Sculpting birds in the preparatory group. Plan-summary of the lesson (application, modeling, preparatory group) on the topic: Abstract of directly educational activities in the preparatory group of the ZPR "Migratory birds"

Summary of modeling lessons

V preparatory group

on the theme "Wintering Birds"

Prepared by: teacher

Grebneva O.A.

Target : To consolidate the idea of ​​wintering birds.


1. Educational: to consolidate modeling skills different ways: rolling, pulling, smoothing, flattening.

2. Developing: develop auditory and visual attention.

3. Speech: generalize knowledge on the topic "Wintering Birds" and synthesize them with the topic "Winter".

4. Educational: to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards birds, to arouse the desire to protect them, to help wintering birds.

Material: plasticine, plank, stacks, seeds, wet wipes, audio recording, ICT, feeder.

visual material: sculptural bird, image of wintering birds.

vocabulary work: head, tail, circle, oval, eyes, beak, pull, pinch, stack.

Methodical methods:game situation, conversation - dialogue, looking at illustrations and talking about it, physical education: “Come on, birds, fly”, finger gymnastics: “Sparrow”, productive activities of children, summing up.

caregiver : Guys, do you like to walk?

Children : Yes.

caregiver : Tell me, guys, where do you like to walk?

Children's answers : (On the street, in the kindergarten, etc.)

caregiver : Today I invite you to take a walk in winter forest what do you think we need to do?

Children : Wear warm clothes.

They put on imaginary mittens, a hat, a fur coat.

caregiver :

I invite you to go for a walk in the winter forest,

More interesting adventures, we guys can not find.

Stand one after another, hold hands tightly.

Along the paths, along the paths, we are not in a hurry, we do not lag behind

We will all go to the forest together.

(Children hold hands and follow the teacher"snake" )

caregiver : Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest! How much snow.

Look what a beautiful Christmas tree!

We approach the Christmas tree, admire.

caregiver : Guys, look who is sitting on the Christmas tree?

Children : Birds.

caregiver : Tell the guys what are the names of the birds that do not fly away to warmer climes in winter, but remain on winter?

Children : Wintering birds.

caregiver : What do they describe?

Children describe appearance birds.

caregiver : Guys, what do you think they do in winter birds in the forest

Children's answers

caregiver : Guys, how can he help a little sparrow?

Children's answers

caregiver : And let's take the sparrow with us to the nursery and make friends for him.

Hold hands tightly along the paths, along the paths

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind in kindergarten, we will all go together.

caregiver : Here we are back. And now I invite you to play the game and find out how well you know wintering birds.

Didactic game "Guess the bird by singing"

caregiver : well done guys, now let's check you out. Can you distinguishwintering birds from migratory ones?

Playing with ICT"Know the bird"

caregiver : Well done.

caregiver : And now the guys suggest you try to mold a sparrow from plasticine.

Showing how to sculpt a sparrow:

First, we take pieces of brown and gray plasticine, mix them into one lump to get a color similar to the color of sparrows.

Then we divide the brown-gray lump into three pieces. One piece is large and two are smaller. From a large piece we sculpt a torso in the shape of an egg, pull the tail back, flatten it with our fingers. We have two identical pieces left. We make from onehead : roll the ball between the palms, from the second - the wings. We flatten a piece of plasticine in the shape of a circle and cut it in half with a stack. We connect the details. We make out the head, we make the beak from the seed, the eyes from the beads. Here we have sparrows.

caregiver : Look guys, what do I have?(feeder)

What is a feeder for?

Children's answers

caregiver : Let's guys put our sparrows in the feeder.

Well done guys, wonderful sparrows turned out for everyone. Now the sparrow, which we brought from the forest, will not be bored, you have made many new friends for him. When we go for a walk, we will take food for birds and feed the sparrows and other birds that fly to the feeders.




Program content:
1. Expand and consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds: cuckoo, nightingale, swallow, rook, starling; about the body parts of birds.
2. Learn to sculpt a bird from plasticine in a plastic way, pulling out parts from a whole piece and in a constructive way, observing the location and ratio of body parts, connect the parts, pressing them together.
3. Continue teaching how to use the stack.
4. Develop the ability to work with hands, fine motor skills of fingers, eye, attention, memory, creative thinking.
5. To bring up in children a good attitude towards migratory birds, towards all living things in nature.
Demo material: illustrations of migratory birds, made of plasticine swallow.
Handout: plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, rags, twigs.
Preliminary work: bird watching while walking; conversation about migratory birds, reading stories about birds.

Course progress.
1. Educator invites children to solve riddles: (5 min)
1. Who is without notes and without a flute
Best of all displays trills,
Louder, softer?
Who is this? ... (Nightingale)

2. She sits on a branch in the forest,
One "cuckoo" she repeats,
She counts the years for all of us
She is losing her chicks.
"Ku-ku" here and there,
What is this bird's name? (cuckoo)

3. Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
The first messenger of warm days.
Blacker than all migratory birds,
cleans the arable land from worms. (rook)

4. On a pole - a fun house
With a round small window.
For the children to sleep
The house shakes the wind.
Father sings on the porch -
He is both a pilot and a singer. (starling)

5. Comes to us with warmth,
The path has been long.
Sculpts a house under the window
From grass and clay. (martin)

Children solve riddles.

caregiver exhibits illustrations depicting guessed birds.
caregiver asks children questions:

What are the names of the birds that you guessed in the riddle?
Why are these birds called migratory?
- Name again all the migratory birds?

Children answer questions.
2. caregiver makes a generalization and reports that the swallow sent a letter. (2 minutes) (the teacher shows the envelope).

caregiver offers to open the envelope, read and find out what the swallow writes.
(teacher reads the letter).

caregiver says that the swallow itself has arrived! It is not simple, but magical. The teacher offers to make plasticine swallow girlfriends for her and she will not be bored and lonely, but for a start she offers to do finger gymnastics.

3. Finger gymnastics (fingers of both hands are bent) (2 min)
Sing along, sing along, this bird is a corncrake,
Ten birds - a flock, This bird is a starling
This bird is a sparrow, a gray feather.
This bird is an owl, This one is a finch,
Sleepy head. This one is a swift
This bird is a waxwing, This one is a cheerful siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle,
Birds, birds, home (hands behind back).

4. caregiver invites the children to first consider the swallow. (10 min)
What are the parts of a swallow? (head, beak, eyes, torso, wings, tail, legs).
- What is the swallow's tail? (forked).
What are the swallow's wings? (wide) .
Children consider the illustration of a swallow and note its structure, features.

caregiver informs the children that now they are starting to sculpt a swallow. From a piece of plasticine, you need to separate a large one (for the body and tail) and 3 small pieces for the head and wings. We roll a ball from a small piece (the head, the beak must be pulled with two fingers and made sharp, the eyes will be drawn with a stack. From a large piece we roll an oval (the body, the tail must be pulled out with two fingers and the tail should be divided into two parts with a stack. So we get a forked tail. U swallows white breast, for this, using a white cake, you need to make a white breast.

5. Exercise "Guess and sit down." (2 minutes)
caregiver invites the children to stand up for a physical minute, which is called "Guess and sit down." The teacher names migratory and wintering birds, if he calls the name of a wintering bird, then you need to sit down; and if the name is migratory, then wave your hands.
Crow, nightingale, woodpecker, magpie, dove, swallow, titmouse, rook, starling,
bullfinch, stork, crane, sparrow, heron, etc.

Children sit down in their seats.

6. caregiver reports that work continues on and wings are made from the remaining two pieces of plasticine. The swallow has graceful pointed wings, shaped like a comma. To do this, roll up ovals small in size, flatten on one side. The tip of the stack will help create the illusion of feathers, you just need to make longitudinal grooves. Then connect all the details. First, attach the head to the body, and then the wings. The swallows are ready. (6 min)
7.caregiver says that their swallows are ready and offers to answer:
- What did you do today? (sculpted swallows).
- What were the swallows made of? (from test)
- Please tell us how you sculpted swallows?
Children remember the work done.

caregiver notes that they made very good and beautiful swallows. The swallow really liked her new girlfriends. And now they will live together, play and enjoy the warm sun (3 min).

Literature. Kazakova T. G. Develop creativity in preschoolers. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - p.181.

Summary of modeling lessons

in the preparatory group

Theme: "Birds on the feeder"

Educator Kruglova G.E.

Progymnasium No. 15 "Solnyshko"

Program tasks:

  1. To teach children to create by collective efforts a simple scene from the life of birds.

  2. To consolidate the ability to sculpt wintering birds (bullfinch, sparrow, titmouse ...).

  3. Achieve greater accuracy in the transfer of the main form, characteristic details, using a variety of modeling techniques (pulling, pinching, flattening, smoothing).

  4. Bring up careful attitude to the birds.
Every time we get up with a little brother,
Taking cereals and bread crumbs,
Let's run to the porch...

Many affectionate, good
Flies to us friends.

Sitting on feeders, birds
They clean their beaks.
There are carduelis, siskins, tits
And sneaky sparrows.

Waiting for us just as patiently
And handsome bullfinches ...
Everyone is used to - not shy
Take them with your hands!

Today I saw many birds fly to the feeder. But I didn't recognize them all. Can you name all the birds that come to you to feed?

Then we solve the riddles:

Little boy in a gray coat
Snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,
At night he wanders - he steals hemp.

Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Building a house with one window.

And in the forest, mind you, children,
There are night watchmen.
Watchmen are afraid of these
Mice, hiding, trembling!
Very very harsh
Owls and...

And in the winter he will find shelter:
He is not afraid of colds
- With first snow
Right here!

Fidget motley,
long-tailed bird,
talking bird,
The most chatty.

Greenish back,
yellowish belly,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf.


Let's blind the birds that can fly to our feeder. But first, let's remember the similarities and differences of birds (children's answers). What shape is the body, head, tail...? What is the body of birds covered with? What determines the color of birds?

How will you sculpt a bird, where will you start sculpting, what modeling methods will you use?

How to achieve a resemblance to a sparrow, a titmouse ...?

Individual work is carried out during the course

Phys. minute:

1 2 3 4 5 everyone went for a walk again.

Feed the birds quickly

To keep them warm.

Invite the children to put the birds on the feeder and feed them.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.
Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.
How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.
Analysis of children's work.

Reading advice to children from birds.

Synopsis of GCD on modeling "Birds have arrived"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the characteristic features of birds; creating a three-dimensional image of a bird; pass in molding characteristics birds, the ratio of parts in size, shape; use familiar modeling techniques: rolling, pulling, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

Course progress.

Spring has come. Feeding troughs in city parks are often full. For birds, people carry seeds. Feeding troughs are not empty even in summer. It's hard to be the first migratory birds. They fly joyful - it's time to build nests, and breed offspring. And sometimes the weather does not indulge. It will either zavyuzhit, then it will overwhelm, then it will get colder significantly. Starlings, rooks, larks, finches, robins, linnets are one of the first to come to us in spring. Today we saw a lot of birds that flew to the feeder on our site. Let's remember who we saw. And they can also fly: magpie, crow, bullfinch.

View presentation "Birds"

The game "Guess the riddle" (showing birds in a presentation, name wintering or migratory)

1. Here is the white-sided woman, and her name is.

(Magpie is a wintering bird)

2. Chick - chirp!

Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy

Who is this ... (Sparrow is a wintering bird)

3. Black, agile shouts "Krak",

Worms are the enemy. (Rook is a migratory bird)

4. Who sat down on a fat bough

And knocks "Knock-knock, knock-knock"? (Woodpecker. Winters)

5. In winter, apples are on the branches,

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered

After all, this is ... (Bullfinches are wintering birds)

6. Comes to us with warmth,

The path has been long.

Sculpts a house above the window

From grass and clay. (Swallow is a migratory bird)

Birds are our little neighbors. Noisy, funny, melodious, multi-colored, funny, smart, domestic and urban ... So different and so funny.

Have you noticed that all the riddles are about birds? And probably guessed that today we will sculpt birds.

So the birds have: a body, a neck, a head, a beak on the head, a tail, wings, paws. (children sculpt together with the teacher) We take a piece of plasticine and divide it into two parts. We put one piece on the plank, this will be the body, and divide the second into two more identical halves, from one half we will make the head, and from the second as legs. We take a large piece of plasticine and begin to make the body, roll it into a thick sausage, now we pull the neck out of the body on one side, and on the other hand the tail. Now we take a small piece of plasticine and roll out the head and draw out the beak. Now we attach the head to the neck, using the lubrication method. We take the last piece of plasticine and make legs, also roll it out, in a circular motion. We rolled it out, we got a small oval, and we put our bird on it, it's like our legs. So we blinded a bird, but what is missing from our bird? Let's draw her wings and eyes with a stack. Here are the birds we got.

Do you want to play the game "Birds fly". You will all be birds, and I will say words, and you will scatter at the word “Ai” ... Birds sit, peck grains and fly away.

The bird sat on the window:

Sit with us for a while

Sit down, don't fly away.

The bird flew away - "Ay! » (the game is repeated 2-3 times)

Invite the children to put the birds on the feeder and feed them.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.

Analysis of children's work.

Chistova Anna Nikolaevna

Working with plasticine, clay and salt dough has a relaxing effect on the emotional state of the child, serves the development fine motor skills hands and activate cognitive and creative interest. Modeling classes are held from the nursery group kindergarten and get harder year by year. Preschoolers of the preparatory group are learning different ways and modeling techniques, the use of auxiliary tools, develop color perception of visual images, and improve their design skills. Knowledge of simple geometric shapes, the ability to find them in the structure of the subject, the ability to build plot and subject compositions, the development of the ability to predict the stages of work and analyze the result - all these qualities are necessary for the successful adaptation of the future first grader to school.

Preparing a modeling lesson on the theme "Birds" in the preparatory group

Children 6–7 years old actively learn the objects and phenomena of the world around them, the connections that occur between them, and reproduce them with pleasure in creative works ah, reflecting their attitude to these images. Older preschoolers know the basic modeling techniques, are familiar with the methods of creating figures from plastic material. The teacher does not use a direct demonstration of the practical actions of modeling, the main teaching task in the classroom is to develop the skill of planning work and predicting the desired result by the pupils themselves.

Modeling lesson in the preparatory group

In the preparatory group, the guys practice creating three-dimensional objects from plastic materials, trying to convey as accurately as possible characteristics items. Sculpting of convex objects on a plane is rarely carried out, as a rule, manufacturing tasks are performed voluminous crafts with its subsequent fixing on a paper or cardboard basis. The theme "Birds" is aimed at developing and further strengthening the ability to convey in modeling the images of various types of birds, the structural features of their bodies, the shape of the limbs, tail, beak, plumage color. Having studied visual materials (pictures depicting birds, toys or figurines), the guys sculpt figures according to the idea. For pupils of the preparatory group, the task must be given to transfer the characteristic posture of the bird. Children learn to display the position of the body, paws and wings of a bird in motion: the bird sat on a branch, pecks at berries, prepares to flutter, sings, straightens or cleans feathers, etc. Images of fabulous and magical birds are also molded according to the idea. Modeling from nature can be carried out in the preparatory group in the classes on creating birds based on handicraft toys (Gzhel, Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol toys). The children study the structure of a clay figurine, the teacher pronounces the stages of sculpting a toy (as an option, he reads the instructions for following the technomap), the pupils perform the practical part, having a sample in front of their eyes.

Sculpting a bird based on the Dymkovo toy

Let's consider molding methods and techniques used by children to create birds:

Sculpting method Target Sculpting technique
Constructive Creating an object from separately sculpted elements. The child represents the object in the form of forms lying in its structure, molds the corresponding details and assembles (constructs) the image. When working in a constructive way, all the basic modeling techniques can be used: rolling, rolling, flattening, pinching, pushing, sharpening. When composing an object from individual elements, the method of joining and subsequent smoothing of the seams or lubrication of parts are used.
Example. To sculpt a crow in a constructive way, it is necessary to prepare an elongated ball for the body, a ball for the head, a pointed ball for the beak, paws will be molded from rolled sausages, a tail from a small flattened cylinder, wings from flattened balls.
plastic/sculptural Sculpting an object from a single piece of plastic material. Before practical work, the child imagines which one form underlies the object (for a bird, the shape of an egg). A workpiece of this shape is rolled from the plastic material, slightly kneaded with the palms, the material warms up and becomes pliable. The child models the image from the workpiece, using the techniques of pulling, pinching, twisting, pushing.
Example. Modeling a sparrow in a sculptural way involves pulling out parts of the figure from an egg-shaped blank in the following order: neck, head and beak, wings, legs, tail.
Combined The combination in practical work of methods of constructive and sculptural methods to create an object. This method is most often used by older preschoolers. The child sculpts the main part of the figurine in a constructive way and complements it with separately molded details.
Example. To sculpt a cockerel from an egg-shaped blank, the body, head and neck of the bird are molded in a sculptural way, then wings and paws, a comb and a beard, and tail feathers are created and glued on.

Ways to sculpt a bird

Structural method Plastic method Combined method

Varieties of bird modeling

Pupils of the preparatory group are given freedom in thinking through the artistic concept, stages of work and techniques for its implementation. It is important that children have access to materials and tools. In the room where classes are held visual activity, it is recommended to arrange a rack or cabinet that would store everything you need to create a composition. Based on their taste preferences, assessment of their own abilities and the presented idea, the guys independently select plasticine for modeling, take tools, Additional materials For decoration. Also in the rack must be prepared various options for the base of the craft: a set of colored paper, cardboard, embossed paper or velvet paper. Children can take pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes to decorate the base from the cabinet with materials and tools for drawing. Sometimes plasticine crafts themselves are painted, most often in decorative modeling classes: the guys paint the finished figure or toy in the style of folk painting.

The theme "Birds" in long-term planning for modeling in the preparatory group

In the "Modeling" section of the program for educational field"Artistic and aesthetic development" in the preparatory group, the topic "Birds" is presented in many classes. It is revealed when learning to sculpt from life and by representation, creating images folk tales and works of art (including images in, decorative drawing.

Topic of the lesson Organizational form of activity Educational and development tasks
"Pets" Individual. Consolidation of the ability to sculpt the figure of a bird according to the presentation.
Development of the ability to convey the features of the structure of the body of a bird and the characteristic movements of a bird.
Improving the ability to decorate crafts with the help of tools and additional materials.
"Poultry yard" Collective. Consolidation of the ability to sculpt bird figures in motion according to the presentation.
Activation of interest in working in a subgroup.
Development of the ability to create a plot composition: displaying the relationship between the characters of the scene, the correct arrangement of the figures in the composition, the design of the basis of the work.
"Migratory Birds Fly" Collective. Improving the ability to convey the characteristic features of the structure and posture of birds in motion.
Development of group activity skills.
Development of interest in thinking through the basis of the composition (thematic or plot background).
Development of the ability to predict teamwork and analyze the results.
"Crow" Individual. Development of the ability to create an image artwork: the guys sculpt a crow based on the poem by A. A. Blok “Crow” (“Here is a crow on a sloping roof ...”).
Improving the ability to convey the characteristic features and pose of a bird.
The development of the ability to independently choose the method and techniques of modeling, materials and tools, to predict the stages of action.
"Sparrow" Individual. Development of the ability to create an image of a work of art: the guys sculpt a sparrow based on the poem by S. Ya. Marshak “Where did the sparrow dine?” from the cycle "Children in a Cage".

Improving the ability to create an individual composition (children can mold any animal from a poem who has a sparrow in a cage).
Development of the ability to combine in work different kinds visual activity: to design the basis of crafts, children can use the techniques of application, drawing, plasticineography.
"Duck" Individual. Development of the ability to create an image of a work of art: the children sculpt a duck based on the fairy tale by M. D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Gray Neck”. Variant of an individual task: in a subgroup of 2-3 people, the guys can create a plot scene based on the selected episode of the fairy tale.
Strengthening the skills of sculpting the figure of a bird in motion.
Improving the ability to draw up the basis of the composition, if necessary, involving the techniques of application, drawing or plasticineography.
"Owl" Individual.
"Titmouse" Individual. Improving the ability to sculpt a bird according to the idea.
Development of the ability to independently think over the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts, stages practical work, the method and techniques of modeling, the choice of materials, tools, natural materials and accessories to decorate the composition.
"Bullfinch" Individual / collective. Development of the ability to create an image of a work of art: the guys sculpt a sparrow according to the story of Yu. Dmitriev "Bullfinch".
Hone your skills in sculpting a bird in motion.
Improving the ability to create an individual composition: the bullfinch treats himself in the feeder, pecks at rebinas, sat on a spruce branch, etc.
The development of the ability to combine various types of visual activity in the work: to design the basis of crafts, children can use the techniques of application, drawing, plasticineography.
A variant of the assignment of a lesson on the topic “Bullfinch” can be the creation of a collective composition “Bullfinches on a mountain ash”: the guys jointly draw up a sheet of semi-paper as the basis of the composition (draw a watercolor background with transitions, a tree, using the plasticine technique, they can depict withered leaves or snow on branches, elements clusters of mountain ash are created in a plasticine mosaic), figurines of bullfinches are individually fashioned in various poses and placed in a common composition.
Development of the ability of collective activity: thinking through the idea, distribution of responsibilities.
Development of the ability to analyze the process and results of teamwork.
"Swan" ("Swan") Individual / collective. Improving the ability to sculpt a bird according to the idea. Development of the ability to independently think over the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts, the stages of practical work, the method and techniques of modeling, the choice of materials, tools, natural materials and accessories to decorate the composition.
It is possible to sculpt the image of a work of art: pupils are invited to portray the Swan Princess from A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".
A variant of an individual task for work in a subgroup: modeling the composition "Swan Lake".
"Petushka with family" Collective. Development of the ability to create a plot scene with joint efforts.
Strengthening the ability to sculpt poultry according to the presentation.
Development of the ability to create images of a work of art: the guys sculpt a scene from the story of K. D. Ushinsky "The Cockerel with the Family."
Formation of the ability to collectively think through the stages of work and create a common composition.
"Duck", "Turkey", "Rooster" Individual. Formation of the ability to sculpt the figure of a bird based on the Dymkovo toy.
Improving the ability to sculpt in a combined way: the main form of the Dymkovo toy is molded from a whole piece, details for the wings, sometimes the tail, are molded separately.

Development of interest in works folk art and the desire to create crafts based on the works of the Dymkovo masters.
"Kalinin birds" Individual. Formation of the ability to sculpt the figure of a bird based on the Tver (Kalinin) toy.
Improving the ability to sculpt in a combined way.
Developing the skill of painting a molded toy.
Development of interest in folk crafts and the desire to create crafts based on the work of Tver masters.

Motivating start of the lesson on the theme "Birds"

The initial stage of the modeling lesson should develop the pupils' motivation (interest and desire) to work with plastic materials. The most effective way to draw attention to creative process and activation of cognitive activity - the use of motivational material on preparatory stage classes. As a motivating start to the lesson, the teacher can apply a variety of techniques and attract additional equipment:

  • Visual material: looking at pictures and posters depicting birds, preparing an exhibition of toys and figurines, works folk craftsmen(for classes in decorative modeling), the study of illustrations for works, episodes from which the guys will create in plot modeling.
  • Conducting a conversation. Appeal to personal experience and the perception of pupils activates visual memory and is effective for subsequent modeling according to the presentation.
  • Usage literary texts: poems and excerpts from stories and fairy tales, according to which the task is given to mold a subject or plot composition.
  • Reading nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings, riddles about birds.
  • Using technical means: listening to songs about birds, audio recordings of bird voices, viewing slides on a projector.
  • Creation of surprise moments and problematic situations.
  • Carrying out outdoor and didactic games, thematic physical education sessions.

Examples of using motivational materials at the beginning of the lesson on the topic "Birds"

Topic of the lesson Motivating start to class
"Cockerel with his family", "The Swan Princess", "Grey Neck" Classes dedicated to sculpting plot compositions based on episodes or literary works should begin with a discussion of the text. The children are read excerpts describing the bird characters, you can first ask the guys to remember how they remembered the heroes. The use of visual material - illustrations for works is involved. In the form of an oral conversation, the teacher discusses with the children what scenes with the participation of birds can be molded, what materials will be used, what poses will need to be conveyed in the figures of birds.
“Migratory birds are flying”, “Bullfinch”, “Poultry”, “Birdyard” Older preschoolers know a lot about the characteristics of domestic, migratory and wintering birds, so it is recommended to start the lesson with a conversation:
What types of birds are domestic / migratory / wintering? What do the guys know about them?
For these topics, it is effective to conduct didactic games: “Find the differences in the pictures”, “Find the extra”, “Find a pair”, “Find the bird by the silhouette of the shadow”, etc.
There are also outdoor games on this topic.
Example. At the lesson on the topics "Poultry" and "Birdyard" the game "Cockfight" is held. Children are divided into pairs and stand facing each other. On command, everyone raises one leg and, jumping on the other leg, tries to make their partner lose balance. Whoever stands on both feet is out of the game.
"Owl", "Sparrow", "Titmouse", "Crow", "Bullfinch" It is recommended to involve small forms of oral folk art: nursery rhymes and sayings, riddles, songs.
Perhaps the creation of a surprise moment.
Example. At the beginning of the lesson on the topic “Titmouse”, there is a knock on the door, the Janitor enters the group (a real kindergarten janitor, whom the guys know, can be involved, you can be asked to play the role of a junior teacher or other employee of the institution). He brings a feeder and complains: children from different groups houses are incomprehensible, but why? The guys explain that these are not just houses, but feeders for wintering birds. The janitor is surprised: why is there no one in the feeders? The children notice that there is no food for the birds in the feeder. The janitor asks to help him lure the birds into the feeder so that funny bird songs sound on the territory of the garden. The guys sculpt figures of tits and place them in the feeder (the grains roll from small pieces of plasticine).

Creating a problem situation also effectively encourages children to creative activity.
Example. At the beginning of the lesson on the topic “Bullfinch”, the guys studied the illustration attached to the magnetic board with the image of bullfinches on rowan branches, a conversation was held on the picture, so the guys remembered the poster well. During the physical education exercise “Look at the branches - bullfinches in red T-shirts”, the junior teacher, who was informed in advance, quietly removes the poster from the board and hangs up a similar one, but without bullfinches. When the guys return to their workplaces, the teacher asks to look at the image of bullfinches again and start modeling birds. The guys immediately notice that the bullfinches have disappeared from the picture. The way out of the situation is to mold bullfinches from plasticine and return them to the poster.

"Kalinin birdies", "Dymkovo turkey" Classes in decorative modeling traditionally begin with the study and discussion of the features of folk art. An exhibition of Dymkovo / Kalinin toys can be prepared in advance in the playroom. The children can be shown a slide show on the projector with photographs of the work of folk craftsmen. Of particular importance in these classes is the sound of folk music.

Drawing up a summary on the topic "Birds"

The purpose of the classes on the topic "Birds": the creation of a subject or plot composition from plastic material.

Tasks: improving the ability to sculpt a bird figure from nature and from imagination; the formation of the ability to convey the figure of a bird in motion, to depict the characteristic movements of a bird; activization of interest in collective activity; developing the ability to jointly think through the concept and stages of practical work, distribute responsibilities and analyze the process and results of group activities; improving the skill of decorative modeling.

In accordance with hygienic requirements, a modeling lesson in the preparatory group lasts no more than 30 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  • Organizing time.
  • Motivating start.
  • Designation of the purpose and objectives of the lesson, oral instruction of the pupils in following the techno-maps for modeling or speaking with the children of the action plan for creating figures and their location on the basis.
  • Practical work.
  • Demonstration and discussion of finished works.
  • Summing up.

Abstract of an open integrated lesson on modeling and speech development in the preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard on the topic "Migratory bird - ice".
Consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about migratory birds.
Develop a desire to work with plastic material.
Develop fine motor skills.
Exercise children in the development of figurative and color perception of objects of the world around them.
Teach children to respect nature. Equipment Demonstration material with illustrations on migratory birds, birds - toys and figurines; audio recording of the voices and singing of birds (from the series "Voice of Nature"). preliminary work Bird watching during the walk; conversation about migratory birds; reading stories and poems about birds. Lesson progress The guys enter the group under an audio recording with bird singing.
Conducting a conversation:
Whose voices did you hear now? (bird)
What are the birds? (migratory and wintering)
What is the difference? (some fly away to warmer climes in autumn, others stay for the winter)
What do migratory and wintering birds have in common? (can sing and fly)
Physical education "Come on, birds, let's fly!"
The guys sit down for jobs. The teacher makes riddles about birds (cuckoo, crane, stork, heron, etc.) and asks what types of birds are mentioned in these riddles (about migratory).
Conducting a didactic game “Think and show”: the teacher calls the bird if it is migratory, the guys raise their hands up, if it is wintering, they put it on the desk.
Creating a surprise moment. A letter from Lebed is delivered to the group. He tells the children that at the beginning of autumn his flock went to a warm country, but at the end of the journey it turned out that one of the swans did not arrive. The swan asks the guys to help find the missing person.
The teacher and the children recall the structural features of the swan, discuss how to mold the figure of this bird from plasticine.
Fulfillment of a practical task - modeling swans. Fixing crafts on a common basis.
Discussion of the modeling process and finished works.
Summing up the lesson.

Finished work

Outline of a modeling lesson on the theme "Swan" in the preparatory group.

Target Creation of an image by the method of constructive modeling.
Tasks Formation of the ability to sculpt from a whole piece.
Strengthening sculpting skills with various techniques.
Development of fine motor skills and compositional abilities.
Consolidation and systematization of children's knowledge about migratory birds.
Upbringing good relations to the birds.
preliminary work Talk about migratory birds, look at pictures, read fairy tales G-X. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling".
Lesson progress Consideration of illustrations depicting swans, discussion of the structural features of this species of birds.
The teacher invites the children to remember the fairy tale " Ugly duck and how the swan was described there.
Physical education "Swans".
Practical work. The teacher invites the children to mold the figure of a swan according to the idea, discuss the stages of sculpting parts (torso, neck, head, wings) or pronounce the actions proposed by the technical map.
Finger gymnastics "Bird".
Completion of the task by the guys, which is interrupted by a dynamic pause "We use Clap-Clap hands."
Placement of crafts on a common basis.
Discussion of finished works.

Collective Composition Example

Finished work

A step-by-step procedure for performing crafts and technical maps on the theme "Birds"

"Ducks" ("Ducks are flying", "Migratory birds are flying") with the design of the basis for the composition

Modeling of the bird figure will be carried out in a sculptural way - from one piece
Make an egg shape
Stretch the neck, blind the head and beak
Pull out and mold the tail
Stretch and mold the wings
Make eyes with a pointed stick
Ready-made figures Fold a sheet of watercolor paper in a corner Make a blue background - the sky Make a line of the earth Drawing the background - forest Draw a tree on foreground from which the birds will take off We fold the workpiece at an angle, fix the plasticine crafts The finished composition

"Poultry" ("Turkey", "Goose", "Chicken") with the composition "Poultry Yard"

Making an egg shape
Stretching the head and neck
Stretching the paws
We attach a cone-shaped part - a beak
We stick "snot"
Rolling up the parts for the wings
We form and attach the wings to the body
We roll and flatten two parts for the tail
Attaching the first row of tail feathers
Attach the second row of tail feathers
We roll up and fasten the balls - eyes
Draw the wings with a pointed stick
We make out the tail
Making claws on paws
Turkey is ready
Details for sculpting a goose in a combined way
We pull out the neck and head from the workpiece
Pulling out the tail
Forming wings
We attach the wings to the body
Attaching the beak
We attach eyes
We roll out the cylinders
We form paws
goose ready
Details for sculpting chicken in a combined way
Pulling out the tail
Stretching and shaping the paws
Stretching the head and neck
We attach the neck and head to the body
We form the wings with a stack
Lubricate the wings
Shaping the comb and beard
Attaching the comb and beard
Attaching the beak
We attach the eyes. chicken is ready
Roll out sausages
We make a fence from the details, fasten on the basis
We roll up balls - grains We arrange the figures of birds on the basis in characteristic poses

"The Swan Princess" (with the design of the basis for the composition)

Details for sculpting a swan Stretch the neck, form the head Stretch the tail, form the torso Glue the neck to the body Sculpt the wings Glue the wings Glue the “mask” element Attach the beak Attach the eyes For the base, take a sheet of cardboard or paper Apply plasticine with strokes of blue color We apply strokes of blue color Roll out sausages from green plasticine
We make out the basis
We arrange the swan figurine on the basis
Enhanced version with a crown

“Kalinin Birds” (procedure for modeling a Tver rooster with painting a figurine based on folk art)

Details for sculpting the Kalinin turkey in a combined way
We stretch the neck and head, form the torso
We fashion a kokoshnik
We lubricate the kokoshnik
We fashion the tail
Lubricate the tail
Mixing warm and light shades of brown
We paint the body, neck and head brown
The tail and kokoshnik are painted in blue
Paint the beak yellow
Draw a flower and dots in white
We draw a frill and a pattern on the kokoshnik and tail blue color
On top of the blue, we apply the elements of the pattern with white paint.
We decorate the edge of the tail and kokoshnik with yellow dots
Draw a red element in the center
We draw eyes. Turkey is ready
