Barbie hospital games for pregnant women. Pregnant games online - free

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid the first, second and third even in the virtual world (let alone the ordinary one!). But it is in your power to make the experience as comfortable as possible for both the woman in labor and her baby. Moreover, this is precisely the goal that our new exciting Childbirth games set for gamers, offering to try on the role of an experienced online obstetrician.

For those who are not afraid of difficulties

So, having launched games for girls Childbirth, you will put on a virtual white coat, arm yourself with a stethoscope and go to examine a potential mother who is about to give birth to her first child. No one knows exactly when this will happen: in a day, five minutes or half an hour, so you need to be prepared for any surprises. But there is no need to be afraid. The process of each Rhoda game is equipped with super detailed instructions and tips that appear on the screen every minute. Thanks to them, you will not only not get confused in the sequence of actions, but you will also know exactly when to use which tool.

By the way, during the game for girls Childbirth, pregnant women will address you very differently. In addition to famous fairy-tale heroines like Disney princesses, other cartoon characters have also decided to have offspring, for example, the pony Twilight Sparkle from the cartoon “Friendship is Magic.”

Probably, when you started playing games about pregnant women, you imagined how they would give birth and how you could help, but you hardly thought that you would need to give birth to horses. However, the tips will help you out this time too. Yes, and giving birth to horses during the game will still be different from the way they are in real life. Twilight Sparkle won't even have to move from her cozy crib to the delivery room, much less to a special table. Although this is rather an exception to the rule. Even in games, pregnant women usually give birth in a maternity hospital, where there is all the necessary equipment and the ability to provide them with any assistance in a timely manner, and not in their own bedroom. But what won’t you do for the pony princess! So, quickly roll up your imaginary sleeves and do everything possible to help Sparkle and other expectant mothers meet their long-awaited babies as soon as possible.

When the expectant mother finds out that she is having a baby, she is ready to flutter with joy. From the first days she prepares to meet her baby, buys toys, clothes, a stroller crib - all these are gifts for her cute little one. In her dreams, a woman imagines how her son or daughter will smile, say the first word, take a timid first step. How the baby will get to know the world, make progress, and she will become proud of him and with delight and enthusiasm convince her friends how special, unique, and unlike the rest he is.

In order for the baby to be born a real strong one, the mother tries to eat right, and after the birth of a new little person, she gives him all the attention, affection and care. The world begins to revolve around a small, defenseless creature. New mothers want to do everything right and are always worried. Being a mother is also a job that you need to learn. To teach parents how to handle their babies, there is a special school for pregnant women, and free pregnant games have been created for girls who are curious to learn about the intricacies of being a parent.

Important Game Topics

Special clothes are sewn for pregnant women, books give all kinds of recommendations on nutrition, exercise and general well-being, and games for pregnant girls play out aspects of the temporary state of a woman while she is expecting a toddler. Our section contains only fun things about pregnancy, which are divided into topics:

Waiting for the baby

If a woman is pregnant, she does not drop out of life, but continues to do the things she loves, but now she has an additional interest. A growing belly can be beautifully emphasized with stylish clothes, which are created in abundance by designers. Hairstyles, manicure and makeup are also relevant. But now you need to eat healthier food, rich in vitamins, and only occasionally treat yourself to baked goods, sweets and store-bought lemonade.

Pregnant mother games offer courses on cooking various dishes, including many delicious and healthy recipes. You will become the main assistant for the heroine, taking on the bulk of the work in the kitchen so as not to tire the expectant mother.

Cleaning will also fall on your shoulders. When a pregnant woman's belly becomes too large, it is difficult for her to bend down to pick up things from the floor. Sometimes too many of them accumulate, and then you will come to the rescue, because the cleanliness of the room also contributes to health. Laundry is also important, so this responsibility awaits you. Also, prepare the nursery by renovating it, placing new furniture and toys.

Shopping in the clothing department for children is a real festive event. Little vests, rompers, tops, blouses and hats are so cute and soft that you want to buy more new things. Our heroines also happily go shopping for children's things, anticipating how they will put this beauty on the baby.

Pregnant women acquire a special beauty, and some even become models, posing for magazines. Even the world famous slender and blonde beauty decided to become a mother, as reported by the Pregnant Barbie games. Together with her you will go through the important stages of pregnancy. She remains true to herself and continues to dress stylishly, monitors the condition of her hair and skin, adheres to doctors’ recommendations in order to soon go to the hospital, where she will meet her wonderful baby.

We have put together a selection of cool interactive entertainment on our website, thanks to which you can learn everything and even more about this wonderful time! Pregnant games will allow you to see many of your favorite heroines in an “interesting position” and have a great time studying them in a new way. Beauties from every Pregnant game will prove that a big belly is absolutely no hindrance to beauty. And especially if a long-awaited baby lives in it!

Ultrasound - the head of everything

The use of ultrasound in medicine is one of the most important scientific and technological breakthroughs of the last century. How many diseases in children can be treated and even prevented if the first symptoms are identified at an early stage, and this cannot be done without the opportunity to look at the unborn little one! So, the notorious determination of the sex of the unborn child, which always turns out to be the main result of going to an ultrasound for ladies in films, is rather an unimportant, albeit pleasant, bonus.

Pregnant Elsa, Barbie and Ariel invite you to perform this procedure for them during the game, because this is a responsible matter, and you should never trust it to anyone! Before you begin, do not forget to carry out all the preliminary procedures: measure your temperature, blood pressure, and write down the size of your abdomen on the card. All this may seem unnecessary, but there are no insignificant details in observing a woman in pregnancy!

Urgent first aid

Providing first aid is very important for everyone, because treating a wound in a timely manner is not at all difficult, but treating the consequences of missed disinfection can be quite problematic. But during a game about pregnant women, such medical procedures are especially important! Any injuries and infections can end very sadly for both the baby and the expectant mother - even to the most terrible outcome. That is why you need to act very quickly and carefully.

What happened to Cinderella and Draculaura? They look as if they fell from the roof of a country house into a raspberry bush... It doesn’t matter what the reasons are: the main thing is that you need to quickly carry out all the necessary procedures to make the girls feel better and maintain the pregnancy. Hurry up, but not too much: during the game for girls Pregnant, every action must be done carefully and correctly. If you find it difficult, do not hesitate to use the system’s prompts: an experienced doctor will always support the trainee both online and offline!

It doesn’t matter how old you are: it’s never too early to find out more about your own body and what it has to endure. On our website, all games about pregnancy are available for girls completely free of charge, so don’t spare your time and effort to gain such important knowledge!

Games about pregnancy help the younger generation understand how women feel, what they want, what they worry about, how they behave, and how to take care of newborn babies.

Flash drives are opportunities for younger ones to feel like mothers. Games are useful for little ladies, because any girl can be lucky enough to be a mother. An important clue is that the characters leading the important role are heroines of cartoons and stories. Princess Jasmine from Aladdin, Diana, Snow White, etc. attract children's interest. Girls have a chance to control their favorite cartoon heroines.

Games are often updated with new princesses, fairies, mermaids, and stars. Girls with a baby in their bellies take care of getting enough vitamins. Some people worry about their own appearance. Others are about hard work. All of them are united by the need for care and attention.

During this period, pregnant women try to acquire more and more charm. They want to be beautiful with the crumbs in their belly.

Each player gets a unique chance to try themselves in the role of an excellent designer. The player transforms young girls, gorgeous women in pregnancy.

Dress up for pregnant women

All the heroines of the games have different tastes, they have different style preferences. Therefore, it is difficult to cope with this task without the help of girls. The challenge is choosing a wardrobe. Take care of selecting elegant dresses, chic blouses or excellent trousers, as well as elegant accessories, bags, and comfortable shoes for expectant mothers. Thanks to stylish things, ladies will be able to emphasize their beauty even in their interesting position.

Games for girls hospital for pregnant women

You must take care of the health of the heroines, pay attention to leading a healthy lifestyle. After all, the life of the defenseless baby who lives in your stomach now depends on you. We need to put an end to harmful habits. Thanks to careful care, you can get a happy, healthy, cheerful baby. Pregnant women can often be capricious during these periods. Carefully and patiently take care of women in connection with their difficult situation.

In maternity hospital games, it is periodically necessary to take women to hospitals. There they will be able to get checked and find out about the baby’s condition. This is an exciting moment for them, they are concerned about the health of the baby, expectant mothers are waiting for your help, support pregnant women. Take care of the babies, bathe them, change diapers, feed them, put them to bed. Think about future plans from a young age. The game can be just as useful for adults. To gain experience in this topic, you should first of all play the games from the “Pregnant” section. Be prepared to experience everything you have gone through here and become an ideal mother.

From an early age, every girl dreams of becoming a mother. Taking care of babies is inherent in the fair sex from birth. However, the actual event of childbirth is preceded by long months of carrying the baby. At such a time, the expectant mother feels an inextricable connection with her future baby. In the games for pregnant women that we have collected on our portal, girls of any age will receive the first lessons in how to behave with a newborn baby, learn how to care for him and take care of him in every possible way. To become the best mother in the world, you need to comprehend a lot and learn to do a lot. When a young mother has a baby, this does not mean that she stops paying attention to her style. They also want to dress well and look impeccable. Being in an interesting position means taking care of yourself and buying comfortable clothes that will be practical and fashionable at the same time. You will learn all this by playing free pregnant games, which are located in this directory of our website. You will also receive theoretical experience that will shed light on the process of giving birth to a baby. In games about young mothers, you will be able to give birth, surround your newborn with care, and provide any assistance to both the baby and their happy parents. Having your own child, properly caring for him, raising him - all these components will lead to excellent results and your baby will always be grateful to you.

Pregnant games - taking care of newborns

Pregnancy is a special unforgettable period in the life of every woman. At the same time an exciting and awe-inspiring moment, and at the same time, filled with joyful anticipation of dramatic changes in life. The birth and bearing of a child is an amazing mystery of nature. The Pregnant games will help lift the curtain on this amazing process. Taking care of the expectant mother and her child, creating a special favorable environment - these are the main tasks set by such games. Games - childbirth for pregnant women Capricious expectant mothers are sensitive to their appearance. When preparing for childbirth, every heroine wants to look perfect. Perhaps they think that a plump tummy spoils their appearance, which is why they are so picky about dresses and hairstyles. It's not so easy to please a pregnant woman, but you have to do it to get the highest score. Before giving birth, you need to carefully examine the expectant mother, give injections, ultrasound, and listen to the baby’s heartbeat. Make sure that everything is in order and the birth will take place without any problems. If resuscitation is needed, a skilled doctor will provide the necessary assistance and save the mother and her child. The entire necessary set of procedures will prove to be an effective way to solve the difficulties that arise. Everything will end well, and the long-awaited baby will be born. With the arrival of the long-awaited moment of childbirth, worries only increase. Games Pregnant Women Give Birth will teach little girls the basic principles of caring for newborn babies and young mothers. While the mother is sleeping, someone must take care of the small child, feed him, bathe him and swaddle him. If the birth occurs with complications, you will need to show medical skill to perform a caesarean section. The operation must be successful so as not to harm the child and mother. The baby should grow up healthy and happy.

Pregnant mom games

Heroines of famous cartoons also give birth to children. Brave Lady Bug, sophisticated Elsa, exotic Little Mermaid - they all find themselves in an interesting position and require special attention and care. Life becomes completely different, interests and priorities change. Little girls can try themselves in the role of pregnant women, this will prepare them for adult life and teach them basic rules of behavior while expecting a baby. Now you need to strictly monitor your diet, food should be healthy, full of vitamins and microelements, not harm the child and not create stomach problems for the mother. A pregnant woman needs help around the house. A large belly makes it difficult to bend over, and cleaning has become more difficult. You need to help her, take a vacuum cleaner or sponge, wipe off the dust, wash, put all the things in their places. Caring is very important. A healthy happy mother gives birth to a healthy baby. He will need to be raised and instilled with the necessary skills so that he becomes a full-fledged member of society. Games Pregnant mothers show girls that waiting for a child is not a disease, but a wonderful period in life. Time to pick up a new hobby, go on a trip, and just spend more time on yourself. Pregnant women also visit beauty salons, because their desire to be irresistible has become even greater. Haircuts, styling, manicures, SPA - you need to take the best from life. Why not go shopping and try on wonderful new outfits that are created especially for beautiful girls in interesting situations. Skirts and dresses in all colors of the rainbow. Hairstyles of any type, you can change the hair color at your discretion and create the perfect character.

Games about pregnant women

Pregnancy is a complex process, which is vital to monitor. Visiting a doctor and following all his recommendations is the key to a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. It is imperative to do an ultrasound examination. It's exciting and interesting to see how the baby behaves in the mother's belly. Games about pregnant women provide a unique opportunity to learn the most interesting information about expectant mothers and their children while having fun. How to properly prepare for the arrival of a baby, what should you buy? The gameplay will help answer these questions. Go to the store with the expectant mother to buy a crib, stroller and cute baby vests. If a girl is expected, then you should pay attention to pink bows and ruffles. For a boy, blue and green colors are suitable. You also need to arrange a room for a future family member. Paint the walls in the desired color or hang floral wallpaper - everything is at your discretion. Choose the interior, curtains, lamps, mirrors and paintings to suit your taste. A pregnant woman, of course, has a lot of girlfriends, among them there are also girls in an interesting position. They have so much in common and love spending time together. Shopping and cafe trips, taking selfies together. This could also be an interesting game.
