Aquarius stars. famous aquarius people

The Aquarius zodiac sign is rightfully considered a bright and talented person, the article discusses the fate of popular and famous people who are able to reach the pinnacle of glory, giving others their love and their talent. Let's try to reveal the secret of fame Aquarius. Is it possible to repeat their path to glory? Consider the positive and negative sides of the zodiac sign.

general characteristics

By their nature, Aquarians have creative activity, charisma and natural flair. They are endowed with a cute appearance and at the same time are not deprived of a sharp mind. Empathy, sociability and an original view of the world makes Aquarius a good friend and buddy.

Do you want a faithful companion in your business? Aquarius is sure to suit you, its creativity will play a good help for new projects that you did not decide to start. Aquarius loves everything new and unusual, he will support every idea related to experiments without hesitation.

Characteristics of famous Aquarius

Many are interested in how stars describe famous people. It is worth characterizing and considering them through the prism of a horoscope. Famous Aquarians are distinguished by nobility, meeting their guests in their home, and they themselves will adapt to any conditions, wherever they are. They are distinguished by their restlessness, inconstancy, there is no attachment either to a place or to people. Famous Aquarius personalities, despite their restlessness, are very faithful to their family, behind them it will be like behind a stone wall.

Pros and cons of the sign

Every person has positive and negative sides. And the sign of the zodiac to which the person belongs will help you with this, no matter what. So, let's see the strengths and weak sides his nature, not forgetting to consider the famous Aquarius in this vein.

  • knows how not to react to criticism;
  • sincere in his feelings;
  • talented;
  • innovator;
  • very logical zodiac sign;
  • can think abstractly;
  • good friend;
  • knows how to raise children.
  • likes to criticize other people;
  • frivolous;
  • if the case is not interesting, then it will not be taken seriously;
  • restless;
  • is stubborn;
  • does not tolerate monotonous work.

Aquarius talents

Famous Aquarians often use their charisma and charm to help other people. He knows how to entertain the audience with dancing, singing, or just some kind of creative work that does not require special physical labor. With Aquarius you will never be bored, he will entertain and cheer you up without spending much effort. It is on him that you can rely, trusting him with your important business. In the performance of his representative of this sign does not even find time for his life, this is considered a trait of his character, leading to extremes.

If someone helped him, he will not remain in debt and will also offer his help. He likes to defend the rights of others and his own, avoiding open conflicts.

Aquarius has the following talents:

  • craving for music;
  • acting talent;
  • artist's talent.

You will never see an Aquarius angry or out of control. If someone starts arguing with him, then he will definitely never outguess him.

He has organizational skills, he is able to arrange not only feasts, but also business meetings.

Aquarius - an owl, likes to work or do serious business at night.

Since childhood, the representative of this sign has a craving for discoveries and learning everything new. Little Aquarius likes math and history at school.

He strives to achieve ideals, improves not only his physical form but also mental abilities. We will consider ways to improve the talents of Aquarius below.

Aquarius men

There are a lot of popular men nowadays, but what zodiac sign are they? Let's take a look at the list of famous Aquarius men.

Aquarius: famous couples

Now you can find a lot of information about star couples. In order to understand them, it is worth knowing who they are according to the horoscope. A couple of the famous Aquarius are rarely seen, but we managed, let's list:

Gerard Pique, born on February 2, and Shakira, born on February 2, are a famous football player from Spain and popular singer.

Elena Vaenga, born on January 27, and Roman Sadybaev, born on February 17, are a popular singer and talented drummer.

Dmitry Malikov, born on January 29, and Elena Malikova, born on February 14, are a popular artist and singer.

Aquarians in history: great people

Consider the most famous Aquarius.

How to develop your talent Aquarius

Every person wants to find their calling. The best thing he can do is what he loves. Aquarians are especially reverent about the matter that determines their subsequent life path.

That is why it is so important for them to develop the talent that is more to their liking, to know its whole essence and bring it to life, making their life path brighter from their favorite work.

First of all, each Aquarius should decide what occupation he is so breathtaking that his breath is lost. Having decided, it is worth studying the lesson in depth not only in theory, but also in practice. But at the same time, you should not spray yourself into many activities, you can only collect the tops, and you can’t study the most interesting.

Do not rush into choosing what you will probably do all your life. conscious life. And most importantly, do not be discouraged if something does not go according to your plan, the main thing is not to give up. And act, and grow in their own eyes.

Each person is great and famous in his own way.

Lev Bakst

Francis Bacon

Galileo Galilei

Clark Gable

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann

Charles Darwin

Charles Dickens

Lewis Carroll

Mikhail Laronov

Abraham Lincoln

Somerset Maugham

Anna Pavlova

Boris Pasternak

Vanessa Redgrave

Ronald Reagan

Franklin Roosevelt

Mia Farrow

Franz Schubert

Thomas Edison

Aquarius man

And the Controller all this time carefully examined her - first through a telescope, then through a microscope and, finally, through binoculars. Then he said:

- And you're going in the wrong direction! rolled down the window and left

In order to immediately dot all the “i”, I should warn you that an Aquarius man manifests himself in love in a completely different way than others.

If it suddenly seems to you that he behaves as if he does not love you at all, then this means that he is simply sad, saying goodbye to the rest of humanity. After all, Aquarius loves everyone, and here he will have to love only you alone, which means that the rest of humanity will undoubtedly suffer from this, and first of all Aquarius himself. After all, he is interested in everything, literally everything, and because of you, a huge layer of life will remain completely unexplored. There is something to be sad about.

And yet, if you want to get Aquarius, you should first of all intrigue him. Try to remain an unread book for him. He loves only what is behind seven locks, and the more he has to work hard to discover secrets, the more cam secrets, the better. If you pretend that you don't care about him (especially at the beginning), his eyes, which have wandered around before, will open wide and stare directly at you. Strange, why don't you look at him? What is behind this? True indifference or just a game. These and hundreds of other questions (and at the same time you yourself) will intrigue him until he reveals all your secrets. True, during such a "research" you can feel like a guinea pig and run away to more temperamental or just more earthly fans. Well, such a decision may not be such a bad thing.

But if you still decide to stay with Aquarius, then listen to what awaits you.

Aquarius runs from marriage like the devil from incense. But even if he decides to do so, his marriage will be based only on friendship, and a very long one at that. Aquarius will choose a girl with whom you can talk not only about love, but also (preferably) about the battle of Waterloo, flying saucers, manuscripts Dead Sea, the natives of Africa, the problems of endangered animals and plants, solve crossword puzzles, etc. Talking is much more interesting for him than making love. The ideal of Aquarius is a woman-friend who will not demand rabid love from him and throw him scenes of jealousy.

Even if you have established a strong friendship with Aquarius, this does not mean that the next step will be an indispensable declaration of love, and then a marriage proposal. In the case of Aquarius, such a state of uncertainty can last not for months, but for years.

After he nevertheless confessed his love to you, he will find a thousand reasons why he cannot marry you now (or in a year). These reasons may be different: he is not able to support you as you deserve; his parents love him so much that they will die if they have to part with him; he's not good enough for you. As soon as you mark these reasons, he will immediately lay out others in front of you. The future of the world is very unstable, at any moment a nuclear war can break out. And besides, they can send him to Alaska for about ten years to study the habits of local residents. In the meantime, you can catch pneumonia and die, and he will be inconsolable for the rest of his days.

You might think that messing with Aquarius is useless, but it's not all that bad. Although belatedly, he still marries. But this will happen only after his last friend marries. Then Aquarius will have a natural interest in marriage as something unknown. How is it that everyone has already tried what it is, but he is not.

And then you will find yourself married faster than you can blink an eye. After all, Aquarius is completely unpredictable in his actions.

It may seem to you that your Aquarius is too cold, and you want to warm it up with jealousy. Absolutely wrong step in the case of Aquarius. Aquarius is not jealous. If you tell him that you are leaving for another, he will calmly say goodbye to you and even wish to remain your friend. Well, won't you be offended? You were expecting a completely different effect. That's why I don't advise you to bet on jealousy. It is better to come to terms in advance with the idea that Aquarius cannot be just like that and different.

He himself will never cheat on you, if only because the problems of sex do not excite him, but are only theoretically interested.

Love - component his concept of the ideal. Therefore, if it seems to him that your novel lacks perfection, he will immediately break off relations with you. Imperfections include: dissatisfaction with parents on one side or the other, different religions, your not completely forgotten admirer, and much more.

If, despite all the above, he marries, take him at his word and give him as much freedom as he sees fit. After all, he needs to continue to study the rest of humanity. Do not suspect him of anything. Most likely, he is completely clean in front of you. But if you start interrogating him, not believing what he said, he will spin so many tales that you will rake them up for many days. (After all, Aquarians have such a rich imagination that it is not difficult for them to come up with something, all the more incredible.)

Do not be offended when he wants to be alone with himself. This state does not last long, and if you treat him with understanding, he will reward you with warmth and extraordinary frankness.

Aquarius belongs to the breed of people who more often than others achieve great success in life. He has every chance to become a laureate Nobel Prize Or invent a time machine.

Your Aquarius cannot be called very generous, and not at all because he is stingy. Rich people rarely come out of Aquarius. If they have money, they will not throw it away on mink coats and diamonds. Most likely, they will save them for the case when they need to implement some brilliant idea or perform some unexpected act. Suddenly they announce that those who wish can fly to Mars, but he does not have enough money to pay for the road?

Children will at times be simply fascinated by their Aquarius father. Who, besides him, knows so much nonsense and can always explain as well as Humpty Dumpty, and “quirky shorts” and “zelyuks”, and much more that other parents have no idea about.

Do not forget that your Aquarius needs to be fed on time, make sure that his buttons are sewn on, and generally give him all your free time. Why else would he marry you? Do you want an answer? So that you are always there and he can communicate with you whenever he wants. Believe me, with your Aquarius husband it will be much more interesting for you than gossiping with a dozen friends, watching the most interesting performance and reading the most entertaining magazine. After all, in it you will find any answers to any questions that you have ever asked or will ask in twenty-five years.

Being a realist. Aquarius in one case remains a complete romantic. He always remembers his first love. Therefore, in order not to fade in comparison with her, it is better to be herself.

Aquarius may forget your wedding day, but for no reason at all will present you with a bouquet of violets in January. And you can celebrate Christmas with him in June. Have you forgotten that your husband is an Aquarius? And with Aquarius, as you know, the most incredible things can happen. The main thing is that everything ends as happily as Alice in Wonderland. I sincerely wish you this.

January 25, 2012, 04:23 PM

The main feature of Aquarius is intellectual independence. Aquarius combines fixity (perseverance) and the element of air (intelligence and sociability); this alloy, under the influence of Uranus, the planet of change, forms a liberal, progressive personality, but firm in judgment. Their steadfastness manifests itself when others least expect it (which is consistent with their propensity for unusual behavior). Perhaps at the same time they will defend their idea, the intention to go on a planned journey, defend a habit that they do not want to give up - in any case, the opponent will suddenly encounter the stubbornness of Aquarius. They will easily ignore the opinions of others and go down the untrodden path, because there are many exciting discoveries waiting for them. Aquarians consider boredom to be a contagious disease and try their best to protect themselves from it. Those born under this sign have the most intense intellectual life. They strive for knowledge, are reasonable, receptive to everything new, have a broad outlook. Aquarians are able to be objective in a dispute, because they do not give vent to emotions. This gives them the ability to rise above themselves and ordinary human weaknesses, however, it can cause internal conflict. They are facing people. Sociable and friendly, Aquarius finds friends everywhere. Aquarians easily come into contact with a variety of personalities, get along well with them, but never lose their bright personality. As a student of human behavior, Aquarians show great tolerance for the weaknesses and quirks that the human race has inherited. They think globally, concerned about the well-being of the whole world, but superficial in personal relationships. Always keep a distance, detachment or arrogance of spirit. Independence is their life credo. For the sake of her preservation, Aquarians will sacrifice close relationships. Attempts to bind Aquarius or limit his freedom will not succeed. Feeling trapped, Aquarius will try to break free at any cost. Being an idealist, Aquarius wants to see everyone happy, strives to accomplish something important and significant. Many Aquarians are involved in politics or public affairs. This is the astrological sign of hopes and desires. Aquarius - from those who follow the dream. Aquarius will develop a grand plan to improve life, but the greatest interest for him is the generation of an idea, and not its implementation through actions. The hard work of Aquarius does not appeal. They are creative, imaginative, and love to experiment, but boring details and painstaking organization are not to their liking. Aquarians are more likely to come up with a new Utopia and leave others to deal with the difficult reality. The weakness of Aquarius is an exaggeration of their own importance, they tend to pose as an expert in any field. They strive so hard to be like no one else that they sometimes object only on principle. Aquarius is less than the representatives of other signs, are generally accepted, and this often earns them a reputation as an eccentric person. Sometimes Aquarians get into an argument not because of strong feelings but simply because they like intellectual gymnastics. However, Aquarians are among the the kindest people living on earth. Easy to communicate, prudent, inoffensive, not harboring malice, they live on their own and do not interfere with the lives of others. Honest, always ready to help, altruistic, entertaining, they can change the life of any person for the better, becoming a part of it. Auspicious for Aquarius: Day: Wednesday Numbers: 1 and 7 Stone: Amethyst, bringing fidelity in love and endowing with the gift of foresight. Color: Bright blue - the color of a clear sky. Cities: Stockholm, Moscow, Buenos Aires, Salzburg Countries: Russia, Sweden, Ethiopia Flower: Orchid Trees: Fruit Metal: Urania Animals ruled by Aquarius: Large birds. Born under this sign: Vanga (Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, nee Dimitrova - Bulgarian clairvoyant. Rasputin Grigory Efimovich (January 9 (22), 1869 - December 16 (29), 1916) - a peasant in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk province. Acquired worldwide fame due to its closeness to the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (1860, Taganrog - 1904, Badenweiler, Germany) - the great Russian prose writer, playwright. Jules Gabriel Verne (French Jules Gabriel Verne; February 8, 1828, Nantes, France - March 24, 1905, Amiens) - French geographer and writer, classic adventure literature, one of the founders of science fiction. Mozart (Mozart) Wolfgang Amadeus (January 27, 1756, Salzburg - December 5, 1791, Vienna), Austrian composer. Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin (February 13, 1873, Kazan - April 12, 1938, Paris) - Russian opera and chamber singer (high bass), at various times a soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters. Lyubov Petrovna Orlova (February 11, 1902 - January 26, 1975) - Soviet actress, idol of Soviet viewers of the 1930s-1950s. Laureate of two Stalin Prizes of the first degree (1941, 1950), People's Artist USSR (1950). Ronald Wilson Reagan (born Ronald Wilson Reagan; February 6, 1911, Tampico village, Illinois, USA - June 5, 2004, Los Angeles, California, USA) - 40th President of the United States (1981-1985 and 1985-1989), from the Republican Party. Bob Marley (born Bob Marley; full name Robert Nesta Marley, eng. Robert Nesta Marley; February 6, 1945, Nine Miles, Jamaica - May 11, 1981, Miami) is a Jamaican musician, guitarist, vocalist and composer. Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky (January 25, 1938, Moscow - July 25, 1980, Moscow) - Soviet poet and singer-songwriter, actor, author prose works. Laureate State Prize USSR (1987 - posthumously). Valentina Illarionovna Talyzina (b. January 22, 1935, Omsk) - Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985). She was born on January 22, 1935 in the city of Omsk. Olga Igorevna Kabo (January 28, 1968, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), member of the Russian Stuntmen Association (1995). Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva (born January 31, 1956, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, screenwriter and producer, Honored Artist of Russia (1995), People's Artist of Russia (2011). John Joseph Travolta (eng. John Joseph Travolta; b. February 18, 1954 in Englewood, New Jersey, USA) is an American actor, dancer and singer, winner of the Golden Globe Award. Christina Ricci (eng. Christina Ricci; born February 12, 1980, Santa Monica, California, USA) is an American actress known for her roles in independent cinema. Jennifer Joanna Aniston (eng. Jennifer Joanna Aniston; February 11, 1969, Sherman Oaks, California) is an American actress, Emmy winner. Bridget Jane Fonda (born January 27, 1964, Los Angeles) is an American actress. Daughter of actor Peter Fonda. Rene Russo (born February 17, 1954) is an American actress. Rene began her career in show business as a photo model.

Aquarius is an amazing zodiac sign. Underneath it happy sign talented creative people are often born. Such people, or rather, "human beings", as a rule, pour over a philosophical worldview, a very penetrating mind, and a huge warm heart. They are able to love the whole world, change it for the better.

Aquarians are always bright individualists and incredible originals, capable of deep understanding of the surrounding reality. In addition, they are just good, kind, helpful people, love the other members of the earth team. They love all the rainbow manifestations of this world. Today we will be able to verify these fair words. Let's talk about the greats historical figures born under the sign of Aquarius.

Bob Marley

Christian Friedrich Heineken. Photo: Deutsche Fotothek/ One of the most famous Aquarians in the world is the Jamaican musician, guitarist, vocalist and composer Bob Marley. It was he who made reggae the most popular style of music.

The word "reggae" still brings to mind Bob Marley. We say: "Reggae" - we mean Bob Marley, we say: "Bob Marley" - we mean "reggae".

This wonderful creative person was a supporter of Pan-Africanism and an orthodox Rastaman. Thanks to amazing creativity Marley, Rastafarianism, a hitherto almost unknown religious philosophy, quickly spread to many countries of the world.

In previous years and now on the street you can often see people with dreadlocks on their heads, in multi-colored hats. Their clothes are dominated by multicolored colors: yellow, orange, green, etc. This youth subculture was based on pacifism. All of it was exceptionally peaceful, cheerful and touching.

by the most famous compositions Bob Marley became Jamming, No woman no cry, I shot sherif and others. These songs amazed the audience with their amazing sound, simple, but at the same time deep meaning words, a unique style of performance.

After many years, these and other songs absolutely do not lose their relevance. The compositions are dearly loved by numerous fans. And all this is due to the light melody, beauty, amazing cheerfulness of the works!

In Russia, reggae is created by many talented performers, one of which was the wonderful band Jah Division and its permanent founder, Hera Morales.

Christian Friedrich Heineken

Ronald Reagan. Photo from This legendary baby is known as the "baby from Lübeck" (a city in Germany).

Undoubtedly, Christian Heineken has become a real phenomenon of the past. He anticipated the modern phenomenon of the indigo children.

It was an incredible event!

At the age of 10 months, the baby began to talk quite tolerably. And what's more, repeat every word you hear!

In a year, he already knew by heart the first five chapters of the Bible. At the age of two, Christian could already verbally tell absolutely all the biblical stories.

When he was four years old, he began to study with might and main the history of the church, religious dogmas.

Of course, the phenomenon of Christian did not go unnoticed. Parents began to carry him around the world. He constantly met people. Without exception, Christian amazed everyone with his amazing intellect.

Danish king Frederick IV became interested in his unique abilities. Christian visited the court, gave several lectures on history and was awarded a gold medal.

Christian ate exclusively cereals. It must be said that it was incredibly difficult for him to write for many hours a day, holding a pen for hours in his not yet strong pens. His joints were hurting.

Later, Heineken developed a painful sensitivity to sounds - he kept asking for silence. Christian was also painfully clean - he needed frequent changes of linen and constant bathing.

Cristina's health condition, regrettably, deteriorated disastrously quickly. In June 1725, tumors appeared on the face of the child, he is on the verge of life and death. Then he utters his famous phrase: Vita nostra fumis (Life burns out, decays).

Christian personally predicted his imminent death. And so it happened - the boy lived a little more than 4 years.

Ronald Reagan

Sergei Chigrakov. Photo: Mark Kotsarev/ Another famous Aquarius in the world, the 40th President of the United States of America. In addition, Reagan is known as talented actor and radio presenter.

Reagan is the oldest president by age, he was 69 years old.

Reagan was an opponent of the communist dogma prevailing in the USSR and other countries. He saw in it the usurpation of individual freedom, the legalization of the right to lie, commit crimes and deceive.

In the 1980s, he even denied the possibility of negotiations with Soviet Union. Reagan put it this way: “You can’t compromise with people who deny the existence of the soul, underworld and God."

In 1985-89, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the USSR, a person who changed the climate of Soviet-American relations.

Reagan repeatedly personally met with Gorbachev, a key figure in the fate of our Soviet, and then Russian reality. In December 1987, Reagan and Gorbachev signed the famous Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range Missiles.

During his term in the presidency, Reagan managed to do many good things for America. It is worth noting his strong economic policy. Within its framework, he emphasized classical liberal philosophy and the principle of laissez-faire.

Many prominent economists rightly believe that Reagan's policies invigorated the American economy and made a significant contribution to the economic boom of the 1990s.

Ronald Reagan is also a talented actor. He played in famous films of the past, which our contemporaries are now revisiting with pleasure. With his participation, everyone's favorite films "Kings Row", "Desperate Journey", "Storm Warning", "Partner Tennessee" were shot.

In films, Ronald created the image of a brave, desperate, strong, and at the same time kind, wonderful person, a merry fellow who goes through life with a smile, a friend who is always ready to support in Hard time, come to the aid of everyone.

Of course, you can list the famous Aquarians endlessly. This is the famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, and the famous Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, and the opera and chamber singer Fyodor Mikhailovich Chaliapin, and the actress Lyubov Orlova, and the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky, and the first president of Russia, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

And our contemporaries - the famous American actress Katie Najimy, model and actress Alice Grechin, famous singer composer, producer, dancer and actor Justin Timberlake, famous American actor John Travolta and many others.

Of the Russian Aquarius, it is worth noting interesting person, St. Petersburg musician and performer Sergei Chigrakov. Sergey is the founder and leader of a strong Russian musical group"Chizh & Co", the performer of the wonderful composition "Ah, this is the sweet word freedom."

It is important to remember that if you were born under this sign, you are completely unusual person. After all, something amazing, bright, fabulous, magical is hiding deep inside you! Something that can't be described in simple words! Maybe just as long as you don't notice it.

But this beauty is just waiting for the moment to get to the surface, come to life in our mortal world and shine with the delightful colors of the rainbow against the backdrop of the gray everyday bustle.

And bestow the whole world with your radiant captivating smile that warms the heart. Let it give every inhabitant of our Earth joy, love, incomparable harmony and let's make our world more beautiful!

Be happy!

June 7, 2014, 19:57

Women who were born under the sign of Aquarius, nature endowed with wit, charm, grace, elegance. They have a bright, amazing appearance and often find themselves in the company, if not the most beautiful, then the most interesting. A lot of Aquarius women tend to dress unusually: with equal success, they can put on something dug out of their grandmother's chest, and corresponding to the latest fashion. The same extremes can appear in haircuts and hairstyles, and they will necessarily differ from the rest.

The variability of women of this zodiac sign makes communication with them very interesting and boring. Charming, modest and even timid Aquarians can suddenly strike the interlocutor with a whole fountain of passions, forcing even men who consider themselves experts in female psychology to be confused. A woman of this sign leads and does as she pleases, regardless of any conventions. Obligations as such - both foreign and their own - are categorically unacceptable for her. Among Aquarius there are completely unpredictable, unbridled ladies, whose behavior remains a complete mystery to others.

Not everyone can understand why Aquarius acts or thinks one way or another. To get closer to understanding inner peace this woman, a man must also live tomorrow.

Striving for the future does not at all prevent Aquarius women from hovering in the clouds, not being lazy, but conscientiously working. Much, if not all, they are able to do with their own hands. The only thing that disgusts them is strict discipline. The brilliance, grace inherent in the representatives of this sign are manifested even in small, insignificant matters.

Being by nature very freedom-loving natures, Aquarius women always do as they please, and from the outside it often looks like a challenge to society. However, they are guided by common sense. They have a certain clear end goal in front of them, to which they strive, choosing methods and means known only to themselves.

Aquarius women have such a feature as the ability to masterfully conduct a conversation, and at different levels. Talking, arguing with them is a pleasure. Representatives of this sign respect the personality of the interlocutor and do not seek to impose their opinion, by all means to convince the opponent that they are right. Restraint, modesty, elegance of manners contribute to a pleasant impression. At the same time, they do not allow attempts to suppress their will, to impose an opinion, becoming inaccessible for further continuation of contact.

Aquarians never marry the first person they meet. Before putting on the finger wedding ring, a woman of this sign will learn everything possible and impossible about the groom, about his potential. But even such a thoughtful approach does not make the representatives of this sign happy in marriage. They are afraid to devote their lives to one person, to completely dissolve in it, which is tantamount to giving up freedom, which is the main life value of Aquarius.

It is quite difficult for men to go through life next to them. A successful marriage can only be if the spouse does not encroach on her freedom, leaves her opportunities for research, experimentation, and leisure activities in a friendly circle. Aquarius women do not see their main life purpose in belonging exclusively to loved ones, family. They do not belong to anyone and at the same time belong to everyone.

If in the heart of a woman of this sign settles real love, then she will undoubtedly be faithful to this person. And yet, even a passionately in love Aquarius woman needs freedom.

There are always many friends near Aquarius, so loneliness for women of this sign does not threaten. A circle of friends can consist of completely different people, and the Aquarius woman will consider the interests of each of them to be her own. If relatives or even just acquaintances have any problems, she tries to analyze them carefully in order to provide assistance, and the real deal and not just advice.

Women protect their secrets from everyone, even close ones. They are honest, do not deceive - they are simply silent about something and do not support frank conversations.

Aquarians are very tolerant, and jealousy in their eyes is a prejudice. For a representative of this sign, a man will be loved not for good material security or career success. Much more important for her is the ability to be her devoted, kind friend, friend of her friends. Aquarius women see the future of their chosen ones and help them realize the potential given by nature, put their feelings and intellectual abilities at the service of this.

The representative will not spy on her husband, she is not tormented by suspicion, but she will not forgive the fact of betrayal. A married Aquarius woman will not allow herself novels, because, from her point of view, relations between spouses can only be honest.

For the rest of her life, memories of her first love remain in her soul. With their former friends, beloved Aquarius women often maintain good relations.

The sociable and charming representatives of this sign always have a lot of guests in the house, everyone feels the need for their pleasant company.

When an Aquarius woman has a child, due to natural restraint, she does not show violent enthusiasm about this and does not openly demonstrate how much she loves her baby. However, from the very early age he will be a person for her; the Aquarius woman will not punish the child, but she will not patronize too much either.

In its attitude towards love affairs Aquarius women often rush to extremes - between arrogant, aloof coldness and high, ideal feelings. Those born under this constellation are excellent partners for men who are naturally endowed with a weak temperament.

Physical attraction and reason in the nature of Aquarius are connected with each other. The sexual sphere of life for women of this sign is not the main one, nevertheless, the love of a partner causes a passionate impulse in her soul and body.


INovercome woman - Aries man

Despite belonging to the weaker sex, Aquarius may initially resist Aries' attempts to become a leader in their relationship. And yet, sooner or later, a man will take control of the relationship, and everything will work out, especially since partners are united by many qualities, for example, ingenuity in intimate life.

Aquarius Woman - Taurus Man

In the intimate sphere, people of this sign are not very compatible. They also have differences in other areas. Aquarius needs, first of all, a friend, and Taurus - a partner for sex. Taurus is a closed person, Aquarius is sociable, and sometimes even too much. None of them is inclined to compromise, and therefore a long-term relationship is hardly possible.

Aquarius Woman - Gemini Man

This relationship has good prospects, provided that Aquarius dominates the volatile Gemini. There is no need to be afraid of this, because the influence of the partner will be very favorable. Between partners, a long and rich relationship is quite possible if Aquarius manages to arouse Gemini's interest in his occupation, hobby and turn them into his assistant and like-minded person.

Aquarius Woman - Cancer Man

Relations between people of this sign are not easy. Cancer is emotional and seeks to communicate more with its other half. Aquarius, despite the fact that he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis care, will find such attention to himself annoying and annoying. He needs companies, while the possessive Cancer does not approve of this lifestyle. If at first they will still yield to each other, then Aquarius will spend even more time in a friendly circle, and Cancer will be offended, considering this a lack of feelings for him.

Aquarius Woman - Leo Man

Not only do these people strive for independence and dominance in the same way, they also have different priorities. So, if the main thing for Aquarius is the warmth of relationships, attention and care for each other, then for Leo the carnal side of the union is more interesting. The latter will be deprived of the opportunity to lead in their pair, which is unlikely to come to terms. In addition, Leo, who needs praise, will clearly lack the attention of Aquarius. Communication between them, if possible, is very unstable and short.

Aquarius Woman - Virgo Man

Spiritual, intellectual communication for people of these signs of the Zodiac is more important than physical. This unites them, but there are nuances. Aquarius in the company of Virgo can get bored, besides, the generosity of his nature will not evoke a proper response from a very practical person, which is Virgo. All these difficulties can be resolved, provided that the partners are united by some common cause.

Aquarius Woman - Libra Man

Sexuality, sensitivity and some other personality traits make such a union great. Libra's passion for erotic fun will help instill in Aquarius a greater interest in the intimate side of life. Partners are inferior to each other without any problems, and therefore all possible difficulties in the way of their relationship will be overcome. The union will be harmonious and will last a very long time.

Aquarius woman - Scorpio man

This union, if it does arise, will be short-lived. The jealousy of Scorpio will not be to the taste of freedom-loving Aquarius. The suspicion of the first will be intensified by the fact that Aquarius, in comparison with Scorpio, attaches less importance to the intimate sphere of life. Attempts to infringe on the freedom of the partner, if she endures for some time, then for a very short time.

Aquarius Woman - Sagittarius Man

The union of these people is harmonious, because they have a lot in common. This is activity, unpredictability, non-jealousy, versatility of interests, the desire to be in public more often, love of fantasies. An important contribution to the harmony of relations is made by complete sexual compatibility. Partners have every chance for a long relationship.

Aquarius Woman - Capricorn Man

Unpromising union. Aquarius will be extremely negative about Capricorn's attempts to set too narrow limits for his freedom. sex life also will not please the partners a little: the restrained, mundane Capricorn will not be able to awaken eroticism in Aquarius-partner, and because of this, he will consider her a cold and indifferent woman to him.

Aquarius Woman - Aquarius-man

In intimate life, the union is very successful; these inventors and visionaries will never get bored in each other's company. Nevertheless, excessive moderation and rationality will not allow them to love very much and deeply. But this will not be a hindrance at all, since in addition to their personal lives, partners have other interests. It is due to this circumstance that two Aquarius can become a wonderful couple.

Aquarius Woman - Pisces Man

This pair is not compatible. Pisces, being in a dependent position and experiencing self-doubt, will begin to demand that Aquarius constantly confirm their hot feelings. But the problem is that such emotional manifestations are given to the rational Aquarius with great difficulty. He will not be able to demonstrate his feelings, but he will have time to feel not free. As a result, Aquarius will want to break off relations, and Pisces, offended to the core, will not interfere with them.

About Gemini women :

About Cancer women :

About women Sagittarius .
