Calendar of significant and memorable dates. Calendar of significant and memorable dates October marks the

Celebration of the anniversaries of your favorite writers is a good reason to re-read familiar works or plunge into the world created by a talented author for the first time. In 2017, their anniversary will be celebrated by:

Anniversaries of the classics in 2017

The works of classics, both ours and foreign ones, never lose their relevance. They are read, re-read, they put eternal concepts into our souls:

  • honor;
  • of good;
  • beautiful.

Month FULL NAME. Area of ​​creativity The most famous works Date of birth and death date celebrations What anniversary are we celebrating
January John Ronald Reuel Talk English writer, poet "Lord of the Rings" 1892-1973 3 125
Jean Baptiste Poquelin (Molière) French playwright "The tradesman in the nobility" 1622-1673 15 395
V.V. Veresaev Russian writer "Doctor's Notes" 1867-1945 16 150
Virginia Woolf English writer "Miss Dalloway" 1882-1941 25 135
Lewis Carroll English writer "Alice in the Wonderland" 1832-1898 27 185
R.F. Kozakova Russian poetess "Love me" 1932-2008 27 85
V.P. Kataev Russian writer "Son of the Regiment" 1897-1986 28 120
February James Joyce Irish writer, poet "Exiles" 1882-1941 2 135
Charles Dickens English writer "David Copperfield" 1812-1870 7 205
Sydney Sheldon American writer "The Other Side of Midnight" 1917-2007 11 110
I.D. Shaferan Russian poet "Listen to your heart!" 1932-1994 13 85
N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky Russian writer "Gymnasium students" 1852-1906 20 165
K.A. Fedin Russian Soviet writer "Angels of death" 1892-1977 24 125
Anthony Burgess English writer "Shakespeare in Love" 1917-1993 25 100
Carlo Goldoni Italian playwright "Innkeeper" 1707-1793 25 310
Victor Marie Hugo French writer "Les Misérables" 1802-1885 26 215
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow American poet "Songs of Hiawatha" 1807-1882 27 210
John Ernst Steinbeck American writer "The Grapes of Wrath" 1902-1968 27 115
March S.P. Gudzenko Soviet poet "Before Attack" 1922-1953 5 95
V.G. Rasputin Russian writer "Live and Remember" 1937-2015 15 80
John Updike American writer "Rabbit (approx. deleted by the owner) run" 1932-2009 18 85
A.S. Novikov-Priboy Russian writer "Tsushima" 1877-1944 24 140
OK. Chukovskaya Russian writer, poet "Notes about Anna Akhmatova" 1907-1996 24 110
Alfred Victor de Vigny French writer, poet "Death of the Wolf" 1797-1863 27 210
A.K. Gladkov Soviet writer "John of Paris" 1912-1976 30 105
D.V. Grigorovich Russian writer "Gutta Percha Boy" 1822-1899 31 195
K.I. Chukovsky Russian writer, poet "Moydodyr" 1882-1969 31 135
April Antoine Francois Prevost French writer "The Story of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier de Grieux" 1697-1763 1 320
A.I. Herzen Russian writer "Past and thoughts" 1812-1870 6 205
Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina Russian poetess "Immortality seducing the soul" 1937-2010 10 80
V.V. Lipatov Russian poet "Autumn" 1927-1979 10 90
K.S. Aksakov Russian writer "Cloud" 1817-1860 10 200
V.A. Kaverin Russian writer "Two captains" 1902-1989 19 115
Henry Fielding English writer "The Story of Tom Jones, the Foundling" 1707-1754 22 310
May I.A. Efremov Russian writer "Hell fire" 1907-1972 22 110
Roger Zelazny American writer "Chronicles of Amber" 1937-1995 13 80
I. Severyanin Russian poet "Oh people, miserable, powerless" 1897-1941 16 130
N.I. Kostomarov Russian writer "Mazepa" 1817-1885 16 200
Teffi (N.A. Lokhvitskaya) Russian poetess, writer "Poor Azra" 1872-1952 21 145
M.A. Voloshin Russian poet "Koktebel" 1877-1932 28 140
K.N. Batyushkov Russian poet "On the ruins of a castle in Sweden" 1787-1855 29 230
I.S. Sokolov Russian writer "Petka" 1892-1975 29 125
L.I. Oshanin Soviet poet "I drove from Berlin" 1912-1996 30 195
G.K. Paustovsky Russian writer "Warm Bread" 1892-1968 31 215
June K.B. Balmont Russian poet "Gold fish" 1867-1942 16 150
I.A. Goncharov Russian writer "Oblomov" 1812-1891 18 105
V.T. Shalamov Russian writer "Kolyma stories" 1907-1982 18 110
R.I. Christmas Soviet poet "Requiem" 1932-1994 20 85
VC. Küchelbecker Russian poet "Elegy" 1797-1846 21 220
A.A. Tarkovsky Russian poet "Night rain" 1907-1989 25 110
July Hermann Hesse Russian writer "Romance Without Lies" 1877-1962 2 140
A.B. Mariengof Swiss writer, poet "Peter Kamentsind" 1897-1962 6 120
A.M. Remizov Russian writer "Loyalty" 1877-1957 6 140
P.V. Oreshin Russian poet "Mine way of the cross overcoming…” 1887-1938 16 130
K.K. Pavlova Russian poetess "Butterfly" 1807-1893 22 210
P.A. Vyazemsky Russian poet "Bosphorus" 1792-1878 23 225
A. Dumas French writer "Three Musketeers" 1802-1870 24 215
A.A. Grigoriev Russian poet "It was about time" 1822-1864 28 195
August Percy Bysshe Shelley English poet "Cenci" 1792-1822 4 225
Jorge Amado Brazilian writer "Gabriela, cinnamon and cloves" 1912-2001 10 105
John Galsworthy English writer "The Forsyte Saga" 1867-1933 14 150
A.V. Vampilov Russian playwright "Date" 1937-1972 19 80
V.P. Aksenov Russian writer "Star Ticket" 1932-2010 20 85
Theodore Henri de Coster Belgian writer "The Legend of Ulenspiegel" 1827-1879 20 190
S.K. Makovsky Russian writer "Portraits of contemporaries" 1877-1962 27 140
Mary Shelley English writer "Frankstein" 1797-1851 30 220
September A.K. Tolstoy Russian writer "Amena" 1817-1875 5 190
O.Henry American writer "The leader of the Redskins" 1862-1910 11 155
William Faulkner American writer, prose writer "Sound and Fury" 1897-1962 25 110
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedr Spanish writer "Don Quixote" 1547-1616 29 470
Sukhovo-Kobylin Russian playwright "Wedding Krechinsky" 1817-1903 29 200
October Louis Aragon French poet "Fireworks" 1897-1982 3 120
Louis Henri Boussinard French writer "Hell Gorge" 1847-1910 4 170
M.I. Tsvetaeva Russian poetess "Mother's Tales" 1892-1941 8 125
I.A. Ilf Russian writer "The twelve Chairs" 1897-1937 15 120
Samuel Taylor English poet "The Legend of the Old Sailor" 1772-1834 21 245
E.A. Permyak Russian writer "Pichugin Bridge" 1902-1982 31 115
November S.Ya. Marshak Soviet poet "That's how absent-minded" 1887-1964 3 130
D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak Russian writer "Alyonushka's Tales" 1852-1912 6 165
A. Zweig German writer "The Great War of the White People" 1887-1968 10 130
Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren Swedish writer "Pippi Longstocking" 1907-2002 14 110
V.G. Benediktov Russian poet "Towards a new generation" 1807-1873 17 210
A.P. Sumarokov Russian writer "Dimitriads" 1717-1777 25 300
William Blake English poet "Songs of Innocence and Experience" 1757-1827 28 260
V. Gauf German writer "Cold heart" 1802-1827 29 215
Jonathan Swift English writer "Gulliver's Travels" 1667-1745 30 350
December A.I. Odoevsky Russian poet "Cornflower" 1802-1839 8 215
G. Heine German poet "Book of Songs" 1797-1856 13 220
Heinrich Böll German writer "Through the Eyes of a Clown" 1917-1985 21 100

Celebrating the anniversaries of writers and poets is a great opportunity to learn new things and enrich yourself spiritually.

  • 130 years ago A.K. Doyle's "Study in Scarlet" (1887);
  • 100 years ago, the RSFSR was formed (1917), now the Russian Federation;
  • 55 years ago, the novel by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" (1962);
  • 20 years ago, the all-Russian state channel "Culture" went on the air (1997);

November 3, 2017 - 220 years since the birth of A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (1797-1837), Russian writer, critic, Decembrist;

November 3, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of J. Kolas (1882-1956), Belarusian writer, poet and translator;

November 3, 2017 - 130 years since the birth of S.Ya. Marshak (1887-1964), Russian poet, playwright and translator;

November 4, 2017 - National Unity Day. This holiday was established in honor of important event in the history of Russia - the liberation of Moscow from the Polish interventionists in 1612.

November 6, 2017 - 165 years since the birth of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak (1852-1912), Russian writer;

November 7, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of D.M. Balashov (1927-2000), Russian writer, folklorist, publicist;

November 7, 2017 - Day of consent and reconciliation. Day October revolution. The day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941).

November 8, 2017 - International KVN Day (since 2001). The idea of ​​the holiday was proposed by the president of the international club KVN Alexander Maslyakov. The date of the celebration was chosen in honor of the anniversary of the first game of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful, which aired on November 8, 1961.

November 9, 2017 - 180 years since the birth of Emile Gaboriau (1832-1873), French writer;

November 11, 2017 - 95th birthday of Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), American novelist;

November 13, 2017 - International Day of the Blind. On November 13, 1745, Valentin Gayuy was born in France - a famous teacher who founded several schools and enterprises for the blind in Paris and St. Petersburg. According to the decision of the World Health Organization, this date became the basis for international day the blind.

November 14, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002), Swedish writer;

November 15, 2017 - 155th birthday of Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946), German playwright and novelist;

November 16, 2017 - No Smoking Day (celebrated on the third Thursday of November). It was established by the American Cancer Society in 1977.

November 18, 2017 - 230 years since the birth of Louis Daguerre (1787-1851), french artist, inventor, one of the creators of photography;

November 18, 2017 - 90 years since the birth of E.A. Ryazanov (1927-2015), Russian director, screenwriter, poet;

November 20, 2017 - 80 years since the birth of V.S. Tokareva (1937), Russian prose writer, screenwriter;

November 21, 2017 - World Hello Day (since 1973). This holiday was invented by two brothers - Michael and Brion McCormack from the US state of Nebraska in 1973. In this holiday-game, the rules are very simple: it is enough to say hello to ten strangers on this day.

November 24, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of B. Spinoza (1632-1677), Dutch rationalist philosopher;

November 25, 2017 - 455 years since the birth of Lope de Vega (1562-1635), Spanish playwright, poet;

November 25, 2017 - 300 years since the birth of A.P. Sumarokov (1717-1777), Russian playwright, poet;

November 26, 2017 - World Information Day. It has been celebrated annually since 1994 at the initiative of the International Informatization Academy and the World Informationological Parliament. On this day in 1992, the first International Informatization Forum took place.

November 28, 2017 - 260 years since the birth of William Blake (1757-1827), English poet and engraver;

November 28, 2017 - 110 years since the birth of Alberto Moravio (1907-1990), Italian writer, journalist;

November 29, 2017 - 215 years since the birth of Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827), German writer;

November 29, 2017 - World Conservation Society Foundation Day. On this day, in 1948, the World Conservation Union was founded, which is the largest international non-profit environmental organization. The Union brings together 82 states into a unique global partnership (including the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology).

November 30, 2017 - 350 years since the birth of Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), English writer- satirist, philosopher;

Each year is full of its own memorable dates. special meaning have numbers "round" - anniversary. Anniversaries in 2017 are not only people, but also cities, works, compositions, films, round dates are dispersed by months of the year. This or that ten years that have passed since the moment of the momentous event makes us remember, reread our favorite books, watch films, enjoy our favorite music again. Anniversaries are both an occasion for memories and an opportunity to learn something new. This is especially true for book anniversaries. Reading popular books past eras, you can better understand the contemporaries of this work, learn lessons for today's life.

Books anniversaries 2017

  • can boast of the youngest anniversary date in 2017 historical novel Anatoly Rybakov about the phenomenon of Soviet totalitarianism - "Children of the Arbat". The first book of the trilogy was published in 1987, and in 2017 the work will turn 30 years old;
  • 40 and 45 years since the release of two books by Valentin Pikul: "The Battle of the Iron Chancellors" and "Pen and Sword".
  • as many as four books celebrating their sixtieth anniversary in 2017: Ray Bradbury's iconic, largely autobiographical book Dandelion Wine; beloved by many generations of children, the collection of Nikolai Nosov "Dreamers"; the poignant story of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man"; and translated into dozens of languages, Ivan Efremov's novel "The Nebula of Adromeda";
  • Elders in the list of anniversaries in 2017 will be fairy tales: 190 years ago saw the light of day instructive story Gauf "Dwarf Nose"; 205 years marks the first collection of the Brothers Grimm "Children's and Family Tales"; 320 years since writing amazing stories Charles Perrot.
  • the same serious anniversary - 195 years - celebrates the "Song of prophetic Oleg» A.S. Pushkin;
  • already 185 years have passed since Nikolai Gogol wrote the fascinating Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka;
  • 115 years ago, one of the most fascinating and scary stories O famous detective from Baker Street, The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Anniversary Writers 2017

Grateful readers will remember the many geniuses and workers of the pen in the coming year. Day of the masters of the pen is celebrated in 2017 on March 3 (World Writer's Day). Books are a special invention of mankind, they help overcome difficulties, influence entire nations and generations, create their own tangible reality. Of the anniversaries that have been going on for centuries, we can note:

  • 120 summer anniversary Valentina Kataeva. The adult generation probably remembers his famous story "The Son of the Regiment";
  • in January, Tolkienists and simply lovers of excellent fantasy will be able to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the birth of their idol - John Tolkien, author of works about hobbits, elves, dark forces and the ring of omnipotence. In the same 2017, the famous work "The Hobbit" will turn 80 years old;
  • 150 years since the birth of HG Wells, fans of the "War of the Worlds" will be able to celebrate on September 21;
  • 185 years ago, a mathematician was born who became famous as a writer - Lewis Carroll, the creator of Alice's adventures;
  • November marks the 195th anniversary of the connoisseur's birth human souls Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky;
  • 200 years since the birth of Russian writers K.S. Aksakov and A.K. Tolstoy;
  • At the end of February, fans French literature will be able to celebrate the 215th anniversary of the birth of Victor Hugo;
  • Also in February, connoisseurs of the now English classics will celebrate the 305th birth anniversary of Charles Dickens;
  • 300 years separate today's readers from the birth of A.P. Sumarokov;
  • exactly 395 years ago, the great comediographer and reformer was born performing arts, Jean Baptiste Molière;
  • Jonathan Swift, author famous travels Gulliver, came into this world 350 years ago.

Modern writers anniversaries

  • Victoria Tokareva will celebrate 80 years - modern prose writer and screenwriter cult film"Gentlemen of Fortune";
  • Famous American science fiction writer Roger Zelazny turns 80;
  • The same anniversary would have happened in March for the prose writer and publicist Valentin Rasputin. The author of the multifaceted village prose» was born on March 37th, and died the day before his birthday - in March 2015;
  • Vladimir Voinovich, the author of Monumental Propaganda, will celebrate 85 years;
  • September 12 marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the ironic and magnificent Polish science fiction writer Stanisław Lem;
  • On October 8 of this year, the creator of the image of the legendary Stirlitz, prose writer and publicist Yulian Semenov could celebrate his 85th birthday.

Children's writers

Being a children's writer is not difficult, but very, very difficult. Little readers are not cunning, they either wholeheartedly accept their favorite books, or resolutely refuse to read them. Talented writers for children delight more than one generation of readers from different countries with their books:

  • Yunna Maritz, a children's poet, will celebrate her 80th birthday this summer;
  • the favorite writer of all naughty children, Grigory Oster, will celebrate his 70th birthday;
  • 80 years to the author of Cheburashka and all the characters in the saga of Uncle Fyodor - Eduard Uspensky;
  • in 2017, two from the Chukovsky family celebrate their anniversary: ​​135 years since the birth of the Master - Korney Ivanovich, and 110 years since the birth of his daughter, also a poetess, Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya;
  • A contemporary of Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak, would have celebrated his 130th birthday.
  • It will be 110 years since the birth of the Swedish Astrid Lindgren, whose daring and witty girl Pippi has long been loved by many generations of children;
  • 2017 will also mark the 135th anniversary of the birth of Alan Milne, a playwright, poet and creator of the funny cute bear cub Winnie the Pooh;
  • April 27 - 115 years since the birth of the wonderful Russian writer Valentina Oseeva. Her stories for children have taught the correct and conscientious life of many young readers.

Happy New Year Poets

  • the author of melodic poems and lyrics for songs, Robert Rozhdestvensky, would celebrate his 85th birthday next year;
  • 150 years since the birth of Konstantin Balmont and 130 years since the birth of Igor Severyanin. Both were poets Silver Age, both have fans of their poems and in modern age Millennium;
  • 125 years have passed since the birth of the sincere and sensitive Marina Tsvetaeva;
  • at the end of 2017 - the anniversary of the famous German poet Heinrich Heine - 220 years old;
  • highly regarded by Pushkin, the poet Konstantin Batyushkov was born 230 years ago.

Composers anniversaries 2017

Speaking of the influence of books, one cannot forget about music. Inspiring, calling, telling, sad, romantic music speaks to our heart, bypassing the verbal gates of the mind. In 2017 we will remember such composers and their works:

  • January: 220 years from the date of birth of the Austrian Franz Schubert;
  • February: Legendary rocker Kurt Cobain would have turned fifty on the 20th;
  • February 28 - 225 years since the birth of the author of world opera masterpieces - Gioachino Rossini;
  • April - 100 years ago was born Soviet composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy. His song about fellow soldiers became a favorite among many who went through the war;
  • June: 200 years since the birth of the organist and composer Charles Gounod;
  • September: 110 years since the birth of Dmitry Shostakovich - pianist, composer and teacher;
  • october: 90 years ago Frenchman Gilbert Beco was born - the author of hundreds of popular hits; in October, the 205th anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian virtuoso, composer and conductor Franz Liszt will come;
  • 2017 marks the 85th anniversary of the American composer whose music everyone has heard. John Williams - the author of musical tracks for such masterpieces as "Harry Potter", "Superman", "Star Wars";
  • another film composer, Eduard Artemiev, will celebrate his eightieth birthday in 2017. Artemiev "voiced" the works of Tarkovsky, Mikhalkov, Konchalovsky;
  • waltz master Eugene Doga will also celebrate his 80th birthday next year.

As you can see, 2017 will be rich in events, memorable dates and anniversaries. The website highlights the most iconic and popular news of the coming year. Here you will read about what to expect in 2017 from

October 1, 106 years since the birth of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov (1912-1992), Soviet and Russian scientist, historian-ethnologist, doctor of historical and geographical sciences, poet, translator from Persian

Born on October 1, 1912 in Tsarskoye Selo near Peterburg in the family of famous poets An-na An-dre-ev -ny Ah-ma-to-howl and Ni-ko-lai Ste-pa-no-vi-cha Gu-mile-wa. In 1914, their marriage broke up, and Leo was given to his mother by his mother-in-law Anna Ivanovna Gu-milyo-howl. “I remember my childhood very va-man-but and I can’t say anything about him. From-the-west to me only that I was re-re-given immediately to the ru-ki ba-bush-ke - Anna Ivanovna Gu-milyo-howl, taken away to the Tver Gu- ber-niyu, where we had a sleep-cha-la house in the village, and then we lived in the city-ro-de Be-zhets-ke, in which I ended up middle school. At this time, I was carried away by is-to-ri-her, and got carried away in a tri-sa-yu-sche, because I re-re-chi-tal all the books on art -to-rii, someone-rye would-be in Be-zhets-ke, and according to the children's mo-lo-doy pa-my-ti, I remembered a lot - pi-sal he is later in auto-bio-gra-fi.

In 1921, when Leo was 9 years old, his father Ni-ko-lai Ste-pa-no-vich was about-vi-nyon in participation in the be-lo-gvar-dei-sky for-go-in-re and ras-str-lyan. Later, this fact more than once served as a home for po-ti-che-sky about-vi-not-ny "son-on-enemy-ha-on-ro-yes."

In 1929, after the end of the de-vya-th class, he went to ma-te-ri in Leningrad. He later recalled about his arrival: “When I returned back to Le-nin-grad, then I became a car-ti- Well, it’s very unfortunate for me. In order to get drunk in Le-nin-gra-de, leave me at school for one more year, which only did me good, since I could no longer care about physic, hee-mi-her, ma-te-ma-ti-koy and pro-chi-mi things (something I would it be from-wes-na), and for-no-small-sya I’m the main way of is-to-ri-her and, in a pro-bo-shaft, step-drink on chickens- sy of the German language, go-to-go-to in the Ger-tse-nov-sky in-sti-tut.

Namely, in Pe-da-go-gi-che-sky in-sti-tut them. A. I. Ger-tse-na, he gave to-ku-men-you in 1930. But he was not allowed to join the ek-for-me-us as a kind of mok of the nobles and "the son of the enemy on-ro-yes." In order to get the right to re-ra-zo-va-nie che-you-re-da-da-ra-bo-tal black-no-ra-bo-chim in the tram-wi-nom par-ke , la-bo-ran-tom, kol-lek-to-rum in geo-lo-gi-che-pairs-ty-yah in Za-by-ka-le, Sa-ya-nah, on Pa-mi -re, in the Crimean caves, sa-ni-ta-rum at the ma-la-riy station in Taji-ki-stan.

In 1934, he entered the is-to-ri-che-sky fa-cul-tet of the Le-nin-grad-sko-go university-ver-si-te-ta.

But soon the glue-mo “son-on-the-enemy-on-ro-da” yes-lo know about yourself: Leo Gu-mile-va is not once-but-times-but are-hundred-you-va- whether and excluded from the university, but he continued to study on his own, he mastered a few Turkic ski languages.

In No-ril-la-ge, he began work on his first book, Hun-nu.

In the autumn of 1944, he volunteered to go to the front, in-e-shaft on the First Be-lo-Russian front. Participation in the shaft in the storm of Ber-li-na.

In 1946, the ex-ter-nom passed the ex-for-me-ny, and graduated from the university. In the same year, he became an as-pi-ran-tom of Le-nin-grad-sko-go from de-le-niya In-sti-tu-ta Vo-sto-ko-ve-de-niya of the USSR AN THE USSR. For-schi-til dis-ser-ta-tion of can-di-da-ta is-to-ri-che-sciences, accepted by academic co-labor-no-one in Mu- zey et-no-gra-fii na-ro-dov of the USSR. On November 7, 1949, he was condemned by a Special Co-ve-no-eat for 7 years. In the camps, he continued to study at the educational work. Full of re-a-bi-li-ti-ro-van and freed-god-den in 1956.

Since 1956, ra-bo-tal bib-lio-te-ka-rem in Er-mi-ta-same. In 1961, he defended a doctoral dissertation on the history of "Ancient Turks", and in 1974 - a doctoral dissertation -ser-ta-tion in geo-graphics "Eth-no-genesis and bio-sphere of the Earth." Until you-ho-yes on retirement in 1986, you worked-du-ra-bo-tal in Na-uch-but-is-sle-before-va-tel-sky in-sti-tu-te geo-graphics at the Leningrad State Uni-ver-si-te-te.

He died in 1992.

In August 2005, in Ka-za-ni “in connection with the days of St. the anniversary of the city of the city of Ka-zan "Lev Gu-milyo-vu was given a pa-myat-nick, on a hundred-men-those you-be-you words: “Russian-mu-che-lo-ve-ku, all my life for-shi-shchav-she-mu ta-tar from cle-ve-you.” According to personal ini-qi-a-ti-ve pre-zi-den-ta Ka-zah-sta-na Nur-sul-ta-na Nazar-ba-e-va in 1996 in ka One of the universities of the country, the Eurasian National University, was named after Gu-milyo-va in Astana. In 2002, in the walls of St. Petersburg University, the office of L.N. In St. Petersburg, at the house where L. N. Gu-milev lived (Ko-lo-men-skaya street, 1), install-nov-le-on al-naya dos-ka.

  • Yur-kov, A. Why did Gu-milev call fire on himself? [Text]: [about Leo Gu-mile-ve, che-lo-ve-ke, someone-ro-go-so-hundred-to-lo-ma-la life] / A. Yur-kov // Ro- Dina. - 2015. - No. 9. - S. 77-79.
  • Bo-ro-vi-ko-va, L. Steppe-swing rya-do-vo-go Gu-mile-va [Text]: [about the fate of Leo Ni-ko-la-e-vi- cha Gu-mile-va (1912-1992), you-yes-y-y-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o, son-on An-ny Ah-ma-to-howl and Ni- ko-laya Gu-mile-va] / L. Bo-ro-vi-ko-va // Chu-de-sa and p-key-che-niya. - 2014. - No. 7. - S. 82-85.
  • Ku-li-chen-ko, N. Lev Gu-milev: genius scientist, son of genius poets [Text] / N. Ku-li-chen-ko // New bib-lio-te-ka. - 2012. - No. 19. - S. 11-29.
  • Kra-lin, M. Vos-po-mi-na-ing about Leo Ni-ko-la-e-vi-che Gu-milyo-ve [Text] / M. Kra-lin // Our modern-men-nick . - 2002. - No. 12. - S. 269-273.

October 170 years since the birth of Louis Henri Boussinard (Henri-Louis-Francois-Hilaire) (1847-1910), French writer of adventure novels

Born on October 4, 1847, in the small French village of Ekrenn. The father was the manager of the Ekrenn castle, the mother of the ra-bo-ta-la in the same castle of the ka-ste-lyan-shey and the mountain-nich-noy.

Louis graduated from the local school, from-whether-cha-being user-di-eat in studies.

Po-lu-chil gu-ma-ni-tar-noe ob-ra-zo-va-nie in pan-si-one Beau-rieu in go-ro-de Pi-ti-vie, after window-cha -tion of something-ro-go, step-drank on the me-di-tsin-sky fa-cul-tet of the Paris-go-uni-ver-si-te-ta. WITH young years his favorite for-nya-ti-em would-la hunt, and, returning to ka-ni-ku-ly in Ekrenn, he loved to walk along lyam with a rouge and a so-ba-koy.

During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. was in the capacity of half a doctor called to the army. He was an eye-witness of the defeat of the French troops near Wi-sam-burg-g and Rei-sho-fen-nom. Go-speech for-ra-zheniya remained in his heart for the rest of his life, and those wars later became one of his themes in his work.

After the war, he worked as a village doctor. But on the one-to-I-shim his call-to-ey-eye-for-was-the-ra-tu-ra.

Having broken with me-di-qi-noy, Bus-se-nar ra-bo-tal re-por-te-rum, hro-ni-kyo-rum in the Parisian newspapers, co -work-no-chal with a monthly-not-del-no-comm "Journal of travel and adventures on the land and on the sea." Would it be here that his first novels “Through the whole of Australia” and “Around the world’s journey of the young pa-ri-zha-ni-na ”, pro-glorifying av-to-ra.

Bus-se-na-ru brought the ro-man “Ka-pi-tan So-rvi-go-lo-va” (1901), dedicated to the English Boer war (1899-1902) for the independence of the two Boer republics, Trans-va-a-la and Oran-howl against the English ko-lo-no-for-that-ditch.

From 1902 to 1910, Bus-se-nar wrote-sal in the pro-win-qi-al-ny ga-ze-tu "Ga-tine" a cycle of articles "on about-catch-sya-che-te- we are under the general name-no-va-ni-em “Letters of the cross-stya-ni-na”. And under-pi-sy-val these epi-hundred-ly - Fran-s-ua De-vin. De-vin means "guess-say". Such a simple re-bus. What about Fran-s-wa? Yes, in a way that, according to the voice, but met-ri-ke, the full name of the co-chi-ni-te-la is An-ri-Louis-Fran-s-ua-Hilaire! That is, for part of the pseudo-do-ni-ma, Bus-se-nar chose one of his personal names.

In accordance with the voice, but for the-ve-shcha-niyu Bus-se-na-ra, all personal boo-ma-gi and ru-ko-pi-si of his pro-of-ve-de-ny would be with - burn us.

In Russia, pro-from-ve-de-niya Bus-se-na-ra would-whether through-you-tea-but in-popular-us and appeared-la-ly immediately after you-ho-yes of his new books in France. In 1911, there was a collection of co-chi-not-nies in 40 volumes. So, from-del-pro-from-ve-de-niya re-re-from-yes-va-lis in the Soviet years. In France, the peak of the popularity of its pro-from-ve-de-niy came to the pe-ri-od between two worlds-ro-you-mi war-on- mi.

  • Vik-to-ri-na [Text]: [Louis An-ri Bus-se-nar]: [vik-to-ri-na, in the sacred life and work of Louis An -ri Bus-se-na-ra] // Ko-ster. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 23.
  • Go-len-ko-va, N. V. In the circle of the world according to the pages of books: Lee-te-ra-tour-night, sacred to L. A. Bus-se-na-ru for students of grades 6-7 [Text] / N.V. I eat: Zhur-nal-collection-nick-scenes-on-ri-ev for biblio-tech and schools. - 2007. - Issue. 6. - S. 14-16.

October 8 (September 26) 125 years since the birth of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), poetess of the Silver Age

Born on October 8 (September 26) 1892 in Moscow in an in-tel-li-gent family. The father was a professor-so-rum of the Mos-kov-sko-go uni-ver-si-te-ta, os-no-va-te-lem and the first di-rek-to-rum of the Museum of Grace arts (now the Museum of Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin-on). Mother of pro-is-ho-di-la from ob-ru-sev-shey of the Polish-German-family, would-la ta-lant-li-howl pi-a-nist-koy, thin-koy tse-ni-tel-ni-tsey in-e-zii, ne-me-ni-my-power-ni-tsey to my husband in the de-le of the creation of the museum. Ma-ri-na Ivanov-na, in a joke, na-zy-va-la Museum of Fine Arts with his “gi-gant-sky younger brother”. Mother vi-de-la Ma-ri-nu pi-a-nist-coy: she had an ab-so-lute ear and kindness, one-on-one “Che-you -my-year-old my Ma-ru-sya walks around me and all the words are in riff-we, - maybe, it will be po-et ?

Ma-ri-na Iva-nov-na-lu-chi-la beautiful home-made about-ra-zo-va-nie: ma-ma taught-la de-tey mu-zy- ke, chi-ta-la books not only in Russian, but also in German and French, tell-say-wa-la about everything that you love bi-la, and than lived-la.

Tsve-ta-e-va studied at the Moscow private gymnasium M. G. Bru-ho-nenko, in the French pan-si-on in Lo- Zanne (Switzerland), in the German-something-li-che-pan-si-one in Germany. Very za-pa-la in the soul-shu-du-schey in-etes-se German-kai-te-ra-tu-ra: “I have a lot of souls. But my main soul is Germanic, ”pi-sa-la-o-na.

In 1906, Tsve-ta-e-va re-re-ve-la into the Russian language drama Ed-mo-na Ro-sta-na “Or-le-nok”. And soon, on-pi-sa-la, his own story “The Fourth”. In 1909, I listened to a course of lectures on the old-French-tsuz-li-te-ra-tu-re in Sor-bonne.

In 1910, on his own money, Tsve-ta-e-va from-da-la his first collection of poems “Ve-black-ny al-bom” - his -go-yes "e-ti-che-diary", ras-kry-va-y-shchy child-no-ma-nie of the world, feeling the wave- the magic of life, pe-re-li-you fan-ta-zia and re-al-no-sti. Books in-lu-chi-la co-sensible from-zy-you Mak-si-mi-li-a-na Wo-lo-shi-na, Va-le-ria Bru-so- wa, Ni-ko-laya Gu-milyo-wa.

So a new poet entered the Russian li-te-ra-tu-ru, one after another you-go-dyat cycles of verses: “Poems about Moscow”, “ Bes-sleep-ni-tsa”, “Sten-ka Razin”, “Poems to Block”, “Ah-ma-to-howl”, “Don Zhu-an”, “Ko-me- dyant ”and others, as well as the plays“ Black-in-ny va-let ”and“ Me-tel ”.

1917 Sympathy for the ethesses on the side of the White Guard, to whom the cycle “Le-be-di-ny camp” is dedicated, for the first time published co-van on Za-pa-de in 1957.

Since 1922, Tsve-ta-e-va lived with her son Ge-or-gi-em and daughter Ari-ad-noy in emi-grace in Berlin , in Prague, Paris. This period, especially "Czech", was especially-ben-but fruitful for her. Pro-ho-di-whether creative-che-ve-che-ra, would-whether on-pi-sa-ny books: “Re-mes-lo”, “Psy-heya” (1923), “ Mo-lo-dec” (1924), “After Russia” (1928), tra-g-dies on anti-tic-nye plots: “Ari-ad-na” (1924), “Fed-ra” (1927), essay about poets “Living about living” (1933), “My Pushkin” (1937), me-mu-ar-essays “ House at Star-ro-go Pi-men" (1934), "Mother and Mu-zy-ka" (1935), "The Tale of So-nech-ke" (1938), "Po-e- ma Go-ry ”,“ Po-e-ma End-tsa ”(1926), li-ri-che-skaya sa-ti-ra“ Kry-so-loving ”for mo-ti-you“ Bro-dya- sneeze rats "Hein-ri-ha Heine (1925-1926), anti-fascist cycle" Poems to the Czech Republic "(1938-1939).

In 1939, the family returned to the USSR. In the same year, the daughter and husband would be are-sto-va-na. Ser-gay Efron was ras-stre-lyan in 1941, Ari-ad-na after five-and-a-twenty years of re-pressing re-a-bi-li-ti-ro-va- on in 1955.

Sa-ma Tsve-ta-e-va couldn’t find neither housing nor work, the verses didn’t go. Oka-starting in the na-cha-le Ve-li-koy Father-of-the-stven-noy war-us in the eva-ku-a-tion in Ela-boo-ge, without-success-but py-ta- I was trying to get support from a hundred pi-sa-te-lei. August 31, 1941, end-of-chi-la life by suicide. In-ho-ro-no-whether at the Pet-ro-pav-lov-sky treasure-house in Ela-bug, but the exact place for-ho-ro-non-niya is not west.

  • Schweitzer, V. A. Life and Being of Mary Tsve-ta-e-howl [Text]. - Moscow: Mo-lo-daya guard-diya, 2009. - 591 p., l. ill. - (Life for-me-cha-tel-nyh people. Series of bio-graphics. Issue 1380 (1180)).
  • Bi-ke-e-va, V. “I thirst right away - all the way! .. [Text]: [life and work of the Russian poet M.I. Tsve-ta-e-howl] / V. Bi-ke-e-va // Holiday at school. - 2017. - No. 7 (July). - S. 59-93.
  • Sa-za-no-vich, E. Ma-ri-na Ivanov-na Tsve-ta-e-va. “One of all - for all - pro-ti-vu of all! ..” [Text] / E. Sa-za-no-vich // Youth. - 2016. - No. 8. - S. 81-83.
  • Step-pa-no-va, M. “Do you give me more books than people ...” [Text]: [choose you-sa-say-va-niy M Color-ta-e-howl about whether-te-ra-tu-re, art and creativity, supplied with wives in-pro-sa-mi, can become from- right dot-coy for or-ga-ni-za-tion about-judg-de-niy and writing-man-works of the senior-she-class-ni-kov at the lessons of li-te-ra -tu-ry.]. Lee-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2016. - No. 4. - S. 62-63.
  • Ob-raz-ko-va, T. A. Tsve-ta-ev-sky co-ster in the village Ti-ma-she-vo: con-course-fe-sti-val [Text]: [in se -le Ti-ma-she-in the Sa-mar-region-la-sti every year passes "Tsve-ta-ev-sky ko-ster" - me-ro-pri-ya-tie , dedicated to the work of Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-howl] / School library-te-ka. - 2015. - No. 7. - S. 67-75.
  • Bi-ke-e-va, V. Through every heart [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-com-po-zi-tion, sacred life and the creation of Ma-ri-ny Tsve-ta-e-howl. Use-pol-zu-yut-sya do-ku-men-tal-ny film "Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va" from the series "Genii and evil dei ear-dya-schey epochs, slides with photo-gra-fi-i-mi and other vi-deo-ma-te-ri-a-ly, for-pi-si pe-sen on verse-chi in-etes-sy, re-enactment of modern-men-ni-kov, verses by M. I. Tsve-ta-e-howl] / Bi-ke-e-va // Holiday nickname at school. - 2015. - No. 2. - S. 3-28.
  • Zo-zu-la, L. A. “Would we be music in the ice ...” [Text]: [about the life and work of the poets N. Gu-mile- wa and A. Ah-ma-to-howl, M. Tsve-ta-e-howl, M. Vo-lo-shi-na and B. Pa-ster-na-ka] / L. A. Zo-zu -la // Chi-ta-eat, learn-Xia, play-ra-eat. - 2014. - No. 10. - S. 83-88.
  • Mal-tse-va, O.V. -sy M.I. Tsve-ta-e-howl] / O.V. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 27-31.
  • Ku-tje-va, L. V. “Na-chi-na-et-sya crying gi-ta-ry ...”: Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va and mu-zy-ka [ Text] / L. V. Ku-t'e-va, E. B. Fro-lo-va // Russian language. - 2004. - No. 1. - S. 64-78.
  • Ku-tye-va, L. V. “I wear his ring with you ...”: Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va and Sergey Efron [Text] / L. V. Ku-tje-va // Lie-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2003. - No. 9. - S. 12-17.
  • Vos-ko-boy-ni-kov, V. Life for-me-cha-tel-nyh children: When Ma-ri-na Tsve-ta-e-va was-la-la-lazy [ Text] / V. Vos-ko-boy-ni-kov // Pu-te-water-star-yes. - 2003. - No. 2. - S. 60-63.
  • Maryan-chik, V. A. Tai-na ana-gram-we [Text]: [sti-li-sti-che-ana-lysis of sti-ho-tvo-re-nia of Mary-na Tsve -ta-e-howl “Little home spirit ...”] / V. A. Maryan-chik // Russian language at school. - 2015. - No. 6. - S. 59-63.
  • Ryzh-ko-va, T. The myth of Don-Zhu-an and Kar-men in li-ri-ke Tsve-ta-e-howl [Text]: [analysis of cycles of poems “Don-Zhu -an "and" Kar-men "M. Tsve-ta-e-howl at the lesson of li-te-ra-tu-ry in grade 11] / T. Ryzh-ko-va // Li-te -ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2013. - No. 2. - S. 11-14.
  • Ma-ka-ro-va, B. A. “My name is Ma-ri-na, I am a mortal pe-na sea” [Text]: [scene-na-riy-te-ra- tour-no-go-ve-che-ra, in-sacred creativity M. Tsve-ta-e-howl for grades 7-11] / Ig-ro-vaya bib-lio - te-ka. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 50-61.
  • Ryzh-ko-va, T.V. -ny M. Tsve-ta-e-howl “Le-be-di-ny camp”] / T. V. Ryzh-ko-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra PS. - 2012. - No. 3. -S. 46-47.
  • Stri-no-va, A. Ko-sha-whose te-ma Ma-ri-ny Ma-ri-ny Tsve-ta-e-howl] / A. Stri-zhe-no-va // Friend. Magazine for lu-bi-te-lei cats. - 2012. - N 1. -S. 36-38.
  • Or-lo-va, O. A. Two verses-ho-tvo-re-tion - two worlds: A. Ah-ma-to-va and M. Tsve-ta-e-va [Text]: [ two verses about love] / O. A. Or-lo-va // Lie-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2008. - No. 3. - S. 6-9.
  • Bor-shchev-skaya, M. “Pro-ho-ho, stop-but-hang!”: ma-te-ri-a-ly to the study of the work of Mary-na Tsve- ta-e-howl [Text] / M. Bor-shchev-skaya // Lie-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2008. - No. 6. - S. 21-32, 27-28.
  • Ba-khor, T. A. “And why did it get cold ...”: love-li-ri-ka M. Tsve-ta-e-howl [Text] / T. A. Ba-khor // Lessons of li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2007. - No. 6. - S. 14-16.
  • Priy-ma, E. Li-ri-che-skaja hero-ro-and-nya Ma-ri-ny Tsve-ta-e-howl [Text] / E. Priy-ma // Li-te-ra-tu -ra. - 2004. - No. 12. - S. 14-15.

October 9, 470 years since the birth of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616), Spanish writer, poet

He was born on October 9, 1547, in the family, lunch-nev-she-th of the Spanish court-rya-ni-on. In-is-kah for-ra-bot-kov, the father now and then de-lo re-re-ez-zhal from city-ro-yes to city, and together with him re-re-ez-zh -la family. Such a-hundred-yan-nye-re-ez-dy-know-to-mi-whether ma-laziness-ko-go Mi-ge-la with a hundred-ya-schey, and not according to -Kaz-noy life of simple people.

At de-sya-ti-years-of-age, Mi-gel-stepped into the college of Jezu-i-tov, where he nie. Uche-bu-long-lived in Mad-ri-de at the west-no-go is-pan-sko-go pe-da-go-ga and gu-ma-ni-sta Hu-a-na Lo -pe-ce de Hoyo-sa. Mi-gel beautifully mastered la-tyn, already at school he wrote verses on it. But because of misfortune, I had to quit my studies. The Spanish noblemen from the poor families had three ways: to serve the church, to serve at the court or in the army. Ser-van-tes chose to serve at court. Under the patronage of de Hoyo-sa, Mi-gel was accepted into the service of through-you-tea-no-mu in the wake of Pope Pius V. Five years, past in the service, will it be possible for him to visit the largest Italian cities: Rome, Mi-lan, Bo-lo-new, Ve-ne- tion, Pa-ler-mo and os-no-va-tel-but know-to-know-sya with the way of Italian life. He not only mastered the Italian language, but also expanded the knowledge acquired in the Madrid school. Having a lot of time for reading, Ser-van-tes is familiar with the Italian Li-te-ra-tu-roy and filo-so-fi-her, chi-tal an-tich-nyh av-to-ditch - Go-me-ra, Ver-gi-lia, Go-ra-tion, Ovid-diya and others.

In 1570, he joined the Spanish regiment of Mi-ge-la de Mon-ca-dy, ras-quar-ti-ro-van-ny in Italy, and served on ma-lazy-ko-slave-le "Mar-ke-za". There was a war with the Ottoman im-pe-ri-her. On October 7, 1571, there was a sea battle at Le-pan-to. On that day, Ser-van-tes hurt whether-ho-rad-koy, but in-tre-bo-shaft of the resolution of participation in the battle: “Before-by-chi-tay , yes, be sick and in heat, fight, as it is, do-ba-et good-ro-mu sol-yes-that ... and not hide under the protection of that pa-lu-by. Having received three wounds, he was sent to the state-pi-tal, and, having written, he did not leave the military service. Returning from Italy to Spain, fell into captivity to Al-Zhir-pi-ra-there, where he stayed for five years, you were bought-len mo- na-ha-mi-tri-ni-ta-ri-i-mi, was able to return to ro-di-nu.

Having retired, he started co-writing plays, but they did not have success on the stage. But the ro-man “Ga-la-teya”, published in 1585, enjoyed success with chi-ta-te-lei.

The world-famousness was brought to him by the ro-man “Hit-ro-smart ideal-go Don Key-hot La Mancha”. The book was for-du-we-va-las, like a pa-ro-diya on the royal ro-mans. The main idea of ​​ro-man is the image of pro-ti-in-false-no-idea-a-lis-ma and reality-no-sti. The ro-man consisted of two parts, which came out with a pe-re-ry-vom at the age of ten and loved-biv-shih-sya chi-ta-te-lyam. The ro-man is repeatedly-but-re-from-yes-val-sya and was re-re-ve-den into other Western languages.

In the pre-di-word-vii to the next-not-mu ro-ma-nu “Wandering of Per-si-le-sa and Si-hiz-mun-dy” Ser-van-tes pi-sal: “Forgive me, ra-do-sti! Forgive me, for-ba-you! Forgive me, old friends! I am dying in the hope of a speedy and joyful meeting with you in the other world.

  • Are-fin, S. Pi-sa-tel, all my life I-kav-shi-klyu-che-niy [Text] / S. Are-fin // Chu-de-sa and pri-klu-che-tion . - 2009. - No. 10. - S. 12-13.
  • Ma-ka-ro-va, B. A. Knight of the sad-chal-no-go-ra-za [Text] / B. A. Ma-ka-ro-va // Chi-ta-em, we learn, we play. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 20-26.
  • Mi-gel de Ser-van-tes [Text]: // Children's ro-man-ha-ze-ta. - 2008. - No. 11. - S. 10-11.
  • Shenk-man, V. Don Ki-hot without Tse-re-te-li [Text]: [pa-myat-ni-ki Ser-van-te-su and his li-te-ra-tur-nym ge- ro-yam] // V. Shenk-man // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 23. - S. 40-41.
  • Si-ma-kov, V. Don Ki-hot as an image of Christ [Text]: [analysis of the image of Don Ki-ho-ta with the -niya] / V. Si-ma-kov // Fo-ma. - 2016. - No. 12. - S. 82-83.
  • Heroes for all time [Text]: [some facts from the history of the creation of the famous books "Ro-bin-zon Kru- zo” and “Don Key-hot”, as well as pa-myat-ni-ka Ru-sa-loch-ke in Ko-pen-ha-gen] // Es-kiz. - 2015. - No. 3. - S. 6-7.
  • Help Dong Ki-ho-tu! [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-naya game based on the book Ser-van-te-sa "Don Ki-hot"] // Chi-tay-ka. - 2012. - No. 10. - P. 2-3 [incl.].
  • Ro-God-Kin, D. Who wants to be Don Ki-ho-tom? [Text]: 465 years since the birth of Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa: [about the book of ve-li-ko-go is-pan-sko-go pi-sa-te -la Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa "Don Ki-hot"] / D. Ro-gozh-kin // Chi-tay-ka. - 2012. - No. 10. - S. 2-5.
  • So-lo-wei, T. "Call me - I'll come!": Studying "Don Ki-ho-ta" Ser-van-te-sa in grade 8 / T. So-lo-vey // Lessons-ki-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 2-15.
  • Wa-nu-she-wa, N. Fascinated by “Don Ki-ho-tom” [Text]: [about the ro-man Ser-van-te-sa “Don Ki-hot”, there is a verse-ho -your-re-re-tion about this ro-man] / N. Va-nu-she-va // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2008. - No. 19. - P.6-10.
  • Mas-lacquer, N.V. Knightly ro-man Mi-ge-la Ser-van-te-sa Sa-a-ved-ra “Hit-ro-smart hidal-go Don Ki-hot La Mancha ": Grade 6 [Text] / N. V. Mas-lak // Lessons of li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2008. - No. 6. - 1-3, 5-10.
  • Be-la-e-va, N. Chi-ta-em "Don Ki-ho-ta" [Text]: [out-of-class-no-reading lesson for grade 6, questions to the chapters of ro-ma-na, vic-to-ri-na according to ro-ma-nu] / N. Be-la-e-va // Lie-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 23. - S. 12-14.

October 15 (3) 120 years since the birth of Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf (real name Fainzilberg Yehiel-Leib Arevich) (1897-1937), Soviet writer

He was born on October 15 (3), 1897, in Odessa, in the family of a bank servant. The family lived on Star-ro-port-to-fran-kovskaya street - then the longest street in Odessa. On it, the “School of re-mess-len-nyh tutors-ni-kov” was dis-la-la-ga-lased, where-yes-step-drank bu-du-schee pi-sa-tel. The boy loved to read very much, and during the lessons he hid under the pair of that book Re-d-yar-da Kip-ling-ga, N. S. Les-ko- wa, R. L. Steven-so-na, A. P. Che-ho-wa. But he graduated from school with an ot-li-chi-em, and received a diploma from an under-master.

Ra-bo-tal in the black bureau-ro, at the te-le-background station, at the aviation-chi-on-nom for-in-de and factory-ri-ke of hand-grass -nat. His first-you-mi “pro-from-ve-de-ni-i-mi” would be hundred-ti-sti-che-from-what-you. In 1917, he worked as a ra-bo-tal roaming sta-ti-sti-kom. His head-nick is a friend from the West-no-th poet E. G. Bag-rits-ko-go - S. G. Be-re-zov later recalled: “According to Ilya appeared. He went to various sectors of the Ru-Myn-th-front, and then he made up such from-what-you that my immediate the stven-na-chief-ni-tsa could not hold back surprise: “What do you have, pi-sa-tel?”.

In the summer of 1919, in the pe-ri-od of the civil war, we started mo-bi-li-za-tion to fight De-ni-ki-nym, Fine- Silberg appeared at the collection point with a book under his arm. It was Ana-to-la-Fran-sa's novel The Gods Are Waiting. The writer recalled: “I knew the fear of death, but I was silent, I was afraid of silence and did not ask for help. I remember myself lying in the millet. The sun is pa-li-lo in for-you-lok, go-lo-woo could not be turned back so as not to see something that you are so afraid of ".

After the raz-gro-ma de-ni-kin-tsev, in Odessa it was-lo co-building but from de-le-ne ROSTA (Russian-si-th-te-le-count- new agency), where Fain-sil-berg began to work as a journalist-on-leaf. For that, Ilya, so now they began to call him, re-re-went to the prod-to-mission-this Oprod-com-lips to the position of writing-men-no-go-ra- no bot. Co-serving it would be people with unusual fa-mi-li-i-mi: Ber-la-ga, Ku-kush-kindt, La-pi-dus, Pruzhansky. Later, he used these fa-mi-lies for na-pi-sa-niya “Zo-lo-tho-te-lyon-ka”.

And soon he joined the club "Collective of poets", among the participants of someone-ro-go would be Yuri Olesha, Vla-di-mir So- syu-ra, Edward Bag-rits-kiy, Se-myon Geht. In a large quarter-ti-re place-no-go avan-tu-ri-hundred Mi-ti Shir-mahe-ra chi-ta-li your poems. Namely, on such li-te-ra-tour-nyh ve-che-rahs, his first steps-le-tions took place.

In 1923, Ilf moved to Moscow, got a job at a job in the Gu-dok newspaper. In the editorial office, he was a li-te-ra-tour-right right-shchi-com-four-th-that-lo-sy. Right-schi-ki from slave-ko-rov-sky pi-sem-be-la-li-yaz-vi-tel-evil-bo-day-fe-lie-to-ny.

In 1925, he was familiar with the pi-sa-te-lem Ev-ge-ni-em Pet-ro-vym. In 1928, in the magazine “30 Days”, their first joint production was published - the ro-man “Two-twenty students lions ”, someone in the same year came out of a del book. Even before the first pub-li-ka-tion of the price-zu-ra from-row-but so-kra-ti-la ro-man. Roman was re-tor-women-but met by chi-ta-te-la-mi, but cold-but accepted by cri-ti-ka-mi.

After you-ho-da ro-ma-na Il-fom and Petr-ro-ym would you have to-pi-sa-na in the “Bright personality” (1928), 1001 day, or New Shahe-re-za-da ”(1929), fe-lie-to-ny for Pravda and Lie-te-ra-tur-noy ha-ze-you”.

In 1931, the second joint-local ro-man “Zo-lo-that te-le-nok” came out, in some rum av-to-ry resurrect-si-li the main hero is Osta-pa Ben-de-ra, someone was killed in the “Two-on-two-chairs”.

In 1935-36, Ilf and Petrov co-ver-shi-whether po-te-she-action in the USA, rezul-ta-to-so-ro-go became a book " One-story Amer-ri-ka.

In 1937, Ilya Ilf died from to-ber-ku-le-za.

Books neo-no-time-but screen-no-zi-ro-va-lis in the USSR and abroad. On the sa-my of the west Odessa street, De-ri-ba-sovskaya, there is a pa-myat-nick-name of one of the two-on-two-tee chairs, and everyone who comes can sit on it. Udo-and-were pa-myat-ni-kov in different cities and heroes of books, especially Ostap Bender. Aster-ro-id (7113) Ostapbender is named after him. In 1992, in St. Peter-ter-burg-g, they held a festival of humor-ra and sa-ti-ry "Zolo-toy Ostap", trans-for-mi -ro-vav-shiy-sya in 2005 in the fe-sti-val ko-me-diy-no-go ki-no and humor-ra "Zo-lo-toy Ostap".

  • Mir-go-rod-sky, T. Ilya Ilf and Ma-ru-sya Ta-ra-sen-ko: Me-lo-diya for two go-lo-sa [Text]: [history of life nor the love of the Russian co-vet-sko-go pi-sa-te-la Ilya Il-fa and Ma-ru-si Ta-ra-sen-ko] / T. Mir-go-rod -skaya // Ka-ra-van is-to-riy. - 2017. - No. 8. - S. 176-191.
  • Pro-ko-fie-va, E. “And we will always be together ...” [Text]: [about life and work from the vet-sko-go pi-sa-te-la and zhur-na-li-hundred Ilya Il-fa and his love for the Soviet hu-doge-ni-tse Ma-rii Ta-ra-sen -ko] / E. Pro-ko-fie-va // Gala Bio-gra-fiya. - 2016. - No. 4. - S. 24-38.
  • Grud-ki-na, T.V. Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Pet-rov [Text] // Grud-ki-na T.V. 100 great masters of pro-zy / T. V. Grud-ki-na, N. P. Ku-ba-re-va, V. P. Me-shche-rya-kov, M. N. Ser-bul. - Moscow, 2006. - S. 320-324. - (100 things).
  • Kol-gi-na, M. V. View of Ma-la-khi-to-vuyu puddle [Text]: [li-te-ra-tour-quest according to I. Il-fa and E. Pet-ro-va "Two-twenty-stools"] / M.V. Kol-gi-na // Chi-ta-em, learn, play-ra-em. - 2015. - No. 11. - S. 51-55.
  • Shenk-man, V. Ben-de-ri-a-na in stone and bronze: (pa-myat-ni-ki Osta-pu Ben-de-ru and other li-te-ra-tour- nym heroes of Ilya Il-fa and Evgeny Pet-ro-va) [Text] / V. Shenk-man // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 20. - S. 38-39.
  • Without-no-owls, E. L. Soviet reality in the novels of I. Il-fa and E. Pet-ro-va [Text] / E. L. Bez -no-owl // Lie-te-ra-tu-ra. - 2004. - No. 43. - S. 25-30.
  • Go-len-ko-va, N. V. Between two-on-two-stools. An evening of humor for grades 8-9 [Text] / N.V. - 2001. - No. 1. - S. 106-114.

October 23, 85 years since the birth of Vasily Ivanovich Belov (1932-2012), Soviet, Russian writer, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art)

Born on October 23, 1932 in October 1932 in a peasant family in the village of Ti-mo-ni-ha Kha-rov-sky-rai-o-na Vo -lo-year-sky about-la-sti. Another boy-chish-coy began to work in the collective-ho-ze, in order to help the mother of the younger four children. After seven years of training in the de-re-Viennese school, he went to the city of So-kol in the Vo-lo-god-region. Studied at the school of factory-rich-but-for-water-school education, where he got specialty mo-to-ri-sta-di-ze -li-hundred, electro-tro-mon-cho-ra.

In 1952-1955, he went to the in-study service in Le-nin-grad. In the newspaper of Le-nin-grad-sko-go-en-no-go district, would it have been published-whether-ko-va-ny his first verses “On Guard Ro -di-ny. After the arm-mia, he worked at the za-vo-de in the city of Mo-lo-to-ve (now Perm).

In 1956, he returned to ro-di-nu, and became a collaborator with the Kom-mu-nar newspaper. According to co-ve-tu pi-sa-te-la-zem-la-ka, Alexander Yashi-na sent verses to Li-te-ra-tour-ny institute-sti-there to them. A. M. Gor-ko-go, and there was a creative competition.

In 1958, he was elected the first sec-re-ta-rem Grya-zo-vets-ko-rai-ko-ma com-so-mo-la. But, not about-ra-bo-tav and a year, he gave an application for leaving in connection with you-call to study at the institute. Five years in the holy-til-lu-che-ni-te-ra-tour-no-go about-ra-zo-va-nia. At this time - in 1961, would you-pu-sche-we are a collection of poems “De-re-ven-ka my forest-naya” and the story “De-rev-nya Ber-day-ka. In 1963, a book of ras-skaz-call "Hot Summer" was published. In the same year, he was admitted to the Union of pi-sa-te-lei of the USSR.

After the end of the in-sti-tu-ta, he returned to Vo-log-du, but he wouldn’t forget his native de-rev-nu. Zi-mine came, for-tap-li-val the Russian stove, lived for a long time, here he wrote books. Ge-ro-em of his story-tell-call more often than not was a resident of the northern Siberian de-rev-ni, labor-do-lu-bi-vy, live-woo -shchy in accord with nature. Russian living speech, way of life, way of de-Re-Viennese life.

Newsletter brought him the news “Pri-calculated de-lo”, published in 1966. Its main hero, peasant Ivan Af-ri-ka-no-vich, went through the war as a simple soldier, lives in his native north Noah de jealous. In his own way of life, he you-ra-zha-em with the words: “Everywhere, live. And everything is good, everything is fine. Well, that and was born, okay, but that the children were born. Live, she is live." The message approved after him the re-pu-ta-tion of one of the ro-to-na-chal-ni-kov and li-de-ditch “de-re-Viennese pro- p.s. Re-pu-ta-tion would-la-simplify-for you-ho-house in-ve-sti "Flesh-nice-things-tales."

Lad. Essays on the native es-te-ti-ke ”(1979-1981). The main theme is folk culture, folklore, everyday life and art-industries de-re-venge of Russia.

The cycle “Res-pi-ta-nie according to the doc-to-ru Spo-ku” kri-ti-ku-et city life.

About the life of the north de-roar-no-west-woo-yut ro-ma-ny “Ka-nu-ny (chrono-no-ka of the late 20s)”, “Go -dy pe-re-lo-ma ”,“ The sixth hour ”, connected with one plot line.

Creativity of Be-lo-va from-me-che-but of the State Pre-mi-she of the USSR, or-de-nom Tru-do-to-go Red-no-go-zna- me-ni, Or-de-nom Le-ni-na, Li-te-ra-tour-noy pre-mi-her So-yu-for pi-sa-te-lei of Russia named after Leo Tol- one hundred and Or-de-nom bla-go-ver-no-go prince Yes-ni-i-la Mos-kov-sko-go III degree, All-Russian-siy-sky -te-ra-tour-noy pre-mi-her name Ak-sa-ko-va. In 2002, he was awarded the Or-den Pre-be-dob-no-go Ser-gi Ra-do-nezh-sko-go III degree.

In 2003, the pi-sa-tel received the Or-den "For services to the Fatherland" IV degree. In 2004, he received the State Prize of the Russian Fe-de-ra-tion in the field of li-te-ra- tu-ry and art. In 2008, Be-lov was awarded the or-de-nom Po-che-ta “for his great contribution to the development of the father-of-the-state-li-te-ra-tu -ry and many years of creative de-i-tel-ness. ”In 1997, pi-sa-te-lu was given the title of even-the-th civil-yes-no-on-go-yes Vo-log-dy.

In the Central Children's Library of the city of Vo-log-dy on April 26, 2005, there was a -tie Center-tra pi-sa-te-la V.I. str-tion about-la-sti and city-ro-da, pi-sa-te-li, hu-doge-ni-ki, bib-lio-te-ka-ri, chi-ta-te-li, det -sky creative-che-collective-lek-ti-you. On the day of opening, the fund of the center made up you-sya-chu units of storage. In the Center Be-lo-va, in a hundred-yan-but, creative meetings are held with pi-sa-te-la-mi, or-ga-ni-zo-va- we are sacred lives and works of pi-sa-te-la ex-courses for pre-school-ni-kov and school-ni-kov. He is a hundred-yan-but half-nya-et-sya but-you-mi ma-te-ri-a-la-mi and ex-on-ta-mi, ras-shi-rya- there is a chi-ta-tel-audi-to-ryu. In 2007, in the village of Ti-mo-ni-ha, a li-te-ra-tour-ny tu-ri-sti-che-route “Do-ro-ga to do-mu ”, pre-zen-ta-tion of someone-ro-go would-la at-uro-che-on for the 75th anniversary of pi-sa-te-la.

  • Mi-ne-ra-lov, Yu. I. Russia eyes-for-mi Va-si-lia Be-lo-va [Text] / Yu. I. Mi-ne-ra-lov // Is-to -ria of the Russian li-te-ra-tu-ry 90s of the XX century: Study guide. - Moscow, 2004. - S. 51-56.
  • Wa-li-ko-va, D. Va-si-liy Iva-no-vich Be-lov (born 1932) [Text] / D. Wa-li-ko-va // I'm going to the lesson -ra-tu-ry. Modern Russian li-te-ra-tu-ra 1970-1990: A book for teaching-te-la. - Moscow, 2001. - S. 28-31.
  • Mel-ni-ko-va, A. Khro-ni-ka V. I. Be-lo-va [Text] // I'm going to the lesson of li-te-ra-tu-ry. Modern Russian li-te-ra-tu-ra 1970-1990: A book for teaching-te-la. - Moscow, 2001. - S. 219-229.
  • Tru-shin, O. “Ti-haya ro-di-na” Va-si-liya Be-lo-va [Text]: [about se-le Ti-mo-ni-he, small ro-din Rus -sko-go pi-sa-te-la Va-si-liya Be-lo-va] / O. Tru-shin // Children's Ro-man-ga-ze-ta. - 2015. - No. 4. - S. 23-25.
  • Fe-dya-kin, S. Pri-vych-noe de-lo against the background of the eternal [Text] / S. Fe-dya-kin // Li-te-ra-tu-ra (PS). - 2007. - No. 20. - S. 4-5.
  • [Va-si-liy Iva-no-vich Be-lov] // Lie-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2017. - No. 9. - S. 2-14, 23-30, 31-35 Be-lo-va "Lad". 6-7 grades [Text] / O. Ko-resh-ko-va // Lessons of li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 7-11.
  • Sha-ralev, A. M. “He felt that trouble had happened”: V. I. Be-lov “Starlings”: ma-te-ri-al to uro-ku [Text] / A. M. Shuralev // Lie-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 39-40. Glu-sha-ko-va, P.S. research institutes: To the 70th anniversary of Va-si-liya Iva-no-vi-cha Be-lo-va [Text] / P. S. Glu-sha-ko-va // Primary school . - 2002. - No. 10. - S. 100-102.
  • Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity of Va-si-liya Be-lo-va at school [Text] / M. A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Li- te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2002. - No. 9. - S. 32-38.
  • Pas-tu-ho-va, L.N. -sky conference based on the story of V.I. Be-lo-va “Mal-chi-ki” [Text] / L.N. ki li-te-ra-tu-ry. - 2002. - No. 6. - S. 6-8.
  • Shi-ro-ko-wa, L. V. In the way of the do-ma. Li-te-ra-tour-naya composition-po-zi-tion [Text] / L. V. Shi-ro-ko-va // L. V. Shi-ro-ko-va // Chi-ta- eat, learn, play. Scenarios for biblio-tech. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 20-25.
  • Bon-da-ren-ko, M.A. Creativity of Va-si-liya Be-lo-va at school: The story “Pri-calculated de-lo” [Text] / M A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Li-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2001. - No. 6. - S. 42-46.

Mel-ni-ko-va, A. Chro-ni-ka Va-si-liya Be-lo-va “Ka-nu-ny” [Text] / A. Mel-ni-ko-va // Li-te -ra-tu-ra. - 2000. - No. 34. - S. 2-3.

Bon-da-ren-ko, M. A. Creativity of Vasi-liya Be-lo-va at school VIII grade [Text] / M. A. Bon-da-ren-ko // Lee-te-ra-tu-ra at school. - 2000. - No. 6. - S. 96-101.

October 31 (18) 115 years since the birth of Evgeny Andreevich Permyak (real name Wissov) (1902-1962), Soviet prose writer, children's writer

He was born on October 31 (18), 1902 in Per-mi, he spent his childhood in Vot-kin-sk with ty-ti. “Years, living with my tyo-tush-ki on the Vot-kin-sky-za-vo-de,” recalled the pi-sa-tel, “you can call first-of-the-point-to-no-one of my-th-childhood and from-ro-che-stva ... I looked into the Mar-te-nov-stove earlier than in primer. With that-po-rum, mo-lo-tom, zu-bi-scrap, with in-stru-men-ta-mi, in general, they lived in a friend-like way before they got to know the tab- the face of smartness. ” In Vot-kin-sk, he studied at the church-but-at-the-hod-school, pro-gym-na-zii and gymnasium-na-zii. Ev-geny during the time of learning would have mastered five re-myos-la-mi: carpentry, sle-sar-nym, sa-fire-nym, kuz-nech-nym and then-kar-nym. After school, ra-bo-tal con-tor-shchi-kom at the Ku-pin-my-so-point, at the Perm candy factory "Re-kord ". One-now-men-but pro-bo-val-sya in the quality of a society-of-stven-no-go cor-re-spon-den-ta in the Zvez-da newspapers and "Red Pri-ka-mye" (Vot-kinsk). His stories and poems under-pi-sy-val “Master Neprya-khin”. There was a re-gis-se-rum in a drama circle at a ra-bo-what club named after Tom-so-go.

In 1923, lu-chil cor-re-spontaneous bi-years in the name of Vis-so-va-Neprya-khi-na. In 1924, I went to the Perm Uni-ver-si-tet on so-tsi-al-no-eco-no-mi-che-from-de-le-nie pe-da- go-gi-che-sko-go fa-cul-te-ta. In student years, for-no-small-sya club-ra-bo-toy, active-but-participation-in-shaft in or-ga-ni-za-tion in a popular way -no-go at that time circle Zhi-howl Te-at-ral-noy Ga-ze-you (JGT).

After graduation from the uni-ver-si-te-ta, he went to Moscow, and became a dramatist. His plays "Forest shu-mit" (1937) and "Pe-re-kat" (1939) were played in all theaters of the country. During the Great Patriotic War, together with the Moscow-ski-mi, lived in Sverd-lovsk (now Ekaterinburg). At that time, Eugene Vis-sov, out of love for his native land, changed his surname to Per-myak. The Sverdlovsk pi-sa-tel-skuyu or-ga-ni-za-tion was headed by Pa-vel Pet-ro-vich Ba-zhov. Ev-ge-ny Per-myak would often visit him.

In 1942, the book “Er-ma-ko-you le-be-di. He-ro-and-che-representation in 4 acts of Ev-ge-niya Per-mya-ka according to the one-named tale of P. Ba-jo-va about Er-ma-ke Ti-mo-fe-e-vi-che, his brave esa-u-lah, faithful bride Ale-nush-ke and ve-li- com go-su-da-re Ivane Wa-si-le-vi-che. Then, at the same time, the book “Who to be” appeared for-we-sat down. Book-ha-ha-hundred-I-la of 12 plot-but-over-the-top-shyon-nyh chapters (tet-ra-day), in-mo-ga-yu-schi young-mu chi-ta-te I want to find out what such “work” is and tell-zy-va-yu-shchi about pro-fess-si-yah. The book was a great success with the Soviet chi-ta-te-lei, and would-la re-ve-de-na into many languages on-ro-dov of the USSR, including on ko-mi-per-myats-cue.

No less than in-the-res-we would be for children on-educational-but-popular books: a collection of fairy tales “De-dush-ki-na-ko-drank -ka" and "The Tale of Gas" (1957), "From Ko-st-ra to Kot-la" and "The Tale of the Country Ter-ra-Fer-ro" (1959), "Lock without a key -cha" (1962); public-li-qi-sti-che-books on eco-but-mi-che-sky and po-li-ti-che-themes: “About se-mi-bo-ga-ty-ryah "(1960)," Az-bu-ka of our life "(1963). Books for-ka-zy-wa-whether the value of labor, the need for ho-di-bridge to join him from childhood. At the same time, fan-ta-zia and you-dum-ka Per-my-ka come closer to the real-al-noy life. Heroes of pro-from-ve-de-ny do not seek help from magical forces, the main magics are work and knowledge.

The last book-ga Per-mya-ka - “A-talk-thief without obi-nyaks” (1977) - sacredly-at times-my-le-ni-pits about pro- live that life.

  • Ko-val-chuk, T. For-ni-ma-tel-naya game [Text]: [life and work of children's pi-sa-te-la E. A. Per- mea] / T. Ko-val-chuk // Holiday at school. - 2017. - No. 8 (August). - S. 117-127.
  • Per-myak, E. How Ma-sha became big: [story] [Text]: [for reading and discussing with children] / E. Per-myak // Do-school-le-nok. - 2016. - No. 2. - P. 8.
  • Bo-ri-so-va, A.S. ) : moral values ​​in the pro-se of E. Per-mya-ka [Text]: [scenario of me-ro-at-I-tia on the creativity of children pi-sa-te-la E. Per-mya-ka] / A. S. Bo-ri-so-va // Books, notes and toys for Katyush- ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2015. - No. 7. - S. 36-38.
  • Mi-ro-no-wa, N. What are they - my ro-di-te-whether? [Text]: an image of a family in the Russian li-te-ra-tu-re of the twentieth century: listen, osmys-whether-va-em, ras-judg-da-eat: [about for-nya-ty-yah with children under-that-vi-tel-noy to the school-le group-pe according to the work of E. Per-mya-ka and I. Di-ka, before -la-ga-yut-sya in-pro-sy for de-judging] / N. Mi-ro-no-va // Pre-school education. - 2013. - No. 5. - S. 67-71.
  • Glu-bo-kov-skikh, M.V. [Text]: on the 110th anniversary of the birth of E. Per-mya-ka / M. V. Glu-bo-kov-skikh // Books, notes and games-rush- ki for Ka-tyush-ki and An-dryush-ki. - 2012. - No. 11. - S. - 19-21.
  • Shai-hul-li-na, G.R. Per-myakov-sky readings [Text] / G. R. Shai-khul-li-na // Chi-ta-em, learn, play-ra-em. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 13-17.

“The library is an open table of ideas to which everyone is invited…”

A. I. Herzen

Calendar of significant and anniversaries for 2017 contains anniversaries of domestic and foreign writers, poets, international and professional holidays and other significant dates that will be celebrated in 2017. Dates are in the new style.

According to the UN decision:

2013-2022 - International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures

International decades

2015-2024 - International Decade for People of African Descent

2014-2024 - A decade of sustainable energy for all

2011-2020 - Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism

2011-2020 - United Nations Decade on Biodiversity

2011-2020 - Decade of Action for Road Safety

2010-2020 - United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification

2008-2017 - Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty.

2017 in Russian Federation will be announced Year of Specially Protected natural areas. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on holding the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories in 2017. The Year of Protected Areas will be timed to coincide with the celebration 100th anniversary of the protected system of Russia.




255 years- C. Gozzi "The Stag King", "Turandot"(1762)

240 years- R. B. Sheridan "School of slander"(1777)

225 years- N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa"(1792)

195 years old- A. S. Pushkin "Song of the Prophetic Oleg"(1822)

180 years- M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"(1837)

155 years- A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" W. M. Hugo "The Outcasts" I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" (1862)

150 years- Charles De Coster "The Legend of Ulenspiegel and Lamm Gudzak, about their valiant, funny and glorious deeds in Flanders and other lands", V. V. Krestovsky "Petersburg slums" F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", G. Ibsen "Peer Gynt"(1867)

145 years old- I. S. Turgenev "Spring Waters" J. Verne "Around the world in 80 Days" (1872)

140 years- L. N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"(1877)

135 years old- M. Twain "Prince and the Pauper"(1882)

120 years- G. D. Wells "Invisible Man"(1897)

115 years old— A. K. Doyle "The Hound of the Baskervilles" E. L. Voynich "Gadfly" (1902)

110 years— G. R. Haggart "Beautiful Margaret"(1907)

105 years old— A. K. Doyle "Lost World"(1912)

90 years old- A. N. Tolstoy "Hyperboloid engineer Garin", M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard"(1927)

85 years old- N. A. Ostrovsky "As the Steel Was Tempered"(1932)

80 years old- J. R. R. Tolkien "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" A. Christie "Death on the Nile"(1937)

65 years old- E. M. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"(1952)

60 years- R. D. Bradbury "Dandelion Wine" N. N. Nosov "Dreamers" M. V. Sholokhov "Destiny of Man" I. A. Efremov "Andromeda's nebula"(1957)

45 years- V. S. Pikul "Pen and sword" A. N. Strugatsky , B. N. Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic"(1972)

40 years- V. S. Pikul "Battle of the Iron Chancellors"(1977)

30 years- A. N. Rybakov "Children of the Arbat"(1987)


350 years

November 30th - 350 yearsJonathan Swift(1667-1745)

300 years

November 25 - 300 yearsAlexander Petrovich Sumarokov(1717-1777)

200 years

April 10th - 200 years since the birth of the Russian writer, publicist Konstantin Sergeevich Aksakov(1817-1860)

16th of May - 200 years since the birth of the Russian historian and writer Nikolai Ivanovich Kostomarov(1817-1885)

September 29 - 200 yearsAlexander Vasilyevich Sukhovo-Kobylin(1817-1903)

September 5 - 200 yearsAlexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy(1817-1875)

150 years

June 16 - 150 years-symbolist, translator, essayist, one of the most prominent representatives of the poetry of the Silver Age Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont(1867-1942)

August 14 - 150 years birthday of the English writer John Galsworthy(1867-1933)

100 years

21 December - 100 years, laureate Nobel PrizeHeinrich Böll(1917-1985)

December 16 - 100 years birthday of the English science fiction writer Arthur Charles Clark(1917)


January 3 - 125 years since the birth of the English writer - the founder literary genre fantasy, poet and philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)

January 15 - 395 years since the birth of the French playwright, stage art reformer Jean Baptiste Poquelina stage name molière(1622-1673)

January 16 - 150 years since the birth of the Russian writer, literary critic, translator Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev(1867-1945)

January 24 - 285 years from the birthday of the famous French playwright and publicist Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais(1732-1799)

The 25th of January - 135 years old since the birth of the English writer and literary criticVirginia Woolf(1882-1941)

January 27 - 185 years birthday of an English writer, mathematician, philosopher and photographer Lewis Carroll, real name Charles Latuidge Dodgson (1832-1898)

January 27 - 85 years old since the birth of the Russian poetess, author of popular songs Rimma Fyodorovna Kazakova(1932-2008)

28 January - 120 years since the birth of the Russian writer, playwright, screenwriter, Hero of Socialist Labor Valentin Petrovich Kataev(1897-1986)


February 2 - 135 years old birthday of Irish writer and poet James Joyce(1882-1941)

February 7 - 205 years birthday of the English writer Charles Dickens(1812-1870)

11 February - 100 years and screenwriter Sidney Sheldon, real name Sidney Shechtel(1917-2007)

February 13 - 85 years oldIgor Davydovich Shaferan(1932-1994)

February 17 - 210 years since the birth of the bishop, Russian theologian and spiritual writer Ignatia (Bryanchaninova), in the world Dmitry Alexandrovich Bryanchaninov(1807-1867)

February 20th - 165 years since the birth of the Russian writer Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky(1852-1906)

24 February - 125 years since the birth of the Russian writer, Hero of Socialist Labor Konstantin Alexandrovich Fedin(1892-1977)

25 February - 100 years since the birth of the English writer, critic Anthony Burgess ( 1917-1993)

25 February - 310 years since the birth of the Italian playwright, creator of the national comedy Carlo Goldoni ( 1707-1793)

February 26 - 215 years birthday of the French romantic writer and playwright Victor Marie Hugo(1802-1885)

February 27 - 210 years birthday of the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882)

February 27 - 115 years oldJohn Ernst Steinbeck(1902-1968)

28th of February - 95 years old since the birth of the Russian literary critic and culturologist Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman(1922-1993)


5th of March - 95 years old since the birth of the Soviet poet-front-line soldier Semyon Petrovich Gudzenko(1922-1953)

March 13 - 80 years old since the birth of the Russian writer Vladimir Semenovich Makanin(1937)

March 15th - 80 years old since the birth of the Russian writer, representative of the "village prose" Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin(1937-2015)

18th of March - 85 years old birthday American writerJohn Updike(1932-2009)

18th of March - 175 years birthday of the French symbolist poet Stephen Mallarmé(1842-1898)

March 24 - 140 years since the birth of the Russian writer Alexey Silych (Silantievich) Novikov-Priboy(1877-1944)

March 24 - 110 years since the birth of a Russian writer, poet, publicist, editor Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya(1907-1996)

March 27 - 220 years since the birth of the French poet, writer, historian, playwright, translator, philosopher Alfred Victor de Vigny(1797-1863)

playwright Alexander Konstantinovich Gladkov(1912-1976)

March 31 - 195 years old since the birth of the Russian writer Dmitry Vasilievich Grigorovich(1822-1899)

March 31 - 135 years old since the birth of a Russian writer, poet and literary critic Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky(1882-1969)


April 1 - 320 years birthday of the French writer, author of adventure novels Antoine Francois Prevost ( 1697-1763)

April 6 - 205 years since the birth of the Russian writer, philosopher and revolutionary Alexander Ivanovich Herzen(1812-1870)

April 10th - 80 years old since the birth of the Russian poetess, writer, translator Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina ( 1937-2010)

April 10th - 90 years old since the birth of the Russian writer Vil Vladimirovich Lipatov(1927-1979)

12th of April - 130 years from the birthday of the Russian poetess Elizabeth Ivanovna Dmitrieva, better known by her pseudonym Cherubina de Gabriac(1887-1928)

April 19 - 115 years old since the birth of the Russian writer and screenwriter Veniamin Alexandrovich Kaverin(1902-1989)

April 22 - 310 years from the birthday of the English writer, playwright Henry Fielding(1707-1754)

April 22 - 110 years since the birth of an outstanding Russian science fiction writer, paleontologist Ivan Antonovich Efremov(1907-1972)


may 13 - 80 years old birthday of the American writer Roger Zelazny(1937-1995)

16th of May - 130 years since the birth of the Russian poet of the Silver Age Igor Severyanin, real name Igor Vasilievich Lotarev ( 1897-1941)

May 21st - 145 years old since the birth of the Russian poetess and writer taffy, real name Nadezhda Alexandrovna Lokhvitskaya(1872-1952)

May 28 - 140 years since the birth of a Russian poet, literary critic, translator, artist Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin(1877-1932)

May 29 - 230 years since the birth of the Russian poet Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov(1787-1855)

May 29 - 125 years since the birth of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov(1892-1975)

May 30 - 105 years old from the birthday of the Soviet songwriter Lev Ivanovich Oshanin(1912-1996)

May 31 - 125 years since the birth of the Russian writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky(1892-1968)


June 18 - 205 years since the birth of the Russian writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov(1812-1891)

June 18 - 110 years since the birth of the Russian writer and poet Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov(1907-1982)

June 20 - 85 years old since the birth of the Soviet poet, translator Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky birth name Robert Stanislavovich Petkevich(1932-1994)

21st of June - 220 yearsWilhelm Karlovich Kuchelbecker(1797-1846)

June 25 - 110 years since the birth of the Russian poet, translator Arseny Alexandrovich Tarkovsky(1907-1989)


July 2 - 140 years since the birth of a German writer, poet and essayist, Nobel Prize winner Hermann Hesse(1877-1962)

July 6 - 120 years since the birth of the Russian writer Anatoly Borisovich Mariengof(1897-1962)

July 6 - 140 years since the birth of the Russian writer Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov ( 1877-1957)

July 22 - 210 years since the birth of the Russian poetess and translator Karolina Karlovna Pavlova(1807-1893)

July 23 - 225 years since the birth of the Russian poet, literary critic Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky(1792-1878)

July 24 - 215 years birthday of the French writer, author of romantic historical dramas and adventure novels Alexandra Dumas(1802-1870)

July 28th - 195 years old since the birth of the Russian poet, literary and theater criticApollon Alexandrovich Grigoriev(1822-1864)

July 28th - 120 years since the birth of the Russian poet and prose writer Petr Vasilyevich Oreshin(1887-1938)


August 4 - 225 years birthday of the English romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822)

10th of August - 105 years old since the birth of the Brazilian writer, public and politicianJorge Amado(1912-2001)

August 19 - 80 years old from the birthday of the Russian playwright Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov(1937-1972)

August 20 - 85 years old since the birth of the Russian writer Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov(1932-2010)

August 20 - 190 years birthday of the Belgian French-speaking writer Theodore Henri de Coster 1827-1879)

August 27 - 140 years since the birth of the Russian writer and poet Sergei Konstantinovich Makovsky(1877-1962).

August 30 - 220 years birthday of the English writer Mary Shelley, nee Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin ( 1797-1851)


6 September - 80 years old since the birth of the Soviet screenwriter, director, poet Gennady Fedorovich Shpalikov ( 1937-1974)

11 September - 155 years birthday of the American writer O.Henry, real name William Sidney Porter(1862-1910)

September 25 - 120 years birthday of American writer, Nobel laureate William Faulkner(1897-1962)

September 26 - 85 years old since the birth of the Russian writer Vladimir Nikolaevich Voinovich(1932)

September 29 - 470 years birthday of the spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra(1547-1616)

September 30th - 810 years from the birth of Persian Sufi poet Mavlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammadt Rumi(1207-1273)


October 3 - 120 years since the birth of the French poet, one of the founders of surrealism Louis Aragon(1897-1982)

The 4th of October - 170 years birthday of the French writer Louis Henri Boussenard(1847-1910)

October 8 - 125 years since the birth of the Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, the greatest poet of the 20th century Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva(1892-1941)

October 15 - 120 years since the birth of the Russian writer Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf, at birth Yehiel-Leib Ar'evich Fainzilberg(1897-1937)

October 21 - 245 years birthday of the English poet and critic Coleridge Samuel Taylor(1772-1834)

October 31 - 115 years old since the birth of the Russian writer Evgeny Andreevich Permyak(1902-1982)


the 3rd of November - 130 years since the birth of the Soviet poet and translator Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak(1887-1964)

November 6 - 165 years since the birth of the Russian writer Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak(1852-1912)

10th of November - 130 years birthday of the German writer Arnold Zweig(1887-1968)

November 14 - 110 years birthday of the Swedish children's writer Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren, nee Erickson ( 1907-2002)

November 17 - 210 years since the birth of the Russian poet Vladimir Grigorievich Benediktov(1807-1873)

20 November - 80 years old since the birth of the Russian writer Victoria Samoilovna Tokareva(1937)

November 27 - 70 years old since the birth of one of the most widely read and published Russian children's writers Grigory Bentsionovich Oster(1947).

November 28 - 260 years from the birthday of the English poet, artist and engraver William Blake(1757-1827)

29th of November - 215 years birthday of the German writer Wilhelm Hauff(1802-1827)


December 8 - 215 years since the birth of the Russian poet, Decembrist Alexander Ivanovich Odoevsky(1802-1839)

December 10 - 195 years old since the birth of the Russian publicist and sociologist Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky(1822-1885)

December 13th - 220 years since the birth of the German poet and publicist Heinrich Heine(1797-1856)

December 22 - 80 years old since the birth of the Russian children's writerEduard Nikolaevich Uspensky(1937)

admin 15.04.2016
