Synopsis of the OOD “We draw the fairy tale“ Gingerbread Man ”in the preparatory group. Synopsis of the OOD “We draw the fairy tale“ Gingerbread Man ”in the preparatory group Drawings of fairy-tale heroes gingerbread man

In this lesson we will look at how to draw a fairy tale Gingerbread Man - Fox and Gingerbread Man with a pencil in stages. This is the moment when the fox says: "I can't hear well, sit closer." The gingerbread man is naive and sat on the nose of the fox, she threw it up and ate it. What is the meaning of the fairy tale, I never thought, but now I thought about it and, probably, not to be a naive simpleton and not to trust anyone you don’t know. You can post your versions in the comments. So, how to draw a Fox from the fairy tale Gingerbread Man.

Let's sketch right away. First, draw a stump, then at a certain distance big circle- this is the head, below is a sketch of the body, skirt and paws.

Now we draw a muzzle of a fox. Draw how you feel comfortable, some will find it more convenient to draw from the nose, others from the forehead. Then we draw a mouth, ears and an eye.

We draw with small curves the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe white cheek of the fox, then the cilia and the pupil, the shape of the ear inside. Draw a sleeve and make smoother lines.

Now we draw the fingers on the paws, the bottom of the skirt and legs.

Draw the tail, the neck of the blouse, the decoration on the blouse, separate the color on the legs. On the stump we draw the bark of a tree, and on the nose of the fox a bun. If you don't know how to draw a kolobok, there is a separate lesson

Master class drawing on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Directly educational activities By visual activity for older preschool children.

Target: Teaching children to draw a plot from a fairy tale
To improve the technique of owning a brush, to transfer characteristics subject;
Use elements decorative drawing;
To consolidate the ability to arrange images well on a sheet;
Develop aesthetic perception, imagination.
Preliminary work:
Reading and playing the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man";
Conversation about the read plot;
Examining pictures, illustrations;
Prepare the place of work: fix sheets of paper on the table with adhesive tape; prepare paints and tools.

Equipment: Gouache paints, sheets of white or light blue paper A-4, brushes No. 6, No. 2, jars of water, palette, napkins, adhesive tape.

Content of activity:
The teacher invites children to solve riddles:
He is scraped along the box,
By the bottom of the barrel he is meten,
He has a ruddy side
He is cheerful...

This red bastard
Kolobochka ate deftly.

Well done! Let's remember the fairy tale "Kolobok", how did it end?

On the edge of the forest
Met a red fox.
- Hello, red fox,
Do you want me to sing, sister?
And the bun sang again.

Hello sweet bun.
You sing well, my friend.
Only I'm old
I became deaf in my ear
Sit on my tongue
And sing it one more time.

So did the bun.
On her tongue he climbed
And I was about to sing again.
Didn't have time to open my mouth
How did the fox get in the stomach.
Fox didn't listen to him.
And she took it and ate it.

Today we will draw a plot from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". The moment when the fox holds the kolobok on his nose, and he sings his song. We examine the image, analyze it.

Execution sequence:
Our fox will be bright orange. To do this, we mix orange and red paints on the palette.
Just above the middle of the sheet, draw a circle with a thick brush.

We draw out a triangular nose, starting from the bottom of the muzzle.

We draw a sundress, it is triangular in shape. From the head we stretch the lines down to the sides, connect with a wavy line, paint over.

Now we draw a fluffy long tail, it wriggles beautifully.

Front paws.

Hind legs. First, draw two ovals under the sundress.

Then we stretch the paws up, they resemble a droplet.

While our fox dries up, draw a bun. It is yellow in color and sits on the fox's nose.

Let the kolobok dry and paint the background with blue gouache. Snowdrifts in the form of a wave, and a thin brush of snowflakes. Then we continue to paint the drawing with a brush number 2.

We bring our characters to life with white paint. We mark the eyes, decorate a sundress and a fox fur coat, using dots, droplets, wavy and straight lines.

We finish the eyes of the characters with black gouache, the eyelashes of the fox's nose, and notes.

We draw a kolobok nose and mouth.

So our plot from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" is ready.

Guys, what do you think, could the fairy tale have a different end and the gingerbread man remained to live and live? Children fantasize ... The teacher reads out the continuation of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Kolobok. Continuation.
You are well acquainted
Funny bun??
He ran away from all the animals,
But the fox could not.

He was a braggart and a merry fellow
And sang songs loudly
With a cunning red fox
All managed to do it!

Jumped very high
Grabbed the fox by the tail
And so he ran away
Not so simple anymore!

From fear for a very long time
rolled somersault,
But suddenly - the forest is over,
And here is a wonderful house!

Now pies live in it,
Candies, cakes, pretzels,
Cookies, gingerbread, pie
And with them - a bold bun!

All the forest people are visiting them
Started walking on Sunday
And the gingerbread man sang songs to them
And served jam!

Here is a fox in a red coat on a white background, and this is a red fox on a light blue background.


Fine art lesson grade 6

"An illustration of a fairy tale".

Prepared by the teacher of fine arts Denisova I.A.

MAOU secondary school №45


True story will not keep up with a fairy tale

Let's remember the most famous fairy tales. Who are the heroes of these fairy tales?

  • An illustration is a drawing or any image placed in a book.
  • This word comes from the Latin "illustratio" - lighting, visual image.

True story will not catch up with a fairy tale.

The artist Evgeny Mikhailovich Rachev performed illustrations for these tales. E.M. Rachev is a magician, under whose brush the fairy tale comes to life. You look and look at these hares, foxes, bears, and you just can’t stop looking. The heroes of Rachev's drawings are "dressed" like people, in human clothes, so the artist wants to show what lies behind the fairy-tale plot and fairy-tale images. real life. Rachev's color drawings are colorful and decorative. The artist worked in watercolor, which he laid in a thin transparent layer, gouache and charcoal.


Yuri Alekseevich

One of the famous illustrator is Yuri Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. More than one generation of young readers has grown up on bright, entertaining drawings by Vasnetsov. Its heroes are a brave rooster, a timid hare, a funny kid, a clumsy and good-natured bear, a cheerful cat, an evil wolf and a cheating fox.

A fairy tale is a fold, a song is a true story.

All Vasnetsov's illustrations are distinguished by the brightness of their colors. Vasnetsov worked very hard, many times drawing his favorite fairy tales. He studied in our city (in Petrograd), in search of a job, the young artist began working in the department of children's and youth literature of the State Publishing House, where he found himself illustrating children's books.

How does the artist show fabulousness?

"Kolobok" eyes

other artists

See how contemporary artists represent the characters of the story.

Artist V. A. Zhigarev

How did the artists show that "Kolobok" is a Russian folk tale?

Artists A. and N. Balzhak

Draw the sky

watercolor on wet


Sunrise Sunset




We draw bushes

watercolor "dip" of the brush

Draw trees

"sticking" the brush

Draw trees



bristle brush

Draw a birch

"trampling" with a piece of foam rubber

tip cotton sticks

We draw Christmas trees

"sticking" the brush with a "wave"

"adhering" the brush with a "fan"

Draw a stump

Practical work

Consider how to draw a kolobok on a stump with a pencil in stages from a fairy tale Kolobok is a character in a Russian folk tale, a round-shaped bread that ran away from a grandfather and a woman. Along the way, he met animals and sang a song, they didn’t touch him, but he doesn’t know what a cunning fox is and succumbed to her tricks and was eaten

First, draw an oval, this will be the top of the stump. In perspective, we see it as an oval, and when viewed from above, then a circle. Draw a line from the oval on the sides and on the stump itself, the head of the kolobok, i.e. circle. To make the circle even, you can take something round ,

Internet resources:

Hi all! Today's lesson will be about drawing famous hero Russian folk tales - Kolobok!

In general, of course, we will avoid giving precise definitions and characteristics, as in our lessons about real-life objects - grapes or mushrooms, otherwise it will turn out that today we are drawing bakery product having intelligence.

This cute has, by the way, his relatives in folklore Western countries, take at least the American Gingerbread Man (I think many watched the cartoon about Shrek, the Gingerbread Man is just there). But we will draw exactly the traditional Russian Kolobok, who left his grandmother and from - let's get down to it!

Step 1

So, first draw a slightly flattened circle. Do you feel deja vu? This is not it at all, it’s just from the same step that we started drawing and.

Step 2

Let's mark the ball. Let's draw vertical line facial symmetry and horizontal eye line. Pay attention - the vertical line is curved and shifted to the left of us (this is necessary to convey a slight turn of our hero to the side), but the horizontal line is even and divides Kolobok exactly in half.

Step 3

In this step we will again use only rounded lines. It is with these lines that we outline the silhouettes of the eyes, cheeks and nose - recall that the eyes are drawn along the horizontal line outlined in the last step and are above it, and the nose, respectively, below.

Step 4

Now let's outline the facial features outlined in the last step and draw a fervently smiling mouth. Speaking of rounded lines, they are often used in drawing facial features. fat people, if it is about cartoon style. Strictly speaking, in such a situation, they should generally make up the entire drawing, especially if the character we draw has a good character or if we need to convey the cheerful smile of some fabulous fat man.

Step 5

Let's erase the extra guide lines from the previous steps - we get an almost finished drawn Gingerbread Man.

Step 6

The final stage, which we will start by drawing the pupils. Pay attention to their position - it should convey a look in our direction, despite the fact that the Gingerbread Man himself is turned around. Then with dashes draw eyelashes and a couple of wrinkles that are present in order to convey a smiling expression. After that draw the eyebrows (they look like commas) and lightly draw the mouth.

It was a lesson in which we told you about how to draw Kolobok from a fairytale. I hope every artist succeeded - but if suddenly your result differs from what you would like to see, trace the step in which you made a mistake and correct it. This will not be difficult to do, because our lesson came out quite simple - we did not even draw a stickman.

The lesson was prepared for you by members of the Drawingforall team, see you next time and be healthy!

Such a simple activity as drawing will help diversify your leisure time. Drawing figures and landscapes on paper is interesting for both children and adults. Don't pass if you feel like you don't have enough talent. In fact, anyone can learn to draw. You just need to be patient and follow the advice of the master. To get started, try to draw something very simple, for example, draw Kolobok.

Why learn to draw? Where to begin?

The benefits of drawing are obvious. This activity helps develop fine motor skills, eye and visual memory, forms a sense of color and shape, gives an idea of ​​perspective and proportions.

To learn how to draw beautifully, you need to be persistent and patient. Learn the basics of science will help step by step master classes from professional craftsmen. Gradually moving from elementary to complex, you will learn how to draw on paper various items, human, animals. When you feel confident, move on from step-by-step lessons to drawing from nature. This is a very important and mandatory step. It is from this moment that you will begin to take shape as a real artist. But while you are a beginner, let's learn how to draw Kolobok step by step. This is a very simple lesson for first graders. You will need: white rough (not glossy) paper, a few simple pencils different hardness and soft eraser.

Who is Kolobok

This is a children's character folk tale. Russian folklore tells that the grandmother kneaded the dough with sour cream, made a round loaf and fried it in oil. She put the finished Kolobok on the window to cool, but he got bored, jumped to the floor and rolled off into the forest. In the forest I met first a bunny, then a wolf, then a bear and, finally, a fox, which ate him.

That is, a bun is bread, round like a ball.

The simplest drawing

We offer elementary step by step lesson"How to draw Kolobok" from a professional. For clarity, each step is accompanied by a sketch.

First draw a circle. Split it in half horizontal line. Draw a vertical line to indicate the turn of the head (in our case, the body) to the right.

At the intersection of the lines, draw a button nose, immediately above the horizontal line - round eyes, and directly below them - cheeks in the form of curved lines. Draw a laughing mouth below. If you did everything right, then you will get a sketch of a cute fairy-tale hero, as in the example below.

Now, with an eraser, carefully remove all unnecessary strokes and "revive" Kolobok. To do this, draw short eyebrows (similar to horizontal droplets, tears or commas), pupils and cilia, tongue. See how the artist depicted all these details.

It turned out to be a wonderful drawing!

Let's complicate the task and learn how to draw Kolobok on a stump

First, draw a "lying" oval on paper. This will be the top of the stump.

On the sides of the oval, extend downward curved lines, as if drawing a skirt. For credibility, add a rectangle to the top of the stump, which will resemble a piece of wood left over from a saw. To make it easy for you to draw Kolobok, be guided by the example below.

Further - everything is simple. At the intersection of the lines, draw a nose with potatoes, along a horizontal straight line - eyes with light spots (highlights), a smiling mouth. Detail the sketch with small elements - eyebrows, cheeks. With short strokes, draw rings on the cut of the stump, by which the age of the tree is determined. At the bottom, draw grass and mushrooms to make the work even more interesting.

Now you know how to draw Kolobok step by step. Agree, the lesson was easy. For the next lesson, choose something more difficult, for example, draw a skeleton. Good luck!
