The rarest person in the world. The most unusual people on the planet

The total length of the nails was 6 meters 15 centimeters. On the right hand, Sridhar Chaillal did not grow nails.
about a meter long, the Chinese's nails grew in 15 years, but in general he began to grow them at the age of 23. "When I was 20, I read about an Indian who grew his nails about a meter long. I decided to go around him," says Lee.
“Until 1992, my nails accidentally broke twice: the first time when I moved things, the second - through the fault of my friend. Each time I had to start over,” the record holder admitted.

Meanwhile, the world record for the length of nails belongs to 65-year-old resident of Salt Lake City Lee Redmond. Last year, she entered the latest issue of the Guinness Book of Records by growing the longest nails in the world - their total length is 7 meters 51 centimeters.

The largest and smallest heads.

The largest palms. A man named Hussein Bisad (Great Britain) gained fame because of his exorbitantly large palms. The length of the palms from the tips of the middle fingers to the wrist is 26.9 cm.

A man named Radhakanta Bajapayee (India), became famous for the fact that the longest hair 13.2 cm grows from his ears.

A resident of the Indian city of Bhopal B. Di Tyagi got into the Guinness Book of Records as a person who has the longest hair in the world growing out of his ears: the length of unusual vegetation reaches 10.2 centimeters.

Longest nose. The figure, created in the image of the German nobleman Gustav von Albach, who lived in the 18th century. in Bremen. He was famous for his unusually long nose. Gustav turned his ugliness into an object of fun, jokes, and was a universal favorite, especially for children. Participated in carnivals (fortunately he did not need a mask).

A rapidly aging child. In connection with the mother's illnesses (according to some reports, the abuse of drugs and alcohol) was born in 1811 in Austria weighing 1 kg 733 g, and growth 25 cm.

The shortest man. The shortest man was Gul Mohammed from New Delhi (India). In 1990, when examined at the Ram Manohar Hospital, he was only 57 cm tall. He died of a heart attack in 1997.

The heaviest newborn. January 19, 1879 Seville (Ohio, USA) Anna Bates (Canada), whose height was 2 m 27 cm, gave birth to a boy weighing 10 kg 8 g and 76 cm tall. The boy lived only 11 hours.

The longest hair.

The fattest man on earth.

American Kathy Jung today has the narrowest waist in the world - 38.1 cm. The record holder has practically not removed her corset for 14 years, and she has about a hundred of them. Recently, another “achievement” appeared in the Guinness Book of Records: the volume of the most immense female waist is 160 cm.

Chinese Yu Zhenhuan is recognized as the hairiest person on earth: 96% of the surface of his body is covered with hair, 2004. The most hairy, unusual, hair, Guinness record.

The diversity of this world is impressive, one has only to look at how many strange and diverse people there are on the planet. This review offers a brief story about unusual people. Some have become so by the will of nature, others have transformed themselves, but, one way or another, they deserve some attention in order to study the history of these people.

Akshat Saxen

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Akshat Saxen

A boy from India named Akshat Saxen is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most polydactyl man in the world. Total fingers and toes is 34, while there are no thumbs on all limbs. The child has 7 fingers on each hand, and 10 on the feet. The boy's disease is known to science and is called polydactyly, but this is the first case in the world. The doctors decided to perform a series of operations on the child to remove extra fingers and form thumbs out of some. So the boy has every opportunity to become like everyone else.

Pascual Pinon

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Pascual Pinon

In 1889, a man was born in Mexico who is deservedly called the two-headed wonder of the world. This man became famous thanks to his second head. This head was very similar to his "main" head and was located directly on it. The second head could blink and move its lips, but it could not speak or breathe. It happened that Pascual abused alcohol, the upper head protested against this and began to spit and drool. Sometimes she moved her lips, as if trying to say something, but those around her could not understand her, and Pascual flatly refused to decipher these messages.

Pascual Pinon spent a lot of time in the mine. He was kept on a leash in one of the rooms and fed. People believed that Pascual was the son of Satan, and Satan would not want to destroy his child and would not destroy the mine. Rumors about the existence of a two-headed man reached the impresario John Scheidler, and he decided that Pinon would perfectly complement his circus Chapiteau and bring huge profits. His search was long and tedious. The people whom John asked about Pinon claimed that they did not understand who he was talking about and looked at him angrily. When the impresario was already desperate to find Pascual, a white albatross appeared in the sky, which seemed to show the way. John Scheidler took the albatross as a sign. He went to the mine where Pascual Pinon was being held. By some miracle, he persuaded the people who kept the captive on a leash to release the two-headed man to freedom. And since then, Pinon worked in the circus.

All Scheidler's expectations were justified: with the advent of Pascual, the profit from the circus increased. Pinon, in turn, enjoyed speaking in public. He was very proud of his ugliness and was very fond of his second head. However, there were cases when Pascual suddenly broke down and ran away before the performance, refusing to perform. Then the leadership of the circus persuaded and cajoled him as best they could, and the two-headed man returned and performed again. Later, Pinon completely abandoned performances in the circus.

Khagendra Tapa Magar

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Khagendra Tapa Magar

He is currently the smallest person in the world. His birth weight was only about 60 grams, and now (when he is an adult) Khagendra weighs only about 5 kilograms.

However, the most small man in the world he has a very important position in society, he is part of a dance group and participates in various theatrical performances. He is also invited to various programs and shootings. Therefore, Tapa Magar managed to earn a very normal capital on his own natural features.

Sultan Kosen

It would be quite logical to say about the big man in the world. Of course, there are more records, but now the tallest man in the world is this Turkish farmer, whose body length is 251 centimeters. By the way, he met with the smallest person - Khagendra Tapa.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Sultan Kosen

Now Kosen is a celebrity and often participates in various shootings. His tall stature requires occasional use of a cane to facilitate walking.

Michelle Lotito

This man also managed to transform his own natural feature V profitable business. Michel from a young age had deviations in eating behavior. In addition, as it turned out, he had thick walls of the intestines and stomach, they allowed him to eat almost any object and substance.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Michelle Lotito

Thus, the Frenchman began to take advantage of the opportunity to eat anything. Such performances were popular. For this period, this eater left the mortal world, but the cause of his death was not at all extreme culinary experiments, but more banal reasons.

Hai Ngoc

It is much more difficult for this person to convert his own peculiarity into any benefit, except to read more books or watch various TV shows. Ngok was seriously ill in 1973 and stopped sleeping after that, a fact that has been confirmed but has not yet been fully explored.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Hai Ngoc

As you know, people without sleep can normally exist for about a week, but for this person his peculiarity does not create any significant difficulties. Regarding normal existence in such a regime, various hypotheses can be put forward. For example, a variant with a microsleep, when a person sleeps during conscious wakefulness with small breaks that take literally seconds, while the person continues to exist normally and feel himself.

Chahat Kumar

This little Indian girl looks cute (like most babies pictured) and weird. The baby from the Indian state of Punjab is about a year old, but weighs about 17 kilograms (recall readers, birth weight, as a rule, is no more than 4 kilograms) and continues to increase. The young creature has some kind of anomaly that causes an irrepressible appetite, and therefore adults need to feed the voracious Chahat, and she continues to get fat.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Chahat Kumar

In fact, the story is somewhat sad, because due to overweight, it is difficult for the baby to sleep and move. Although Indian doctors are trying to find out the diagnosis and help, Chahat's relatives consider this anomaly to be some kind of divine intervention and, on the whole, are quite loyal to the situation. Hindus generally tend to treat everything with amazing calmness and even joy, including childhood obesity.

Martina Big

Most likely, the girl uses a pseudonym, which very directly alludes to her impressive forms. Martina is the owner of a chest volume of about 127 centimeters in girth, although her waist is only 68 centimeters. Since 2012, the girl began the transformation of her own body, made a facial plastic surgery, increased the size of her breasts with the help of a special solution, thanks to which her breasts became really huge and incomprehensible.

In addition, Martina makes herself special injections that make her skin darker. Now the girl from Germany looks almost black.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Martina Big

In fact, this story is also sad. Martin's relatives died in 2010, and she was left alone with her husband (who worked with her in an airline and was a pilot, and she was a flight attendant), who needed to leave work after some time. Martina herself was also unable to continue working as a flight attendant, since flights and breast implants are mutually exclusive parameters.

As the girl herself says, the dark skin color reminds her of her father, with whom she once rested on the beach and he was very tanned, his skin became dark. After that, she began to associate this color and tan with her loved one. Although this fact also does not prevent Martina from calling herself a representative of the black race, such a change of worldview.

Now the girl works as a glamor model and is very popular. In addition to her native Germany, she also often travels to Los Angeles for filming.

Allegra Cole

Continuing the theme of large breasts, it should be noted this girl, who has a considerable number of followers on Instagram and at least 34 breast sizes, that is, she surpasses Martina Big in her parameters. Allegra does not aspire to be black, but wants to continue to increase her own bust, which looks just gigantic. The girl is a model, but at the same time she cannot be called stupid or primitive.

From a young age, she was brought up in the Mormon community and had high achievements in music, thanks to which she began to teach piano. Over time, Allegra stopped liking such a career and she took up breast augmentation, thanks to which she became a popular model. Photos of the girl are very popular, although the forms clearly look anatomically incorrect and atypical.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Allegra Cole

It is likely that such a cult of large breasts goes back to the ancient fertility cults that were common among primitive people. After all, one of the most popular fossil artifacts of the period of pre-humanity are the so-called Paleolithic Venuses- figurines of women with huge breasts and hips, which allude to primitive notions about the ideal of fertility (in symbolic sense) and the perfect female body. Oddly enough, but after millennia, such images continue to disturb the minds of people and are perfectly converted into popularity and finance.

Winnie Oh

Very interesting character, which very logically appeared in California. The land of free morals inspired the young guy with the idea of ​​becoming a completely asexual creature similar to an alien, which he, in fact, strives for, investing significant funds in numerous operations.

It would be better to give money to the poor - the reader will say, and there really is a reason for this. However, Vinnie's intentions should not be considered pampering, he is very serious and even turned to doctors for advice on removing his own penis (by the way, he also wants to get rid of the nipples and navel), because Vinnie wants to have "there" just a flat surface. Agree, he treats the case in detail.

Karen Overhill

Americans often suffer from interesting mental illnesses, but Karen excels. 17 different personalities lived in this woman at once. The disease is called dissociative identity disorder and creates different personalities in a person, but such deviations as Karen had, forced her to live the biography of virtually different people, while the personalities did not remember each other.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Karen Overhill

As a result, the woman herself discovered in the “composition” of her own consciousness:

  • two teenage girls;
  • a boy under 10;
  • three girls;
  • a couple of 34 years old;
  • woman aged 21;
  • angry guy.

In total, 11 people were recruited from Karen herself, and psychiatrists helped to discover six more personalities. As a result, the woman was helped to get rid of the disease, as she later found out, each such personality was created in order to help her cope with various difficulties.

Hiroo Onoda

It is a unique example of samurai loyalty. The lieutenant served during the Second World War under the flag of Japan and fought in the Philippines, more precisely on the island of Lubang, where the training base was located. To a young man the order was given not to surrender to anyone, but over time it partisan detachment was practically destroyed.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Hiroo Onoda

Hiroo was discovered only thirty years later, after the end of the war, but he was not going to give up. As a result, it was necessary to involve his former boss, who had long ceased to be a military man and became a bookseller. Only after the commander ordered the lieutenant to end his service, Hiroo obeyed, and before that he continued to fight continuously, although it is not entirely clear how he fought and with whom.

Mitsuo Matayoshi and David Allen Bowden

These people should be grouped under one rubric, so to speak, since they are not particularly different from other people, apart from their own conviction of their divinity. For example, the Japanese Mitsuo Matayoshi considers himself nothing less than the real Lord and, moreover, organized his own party and created his own version of Christianity. He is a political activist, regularly participates in elections and offers followers his own view of eschatology (the doctrine of the end of time) in which, as you understand, his own figure is of considerable importance.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Mitsuo Matayoshi

David Allen Bowden, in turn, considers himself none other than the current Pope, and in this he is supported by his parents and three more followers. Such small company they, in fact, elected a new pontiff.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. David Allen Bowden

According to this group of Catholics, after 1958 there were no legitimate pontiffs in the Catholic Church, therefore Pope Michael (that is, David Allen Bowden) is the legally elected and current head of the church, and also, by the way, sinless, according to the teachings of the Catholics themselves.

Supatra Sasuphan

Many girls do not like regular shaving of their legs, epilation of other areas, but then they should be inspired by Supatra Sasupfan from Thailand. This girl has a strange genetic disease that causes the rapid growth of vegetation on the body, in particular on the face. Therefore, outwardly, Supatra may look like some kind of yeti.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Supatra Sasuphan

For many years, she put up with the title of the hairiest girl in the world, but relatively recently she met her chosen one and for his sake she began to regularly shave her own face. Now she looks quite normal, although she needs to shave more often than other women. This example in Once again indicates the possibility for almost everyone in this world to find their soul mate, although women may need to use hair removal a little more often for this.

Zhang Ruifang

Many representatives of modern youth prefer such an option for transforming the body as creating artificial horns on the forehead. Perhaps they should seek advice from Zhang Ruifang, who lives in China.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Zhang Ruifang

This unremarkable woman has real horns on her forehead, one larger horn, the other smaller. The horns come straight out of the forehead, are bony structures and very frankly allude to the popular images of various infernal entities. Zhang has not been seen dabbling in magic and summoning demons, no one can really explain why they have such horns.

Jasprit Singh Kalra

There are many people who claim to be the most flexible in the world. Nevertheless, Jasprit Singh's abilities look the most amazing, because, for example, he can rotate his head 180 degrees, and his other joints have great mobility and flexibility. At the same time, he is quite mature, that is, flexibility is not associated with a young age, which is often used in gymnastics or ballet.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Jasprit Singh Kalra

It is probably not surprising that such a person appeared in India, a country where the flexibility of yogis is passed down genetically from generation to generation. Jasprit Singh is not at all slender and looks like a physically developed young man.

Sadhu Amar Bharati

In continuation of the Indian theme, this saint (sadhu in Sanskrit and means a holy or righteous person) should be noted, who has been holding his right hand up for more than 40 years. Amar Bharati does not use this hand at all and his flesh has almost completely hardened and has become like some kind of stick.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Sadhu Amar Bharati

In fact, for India, such vows are not something strange. For example, at the Kubha Mela festival, you can see many such ascetics who have taken certain vows of humility. If we talk about Amara Bharati, then he once upon a time decided to make such a peculiar worship of Shiva and since then he has not given up.

Initially, it was difficult for him, the ascetic himself told about this. However, he humbly endured and kept his own vow. Over time, the hand froze and now does not particularly distract his attention, but is a symbol of perseverance and perseverance.

Lindsay Hamon

It should also be noted the ascetics of the Christian world, who can also inspire with their own perseverance. For example, Lindsay Hamon literally shouldered the cross in 1987. It's about about a large cross made of cedar wood, on which it is quite possible to crucify.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Lindsay Hamon

The preacher carries (but in a sense rolls, because there is a small wheel on the back that makes it easier to carry this structure) his cross to different cities in order to tell people about Jesus. He spends about 12 hours a day on the move and preaching and rarely thinks about domestic comfort or lodging for the night. Lindsay has repeatedly seen a negative attitude towards himself, he was even (oddly enough) expelled from the Vatican in Rome, but he steadfastly continues to bring faith to people.

Jill Price

This woman from California has a unique memory property that can hardly be called a disease. In general, many people want to have a good memory, there are even special courses and techniques, but Jill Price, who lives in California, wants the exact opposite, because she cannot forget anything.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Jill Price

Jill remembers every day of her existence since the age of 12. Scientists gathered a symposium in order to confirm such a unique property of memory and they really noted Jill's ability to remember every event (the situation in the premises and other smallest details, even the programs that were on TV in the background) from her own biography, she literally cannot forget anything. This ability burdens a woman and she even asked scientists to invent some kind of "forgetful" pills or drugs.

Gary Matthews

For many people, saying “Hey you dog” will be offensive and not create a positive reaction, but not for the former technologist Gary, who for many years watched a cartoon about a stray dog ​​named Boomer as a child.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Gary Matthews

Now this man considers himself to be a stray dog ​​with an identical name and is trying his best to copy the behavior of typical dogs. By the way, before that, he had been fond of dogs for many years and really studied the habits of our four-legged friends. Gary wears a matching suit, urinates on bushes, and sleeps in a booth.

Azsacra Zarathustra

A unique representative of a tradition based on various Eastern teachings, Nietzscheanism and other ideologies that focus on the chanting and development of human power.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Azsacra Zarathustra

Azskara lives on the territory of the harsh city of Magnitogorsk and is very harsh on his own body, regularly performing various practices of mortifying the flesh. He is interesting for his close communication with various wild and dangerous animals, sleeps with poisonous snakes and birds of prey, tames wild animals and insects, allows them to bite him.

Alex Lenkey

This Englishman is especially unremarkable and is a simple citizen of the country, if not for his ability to persuade. Moreover, he knows how to convince for the most part himself, he has been practicing hypnosis since adolescence and managed to achieve considerable heights in this. He underwent at least two serious operations related to the impact on the bone apparatus (even a piece of bone was removed from the hand) and tissue cutting, and he did not use anesthesia and did not feel pain.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Alex Lenkey

Of course, here the corresponding question arises - why Alex could not hypnotize himself in such a way as not to get a hernia and osteoarthritis (it was for these diagnoses that he underwent surgery) - the question remains open. Nevertheless, Lenkei's abilities were tested not only on him, but at least on his son, whom the hypnotist helped to cope with pain after a broken arm.

One way or another, this Englishman's abilities are amazing during operations that lasted more than an hour, he was fully aware of himself, heard the surgeon, but did not feel pain, and then recovered normally.

Wim Hof

This person is also distinguished by the ability of complete self-control, or at least almost complete. The Dutchman studied and practiced meditation for many years, thanks to which he gained the ability to withstand extremely cold temperatures. In particular, Hof distinguished himself with such achievements as a record for the duration of stay in cold water, marathons barefoot in the snow and climbing Kilimanjaro in shorts.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Wim Hof

By the way, Wim's actions are not stupid bravado or just a high degree patience, he really knows how to consciously control the processes in his own body. This fact was confirmed by scientists who noted the ability of the Dutchman to manage his own nervous system and immune system responses.

Nick Vujicic

The amazing story of this man relatively recently became known throughout the world, largely thanks to Nick himself, who now actively gives various seminars and talks about his own achievements. The peculiarity of this person is practically total absence limbs, only where the right leg is anatomically located, he has a kind of limb in the form of a small stump. However, this fact did not prevent Vujicic from achieving a lot. Including learning to move independently (and by car too), swimming and other activities.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Nick Vujicic

Nick also managed to earn a very solid capital, start a family, gave birth to a son. He continues to travel the world and inspire other people to accomplish their own example.

Jose Mujica

In conclusion, I would like to note this unique person, which does not differ in any anomalies of the body. Nevertheless, he fully deserves the title of an unusual and atypical person. This politician for five years (2010-2015) was the President of Uruguay and throughout his career left almost the entire salary to charity.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Jose Mujica

That is why Mujica is called the poorest president in the world. Unlike other presidents, he really differs by the absence of any pretentiousness and inclination to accumulate wealth. His personal farm is located on a farm near Montevideo, where Mujica and his wife (also involved in politics) grow part of their own food themselves.

He also almost completely provides for himself and does not need anything, although he gives the bulk of his salary to charity. Mujica has no bank accounts and has always driven a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle estimated to be worth less than $2,000. Of course, such an existence is led by a considerable number of people, but for presidents it is more than unusual and surprising.

Petr Kadyaev

Many people consider yoga and similar practices to maintain their own health as a purely oriental theme, but Pyotr Kadyaev proved not only the possibility of using this practice in modern Russian conditions but achieved excellent results. The veteran of the Second World War began yoga classes when he had huge health problems, the doctors practically abandoned him and predicted very little time for him. Nevertheless, a resident of Togliatti began to gradually master yoga in accessible ways in the distant Soviet times.

Photo: Unusual people of the world. Petr Kadyaev

Relatively recently, he left the mortal world, then Peter Nikolayevich was a hundred years old, according to medical records, he was able to extend his existence in this body for 45 years more than experts predicted. Pyotr Kadyaev not only became a yoga specialist and managed to significantly improve his own well-being, but also helped others until the end of his own century: he practiced and led a group in his own city, where he taught yoga for everyone free of charge.

There are enough people on our planet, but how many of us are unusual? Some are born like this, others acquire strange properties or skills after some circumstances. Most often, such people do not attract much attention, while the phenomena of some of them are unable to properly explain even scientists. But among such unusual people there are real "stars" who manage to become famous all over the world. Moreover, such a topic as the TOP 10 unusual people has attracted people at all times, otherwise there would not be so many cabinets of curiosities in the world.

1. Sadhu Amar Bharati

This man, considered a saint in India, has been holding his right hand above his head for 40 years, not lowering it since 1973. Actually, the hand from this position has long ceased to be a normal limb, it dried up, became bony, which is not surprising if it has not moved at all for so many years. A long time ago, he raised it as a sign of admiration for Shiva. They say that until 1970 this man lived an ordinary life - he worked, had a family with three children. In general, a typical middle-class Indian.
But one day he suddenly felt that he no longer belonged to himself or his family, but was needed by the god Shiva. At first, he simply went to wander along the Indian roads, but after wandering like this for several years, he raised his right hand above his head and vowed that he would not lower it for 40 years, and that was in 1973. It is said that he did this to renounce his sins and as a sign of humility, but some go further in their conjectures, believing that in this way he protests against the wars on the planet. And in this not very comfortable position, Bharati has existed for four decades. However, now he really does not own it anymore - for decades of complete inactivity, it has literally mummified, turning into a bone covered with dry skin and with curls of long nails.
Bharati himself admitted later that at first he suffered greatly from pain, apparently, his body did not share such severe ascetic beliefs with his head. But the Hindu endured because he could not afford to break his vow.

2. Jill Price

This American woman has an incredible memory, because she remembers literally everything that happened to her after 11 years. She is able to tell on what day this or that program was on TV. Ask her what was shown on TV, for example, at noon on September 9, 2001, and she will accurately name the program that was on that day. She was the first to be diagnosed with an unusual diagnosis of hyperthymesia - when an individual is able to remember and reproduce events with unprecedented accuracy. own life, that is, has an ideal autobiographical memory.
In the spring of 2000, she contacted e-mail to Dr. James McGaugh, who recorded her unique abilities, which began to manifest themselves from the age of 11. At first, experts did not believe her words, but began to study the possibilities of her memory. Based on historical almanacs, they prepared a list of questions. She was able to answer what happened at various points in the TV show and when asked when Elvis Presley died. The answers to all questions were extremely accurate, which amazed the experts. Moreover, she noticed the inaccuracies that were made when creating the almanac. Medicines for excessive memory to the woman were not picked up.

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3. Zhang Ruifang

There are completely inexplicable physical anomalies, like, for example, a 100-year-old Chinese woman Zhang Ruifang from Henan province, who suddenly developed a horn. When she already celebrated her 100th birthday in 2010, on the left side of her forehead, she began to break through ... an ordinary horn. After 2 years, the horn grew by 7 centimeters. We can only try with a shudder to imagine what a person with such a “decoration” feels and sympathize with a Chinese woman.
The relatives were even more concerned about the fact that after the first horn, almost symmetrically to it, on the other side of the forehead, the second horn began to break through. At the same time, the horns of a woman are no different from similar parts in animals, and at the same time they also continue to grow. After such perturbations, the old woman was taken to the hospital for examination, but so far doctors can only spread their arms to the sides, not being able to explain this unpleasant miracle of nature. However, medicine knows cases when seals resembling convex tubercles formed on a human forehead. But for it to be real "full-weight" horns - this has not yet been seen!

4. Thai Ngoc

Born in 1942, the Vietnamese peasant Thai Ngoc is striking in that he has not slept at all for 40 years. According to the most ever-awake Vietnamese, the reason for the loss of sleep was a fever, which he had had in 1973. As soon as he tried to fall into the arms of Morpheus: he drank medicines, horse doses of alcoholic beverages, but nothing made him even for a minute close his eyes.
Surprisingly, a sleep-deprived person feels good, even at a respectable age continues to work physically, and how to carry heavy bags over long distances. Due to the lack of sleep, he has freed up a lot of free time, which he devotes to agricultural work. There are, however, suggestions that he falls asleep on the go for a few seconds or minutes, and he himself does not notice it. Doctors did not fail to examine such an unusual patient in more detail and did not find any serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body, with the exception of problems with the liver.
In normal cases, as you know, chronic lack of sleep leads to exhaustion, irritability and lethargy, but nothing like this is observed in Thaya Ngok.

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5. Sanju Bhagad

6. Michel Lotito

At the age of 9, Michel ate a glass to conquer his peers, and began to give public performances since 1966, during which he swallowed everything: shopping carts, bicycles, televisions, even a small plane (all, of course, in crushed form). At the same time, Lotito did not complain about the negative consequences of his meals, although they were made from harmful materials. On the day he ate up to 900 g of inorganic materials, diluted with mineral oil and washed down with a large portion of water. If at first he carefully crushed his "food", then he lubricated his throat with oil and filled it with water after absorbing decent pieces. As a result, from 1959 to 1997, he disposed of about 9 tons of metal. Doctors checked the condition of his body and made sure that his digestive system adapted well to such a diet. His stomach was twice as thick as normal. For the longest time, Michel had to mess around in the Cessna-150, which he digested in 2 years. But in 2007, he still died.

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7. Tim Cridland

Tim Cridland is unique in that he does not experience pain. At school, he was nicknamed the king of "torture", because he amazed his classmates, calmly enduring any cold or heat, and also piercing his hands with needles. Now he shocks audiences across America with his scary tricks. But first he had to seriously study anatomy, because even such a person cannot lose his head. Tim's examinations showed that his pain limit was significantly exceeded in comparison with ordinary people. In all other respects, he is no different from us. For example, piercing the body with hairpins, he receives the same damage, and if the show fails, he may well die without pain. What he just didn’t show: he swallowed swords and fire, pierced himself with swords, laid himself on sharp nails and much more. He got into the Guinness Book of Records.

8. Supatra Sasuphan

In 2000, a very unusual girl Supatra Sasuphan was born in Thailand, who now lives in Bangkok. She suffers from hypertrichosis, a rare condition characterized by increased body and facial hairiness. As the girl grows older, her hair only gets thicker. This disease has no cure, and attempts to use a laser have not led to anything. The anomaly deprived the girl normal life- she often heard unflattering comments and ridicule from "not too distant people". In addition, she has to constantly cut her hair so that it does not get in the way too much. Everyday life. Only with time did those around them change their cruel attitude towards Supatra - perhaps they just got used to her appearance and stopped perceiving it as an ugliness.

9. Abigail and Brittany Hensel

People are still surprised Siamese twins, such are Abigail and Brittany Hensel, who were born in the USA in 1990. Their body is one for two, and it contains: 2 hearts, 3 kidneys, 3 lungs, 2 stomachs, 2 spines with a spinal cord that converge in a single pelvis, but there is only one liver, as well as the circulatory system. Each sister strictly controls only her own body part, that is, she can only control the nearest arm and leg. But at the same time, the sisters developed good coordination of movements, so they learned not only to run and walk, but even to ride a car and a bicycle. Mentally, they are completely ordinary - they have different interests, characters and tastes. But both dream of becoming doctors and having children.

10. Wim Hof

The Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has the unique ability to endure very low temperatures. He calmly ran a marathon in the snow barefoot, set a record for staying in an ice-filled bathtub, having been there for almost 2 hours. And he also climbed the snowy peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, for which he was awarded the title "Ice Man". Hof himself assures that he is able to completely not feel the cold, and meditation helps him in this. The scientists who examined him indeed found that he was able to mentally control his autonomic nervous and immune systems, making him able to easily withstand the effects of hypothermia.

Woman with x-ray vision. The man who can eat an entire plane. Bodybuilder with muscles like the Hulk. This all sounds like something out of science fiction, doesn't it? But these people actually exist and are just a few of the vast collection of strange and extraordinary people. After reviewing this list, you will see how comic book characters come to life in the face of these twenty-five most strange people in the world.

25. The man with the longest hair in the world

Despite the fact that the length of his hair was not officially measured by the Guinness Book of Records, a Vietnamese herbalist named Tran Van Hay was known as the man with the longest hair in the world. According to his wife, Tran hasn't cut his hair in over fifty years and has only washed his hair a few times (the last time was eleven years ago). Unfortunately, Tran Van Hay died in 2010 at the age of 79.

24. The man with the biggest mouth in the world

Francisco Domingo Joaquim is an ordinary man from Angola with an "unusual" talent. He is the proud holder of the record for the world's largest mouth. His mouth measures seventeen centimeters and he can fit anything in there, from a can of Coca-Cola to his wallet.

23. The woman with the most tattoos in history

On June 29, 2011, a 53-year-old woman named Cynthia Martell was found dead in her home at 1500 Laguna Avenue. What's interesting about this story is that approximately 97 percent of her body was covered in tattoos, making her the most tattooed person in history.

22. The person who was officially considered dead for the most number of years

Lal Bihari was an Indian farmer and activist from Amilo who was officially declared dead from 1975 to 1994. He spent nineteen years fighting the Indian bureaucracy to prove the fact that he was in fact alive and well.

21. The real Mr. Freeze (Mr. Freeze)

Wim Hof ​​is a Dutch world record holder, adventurer and daredevil known as the "Iceman" for his extraordinary ability to withstand temperatures below freezing. It is worth noting that he once plunged into an ice bath for 1 hour and 52 minutes.

20. The man who constantly kept his hand raised to the sky

Sadhu Amar Bharati raised his hand for the first time in 1973 in honor of Lord Shiva and has never lowered it since.

19. The woman with the narrowest waist in the world

Michele Kobke, a 26-year-old woman from Germany, has narrowed her waist from 64 centimeters to 41 by wearing a corset every day for three years and even sleeping in it. Even though her waist is thinner even than runway models, she says she hopes to narrow her waist down to a shocking 36 centimeters.

18. The daredevil who "flirts" with death on a regular basis

Eskil Ronningsbakken is an extreme showman from Norway who travels the world and puts on incredible and deadly performances. As a rule, he balances on the very edge of the abyss - on top of sheer cliffs and cliffs. He mastered the art of balancing when he was five years old and has amazed the world with his extraordinary feats ever since.

17. A woman who remembers absolutely everything

Jill Price says she can remember everything from her teenage years, like what time she woke up, what she ate, who she met. All of these facts are stored in her brain and can be triggered by songs, smells, or places. She considers her peculiarity a curse, because because of it she cannot forget anything and this is a burden on her mind, not giving her a moment's rest.

Source 16The Man Who Photographed and Analyzed His Every Meal for 34 Years

Yoshiro Nakamatsu is a Japanese inventor who holds the world record for the most inventions (more than three thousand), including the floppy disk and the PyonPyon jumping shoes. For forty years he photographed, retrospectively analyzing his every meal.

Source 15The Man Who Lived at the Airport for Nearly Twenty Years

Mehran Karimi Nasseri is an Iranian refugee who lived in the First Terminal Lounge at French Charles de Gaulle Airport from August 26, 1988 to July 2006. His story became the main source of inspiration and formed the basis of the film "Terminal", leading role performed by Tom Hanks.

14. Real bionic woman

Eileen Brown, from Boldon, England, has had more than ten surgeries over the past two decades. Her only remaining natural joints are her left hip and left elbow.

13. A soldier who hid in the jungle for almost thirty years, believing that the Second World War was still raging

Nearly forty-three years ago, a Japanese soldier who fought in World War II named Hiroo Onoda was discovered in the Jungles of Guam, where he had lived for almost three decades. Ordered not to surrender under any pretext, Hiroo Onoda waged a one-man war and only surrendered when Major Yoshimi Taniguchi, who had long since become a bookseller, personally met with him to give the order.

12. Japanese Jesus Christ

Mitsuo Matayoshi is a Japanese political activist known for the fact that he has been running for office for many years. Matayoshi was educated as a Protestant minister and, in the course of his religious studies, developed a distinct conception of Christianity, which was strongly influenced by his study of eschatology. In 1997, he registered the World Economic Community Party, a political party based on his belief that he is God.

11. Real version of Incredible Hulk

Brazilian bodybuilder Romario Dos Santos Alves wanted the Incredible Hulk's muscle so badly that he injected a potentially lethal mixture of oil and alcohol into his arm muscles. The 25-year-old risked his life in the process and narrowly avoided amputation of both arms. His overly swollen muscles earned him cruel nicknames such as "beast" or "monster".

10. Granny with the "Devil's Horn"

In 2010, a 101-year-old Chinese granny named Zhang Ruifang shocked her friends, family and the rest of the world when she made headlines around the world for growing a horn like a devil on her forehead. .

9 Self Proclaimed Pope

David Allen Bawden, also known as Pope Michael, is a US citizen and conclave candidate for the papacy. Bowden was elected by a group of six lay people, including himself and his parents, who believe that the "Catholic" Church after the Second Vatican Council deviated from the Catholic faith, so after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, there were no legitimate popes in the Vatican.

8 The Real Professor Charles Xavier

Alex Lenkei is a hypnotist with incredible powers of suggestion. Lenkea is so well developed that this 68 year old man from Surrey, England, underwent invasive ankle surgery without anesthesia.

7. Girl with X-ray eyes

Natasha Demkina is known in her native Russia as "The Girl with the X-Ray Eyes". She says she can see internal organs people through the skin. She convinced even her fiercest critics with her goosebumps ability to make accurate medical diagnoses.

6. Man Hammer

Gino Martino is a professional wrestler and showman who "amazes" the audience with his superhuman ability to punch things with his skull. According to rumors, a collision with a car will do you less harm than Gino's skull.

5. Monsieur "Eat Everything"

For forty years, the Frenchman Michel Lotito ate about nine tons of metal. How did he do it? In his youth, Lotito suffered from a perversion of taste, mental illness which encourages people to eat non-organic items such as dirt and plastic. As he experimented with more dangerous objects such as nails and glass, he realized that the incredibly thick walls of his stomach and intestines allowed him to consume just about anything. Lolito soon turned his illness into a career and went down in history as the man who literally ate everything. He died in 2007 of natural causes unrelated to his eating habits.

4The Man Who Carried His Twin Brother In His Stomach

Bhagat, who lives in the city of Nagpur, India, claimed that he always felt insecure because of his large belly. One hot summer evening in 1999, thirty-six-year-old Bhagat was taken to the hospital because his stomach was so swollen that he could hardly breathe. The astounded doctors discovered that inside Bhagat's abdomen was the half-formed body of a small boy, Bhagat's twin brother, who was never born.

Source 3The man who hasn't slept in over forty years

One might rightly assume that a long stay without negative consequences, but not for this man from central Quang Nam Province. His inability to sleep not only made him famous, but also represents a "miraculous" phenomenon that deserves to be held. scientific research. Thai Ngoc, known as Hai Ngoc, said he stopped sleeping after he had a fever in 1973. Therefore, in more than forty-one years, he vainly counted countless sheep.

2. A woman with seventeen different personalities

Karen Overhill had a severe case of dissociative identity disorder. In 1999, she began to regain consciousness in strange places with no idea how she got there. She also found bookmarks beyond the point where she remembered she had finished reading, and at night she heard voices telling how the day went. She also often met people who knew her, but whom she did not know and had never met in her life. Eventually, she discovered that she had lived with seventeen different personalities and subsequently received treatment and got rid of them all.

1The Man Who “Loved” Cars

Edward Smith of Washington made headlines when he confessed to having sex from over 1,000 cars. It may sound absurd, but this "car lover" lived with his 1967 Volkswagen Beetle, which he called Vanilla and which he considered his girlfriend.

There are many unusual things in the world. Below we will talk about the most unusual people who can cause a smile, surprise or even shock.

Rubber Boy - Jasprit Singh Kalra

At the age of fifteen, this guy became known as "Rubber Boy". He can turn his head 180°.

Inseparable Friends - Sambat and Homran

Under the bed of the boy, whose name is Sambat, my mother found a very small snake. Then Sambat was only 3 months old. Since then, the boy and the snake Homran have been inseparable friends: they eat, sleep and play together.

Lions' best friend - Kevin Richardson

Animal behavior researcher Kevin Richardson talks about how he relies on instinct to gain trust and build a special bond with big cats. He can spend the night quietly curled up near them without fear of being attacked. His magic works not only on lions, but also on other animals such as cheetahs, leopards and even hyenas, which turn off aggression when interacting with him. Lions are his favorites. It's amazing to watch him play with them, take care of those with teeth so sharp they can easily bite through steel, not to mention human bones. It's incredibly dangerous, but Kevin doesn't stop because he's too passionate about his job.

Biggest mouth - Francisco Domingo Joaquim

This resident of Angola is the owner of the title "The world's largest mouth." The size of his mouth is 17 cm, which allows him to place and pull out a jar of 0.33 liters 14 times in 1 minute.

Woman with a horn - Zhang Ruifang

This 102-year-old woman from China's Henan province is famous for her real horn that grew on her forehead. The anomaly surprises scientists, especially since the horn has been constantly growing for several years (it has already reached a mark exceeding 7 cm).

Anvil Man - Gino Martino

The American entertainer and wrestler can shock with his ability to break things like concrete blocks, iron bars, baseball bats with his head. Doctors say that Gino has a heavy-duty skull.

The man who does not sleep - Yakov Tsiperovich

About 70 different films were made about this man from Belarus (Minsk), because Yakov Tsiperovich, after clinical death, not only did not die, but even stopped sleeping. After numerous examinations, scientists and doctors confirmed this fact, but could not explain it.

Longest hair - Chang Wan Hei

A resident of Vietnam had the longest hair in the world (6.8 m). He has been braiding his hair in a thick braid since he was 25 because he was so comfortable. Chan Wang Hei died when he was 79 years old.

Man with Hand Raised - Sadhu Amar Bharati

Hindu Sadhu Amar Bharati in 1973 raised his right hand above his head, bowing to the god Shiva. Since then, he has not let her down.

The longest nose - Mehmet Ozyurek

Owner of the long nose, which is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, is a resident of Turkey born in 1949 Mehmet Ozyurek. In 2010, his nose was found to be 8.8 cm long.

Best karateka - Masutatsu Oyama

The owner of 10 dan karate, the outstanding master, the creator of the Kyokushinkai style and the teacher of karate Masutatsu Oyama were legendary. This is a man who broke 4 bricks or 17 layers of tiles with the edge of his palm. Behind the back of the great karateka there were about 50 fights with bulls, of which he killed three without any weapons, and broke the horns of 49 bulls.

The fattest person - Carol Ann Yager

This woman is the undisputed champion in the amount of weight in history. The mass of Carol Yeager at the age of 20 was 727 kg. With such a weight, she could not even move, so several special devices were created for Carol.

The Man Who Remembers Everything - Jill Price

A woman who literally remembers everything in her life to the smallest detail, starting from adolescence. Jill Price remembers when she woke up what she ate, any songs, smells or places she was. If you think this is "cool", then Jill perceives her gift as a curse.

Using Self-Hypnosis - Alex Lenkay

Using self-hypnosis, Alex Lencay can block all pain while being fully conscious.

The Man Who Eats Metal - Michael Lotito

For the first time, a 9-year-old French guy ate a TV. Then Michael Lotito got used to swallowing rubber, metal and even glass. He outdid himself and got into the Guinness Book of Records when he ate an entire plane, however, it took him two years. Doctors state the fact that Michael is still alive only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of an ordinary person.

Tooth King - Radhakrishnan Velu

A man from Malaysia is famous for being able to move various vehicles himself and only with his teeth. The largest load pulled by Radhakrishnan Vela was a whole train consisting of six wagons and weighing 297 tons!

Magnet Man - Liv Tou Lin

The 70-year-old Malaysian surprises with his ability to attract objects, and this was inherited by his children and grandchildren. The most significant load that he managed to pull on the chain is a car. Scientists and doctors cannot yet explain this phenomenon.

Man Without Pain - Tim Cridland

Tim knew how to pierce his hands without feeling pain, and to withstand extreme temperatures already at school. He is currently touring the US showing incredible stunts from which ordinary people are shocked

Infinite Stamina - Dean Karnazes

If you've ever run a marathon, you probably know that at some point you feel like you need a break. The muscles of the American marathon runner Dean Karnazes (Dean Karnazes) have amazing properties, thanks to which he can run forever. Dean started running in high school, and while his classmates did 15 laps, he could run 105 laps until he was asked to stop. He once ran 50 marathons in 50 days.

Rengen Man - Natalia Demkina

Natalya Demkina - from Saransk, suddenly at the age of 10 began to see people through. WITH young years she received people who came to her for help, so that she looked inside and told about their illnesses. The girl claims to have a "second sight", which allows her to see the internal organs of a person. Some of her diagnoses were more accurate than doctors'.

Gutta Percha Boy - Daniel Browning Smith

A five-time Guinness World Record holder, the rubber guy is the most flexible living person, as well as the most famous acrobat. Daniel learned to twist his body into incredible "knots" at the age of 4 years. Then he thought that everyone could do it, but he soon realized that he had an incredible talent. He can fit in very tight spaces with twisted limbs, he can climb through a tennis racket and through a toilet lid, and he can move his heart in his chest.
This is how our review turned out about amazing people who follow the events in the world and share with you the most interesting ones.
