What a betrayal is the most terrible master and margarita. Creative works in literature

With apparent identity female images in the heritage of world literature, it is almost impossible to forget some of the figures of women described on the pages of novels, stories or short stories. All faces female soul, covered with eternal mystery, shine and shimmer like diamonds on the lines of their beloved literary work. Loyalty and treachery, love and hate, passion and indifference run like a red thread through the souls of female characters.

One of the most striking female images of both Russian and world literature is undoubtedly the unique image of Margarita Nikolaevna, the heroine of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita.

The image of the master was largely associated with M.A. Bulgakov. We can say that the Master is an autobiographical hero.

What predetermined the meeting of the Master and Margarita?

What is so special about this unique and believable portrait of a love-worn woman? Readers get acquainted with Margarita at the end of the second part of the novel, namely in the chapter "The Appearance of the Hero".

The master, rejected by critics and publishers, tells Ivan Bezdomny his life story full of tragedy and pain.

He was lucky once, he won a huge amount in the lottery, and after that his new life. He began to create, to write the book of his life, which ruined him.

The Master's novel described the existence of Jesus Christ, differed from the biblical interpretation, and was generally written at the wrong time. Fearing censorship and punishment, the editors simply did not publish the novel, considering it propaganda and religious.

Everything would be bad in the life of the master - this unknown writer, if not for love. She, having struck like a Finnish knife, remained forever in the heart of the Master, who did not want to give his real name.

Margarita Nikolaevna, and that was the name of the beloved Master, embodied the standard of beauty for men and the object of envy for women. She was smart, pretty, educated...and unhappy.

Fast forward to the time of the novel. Poverty was faithful companion any woman who did not belong to the upper class. Primuses, mended stockings were something akin to an essential accessory.

What happened to Margaret? Good husband, excellent housing in a mansion, wealth in clothes. There was only love. She was looking for her with that rapture and hope with which a traveler tired in the desert is looking for an oasis with water.

And Margarita found her. Secretly from her husband, she began dating by an unknown writer, who until recently worked in the library, and now worked on a novel about Pontius Pilate.

It seemed that the Master did not suit Margarita at all: he is poor, and she is rich, he is afraid to enter the world of literature, and her determination is enough for two. But it was real love, which, without a twinge of conscience, can be called eternal.

How does the image of Margarita differ from other female images?

First of all, there is no hostility towards her from her betrayal. Her love is so pure, and the sacrifice is so great that the reader begins to sympathize with her involuntarily.

A ball at Satan's, boundless fidelity to her beloved, a difficult test of morality and pity (remember the story of Frida) only elevate Margarita in the eyes of the reader. She was not afraid of living in poverty after the removal of the Master from the mental hospital.

She was ready, if only with her beloved master. Margarita cannot be accused of commercialism: she left without looking back a rich, prosperous life in the name of boundless love.

Let's compare Margarita with Anna Karenina: the latter was rather a slave of love, who only wanted to collect cream from her. Margarita is really fighting for her happiness. When she is closer to him than ever, she immediately leaves her husband. To the latter, she leaves a note with a hastily written explanation of her disappearance.

The image of Margarita is one of the brightest female images in literature. In it, a woman does not blindly believe in all the whims of fate, but truly fights for her happiness, not being afraid to contact Satan himself for the sake of the Master's return from a psychiatric hospital.

Mikhail Bulgakov's novel " Master and Margarita"made an indelible impression on me as a child, when I first opened this philosophically strong and completely incomprehensible book to me. Third, and I hope not last time I was about to read this book recently.
So, in the novel "The Master and Margarita" the author uses the writer's technique "a book in a book", where very clearly, but meanwhile smoothly two parallel storylines past and present time. Almost all earthly feelings and topics for reflection are touched here: What is religion? How to really perceive justice? What is the meaning of love and is it worthy of sacrifice?
Most of all, as a girl, of course, I was touched by the theme of the love of the Master and Margarita. They recognized each other by their deep loneliness, and their lives have been transformed ever since Margarita visited the Master. Abandoning luxurious life with a rich husband and prosperity, she forever, according to the author, left an unhappy life. Because she needed only him to be happy. Master. Margarita's fidelity consisted in those hours and moments of loneliness and languor without the opportunity to receive at least some news about the Master, in the second part of the book, in addition, fearlessness to life and death woke up from love in the life of the heroine. The apogee of their love was the Master's novel, a work that was dear to both himself and Margarita. She promised to protect him, save him from destruction. It is interesting that Bulgakov himself once burned the first version of the novel, and only two years later sat down for it again. So the author gives his hero a thread of his own experiences. As for sacrifice - here, Bulgakov, thanks to Margarita's act, reveals its concept for us through all the same love - when the time comes to ask, Margarita does not ask for herself, I, filled with a new sense of philanthropy - asks for Frida. After all, the heroine herself does not need anything else, except to be close to the Master, "to protect his sleep."
The tragedy of this love lies in the fact that the Master and Margarita were incomprehensible to those around them, they challenged the world, and were rewarded by Bulgakov. He sent them not to heaven, they did not deserve, not to Hell, they were too strong wonderful feelings in their souls, but "to rest."
In my opinion, this is a work for people of all ages. Everyone can find in it something interesting for themselves, touch the mysterious and mystical circumstances, feel experiences, think about philosophy and religion. This is a multi-use work. With each new reading, it shines with other facets not seen before.

Beautiful Margarita is an integral part of the grandiose work "The Master and Margarita". Her image is associated with freedom, with true love, with true creativity. Therefore, M. Bulgakov paid special attention to her person.

The reader does not get to know her right away. At the beginning of the work, we observe longing and boredom, he is looking for and waiting for the appearance of true love. And this happens precisely with the advent of the bewitching Margarita. The author told us a story about the former life of the heroine. At first glance, the girl is absolutely happy. Her husband loves her, he provides Margarina with all the benefits. People around me envied such a life. In fact, the girl was looking for love and warmth, she sorely lacked understanding and meaning in life. Margarita was constantly waiting for a turn of events, changes that should make her happier. And so it happened.

A chance meeting with the Master filled the girl's life with a new breath. She became a muse for him. At the first meeting, they fell in love with each other. The man, inspired by such an acquaintance, began to write his magnificent novel with renewed vigor. It was Margarita who first called him the Master, after reading the first lines.

The main character of the novel was very similar to Bulgakov's real muse - his wife. It was she who inspired the writer to create such interesting creative works, it was she who was with him to the last.

Margarita is identified with a symbol of fidelity and devotion. Despite the fact that she cheated on her lawful husband, the girl never betrayed true love and faith in Creative skills beloved. It was Margarita who helped the Master find the editors, who fearfully printed several chapters of the novel.

After that, ridicule of the creator, persecution and ridicule of his work began. Such a reaction from society drives the Master crazy, and he renounces his work. He goes to a mental hospital. He does not even recognize Margarita, so as not to drag his beloved into even more trouble. The girl is in despair, she is unhappy, she keeps the remnants of the novel as a memory of her beloved.

In the chapter of the novel "Flight", Margarita becomes a witch. After meeting with the mystical Woland, she decides to gain freedom and go beyond reality. The girl makes a deal with Satan, she becomes his queen, and all just to find out at least a little news about her beloved Master, in order to free him from the clinic.

After such an act, the reader really understands how much she loved the Master, how devoted and true to her feelings she was. Such an act surprised Satan himself. He rewards Margarita for her bravery and brings the Master's burnt novel back to life. Woland gave the author of the novel eternal rest, and Margarita deserved only the Light. It was her image that became a symbol of devotion and fidelity to one's feelings. And he passed through the centuries, he was transferred to our time.

The problem of moral choice in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Moral choice... How often a person finds himself in a situation where he needs to make the right decision, having independently determined what is “bad” and what is “good”, what is “moral” and what is “immoral”! Loyalty or betrayal, conscience or dishonor, justice or cowardice. These and many other dilemmas stop a person at a crossroads.

Problem moral choice is also key in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". Each of the writer's characters at some point in his life must decide on something.

So, for example, it is extremely difficult for Pontius Pilate to make a decision: he must justify an innocent wandering philosopher or still approve the death sentence.

Pontius Pilate is contradictory: two people coexist in him at the same time. On the one side, ordinary person, sympathetic to Yeshua, aware of the injustice of the sentence. The “balding” (everyday detail) Pontius Pilate, tormented by “terrible, evil” pains, is opposed to another Pilate, a state official who must strictly observe the laws of the Roman state.

The mental anguish of the procurator is complicated by the fact that he is opposed to the people around him. M. Bulgakov shows this with the help of bright epithets and lexical repetition: “Yershalaim hated by him”, “countless crowd”, “the crowd is waiting impatiently…”

Pontius Pilate acts in the interests of the Roman authorities, he is afraid for his life, power, career, he is cowardly, not free in his choice, but at the same time, the fate of other people is in his hands. Fear and cowardice make him go against his conscience, suppress good undertakings in himself.

The risk of losing power, the position makes Pilate wise and cunning, we see the procurator as an excellent actor, diplomat, and psychologist. Knowing in advance what decision the Sanhedrin will take, the hero with “great art” is surprised, amazed, raising his eyebrows on his “haughty face”. Pilate, clutching at the last straw, uses various means: he carefully prepares for the conversation, and "softly" addresses the high priest, and insistently demands that the decision be repeated.

And now "it's all over", the internal struggle ended with the victory of Pilate - the procurator. Power, position held are much more valuable things for the “hegemon” than justice, conscience, human life, in the end. Yeshua, on the contrary, does good, although stones are thrown at him, they crucify him. Freedom, truth and goodness are above all for the wandering philosopher.

The novel about Pontius Pilate is the creation of the Master, who real life also have to choose. Feeling inner freedom, the Master begins to work on the work. Let's remember how literary world met the Master's version biblical history? The novel was not accepted for publication. Editors, critics, members of the editorial board - everyone who read it, attacked the Master, wrote devastating articles in the newspapers. The critic Latunsky was especially furious. So M. Bulgakov emphasizes that in the world of art they are ready to destroy the living and talented for the sake of mediocrity, opportunism, profit.

The freedom of the Master is overwhelmed by fear. “So, for example, I became afraid of the dark. In a word, the stage mental illness", says the hero. Fear makes the Master burn the novel, submit to circumstances: "... I cannot remember my novel without trembling." The master retreats, does not fight for his offspring to the end. He is even ready to refuse Margarita - he did not give her the news from the "house of sorrow".

The fate of the Master is fate creative personality in a world of freedom. For M. Bulgakov, this problem was one of the most important. Using the example of other writers who gathered in Griboedov, the writer shows how often a person who has embarked on the path of creativity has to make a choice between talent, natural gift and mediocrity. Griboyedov's writers are most attracted by the "ordinary desire to live like a human being." And what is their idea of ​​"living like a human being"? To have a dacha, a sabbatical (up to two weeks for a short story, up to one year for a novel), tasty and cheap food. The moral essence of the members of MASSOLIT is emphasized by their surnames: Dvubratsky, Zagrivov, Glukharev, Bogokhulsky, Sladky, "the merchant's orphan Nastasya Lukinishna Nepremenova."

Probably no coincidence devilry so terribly to deal with Berlioz, throwing him under a tram, and then stealing his head from the coffin. It was this hero who stood at the head of the Moscow writers - those people who forgot about the high appointment of the writer, lost their shame and conscience. It was he, Berlioz, who weaned young writers from thinking independently and freely, although he himself was an experienced, educated person.

M. Bulgakov exposes in his heroes greed, hypocrisy, frivolity, lust for power, the ability to betray and exalts love, kindness, truth, honesty.

So, between love and duty, Margarita chooses love. She says to Azazello: “My tragedy is that I live with someone I don’t love, but I consider it unworthy to spoil his life.” Still, the heroine decides to straight Talk with an unloved husband and leaves the lover plunging into madness of fear only for the night. Hatred for the persecutors of the Master, the desire to take revenge on them - that's what then settles in Margarita's soul. In spite of everything, mercy does not disappear. The heroine, having become a "witch", smashes Latunsky's apartment, but immediately calms the baby who has woken up in a neighboring apartment. The only thing the unfortunate woman dreams of is to return the Master. But first of all, Margarita asks for mercy for Frida. For patience, love, mercy, and it is these virtues that make up the moral essence of the heroine, Margarita was generously awarded by the forces of evil.

So, M. Bulgakov puts many heroes in a situation of choice. What to prefer - loyalty or betrayal, decency or meanness, cruelty or mercy? Is this choice always correct? Someone is guided by conscience, justice, responsibility - someone, on the contrary, by cowardice, a desire to please. In order not to make a mistake at a crossroads, you need courage, intelligence, life experience, after all, very often the fate of people depends on the solution of a moral problem.

The great Russian writer Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov could not avoid in his novel "The Master and Margarita" such an important topic as deceit and love, loyalty and betrayal in love.
The writer's ideal of fidelity in love is Margarita Nikolaevna, who remains with the Master even in the eternal rest of the "first circle" of hell. But how perfect is this ideal? After all, Margarita, in fact, ran away from her husband. Here is the trick for you. And the whole point, Bulgakov tells us, is that in this world of the "worldly vale" any ideal is unattainable.
The bright heroine Margarita in the novel is opposed by the "black" Nisa. For money or for some other reason, she betrays Iutsu, who is in love with her, dooms him to certain death. We will assume that Niza betrays because of self-interest. Margarita, although she also betrays her loving husband, probably her engineer, does it in the name of love for the Master. The Master's girlfriend, compassionate to her lover, at the same time deftly lies to her husband. And betrayal, and lies - all in the name of love? It's not easy for us. But gradually Margarita is reborn and at the end of the story she acquires moral strength, making her able to withstand the depths of satanic temptations.
Niza acts as an executioner, while Margarita herself is ready for self-sacrifice, although the role of an executioner is not alien to her - let us recall her flight on a mop and the destruction of the apartment of the critic Latunsky. On the other hand, you can get out this way: Niza not only betrayed, but betrayed the greatest of the traitors - Judas - to retribution. And in this, if you wish, you can find a moral position. Deceit and betrayal are double-edged and ambiguous things.
The Master and Margarita is a novel about the tragedy of love, moreover, about the tragedy of hopeless love. For the Master, love is just "home comfort", but by no means the meaning of life. And for Margarita, her love for the Master, with all her passion, is also just a replacement for a well-fed and rich, but soulless life for a genuine life, even after physical death.
Reincarnated as Queen Margot, the heroine enters the other world. And he comes to life before her in all his phantasmagoria. Margarita is not at all embarrassed by the changes and "terrible beauties" in other world. She is ready to give her soul for her beloved: “After all the magic and miracles ... she already guessed who exactly they were taking her to visit, but this did not frighten her. The hope that she would be able to achieve the return of her happiness made her fearless: "Ah, really, I would pledge my soul to the devil, just to find out whether he is alive or not!"
It is not the hero who first enters into a deal with the devil, but the heroine, it is she who is chosen by the evil spirit for the first contact. The place of the pious Gretchen in Goethe's Faust in Bulgakov's novel is occupied by a slanting witch, the naked queen of the coven. When the forces of darkness endow Marguerite with the supernatural powers of flight and being invisible, she uses them for petty revenge. And during a pogrom in the house of criticism, not only the persecutors of the Master suffer, but also innocent people. And only the sight of a frightened child makes the childless Margarita "soften her criminal voice hoarse in the wind" and tell the boy a sad "fairy tale": "There was one aunt in the world. And she had no children, and there was no happiness at all either. And here she is at first she cried for a long time, and then she became angry.
However, even before meeting with the evil spirit, Margarita had already assumed the role of a witch and "temporary witch's strabismus": "What did this woman need, in whose eyes some incomprehensible light always burns, what did this witch squint in one eye?" The character of Margarita is very clearly manifested in her relationship with Woland. The human nature of Margarita, with her spiritual impulses, temptations and weaknesses, is revealed as strong and proud, but sometimes conscientious and honest. If, according to Christian dogmas, she is a sinner, then her sin is atoned for by great love.
After the ball, Margarita has no illusions left: “Black melancholy somehow immediately rolled up to Margarita’s heart ... Apparently, no one was going to offer her any reward for all her services at the ball, as no one kept her ... Ask for something herself, as Azazello temptingly advised? .. "No, not at all," she said to herself. And it turned out to be right. “We tested you,” Woland continued, “never ask for anything! Never for anything, and especially from those who are stronger than you. They themselves will offer and give everything themselves! Sit down, proud woman!”
At the ball in front of Margarita, a string of villains, murderers, poisoners mixed with libertines and panders pass. The intrigues of the devil are tempting: Bulgakov's heroine is subconsciously tormented by her betrayal of her husband and is acutely worried about her departure for her lover, the forces of evil force her to line up with the greatest criminals of the world who bow to her. And Woland introduces Margarita to the famous villains and whores, as if testing her love for the Master, intensifying the pangs of her conscience.
At the same time, Bulgakov seems to leave an alternative possibility: Woland's ball and all the events connected with it occur only in the sick imagination of Margarita, who is tormented by the lack of news about the Master and because of her guilt before her husband. But even here she shows strength: "I want my lover, the Master, to be returned to me right now, this very second," said Margarita, and her face was convulsed.
The character of Margarita is fully revealed at the ball with Satan. She is glad to receive an indulgence for her husband's betrayal - a series of much more heinous crimes is going on before her. Margarita can be accused of anything, but she is neither a "feminist" nor an "emancipant". It adheres to the conservative tradition of separating the roles of the sexes. For herself, she chooses the role of a caring and devoted friend of the Master for life. This can be an opportunity for atonement for sin.
Margarita is not the only character rejoicing in her diabolical rebirth. Insanely happy to become a witch and her housekeeper Natasha. She is glad to change human nature in order to get rid of the monstrous "non-freedom" of Soviet life.
In the USSR, life is worse than hell for the Master and Margarita. Woland kills both Margarita and the Master, giving them "peace" and uniting the lovers forever in another life. In this way, the highest freedom is preserved for both. While Margarita is only a false semblance of "Eternal Beauty", she is powerless to help the Master in any way. She is unable to keep him from destroying the manuscript in a fire. When "all deceptions have disappeared", and Margarita's beauty, previously "deceptive and powerless", is transformed into "unearthly beauty", this woman saves the Master from suffering, ultimately conquers death, for in death she rises with her lover to a new eternal life, eternal rest, where there is no place for deceit, because reigns eternal love.
