Matryoshka as a souvenir. Matryoshka traditional Russian souvenir Matryoshka toy or souvenir project

Matryoshka is considered a traditional Russian souvenir, the most popular among Russians and foreign guests, but not everyone knows the history of the matryoshka.

Matryoshka appeared in 1890. Its prototype was a chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukurum, which was brought from the island of Honshu to the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow. The figurine depicted a sage with a head stretched out from long reflections, it turned out to be detachable, and a smaller figurine was hidden inside, which also consisted of two halves. There were five such pupae in total. In the image of this toy, the turner Vasily Zvezdochkin carved figurines, and the artist Sergey Malyutin painted them. He depicted on the figurines a girl in a sundress and a scarf with a black rooster in her hands. The toy consisted of eight figures. The boy followed the girl, then the girl again, and so on. All of them were somehow different from each other, and the last, eighth, depicted a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. A common name at that time was the name Matryona - and this is how everyone's favorite Matryoshka appeared. .

The appearance of nesting dolls in Russia at the very end of the last century was not accidental. It was during this period that among the Russian artistic intelligentsia they began to seriously engage in collecting works of folk art, and also tried to creatively comprehend national artistic traditions. In addition to zemstvo institutions, private art circles and workshops were organized at the expense of patrons, in which, under the guidance of professional artists masters were trained and household items and toys in the Russian style were created. The interest in the matryoshka is explained not only by the originality of its shape and the decorativeness of the painting, but also, probably, by a kind of tribute to the fashion for everything Russian, which spread at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to S.P. Diaghilev in Paris. The mass export of nesting dolls was also facilitated by the annual fairs in Leipzig. Since 1909, the Russian matryoshka has also become a permanent participant in the Berlin exhibition and the annual handicraft market, held at the beginning of the 20th century in London. Thanks to a traveling exhibition organized by the "Russian Society of Shipping and Trade", residents of the coastal cities of Greece, Turkey and the Middle East got acquainted with the Russian matryoshka. The painting of matryoshkas became more and more colorful and varied. They depicted girls in sundresses, in scarves, with baskets, knots, bouquets of flowers. Matryoshka dolls appeared, depicting shepherds with a flute, and bearded old men with a big stick, a groom with a mustache and a bride in a wedding dress. The imagination of artists did not limit itself to anything. Matryoshkas were arranged in such a way as to meet their main purpose - to present a surprise. So, inside the matryoshka "Bride and Groom" relatives were placed. Matryoshkas could be timed to coincide with certain family dates. In addition to the family theme, there were nesting dolls designed for a certain level of erudition and education.

Currently, on the trays you can find not only nesting dolls painted in the traditional style, but also very popular, the so-called author's nesting dolls made by an individual artist, a professional. The price of such a toy depends on the fame of the author, and on the quality of the work. Now you can find nesting dolls that were made in a single copy, some may even be copies famous paintings artists such as Vasnetsov, Kustodiev, Bryullov, etc.

Sergius matryoshka-- this is a round-faced girl in a scarf and a sundress with an apron, bright painting using 3-4 colors (red or orange, yellow, green and blue). The lines of the face and clothing are outlined in black. After the renaming of Sergiev Posad to Zagorsk in 1930, this type of painting began to be called Zagorsk.

Now there are many types of nesting dolls - Semenovskaya, Merinovskaya, Polkhovskaya, Vyatka. The most popular are Maidanovskie(from Polkhov Maidan) and Semenov nesting dolls.

Polkhovsky Maidan is the most famous center for the manufacture and painting of nesting dolls, located in the south-west of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The main element of the Polkhovo-Maidanovsky matryoshka is a multi-petalled rosehip flower ("rose"), next to which there may be half-opened buds on branches. The painting is applied along a previously applied contour made with ink. Painting is carried out on a primer with starch, after which the products are coated twice or thrice with a transparent varnish.

For Semyonov matryoshka characterized by bright colors, mostly yellow and red. The scarf is usually painted with polka dots. The first matryoshka artel in Semenovo was organized in 1929, it brought together the toy makers of Semenov and nearby villages, although the city itself is famous mainly for Khokhloma painting and making toys was a side craft for Semenov craftsmen.

Vyatka matryoshka- the most northern of all Russian nesting dolls. Vyatka has long been famous for products made of birch bark and bast - boxes, baskets, tuesas - in which, in addition to the skillful weaving technique, embossed ornament was also used. The Vyatka painted wooden doll received a special originality in the 60s, when the nesting dolls were not only painted with aniline paints, but also inlaid with straws, this became a kind of innovation in the design of nesting dolls. For incrustation, rye straw was used, which was grown in special areas and carefully cut by hand with sickles.

First you need to choose a tree. As a rule, these are linden, birch, aspen, larch. The tree must be cut down in early spring or winter, so that there is little sap in it. And it should be smooth, without knots. The trunk is processed and stored so that the wood is blown. It is important not to overdry the log. Drying time is approximately two to three years. The masters say that the tree should ring. The smallest matryoshka, which does not open, is the first to be born. Following it is the lower part (bottom) for the next one. The first nesting dolls were six-seater - eight-seater, maximum, and in last years 35-seat, even 70-seat, nesting dolls appeared (in Tokyo, a seventy-seat Semenov nesting doll, one meter tall, was demonstrated). The upper part of the second matryoshka is not dried, but is immediately put on on the bottom. Due to the fact that the upper part is dried on the spot, the parts of the matryoshka fit snugly together and hold well. When the nesting doll body is ready, it is skinned and primed. And then the process begins, which gives each matryoshka its own individuality - painting. First, the base of the drawing is applied with a pencil. Sometimes the drawing is burned out, and then tinted with watercolors.

Then the contours of the mouth, eyes, cheeks are outlined. And then they draw clothes for the doll. Usually when painting, they use gouache, watercolor or acrylic. Each locality has its own painting canons, its own colors and shapes. The masters of Polkhovsky Maidan, as well as the Merinovsky and Semyonovsky neighbors, paint the matryoshka with aniline paints on a pre-primed surface. Dyes are diluted with an alcohol solution. The painting of Sergius nesting dolls is made without a preliminary drawing in gouache and only occasionally in watercolor and tempera, and the color intensity is achieved with the help of varnishing.

A good nesting doll is different in that: all its figures easily fit into each other; two parts of one matryoshka fit snugly and do not hang out; the drawing is correct and clear; Well, and, of course, a good nesting doll should be beautiful. The first nesting dolls were covered with wax, and they began to be varnished when they became a child's toy. The varnish protected the paint, prevented them from spoiling and chipping so quickly, and kept the color longer. The most interesting thing is that in the first nesting dolls there was burning out the contours of the face and costume. And even if the paint peeled off, what was done by burning out remained for a long time.

Indeed, the most dear toy, ours, Russian. No wonder any foreigner, having visited Russia, returns to his home with a souvenir - matryoshka. Wooden spoons, samovars, clay toys can be bought for it, but still a nested doll - main symbol Russia.

It will be all the more surprising to find out that a nesting doll in the form of a wooden figurine, inside which the same ones are hidden, but small-small-smaller, comes from Japan. This toy, namely the figurine of the Japanese sage Fukurums, brought to our Russian workshop of children's toys.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose it was done - just to show an overseas curiosity or purposefully adopt the experience of foreign masters, but the result of the appearance of a Japanese toy in a Russian workshop and the experiments of our masters and artists was a matryoshka. It was a wooden toy - a figurine of a girl in an unpretentious everyday city dress, which is traditionally repeated in many modern toys: remember an apron, a scarf, though the first nesting doll still had a chicken under its arm.

Do not rush to be surprised, you probably imagined a branded package of a poultry farm with a broiler chicken rammed into it .., and the first nesting doll had a live cockerel under its arm. It is not clear where the matryoshka got such a name from. Firstly, it is female, although the very first matryoshka doll also consisted of boys, and from girls- they alternated, and there were eight in total.

Apparently, the fact that the largest outdoor figurine was still female played a role, and if it were the other way around, the matryoshka could become, for example, an yashka. The name itself matryoshka", by most opinions, is derived from Matryona or Masha, in general, the most that neither is Russian names. Let's dwell on such a theory and see what makes a nesting doll good. In addition to being an internationally recognized symbol of Russia, it is, first of all, a traditional Russian children's toy.

I think I will not be mistaken in saying that any child who grew up in Russia had it. Its uniqueness lies in its versatility. The child can play independently, without the participation of adults. If parents have time, a matryoshka doll can become a teaching aid. The development of fine motor skills, logic, the assimilation of abstract concepts " more less», « higher lower», « thicker-thinner”, in general, anything can be learned, there would be a desire - and the matryoshka will help.

So, we play matryoshka. No matter how wonderful the toy is, if you just stick it to the child, a miracle will not happen and the baby will not be delighted with its appearance alone, if you do not even make an attempt to interest it. A classic is to simply hand a figurine to a child, dismantling and assembling it in front of his eyes. This is an option for busy parents - to distract the child for half an hour to quickly redo a bunch of things. We will not dwell on this, especially since there is nothing special to discuss in this case.

Much more interesting option- dedicate at least twenty joint ones to acquaintance with the matryoshka ( mom + baby) minutes. What is easier - depict surprise and immense joy on your face when you find the second one inside the first nesting doll, and the child will not be slow to react the same way. Such a reaction is easy to gain a foothold, and in the future this toy will always cause joy and expectation of a small miracle in the baby. Let's turn to developing educational games. The classic nesting doll, the most common, is made in the form of a girl in a Russian outfit.

There are nesting dolls equally dressed up, starting from the largest and ending with the smallest. On the contrary, different non-repeating outfits are also possible. Using this feature, you can line up all the figures in a row and compare them " clothes by asking the child to note the differences. Such a row of nesting dolls is ideal for mastering the concepts of " more less". Optionally, you can add here older-younger”, especially since the figures are often painted exactly according to this principle: the largest is the grandmother, the smaller one is the younger aunt, even less is the girl, then the girl and the last one is the baby.

Very good nesting dolls on the topic famous fairy tales – « turnips», « Kolobok», « Zayushkina's hut», « Teremka», « Ryaba chickens" or " Masha and the bear". It is clear that in these cases the figurines depict the heroes of a fairy tale, and not necessarily living ones, for example, in the set “ Zayushkina hut» the largest figurine - directly bast hut. What can be done with such nesting dolls"? In addition to playing a fairy tale, you can try to mix several fairy tales. Not all children immediately understand and welcome this, but many are delighted with such a game. If the option is when the daughter stubbornly waits for the verbatim story of her beloved " frog princesses"every night before going to bed and at the slightest deviation from the familiar text requires you to correct the inaccuracy about your child, then this game will be very useful. Suggest that you think interesting heroes different fairy tales could do together, and then with the help of matryoshkas, play the invented plot. Perhaps, on the same evening, instead of a hackneyed fairy tale, the child will ask to tell a story invented together during the day, and even help in this.

If at home there is not one nesting doll, but at least two or three, each, of course, with its own set of nesting figures, then you can play " confusion". To begin with, you can pull out all the figures, collect them, mix them and invite the child to distribute them according to " families". Then complicate the task - mix the figures of different nesting dolls disassembled into halves. It is possible, by folding individual figures, to deliberately confuse the halves (for example, the top is from a green nesting doll, and the bottom is from a red one) and ask the baby to correct the mistakes.

Difficult but well developed fine motor skills the task is to collect all the nesting dolls so that the pattern of clothes on the two halves matches. If you choose a well-turned toy for this task, then everything will work out.

Matryoshka is really a universal toy. She hides almost endless possibilities for games. Teaching a child to see them is not an easy task, but it can be dealt with as soon as you start playing.

Research project on the topic
"Matryoshka: a souvenir or a toy?"

2nd grade students

MBOU secondary school No. 108 named after. Yu.V.Andropova


Serbina U.V.


2015/2016 academic year


2. Main body:

2.1. The appearance of nesting dolls in Rus'.

2.2. Types of Russian matryoshka.

3. Conclusions on the topic. Conclusion

4. List of used literature.

1. Introduction.

Our work is dedicated to the Russian matryoshka. We became interested in this doll after getting acquainted with folk crafts in the classroom in the World of Childhood circle. We wanted to know about the origin of this doll and how the first Russian nesting doll looked like, who was its author, where they were made and what kind of nesting dolls are.

Our main target- to find out what a nesting doll is today - a toy or a souvenir, and create your own nesting doll (author's).

My friends do not play with this doll, and it is not among my toys either, so I think that these days the matryoshka is a souvenir, not a toy.

We put forward two hypotheses Research: Hypothesis 1: Matryoshka keeps a lot of secrets. Hypothesis 2: each of us can become a master of painting Russian nesting dolls.

During the study, we used the following methods:

    study of various information sources;

    visiting a kindergarten and talking with a teacher;

    analysis of questionnaires of our peers;

2.1. The origin of the Russian matryoshka.

Collecting material on this topic, we learned that the first Russian nesting doll appeared in Moscow at the end of the 19th century.

The prototype of the Russian nesting doll was the figurine of a good-natured bald old man, the Japanese sage Fukuruma, in which there were several more figurines nested one inside the other.

They brought her to the family of famous Russian landowners Mamonov from Japan. They really liked this toy and asked craftsman Vasily Zvezdochkin to carve a Japanese-style doll out of wood, and the artist Sergey Malyutin was instructed to paint it in the Russian way.

It was a round-faced, ruddy-faced girl in a flowery headscarf, sundress and apron, with a black cock in her hand. The toy consisted of 8 figures.

Then in Russia the most common name was Matryona, which in Latin meant "mother" and the Russian wooden doll was called a matryoshka.

The first Russian nesting dolls began to be made in Sergiev Posad as fun for children. But the matryoshka was also a useful toy. With its help, children were taught to compare objects by shape, size, color, and taught to count. These toys were very expensive and only the rich could buy them. But, despite this, the demand for nesting dolls did not fall, but only grew. Therefore, centers for the manufacture of these dolls began to appear in the country.

2.2. Types of nesting dolls

There are several types of matryoshka, and in each locality it has its own distinctive features:

Sergiev Posad (or Zagorsk) Matryoshka is dressed in a shirt, sundress, a scarf with patterns on her head. In her hands she holds a bundle, a basket or flowers. Her head flows smoothly into her body.

At the Semenov nesting dolls on aprons bright lush large bouquets. The main color in the painting is red. The shape of the doll is slightly elongated.

Polkhov-Maidanskaya Matryoshka can be recognized by unusual shape

head, elongated figure and characteristic crimson color.

Currently, you can find not only traditional nesting dolls, but also author's ones. On the aprons of such nesting dolls you can see architectural monuments, picturesque landscapes, stories folk tales. Among modern nesting dolls you can see politicians, popular artists, athletes.

Research results.

To find the answer to the question that interests us: What is a nesting doll today - a toy or a souvenir, we used various methods. One of them was a survey of second graders. A total of 97 people were interviewed. To the question: “Do you have a nesting doll at home?” 12 people responded positively.

The next question was: “Is your nesting doll a doll or a souvenir?” All 12 people answered that the matryoshka is a souvenir. After analyzing the questionnaire data, we came to the conclusion that modern children do not play with nesting dolls, and those who have one use it as a souvenir.

IN kindergarten"Fun" we talked with the teacher junior group and examined the children's toys. Among them was a matryoshka, but it was also there as a souvenir. This once again confirmed our findings.

We also tried to become masters of painting Russian nesting dolls and created our own nesting dolls. We fashioned nesting dolls from salt dough and painted them at the labor lesson.

3. Conclusion.

In conclusion, we would like to say that this work has been of great benefit to us.

Firstly, we learned a lot of new and interesting things about Russian matryoshka.

Secondly, we learned how to work with various information sources, analyze the data obtained during the study.

Thirdly, we found answers to our questions and made sure that the matryoshka is a national Russian souvenir.

Conclusion: the first hypothesis put forward by us is proved. Matryoshka really keeps a lot of secrets.

The second hypothesis put forward by us is also proved. Each of us can become a master of painting Russian nesting dolls.

4. References 1 .. Matryoshka: Methods of teaching painting nesting dolls. Aleksakhin N. 2. Russian matryoshka. M.: Mosaic 1995.
3. Matryoshka - Wikipedia . Russian doll . 5. History of nesting dolls.

Matryoshka… This Russian beauty won the hearts of lovers of folk toys and beautiful souvenirs all over the world. Now she is not just a folk toy, the keeper of the original Russian culture: she is also a souvenir for tourists - a commemorative doll, on the apron of which game scenes, fairy tale plots and landscapes with sights are finely drawn; she is also a precious collectible that can cost more than one hundred dollars; and they can experiment on her image young artists, by buying special "blanks" - "linen" - in the art salon or from the master turner himself. Now on the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow you can buy a variety of souvenirs for every taste - nesting dolls depicting politicians, nesting dolls with portraits famous musicians, grotesque characters ... But anyway, every time we say “matryoshka”, we immediately imagine a cheerful Russian girl in a bright folk costume. Matryoshka has become the same traditional souvenir of Russia and a symbol of its culture, like Dymkovo toys, Zhostovo trays ... Matryoshkas there are not only wooden and inserted into each other - tiny glass painted nesting dolls, connected by one thread, can be hung on a Christmas tree; we see a lot of key rings, pendants and pendants with figures of “indivisible” nesting dolls on stalls in Sergiev Posad, the capital of Russian toys…

The first matryoshka - a round-faced and plump, cheerful girl in a headscarf and a Russian folk dress - was not born in antiquity, as many believe. The figurine of the Buddhist sage Fukuruma, brought to Abramtsevo at the end of the 19th century from the island of Honshu (Japan), served as the prototype for this doll. The wooden sage had an elongated head and a good-natured face - and inspired by a charming toy (according to legend, such figures were first carved by a Russian monk who lived on the island of Honshu!), in the early 1890s, toy turner Vasily Zvezdochkin carved the first Russian nesting dolls. From the walls of the workshop child education”, founded by the philanthropist Savva Mamontov, a ruddy beautiful girl painted with gouache with a rooster in her hands came out, which became the first nesting doll made in Russia. The sketch for its painting was created by the artist Sergey Malyutin, who personally painted the matryoshka. The first matryoshka was eight-seater - inside big girls a smaller boy was placed, and so on - boys and girls alternated, and the smallest, "indivisible", was a matryoshka - a swaddled baby.

But where did this name come from - matryoshka? Some historians argue that this name comes from the beloved and common name in Rus', Masha, Manya; others - that this name comes from female name Matryona (translated from Latin mater - mother), and still others believe that the name "matryoshka" is associated with the name of the Hindu mother goddess Matri ... At the end of the 19th century, there was a huge rise in interest in Russian history in Russia, folk art, fairy tales, epics and crafts. Matryoshka quickly gained wide popularity and deserved people's love. But she was expensive - and this doll, intended for children, was mainly bought by adult connoisseurs of art. Soon after nesting dolls, painted with floral ornaments, nesting dolls appeared, decorated with picturesque scenes from fairy tales and epics. Such nesting dolls “told” whole stories. In 1900, Russian nesting dolls "reached" Paris - they were exhibited in this city at the World Exhibition, where they received world recognition and a medal. By the way, at the beginning of the twentieth century, some dolls really “learned” to walk: the legs of such a nesting doll, “shod” in bast shoes, are mobile, and it can walk if you put it on an inclined plane. Such toys are called "matryoshka-walkers". The principles of making nesting dolls have not changed over the years. long years that this toy exists. Matryoshka dolls are made from well-dried durable linden and birch wood. The smallest, one-piece nesting doll is always made first, which can be quite tiny - about the size of a grain of rice. Turning nesting dolls is a subtle art that takes years to learn; some craftsmen-turners even learn how to turn nesting dolls blindly! Matryoshkas are primed before painting, varnished after painting. In the nineteenth century, gouache was used to paint these toys - now unique images nesting dolls are also created using aniline paints, tempera, watercolors. But gouache still remains the favorite paint of artists who paint nesting dolls. First of all, the face of the toy and an apron with a picturesque image are painted, and only then - a sundress and a scarf. From the middle of the twentieth century, nesting dolls began not only to be painted, but also decorated - with mother-of-pearl plates, straws, and later with rhinestones and beads ... But the first nesting dolls did not have these decorations - and a “real”, primordially Russian nesting doll is still considered a wooden painted doll, without inlays and overlays.

In Russia, there are several cities and villages where nesting dolls are traditionally made - and everywhere these dolls have their own characteristics. Masters from the village of Krutets are experimenting with coloring and even - slightly - with the shape of nesting dolls. In the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, the matryoshka is the breadwinner and support of the entire village: its inhabitants live almost entirely on the income received from the sale of traditional dolls. Matryoshka dolls from this village are famous for their "rose" drawings - the main element of the ornament of these toys is a wild rose flower. Semyonov nesting dolls - made in the city of Semyonov, Nizhny Novgorod region - are easily recognizable by their rather large unpainted planes and a lush bouquet of fantastic flowers on the apron. They are distinguished by their “capacity” - traditionally such a nesting doll consists of 15-18 dolls, and the most capacious nesting doll in Russia, made in Semyonov, is as many as 72 dolls, the largest of which is a whole meter in height! The most “northern” in Russia is the Vyatka matryoshka. And in Sergiev Posad, the famous bright nesting dolls were bought even by members royal family who came to venerate the shrines of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

There are entire museums in Russia dedicated to nesting dolls. The first in Russia - and in the world! The Matryoshka Museum was opened in 2001 in Moscow. The Moscow Matryoshka Museum is located in the premises of the Folk Crafts Fund in Leontievsky Lane; its director, Larisa Solovyova, devoted more than one year to the study of matryoshkas. She is the author of two books about these cheerful wooden dolls. And quite recently, in 2004, a museum of nesting dolls was opened in the Nizhny Novgorod region - it collected more than 300 exhibits under its roof. There are nesting dolls with a unique Polkhmaidan painting - the same Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka dolls that are known all over the world and which the villagers have been bringing for sale to Moscow for many decades in huge baskets, where sometimes they load up to a hundred kilograms of precious toys! The largest matryoshka doll in this museum is one meter long: it includes 40 dolls. And the smallest one is only the size of a grain of rice! Nested dolls are admired not only in Russia: quite recently, in 2005, a group of painted dolls also came to the International Trade Fair for High-Quality consumer goods"Ambiente-2005" to Germany, to the city of Frankfurt am Main. The image of the matryoshka combines the art of the masters and a great love for Russian folk culture.

The description of the nesting doll, perhaps, will not cause any difficulties for anyone today, this toy is already so popular all over the world. It has a fascinating history, products are produced in huge quantities today, and in some cities there are even museums dedicated to this unusual painted doll. In this article we will give a description of the matryoshka, tell you about it interesting origin. You will also learn what role it plays in the development of children.

Description of matryoshka

It is a wooden painted doll, inside of which there are similar items, but only smaller. The number of dolls nested inside - from three or more. Russian matryoshka, as a rule, has the shape of an egg and consists of two parts - the lower and the upper. Thanks to the flat bottom, the toy can be placed in any suitable place. According to tradition, a woman in a scarf and a red sundress is painted on a wooden blank, although today you can find many different other options. There are many themes for painting: these are girls and families. Today, a Russian nesting doll with a portrait on it or a drawing of a parodic nature is very popular. How did this doll, which became so popular, come about? Description of matryoshka in general terms we have reviewed, now let's dive into the story, which will give a more concrete idea of ​​​​this product.

Version of occurrence

In the 90s of the 19th century, Russia experienced a period of rapid cultural and economic development. Improved society increasingly showed interest in their culture and art in general. As a result, there appeared artistic direction"Russian style", which paid great attention to the creation of peasant toys. In Moscow, even opened the workshop "Children's education". A variety of dolls were created in it in order to demonstrate national costumes and ethnographic features. It was in the bowels of this workshop that the idea to create a wooden doll known today arose. This idea arose after Mamontov's wife brought a detachable toy from Japan. Sergey Malyutin offered sketches. This is how the matryoshka appeared in Russia.

How did the doll get its name?

There are several versions of this. Some historians say that the name of the toy came from the name of Masha, others are sure that from the nickname Matryona. The latter variation seems more plausible, since the name Matryona means "mother." Knowing the description of a nesting doll that has similar smaller items inside, we can already independently conclude which version is correct. The wooden doll is a symbol of fertility and motherhood.

How are nesting dolls made?

Today they are made in many workshops, as dolls are always in demand. First, soft wood is chosen as the material: alder, linden or birch. Trees, as a rule, are cut down for this purpose in the spring, then the bark is removed from them, but not completely, so that cracks do not appear during the drying process. Then the craftsmen store the logs and keep them in well-ventilated rooms for several years! After a certain time, the production of dolls begins. By the way, the smallest matryoshka, non-separable, is made first. When it is ready, proceed to the next one, which will fit the first one. And so on. Each workpiece goes through dozens of operations. The number of dolls can be different, it depends on the imagination of the master or a specific order.

Why do children need toys?

Any psychologist or teacher will say with confidence that not only the baby plays with toys, but the products themselves are important for the full development of the child. It turns out that by assembling and disassembling such a unique design, the baby learns the cyclical nature of life and its infinity, the postulates of the universe and the image of motherhood. Thanks to the matryoshka, he understands the model for the emergence of a new life. The doll is able to reveal creative inclinations, to form labor skills, an idea of ​​the world. For example, so beloved and popular cubes, turrets, pyramids can be diversified by the presence of nesting dolls in the general arsenal. The baby will develop hands, As the child grows older, baby nesting dolls will help create interesting scenarios For puppet shows. Experts call this toy multifunctional, universal. They recognize all the advantages of the matryoshka doll and recommend it to all children as a toy, especially to those who are lagging behind in development.


It is worth mentioning that in 1900 the dolls “reached” Paris itself, where they were presented at the exhibition and received medals and world recognition. If we talk about records in this direction, then it must be said that in 1913 Nikolai Bulychev made a 48-seat nesting doll. We hope that as a result of reading this article you will know more about this unique toy and be sure to purchase it if you do not already have one in your home.
