We draw and color a fox in a scarf in stages for children (detailed lesson). We draw a beautiful fox with a pencil, even if you are not an artist at all How to draw a fox with a pencil in stages

How easy it is to draw a fox with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. Learning to draw in stages with a pencil beautiful fox together with the child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful fox.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw, especially children, they are interested in learning how to draw not only people, houses, flowers, but also different animals.

Today we will see how you can easily and quickly learn how to draw a fox. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the fox is drawn. Look at the location of the fox, how and where the fox has different parts of the body.

The fox's body is drawn in the center of the picture, the fox's head is on the left, the fox's tail is on the right, the fox's paws are drawn below. Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the fox's body.

Start drawing the fox from the body, it consists of two circles, there should be a small distance between the circles, draw one circle more, the second smaller, connect these two circles with lines above and below.

Now, to the left of the fox's body, draw a small circle - this will be the fox's head and connect the fox's head and body with a line.

Draw the muzzle of the fox, it should be a little elongated and pointed, draw four paws, the front paws are drawn straight, and the hind legs are slightly curved.

Now draw the muzzle of the fox, first draw the ear, it is drawn in the form of a triangle standing up.

Draw the eye in the form of a small oval, elongated along the edges of the eyes and draw the fox's eyebrows and pupil.

See what the fox's nose should be, correct the fox's muzzle and draw the tip of the nose. Everything that needs to be drawn in the figure is highlighted in red.

Draw the second ear of the fox, it should be triangular, standing, shade both ears a little.

Connect the head of the fox and the body, apply a small hatch so that the fur of the fox can be seen, draw the mouth of the fox.

Now draw the front paw of the fox and fingers on the front paw, draw the hind paw. Everything that needs to be drawn in the figure is highlighted in red.

Draw all four paws of the fox, put a small stroke on the paws so that the fox's hair can be seen, draw fingers on the fox's paws.

At the end of the fox's body, draw a large fluffy tail, put a small stroke on it so that it can be seen that the tail is fluffy. Everything that needs to be drawn in the figure is highlighted in red.

Erase the extra lines in the picture, look what a beautiful fox you have. The fox can be colored or shaded a little.

Now let's see how you can draw a little fox

Look carefully at the picture in which the fox is drawn, the body of the fox occupies the lower part of the picture, and the head and tail of the fox occupy the upper part of the picture.

First draw the head of the fox cub, the head should be drawn in the form of an oval on the left side, stretch the oval a little, so that later you can draw the muzzle of the fox cub.

Draw the ears of the fox, the ears should be drawn in the form of small ovals located towards the top, the bottom of the ovals should be more round, and the top of the ovals should be slightly pointed. The ears of the fox in the figure are drawn in red.

Now draw the fox's torso, it should be located below, under the fox's head, in the picture the fox's torso slightly intersects with the fox's head and is drawn in red.

Draw a fox's paws, three paws should be drawn in the figure, the fourth paw is not visible, because the fox is standing sideways. The fox paws in the figure are drawn in red.

Now the fox needs to draw a tail. Draw the tail of the fox cub on the right side, it should be large, fluffy, slightly bent to the top. In the picture, the tail of the fox cub is drawn in red.

Look at the contour of the fox cub, it needs to be corrected a little, draw the inside of the fox's ears, outline the fox cub brighter.

Draw the eye of the fox, the tip of the nose and the mouth. In the figure, everything that needs to be drawn is highlighted in red.

Look closely at your fox, erase the extra lines and circle the outline of the fox again. Look what a beautiful fox you have.

The fox can be painted in any color you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a fox and a fox step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw. We wish you good luck in your future work.

Thanks to today's photo tutorial, you will learn how to draw a fox with pencils. The technique of drawing such a fox is very simple, so even a child can draw an animal.

For work, we must prepare the following materials:

  • white paper and medium density;
  • colour pencils;
  • eraser and pencil.

So let's sketch with a simple pencil. Sketch out the head and torso first.

Then draw the outline of the fur.

The sketch is ready!

Now in yellow we make light accents on the muzzle and ears of the fox.

With the help of an orange pencil, we paint over the picture, but not completely! The inner part of the ears, the lower part of the muzzle, the tip of the tail and paws do not need to be painted over with an orange tone. Pencil strokes should follow the direction of hair growth.

Outline the eye contour with a black pencil, creating small arrows on the outer corners of the eyes.

We also draw pupils and a nose in black.

Let's leave a small highlight on the fox's nose.

Then we outline the outline of our entire picture.

We draw the fox's paws with a brown pencil, making a smooth transition to a red tint.

And then with a black pencil we again outline the outline of the lower part of the paws.

On the ears, with an orange pencil, draw the outline of the coat.

To make the picture look more complete, we create a horizon in the picture.

We create a background with light strokes. You can use any shade of pencil to draw the background. A barely noticeable shadow is created on the plane under the fox.

That's it, the fox is ready!

Then you can show your imagination and add more graphics in the background of the picture. But you should not overload the picture with details and clear contours, otherwise the main element of the picture (in our case, the fox) will simply be lost against their background.

Everyone can draw a fox, the main thing is to study her photos on the Internet, or it’s better to visit the zoo and watch this red animal in its natural habitat. When drawing a fox, pay more attention to drawing its body. It is small, subtle. A distinctive feature inherent in all foxes is a large fluffy tail, thin paws in elegant dark “socks”, a pointed muzzle and large ears. Carefully study the lessons we have proposed and you will definitely be able to draw a fox.

Foxes live on every continent except Antarctica and thrive in cities, towns and rural areas. But despite all the knowledge that humanity has regarding these red pranksters, they invariably remain a mystery to us. Below are a few facts about these elusive beasts.

1. Single foxes.

Foxes are part of the canine family, which means they are related to wolves, jackals, and dogs. They are of medium size, their weight varies from 7 to 15 pounds, the muzzle of the foxes is pointed, the ears are quite large and set high on the head, the tail is fluffy and long. But unlike their relatives, foxes are not pack animals. While raising their young, they live in small fox families in deep underground burrows. Freed from their conjugal duties, foxes hunt and sleep alone.

2. Foxes have a lot in common with cats.

Like cats, foxes are most active after sunset, mostly at night. Due to the special vertical structure of the pupil, foxes can see objects perfectly even in dim light. Their hunting process is similar to that of a cat. Foxes persistently wait and grab their prey.

And that's just a minor resemblance. Like a cat, a fox has sensitive hairs and spikes on its tongue. She walks on her toes, which makes her gait elegant and light, in the manner of a cat. And what's more, foxes have the same retractable claws that allow them to climb the surface, climb the roofs of houses or trees. Some foxes even sleep in trees - just like cats do.

3. The red fox is the most common type of fox.

The red fox has the widest geographical distribution range. While its natural habitat is a mixed landscape of bush and forest, its flexible diet allows the red fox to adapt to a variety of habitats. As a result, the range of the fox includes the entire Northern Hemisphere, from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America and the Asian steppes. It is also common in Australia, where it is considered an invasive species.

4. Foxes use the earth's magnetic field.

Like a guided missile, the fox uses the earth's magnetic field to hunt. Other animals such as birds, sharks, turtles have this special "magnetic sense", but the fox is the first animal to use this sense to catch prey.

According to research, a fox can see the Earth's magnetic field as a "shadow ring" in front of its eyes, which darkens when it turns its head to the north, magnetic side. When the shadow and sound of the victim join in 1 line, it means it's time to pounce.

5. Foxes are good parents.

Foxes breed once a year. From one to 11 cubs (on average six) appear in one litter, which are born blind and do not open their eyes until nine days have passed after birth. During this time, they stay with the mother fox in the hole while the father fox brings them food. They live with their parents until they are seven months old. The fox protects her cubs with amazing dedication. Not so long ago, a fox cub was caught in a trap in England. He survived because the fox brought him food every day for two weeks.

6. The smallest fox weighs 3 pounds.

This is a fox - Fenech. Its size is approximately equal to the size of a kitten. Fenech has elongated ears and a cream fur coat. It lives in the Sahara Desert where it sleeps during the day to protect itself from the scorching heat. Its ears not only allow it to hear its prey, they also radiate body heat, which helps keep the fox thermoregulated. Its paws are covered with fur, which allows the fox to walk on hot sand like people wear snowshoes.

7. Foxes are playful.

Foxes are known for their friendliness and curiosity. They play among themselves as well as with other animals like cats and dogs. They love balls, which they often steal from golf courses.

Despite the fact that foxes are wild animals, their relationship with humans goes the other way. In 2011, researchers dug up a grave in a 16,500-year-old cemetery in Jordan to find the remains of a man and his pet fox. It was 4000 years before the first a famous person and the dog were buried together.

"Mom, draw!"

Every mother sooner or later hears from her child the cherished "Mom, draw me ...". And there are a lot of options for ending this phrase. Children are asked to draw a flower, a tree, a house, a dog, a cat, a butterfly and many other things. For parents who are not deprived of artistic talent, it will not be difficult to translate any request of their baby on paper. But what about those who can't draw? It remains only to learn how to portray all this. In many cartoons, there is such a character as a fox or a fox. How to draw a fox, we will discuss today. Everything is very simple. It is enough to follow the instructions, doing everything carefully and slowly. I want to offer several options for how to draw a fox with a pencil.

Fairy fox with mom

The cutest and most suitable drawing for children - a fox with a mother - is performed in several stages.

STEP 1. Let's start the drawing with four circles, two for each animal that we are going to draw. Connecting the circles to each other, we denote the lines of the neck. This will be helpful for the next step.

Step 2 Now we'll turn the top right circle into the mother fox's head. Let's place her face in profile. Then we will sketch the ears.

Step 3. Having drawn the contour of the face and ears, we apply additional lines to the latter. After that, we proceed to the image of the eye, nose and antennae. We finish on this work on the muzzle of the fox.

Step 4. In this step, we will give the bottom circle the shape of the fox's body. Carefully draw the torso the same as in the picture in front of you. Draw a tail large and fluffy.

Step 5 Draw small curved lines for the animal's thighs. Next, draw the necessary additional lines on the tail. Having completed this work on the adult fox, we move on to the fox.

Step 6. We draw his head, muzzle, ears and, of course, do not forget about the fluffy cheek.

Step 7. We put additional lines on the ears, draw his eyes, nose and antennae. Completely finish the muzzle of the fox.

Step 8. Now draw the torso, focusing again on the sample. Let's add a lush and beautiful ponytail. We draw all additional lines on the tail and torso.

Step 9. Let's clear the drawing from unnecessary details with the help of an eraser and outline the outline of the drawing more clearly. Now you can color your masterpiece.

I offer another option on how to draw a fox.

How to draw a fox in stages? The following method will help create a red-haired beauty, more like a real beast, and not a fairy-tale character.

Fox from the triangle

Here's an alternative - how to draw a fox, starting with a triangle instead of a circle. We make sketches. Draw a small triangle. We add two small triangles to it - ears. Next, draw a line of the neck, back and draw the tail. Then - a sketch of the front paw, then the back and the two remaining. Outline the lines, smoothing them and giving them more soft shapes. We draw a muzzle, finishing the eyes, nose, antennae. We bring to final version ears and paws of the depicted animal. We do hatching for wool.

Our wonderful fox is ready!

Now we will look at how to draw a real fox with a pencil step by step for beginners. The fox belongs to the canine family, which also includes wolves and dogs.

Step 1. We draw a circle, divide it with straight lines, mark with dashes where the eyes of the fox should be, and draw them, then draw the nose and muzzle.

Step 2. First, draw the forehead, then the ears, then the hairs in the ears. We paint over the side parts of the eyes, draw the lines around the eyes, then draw the hair of the head with separate lines.

Step 3. We draw a mustache, hair on the muzzle, which separates the color from the fox, a little hair on the head and below.

Step 4. First we draw the back, then the bottom line, the curves should not be drawn too much, because we will erase some of them.

Step 5. We draw paws and a tail at a fox, we draw paws not completely since. the fox is standing in the snow.

Step 6. We look at the picture, erase the lines and in their place draw the wool with separate small curves. We also make the tail magnificent.

Step 7. We finalize the picture, we also make wool on the legs, draw lines near the legs, showing that the legs have gone deep into the snow, you can also draw a snow mound with blades of grass on foreground. So we learned how to draw a fox.
