Jacob is a faithful serf exemplary to read. The topic of the lesson on literature is "the ideological meaning of stories about sinners"

There was a gentleman of a low family,
He bought a village for bribes,
Lived in it without a break for thirty-three years,
He went free, drank, drank bitter.
Greedy, stingy, did not make friends with the nobles,
I only went to my sister for tea;
Even with relatives, not only with peasants,
Mr. Polivanov was cruel;
Having married the daughter, the faithful hubby
He whipped - he drove them both naked, Into the teeth of an exemplary slave, Jacob the faithful, Like he beat with his heel.
People of the servile rank - Real dogs sometimes: The heavier the punishment,
So dear to them, gentlemen.
Jacob showed up like this from his youth,
Only Jacob had joy:
Gentleman groom, cherish, appease
Yes, the nephew is a youngster to download.
So they both lived to old age.
The master's legs began to wither,
I went to be treated, but my legs did not come to life ...
Full of carousing, indulging and singing! Eyes are clear, Cheeks are red, Plump hands are white like sugar, Yes, there are shackles on my legs!
Quietly the landowner lies under a dressing gown,
Bitter fate curses
Yakov with the master: friend and brother
Faithful Yakov, the master is calling.
Winter and summer spent together,
They played more cards
To dispel boredom went to my sister
Twelve versts on good days.
Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,
He himself will take you to his sister on a duty,
He himself will help to get to the old woman,
So they lived happily - for the time being ...
Yakov's nephew, Grisha, grew up,
The master at the feet: “I want to marry!”
- "Who is the bride?" - "The bride - Arisha."
The master replies: “I’ll knock it into the coffin!”
He himself thought, looking at Arisha:
“If only the Lord would turn his legs!”
No matter how uncle asked for his nephew,
The master of the opponent in recruits sold out.
Strongly offended the exemplary serf, Jacob the faithful,
Barin, - the serf fooled!
I washed down the dead ... It's embarrassing without Jacob,
Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!
Anger has long boiled in everyone,
Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take out!
The master now asks, then swears like a dog, So two weeks have passed.
Suddenly it faithful serf returns ... The first thing is a bow to the ground.
It’s a pity for him, you see, he became legless:
Who can follow it?
“Do not only remember the deeds of the cruel;
I will carry my cross to the grave!”
Again the landowner lies under a bathrobe,
Again at his feet Jacob sits,
Again the landowner calls him brother.
"Why are you frowning, Yasha?" - "Mutit!"
A lot of fungi strung on threads,
They played cards, drank tea,
Poured cherries, raspberries into drinks
And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.
The landowner smokes, lies carefree,
Clear sun, greenery glad.
Jacob is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,
Jacob's reins are trembling,
Baptized. “Keep me away, unclean power! -
Whispers: "scatter!" (his enemy was troubling him).
They are going ... To the right is a wooded slum,
Her name is from time immemorial: Devil's ravine;
Yakov turned and drove down a ravine,
The master was taken aback: “Where are you, where?”
Jacob doesn't say a word. We drove by step
Several miles; no road - trouble!
Pits, deadwood; running down the ravine
Spring waters, trees rustle ...
The horses have become - and not a step further,
Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.
Jacob, not looking at the poor master,
Began to unharness the horses,
Faithful Yash, trembling, pale,
The landowner then began to beg.
Yakov listened to the promises - and rudely,
He laughed evilly: “I found the murderer!
I will dirty my hands with murder,
No, you don't have to die!"
Yakov spun on a tall pine tree,
The reins at the top strengthened it,
Crossed himself, looked at the sun,
Head in a noose - and lowered his legs! ..
What passions of the Lord! hanging
Yakov over the master, swaying measuredly.
The master rushes about, sobbing, screaming,
Echo one responds!
Stretching out his head, strained his voice
Barin - vain screams!
The devil's ravine was wrapped in a shroud,
At night there are great dews,
Zgi not to see! only owls scurry,
The earth spreading its wings,
You can hear the horses chewing the leaves,
Quietly ringing bells.
Like a cast iron fits - they burn
Someone's two round, bright eyes,
Some birds fly with noise,
Heard, they settled nearby.
The raven above Jacob croaked alone.
Chu! there were hundreds of them!
Hooted, threatening with a crutch mister!
What passions of the Lord! The master lay in the ravine all night,
Moans of birds and wolves driving away,
In the morning the hunter saw him.
The master returned home, wailing:
"I'm a sinner, a sinner! Execute me!"
Will you, sir, be an exemplary serf, Jacob the faithful, Remember until doomsday!

“Sins, sins,” it was heard
From all sides. - Sorry Jacob.
Yes, it’s scary for the master, -
What a punishment he took!
- Oh! Ouch! We also heard
Two or three scary stories
and heatedly argued
Who is the worst of all.
One said: taverns,
Another said: landlords,
And the third one is men.
That was Ignatius Prokhorov,
involved in the export,
Powerful and wealthy
The man is not an empty talker.
He saw all kinds
Traveled all over the county
And along and across.
You should listen to him
However, the wahlaks
So angry, did not give
Ignatius to say a word,
Especially Klim Yakovlev
Courageous: “You are a fool! ..”
“And you should have listened first…”
- “You are a fool ...” - “And all of you,
I see fools! -
Suddenly inserted the word rude
Eremin, merchant brother,
Buying from peasants
Whatever, bast shoes,
Is it a calf, is it a lingonberry,
And most importantly - a master
watch out for the odds,
When taxes were collected
And the property of the Vakhlats
Launched with a hammer. -
Started an argument
And they didn’t miss the point!
Who is the worst of all? think!"
- “Well, who is it? speak!"
- "We know who: the robbers!"
And Klim answered him:
"You were not serfs,
There was a great drop
Yes, not on your baldness!
Filled the moshna: imagining
Robbers are everywhere to him;
Robbery is a special article,
Robbery has nothing to do with it!”
- "The robber for the robber
Stepped in!" - Prasol said,
And Lavigne - lope to him!
"Pray!" - and in the teeth of prasol.
"Say goodbye to tummies!" -
And prasol in Lavin's teeth.
"Hey, fight! well done!"
The peasants parted
Nobody teased
Nobody took it apart.
Hailstorms rained down:
- I'll kill you! write to your parents!
- "I'll kill you! call the priest!
So it ended that prasola
Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,
Another grabbed my hair
And bent with the word "bow"
Merchant at your feet.
"Well, that's it!" - Prasol said.
Klim released the offender,
The offender sat on a log,
Wide checkered scarf
Turned up and said:
"You win! isn't it a wonder?
Doesn't reap, doesn't plow - wanders around
According to the position of Konoval.
How not to work up strength?
(The peasants laugh.)
- "Don't you want to?" -
Klim said fervently.
"Did you think not? Let's try!"
The merchant took off the chuyka carefully
And he spat in his hands.
"Open the mouth of sinful
The time has come: listen!
And so I will reconcile you!” -
Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,
All evening silently listening,
Sighing and baptized,
Humble praying mantis.
The merchant was glad; Klim Yakovlev
He was silent. sit down,
There was silence.

There was a gentleman of a low family,

He bought a village with bribes,

Lived in it without a break

thirty three years

He went free, drank, drank bitter,

Greedy, stingy, not friendly

with the nobles

I only went to my sister for seagulls;

Even with family, not only

with the peasants
Mr. Polivanov was cruel;

Having married the daughter, the faithful hubby

Whipped - both drove away naked,

In the teeth of an exemplary slave,

Jacob the faithful

Like he was blowing with his heel.
People of the servile rank -

Real dogs sometimes:

The more severe the punishment

So dear to them, gentlemen.
Jacob showed up like this from his youth,

Only Jacob had joy:

Gentleman groom, cherish, appease

Yes, the nephew is a youngster to download.

So they both lived to old age.

The master's legs began to wither,

I went to be treated, but my legs did not come to life ...

Full of carousing, indulging and singing!

Eyes are clear

Cheeks are red

Plump hands as white as sugar,

Yes, there are shackles on the legs!

Quietly the landowner lies under a dressing gown,

Bitter fate curses

Yakov with the master: friend and brother

Faithful Yakov, the master is calling.

Winter and summer spent together,

They played more cards

To dispel boredom went to my sister

Twelve versts on good days.

Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,

Himself on duty will take to his sister,

He himself will help to get to the old woman,

So they lived happily - for the time being ...
Yakov's nephew, Grisha, grew up,

The master at the feet: “I want to marry!”

- Who is the bride? - "Bride -

The master answers: - I'll knock it into the coffin! -

He himself thought, looking at Arisha:

“If only the Lord would turn his legs!”

No matter how uncle asked for his nephew,

The master of the opponent in recruits sold out.

Strongly offended the exemplary slave,

Jacob the faithful

Barin, - the serf fooled!

I washed down the dead ... It's embarrassing without Jacob,

Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!

Anger has long boiled in everyone,

Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take out!

The master now asks, then swears like a dog.

So two weeks passed.

Suddenly, his faithful slave returns ...

The first thing is a bow to the ground.

It’s a pity for him, you see, he became legless:

Who can follow it?

“Do not only remember the deeds of the cruel;

I will carry my cross to the grave!”

Again the landowner lies under a bathrobe,

Again at his feet Jacob sits,

Again the landowner calls him brother.

- What are you frowning, Yasha? - "Mutit!"
A lot of mushrooms strung on threads,

They played cards, drank tea,

Poured cherries, raspberries into drinks

And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.
The landowner smokes, lies carefree,

Clear sun, greenery glad.

Jacob is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,

Jacob's reins are trembling,

He is baptized: “Keep away from me, unclean power!”

Whispers: "Scatter!" (his enemy was troubling him).

They are going ... To the right is a wooded slum,

Her name is from time immemorial: Devil's ravine;

Yakov turned and drove down a ravine,

The master was taken aback: - Where are you, where are you going? -

Jacob doesn't say a word. We drove by step

Several miles; no road - trouble!

Pits, deadwood; running down the ravine

Spring waters, trees rustle ...

Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.
Jacob, not looking at the poor master,

Began to unharness the horses,

Faithful Yash, trembling, pale,

The landowner then began to beg.

Jacob listened to the promises - and rudely,

Evil laughed: “I found the murderer!

I will dirty my hands with murder,

No, you don't have to die!"

Yakov spun on a tall pine tree,

The reins at the top strengthened it,

Crossed himself, looked at the sun,

Head in a noose - and lowered his legs! ..

What passions of the Lord! hanging

Yakov over the master, swaying measuredly.

The master rushes about, sobbing, screaming,

Echo one responds!

Barin - vain screams!

The devil's ravine was wrapped in a shroud,

At night there are great dews,

Zgi not to see! only owls scurry,

The earth spreading its wings,

You can hear the horses chewing the leaves,

Quietly ringing bells.

Like a cast iron fits - they burn

Someone's two round, bright eyes,

Birds are flying noisily.

I hear they live nearby.

The raven over Jacob croaked alone,

Chu! there were hundreds of them!

Hooted, the gentleman threatens with a crutch.

What passions of the Lord!
The master lay in the ravine all night,

Moans of birds and wolves driving away,

In the morning the hunter saw him.

The master returned home, wailing:

- I'm a sinner, a sinner! Execute me! -

Will you, sir, be an exemplary serf,

Jacob the faithful

Remember until judgment day!
"Sins, sins," was heard

From all sides. - I'm sorry Jacob.

Yes, it’s scary for the master, -

What a punishment he took!

- Sorry! .. - We also listened to

Two or three scary stories

and heatedly argued

Who is the sinner of all?

One said: taverns,

Another said: landlords,

And the third one is men.

That was Ignatius Prokhorov,

involved in the export,

Powerful and wealthy
The man is not empty.

He saw all kinds

Traveled all over the county

And along and across.

You should listen to him

However, the wahlaks

So angry, did not give

Ignatius to say the words

Especially Klim Yakovlev

Courageous: “You are a fool! ..”

“And you should have listened first…”

"A fool are you..."

- And yet you

I see fools! -

Suddenly inserted the word rude

Eremin, merchant brother,

Buying from peasants

Whatever, bast shoes,

Is it a calf, is it a lingonberry,

And most importantly - a master

watch out for the odds,

When taxes were collected

And the property of the Vakhlats

Launched with a hammer.

Started an argument

And they didn’t miss the point!

Who is the worst of all? think! -

“Well, who is it? speak!"

- It is known who: the robbers! -

And Klim answered him:

"You were not serfs,

There was a great drop

Yes, not on your baldness!

Filled the moshna: imagining

Robbers are everywhere to him;

Robbery is a special article,

Robbery has nothing to do with it!”

– Rogue for Rogue

Stepped up! - Prasol said,

And Lavigne - jump to him!

"Pray!" - and in the teeth of prasol.

- Say goodbye to tummies! -

And prasol in Lavin's teeth.

"Hey fight! well done!"

The peasants parted

Nobody teased

Nobody took it apart.

Hailstorms rained down:

- I'll kill you! write to your parents! -

"I'll kill you! call the priest!

So it ended that prasola

Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,

Another grabbed my hair

And bent with the word "bow"

Merchant at your feet.

- Well, that's it! - Prasol said.

Klim released the offender,

The offender sat on a log,

Wide checkered scarf

Turned away and said:

- You win! and wonder?

Doesn't reap, doesn't plow - wanders around

By konoval's position,

How not to work up strength? -

(The peasants laugh.)

"Don't you still want to? -

Klim said fervently.

- You thought not? Let's try! -

The merchant took off the chuyka carefully

And he spat in his hands.
"Open the mouth of sinful

The time has come: listen!

And so I will reconcile you!” -

Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,

All evening silently listening,

Sighing and baptized,

Humble praying mantis.

The merchant was glad; Klim Yakovlev

He was silent. sit down,

There was silence.
Homeless, homeless

A lot comes across

The people in Rus'

Do not reap, do not sow - feed

From the same common granary,

What feeds a small mouse

And an innumerable army:

settled peasant

Her name is Hump.

Let the people know

that entire villages

Begging in autumn

Like a profitable business

Go: in the people's conscience

Got tired of the decision

What is more misfortune here,

Than lies - they are served.

Let there be frequent cases

That the wanderer will turn out

Thief; what does the grandmother have

For Athos prosphora,

For "tears of the Virgin"

The pilgrim will lure out the yarn,

He himself has not been.

There was an old man, wonderful singing

He captivated the hearts of the people;

With the consent of the mothers,

In the village of Steep Backwaters

Divine singing

Began to teach girls;

Red girls all winter

They locked themselves in the barn with him,

Where did the singing come from?

And more often laughter and squealing.

However, what was the end?

He didn't learn to sing

And spoiled everyone.

There are great masters

To please the ladies:

First through bab

Accessible to the girl's,

And there to the landowner.

Jingling keys, around the yard

Walks like a barin

Spitting in the face of a peasant

Praying old woman

Bent into a ram's horn!..

But he sees in the same wanderers

And the front side

People. Who builds churches?

Who are the monastery mugs

Filled over the edge?

Others don't do good

And evil is not seen behind him,

You won't understand otherwise.

Fomushka is familiar to the people:

Two-pood chains

Belted around the body

In winter and summer barefoot,

Mumbling incomprehensibly,

And to live - lives like a god:

Board and stone in the head,

And food is bread.

Wonderful to him and memorable

Old Believer Kropilnikov,

An old man whose whole life

That will, then prison.

Came to the village of Usolovo:

Reproach the laity with godlessness,

Calls to dense forests

Save yourself. Stanovoy

Happened here, listened to everything:

"To the interrogation of the accuser!"

He is the same to him:

- You are an enemy of Christ, antichrist

Messenger! - Sotsky, headman

They blinked at the old man:

"Hey, bow down!" Not listening!

They took him to prison

And he reproached the chief

And, standing on a cart,

Usolovtsev shouted:

- Woe to you, woe, lost heads!

Were torn off - you will be naked,

They beat you with sticks, rods, whips,

You will be beaten with iron bars! ..
Usolovtsy were baptized,

The chief beat the herald:

"Remember you, anathema,

Judge of Jerusalem!"

The guy, the driver,

The reins fell out of fright

And the hair stood on end!

And, as a sin, military

The team broke out in the morning:

In Ustoy, a nearby village,

The soldiers have arrived.

Interrogations! pacification! -

Anxiety! along the way

The Usolovets also got it:

Prophecy of the Shrew

Nearly missed the point.
Will never forget

The people of Euphrosyne,

Posad widow:

As God's messenger

The old lady appears

In cholera years;

Buries, heals, messes around

With the sick. Almost praying

Peasant women on her ...

Knock, unknown guest!

Whoever you are, sure

In a village gate

Knock! Not suspicious

native peasant,

Thought does not originate in it,

Like people who are sufficient

At the sight of a stranger

Wretched and timid:

Wouldn't steal what?

And the women are those radekhonki.

In winter before the torch

The family sits, works,

And the stranger says.

Already in the bath he took a steam bath,

Ears with a spoon of your own,

With a blessing hand

He took a sip.

A charm walks through the veins,

Speech flows like a river.

In the hut everything seemed to freeze:

The old man who fixed the shoes

Dropped them at their feet;

The shuttle has not ticked for a long time,

The worker listened

At the loom;

Frozen already on the prick

Evgenyushka's little finger,

Master's eldest daughter,

high bump,

And the girl did not hear

How she pricked herself to the point of blood;

Sewing to the feet went down,

Sitting - pupils are dilated,

Spread her hands...

Guys hanging their heads

From the floor, do not move:

How sleepy the seals are

On the ice floes beyond Arkhangelsk,

They lie on their stomach.

No faces to be seen, hung

Down strands

Hair - no need to say

That they are yellow.

Wait! soon stranger

Will tell the true story of Athos,

Like a Turk rebellious

Monks drove into the sea,

How the monks walked obediently

And they died by the hundreds

Hear the whisper of terror

You will see a number of frightened,

Tears of full eyes!

A terrible moment has come -

And the hostess herself

Spindle pot-bellied

Rolled off my knees.

Vaska the cat was alert -

And jump to the spindle!

At another time, something would

Vaska got smart,

And then they didn't notice

How he with a nimble paw

I touched the spindle

How to jump on it

And how it rolled

Until it unraveled

Tight thread!
Who has seen how he listens

Of their passing wanderers

peasant family,

Understand that no work

Not eternal care

Nor the yoke of long slavery,

Not a tavern by ourselves

More Russian people

No limits set:

Before him is a wide path.

When they change the plowman

The fields are old,

Shreds in the forest outskirts

He tries to plow.

There is enough work here.

But the stripes are new

Give without fertilizer

Abundant harvest.

Soil is good

The soul of the Russian people...

O sower! come!..
Jonah (aka Lyapushkin)

Vakhlatskaya side

I've been visiting for a long time.

Not only did they not disdain

Peasants God's wanderer,

And they argued about

Who will take him in first?

While their disputes Lyapushkin

Did not end:

"Hey! women! take out

Icons! The women took it out;

Before each icon

Jonah fell prostrate:

“Don't argue! work of God

Who looks kinder

I'll go after that!"

And often for the poorest

Ionushka walked as an icon

In the poorest hut.

And to that hut special

Reverence: women run

With knots, pans

In that hut. A cup full

By the grace of Ionushka,

She becomes.
Quietly and unhurriedly

Led the story of Ionushka

"About two great sinners",

Crossing yourself diligently.

About the exemplary serf - Jacob the faithful

There was a gentleman of a low family,
He bought a village for bribes,
Lived in it without a break for thirty-three years,
He went free, drank, drank bitter.
Greedy, stingy, did not make friends with the nobles,
I only went to my sister for seagulls;
Even with relatives, not only with peasants,
Mr. Polivanov was cruel;
Having married the daughter, the faithful hubby
Carved - both drove away naked,
In the teeth of an exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Like he beat with his heel.

People of the servile rank -
Real dogs sometimes:
The more severe the punishment
So dear to them, gentlemen.
Jacob showed up like this from his youth,
Only Jacob had joy:
Gentleman groom, cherish, appease
Yes, the nephew is a youngster to download.
So they both lived to old age.
The master's legs began to wither,
I went to be treated, but my legs did not come to life ...
Full of carousing, indulging and singing!
Eyes are clear
Cheeks are red
Plump hands as white as sugar,
Yes, there are shackles on the legs!
Quietly the landowner lies under a dressing gown,
Bitter fate curses
Yakov with the master: friend and brother
Faithful Yakov, the master is calling.
Winter and summer spent together,
They played more cards
To dispel boredom went to my sister
Twelve versts on good days.
Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,
Himself on duty will take to his sister,
He himself will help to get to the old woman,
So they lived happily - for the time being ...

Yakov's nephew, Grisha, grew up,
The master at the feet: “I want to marry!”
- "Who is the bride?" - "The bride - Arisha."
The master replies: “I’ll knock it into the coffin!”
He himself thought, looking at Arisha:
“If only the Lord would turn his legs!”
No matter how uncle asked for his nephew,
The master of the opponent in recruits sold out.
Strongly offended the exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Barin, - the serf fooled!
I washed down the dead ... It's embarrassing without Jacob,
Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!
Anger has long boiled in everyone,
Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take out!
The master then asks, then he swears like a dog,
So two weeks passed.
Suddenly, his faithful slave returns ...
The first thing is a bow to the ground.
It’s a pity for him, you see, he became legless:
Who can follow it?
“Do not only remember the deeds of the cruel;
I will carry my cross to the grave!”
Again the landowner lies under a bathrobe,
Again at his feet Jacob sits,
Again the landowner calls him brother.
"Why are you frowning, Yasha?" - "Mutit!"
A lot of fungi strung on threads,
They played cards, drank tea,
Poured cherries, raspberries into drinks
And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.

The landowner smokes, lies carefree,
Clear sun, greenery glad.
Jacob is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,
Jacob's reins are trembling,
Baptized. “Keep me away, unclean power! -
Whispers: "scatter!" (his enemy was troubling him).
They are going ... To the right is a wooded slum,
Her name is from time immemorial: Devil's ravine;
Yakov turned and drove down a ravine,
The master was taken aback: “Where are you, where?”
Jacob doesn't say a word. We drove by step
Several miles; no road - trouble!
Pits, deadwood; running down the ravine
Spring waters, trees rustle ...
The horses have become - and not a step further,
Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.

Jacob, not looking at the poor master,
Began to unharness the horses,
Faithful Yash, trembling, pale,
The landowner then began to beg.
Yakov listened to the promises - and rudely,
Evil laughed: “I found the murderer!
I will dirty my hands with murder,
No, you don't have to die!"
Yakov spun on a tall pine tree,
The reins at the top strengthened it,
Crossed himself, looked at the sun,
Head in a noose - and lowered his legs! ..

What passions of the Lord! hanging
Yakov over the master, swaying measuredly.
The master rushes about, sobbing, screaming,
Echo one responds!

Stretching out his head, strained his voice
Barin - vain screams!
The devil's ravine was wrapped in a shroud,
At night there are great dews,
Zgi not to see! only owls scurry,
The earth spreading its wings,
You can hear the horses chewing the leaves,
Quietly ringing bells.
Like a cast iron fits - they burn
Someone's two round, bright eyes,
Some birds fly with noise,
I hear they live nearby.
The raven above Jacob croaked alone.
Chu! there were hundreds of them!
Hooted, threatening with a crutch mister!
What passions of the Lord!
The master lay in the ravine all night,
Moans of birds and wolves driving away,
In the morning the hunter saw him.
The master returned home, wailing:
"I'm a sinner, a sinner! Execute me!"
Will you, sir, be an exemplary serf,
Jacob the faithful
Remember until judgment day!

“Sins, sins,” it was heard
From all sides. - Sorry Jacob.
Yes, it’s scary for the master, -
What a punishment he took!
- Oh! Ouch! Still heard
Two or three scary stories
and heatedly argued
Who is the worst of all.
One said: taverns,
Another said: landlords,
And the third one is men.
That was Ignatius Prokhorov,
involved in the export,
Powerful and wealthy
The man is not an empty talker.
He saw all kinds
Traveled all over the county
And along and across.
You should listen to him
However, the wahlaks
So angry, did not give
Ignatius to say a word,
Especially Klim Yakovlev
Courageous: “You are a fool! ..”
“And you should have listened first…”
- “You are a fool…”
- "And all of you,
I see fools! -
Suddenly inserted the word rude
Eremin, merchant brother,
Buying from peasants
Whatever, bast shoes,
Is it a calf, is it a lingonberry,
And most importantly - a master
watch out for the odds,
When taxes were collected
And the property of the Vakhlats
Launched with a hammer. -
Started an argument
And they didn’t miss the point!
Who is the worst of all? think!"
- “Well, who is it? speak!"
- "We know who: the robbers!"
And Klim answered him:
"You were not serfs,
There was a great drop
Yes, not on your baldness!
Filled the moshna: imagining
Robbers are everywhere to him;
Robbery is a special article,
Robbery has nothing to do with it!”
- "The robber for the robber
Stepped in!" - Prasol said,
And Lavigne - lope to him!
"Pray!" - and in the teeth of prasol.
"Say goodbye to tummies!" -
And prasol in Lavin's teeth.
"Hey, fight! well done!"
The peasants parted
Nobody teased
Nobody took it apart.
Hailstorms rained down:
- I'll kill you! write to your parents!
- "I'll kill you! call the priest!
So it ended that prasola
Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,
Another grabbed my hair
And bent with the word "bow"
Merchant at your feet.
"Well, that's it!" - Prasol said.
Klim released the offender,
The offender sat on a log,
Wide checkered scarf
Turned away and said:
"You win! isn't it a wonder?
Doesn't reap, doesn't plow - wanders around
According to the position of Konoval.
How not to work up strength?
(The peasants laugh.)
- "Don't you want it yet?" -
Klim said fervently.
"Did you think not? Let's try!"
The merchant took off the chuyka carefully
And he spat in his hands.

"Open the mouth of sinful
The time has come: listen!
And so I will reconcile you!” -
Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,
All evening silently listening,
Sighing and baptized,
Humble praying mantis.
The merchant was glad; Klim Yakovlev
He was silent. sit down,
There was silence.

Even the anger of the humbled slaves sometimes takes on ugly forms. The psychology of a slave gives rise to slavish ways of revenge. Such is precisely the meaning of the famous tale “About the exemplary serf, Yakov the Faithful,” to which Nekrasov attached great great importance. The novel is based on a real case reported to Nekrasov by the lawyer A.F. Koni. In one of his conversations with Koni (in the summer of 1873), the poet said that in order to work on “Who should live well in Rus'”, Koni told Nekrasov, among others, the story of a landowner who brutally treated his serfs. finding a diligent executor of his orders in his beloved coachman - a cruel and merciless man.

When Koni read the proof sheet of the tale “About the exemplary serf, Yakov Vern”, sent to him a year later by Nekrasov, he called these verses amazing. This definition very clearly reveals the difference between the factually dramatic, but calmly dispassionate story of Koni and Nekrasov's short story, a work of high poetic art.

In the story, Koni is equally disgusting both the beast-landlord and his faithful Malyuta Skuratov (what a nickname!). Nekrasov significantly strengthened, thickened the negative characterization of the landowner by introducing whole line additional details: the "village" was bought with bribes, "greedy, stingy" Polivanov is cruel "even with relatives, not only with peasants":

Having married the daughter, the faithful hubby

Whipped - both drove away naked.

He gives the guy to the soldiers not in response to threats, but only in order to get rid of the opponent. And, finally, the clearest characteristic of the cynicism and cruelty of the landowner towards the serfs:

In the teeth of an exemplary slave,

Yakov Verny

Like he was blowing with his heel.

Nekrasov's Yakov, on the contrary, is not the cruel and merciless Malyuta Skuratov, but a suffering face. This is a pitiful man, not only humiliated, but devoid of consciousness of this humiliation, slavishly, like a dog, devoted to his master:

People of the servile rank -

Real dogs sometimes:

The more severe the punishment

So dear to them, gentlemen.

The poet does not deny Yakov the ability to selflessly and disinterestedly become attached, to cling with his heart to another. This lonely man, who did not know the family, devotes himself entirely to the care of the master and his nephew - Grisha:

Only Jacob had joy:

Gentle master, cherish, appease,

Yes, the nephew is a youngster to download.

Koni's story is for informational purposes only. Nekrasov, as a true artist-psychologist, enriches the narrative with a picture of the internal struggle, hesitation and confusion of the meek Yakov, who decided on revenge, the growth of his anger, hatred and contempt for the master. Under the master's pen short message about the fact that in front of the eyes of a helpless and screaming master, the coachman climbed a tree and hanged himself, unfolds into a terrible emotional and psychological picture: “The devil’s ravine was wrapped in a shroud”, “you can’t see it”, owls spread their wings on the ground, burn in the darkness "someone's two round, bright eyes," flew down to the prey of a crow ... And in this silence of the night, Yakov hangs over the master, swaying measuredly ... "I am a sinner, a sinner! Execute me!") and the narrator's conclusion about the legitimacy of retribution:

Will you, sir, be an exemplary serf,

Jacob the faithful

Remember until judgment day!

Listeners react differently to the story about Yakov. Most of the dark Vakhlaks approach what they hear with purely Christian gentleness:

"Sins, sins! - was heard

From all sides: - It's a pity for Jacob,

Yes, it’s scary for the master,

What a punishment he took!

Only a few, more conscious, drop the ironic:


The tale of Jacob starts a dispute about the perpetrators of the evil that is happening, “about who is the most sinful of all?”. The version - "robbers!", expressed by the merchant brother Eremin, is exhausted by a fight with him by Klim Lavin, who reasonably judged that

Robbery is a special article,

There is no robbery here!

Another opinion - "kabatchiki!" - does not find development in the dispute, and in the further course of the peasant dispute we are talking about landowners and peasants.


Dedicated to Sergei Petrovich Botkin


At the end of the village under the willow,
A modest witness
All the life of Vahlaks,
Where the holidays are celebrated
Where gatherings are held
Where they flog during the day, and in the evening
Kiss, have mercy, -
All night long lights and noise.

On the logs lying here,
On a log house built up
The men sat down;
Here, too, our wanderers
We sat next to Vlasushka;
Vlas poured vodka.
“Drink, wahlachki, take a walk!” -
Klim shouted merrily.
As soon as you decide to drink,
Vlas to a young son
He shouted: “Run after Tryphon!”
With the parish sexton Tryphon,
Reveler, godfather of the elder,
His sons came
Seminarians: Savvushka
And Grisha, good guys,
Letters to peasants to relatives
Wrote; "Position",
As it turned out, they interpreted
Mowed, reaped, sowed
And drank vodka on holidays
equal to the peasantry.
Now Savva is a deacon
I looked, and at Gregory
Face thin, pale
And the hair is thin, curly,
With a hint of red.
Right next to the village
The Volga was going, and beyond the Volga
There was a small town
(To be more precise, cities
At that time there was no shadow
And there were bunts:
The fire destroyed the Third Days).
So people passing by
Vakhlak friends,
Here they also became
The ferry is waiting
They fed the horses.
The beggars wandered here,
And the chatterer-wanderer,
And a quiet praying mantis.

On the day of the death of the old prince
The peasants did not foresee
What are not floodplain meadows,
And they will make a litigation.
And after drinking a glass,
First of all, they argued:
How should they be with the meadows?

Not all of you, Rus', is measured
Zemlitsa; come across
blessed corners,
Where did it go well.
Some random -
The ignorance of the landowner,
living far away
Broker's mistake
And more often twists
Peasant leaders -
In the allotment of the peasants occasionally
There was also a fishing line.
There is a proud man, try it
Knock on the window the headman
For a tribute - get angry!
One answer before time:
“And you sell the fishing line!”
And the wahlaks thought
Its meadows are flooded
Hand over to the headman - on a tribute:
Everything is weighed, calculated,
Just - quitrent and tribute,
Too much. “Is that right, Vlas?
And if the filing is done,
I don't say hello to anyone!
There is a hunt - I work,
Not that - I'm lying with a woman,
Not that - I'm going to a tavern!

- So! - the whole horde of the Vakhlats
At the word of Klim Lavin
Responded. - On tribute!
Do you agree, Uncle Vlas?

– Klim has a short speech
And clear as a sign
Calling to the tavern, -
The old man said jokingly. -
Klimakh will start with a woman,
And it will end with a tavern! -

“And what! Not with a spear
Finish that? The thing is right
Don't croak, settle!"

But Vlas is not up to croaking.
Vlas was a kind soul,
I was sick for the whole vakhlachin -
Not for one family.
Serving under a strict master,
Carry a burden on your conscience
unwilling participant
His cruelties.
How young he was, waiting for the best,
Yes, it always happened
What's the best ending
Nothing or disaster.
And became afraid of the new,
Rich in promises
Unbelieving Vlas.
Not so much in Belokamennaya
Passed over the bridge
Like a peasant
Grievances have passed ... to the point of laughter? ..
Vlas was always gloomy.
And then - the old man blew it!
Tomfoolery vakhlatskoe
Touched him too!
He involuntarily thought:
“Without corvée… without tribute…
Without a stick ... is it true, Lord?
And Vlas smiled.
So the sun from the sultry sky
Into the dense forest
Throw a beam - and a miracle is there:
The dew burns with diamonds
The moss is golden.
“Drink, wahlachki, take a walk!”
It was too much fun:
Everyone in the chest
A new feeling played
Like she took them out
mighty wave
From the bottom of the bottomless abyss
To the world where the endless
They have a feast!
Another bucket was placed
Noisy continuous
And the songs began.
So, burying the dead,
Relatives and friends
They only talk about him
Until they manage
With a host's meal
And they won't start to yawn, -
So the noise is long
Behind a cup, under a willow,
Everything, read, happened
In commemoration of the cropped
Landlord "strings".

To the deacon with the seminarians
They stuck: “Sing “Merry”!”
The good guys sang.
(That song - not folk -
For the first time the son of Tryphon sang,
Gregory, vakhlakam,
And from the "Position" of the king,
From the people who removed the support,
She's on drunken holidays
Like a dance song
Priests and courtyards, -
Vakhlak did not sing it,
And, listening, stomped,
whistled; "Merry"
Not jokingly called.)


“Eat prison, Yasha!
There is no milk!"
- Where is our cow? -
“Gone away, my light!
Master for offspring
I took her home."
It's nice to live people
Saint in Rus'!

Where are our chickens? -
The girls are yelling.
"Don't scream, fools!
The Zemsky court ate them;
I took another supply
Yes, he promised to stay ... "
It's nice to live people
Saint in Rus'!

Broke my back
And the sourdough doesn't wait!
Baba Katerina
Remembered - roars:
In the yard for over a year
Daughter ... no dear!
It's nice to live people
Saint in Rus'!

A little from the kids
Look, there are no children:
The king will take the boys
Barin - daughters!
One freak
Live with family.
It's nice to live people
Saint in Rus'!

Then his vahlatskaya,
Native, they thundered in unison,
Long, sad
There are no other places.
Isn't it a wonder? wide
Side Rus' baptized,
The people in it are dark,
And not in one soul
From time immemorial before ours
The song didn't catch on
Cheerful and clear
Like a windy day.
Isn't it wonderful? isn't it scary?
Oh time, new time!
You will also say in the song
But how?.. The soul of the people!
Laugh at last!


Poor, unkempt Kalinushka,
Nothing for him to flaunt
Only the back is painted
Yes, you don’t know behind the shirt.
From the bast to the gate
The skin is all torn
The belly swells from the chaff.
twisted, twisted,
Slashed, tormented,
Barely Kalina wanders:
It will knock on the feet of the tavern keeper,
Sorrow will drown in wine.
Only on Saturday will come around
From the lord's stables to his wife ...

"Ay song! .. Remember! .."
Our wanderers grieve,
That memory is short
And the wahlaki boasted:
“We are corvee! From our something
Try to be patient!
We are corvee! grew up
Under the snout of the landowner;
Day is hard labor, but night?
What a shame! For the girls
The messengers rode in threes
in our villages.
We forgot in the face
To each other, looking at the ground,
We have lost our speech.
They got drunk in silence
They kissed in silence,
The fight went on in silence."
- Well, you're talking about silence something
Not good! we are silent
I got salty! -
Said to the neighboring parish
Peasant with hay
(Necess has overtaken extreme,
Mowed - and to the market!).
Our young lady decided
Gertrude Alexandrovna,
Who will say a strong word,
Togo mercilessly to fight.
And they fought! pokudova
Don't stop barking
And the man does not bark -
The only thing to be silent.
We got drunk! really
We celebrated the will
Like a holiday: they cursed so much,
That pop Ivan was offended
For the ringing of bells
Buzzing that day.

Such tales are wonderful
They fell down ... And is it a wonder?
Go far for the word
No need - everything is spelled out
On your own back.

"We had an opportunity, -
Said the kid with the blacks
Big sideburns -
So there is no more wonderful thing about it."
(On a small hat is round,
With a badge, red vest,
With a dozen bright buttons,
Skinny pants
And bast shoes: small looked like
To the tree from which
Tiny shepherd bark
Ripped off the whole bottom
And above - not a scratch,
At the top does not disdain
Crow to build a nest.)
- So, brother, tell me! -
"Give me a smoke first!"
While he smoked
Vlas has our wanderers
They asked: "What kind of goose?"
- So, the martyr ran up,
Assigned to our parish,
Baron Sineguzin
yard man,
Vikenty Alexandrovich.
From the back to arable farming
Jumped! Behind him was
And the nickname "exit".
Healthy but weak legs
Tremble; his mistress
I rode in a carriage
Four for mushrooms ...
He will tell! listen!
Such a great memory
It must be (the headman finished),
Ate magpie eggs.

Adjusting the round hat
Vikenty Alexandrovich
Started the story.

About the exemplary serf - Yakov Verny

There was a gentleman of a low family,
He bought a village with bribes,
Lived in it without a break
thirty three years
He went free, drank, drank bitter,
Greedy, stingy, not friendly
with the nobles
I only went to my sister for seagulls;
Even with family, not only
with the peasants

Mr. Polivanov was cruel;
Having married the daughter, the faithful hubby
Whipped - both drove away naked,
In the teeth of an exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Like he was blowing with his heel.

People of the servile rank -
Real dogs sometimes:
The more severe the punishment
So dear to them, gentlemen.

Jacob showed up like this from his youth,
Only Jacob had joy:
Gentleman groom, cherish, appease
Yes, the nephew is a youngster to download.
So they both lived to old age.
The master's legs began to wither,
I went to be treated, but my legs did not come to life ...
Full of carousing, indulging and singing!
Eyes are clear
Cheeks are red
Plump hands as white as sugar,
Yes, there are shackles on the legs!
Quietly the landowner lies under a dressing gown,
Bitter fate curses
Yakov with the master: friend and brother
Faithful Yakov, the master is calling.
Winter and summer spent together,
They played more cards
To dispel boredom went to my sister
Twelve versts on good days.
Yakov himself will carry him out, lay him down,
Himself on duty will take to his sister,
He himself will help to get to the old woman,
So they lived happily - for the time being ...

Yakov's nephew, Grisha, grew up,
The master at the feet: “I want to marry!”
- Who is the bride? - "Bride -
The master answers: - I'll knock it into the coffin! -
He himself thought, looking at Arisha:
“If only the Lord would turn his legs!”
No matter how uncle asked for his nephew,
The master of the opponent in recruits sold out.
Strongly offended the exemplary slave,
Jacob the faithful
Barin, - the serf fooled!
I washed down the dead ... It's embarrassing without Jacob,
Whoever serves is a fool, a scoundrel!
Anger has long boiled in everyone,
Fortunately, there is a case: be rude, take out!
The master now asks, then swears like a dog.
So two weeks passed.
Suddenly, his faithful slave returns ...
The first thing is a bow to the ground.
It’s a pity for him, you see, he became legless:
Who can follow it?
“Do not only remember the deeds of the cruel;
I will carry my cross to the grave!”
Again the landowner lies under a bathrobe,
Again at his feet Jacob sits,
Again the landowner calls him brother.
- What are you frowning, Yasha? - "Mutit!"

A lot of mushrooms strung on threads,
They played cards, drank tea,
Poured cherries, raspberries into drinks
And they gathered to have some fun with their sister.

The landowner smokes, lies carefree,
Clear sun, greenery glad.
Jacob is gloomy, speaks reluctantly,
Jacob's reins are trembling,
He is baptized: “Keep away from me, unclean power!”
Whispers: "Scatter!" (his enemy was troubling him).
They are going ... To the right is a wooded slum,
Her name is from time immemorial: Devil's ravine;
Yakov turned and drove down a ravine,
The master was taken aback: - Where are you, where are you going? -
Jacob doesn't say a word. We drove by step
Several miles; no road - trouble!
Pits, deadwood; running down the ravine
Spring waters, trees rustle ...
The horses have become - and not a step further,
Pine trees stick out like a wall in front of them.

Jacob, not looking at the poor master,
Began to unharness the horses,
Faithful Yash, trembling, pale,
The landowner then began to beg.
Jacob listened to the promises - and rudely,
Evil laughed: “I found the murderer!
I will dirty my hands with murder,
No, you don't have to die!"
Yakov spun on a tall pine tree,
The reins at the top strengthened it,
Crossed himself, looked at the sun,
Head in a noose - and lowered his legs! ..
What passions of the Lord! hanging
Yakov over the master, swaying measuredly.
The master rushes about, sobbing, screaming,
Echo one responds!
Stretched out his head, strained his voice
Barin - vain screams!
The devil's ravine was wrapped in a shroud,
At night there are great dews,
Zgi not to see! only owls scurry,
The earth spreading its wings,
You can hear the horses chewing the leaves,
Quietly ringing bells.
Like a cast iron fits - they burn
Someone's two round, bright eyes,
Birds are flying noisily.
I hear they live nearby.
The raven over Jacob croaked alone,
Chu! there were hundreds of them!
Hooted, the gentleman threatens with a crutch.
What passions of the Lord!

The master lay in the ravine all night,
Moans of birds and wolves driving away,
In the morning the hunter saw him.
The master returned home, wailing:
- I'm a sinner, a sinner! Execute me! -
Will you, sir, be an exemplary serf,
Jacob the faithful
Remember until judgment day!

"Sins, sins," was heard
From all sides. - I'm sorry Jacob.
Yes, it’s scary for the master, -
What a punishment he took!
- Sorry! .. - We also listened to
Two or three scary stories
and heatedly argued
Who is the sinner of all?
One said: taverns,
Another said: landlords,
And the third one is men.
That was Ignatius Prokhorov,
involved in the export,
Powerful and wealthy

The man is not empty.
He saw all kinds
Traveled all over the county
And along and across.
You should listen to him
However, the wahlaks
So angry, did not give
Ignatius to say the words
Especially Klim Yakovlev
Courageous: “You are a fool! ..”
“And you should have listened first…”
"A fool are you..."
- And yet you
I see fools! -
Suddenly inserted the word rude
Eremin, merchant brother,
Buying from peasants
Whatever, bast shoes,
Is it a calf, is it a lingonberry,
And most importantly - a master
watch out for the odds,
When taxes were collected
And the property of the Vakhlats
Launched with a hammer.
Started an argument
And they didn’t miss the point!
Who is the worst of all? think! -
“Well, who is it? speak!"
- It is known who: the robbers! -
And Klim answered him:
"You were not serfs,
There was a great drop
Yes, not on your baldness!
Filled the moshna: imagining
Robbers are everywhere to him;
Robbery is a special article,
Robbery has nothing to do with it!”
– Rogue for Rogue
Stepped up! - Prasol said,
And Lavigne - jump to him!
"Pray!" - and in the teeth of prasol.
- Say goodbye to tummies! -
And prasol in Lavin's teeth.
"Hey fight! well done!"
The peasants parted
Nobody teased
Nobody took it apart.
Hailstorms rained down:
- I'll kill you! write to your parents! -
"I'll kill you! call the priest!
So it ended that prasola
Klim squeezed his hand like a hoop,
Another grabbed my hair
And bent with the word "bow"
Merchant at your feet.
- Well, that's it! - Prasol said.
Klim released the offender,
The offender sat on a log,
Wide checkered scarf
Turned away and said:
- You win! and wonder?
Doesn't reap, doesn't plow - wanders around
By konoval's position,
How not to work up strength? -
(The peasants laugh.)
"Don't you still want to? -
Klim said fervently.
- You thought not? Let's try! -
The merchant took off the chuyka carefully
And he spat in his hands.

"Open the mouth of sinful
The time has come: listen!
And so I will reconcile you!” -
Suddenly Ionushka exclaimed,
All evening silently listening,
Sighing and baptized,
Humble praying mantis.
The merchant was glad; Klim Yakovlev
He was silent. sit down,
There was silence.

Homeless, homeless
A lot comes across
The people in Rus'
Do not reap, do not sow - feed
From the same common granary,
What feeds a small mouse
And an innumerable army:
settled peasant
Her name is Hump.
Let the people know
that entire villages
Begging in autumn
Like a profitable business
Go: in the people's conscience
Got tired of the decision
What is more misfortune here,
Than lies - they are served.
Let there be frequent cases
That the wanderer will turn out
Thief; what does the grandmother have
For Athos prosphora,
For "tears of the Virgin"
The pilgrim will lure out the yarn,
And after the women will tell
What's next Trinity-Sergius
He himself has not been.
There was an old man, wonderful singing
He captivated the hearts of the people;
With the consent of the mothers,
In the village of Steep Backwaters
Divine singing
Began to teach girls;
Red girls all winter
They locked themselves in the barn with him,
Where did the singing come from?
And more often laughter and squealing.
However, what was the end?
He didn't learn to sing
And spoiled everyone.
There are great masters
To please the ladies:
First through bab
Accessible to the girl's,
And there to the landowner.
Jingling keys, around the yard
Walks like a barin
Spitting in the face of a peasant
Praying old woman
Bent into a ram's horn!..
But he sees in the same wanderers
And the front side
People. Who builds churches?
Who are the monastery mugs
Filled over the edge?
Others don't do good
And evil is not seen behind him,
You won't understand otherwise.
Fomushka is familiar to the people:
Two-pood chains
Belted around the body
In winter and summer barefoot,
Mumbling incomprehensibly,
And to live - lives like a god:
Board and stone in the head,
And food is bread.
Wonderful to him and memorable
Old Believer Kropilnikov,
An old man whose whole life
That will, then prison.
Came to the village of Usolovo:
Reproach the laity with godlessness,
Calls to dense forests
Save yourself. Stanovoy
Happened here, listened to everything:
"To the interrogation of the accuser!"
He is the same to him:
- You are an enemy of Christ, antichrist
Messenger! - Sotsky, headman
They blinked at the old man:
"Hey, bow down!" Not listening!
They took him to prison
And he reproached the chief
And, standing on a cart,
Usolovtsev shouted:
- Woe to you, woe, lost heads!
Were torn off - you will be naked,
They beat you with sticks, rods, whips,
You will be beaten with iron bars! ..

Usolovtsy were baptized,
The chief beat the herald:
"Remember you, anathema,
Judge of Jerusalem!"
The guy, the driver,
The reins fell out of fright
And the hair stood on end!
And, as a sin, military
The team broke out in the morning:
In Ustoy, a nearby village,
The soldiers have arrived.
Interrogations! pacification! -
Anxiety! along the way
The Usolovets also got it:
Prophecy of the Shrew
Nearly missed the point.

Will never forget
The people of Euphrosyne,
Posad widow:
As God's messenger
The old lady appears
In cholera years;
Buries, heals, messes around
With the sick. Almost praying
Peasant women on her ...
Knock, unknown guest!
Whoever you are, sure
In a village gate
Knock! Not suspicious
native peasant,
Thought does not originate in it,
Like people who are sufficient
At the sight of a stranger
Wretched and timid:
Wouldn't steal what?
And the women are those radekhonki.
In winter before the torch
The family sits, works,
And the stranger says.
Already in the bath he took a steam bath,
Ears with a spoon of your own,
With a blessing hand
He took a sip.
A charm walks through the veins,
Speech flows like a river.
In the hut everything seemed to freeze:
The old man who fixed the shoes
Dropped them at their feet;
The shuttle has not ticked for a long time,
The worker listened
At the loom;
Frozen already on the prick
Evgenyushka's little finger,
Master's eldest daughter,
high bump,
And the girl did not hear
How she pricked herself to the point of blood;
Sewing to the feet went down,
Sitting - pupils are dilated,
Spread her hands...
Guys hanging their heads
From the floor, do not move:
How sleepy the seals are
On the ice floes beyond Arkhangelsk,
They lie on their stomach.
No faces to be seen, hung
Down strands
Hair - no need to say
That they are yellow.
Wait! soon stranger
Will tell the true story of Athos,
Like a Turk rebellious
Monks drove into the sea,
How the monks walked obediently
And they died by the hundreds
Hear the whisper of terror
You will see a number of frightened,
Tears of full eyes!
A terrible moment has come -
And the hostess herself
Spindle pot-bellied
Rolled off my knees.
Vaska the cat was alert -
And jump to the spindle!
At another time, something would
Vaska got smart,
And then they didn't notice
How he with a nimble paw
I touched the spindle
How to jump on it
And how it rolled
Until it unraveled
Tight thread!

Who has seen how he listens
Of their passing wanderers
peasant family,
Understand that no work
Not eternal care
Nor the yoke of long slavery,
Not a tavern by ourselves
More Russian people
No limits set:
Before him is a wide path.
When they change the plowman
The fields are old,
Shreds in the forest outskirts
He tries to plow.
There is enough work here.
But the stripes are new
Give without fertilizer
Abundant harvest.
Soil is good
The soul of the Russian people...
O sower! come!..

Jonah (aka Lyapushkin)
Vakhlatskaya side
I've been visiting for a long time.
Not only did they not disdain
Peasants God's wanderer,
And they argued about
Who will take him in first?
While their disputes Lyapushkin
Did not end:
"Hey! women! take out
Icons! The women took it out;
Before each icon
Jonah fell prostrate:
“Don't argue! work of God
Who looks kinder
I'll go after that!"
And often for the poorest
Ionushka walked as an icon
In the poorest hut.
And to that hut special
Reverence: women run
With knots, pans
In that hut. A cup full
By the grace of Ionushka,
She becomes.

Quietly and unhurriedly
Led the story of Ionushka
"About two great sinners",
Crossing yourself diligently.

About two great sinners

Let us pray to the Lord God
We will announce the ancient story,
He told me in Solovki
Monk, Father Pitirim.

There were twelve robbers
There was Kudeyar-ataman,
Many robbers shed
The blood of honest Christians,

Lots of wealth was stolen
Lived in a dense forest
Leader Kudeyar from near Kyiv
Take the beautiful girl out.

In the afternoon with his mistress, he amused himself,
He made raids at night,
Suddenly at the fierce robber
The Lord awakened the conscience.

The dream flew away; disgusted
Drunkenness, murder, robbery,
The shadows of the slain are,
A whole army - you can't count!

Long fought, resisted
Lord beast-man,
Head blew off his mistress
And Yesaula spotted.

The conscience of the villain mastered
Disbanded his band
Distributed property to the church,
Buried the knife under the willow.

And forgive sins
Goes to the tomb of the Lord
Wandering, praying, repenting,
It doesn't get any easier for him.

An old man, in monastic clothes,
The sinner came home
Lived under the canopy of the oldest
Duba, in the forest slum.

Day and night of the Most High
Pray: forgive sins!
Let your body be tortured
Let me save my soul!

God took pity and to salvation
The schemer showed the way:
An old man in prayer vigil
Some saint appeared

Rivers: "Not without God's providence
You chose the age-old oak,
With the same knife that robbed
Cut it off with the same hand!

There will be great work
There will be a reward for labor,
The tree just collapsed
The chains of sin will fall."

The hermit measured the monster:
Oak - three girths around!
I went to work with a prayer
Cuts with a damask knife

Cuts tough wood
Singing glory to the Lord
Years go - moves on
Slowly business forward.

What to do with the giant
Frail, sick person?
We need iron strength here,
We don't need an old age!

Doubt creeps into the heart
Cuts and hears the words:
"Hey old man, what are you doing?"
Crossed first,

I looked - and Pan Glukhovsky
He sees on a greyhound horse,
Pan rich, noble,
The first one in that direction.

A lot of cruel, scary
The old man heard about the pan
And as a lesson to the sinner
He told his secret.

Pan chuckled: "Salvation
I haven't had tea for a long time
In the world I honor only a woman,
Gold, honor and wine.

You have to live, old man, in my opinion:
How many slaves I destroy
I torture, I torture and hang,
And I would like to see how I sleep!

The miracle with the hermit happened:
Felt rage,
Rushed to Pan Glukhovsky,
A knife plunged into his heart!

Just pan bloodied
Fell head on the saddle
A huge tree collapsed
The echo shook the whole forest.

The tree collapsed, rolled down
From a monk the burden of sins! ..
Glory to the Creator omnipresent
Today and forever and ever.

Jonah finished; being baptized;
The people are silent. Suddenly prasola
An angry cry broke out:
- Hey you sleepy grouse!
Pa-rum, live, pa-rum!
“You won’t call the ferry
Until the sun! carriers
And in the daytime they celebrate a coward,
Their ferry is thin,
Wait! About Kudeyar something ... "
- Ferry! steam-rum! steam-rum! -
He left, fiddling with the cart,
The cow is tied to her -
He kicked her;
In it the hens are cooing,
He told them: - Fools! poof! -
The calf dangles in it -
Got a calf too
An asterisk on the forehead.
Burned a Savras horse
With a whip - and moved to the Volga.
Sailed a month over the road.
Such a funny shadow
Ran next to prasol
Along the moon lane!
“I thought it over, it became, to fight something?
And to argue - sees - there is nothing, -
Vlas noticed. - Oh, my God!
Great noble sin!
- Great, but not to be him
Against the sin of the peasant, -
Again Ignatius Prokhorov
Couldn't resist, he said.
Klim spat: “Ek, impatient!
Who with what, and our tick
Native galchenyatochki
Just a mile ... Well, tell me
What is the great sin?
