Vegetables and fruits in English: description and origin of words.

One of lung ways memorizing new words of a foreign language is the grouping of words by topic. Vegetables on English language- the topic is necessary, because we encounter vegetables in Everyday life. We buy in the store, cook food from them, grow them in the garden. That is, having memorized at least a few basic vegetables in English, you can easily keep up the conversation at once on several running topics.

In addition, knowledge English titles vegetables can come in handy when traveling - when ordering side dishes in a cafe or restaurant, as well as just when communicating with foreigners. As a rule, they are definitely interested in national Russian cuisine. Therefore, telling foreigners about cabbage soup and borscht, vinaigrette and sauerkraut, you can not do without knowing the English names of vegetables.

So, let's make a list of vegetables in English with translation that you need to learn first.

Vegetables ["veʤ (ə) təblz] ("vegetables) vegetables

Beet (bi: t) beets

Cabbage ["kæbɪʤ] (‘kabij) cabbage

Carrot ["kærət] ("carot) carrots

Cucumber ["kjuːkʌmbə] ("kyukamba) cucumber

Eggplant ["egplænt] ("egplant) eggplant

Onion ["ɔnjən] ("onion) bow

Potato (by "teitou") potatoes

Pumpkin ["pʌmpkɪn] ("pampkin) pumpkin

Radish ["rædɪʃ] ("radish) radish

Tomato (then "meitou") tomato

With such a minimal set, we can cook both soup and salad. And at the same time, name everything we cook from in English. This "practical" way of memorizing new words is very effective. Moreover, it is equally exciting for both adults and children.

After the first ten most common names are learned, you can expand the "range" - learn a few more less frequent, but still quite common names.

Beans (bi:nz) beans

Broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] (‘broccoli) broccoli

Cauliflower [ˈkɒlɪflaʊə] (‘coliflaua) cauliflower

Celery [ˈseləri] (‘seleri) celery

Corn (ko:n) corn

Spinach [ˈspɪnɪdʒ] (‘spinidzh) spinach

Lettuce [ˈletɪs] ("letis) lettuce (leaves)

Turnip [ˈtɜːnɪp] (tönip) turnip

Vegetables in English can also be learned using picture cards. This method is usually used in teaching children. Whatever method of memorization you use, after a little training, not only an adult, but also a child will be able to name vegetables in English.

As you know, any knowledge necessarily requires consolidation in practice. English words are no exception. At whatever stage of learning English you are, you can consolidate your knowledge and continue learning using the unique methodology of the English language tutorial. Specially selected texts, stories and fairy tales voiced by professional American speakers will help you significantly expand your lexicon, and exercises and a grammar guide - learn how to quickly and correctly build English sentences.

The topic of our conversation today will be fruit names in english. We will learn how to pronounce them correctly in English, and also replenish our vocabulary.

Name fruits in English

The table below shows the names of fruits with voice acting, English transcription and translation. We try to read the names of fruits independently by transcription, if it doesn’t work, we listen.

Table number 1. Fruit in English
Title and voiceTranscriptionTranslation
🔊 Apricot[ˈeɪprɪkɔt]Apricot
🔊 Avocado[ævəˈkɑːdəʊ]Avocado
🔊 Pineapple[ˈpaɪnæpl]A pineapple
🔊 Orange[ˈɔrɪnʤ]Orange
🔊 Banana Banana
🔊 Grapes Grape
🔊 Pomegranate[ˈpɔmgrænɪt]Pomegranate
🔊 Grapefruit[ˈgreɪpfruːt]Grapefruit
🔊 Pear Pear
🔊 figs
🔊 Kiwi[ˈkiːwiː]Kiwi
🔊 Lyme Lime
🔊 Lemon[ˈlemən]Lemon
🔊 Mango[ˈmæŋgəʊ]Mango
🔊 Tangerine Mandarin
🔊 Passion fruit passion fruit
🔊 Nectarine[ˈnektərɪn]Nectarine
🔊 Papaya Papaya
🔊Peach Peach
🔊 Persimmon Persimmon

The use of vocabulary on the topic "Fruit"

A few examples from life where you can practice using the new learned words for fruit names:

  • buy fruits in the store;

🔊 Can I have two kilos of apples? - Can I two kilos of apples?

  • harvest fruit.

🔊 This year was very fruitful. We picked ten tons of tangerines. “This year has been very fruitful. We have collected ten tons of tangerines.

Plural of fruits in English

All fruit names are countable except for the word itself. fruits. They can be used both in the singular and in the plural. For example:

🔊 Orange(one orange) 🔊 Oranges (lots of oranges).

Difference between Fruit and Fruits

The point is that 🔊 fruits and 🔊 fruits are the two plural forms of the word fruits. There are the following differences between them:

  • when we talk about fruits in general, then fruits in English are uncountable and are used in the singular form - fruits. Usage example:

Hey guys! Well, spring has already arrived, and after it, summer is not far away! Therefore, we are increasingly starting to think about our favorite fruits and berries. Any self-respecting connoisseur of these healthy delicacies should have a basic set of their names in order to feel confident in shops and fruit shops abroad. So that's why we're here to help you ;)

About berries

On english berry sounds like berry, berries - berries. Studying the names of berries, you should not only memorize their pronunciation and spelling, but also learn how to use them correctly in conversation. There is a significant difference between the plural and singular berries in Russian and English. In Russian, we say strawberries and this can mean both one strawberry and a bucket. You just say, "I had strawberries for dinner." The word strawberry itself does not have a plural. You can only clarify the "bucket of strawberries." As for the English language, all berries can be used as in the singular, which is a single berry, and in plural, which is a collective image - a type of berry. " Strawberry» - one berry, « strawberries» - collective image. All berries in English can be singular and plural: blackberry (one blackberry) - blackberries (collective image - blackberries), buckthorn - buckthorns, etc.

There is one pretty interesting rule in English. If the berry is so large that it cannot be eaten at one time, for example, watermelon, then it will be uncountable - watermelon. It must be measured in pieces.

For example, If you have many pieces of cut-up watermelon, you should say "I am eating watermelon." or "I ate 4 pieces of watermelon yesterday."

If we are talking about watermelon as a type of berry, then we are talking about watermelons.

For example, " watermelons are grown on his farm."

The main names of berries:
watermelon["wɔ: tərmelən] watermelon
melon melon
barberry["bɑ:b(ə)ri] barberry
cowberry["kaʊb(ə)ri] cranberries
cherry["tʃɛri] cherry
blackberry["blækb(ə)ri] blackberry
strawberries["strɔ:bəri] strawberries
viburnum[vaɪ"bɜ:rnəm] viburnum
cranberry["krænbəri] cranberry
dogwood["dɒ,ɡwʊd] dogwood
raspberries["rɑ:zbəri] raspberry
blueberry["blu:, berɪ] blueberries
elder["eldər] elderberry
gooseberry["guzberi] gooseberry
buckthorn[ "bək, θɔ: rn] sea buckthorn, buckthorn
rowan["roʊən] rowan
black chokeberry[blæk"tʃɔkberɪ] chokeberry
red current[red"kʌrənt] currant
black current[blæk "kʌrənt] blackcurrant
blueberry["blu:, berɪ] blueberries
gooseberry["guzberi] gooseberry
cranberry["krænbəri] cranberry
current["kʌrənt] currant
sweet cherry[swi:t "tʃɛri] cherry
cloudberry["klaʊd,berɪ] cloudberries
bog bilberry[bɔg "bɪl,berɪ] blueberries
wild strawberry[waild "strɔ:bəri] wild strawberries
rose-hip[rəuz hip] rosehip

About fruits

The word fruit (fruit) in English has two plural forms - fruits And fruits. If we are talking about any fruit in general, the word fruit is used. For example, a shop called " fruit and vegetables” (“Fruits and vegetables”). Or you can say: “It's hard to buy fresh fruits now". It is understood that it is difficult to buy fruits in general, we do not specify which ones. If different types of fruits are meant, fruits are used. For example: “I want to try the tropical fruits of this island” - “I want to try tropical fruits this island”, there is a clarification, therefore we say fruits.

By themselves, the types of fruits are countable and can be either in the singular or in the plural. For example, banana is one banana, and bananas is many bananas.

Main fruit names:
fruits["fru:t] fruit
apricot["eɪprɪkɒt] apricot
pineapple["paɪn æpl] pineapple
banana banana
bergamot["bɜ:gəmɒt] bergamot
grape[greip] grapes
grapefruit["greɪp, fru: t] grapefruit
pear pear
melon["mɛlən] melon
lemon["lɛmən] lemon
tangerine["tændʒəri:n] mandarin
peach[pi:tʃ] peach
plum["pləm] plum
apple["æpl] apple
lime lime
kiwi["ki:wi:] kiwi
fig["fɪɡ] wine berry, fig, fig
mango["mæŋɡoʊ] mango
persimmon persimmon
pomelo["pɑ: məloʊ] pomelo
pomegranate["pɒm, grænɪt] pomegranate

Fruits and berries are also used in phraseology. Consider the most common:

like a sucked orange- used when a person is too tired and feels like a squeezed lemon
to pick the plum(or to take the plum) - skim the cream, select the best
plum job- advantageous position, profitable position
big apple- Big Apple (nickname of New York)
apple of discord- apple of discord
apple of one's eye- 1) when you take care of someone, you don’t have a soul
banana skin(or banana peel) - came from the expression "slip on a banana peel." Used in discussing a slippery situation
pearl-shaped- pear-shaped (about the figure)

We learn the names of fruits and berries at school age, and all the subtleties regarding the use of the singular or plural come to us much later. How to learn words at school age in order to remember them for a long period? Here are some options:

  • learn words from flashcards
  • create in your head unusual stories with the name of the fruit
  • associate with the name of the fruit in English and some object that is familiar to you
  • listen to songs and watch cartoons with fruits in English

There are many useful websites and games that will make language learning interactive and fun. Expand your horizons of knowledge of the names of fruits and berries, do not limit yourself to buying bananas alone, while staying abroad, due to ignorance of other names of fruits or berries. Learn new words, add delicious and healthy fruits in your diet and be healthy!

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

At the grocery store, you decide to buy vegetables [vegetables] - vegetables.

First you take the most basic in the grocery basket:
Cabbage [cabij] - cabbage
Potato [potato] - potatoes
Onion [onion] - bow
Carrot [carrot] - carrots
Cucumber [kyukambe] - cucumber
Pepper [pepper] - pepper
Tomato [tomato] - tomato, tomato

I go to the grocery for vegetables. I need potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions for the soup. [Ai go tu the growery for vegetables. Ai nid potatetos, kabij, carrots and onion for the soap] - I will go to grocery store for vegetables. I need potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions for soup.

Mary likes to make a light salad of cucumbers and tomatoes

You may also need other vegetables:
Eggplant [egplant] - eggplant
Pea [pii] - peas
Bean [bin] - beans
Radish [radish] - radish
Garden radish [garden radish] - radish
Beetroot [biitrut] - beets
Lettuce [lettuke] - salad
Broccoli [broccoli] - broccoli

We ate soup with beetroot and fried eggplant for lunch today

Ann and Peter take the frozen broccoli with discount - Ann and Peter take the frozen broccoli with discount.

Celery [kelary] - celery
Haricot [harikou] - beans
Pumpkin [pumpkin] - pumpkin
Parsley [paasli] - parsley
Vegetable marrow [vegetable marrow] - zucchini

We need to buy a pumpkin for Halloween - We need to buy a pumpkin for Halloween.

Garlic [gaalik] - garlic
Sorrel [sorrel] - sorrel
Marjoram [marjoran] - marjoram
Spinach [spinash] - spinach
Horseradish [hosradish] - horseradish
Turnip [tönip] - turnip
Cymbling [simbeline] - patisson
Artichoke [artichok] - artichoke
American artichoke [emerikan artichok] - Jerusalem artichoke
Dill [dill] - dill
Basil [bazl] - basil

It is also worth mentioning adjectives with which you can describe vegetables:

sweet [sweet] - sweet
salty [salty] - salty
sour [sour] - sour
bitter [bitter] - bitter
fresh [fresh] - fresh
rotten [roten] - rotten, spoiled
tasty [tasty] - delicious
delicious [delishes] - delicious
tasteless [taistless] - tasteless
fatty [fatty] - fatty
spicy [spicy] - sharp

My mom makes delicious soup with champignons and potatoes almost without spices. [My Mom Makes Delicious Soup Wiz Champignons & Potatos Olmost Wizout Spices] - My mom cooks tasty soup from champignons and potatoes almost without spices.

More vegetables can be prepared in different ways; these words can often be found in recipes:

cooked [kuukt] - cooked
baked [beikd] - baked
grated [greated] - grated
boiled [boild] - boiled
stewed [stewed] - stewed
sliced ​​[slice] - sliced
peeled [piild] - peeled
steamed [stiimd] - steamed
cut [cat] - chopped
roast [roast] - fried, baked
broiled [broiled] - fried on fire
fried [fried] - fried

My friends like to eat stewed cabbage [My friends like it stewed cabbage] - My friends like to eat stewed cabbage.


To cheer yourself up, it is advised to eat sweets. A great option for a snack would be fruits [fruts] fruits. The main names of fruits in English:
1. Apple
2. Pear [pea] - pear
3. Banana [benena] - banana
4. Melon [melen] - melon
5. Watermelon [watamelen] - watermelon
6. Peach [peach] - peach
7. Pineapple [pineapple] - pineapple
8. Tangerine [tenzherin] - mandarin
9. Plum [flame] - plum
10. Apricot [epricot] - apricot
11. Orange [orange] - orange
12. Coconut [coconut] - coconut
13. Cherry [cherry] - cherry.

If I need to choose between an apple and a pear, I will choose an apple.
An apple day keep doctor away. - One apple a day will save you from doctors.
Tangerines and oranges are citrus fruits. - Tangerines and oranges are citrus fruits.
Nick has two oranges and three apricots. Nick has two oranges and three apricots.
If you want to be healthy, you should eat many fruits. If you want to be healthy, eat lots of fruits.

Fruits are one of the sources of easily digestible carbohydrates. Fructose predominates in pome fruits, glucose and sucrose predominate in stone fruits.
Fruit is one of the sources of easily digestible carbohydrates. Fruit of pome fruits predominates fructose, stone fruit - glucose and sucrose.

We continue to expand our vocabulary. As you know, the most effective way to remember English words is a grouping of them by topic. Some students even keep their own dictionary, in which they write down words grouped according to a specific topic. This is extremely helpful for learning.

Today's thematic selection of words consists only of the names of fruits and berries on. A relatively small vocabulary will allow you to memorize the names of the most common fruits in the world. By the way, what is the advantage of this lesson compared to all similar ones on the network? You can immediately hear the pronunciation of all words. To do this, your attention will be presented with a voiced video with pictures. Of course, it is not always clear from the pictures what kind of fruit it is, so after the lesson a text version of the lesson will be presented with the translation of all words into Russian.

All names of fruits and berries are presented in alphabetical order. The plural is also given immediately.

apple- apple ( pl. hours: apples)

apricot- apricot (plural: apricots)

avocado- avocado (plural: avocados (avocadoes))

banana- banana (plural: bananas)

blackberry- blackberry (plural: blackberries)

black currant (blackcurrant)- black currant (plural: black currants)

blueberry- blueberries (pl.: blueberries)

cantaloupe- cantaloupe, cantaloupe (plural: cantaloupes)

cherry- cherry (plural: cherry)

coconut- coconut (pl.: cocnuts)

cranberry- cranberries (pl.: cranberries)

date- date (pl.: dates)

fig- figs (pl.: figs)

grape- grapes (pl.: grapes)

grapefruit- grapefruit (pl.: grapefruits)

honeydew melon- winter melon (pl.: honeydew melons)

kiwi fruit- kiwi (pl.: kiwi fruits)

kumquat- kumquat (pl.: kumquats)

lemon- lemon (pl.: lemons)

lime- lime (pl.: limes)

mango- mango (pl.: mangos (mangoes))

nectarine- nectarine (pl.: nectarines)

olive- olive (pl.: olives)

orange- orange (pl.: oranges)

papaya- papaya (pl.: papayas)

peach- peach (pl.: peaks)

pear- pear (pl.: pears)

pineapple- pineapple (pl.: pineapples)

plum- plum (pl.: plumes)

pomegranate- pomegranate (pl.: pomegranates)

raspberries- raspberries (pl.: raspberries)

strawberries- strawberries (pl.: strawberries)

tangerine- tangerine (pl.: tangerines)

watermelon- watermelon (pl.: watermelon)

If it is easier for someone to memorize words from pictures, then I will give you a few options that you can save for yourself. There will no longer be a translation here, I think there are enough pictures.
