E shim stories about animals presentation. A lesson in literary reading, we shim you all cover

▫ Absolutely agree. No comment, as they say. When telling children, it may be worth emphasizing heroism, but one should not discount hard facts either. In fact, this is the same falsification, I agree.
▫ And a little more. Such a theme: Finnish war. Previously, they tried not to talk about it at all. Now there are many publications. And for the most part - bleakly there, in publications. But the distortion of history - is it really true to tell about losses, disastrous blunders in supply, command and control, propaganda and in general the `orientation` of this entire military campaign? Silence is a distortion. Although ... And here, too, there are two ways: you can laugh vilely at defeats, keeping silent about heroism. Or you can fall into pathos, convict of `defeatism` of those who realistically assess the scale and results ...
▫ You and I are talking about the same thing... It's just that your first comment was not very clear right off the bat, and so, our position is almost the same.
▫ Quite right: to see adequately. For example: here was Prince Alexander. He kicked the Scandinavians, it was the case. Then he stuffed the `order-bearers`. And besides, he led the Horde to Rus' and used their help in civil strife. By the way, a lot of people died in Rus' then, from these campaigns. It is also appropriate to give explanations of actions: the situation, the problems of choice ... Another example: the role of such and such an organization in the Great Patriotic war. And instead of `If not for us, then there would be no victory!` - to tell how it really happened. That there were those who were from their ranks, but fought. The number can be specified (so that there is no impression that the rest stood on the sidelines, and those figures did everything themselves). Marked in heroism. And there were those who hugged and drank vodka together with the military, not in our uniforms. Also indicate the number - to compare the scale of participation on our side - and on the enemy side. So as not to give the impression that they were standing on the sidelines. And the conclusion to draw: that's how they won. Together. This is our TOTAL victory. Not dependent on the cross, crescent and other things; from `Thank you`, `rakhmet`, `barkal` or `dyakuyu`. =================== You look, next time a young man or girl who saw a `judge` about how everything was `oh, bad-bad-bad!` - or about how everything was `oh, good, good, good!` - they could independently, with KNOWLEDGE of the matter and Luggage of truthful, adequate knowledge, smile, sorry: `This is a lie, guys. This is on purpose to distort our country, our history, our VALUES (disgrace, misrepresent, overpraise, stretch ... etc.). Isn't it adequate? I think it will be respectful and principled both for the country and for history. Well, the blanket is pulling - so, I repeat, the domestic ones are even worse than the Midwayers. Whatever they were and to what social or other `niche` they did not belong. Because they are nearby. Among us. Because they know: from adults and principled ones, you can rake and, so to speak, `respond for the bazaar` - and they climb to the children. Different ways. I am sure that stopping such people is both adequate and patriotic. Whoever they are and whatever they dress up and don't 'dress up'.

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EMC "HARMONY" GRADE 4 TOPIC: HOW Rus' UNITED AND LIBERATED Prepared by the teacher primary school Akbasheva Yulia Rafilevna Perm region, MBOU "Bardymskaya secondary school No. 2" REPEAT With what strong enemy did the Russians have to fight for 150 years? Why did it break up Kievan Rus? In what century did this happen? What conquerors came to Rus' from the east? Why did the Russian squads fail? How did the Russian cities and villages pay tribute? Why did the Mongol-Tatars fail to conquer Novgorod? What was the main cause of severe disasters in Rus' in the X/// century? How was it possible to repulse a common enemy? How could the independence of our state be restored? LEARN ... Which principality became the center of the new state? Why? Who ruled? PLAN: When and by whom was Moscow founded? How was the new Moscow state formed? Why did Moscow become one of the largest Russian cities? Who ruled in Moscow? Moscow was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (son of Vladimir Monomakh. The city of Moscow was a very small city. But years passed ... In the Moscow principality, the grandson of Alexander Nevsky, Ivan Kalita ("Kalita" - a money bag) ruled. Under him, Moscow began to grow, people were drawn here, he accepted everyone and endowed them with land.Ivan Kalita was able to negotiate with the Golden Horde.The Mongols' raids stopped, he even collected tribute himself and took part to the Horde, and used the other part to strengthen and strengthen Moscow.Ivan Kalita's business was continued by his heirs ... Moscow quickly grew rich, grew, expanded its influence on neighboring principalities, maintained trade relations with other cities. During the reign of Prince Dmitry (grandson of Ivan Kalita), Moscow became so strong that it dared to reduce the tribute to the Horde. A feast for Prince Dmitry Moscow was decorated with a white stone Kremlin. Russia fed the Horde for a long time, but this was not enough for them.At that time, Oda was ruled by Mamai.He decided to ruin and subjugate the entire Russia to the Horde.BATTLE OF KULIKOV 1380 Prince Dmitry gathered a huge army, squads of other cities joined him. Under the command of Dmitry, the army marched towards Mamai. THE BATTLE OF KULIKOV 1380 P.86 The victory of the Russian troops was the beginning of the defeat of the Mongol-Tatars. This is what the Battle of Kulikovo and Prince Dmitry Donskoy (Don River) became famous for. After 100 years, Moscow rallied most of the Russian lands around itself. The great-grandson of Dmitry Donskoy, Prince Ivan of Moscow /// refused to pay tribute to the Horde and Rus' finally freed itself from the yoke. NEW STATE New State of Moscow Capital MoscowPrince Ivan /// - Sovereign of all Russia. New Code of Laws - Sudebnik New state coat of arms Emblem of the capital The white-stone walls of the Kremlin were replaced with red bricks. Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals were erected.

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Reasons for the unification of Russian lands 1. strengthening economic ties, developing crafts and trade 2. the need for the final destruction of the Tatar-Mongol yoke 3. maintaining positions Orthodox Church aimed at uniting the people 4. the emergence of strong centrifugal pressure from the Moscow princes

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Moscow - the center of the unification of Russian lands

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The founder of the Moscow dynasty of princes - the son of Alexander Nevsky Daniil Alexandrovich in 1276 - received Moscow as an inheritance; 1230 - defeated the Ryazan prince Konstantin, capturing the Ryazan possessions from Kolomna to Serpukhov 1302 - the childless Pereyaslav prince gave him the Pereyaslav principality 1302. - captured Mozhaisk !!! He increased the economic and military power of the principality, but ... did not receive the title of Grand Duke.

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The fight between Tver and Moscow for the championship After the death of Daniil Alexandrovich, the Moscow prince is his son Yuri Danilovich. Struggle with Tver Prince Mikhail Yuryevich for a label for a great reign Married the sister of Khan Uzbek Konchaka, lived for a long time in the Horde Received a label for a great reign

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The reign of Ivan Kalita (1325-1340) 1. Tried to push Tver against the Horde 1327 - participation in the defeat of the anti-Horde uprising in Tver 2. Subdues the Rostov principality, buys Uglich, Galich, Beloozero. 3. Moved Metropolitan of All Rus' Peter to Moscow!!! Destroyed the Basque Institute, he himself carried tribute to the Golden Horde

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The cautious policy of Ivan Kalita was continued by his sons: Semyon Proud (1340-1353) Ivan Ivanovich Krasny (1353-1359)

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Reasons for the rise of Moscow Convenient geographical position The correct policy of the Moscow princes The weakness of neighboring cities (Tver, Novgorod) The inattention of the Golden Horde to the process of the rise of Moscow Support of the Church

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Stage 1 - the end of the 13th century - the 80s. XIV century Description: Struggle in North-Eastern Rus' for a great reign. Fastening the label to the great reign for Moscow Main centers: Tver, Moscow, Lithuania

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The reign of Dmitry Donskoy (1359-1389) 1362 - received a label for the great reign of 1367. - construction of a stone fortress - the Moscow Kremlin!!! The main concern is the relationship with the Horde

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September 8, 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo Meaning 1. For the first time Mongolian khans suffered such a crushing defeat from the Russian troops 2. Moscow paid tribute, but in a smaller amount 3. Moscow's position as the center of the emerging Russian state was secured Klyuchevsky

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Stage 2 - 80s of the XIV century - 1462 Feature: Consolidation of lands around Moscow. The struggle of Lithuania for Pskov and Novgorod and "all the great Russian principalities" Main centers: Tver, Moscow, Lithuania

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Completion of the unification of Russian lands into a single state Reign of Vasily I (1389 - 1425) Reign of Vasily II the Dark (1425 - 1462) Feudal war (struggle for power, claim to power by Yuri Galitsky, his sons Vasily Kosoy and Dmitry Shemyaka)

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Slides captions:

How Rus' was united and liberated

The collection of Russian troops was scheduled for August 15 in Kolomna. Russian troops marched from Moscow to Kolomna, they walked along three roads.

50-60 thousand soldiers under the banner of Dmitry, 20 thousand of them from the Moscow principality. Mamai gathered an army of 90 thousand soldiers.

When the military forces were ready, Prince Dmitry ancient custom went for a blessing to fight to Sergius of Radonezh, hegumen of the Holy Trinity Monastery. Then Sergius gave two icons to help Dmitry: Andrei Oslabyu and Alexander Peresvet. These were former boyars who had recently become monks.

Russian warriors: cavalry, princely squads.

Horde warriors

September 8, 1380 Foggy morning Until the fog cleared, the troops stood ready for battle, keeping in touch (calling to one another with the sounds of trumpets)

According to the customs of those times, the battle began with single combat. A heroic-looking horseman Chelubey left the Horde ranks and began to summon an enemy from the Russian rati. The icon of Sergius of Radonezh, Peresvet, rode out to meet the Horde.

But after several hours of a brutal battle, the Horde managed to push the Russian warriors.

The enemy was about to celebrate the victory, when suddenly an ambush regiment, hidden by Dmitry in a small grove, hit their rear.

At the same time, other Russian regiments went on the offensive. The enemies were in turmoil. Mamai rushed to run, and behind him - the entire Horde army.

A terrible sight was the Kulikovo field. The bodies of the dead lay in heaps everywhere, the wounded groaned.

Prince Dmitry was found lying unconscious. It can be seen that he was stunned by a blow of a club or a sword.

In honor of great victory people nicknamed Prince Dmitry - Donskoy

Monument in honor of the victory on the Kulikovo field

The liberation of Rus' from the Horde dependence - 1480

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The project "Festive table unites peoples. A guest on the threshold - joy in the house."

Everyone knows that there are universal human values ​​that people share different nationalities. This human life, kindness, love of neighbor, knowledge, culture. We must teach our children...

Lesson of the surrounding world on the topic: "How Rus' was united and liberated"
Grade 4, EMC "School of Russia"
To form students' ideas about the exploits of the defenders of Rus'.
Show the meaning of the Battle of Kulikovo and the creation of the Muscovite state
To acquaint with the activities of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich.
Develop imagination, visually - creative thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to use a diagram and a historical map.
To cultivate admiration for the courage and selflessness of our ancestors, who returned independence to our state, to instill an interest in history.
Lesson stage Contents educational material Working methods and techniques Forms of organization learning activities Teacher's activity Students' activity Formation of universal learning activities
I. Organizational moment.
Greeting students, set the mood for the lesson. verbal method, teacher's word. Front work. Creates motivation for learning activities. Emotional mood to the lesson. RUUD - organization of the workplace.
LUUD - self-determination.
Actualization of knowledge (testing).
What city was the first capital of Ancient Rus'?
1) Kyiv
2) Novgorod
3) Moscow
In what year was Christianity adopted in Rus'?
1) 1054
2) 988
3) 964
Which of the princes was called "prophetic"?
1) Igor
2) Svyatoslav
3) Oleg
Where was the capital of the ancient Russian state moved under Prince Oleg?
1) Novgorod
2) Moscow
3) Kyiv
Which of the princes was called "wise"?
1) Svyatoslav
2) Yaroslav
3) Vladimir
Restore the correct order of the reign of the first Russian princes.
1) Yaroslav the Wise
2) Olga
3) Oleg
4) Vladimir the Red Sun
5) Igor
6) Svyatoslav
7) Rurik8) Vladimir Monomakh
The Golden Horde is a state...
1) nomads - Polovtsy
2) Mongol - Tatars 3) German knights Visual method, work on cards. Independent work students.
Mutual check of works, evaluation of works by students. Organizes an audit.
Organizes audits and controls. Perform tasks - test.
Perform peer review and evaluate work. PUUD - the ability to navigate in tests, work with information.
KUUD - the ability to cooperate in pairs.
RUUD - control of their work, mutual verification, adjustment in the performance of tasks, evaluation of work.
LUUD - comparison of one's own assessment of one's activity with the assessment of a friend, adequate perception of the assessment.
Checking homework (frontal survey).
- With what strong enemy did the Russian princes have to fight for 150 years?
Why did Kievan Rus collapse?
- What conquerors came to Rus' from the east in the 13th century?
- Why were the Russian squads defeated?
- What is the Mongol-Tatar yoke?
- How did Russian cities and villages pay tribute?
- What invaders attacked Rus' in the 13th century from the west?
- What made Prince Alexander Nevsky famous?
Verbal method, conversation. Front work. Provides questions to test students' readiness for the lesson. Answer the teacher's questions. PUUD - performing logical operations, working with information.

LUUD - self-determination.
Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- Why do historians call Rus' patchwork in the 13th century? (It was fragmented, it was no longer a single state.)
- How could you fight back the enemies?
- How could the independence of our state be restored? (It was necessary to unite the peoples for the common good.)
- What kind of principality became the center of the new state and who ruled in it, we will learn about this today in the lesson.
verbal method, conversation, creation of a problem situation,
problem question. Front work. Offers to answer questions, encourages the expression of one's opinion, leading questions helps to identify cause-and-effect relationships.
Leads to the formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson by the children. Answer the questions of the teacher, express their assumptions. PUUD - performing logical operations, working with information.
KUUD - the ability to participate in a dialogue, to listen and understand others, to formulate one's thoughts in oral speech.
LUUD - self-determination.
RUUD - the ability to determine the goal of educational activities under the guidance of a teacher, to outline a work plan.
Problematic presentation of new knowledge
1) How Rus' united around Moscow (student presentation).
2) The reign of Ivan Kalita in the Moscow principality (student presentation).
3) Battle of Kulikovo
- The Moscow principality grew, grew richer and became powerful.
- For a long time Rus' fed the enemy Horde and the princes became more and more burdened by dependence on the Golden Horde.
- But this was not enough for the ruler of the Horde Mamai: “I will ruin bright Rus' so that every Russian is afraid to raise his eyes to the Horde warrior.” - Prince Oleg of Ryazan sent a report to the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry that "Mamai with the whole kingdom is against me and you."
- Dmitry was not afraid and went throughout the principality to gather an army to Moscow.
- Monk Sergius of Radonezh predicted Dmitry victory over the Horde army and blessed him for victory and sent two of his monks with him - the monks Alexander Peresvet and Andrey Oslyabya, drew a cross on their helmets and said that they would defeat the enemies. These were not ordinary monks, but mighty heroes, great masters of hand-to-hand combat.
- The army of the prince consisted not only of combatants, but also of ordinary people. Everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands rose to fight the Horde. All of Rus' rose up to fight the enemy.
- Mamai stopped his army on a wide field near the Don and sent an ambassador to Dmitry, who demanded tribute. Dmitry replied that he was ready to pay a tribute, but a moderate, small one, without ruining the Russian land. Mom didn't agree. The dispute was to be resolved in battle. And the Russian army moved from Moscow towards the Don, where Mamai stood.
- Having crossed the Don, the Russians dismantled all the bridges so that every warrior knows that there is nowhere to retreat - Rus' is behind!
- Dmitry decided that Kulikovo field - the best place for battle (the Horde cavalry will not be able to turn around here and strike with all its strength: rivers, forests and swamps interfere) and did not begin to bring all the regiments into battle at once. Dmitry left 2 regiments of princes Vladimir and Borok in an ambush behind an oak forest.
- It was the beginning of September 1380. The prince built an army on the banks of the steppe river Nepryadva, himself stood in the front row and said to his soldiers: “I will die - with you, I will be saved - with you!”
- There is a legend that the battle began with a duel between two warriors-bogatyrs. Mamai's bodyguard, Chelubey, rode out of the enemy ranks on a mighty horse. Shaking his spear, he called with a thunderous voice to a duel any Russian warrior who was not afraid to measure his strength with him. This challenge was accepted by the hero Peresvet. With a spear at the ready, the riders rushed at each other and collided at full gallop. Their horses barely resisted, and both warriors hit each other to death
- For the battle on the Kulikovo field, Prince Dmitry was named Dmitry Donskoy. For 7 days they buried the dead on the Kulikovo field. Peresvet and Oslyabya were buried with honor on the banks of the Moscow River near the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos.
- Russian soldiers fell for holy Rus'. This was the beginning of the defeat of the Mongols - Tatars.
4) Reading the article "When Rus' freed itself from the yoke" in the textbook (p. 62)
5) Working with the map (p.63)
- Which city became the capital of the Moscow state?
- What lands joined?
- What lands were not included in Muscovite Rus'?
- Map comparison (p.52 and p.63)
Interactive method, use of ICT.
Explanatory - illustrative method, presentation of students and teachers, work with a book, work with maps. Front work. Focuses students' attention on viewing student and teacher presentations. Extract essential information from student and teacher presentations. WPMP - the ability to navigate the text of presentations, search for the necessary information, understand the information presented.
KUUD - the ability to read and understand what is read, to participate in dialogue, to listen and understand others.
RUUD - the ability to follow the mode of educational activity.
LUUD - the ability to understand the need to study the subject, to show respect for one's homeland.
Summing up the lesson. Reflection.
- Who ruled the Moscow principality in the 14th century?
- In what year and on what river did the Battle of Kulikovo take place?
- Under what prince did Rus' finally free itself from the Horde yoke?
Chroniclers in thick books
Recorded this year:
“There is no more yoke over us,
Throw off the yoke of our people!”
Glorious Kulikovo field,
Our army went to the Don.
Many wars and many troubles
Many joyful victories!
Verbal method, conversation, teacher's word. Front work. Offers answers to questions, controls the correctness of answers.
Offers to sum up the lesson, evaluate their activities in the lesson.
Answer the questions of the teacher, sum up the lesson, conduct a reflection of their work. KUUD - the ability to formulate one's thoughts in oral speech, to listen and understand the interlocutor.
RUUD - the ability to evaluate your work in the lesson, to summarize the lesson.
LUUD - the ability to admit one's own mistakes.
VII. Homework.
P.58 - 63, answer the questions "Test yourself."
Verbal method, teacher's word. Front work. Gives a comment on homework. Listen to teachers.
