Future perfect application. Future Perfect - future perfect tense: usage, rules of formation, examples

Future Perfect Tense (Future Perfect Tense) is another temporary form of the English language, which expresses an action that has taken place, but already in the future tense. At first glance, this topic should cause many difficulties for a Russian-speaking person. But in fact, everything is quite simple. Future Perfect Tense simply specifies the future action. Meaning of Future Perfect Tense

What is Future Perfect Tense?

Future Perfect Tense expresses an action or event that will be completed before a specified point in the future. The action expressed in the Future Perfect can be called “pre-future”, because. it will be over by the specified time.

As a rule, Future Perfect Tense is translated into Russian by the verb of the future tense of the perfect form. Often, when translating, the adverb "already" is added.

The future perfect tense of the English language is extremely rarely used both in colloquial speech and in writing. Usually it is replaced by a simpler temporary form - Future Simple Tense. The Future Perfect tense is used only when it is necessary to emphasize that the action will be completed exactly by the specified moment in the future.

Rules for the formation of Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense is formed using auxiliary verb to have in Future Simple Tense (will have / shall have) and the past participle of the semantic verb (Past Participle).

The Past Participle is formed by adding the ending -ed to regular verbs. In the case of irregular verbs, you need to refer to the III form in the table of irregular verbs.

Subl. + will have / shall have + Past Participle ...

To form an interrogative sentence, it is necessary to put the auxiliary verb will / shall in the first place before the subject, and leave the rest of the temporary form (have and Past Participle) after the subject.

Will/ Shall + Gen. + have + Past Participle …

Negative sentences are formed using the negative particle not, which is placed after the first auxiliary verb Will / Shall. In colloquial speech, they merge into one:

  • will not - won't
  • shall not - shan't

Subl. + will/ shall + not + have + Past Participle ...

Conjugation table of the verb to develop in Future Perfect Tense

Number Face affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form
Unit h. 1
I shall/ will (I"ll) have developed

He/ She/ It will (he "ll/ she'll) have developed
Shall/ Will I have developed?
Will you have developed?
Will he/ she/ it have developed?
I shall/ will not (shan "t/ won't) have developed

He/ She/ It will not (won't) have developed
Mn. h. 1
We shall/ will (we"ll) have developed
You will (you "ll) have developed
They will (they'll) have developed
Shall/ Will we have developed?
Will you have developed?
Will they have developed?
We shall/ will not (shan "t/ won't) have developed
You will not (won't) have developed
They will not (won't) have developed

Future Perfect Tense is used:

I. To express a future action that will be completed before a certain moment in the future tense. This moment can be specified:

1. With such circumstantial words that indicate the time by which the action will be completed:

  • by 2020 - by 2020
  • by that time
  • by the end of the week
  • by Monday - by Monday
  • By the end of the week I shall have given up smoking - By the end of the week I will quit smoking
  • We will have left this countryside by the end of the year - We will leave the village by the end of this year
  • By Saturday she'll have finished her project - By Saturday, she will have finished her project

An example of using Future Perfect Tense

2. Another future action in the subordinate clause of time and condition expressed by the verb in Present Simple Tense. It is assumed that by the beginning of this action, the action in the main clause (expressed by the verb in the Future Perfect Tense) will already have ended. As a rule, with such unions as:

  • before - before
  • when - when
  • I'll have seen you before you leave - I'll see you before you leave
  • He'll have left before I arrive at the station - He will leave before I arrive at the station
  • We'll have repaired this fridge before you return - We will fix this refrigerator before you return

But in the subordinate clauses themselves, instead of Future Perfect Tense, they use Present Perfect Tense. Example:

  • I’ll buy you an ice-cream if you have done your lessons − I’ll buy you ice cream if you do your homework

3. This point can be understood from the context. Example:

  • 2 years! Everyone will have forgotten us! - 2 years! Everyone will already forget us!

II. To express a past intended action. In this case, the use of Future Perfect Tense is not related to the future tense, it replaces the construction must + Perfect Infinitive. Such sentences are translated into Russian in the past tense with the words "probably" or "should be." Examples:

  • They'll have heard the news about my father's new invention - They must have heard about my father's new invention
  • The viewer will have noticed their positive attitude to any form of democracy - The viewer will probably have noticed their positive attitude to any form of democracy

Although Future Perfect Tense is very rare in English, don't neglect learning it. Who knows, you may have to face him more than once.

Watch the following video tutorials on the topic:

"Future Perfect Tense - Future Perfect Tense"

The future perfect is the future tense for productive pre-activity ahead. It denotes future events before another future, considering the past from the future - what will already happen. As an analogue of the present perfect, it seems to look back, but from the future.

The future is formed by the future be+ perfect infinitive. future negation - will/shall not/ won't / shan't before have.

I'll have finished - Ifinish

will/shall have + V3

will sb have done sth

sb will have done sth

sb won't have done sth

Pre-future values

  • future results

Youwillonlyhavelearnedafewwords - You will only learn a few words

She'llhavegonetowork - She will already go to work

I'llhavefinishedthisbookbytomorrow - I will have finished this book by tomorrow

I'll have told him the news by the time you get here – KyoursparishII will tellto himnews

The match will have finished by then - Kto thattimematchalreadywill end

The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema – KourparishVcinemashowalreadywill begin

She will have delivered all the newspapers by 8 o'clock - Shewill smashAllnewspapersTo8 o'clock

  • future pre-processes

We'll have lived here for 2 years in JanuaryJanuaryWewe willliveHere2 years

Next year they will have been married for 25 yearsnextyearTheycelebrate25th anniversarymarriage

I will have been in London for 6 months by the time I leave – KotimedepartureII will stayVLondonalreadysix months

They will not have slept for a long time - Theyfor a long timeNotfall asleep


  • conjunctions/prepositions

by (then, the time…), for, before, when, until/till(negative)

She will have finished the report by tomorrow - Shewill finishreportTotomorrowafternoon

She won't have completed the report till 5 o'clock - Shewill completereportNotearlier 5

By next November, I will have received my promotion - KNovemberto meshinespromotion

Willshe have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing? - Sheenoughwill learncolloquialChinesebeforemovingVBeijing?

By the time I finish this course, I will have taken 10 tests – Kthe endcourseIwrite10 control

The project will have been completed before the deadline – ProjectwillcompletedToextremedeadline

When you arrive, the train will have left - Kyoursarrivaltrainalreadywill leave

I will have arrived at the office by 8 - II will comeVofficeTo8 o'clock

She won't be at home at 9 o'clock - she'll have gone to work - B9 herNotwillHouses- shewillalreadyonwork

I don’t think I’ll have finished these exercises by 3 o’clock – I’m afraid, to meNotfinishtheseexercisesTo3 o'clock

They'll have had breakfast before we come - KourparishTheyhave breakfast

He won’t have written 3 books by next year – HeNotwill write3 booksTonextyear

We'll have had dinner by this time - Kto thattimeWealreadylet's have dinner

Willyou have perfected your English by the time you come back from the US? - YouhonemineEnglishToreturnfromUSA?

Where will she have gone? - AWheresheget away?

We will have broken for lunch by 12:30 - Welet's go toondinnerTo 12:30

Jack will have finished his homework by the time his mother gets home – Jackwill finishhomeworkToparishmothers

She will have gotten ready by the time they leave the house - Sheget readytotimedeparturefromHouses

Laura will have cleaned out the apartment before she gives back the key – BeforesurrenderkeyLauraclean outapartment

By the time I get home, Zoe will have cooked dinner for us two - By the time I arrive, Zoe will cook dinner for the two of us

English Joke

Two ladies in a car disputed concerning the window, and at last called the conductor as referee.

"If this window is open," one declared, "I shall catch cold, and will probably die."

"If the window is shut," the other announced, "I shall certainly suffocate." The two glared at each other.

The conductor was at a loss, but he welcomed the words of a man with a red nose who sat near. These were:

"First, open the window, conductor. That will kill one. Next, shut it. That will kill the other. Then we can have peace."

The future perfect tense is used to express an action that will take place at a certain point in the future.

  • She will have cleaned the entire house by the time he gets home. She will clean the whole house by his return.
  • They will have finished their course by the end of May. They will complete the course by the end of May.

The formation of time

The future perfect tense is formed with an auxiliary verb will have +V3(3rd form of the semantic verb (see the table of irregular verbs)). If the semantic verb is correct, the ending is added to it -ed.

  • By the time I finish this course, I will have taken five tests. When I finish this course, I will write 5 tests.

NB! To form an affirmative form of a sentence, it is possible to use the auxiliary verb shall have for the 1st person (I, we - I, we). Using will be for the 1st person is not a mistake!

Negative sentence formed with an auxiliary verb will not have(shall not have) (won't/shan't are shortened forms)+ V3.

  • I shall not have finished this test by 2 o'clock. I won't have finished the test by 2 o'clock.
  • She will not have graduated from university by next year. She won't graduate by next year.

For education interrogative sentence verb comes first in the sentence will/shall + pronoun (subject) + have + semantic verb in the third form (V3). If an interrogative sentence begins with an interrogative word (What? Who? When? Why? Which? Whose?), then the verb will/shall comes second in the sentence, the pronoun comes third, and so on.

  • Shall I have finished this test by 2 o'clock? Will I have finished the test by 2 o'clock?
  • Will you have graduated from university by next year? Will you graduate by next year?

Signal words (time markers, clue words)

  • by - before, to;
  • by then - by that time;
  • by the time - by the time (by the moment);
  • after - after;
  • before - before;
  • until - until (in negative sentences), etc.

The Future Perfect Tense. Exercises The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Future Perfect Continuous Tense). The use and formation of time The Future Simple Tense (Future Simple Tense). The use and formation of time

One of the most difficult tenses for a Russian-speaking person in English is the Future Perfect Continuous Tense. This is due to the fact that there is simply no analogue to the future perfect continuous in Russian. In the Future Perfect Continuous, we are always talking about two actions in the future, one of which will begin earlier, but will continue at the time of the other. In Russian, this time corresponds to phrases like: “I will have been working on this project for three hours by the time my colleague returns” or “I will have been sleeping for two hours at night when your plane lands.” Of course, a Russian person sometimes thinks in this way, but in general it is not very common for us to compare two actions in the future. However, native English speakers do not refer to this time too often.

In fact, making friends with Future Perfect Continuous is not at all difficult. After all, there are very few cases of using this tense in English. You just have to remember the scheme for constructing sentences with the future perfect continuous. A, which are quite easily recognizable and often intuitive, will help to determine with certainty that it is about this tense.

When is the Future Perfect Continuous used?

As we have already said, there are very few situations in which we turn to Future Perfect Continuous, and to be precise, there are only two:

  1. If we are talking about long-term actions, the duration of which is indicated at a certain point in the future. For example, By the time of his birthday they have been dating for 5 years. - By his birthday, they will have been dating for 5 years.
  2. If a long-term action that began earlier will cause a subsequent action in the future. For example, She will be tired when she gets home because she will have been traveling for over 24 hours. She will be tired when she gets home because by then she will have been on the road for more than 24 hours.

It is also important to learn here that if in the subordinate clause in the statement with the Future Perfect Continuous there is a union when (when), then we are not referring to the Future Simple, but to the Present Simple:

When I finish(and not I "ll finish) my work she will have been sleeping for over an hour. - When I complete my work, she will have been sleeping for over an hour.

How are sentences constructed in the future perfect continuous tense?

Future Perfect Continuous in terms of grammar is a fusion of three tenses: future simple (Future Simple), perfect (Perfect) and simple long (Continuous). Therefore, elements of all three of the above-mentioned English tenses will participate in the formation of this temporary construction. From Future Perfect Continuous takes the auxiliary verb will, from the perfect - have been, and from the long - ing form of the semantic verb. We can also say that we get the future perfect continuous tense by adding the auxiliary verb to be in the form Future Perfect (will have been) to the semantic verb with ending ing. From here we deduce a simple formula to build an affirmative sentence in the Future Perfect Continuous:

Subject + will have been + semantic verb ending in ing.

Johnny will have been studying for 3 hours by the time she arrives. Johnny will have been studying for 3 hours by the time she arrives.

By the end of the year Jane will have been teaching us for 5 years. - By the end of the year, Jane will have been teaching us for 5 years.

By the time she gets here, we will have been working for 12 hours. - By the time she arrives here, we will have been working for 12 hours.

At the same time, in most often act as circumstances of time and are placed both at the beginning and at the end of the sentence.

The question is constructed by rearranging the subject and the auxiliary verb will:

Interrogative word (if available) + will + subject + have been + Ving?

Will they have been eating cake for 15 minutes by the time you bring them coffee? - Will they have been eating cake for 15 minutes by the time you bring them coffee?

Will I have been feeling better by the time the exams start? - Will I feel better by the time the exams start?

Will I have been working for 5 hours when he finds us? - I will have been working for 5 hours, when will he find us?

In order to express any negative thought, you will need to place a negative particle not (in the abbreviated form won "t) between will and have been:

Subject + will + not + have been + Ving.

By the end of the year Kate will not have been studying Spanish for 3 years. - By the end of this year, Kate will not have been learning Spanish for three years.

By the time you bring them coffee they will not have been eating cake for 15 minutes. - By the time you bring them coffee, they won't have eaten cake for 15 minutes.

We won "t have been living here for 5 years by next June. - We will not have lived here for 5 years by next June.

Future Perfect Continuous: markers

Future Perfect Continuous markers- these are most often whole phrases, that is, rather cumbersome constructions, although there are also separate words. It is not difficult to memorize the indicators of the future perfect continuous tense. In fact, the list of markers of this time includes a couple of words and several constructions of the same type.

Time Pointers Future Perfect Continuous. List

  • Till and until (not yet).I will have been watching TV until you come. - I'll watch TV until you come.
  • for 2 (3, 4, 5...) hours (during/already 2, 3, 4, 5... hours).When you arrive, Julia will have been working for 5 hours. - When you arrive, Julia will have been working for 5 hours.
  • for 2 (3, 4, 5...) weeks (during/already 2, 3, 4, 5... weeks).By the end of the summer the workers will have been constructing this swimming pool for 3 weeks. - By the end of the summer, the workers will have been building the pool for 3 weeks.
  • for a year (2, 3, 4... years) - during the year (2, 3, 4 years).By the end of the year they will not have been dating for 2 years. By the end of the year, they will not have met for 2 years.
  • by the end of the hour (by the end of the hour).By the end of the hour she will have been waiting for him for 30 minutes. - By the end of the hour, she will have been waiting for him for 30 minutes.
  • by the end of the morning/evening (by the end of the morning/evening).By the end of the morning I will have been waiting for more than 3 hours. By the end of the morning I will have been waiting for more than 3 hours.
  • by the end of the day (by the end of the day).By the end of the day my mother will have been cooking for 5 hours. By the end of the day my mother will have been cooking for 5 hours.
  • by the end of the month (by the end of the month).By the end of the month I will have been studying English for 10 days. - By the end of the month I will be learning English for 10 days.
  • by the end of the year (by the end of the year).By the end of the year John will have been working there for 10 months. - By the end of the year, John will have been working there for 10 months.

It turns out that to recognize Future Perfect Continuous help pointer words till/until and phrases beginning with the prepositions for and by. That is, if the statement refers to the fact that by the end of a certain period and/or during a certain time interval, actions will take place, then, most likely, we are talking about the future perfect continuous tense.

Examples with Future Perfect Continuous

In order to get used to the peculiarities of this time, it is recommended to read as much as possible and make sentences on your own. For a sample to start, you can take ready-made examples by adapting them to your life situations. When buildingFuture Perfect Continuous pointer wordsare extremely important. Without them, the sentence of the future perfect continuous would be incomplete. By this time, we can refer to describe both ordinary situations related to work, study, leisure, and to predict some important events from the world of science and art that will happen in the future. Here are some more example sentences with Future Perfect Continuous:

  1. Betsy won't have been living in London for five years next summer. - By next summer, Betsy won't have been living in London for five years.
  2. By 10 o "clock Jacky will have been writing the article for 3 hours non-stop. - By 10 o'clock, Jacky will have been writing the article for three hours non-stop.
  3. They won "t have been waiting for more than 3 hours when their train finally arrives. - They will not wait more than 3 hours when their train finally arrives.
  4. By the end of the month my aunt will have been living with her husband for 10 years. - By the end of the month, my aunt will have been living with her husband for 10 years.
  5. Next week this American scientist will have been studying the human brain for 5 years. - Next week it will be 5 years since this American scientist has been studying the human brain.
  6. For how many years will James have been taking part in the Film Festival in Moscow by that time? - How many years will James take part in the film festival in Moscow by then?
  7. When my parents come home my brother will have been talking to his friend for 3 hours. - When my parents come home, my brother will talk to his friend for 3 hours.
  8. How long will you have been talking to your friend when the film starts? How long will you be talking to your friend when the movie starts?
  9. She won "t have been listening to music for 2 hours when you come. - She will not listen to music for 2 hours when you come.
  10. By the end of the year people will not have been living on the moon for a year. - By the end of the year, people won't be living on the moon for a year.
  11. By July I will have been studying English for five months. - By July I will have been studying English for five months.
  12. He will have been working at that company for 5 years when it finally closes. - He will work for this company for 5 years when it finally closes.

In addition to the above time markers, starting with the words by the end, the preposition for, and the union when (when), in the examples presented, you can also notice suchtime indicators Future Perfect Continuous, as, for example, the adjective next, which is generally characteristic of the future.

It is important to understand that some sentences in the Future Perfect Continuous may sound ridiculous when translated literally into Russian. A Russian-speaking person is unlikely to say that by the end of this month, his aunt will have been married to his uncle for 10 years. After all, the same idea can be formulated much more simply by saying that at the end of the month the relatives have a wedding anniversary. That is why the translation of phrases with Future Perfect Continuous can sometimes cause some difficulties. To avoid this, it is important to understand in what cases this tense is used.

The future perfect in English is used to make educated guesses about what is going to happen. These predictions are based on what we know now and the activities we expect to be completed by a certain time. This article explains when you can use Future time Perfect, as well as his rules of education. As usual, at the beginning of the article, we suggest looking not only at the Russian transcription, but also at the English one - [fuche perfect] - [ˈfjuːʧə ˈpɜːfɪkt].

Many people have certain ambitions and plans. Many plan to achieve their goals by a certain time in the future. Of course, you are no exception. Perhaps your goal is to learn English this year? By the end of this article, you will definitely understand that this is not at all a terrible time, as many people think.

Future Perfect Education

This time is built using the auxiliary verbs will and have, the semantic verb is in the third form, that is, in the Past Participle or Participle II.

Formula: subject + will + have + (past participle)- Subject - subject

It doesn't matter if your subject in a sentence is singular or plural. The formula does not change.

Examples of Future Perfect sentences:

— I will have learned Italian by the end of this year - I will learn Italian by the end of this year.
— By my 50th birthday, I will have traveled around the world - By my 50th birthday, I will travel around the world.
— They will have been in Rotterdam for sixteen years by the time I arrive - By the time I arrive, they will be in Rotterdam for sixteen years.
— I'm afraid that she won't have found the solution by that time tomorrow - I'm afraid she won't find a solution by tomorrow.

In colloquial speech, we usually abbreviate I'll've and you'll've. And we all get one sound together.

Pronunciation of the abbreviated form with transcription:

I'll've- /aɪləv/
You'll've- /jʊələv/ or / ju:ləv / (depending on accent)
He'll've- /hɪələv/ or / hi:ləv/ (depending on accent)
She'll've- /ʃɪələv/ or /ʃi:ləv / (depending on accent)
It'll've- /ɪtələv/
We'll've- /wɪələv/ or /wi:ləv/ (depending on accent)
They'll've- /ðeɪləv/

Future Perfect Offer Forms

You can find out in this section how sentences are built in Future Perfect. Tables with examples will help to fix this rule forever.

Future Perfect - Positive Sentences

In order to correctly build a statement, carefully study the table, which clearly describes the sequence of words.

Subject (subject) Form of verb
(verb form)
Examples (examples)
I will + have + Verb 3 By next month, I' ll have visited all the sights.
He/She/It She will have forgotten about me by this time next week.
He will have finished his examinations by the end of this month.
You You will have fixed the roof before father arrives.
We We will have been married for 10 years by this time tomorrow.
They They' ll have finished the project by Monday.

Negative Sentences Future Perfect- Negative Sentences

The construction of negative sentences remains the same as it was. Particle not comes after the auxiliary verb. Remember that you can always use the abbreviated form.

Subject (subject) Form of verb
(verb form)
Examples (examples)
I will + not + have + Verb 3
won't + have + Verb 3
By next week, I won't have paid the rent.
He/She/It She won't have solved all the physics problems by tomorrow.
At 3 pm, he won't have been in the office for 20 minutes.
You You won't have decorated the bedroom by 2 o'clock.
We At 10 a.m., we won't have slept for 24 hours
They They won't have shown me the secret room by this time on Friday.

Interrogative sentences Future Perfect - Question Sentences

To form Future Perfect interrogative sentences, use the following formula: Will/Won't + Subject + have + Past Participle.
Full interrogative-negative form: Will they not have found….?

Auxiliary Verb Subject (subject) Form of verb
(verb form)
Examples (examples)
Will/ Won't I have + Verb 3 By next week will I have found my dog?
He/She/It Will she have forgotten about me by then?
Will he have eaten pizza by the time I get home?
You Will you have decorated this room by 4 o'clock?
We Will we have been married for ten years by this time tomorrow?
They Will they have told me the truth by tomorrow?

Now that you are no longer concerned about the question “How is the Future Perfect formed”, let's move on to the next point.

Future Perfect use cases

  • 1. We use the Future Perfect Simple for actions that will be completed before a certain time in the future.


— They' ll have finished building the house by tomorrow afternoon - They will finish building the house by tomorrow.
— We' ll have made the decision by Tuesday - We will make a decision by Tuesday.
— Ron will have written his third novel by the end of September - Ron will have written his third novel by the end of September.
— Tomorrow George will have been single for a month - Tomorrow George will be a bachelor for one month.

The future perfect tense is often used with prepositions. by or in:

— He' ll have saved enough money to buy a car by Christmas - He will save enough money to buy a car for Christmas.
— In December, I' ll have worked here for 4 years – I will be working here for 4 years in December.

Note:by, not…until/till are used with the future perfect tense. But until/till are used only in negative sentences.

— We won't have built the shed until Monday.

Another point, expressions “…from now”, “in…time” can be used instead in.


— It's possible that ten years from now, I'll have lived in England - Perhaps in ten years I will live in England.
— It's likely that in seventy years' time, researchers will have found a cure for cancer - It is likely that in seventy years, researchers will find a cure for cancer.

  • 2. It may seem strange to you to use the future form to talk about the past.
    Remember, the Future Perfect is based on what you know now - so it's actually the present form. When we say , we cannot say with 100% certainty what will happen in the future. We also don't know everything that happened in the past. The Future Perfect is used when we express assumptions that something is likely to happen.


Joe will certainly have got to Cambridge by now. It takes 30 minutes - Joe must have made it to Cambridge. The journey takes only 30 minutes. (I don't know if he made it to Cambridge, I assume he is there).
— She' ll probably have noticed that her husband cheats on her - She probably noticed that her husband was cheating on her.

In such cases, sentences into Russian will be translated by the words "should", "probably", "possibly".

  • 3. Sometimes we can use the future perfect equally.
    In the two sentences below, there is no difference in meaning because the word before makes the sequence of events clear:

— I' ll arrive before they get there. I' ll have arrived before they get there.

But without prepositions like by the time or before that make the sequence of events clear, you need to use the future perfect to show what happened first.

Let's look at examples:

— At 10 o'clock I' ll leave“That means I’ll wait until ten o’clock before leaving.”
— At 10 o'clock I' ll have left That means I'll be gone before ten o'clock.

  • 4. The future perfect can also be used in conditional if clauses.


— If we don't hurry up, they'll have eaten all the food when we get there - If we don't hurry, they will eat all the food when we get there.
— I' ll have finished painting the roof within three hours if it doesn't rain - I will finish painting the roof within three hours if it doesn't rain.

When not to use the Future Perfect

The future perfect is only used for actions that will be completed before a certain point in the future. In other words, the action you are talking about must have a deadline. If you didn't mention a term, use the future simple instead of the future perfect.

Right: I'll leave.

Wrong: I'll have left .

Remember that sometimes it is impossible to understand what meaning of a sentence is meant without marker words.

Word markers (time indicators) Future Perfect

The use of signal words in the future perfect is necessary, because without them you may not be understood.

· By … (by tomorrow, by next week, by the end of the year, etc.)
By this time … (by this time tomorrow, by this time next week, etc.)
· In … (in 2 weeks, in 5 years, etc.)

Examples with words companions:

— I'll have got my visa by the end of the week I will have my visa by the end of the week.
— Jessica will have completed her Master's Degree by September Jessica will have her master's degree by September.
By the time you receive this letter I'll have finished my final exam - By the time you receive this letter, I will have passed my final exam.
— I hope we'll have recovered by 11 o'clock I hope we will be well by 11 o'clock.
— He'll have repaired TV by 8 o'clock tomorrow He will have repaired the TV by eight o'clock tomorrow.

Now it's time to relax a bit and watch the video. In this video, you will practice listening and pick up new and interesting words for yourself.

Modal verbs with Future Perfect

Please note that in English you can use instead of an auxiliary verb will in the future perfect tense.

Modal verbs show how confident the speaker is in the assumption he or she is making.

Compare offers in Future Perfect:

— By this time next year, I'll have passed my examination - By this time in next year I will pass the exam. (I'm pretty sure I'll pass the exam)
— By this time next year, I should have passed my examination. (Sure enough)
— By this time next year, I may have
— By this time next year, I might have passed my examination. (Not sure)

Difference between Future Continuous Future Perfect

In fact, the differences between these two times are obvious, they cannot be confused. To check this, we will analyze the rules and look at examples.

The Future Perfect' will have been' tells us that at some point in the future the action will be performed.

For example:

By 10 am tomorrow I’ ll have done yoga - Tomorrow by 10 am I will do yoga.

Exercise 1. Underline the future perfect tense in the sentences below and translate into Russian.

1. Our parents will have arrived at the hotel by now.

2. By the time Lucy gets home, I'll have made tea.

3. By this time tomorrow, we'll have seen the game.

4. By lunch he'll have smoked a packet of cigarettes.

5. My dad will have retired by the year 2019.

6. I won't have learned my lessons before mother arrives.

7. By this time next month we'll have been together for 15 years.

8. They'll have typed all the documents by now.

9. The film won't probably have finished until midnight.

10. They'll have cleaned the living room before the party.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Now try to translate sentences from Russian into English and be sure to leave your results with us in the comments to the article.

1. By 2020, all the snow on top of Mount Kilimanjaro will melt.

2. She will sew a patch on my jeans by the evening.

3. By 2090, I will save about a million dollars.

4. They will demolish this old building by noon tomorrow.

5. We will prepare the documents by next Friday.

6. Sam and Laura will move into their new house by this time tomorrow.

7. By the time you finish dinner, I have finished dessert.

8. When my father arrives, I will be ready to go out for twenty minutes.

9. At midnight the party will end.

10. When I go to Italy, I will visit ten countries.
