Great conductors: Claudio Abbado. About him

Italian conductor, pianist. Son of famous violinist Michelangelo Abbado. Graduated from the Conservatory. Verdi in Milan, improved at the Vienna Academy of Music and performing arts. In 1958 he won the competition. Koussevitzky, in 1963 - 1st prize at the International Competition for Young Conductors. D. Mitropoulos in New York, which gave him the opportunity to work for 5 months with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. He made his operatic debut in 1965 at the Salzburg Festival (The Barber of Seville). Conductor since 1969, from 1971 to 1986 - music director La Scala (in 1977-79 artistic director). Among the productions at the theater "Capulets and Montecchi" by Bellini (1967), "Simon Boccanegra" by Verdi (1971), "Italian in Algiers" by Rossini (1974), "Macbeth" (1975). Toured with La Scala in the USSR in 1974. In 1982 he founded and directed the La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra.

Since 1971 chief conductor Vienna Philharmonic, from 1979 to 1988 - London Symphony Orchestras. From 1989 to 2002, Abbado was artistic director and the fifth chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (his predecessors are von Bülow, Nikisch, Furtwängler, Karajan; successor - Sir Simon Rattle).

Claudio Abbado was the artistic director Vienna Opera(1986-91, among productions of Berg's Wozzeck, 1987; Rossini's Journey to Reims, 1988; Khovanshchina, 1989). In 1987, Abbado was the General Director of Music in Vienna. He performed at Covent Garden (he made his debut in 1968 at Don Carlos). In 1985, in London, Abbado organized and directed the Mahler, Vienna and the 20th Century Festival. In 1988 he laid the foundation for the annual event in Vienna (“Win Modern”), held as a festival contemporary music, but gradually covering all areas contemporary art. In 1991 he established international competition composers in Vienna. In 1992, Claudio Abbado and Natalia Gutman founded the festival chamber music Berlin Meetings. Since 1994, the conductor has been the artistic director of the Salzburg Easter Festival (among the productions, Elektra, 1995; Othello, 1996), which began to award awards for composition, painting and literature.

Claudio Abbado is interested in the development of young musical talents. In 1978 he founded the Youth Orchestra European Union, in 1986 - Youth Orchestra. Gustav Mahler, becoming its artistic director and chief conductor; he is also an art advisor chamber orchestra Europe.

Claudio Abbado turns to music different eras and styles, including works by composers of the 20th century, including Schoenberg, Nono (the first performer of the opera Under the Furious Sun of Love, 1975, the Lirico Theater), Berio, Stockhausen, Manzoni (the first performer of the opera Atomic Death, 1965, Piccola Scala). Abbado is known for his performances of Verdi's operas (Macbeth, Un ballo in maschera, Simon Boccanegra, Don Carlos, Otello).

In the extensive discography of Claudio Abbado - complete collection symphonic works Beethoven, Mahler, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Ravel, Tchaikovsky; symphonies by Mozart; whole line works of Brahms (symphonies, concertos, choral music), Bruckner; orchestral works by Prokofiev, Mussorgsky, Dvorak. The conductor has received major recording awards, including the Standard Opera Award for Boris Godunov at Covent Garden. Among the recordings we note the operas The Italian in Algiers (soloists Balts, Lopardo, Dara, R. Raimondi, Deutsche Grammofon), Simon Boccanegra (soloists Cappuccili, Freni, Carreras, Giaurov, Deutsche Grammophon), Boris Godunov (soloists Kocherga , Larin, Lipovshek, Remy, Sony).

, Bologna) - Italian opera and symphony conductor and musical figure.


Claudio Abbado was born in Milan to the famous violinist Michelangelo Abbado. After graduating from the Milan Conservatory. Verdi, Abbado further improved with Hans Swarovski at the Vienna Academy of Music and Performing Arts. In 1958 he received the 1st prize at the competition of conductors. S. A. Koussevitzky in the USA, and in 1963 - the 1st prize at the competition. D. Mitropoulos.

As an opera conductor, Abbado made his debut in 1958 in Trieste with the opera The Love for Three Oranges. In 1965 he performed for the first time at the Salzburg Festival, with The Barber of Seville by G. Rossini. In -1986 he was chief conductor and artistic director of the La Scala Theatre. In -1991 - Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Vienna State Opera. At the same time he acted as symphony conductor: in -1987 Abbado headed the London Symphony Orchestra, in 1989, after the death of Herbert von Karajan, he headed the Berlin Philharmonic, which he left in 2002. In 1978, Abbado founded the European Union Youth Orchestra.

In 2000, Abbado was diagnosed with stomach cancer; during the treatment, the conductor had a large part of the digestive system removed. At the end of 2007, due to health reasons, he stopped his concert activity. On January 20, 2014, after a long illness, Claudio Abbado died in Bologna.

Musician's brother Marcello Abbado(born October 7, 1926, Milan), pianist and composer, head of the Milan Conservatory (1972-1996). Nephew, Roberto Abbado(born December 30, 1954, Milan), - opera and symphony conductor.


Abbado has received many awards, including the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, the German Grand Cross of Merit, the Ring of Honor of the City of Vienna, and the Grand Gold Badge of Honor of the Austrian Republic. Laureate of the Ernst von Siemens Prize (), Wolf Prize ().

According to a survey conducted in November 2010 by the British magazine about classical music BBC Music Magazine among a hundred conductors from different countries, among which such musicians as Colin Davis (Great Britain), Mravinsky (Russia), Gustavo Dudamel (Venezuela), Maris Jansons (Latvia), Claudio Abbado took third place in the list of the twenty most outstanding conductors of all time. Inducted into the Gramophone Hall of Fame.

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Excerpt characterizing Abbado, Claudio

“But this is a deception,” Pierre said naively, listening attentively to the wanderer.
“Ah, father, what are you talking about!” - Pelageyushka said with horror, turning to Princess Marya for protection.
“They are deceiving the people,” he repeated.
- Lord Jesus Christ! – crossed said the stranger. “Oh, don’t talk, father. So one anaral did not believe, said: “the monks are deceiving”, but as he said, he went blind. And he dreamed that Mother Pecherskaya came to him and said: "Trust me, I will heal you." So he began to ask: take me and take me to her. It's me for you true truth I say I saw it. They brought him blind right to her, came up, fell down, said: “heal! I will give it to you, he says, in what the king complained. I saw it myself, father, the star is embedded in it like that. Well, it has dawned! It's wrong to say that. God will punish, ”she addressed Pierre instructively.
- How did the star find itself in the image? Pierre asked.
- Did you make your mother a general? - said Prince Andrei smiling.
Pelageushka suddenly turned pale and clasped her hands.
“Father, father, sin on you, you have a son!” she spoke, suddenly turning from pallor into a bright color.
- Father, what did you say, God forgive you. - She crossed herself. “God, forgive him. Mother, what is this? ... - she turned to Princess Marya. She got up and almost crying began to collect her purse. She was evidently both frightened and ashamed that she enjoyed the blessings in the house where they could say this, and it was a pity that she now had to be deprived of the blessings of this house.
- Well, what are you looking for? - said Princess Mary. Why did you come to me?...
“No, I’m joking, Pelageushka,” said Pierre. - Princesse, ma parole, je n "ai pas voulu l" offerr, [Princess, I really didn’t want to offend her,] I just did. Don't think, I was joking, - he said, smiling timidly and wanting to make amends for his guilt. - After all, it's me, and he was just joking.
Pelageyushka stopped incredulously, but there was such sincerity of repentance in Pierre’s face, and Prince Andrei looked so meekly at Pelageyushka and then at Pierre that she gradually calmed down.

The wanderer calmed down and, brought back to conversation, then talked for a long time about Father Amphilochius, who was such a holy life that his hand smelled of his hand, and how the monks she knew on her last journey to Kiev gave her the keys to the caves, and how she, taking crackers with her, spent two days in caves with saints. “I will pray to one, I will read, I will go to another. Pine, I’ll go and kiss again; and such, mother, silence, such grace that you don’t even want to go out into the light of God.
Pierre listened to her attentively and seriously. Prince Andrei left the room. And after him, leaving the people of God to finish their tea, Princess Mary led Pierre into the living room.
“You are very kind,” she told him.
“Ah, I really didn’t think to offend her, as I understand and highly appreciate these feelings!
Princess Mary looked at him silently and smiled tenderly. “After all, I have known you for a long time and love you like a brother,” she said. How did you find Andrew? she asked hastily, not giving him time to say anything in response to her kind words. “He worries me a lot. His health is better in winter, but last spring the wound opened, and the doctor said that he must go for treatment. And morally, I'm very afraid for him. He is not a character like us women to suffer and cry out his grief. He carries it inside himself. Today he is cheerful and lively; but it was your arrival that had such an effect on him: he is rarely like that. If you could persuade him to go abroad! He needs activity, and this one is smooth, quiet life ruins him. Others do not notice, but I see.
At 10 o'clock the waiters rushed to the porch, hearing the bells of the old prince's carriage approaching. Prince Andrei and Pierre also went out onto the porch.
- Who is this? asked the old prince, getting out of the carriage and guessing Pierre.
– AI is very happy! kiss, - he said, having learned who the unfamiliar young man was.
old prince was in good spirit and caressed Pierre.
Before dinner, Prince Andrei, returning back to his father's study, found the old prince in a heated argument with Pierre.
Pierre argued that the time would come when there would be no more war. The old prince, teasing, but not angry, challenged him.
- Let the blood out of the veins, pour water, then there will be no war. Woman’s nonsense, woman’s nonsense, ”he said, but still affectionately patted Pierre on the shoulder, and went up to the table at which Prince Andrei, apparently not wanting to enter into a conversation, was sorting through the papers brought by the prince from the city. The old prince approached him and began to talk about business.
- The leader, Count Rostov, did not deliver half of the people. He came to the city, decided to call for dinner, - I asked him such a dinner ... But look at this one ... Well, brother, - Prince Nikolai Andreevich turned to his son, clapping Pierre on the shoulder, - well done your friend, I fell in love with him! Fires me up. The other one speaks smart words, but I don’t want to listen, but he lies and inflames me, old man. Well, go, go, - he said, - maybe I will come, I will sit at your supper. I'll bet again. Love my fool, Princess Mary, ”he shouted to Pierre from the door.
Pierre now only, on his visit to the Bald Mountains, appreciated the full strength and charm of his friendship with Prince Andrei. This charm was expressed not so much in his relations with himself, but in relations with all relatives and household. Pierre, with the old, stern prince and with the meek and timid Princess Mary, despite the fact that he hardly knew them, immediately felt like an old friend. They all already loved him. Not only Princess Mary, bribed by his meek attitude towards wanderers, looked at him with the most radiant eyes; but the little, one-year-old Prince Nikolai, as his grandfather called him, smiled at Pierre and went into his arms. Mikhail Ivanovich, m lle Bourienne looked at him with joyful smiles when he talked with the old prince.
The old prince went out to supper: this was obvious to Pierre. He was with him both days of his stay in the Bald Mountains extremely affectionate, and ordered him to come to him.
When Pierre left and all the members of the family got together, they began to judge him, as it always happens after the departure of a new person, and, as rarely happens, everyone said one good thing about him.

Returning this time from vacation, Rostov for the first time felt and learned to what extent his connection with Denisov and with the entire regiment was strong.

On Monday, January 20, Claudio Abbado, one of the greatest conductors in the world, died in Bologna after a long illness. Abbado, who is rightfully considered the most influential figure in the world of music in the second half of the 20th century, different years directed the main opera houses in Italy and Austria; in both countries in Abbado they always saw their national hero serving art.

Abbado, born in Milan into a family of musicians, studied at the local conservatory, later in Vienna with the conductor Hans Swarovski. In the Austrian capital, it is widely believed that the conductor had a special spiritual relationship with Vienna since his student days, so that later the city authorities even awarded Abbado the title of “chief musical director of Vienna”. However, the musician could have been christened this way at one time in Berlin, and in London, and, of course, in his native Milan.

The debut of the young conductor took place on the stage of La Scala in 1960, and already in 1968 he became the chief conductor and artistic director of the Italian theater - Claudio Abbado held this post for 18 years. After that, he directed the Vienna State Opera for five years. In parallel with work in opera houses led the London Symphony Orchestra (1979-1987) and the Berlin Philharmonic (1989-2002), which passed to him after the death of Herbert von Karajan.

About Claudio Abbado, whose career in music spans more than half a century, in any period of his creative way they spoke of him as a surprisingly modern conductor - and the point is not only in the repertoire that he chose, but also in how he interpreted this or that composer. Mahler was his true "hero" - Abbado became famous precisely for the interpretations of the Austrian master, to whom he turned both during his studies and in mature years, and in last decade- on summer festivals in Lucerne. In 1986, in honor of Mahler, the conductor even founded a youth orchestra in Vienna.

Abbado was considered a connoisseur of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, was an admirer of Prokofiev and Mussorgsky, loved Verdi and Rossini - and in 1984 even restored Rossini's opera Journey to Reims, which was considered lost. However, his interest was never limited to the classics. The conductor revealed to the world the names of avant-garde artists - Nono, Schoenberg, Stockhausen, Penderetsky, Boulez. Luigi Nono's avant-garde opera Under the Furious Sun of Love, for example, was staged by Claudio Abbado in the 1970s together with another innovator, Yuri Lyubimov. The founder of Taganka once said about Abbado that "he embodies music with his whole figure, with all his hands, his body sings just like music."

In 2010, BBC Music Magazine named Abbado one of the top three great conductors of all time. At the same time, he himself avoided stardom, excessive publicity, media popularity, to which all modern music world. Abbado did not like to be called a maestro, preferring to be called by his first name, and was proud that he did not specifically seek leadership of large musical groups- the orchestras found it themselves.

In many ways, the scale of the conductor Abbado is explained by his personal qualities, because the head of La Scala and the Vienna Opera has never been a tyrant or dictator in dealing with his musicians. On the contrary, he believed that it was necessary to interact with the orchestra, he united like-minded people in order to create together, he helped young performers. But Abbado can be safely called a revolutionary: it was precisely this image that stuck with him in Italy because of his social projects- performances in prisons and hospitals. Musical education- this, in fact, is the upbringing of a person, Abbado believed.

Softness and modesty by no means canceled his professionalism, which was manifested, for example, in the fact that Abbado, who had a brilliant memory, conducted without sheet music. His colleagues also talk about the impeccable musical taste and attention to modern music, which allowed the conductor, together with his wards, whether it be a theater or a symphony orchestra, to always move forward.

After the death of Abbado about his friend and colleague

Quote message Great conductors: Claudio Abbado (Beethoven and Bruckner)...On the occasion of the 79th birthday anniversary of the maestro

Claudio Abbado (Claudio Abbado) is the son of the famous violinist Michelangelo Abbado. Graduated from the Conservatory. Verdi in Milan, improved at the Vienna Academy of Music and Performing Arts. In 1958 he won the competition. Koussevitzky, in 1963 - 1st prize at the International Competition for Young Conductors. D. Mitropoulos in New York, which gave him the opportunity to work for 5 months with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. He made his operatic debut in 1965 at the Salzburg Festival (The Barber of Seville).

Since 1969 he was a conductor, from 1971 to 1986 he was musical director of La Scala (in 1977-79 he was artistic director). Among the productions at the theater "Capulets and Montecchi" Bellini (1967), "Simon Boccanegra" Verdi (1971), "Italian in Algiers" Rossini (1974), "Macbeth" (1975). Toured with La Scala in the USSR in 1974. In 1982 he founded and directed the La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra.

Since 1971 he has been chief conductor of the Vienna Philharmonic, from 1979 to 1988 - of the London Symphony Orchestras. From 1989 to 2002, Abbado served as artistic director and fifth principal conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic.

Claudio Abbado was Artistic Director of the Vienna Opera (1986-91, among productions of Berg's Wozzeck, 1987; Rossini's Journey to Reims, 1988; Khovanshchina, 1989). In 1987, Abbado was the General Director of Music in Vienna. He performed at Covent Garden (he made his debut in 1968 in Don Carlos).

In 1985, in London, Abbado organized and directed the Mahler, Vienna and the 20th Century festival. In 1988, he initiated an annual event in Vienna ("Win Modern"), which was held as a festival of contemporary music, but gradually covered all areas of contemporary art. In 1991 he founded the International Competition for Composers in Vienna. In 1992, Claudio Abbado and Natalia Gutman founded the Berlin Meetings chamber music festival. Since 1994, the conductor has been the artistic director of the Salzburg Easter Festival (among the productions, Elektra, 1995; Othello, 1996), which began to award awards for composition, painting and literature.

Claudio Abbado is interested in developing young musical talents. In 1978 he founded the Youth Orchestra of the European Union, in 1986 - the Youth Orchestra. Gustav Mahler, becoming its artistic director and chief conductor; he is also artistic advisor to the Chamber Orchestra of Europe.

Claudio Abbado turns to music of different eras and styles, including works by composers of the 20th century, including Schoenberg, Nono (the first performer of the opera "Under the Furious Sun of Love", 1975, the Lyrico Theater), Berio, Stockhausen, Manzoni (the first performer of the opera "Atomic Death", 1965, Piccola Skala). Abbado is known for his performances of Verdi's operas (Macbeth, Un ballo in maschera, Simon Boccanegra, Don Carlos, Othello).

In the extensive discography of Claudio Abbado - a complete collection of symphonic works by Beethoven, Mahler, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Ravel, Tchaikovsky; symphonies by Mozart; a number of works by Brahms (symphonies, concertos, choral music), Bruckner; orchestral works by Prokofiev, Mussorgsky, Dvorak. The conductor has received major recording awards, including the "Standard Opera Award" for "Boris Godunov" at Covent Garden. Among the recordings, we note the operas "Italian in Algiers" (soloists Balts, Lopardo, Dara, R. Raimondi, Deutsche Grammofon), "Simon Boccanegra" (soloists Cappuccili, Freni, Carreras, Giaurov, Deutsche Grammofon), "Boris Godunov" (soloists Kocherga , Larin, Lipovshek, Remy, Sony).

Claudio Abbado has been awarded many awards, including the Grand Cross of the Italian Republic, the Order of the Legion of Honor, the Grand Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Ring of Honor of the City of Vienna, the Grand Golden Honorary Badge of the Austrian Republic, honors degrees from the universities of Aberdeen, Ferrara and Cambridge, Golden medal International Society of Gustav Mahler and recognized worldwide " Music Award Ernst von Siemens".

In addition to his work as a conductor with the New York Philharmonic, the Vienna State Opera Orchestra, the Chicago symphony orchestra, the London Symphony Orchestra and others, Claudio Abbado founded the Wien Modern festival in 1988.

He is also the founder of the European Society for Young Orchestras and the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra.
