brave, dexterous and strong,” -

Suddenly, a hedgehog came out to meet, and the daredevil climbed onto a maple tree.

That's it, that's it, that's it! You don't recognize.

If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!

Our ditties are good, and their tune is simple,

For today we finish singing, put semicolons.

That's it, that's it, that's it! You don't recognize.

If you want to be healthy, go in for sports!

4 Competition "Blitztournament"

Assignment to the "Why" team

1. Can you chew on icicles? Why not?

2. Why do you need to recharge?

3. What should you do if you sweat? Why?

4. Can you play ball on the road? Why not?

Assignment to the know-it-all team

1. Can I watch TV all day? Why not?

2. What should you do to avoid getting the flu?

3. Can you tease dogs on the street? Why not?

4. Can you eat outside? Why not?

5 contest "Do I know my body"

Leading:I will give you riddles, but you don’t say riddles out loud, show

clue on your body. And the jury will observe which team

will show correctly and faster.

1. Here is a mountain, and near the mountain there are two deep holes.

In these holes, the air walks, then enters, then exits / Nose /

2. Always in the mouth, not swallowed /Tongue/

3. Two mothers have five sons, one name for all / Fingers /

And now I will name the parts of the body, and you touch them with your palms. The jury will see which team will show everything correctly and quickly. Get ready! Start! Cheeks…knees…elbow…chin…ear…nose of nose…belly…heels…nape…shoulders…hand.

6 competition Game-relay "Useful products"

Leading: There are various products on a large tray. You must choose

only those that are healthy.

7 competition for Captains "Guess the taste"

Captains are offered to taste with their eyes closed

vegetables /carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, garlic, cabbage/.

Leading: Now it's time to sum up our game. While our jury is summing up the results, we bring to your attention the dramatization "Harmful microbes" (the roles are played by children in costumes).

Microbes come out and sing to the tune of the song “They say we are byaki-buki” (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin) from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”

1. We are microbes bee-bye,

We want to reproduce.

Everyone surrenders to us without a fight,

We will quickly infect everyone.

We will infect, we will infect, we will spare no one.

We will infect, we will infect, we will not spare!

2. We come every year in winter

We make everyone sneeze.

We will ruin your health

Let's get you into bed.

Everyone is in bed, everyone is in bed, everyone is sick and everyone is sneezing.

Everyone in bed, everyone in bed, cough, sneeze!

HONEY. SISTER:In order not to get sick, we need to wear masks!

(microbes move backwards).

DOCTOR:To defeat microbes and bring down the temperature,

Tea with raspberries should be drunk, the patient should be put to sleep!

HONEY. SISTER:Honey will help with milk - warm and pleasant,

And cover yourself with a warm blanket!

DOCTOR:Sleep with flu is the best healer, also a warm drink.

You should go to the pharmacy - there are a lot of vitamins!

HONEY. SISTER: Vitamins in vegetables, berries and fruits.

Fresh food will smash microbes into dust!

To the tune of a Russian folk song"Loaf" children-fruits, berries and vegetables lead a round dance, vitamins dance in the center.


Vitamins, vitamins, we'll arrange a birthday party for you.

VITAMINS:We have vitamins B, A and K, and C, and P.

in us essential oils both acids and water.

Drink juices and compote, and you will have no worries!

DOCTOR:Where are the microbes - receded? We, brothers, defeated them!

CHILDREN: Everyone is healthy, you and me, vitamins to all Hurray!

Let's play sports and, of course, temper ourselves!

Our advice is always ready: Be healthy!

ALL: Always healthy!

Out of competition "Magic box"

Leading : Our game has come to an end. You guys are great, you are funny and

resourceful! And as it should be, the participants of the game are entitled to a gift. He is in a chest. But what is itlike this? Locked chest! And to open it will help hidden incrossword word. Help guys guess this word. Listenquestions carefully!

1. The organ by which a person recognizes the taste of food / Language /

2. What protects the eyes from sweat and specks


3. The largest sense organ in our body


4. The organ with which we breathe and detect odors


5. A device that helps a person see better


6. An important part of the shoe, without which flat feet can develop


Search word - BELL (bell rings, chest opens, children receive fruit treats)

Purpose: To promote a healthy lifestyle

  1. to form the children with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to be able to use the knowledge gained in everyday life;
  2. promote the health of children during the educational process and in extracurricular activities;
  3. develop cooperation skills;
  4. contribute to the rallying of the children's team, forming moral qualities students: the ability to make friends, communicate.

Equipment: posters, children's drawings, presentation

Event progress.

Moderator: Greetings to everyone who found the time

And he came to the class at KVN!

Let the autumn rain knock on our window,

But in the classroom we have warm and light!

We are glad to welcome the participants of the game: the “Healthy” team and the “Neboleyki” team, the guys who support them and cheer for them. We welcome our esteemed guests and esteemed jury.

We start our KVN "For healthy lifestyle life"

Competition No. 1 "Greeting"

"Big Guys"

Little son came to his father
And the little one asked:
"What is good
And what is bad?
If you are charging
If you eat salad
If you like chocolate
You will find a health treasure.


If you don't want to wash your ears,
And don't go to the pool
You are friends with a cigarette -
So health and do not wait.
Need, need in the morning and evening,
Wash, temper, boldly engage in sports.
Try to be healthy
This is just what we need!

"Jury Greetings"

"Big Guys"

Black eyes, burning eyes
Oh jury, jury, oh mighty ones!
Have pity on us in this difficult hour
We are performing for the first time


We are just waiting for decisions
Unity of views, thoughts, opinions,
Take a closer look at our faces
We are all sweeter, smarter and more beautiful

"Greetings to Opponents"

"Big Guys"

Hello fellow rivals!
There is no less enthusiasm in us,
If the victory cannot be divided,
May the strongest win!


Rivals, rivals
We welcome you
Do you want to be the first
But only after us

Competition No. 2 "Warm-up"

Explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

If you lose your health, you lose everything. (Health is a priceless gift that nature gives to a person. Without it, it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. But how often do we waste this gift in vain, forgetting that it is easy to lose health, but it is very difficult to return it)

A tree is supported by its roots, and a person by food.

In order to be healthy and strong, everyone must be friends with physical education.

And what proverbs about health do our fans know?

1. Appetite runs away from the patient, but rolls towards the healthy.
2. Disease is friends with dirt
3. You can't live without sleep
4. Water cleanses everything
5. Anger dries the bones of a person and destroys the heart.
6. Who missed a day of exercises, he aged a day
7. Life is given for good deeds

8. If you eat a little, you will always have an appetite.
9. Treat a mild illness before it becomes severe 10. Do not scold - you will grow old
10. Mind and health are the most expensive
11. Well chewed - half overcooked
12. From sweet food - expect trouble
13. You combine sports with business - healthy in mind and body.

Competition No. 3 "Homework"

Drawings drawn at home on the topic: “If you want to be healthy ... or. No bad habits"

Game with fans

Checking the attention of the fans. They listen to questions and answer with the phrase: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!”

Who is a gang of fun
Walking to school every day?

Which of you, from the kids,
Walking dirty to the ears?

Who keeps the clothes
Does he put it under the bed?

Who goes to bed early
In dirty shoes on the bed?

Which of you does not walk gloomy,
Do you love sports and exercise?

I wake up early in the morning
Together with the sun ruddy.

I make my own bed
I quickly do ... (exercises).

Competition No. 4 "Quiz"

Question for the healthy team

What is the basic principle of hardening (gradually, constantly, consistently)

Scene about hardening.

I told them in winter:

Would temper with me.

In the morning - running and invigorating shower.

As for adults, real!

Open windows at night

Breathe fresh air!

Wash feet with cold water

And then the microbe is hungry

You will never be overcome.

They didn’t listen - they get sick!

We realized too late, brothers,

How useful it is to temper!

Stop coughing and sneezing -

Let's take a shower

From icy water!

Wait! Oh oh oh!

You can't become strong overnight.

Warm up gradually!

Question to the Neboleyki team

How many hours a day should a person sleep? (adult 8 hours, child 9-10 hours)

Question for the healthy team

At what age can you smoke and drink alcohol? (It is advisable not to smoke or drink alcohol at all; special harm to the body and rapid addiction to nicotine and alcohol occur in childhood and adolescence)

Question to the Neboleyki team

What is personal hygiene? (caring for your body, keeping it clean)

Riddles about personal hygiene items (for fans)

Question for the healthy team

Why do people get vaccinated? (For the prevention of infectious diseases)

Question to the Neboleyki team

How to eat right? (4 times a day, you need to eat moderately and varied with a good mood)

Staging of the poem by S.V. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate badly”:

Julia doesn't eat well

Nobody listens.

Eat an egg, Yulechka!

I don't want mommy!

Eat a sausage sandwich!

Julia closes her mouth.


Yulechkin's dinner is getting cold.

What's wrong with you, Yulechka?

Nothing, mommy!

There's just no mood.

Why did Julia eat badly? (not in the mood)

For Have a good mood fans will perform funny ditties

We are funny guys

In the second "B" we study.

We will sing ditties to you -

Maybe that will work.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Cleanliness is needed everywhere:

At home, at school, at work,

Both on land and in water.

Hands should be washed with soap

To be healthy.

To prevent microbes from living,

You don't have to put your hands in your mouth.

Do physical education

To maintain health

And from laziness try

Run faster.

Every time we eat

We think about health

I don't need heavy cream

I'd rather eat carrots.

You are charging

If you want to be healthy.

Pour cold water -

Forget the doctors.

We are so funny

Morning, evening and afternoon

Because we are ditties

Cheerful sing.

Competition No. 5 "Characteristic"

Choose words to describe a healthy person:

beautiful dexterous stately strong

stooped pale fat clumsy

strong ruddy slender fit

Summing up KVN

Jury word. Team congratulations. Rewarding.

Performance of the song "It's healthy to live"



A student comes out from behind the scenes, his head is tied with a towel. Looks back. To the guys:

Uch. – What are you doing here?

1 account And you guess from 3 times!

Uch. - High school council?

Everything is NO!

Uch. - Gathering of athletes?

All - NO!

2 account You look in the hall, think better.

Uch. (looking around the room) Ah, I understand! You play KVN!

3 account Well done, figured it out. Just what's wrong with you? Why so sad?

4 accounts Look around cheerful, joyful faces. What happened to you?

5 accounts You are sick? Why is the head tied? What happened to you?

Uch. Yeah, I don't even know what's wrong with me. I wake up in the morning - it’s bad, during the day at school it’s even worse, but in the evening ...

All: What about tonight?

Uch.Chto where to buy, what where to get?

And where to get money for a dose?

The lessons bored me, and the ancestors bored me

The whole world is like in a ring of fire.

See what's in my face?

Now I'm weak!

No health!

All life is broken!

Now I am nobody!

6 accounts (to the teacher) Yes, and you managed to get into such a mud!.

7 account What, you don't know? It poisons life. Makes her dull, no colors

Uch. I know, but I can't decide what to do!!!

8 accounts And I suggest you go to the doctor.

9 account I advise you to go in for sports! After all, there are so many sports sections in our school.

10 accounts AND gym There is. Isn't this a place to spend your free time!?

11. account. Sign up for one of our clubs. There is no time to do nonsense there.

1 account You will know the world, you will see how beautiful nature is. After all, life is so good!!!

Uch. What kind of nature, what kind of world, I don’t want to live ... (Disturbing music sounds)

E. Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king"

All around you can hear the cries of the raven

And the vipers are full of creeps.

Oh, where can I hide from them.

The body is in pain.

Mommy, mommy, listen to me.

Pick me up quickly.

I can't take this pain anymore.

Until the morning would not die.

I beg you, doctor-specialist.

Help me get my life back.

I don't want to be in the dirt, in pain, I'm high

Live the rest of the life.

(Guys in white cloaks are approaching from all sides, dancing an evil dance; teacher - looking around, protects himself with his hands)

Here again they crawl from four sides.

They got really close.

Help me, God, to rescue my soul

From the needle and marijuana.

(Lights on)

(The alarm bell sounds)

Student2: Wake up, Russia! You are in danger! Your future - boys and girls, teenagers and children are gradually becoming slaves of addiction.

Student 3: In Russia total number about 7 million alcoholics.
Behind last years in Russia, the death rate from alcoholism among men increased by 2.5 times, among women - by 3 times.

Student 4: Every 10th teenager has tried drugs. Every 4th tried to smoke and drink alcohol.

Student 5: 93% of young people of military age have health problems.

Student6: In Russia, the nation is dying, the youth is dying!

(Music has ended)

It gets worse year by year.

Already getting into the habit of losing best friends.

And I want to cry. Do not even cry, but howl

You understand that you can't change much.

Pupil7 : People do not remember about God, about love and kindness

They are mired in vices, mired in sin.

Cigarettes, wine - a daily set.

Obesity, disease - that's their sentence!

Pupil8 : Anger, wars shake our world hourly

And in the end, we all turn into a shooting gallery.

Where we ourselves are the target, we live at gunpoint

ALL: But trust me we will not fall!

Student9: We are the youth of the twenty-first century
The fate of man is in our hands.
We are anti-smoking
Healthy generation of our country!

Pupil10 : We have entered the 21st century

And let this age be perfectly safe

To bad habits let's say together (TOGETHER) "NO"!

Be, man, healthy and beautiful.

Pupil11: Strengthen your health with sports

Go hiking and meet the sunrises

The secret of success in life, know for sure

Your health, you remember this.

Student1: Hurry up to do good deeds,

Hurry up to stretch out your hand to the fallen,

To those who are wild in the night

Now wandering losing direction

Dawn flashed ... and the first ray

He gave them hope and salvation!

Student2: We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

Student3: We want to love, believe in honesty, do good!

Student 4: We claim all White light:

Student 5: Life, yes!

Student 6: No death!

Student 7: Sports - yes!

Student 8: No nicotine!

Student 9: Health - yes!

Student 10: No alcohol!

Student 11: Good, yes!

Student 1: Drugs - no!

Student2 : Our health is a gift of nature

So be healthy man

In the era of technology and fashion

Together: Devote your life to health.

3 account We have told you so much - the choice is yours!


KVN "For a healthy lifestyle"


- formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of an active life position;

Development creativity, cognitive interest

Leading: In the age of technological progress and the conquest of space, in the era of market relations, what do you think is the most precious thing for us?

Of course, health! Human health is the main value in life. You can't buy it for any amount of money. Therefore, we took the motto of our meeting folk saying"You will be healthy - you will get everything." And you will get a special currency - "healthy women" with the help of your knowledge, ingenuity, resourcefulness and humor.

Today we have 2 teams: 7A and 7B classes. Let's get to know them

Team View

Leading: And I'll introduce the members of the jury. So, the members of the jury today will be…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….
Leading: Our first competition is called "Warm-up"

Team captains need to choose a petal with the name of the sport. Each of the teams shows a pantomime, and the other guesses which sport was shown. Score for pantomime from 1 to 3 big guys. For a correctly guessed sport - 1 healthy. Preparation time -3 min

While the teams are preparing, let's listen to a poem about a healthy lifestyle, which will be read by a student of grade 5A Zagornov Daniil
Leading: Next competition "Homework"

Teams prepared in advance jokes on the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The maximum score of the competition is 7 big girls

So, the Vitaminki team presents a sketch on the topic “Smoking is harmful to health!”

The Zvezda team presents a sketch on the theme “From a smile it will become brighter for everyone”
Leading: Everyone knows that in order not to get sick you need to be friends with sports - competition "Merry Relay"

Each team member has a special task

1-Running with a burning candle

2-Running backwards

3-4 - running with tied legs together

5-running with giant steps

7 goose step

8- running sideways

Maximum rating 7 big girls

Leading: And now we have, like any self-respecting program "Advertising"
In 5 minutes, the teams need to come up with and beat an advertisement for a new sports equipment.

Sports equipment in front of you: show and name

The maximum rating is 4 big ones.
Leading: While the teams are preparing - a competition for the fans. For every correct answer - a vitamin

  1. What proverb teaches us the right diet? (eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy)

  2. What are the pains of fat people? (Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, joint diseases)

  3. Name three principles of hardening (gradually, consistently, constantly)

  4. Name insects - indicators of a person's lack of hygiene skills (fleas, lice)

  5. Who are owls and larks? (These are people with different biological rhythms)

  6. Why can't children under 15 do weightlifting? (before this age there is an active formation of the skeleton)

  7. At what age can you smoke and drink alcohol? (It is advisable not to smoke or drink alcohol at all. But in the store, these goods are allowed to be sold to customers from the age of 21)
8. You drive a nail into the wall. What bodies interact? (nail, hammer, section of wall, human hand)

9. A chandelier suspended on a wire from the ceiling of the hall is attracted by the earth. Why doesn't the chandelier fall down? What force prevents the chandelier from falling? (the force of elasticity, which is directed upwards and is equal to the force of gravity).

10. Some marine animals, such as cuttlefish, move in the water, throwing out a jet of liquid. What physical phenomenon underlies such movement? (jet propulsion)

Leading: A famous saying goes: "In healthy body- a healthy mind. The task for the teams is to measure the strength of the right hands of the team using a force meter and calculate the total strength of the team

Maximum score - 4 healthy

Leading: And the last competition is called "Health"

It is necessary for each letter of this word to find words that are related to health, a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: While the teams are completing the task, I invite our fans to take part in the competition. Are there people in our gym who are well versed in health issues? I invite 3 connoisseurs to the stage. If you answer the question correctly, you take a step forward. If it's wrong, stay where you are.

  1. Do you agree that charging is? - Yes

  2. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? - No

  3. Is it true that cacti pick up radiation from a computer? - No

  4. Is it true that more than 10,000 people die each year from smoking? - Yes

  5. Is it true that bananas cheer you up? - Yes

  6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process? - Yes

  7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? - No

  8. Is quitting smoking easy? - No

  9. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? - No

  10. Is it true that adults break their legs more often than children? - Yes

  11. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? - Yes

  12. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for whole year? - No

  13. Is it true that you should drink 2 glasses of milk every day? - Yes
The winner is awarded "chupa-chups"

The jury evaluates the last competition, then sums up the overall result.

Leading: Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, and energy for as long as possible. I hope that today's game was not in vain, and you learned a lot from it. After all, “You will be healthy - you will get everything!” So be healthy!

Prepared and held KVN:

Kurchenko Natalya Alexandrovna - teacher of biology;

Popova Marina Yurievna - teacher of physics


KVN "For a healthy lifestyle"

The biological and physical KVN was held on January 26, 2012. Students of grades 7A, 7B, 11, biology teachers - Kurchenko N.A. took part in the preparation and conduct. and physicists - Popova M.Yu. The activity of students was high both during the preparation and during the event. Home sketches about a healthy lifestyle, sports comments were prepared in advance. In general, KVN was held at a good level. There was a rivalry between the two teams. The students showed ingenuity, ingenuity, activity. Students of grades 1B, 3B, 5A, 5B, 6 and 8A took part in the event as fans. A quiz and a healthy lifestyle competition were held for the fans. According to the jury (N.S. Mozgutova, Anton Korshunov, Daria Tolstosheeva), the team "Vitaminki" 7A class won.

They won and the participants were awarded with sweet prizes.

HOMEWORK A student comes out from behind the scenes, his head is tied with a towel. Looks back. To the guys: uch. – What are you doing here?1 account And you guess from 3 times! uch. - High school council?Everything is NO! uch. - Gathering of athletes?All - NO!2 account You look in the hall, think better. uch. (looking around the room) Ah, I understand! You play KVN!3 account Well done, figured it out. Just what's wrong with you? Why so sad?4 accounts Look around cheerful, joyful faces. What happened to you?5 accounts You are sick? Why is the head tied? What happened to you? uch. Yeah, I don't even know what's wrong with me. I wake up in the morning - it’s bad, during the day at school it’s even worse, but in the evening ...All: What about tonight?Uch.Chto where to buy, what where to get?And where to get money for a dose?The lessons bored me, and the ancestors bored meThe whole world is like in a ring of fire.See what's in my face? Now I'm weak! No health!All life is broken! Now I am nobody!6 accounts (to the teacher) Yes, and you managed to get into such a mud!.7 account What, you don't know? It poisons life. Makes her dull, no colors uch. I know, but I can't decide what to do!!!8 accounts And I suggest you go to the doctor.9 account I advise you to go in for sports! After all, there are so many sports sections in our school.10 accounts And there is a gym. Isn't this a place to spend your free time!?11. account. Sign up for one of our clubs. There is no time to do nonsense there.1 account You will know the world, you will see how beautiful nature is. After all, life is so good!!!Uch. What kind of nature, what kind of world, I don’t want to live ... (Disturbing music sounds)E. Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king"All around you can hear the cries of the ravenAnd the vipers are full of creeps.Oh, where can I hide from them.The body is in pain.Mommy, mommy, listen to me.Pick me up quickly.I can't take this pain anymore.Until the morning would not die.I beg you, doctor-specialist.Help me get my life back.I don't want to be in the dirt, in pain, I'm highLive the rest of the life.(Guys in white cloaks are approaching from all sides, dancing an evil dance; teacher - looking around, protects himself with his hands) Here again they crawl from four sides.They got really close.Help me, God, to rescue my soulFrom the needle and marijuana.(Lights on)

(The alarm bell sounds)

Student2: Wake up, Russia! You are in danger! Your future - boys and girls, teenagers and children are gradually becoming slaves of addiction.

Student 3: In Russia, the total number of alcoholics is about 7 million.
In recent years, in Russia, the death rate from alcoholism among men has increased by 2.5 times, among women - by 3 times.

Student 4: Every 10th teenager has tried drugs. Every 4th tried to smoke and drink alcohol.

Student 5: 93% of young people of military age have health problems.

Student6: In Russia, the nation is dying, the youth is dying!

(Music has ended)

It gets worse year by year.

Already getting into the habit of losing best friends.

And I want to cry. Do not even cry, but howl

You understand that you can't change much.

Pupil7 : People do not remember about God, about love and kindness

They are mired in vices, mired in sin.

Cigarettes, wine - a daily set.

Obesity, disease - that's their sentence!

Pupil8 : Anger, wars shake our world hourly

And in the end, we all turn into a shooting gallery.

Where we ourselves are the target, we live at gunpoint

ALL: But trust mewe will not fall!

Student9: We are the youth of the twenty-first century
The fate of man is in our hands.
We are anti-smoking
Healthy generation of our country!

Pupil10 : We have entered the 21st century

And let this age be perfectly safe

To bad habits let's say together (TOGETHER) "NO"!

Be, man, healthy and beautiful.

Pupil11: Strengthen your health with sports

Go hiking and meet the sunrises

The secret of success in life, know for sure

Your health, you remember this.

Student1: Hurry up to do good deeds,

Hurry up to stretch out your hand to the fallen,

To those who are wild in the night

Now wandering losing direction

Dawn flashed ... and the first ray

He gave them hope and salvation!

Student2: We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

Student3: We want to love, believe in honesty, do good!

Student 4: We declare to the whole wide world:

Student5: Life - yes!

Student 6: Death is not!

Student 7: Sports - yes!

Pupil 8 : No nicotine!

Student 9: Health - yes!

Student 10: Alcohol - no!

Student 11: Good - yes!

Student 1: Drugs - no!

Student2 : Our health is a gift of nature

So be healthy man

In the era of technology and fashion

Together: Devote your life to health.

3 account We have told you so much - the choice is yours!
