Amr 98 numbers what do they mean. What do different car numbers mean: AMP, ECX, TFR, etc.

AAA78- "Sobchakovsky" series, A.A. Sobchak (the first and last mayor of St. Petersburg) went to a999aa78 this series has been replaced by OOO78. On this moment the series is widely sold, part of the group is still on the balance sheet of Smolninskoye State Unitary Enterprise and other executive authorities of St. Petersburg.

AAA98- (almost complete replacement of O *** OO78) - Administration of St. Petersburg, owned by Smolninskoye State Unitary Enterprise, as well as interspersed vehicles of some Federal services, federal agencies, Federal State Unitary Enterprise, inclusions of private traders, for example. а023аа98 - а027аа98 - one commercial bank. It is difficult to get such numbers, but it is possible.

OOO78- most of the GRZ was given to private owners, a significant amount remained with the administration of St. 1996-2003).

OOO98- partly the Government of St. Petersburg, federal services and agencies, widespread among private traders, for example, o001oo98 - the head of OOO TD Lukoil-Neva. Affiliation O9**OO98 traditional - FSO;You will never see the series on private cars OOO98, whose numbers start with 9 - these cars are listed in the fleet of the Federal Security Service, and, as they say, are not sold for any money.

OOO47- most of the GRZ are held by private traders, but there are exceptions, for example. o020ko47 - Prosecutor's Office of Leningrad Region.

OKO98- Numbers of this series belong to the prosecutor's office. They are assigned the first 200 numbers (001-099 Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg, 100-199 Prosecutor's Office Leningrad region). The issuance of the GRZ of this series to individuals is carried out only by a letter signed by the prosecutor of one of the named subjects of the Russian Federation. 2**, 3**, 7** - Federal Bailiff Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. o9 ** ko98 - Judicial Department under the RF Armed Forces. Rooms are for sale, but expensive.

OKO78- FSB - at 7 ** (if the car is "correct"), the Ministry of Justice - at 8 **, FAPSI (until 2003) and the Federal Courier Service - at 9 **, there are other institutions, for example o515ko78 - State Customs Committee "Russia", o1**ko78 - there are vehicles of the military prosecutor's office, o2**ko78 - many vehicles of federal services and agencies. The series is not cheap.

OSK98- partial replacement of o *** ko98 in April-May 2008. Affiliation Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor General's Office. The series was launched in the spring of 2008. Most of the vehicles were transferred to this series with the preservation of the figures of the group.

OKS98- Constitutional Court Russian Federation, launched in May-June 2008 (regional replacement for moo77 FGU ATK UD of the President of the Russian Federation), as well as some of the institutions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

OOA98- the first 50 GRZ from the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (due to certain reasons o001oa98 - the wife of the chairman of the Legislative Assembly Tyulpanova), up to 199 - according to the letters of the Legislative Assembly, after private traders and enterprises, for example. Baltika, Special Materials, etc. HPartially belongs to the administration, lower ranks of vice-governors and the leadership of committees, partially given to law enforcement agencies. It is not uncommon for cars of this series to be “issued” to private firms for representative purposes.

OOA78- earlier ZAKS of St. Petersburg up to 200, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Treasury Department, LenEnergo (o07 * oa78), State Unitary Enterprises (for example, o43 * oa78 - GUP TEK) have it. And what applies to OOA98 .

OOA47- o001oa47 and o099oa47 - Governor of the Leningrad Region. V. P. Serdyukov, and everything between these two numbers is the administration of the Leningrad Region; part of the hundreds in the spring of 2009 was given to private traders.

JSC78- a lot of security forces, for example, 7** - partially FSB, 6** - Customs, GUIN, etc.

JSC47- similar to the 78th region.

JSC98- a relatively new series (February 2009), has a mixed private-departmental affiliation. o7**ao98 is traditionally left to the state security agencies. The first number in the oao78 series was issued in 2007 (presumably o6 ** ao98 is an Infiniti car, but has never been seen on the streets).

OAA98- "Bugrovskaya" series, interspersed with special vehicles (FSB of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) in every hundred.

OOS78- the administration was under Sobchak, something is thematic even now, the SES, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and closed enterprises have it, for example, o100os78 - the number of V.V. Putin when he was the first deputy mayor of St. Petersburg for external relations; according to tradition, they also have o7 ** os78. o001os78 director of the Ice Palace.

OOS98- issued in the MREO in the general queue and sold inexpensively to those who "did not have time." It has nothing to do with 78.

OCM78- Former numbers of Smolny. When Matvienko came, everyone was transferred to this series, now OCM78 The 7th and 9th hundreds partially remained with the FSB, the rest of the numbers are widely distributed, but there are also themed cars, such as traffic police evacuators etc.

OCM98- Fully commercial series, to OCM78 has nothing to do, everything is sold and never met on themed cars.

OTU47 OTU78- North-Western Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia up to 200 (operational customs), the rest was allowed into a private series through simple MREO.

UN78- the former tax police, now partly the Federal Tax Service (STC) and the Federal Tax Service, could be bought through the 6th MREO, or you could just get under the distribution.

UN98- GosNarkoKontrol (GNK), the first few hundred on department vehicles, most often on Zhiguli from kopecks to viburnums with priors.IN Lately came into vogue with the private sector. They say that ruining the facade of such a car is considered mandatory for all drug addicts in the city. o001on98 from Tyulpanov, o100on98 from Bugrov S.I., some figures from those close to him. After 200 on sale. Inexpensive series.

ECX98- Until 2010, the series did not find wide circulation, 5-10 issues were issued, and only the "closest" ones according to the so-called. special order, then completely sold as a beautiful one. Series numbers ECX178 issued in general order in the windows of MREO, but also successfully sold as beautiful ones.

OOM98- A series belonging to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the first head office, the second - to district divisions. Partial replacement of the blue r **** 78, district members and wealthy private traders.

OOM78- there is the GUIN, the FSB (171, 173, etc.) have now been transferred to a *** mr97, the Federal Tax Service and the prosecutor's office (private owners have a lot), it is thematic and o016om78, everyone saw this MLku with beacons (FSB).

OOM47- similar to the 78th region, but also found on private traders.

OTT78- the former traffic cop from 100, the embassy had a couple of cars in the first hundred, and to this day there are 02 * left, now there are a lot of private traders, but they also come across in state institutions and special services.

OTT98- former numbers UGIBDD in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. However, 0 ** and 9 ** those who went on flag numbers and cool comers, at the embassy 06 * and 07 *, o100tt98 - according to tradition, at S. I. Bugrov. Most of them are currently sold out.

OSA98- came to replace OTT98(April-May 2008), UGIBDD St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. o0 ** sa98 to the “correct” cars of “their people”, for example, o022 sa98 Mikhail Boyarsky, o100 sa98 at S. I. Bugrov, head of the traffic police of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. o101ca98, o102ca98, o103ca98, o104ca98 - Bugrov's deputies (thanks to these numbers, they received nicknames from some ordinary traffic police inspectors, like the hundredth, one hundred second, one hundred third, etc.) 0 ** ca98, o8 ** ca98 and o9 * * sa98 and some others - hundreds for private traders. The series was actively sold and at one time was the most expensive and gave greatness to their owners, who considered themselves untouchable on the road with these numbers (for the time being).

OSA78- fake under the 98th region. They were issued for free, but after the popularity of OCA98, they began to actively go from hand to hand from those that did not have time to cut.

OTT47- partially replacing the blue numbers, most of the private owners.

State car numbers contain a lot of information about the vehicle and its owner. Essentially pierce the GRZ using modern technologies, presents no great difficulty.

But we are only talking about signs belonging to ordinary people. Difficult ones prefer to put thieves' numbers on cars. Why and for what - we understand!

Most registration car signs in the Russian Federation are standard and are determined by GOSTs. They are deciphered quite simply, and this information is available to everyone. A series of car numbers consists of 3 letters and 3 numbers, on the right side of the sign is the flag of the Russian Federation, an alphabetic code, as well as the code of the region where the car was registered.

Drivers, when registering their car, rarely think about how many letters are used in the license plate, and why. For GRZ, 12 Cyrillic letters are used, having same spelling in the Latin alphabet: A, B, E, K, M, H, O, R, C, T, U and X.

Signs are now being made of aluminum, which has replaced Soviet-style steel state signs. Also, a reflective film is used for production, which allows you to clearly see the sign in the dark.

At the beginning of the 90s, the codes of the regions were not encrypted as they are now: each region was assigned its own serial number from 1 to 89, but with an increase in the number of transport, there were not enough signs. In this regard, in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, additional codes began to be introduced at the GRP, and subsequently switched to three-digit numbers. So, Moscow uses codes 77, 99, 97, 177, 199, 197, 777, 799.

If you see a car with the code 50, 90, 190, this means that the car is registered in the Moscow region. Each vehicle is registered in the general traffic police database and, knowing the region codes, you can decipher government number car, to understand where this or that driver came from.

Be careful with these.

Since 2015, thanks to the introduction of the ability to save license plates, transit numbers have practically gone out of circulation. They are used exclusively for cars that are exported abroad.

But everything is different in a series of transport numbers belonging to various government agencies and organizations. Also, such license plates are also used by individuals who have blat in the traffic police, as well as blue state signs of cars that have fallen into the bases of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. How they are deciphered, what the XP series means and much more, read on.

Who better not to butt on the road

In Russia there is such a bitter joke: "Before the law, everyone is equal, but some are more equal." Likewise on the road. Cars of deputies, officials of all ranks, internal services, other federal structures, as well as the Presidential Administration - they all have a number of advantages, and therefore on the road too.

We offer you a table on how the state numbers of cars of the highest ranks of power are deciphered, what letters on them will tell you to stay away from these vehicles.

Series Decryption
ECX99, ECX97 Vehicles belong to the Federal Security Service.
HKH77 Partially owned by the FSB, the rest were sold to individuals.
AMP97 Cars that previously had flag numbers other than AAA FL. They belong to the Government of the Russian Federation, the Presidential Administration, including private GRZ of the first persons and their attendants.
AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, COO77, CCC77, Vehicles of motor transport or courier service, the Ministry of Communications - their vehicles are equipped with beacons. There are no advantages on the road.
KOO77 Partly from the employees of the Constitutional Court, partly from private individuals.
AKP177, WKP177, EKR177, KKP177, MP77, VMP77, KMP77, MMP77, OMP77, TMP77, AMM77 Former blue numbers, partially sold to citizens who have connections with the State traffic inspectorate.
PMP77 A series of vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the prosecutor's office and other departments with immunity.
AMO77 Moscow City Hall employees
NAA99, TAA99, CAA99, XAA99 Company car series, access to information only upon written request.
AMM99 Partly at the deputies of the Moscow City Council.
CCC99 The cars belong to the tax police, customs and security agencies.
EP177 TS of party deputies "United Russia". Unofficially stands for "United Russia Goes".

It is noteworthy that many of these thieves' numbers are used by private individuals, including cars with AMP series numbers that have immunity on the road.


It is very important for any driver to know who is next to you on the road, and no matter how sad it may be, it is better not to run into people from the highest echelons of power.

Car registration plates with similar series are not issued to everyone, but only to people of a certain level. When you get into an accident with such a car, you should be very careful, because the owner may have a cronyism in the traffic police, and you may be charged with guilt when you have not violated anything.

Take care of yourself and be careful!

Every car owner, with or without experience, knows that a car is not just a pile of iron. Each car has its own character, features and even temperament. It can exhibit "unusual" behavior, depending on who controls it and is in it. When choosing a car, it will not be superfluous to carefully examine its state number. This digital code affects the life and fate of the future owner of the car. Exact car by number will be able to open more secrets.

Numerology: how to calculate the number of a car?

A numerological interpretation of the car number is necessary for those who are just about to purchase a new “iron horse” or note the beginning of troubles associated with the car in their lives. Often a strong and intimate bond is formed between the owner and his vehicle. It's easy to explain: human life often depends on the machine he drives.

It is not difficult to calculate the numerological code of a car. Pythagoras, the founder of the theory of numerology, argued that human destiny is encrypted in one simple number, whose name is "the number of fate." The same can be said about the car. How to calculate this code for your car?

The classic version of the numerological calculation

To do this, you need to add up all the numbers that make up the number of the car. Consider the resulting result as two numbers and add them again until a prime number is reached.

For example, in the number there is a sequence of numbers - 234. We add it up: 2 + 3 + 4. Result: 9. This number 9 will be the number of the fate of your car. The characteristics of each number can be carefully studied below.

If the total is 11 or 22, then you do not need to add their numbers. This is a sacred number, which is interpreted as strengthening the meaning of "one" or "two".

Numerology by alphanumeric car code

It is known that each letter hides a certain number. You can find it from the table:

Cyrillic and Latin letters

If the spelling of the letters in Cyrillic and Latin is the same, then you need to add up the numerical values ​​​​depending on the country of manufacture of the car. So a foreign car must be read in Latin, and a car made in Russia or the CIS countries in Cyrillic.

1 - the figure of the leader, reliability and durability. This car rarely fails. Brings happiness and success to the owner. This car cannot be given as a gift and it is better not to sell it for a longer time - you can part with your luck with it.

2 - symbolizes harmony and balance. A machine with a pliable character. Behind the wheel of such a car, peace and tranquility are felt.

3 - car-surprise. Before the most important trip, it may break down or simply not start. However, it contains the energy of money and fame. You just need to learn how to direct this energy in your direction.

4 - emergency. Do not be surprised if you get into frequent but minor accidents on it. Rarely stays with one owner.

5 - ideal for long trips. One of the happiest as a "family" car. Flexible and reasonable, like a person.

6 - long-liver. Cars with this number serve their owner for a long time. It is noted that this sign also passes to the owner of the car, who also lives long and in good health.

7 - capricious character. There will be problems with the body, perhaps the early appearance of rust. Requires careful care, be sure to frequently wash inside and out.

8 - tumbleweed. Such a machine often changes its owner, although externally and internally it is usually successfully and conscientiously done. Such a car must be decorated with amulets or consecrated.

9 - lucky. Brings good luck to its owner. Major breakdowns and accidents are rare. This car is not often stopped by the police. Even the owner himself behind the wheel will be easy, free and comfortable.

IN Chinese philosophy all numbers endow living and non-living objects with two types of energies: the female "Yin" and the male "Yang". In some cases, they can balance each other, sometimes one of them prevails over the other.

To find out the fate of a car, from the point of view of the Chinese sages, you must first of all carefully consider the digital code:

The predominance of Yin energy promises a great future for the car. This car will be especially successful for travelers. Most often a family car or for one owner who will treat it like a person. You need constant care, which consists not only in changing the oil and filters, but also keeping the car clean.

The energy of "Yang" is contained in an ambitious and strong car with leadership qualities, which in capable hands can enrich the owner. A car with this number is best suited for business, cargo transportation or as a taxi. Everyone will call him workhorse, which will serve faithfully. Often cars with such energy belong to law enforcement agencies or high-ranking officials.

How to calculate the compatibility of a car and its owner by license plate?

Knowing the compatibility of the car and the owner, from the point of view of numerology, is very important for the successful use of a technical tool. Not only the number of breakdowns, the size of the amount that can be earned with the help of this machine depends on this, but also the life and health of a person and his loved ones. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to correlate the number of the fate of the selected car and its owner.

To do this, you need to count your destiny number: add up each of the numbers (day, month, year). For example, if a person was born on March 2, 1978, then it would look like this: 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 30. Reduce to a simple number: 3 + 0 = 3.

If the number of a person's destiny, in this case- 3, matches the digital code of the car, then the purchase and use of this car is considered favorable. good sign there will also be the presence of the number of a person's fate in the state number. So, for example, the number 300 and the number of a person 3 are perfect compatibility.

Car numerology by number can not only help to make right choice when buying, but also explain the reasons for the frequent breakdowns or accidents of the "iron horse". Perhaps the car should be changed. If the car was bought in the salon and you received a state number when registering, be sure to calculate the number of fate. This will help you not to make mistakes and prevent any troubles.

Labeled by the authorities - this is how license plates belonging to law enforcement agencies and government agencies are called in the capital. They have more than fifty thousand cars. However, less than a third of them actually belong to the rightful owners. Most sold to corrupt officials, businessmen and members of criminal communities.

"I'm going as I please"

This is how the numbers of the E *** KX77 and 99 series, belonging to the FSO of Russia, are deciphered. Traffic police officers always forgive them everything. Due to their status and lack of corruption in the department, it is very difficult to buy them, theoretically impossible. There are cases when numbers were given for services. According to our data, the cost of a room of the coolest series can be about $70,000.

Things are a little easier with the X *** KX77 and 99 series. They belong to the FSB. Buying them is difficult and expensive, but possible (about 40,000 green). The letter of receipt is signed by the top management of these services.

Series C *** SS77 ("three seeds") belongs to the Center for Special Communications, the Courier Service and the Ministry of Communications. In Moscow and the region, such cars do not slow down. Issue price from 4000 USD

Series C *** SS99 belongs to the tax police, customs, GUIN and GOKHRAN. It costs less - about three thousand "green".

The K *** KK99 series was originally given to Feldsvyaz, FAPSI. famous musician Yeltsin personally helped Yuri Bashmet to get the number K765KK99 for his Bentley for outstanding services. Cost 2500 USD
Beautiful, but without special privileges

Pleasing to the eye, the order of numbers on the license plate of the car is the lowest step in the hierarchy of the “labeled”. Their cost varies from 50 rubles to 600 USD. Getting these numbers is easy. To do this, when registering a car, you need to approach any employee of the MREO and tearfully ask for your favorite combination of numbers. After a little thought, the traffic cop will appoint you the day, time and amount of money with which you need to come.

Rooms with three the same numbers(for example, 555, 666) or starting and ending with two zeros (007, 100) are sold at a price of 200 to 600 dollars. As for the privileges, they are minimal: in Moscow they may not be stopped once again at the post. In the regions, traffic police officers, on the contrary, will once again stop you to look at the “thieves”.

Very beautiful numbers will cost you between $700 and $1,500. Numbers in *999**99 or *777**77 format are difficult to obtain. They work mainly for the prestige of the owner in the eyes of his environment. In the capital and the region, they rarely slow down.

Beautiful numbers also include: XXX, HNN, UUU, EEE. They belong to private owners and do not apply to traffic police officers.
"Olga" fell in price

Until 1993, there was no fashion for a special series of numbers. "Cool" were the MOL, MOS, MKM and ISS series, hanging on cars of law enforcement agencies. These numbers were not for sale. They were donated by great friendship or for services rendered.

Everything changed with the advent of numbers new series with three numbers and three letters. For example, on the first car of the former head of the traffic police of Russia, Lieutenant General Vladimir Fedorov, the number o100oo77 flaunted, although this series was originally intended for the FSB.

The market reacted immediately to the appearance of numbers with "three olgas". They immediately reached their price maximum. For three years, they were in demand, and they were not sold for less than six thousand greenbacks. Some cars were not slowed down by anyone, never and nowhere.

A brisk trade in FSB numbers led to the fact that the Chekists themselves had only 60 such numbers left. In the 98th year, they were immediately removed from the department, and at the same time the persecution began on the happy owners of the "three ole". Particularly "fierce" was the Special Purpose Battalion (BON), reporting directly to the head of the traffic police Fedorov. Such cars were delayed for several hours until the identity of the owner and passengers was fully clarified. Now the cost of such rooms "fell" to 4000-4500 thousand dollars.

O *** OO 97, which appeared last year, is even cheaper - about three thousand dollars. Their owners are mostly artists. For example, on the “Hummer” jeep of the singer Alexander Malinin, the numbers 003 flaunt along with the “olgs”. On the “Bentley” of the parodist Maxim Galkin, 070 hangs.

Unlike the "three ol" series: A *** OO77, B *** OO77, M *** OO77 and C *** OO77 enjoy authority, as they belong to the garage of the Presidential Administration.

Numbers A *** AA 77 are mostly owned by private owners. They are very popular with wealthy citizens. In addition to the representative function, they do not carry anything else. Well, maybe outside the Moscow Ring Road they are still afraid to stop such cars. But the metropolitan traffic police slow down, check, fine. The owners, who laid out a round sum, are then surprised for a long time. As soon as this series appeared, misinformation was launched around the city: like these are the numbers of the presidential administration, which means they are inviolable. Businessmen rushed to buy them.

Numbers A***AA99 cost about four thousand dollars. Some of the rooms are in commercial use, but the FSB also has them. Quoted above 77. The authority was raised by the former head of the Moscow traffic police, Nikolai Arkhipkin, who used such a series. But series 97 is at the mercy of very prominent figures. In particular, it hangs on the number 220 of Pugacheva's Mercedes (number 001), on the BMW X5 of the ex-soloist of the Lyceum Izolda Ishkhanishvili (number 011), on the Lexus RX300 of the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Viktor Kiryanov (010).
"The Russian police" are not hindered over trifles

The MP (Russian Police) series costs between $5,000 and $10,000. But the money invested in itself works out in full. The policemen themselves had only a few numbers left. They belong to the top of the Ministry. They are also owned former head traffic police Fedorov. On the side, many large businessmen acquired them. For example, the head of Rosspirtprom, Sergei Zivenko, and Sergei Mikhailov (Mikhas). The latter is assigned the number A005MP77. Actor Karachentsev took the P777MP77. Cars are stopped only for very serious violations.

In contrast to the MR, the numbers of the MO77 series, which once belonged to the metropolitan police and the city administration, are now at the mercy of individuals. They impress only young traffic police officers. The cost is 1000 dollars.

Series A *** MM77, M *** MM77 a couple of years ago belonged to the Khozu of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow. They are selling very well at the moment. The cost of those is about 7000 USD.

The latest fashion is expensive foreign cars (Mercedes W220, ML, Gelendwagen, Audi A8, Toyota LC100) in combat police coloring with beacons-beams and blue police numbers. The cost of such a service is from twenty to forty thousand dollars a year. As the site writes, it is provided by private security of the capital. Today, there are more than three hundred such cars in the city. What is most interesting, everything is legal.

The entrepreneur writes a statement to the head of private security with a request to protect his property. On paper, he gives the guards his foreign car, in which he is going to transport his jewelry. And within an hour he has blue numbers. Moscow cars with "blue" do not stop throughout the Russian Federation.
Cooler than the tricolor on the number, only the tricolor

And finally, the very pinnacle of "labeled power" is the deputy federal numbers. The fact is that, in accordance with the law, a people's choice, as well as a member of the Federation Council, has the right to put a set of numbers with flags on his personal car. But often it doesn't. He usually sells them. The number can be sold in the capital at a price of 20 to 30 thousand dollars (annual payment). These cars don't stop.
Who needs special equipment

Each department has quotas for such documents. It issues them, say, to conduct operational activities. But, as practice shows, most of the special documents prohibiting touching the car and the people sitting in it go to the market. The presence of such paper forbids an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs not only to check the documents for the car, but also to be interested in the documents of the people in it.

Until recently, such a special ticket cost about 30 thousand dollars a year, and, for example, in 2003, about 25 thousand such orders were issued (by the way, it is no secret that during about 200,000 such documents were issued per year).

In 2004, a decision was made to reduce the number of "all-terrain vehicles" to 5,000 units, and now the FSB controls the issuance of prescriptions. Who really needs such special equipment is the members of criminal structures. According to operational data, almost all of them drive "labeled" numbers with prescriptions and coupons. Officially, neither the traffic police of Russia nor the traffic police of Moscow began to comment on all this information, calling it all speculation and the rich imagination of journalists. But in private conversations, traffic police officers confirm everything written above.

When such corruption is evident, it becomes clear why weapons, drugs and even explosives end up in Moscow. It is not transported in trucks, which are checked at every post. They are being transported, just in such cars, "labeled by the authorities."

Often our attention on the road is caught by “beautiful” license plates. They are usually called thieves, because getting this can hardly be called a happy accident. Coinciding or mirror letters and numbers, as well as combinations endowed with special meaning. Everyone probably dealt with a kind of decoding of such “thieves” numbers, but in fact, many of them have a very specific background and can give a certain signal to traffic police officers and other road users. It is impossible to give an unambiguous decoding to all license plates, so the list contains the most common of them.


EKH77 - numbers allocated for cars of the Federal Security Service (FSO) of the Russian Federation. A common version of the decoding of such a set of letters is the story once presented in the Autopilot magazine. According to her, wanting to add a new one to the AAA series already assigned to the FSO, the head of the service, Yuri Krapivin, turned to Boris Yeltsin, who was then president of the Russian Federation. Together they chose EKH as an abbreviation for Yeltsin+Krapivin=Good. The official decoding is considered to be "a single Kremlin economy." There is another option that has taken root among the people - "I eat as I want." Now this series can be seen infrequently.

EKH 99, EKH 97, EKH 177, SKA77 - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

XKX77 - partly FSB autonomer, partly sold out.

SAS77 - not found now, once belonged to the FSB.

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, COO77 - are typical for cars that are assigned to the Office of the President.

KOO77 - Constitutional Court, private traders.

AMP97 - the series was formed as a result of the struggle with a large number of special signals. These badge numbers were issued to vehicles that, regardless of ownership, retained the right to use blue lights (with the exception of the AAAFL). So, part of the series belongs to the FSB, part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and part to other structures, for example, the presidential administration.

AKP177, WKR177, EKR177, KKR177 were also issued to those who fell under the abolition of the use of blue car flashers. Of the last two episodes, probably something went to private traders.

EP177 - about 300 numbers served as a replacement for the "flag" of the State Duma. Popular decoding - "United Russia is coming."

OOO77, 99, 97, 177, 199 - now mostly private traders and merchants.

CCC77 - the series distinguishes the cars of the Courier Service, the Special Communications Center, the Ministry of Communications and structures "close" to them, and can also be used on personal vehicles. The popularly known decoding of such thieves numbers is “three Seeds”.

CCC99 - predominantly private traders.

CCC97 - GVCs and private.

MMM77, 99 - now - private traders, before the appearance of blue license plates- MIA.

AAA77, 99, 97, 177, 199 - now with a high probability of private traders.

XXX99 - private traders, FSB.

KKK99 - private traders.

ННН99 - may be with tax police, STC, private traders.

Other identical letters are just "beautiful" license plates. Decryption can be done by yourself.

AMM77 - a series for personal auto and service authorities of the traffic police in the capital, previously intended for vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

*MM77 - used by the Moscow police before blue license plates appeared.

AMP77 - previously only cars of the Central Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and now private cars of the leadership and ordinary citizens.

KMP77 - simple thieves numbers.

MMP77 - private traders, a little FSB.

PMP77 - the series corresponds to the cars of the Ministry of Justice.

TMP77 - vehicles of the Department for Ensuring Law Enforcement in closed territories and sensitive facilities, including cosmonauts and private traders, that are not available in the base.

AMO77 - Moscow administration, private traders. Initially, these license plates had one more feature: there was no tricolor, and the letters rus were voluminous.

AMO99, 97 - thieves private traders, including those directly related to the Moscow administration.

NAA99, TAA99, CAA99, XAA99 - "closed" in the databases of the series (POPIZ - upon written request).

EPE177 - deputies of the Federal Assembly, private traders (popular decoding - "United Russia Is Going").

SKO199 - Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

The same letters and numbers 177 are thieves, extremely common near the building of the State traffic inspectorate on Sadovaya-Samotechnaya.

Any "round" numbers, especially the first tens with two zeros at the beginning (001-009) or at the end (100, 200, ..., 900), with three identical numbers (111, 222, ..., 999), the most prestigious thieves combinations - 77777 or 99999, which have all the same digits, including the region code.


AAA54 - the first hundred numbers belong to the presidential envoy, then - thieves.

ННН54 - cars of the city hall of Novosibirsk, the administration of the Novosibirsk region and the regional council. Among the townspeople, a popular decoding is "Do not touch the Novosibirsk Administration." Interestingly, the armored cars of one of the commercial banks also use NNN numbers, but Kemerovo ones.

ASK54 - FSB in the Novosibirsk region, after the 200th - thieves.

ANO54 - old series for the administration of the Novosibirsk region (used before the introduction of "NNN").

РРР54 МОР54 - "Morozov" numbers, such a decoding is associated with their introduction by the former head of the UGIBDD, Peter Morozov.

НСО54 - thieves "Yakovlevskaya" series, got its name thanks to former boss UGIBDD Vitaly Yakovlev.

MPO54 - When it was forbidden to use the letter D in the license plate series, the old MVD54 was replaced. With the advent of the head of the UGIBDD, S.V. Shtelmakh was again replaced. The following decoding dominated among the people: "The cops Disappointed, It's a shame."

OOM54 - special series of the head of the UGIBDD S. V. Shtelmakh.

MVU54 - numbers of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the NSO.

VVV54 - a series of the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Novosibirsk region.

UVU54 - used by the police department and traffic police.

UVO54 - Department of private security at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the NSO.

Other series of numbers with flashing lights

VMR - government, private individuals, banks.

EEE - private individuals who have blat in the traffic police. It doesn’t even need to be deciphered, judging by the letters, the owners are satisfied.

KKH - FSB, FSO, etc.

KMM - firefighters and thieves.

OMR - the government, banks, selected private traders.

SMM - police and part of the connection (SMM is usually deciphered as social media marketing, well, maybe one of them really works there).

SSS - FSO, FSB, government, private individuals who have blat in the traffic police.

UMR - the government and private traders by pull.

UUU - exclusively thieves.

Deciphering thieves' license plates will help you understand a little better what is happening on the road. Take advantage of the opportunity to re-register a car with the preservation of numbers, if you do not want to part with your license plate when changing cars.
