Sesame: what it happens, the benefits and harms of sesame. Sesame seed: unique beneficial properties

Since ancient times, mankind has been using various seeds for the treatment and prevention of diseases, one of these seeds is sesame. Its benefits for women are very great, despite the fact that these seeds are not very popular in our country. Sesame has many varieties and is grown in India. The plant is used in cooking and traditional medicine and has a huge number of valuable properties, especially for women's health, which will be discussed in the article.

Composition and effect on the female body

About how sesame is useful for women, its composition will tell. It includes a large amount of fats, as well as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Despite the high calorie content, it is difficult to recover from sesame seeds. To do this, you need to eat it every day in huge quantities, because the fats contained in the seeds are extremely useful.

Sesame is rich in saturated and unsaturated fats, dietary fiber, vitamins E and PP, group B. Saturated with minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, which allows the use of sesame during pregnancy.

The oil that sesame seeds contain is rich in special active substances - phytosterols. They have great benefits for the human body, and for women, products with their content are especially recommended. Phytosterols rejuvenate and cleanse the body, help lower blood cholesterol levels, boost immunity and normalize the activity of the endocrine system. Distinctive feature phytosterols - the ability to prolong the period of reproductive function in women.

Sesame contains a substance - sesamin, which has high antioxidant properties. Due to them, sesame oil can be stored for a long time and not oxidized. Sesame seeds and oil are useful for women and are valued by them because of their ability to prevent aging.

It should be noted the high content of calcium in the seeds. Sesame with HS or pregnancy will help without the use medicines replenish the deficiency of this mineral. Many women suffer from a lack of calcium, whether during their reproductive years or during menopause. The daily rate will be replenished by one hundred grams of seeds or a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil.

The use of seeds helps with many diseases. The benefits of sesame for women in reducing the occurrence or development of mastopathy. It helps with diabetes or lung diseases, asthma, bronchitis. Seeds well eliminate constipation, treat shortness of breath and increase blood clotting, recommended by doctors for anemia.

Valuable seeds regulate the level of hormones in the blood, which allows them to be successfully used during pregnancy, menopause or other hormonal disorders. There is no doubt whether sesame is possible for a nursing mother. After all, it not only normalizes hormones, but also saturates the body of mother and child with essential vitamins and minerals.

Sesame helps with thyroid problems, which is often observed in the fair sex. In addition, it is a strong aphrodisiac.

Due to the content of more than fifty percent oil, as well as vitamins and amino acids, the seeds have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails. This undoubtedly has a positive effect on appearance girls or women. The seeds will help when taken orally, and the oil can not only be added to food, but also make face or hair masks based on it. Luxurious mane and soft velvety skin will be provided to you.

In adulthood, you also need to eat sesame seeds. Useful properties for older women are also very high. It improves memory, eliminates excess cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and vision. It has a positive effect on blood vessels, blood, the work of the heart and organs of the digestive system.

Harm and contraindications

Undoubtedly beneficial features sesame seeds for women are very high, however, like all products, it has its own contraindications. The negative properties of seeds are minimal, but they also need to be taken into account:

  1. You can not eat sesame seeds on an empty stomach or in case of a malfunction in the digestive tract.
  2. Do not use sesame seeds if there is a threat of miscarriage.
  3. Not recommended seeds with a tendency to thrombophlebitis.

Healing seeds are gaining popularity more and more, because many mothers are wondering if sesame can be used with breastfeeding. In the absence of the diseases and symptoms listed above, use it without fear.

How to apply sesame

The taste of sesame seeds is sweetish, with a nutty tint. It is often used to make oils, and in the seeds themselves, its share reaches sixty percent. Sesame is valued during breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

IN Asian countries sesame is more common than ours. It is added to various dishes, to meat and vegetables. In our country, it is more often used in the production of confectionery and bakery products, bread or oriental sweets.

However, it can also be added to various vegetable salads, oil from it can easily replace sunflower or olive oil and be used as an ingredient in a sauce or salad dressing. It is added to meat or fish, sushi and rolls are prepared with it.

Sesame, whose benefits for women are very high, must be included in your daily diet. You can use it not only in baking, but also in the preparation of meat and vegetable dishes. And eating it will help keep women Health and youth.

Watch the video recipe for food of the gods:

Sesame is a flowering herbaceous annual plant belonging to the sesame class, it is this affiliation that provoked the appearance of another name for the plant - sesame. Its inflorescences are placed on short pedicels in the axils of the leaves. After its opening, the corolla of flowers disappears, leaving behind rounded boxes, which, when lightly pressed, open, releasing sesame seeds from themselves, the beneficial properties of which made the cultivation of this plant an industrial craft.

On the shelves of domestic stores, you can most often find three types of sesame - golden, black, pearl white. Nutritional, biochemical properties, value, contraindications and recommendations on how to consume sesame seeds are almost the same for these products.

The chemical composition of sesame seeds

The composition of sesame seed is primarily valued by the types of fatty acids rarely found together in one product. These substances include oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic fatty acids. An equally important advantage of grains is their high calcium content. One tablespoon of the product can contain approximately 90 mg of calcium, while a person's daily requirement for its use is only 1 g.

This seasoning is also rich in other substances, among which significant place occupy: potassium, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, vanadium, iron, iodine (an element that is also quite scarce in daily nutrition), manganese, cobalt.

Also, black, white or golden sesame seeds can boast a high vitamin content. Mostly they contain vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6, B9), in worthy doses, vitamin gamma-tocopherol, PP, biotin, lycopene, choline also occupy their place in the biochemical composition.

Despite the fact that sesame seed for weight loss is a highly recommended product, its calorie content is quite high. This is as much as 565 kcal per 100 g of unpeeled sesame, the proportions of the nutrients of the grains are: 19.4 g of protein, 48.7 g of fat, 12.2 g of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of sesame seeds

Such a rich chemical composition of sesame seeds is in itself an answer to the benefits of sesame seeds. All these components bring the following benefits to the human body:

  1. Providing the body with calcium. As mentioned above, one heaping tablespoon of grains can provide the daily requirement of calcium for a person. A sufficient amount of this microelement in the body will bring such external and internal improvements as: strengthening teeth, nails, hair, bones, accelerating the healing of bone tissue in case of fractures. Replenishing the body with calcium with sesame seeds is a rather worthy useful property, as it helps prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with a lack of this substance.
  2. Purification of blood from cholesterol. Phytosterols are present in this product, adding to the list of what sesame seeds are useful for. They prevent the absorption of harmful cholesterol into the blood, thereby preventing the risk of cholesterol plaques. Accordingly, daily consumption of grains will be an excellent prevention of blockage of blood vessels, atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Body detoxification. This seasoning, provided it is regularly added to the weekly diet, is able to protect the body from the appearance of oncological diseases. This happens due to the removal of heavy radicals from the body by fatty acids and many other chemical toxins that affect the appearance of cancer, taken together with packaged store-bought food and drinks. Such benefits of sesame seeds are reinforced by its ability, with the participation of several elements of the vitamin composition, to strengthen the human immune system.
  4. Helps female body. Knowing how useful sesame seeds are for women, their use would not be ignored by any of the fair sex. They contain phytoestrogens, which are analogues of the female hormone - estrogen.
  5. This substance will help improve the body's production of milk during lactation, establish the correct mode of menstruation, and help minimize the symptoms of menopause. Phytoestrogens make these grains a natural aphrodisiac for women, increasing sexual desire for the opposite sex.

These characteristics of sesame seeds are good for women - harmful for men. Phytoestrogen used in excessive amounts by men can provoke the deposition of fat in the abdomen, thighs, as well as excessive emotionality.

Filling in the missing vitamins in the diet of vegetarians. Vitamins B6 and B9 present in sesame, also found in animal products, make it an indispensable product for vegetarians, who are often severely deficient in these substances.

Help sesame seeds with weight loss

Sesame seeds have useful properties and in the form of aid in losing weight.

With dietary nutrition, these grains will be an excellent source of fats necessary for a balanced diet. Sesame will help improve digestion, a large amount of polyunsaturated fats present in it improve intestinal motility, provoking its rapid emptying. And fiber from sesame seeds, by the way, which occupies about 22% of its total composition, will effectively remove all toxins from the body and ensure the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

It should be remembered that fiber is not digested by the human body, it, getting into the digestive organs, due to contact with mucus and digestive juices, increases several times in size. By acquiring an enlarged, spongy structure, this substance absorbs most of the toxins, harmful bacteria and other elements polluting the body. An increase in this component that is not suitable for digestion will give a feeling of satiety, which will allow you to overcome cravings for harmful, high-calorie foods for several hours.

Before using sesame seeds, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Possible harm and prohibition on the use of sesame seeds

Since taking sesame seed with a lack of calcium is very useful, hence the opposite effect of this product arises - its use is strictly prohibited in case of hypercalcemia.

These grains are a strong allergen, therefore their acceptance is prohibited even in the presence of its individual intolerance.

Sesame to a small extent, but increases blood clotting, because of this characteristic, it is contraindicated in thrombosis, varicose veins.

The presence of fatty acids in the seasoning does not allow its use for kidney stones, bladder. It is not recommended to combine the intake of grains on the day of taking aspirin, such a duet provokes the appearance of cameos in the above-mentioned organs.

Sesame seed, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are much higher, unfortunately, has a few more comments for use. It should not be consumed on an empty stomach, as it can cause extreme thirst and nausea.

Exceeding the recommended daily norm of grains (1 tablespoon), you can provoke reusable diarrhea. It is especially not recommended to exceed this rate for pregnant women, such actions can affect the appearance of hypercalcemia in a child. It is forbidden to eat grains for children under three years old, their body is not yet able to fully cope with such an amount of fatty acids.

How to choose and store sesame seeds

The benefits and harms of sesame seeds can reverse their direction in the face of its wrong choice. This product is usually available by weight or prepackaged. Having met grains that are not packaged, you need to make sure that they are well closed, and the store itself has a good turnover. You also need to make sure that there is no moisture in the product (the seeds absorb it very quickly). Its absence will be indicated by its dry, slightly glossy surface, medium size, the grains in the container of their placement are not stuck together. The smell of a fresh product is barely perceptible, it has a faint aroma of walnuts.

With such an opportunity, you need to taste the product, if it is bitter, the sesame has expired. It is better to give your advantage to unrefined grains, since they contain the greatest amount of useful trace elements and fiber. From roasting sesame seeds, the beneficial properties and contraindications to its use do not change, but, nevertheless, it is better to choose a raw product, it has much more culinary possibilities.

Store unpeeled grains in an airtight container (jar or food container).

Before pouring them into a container, you must make sure that it is absolutely dry. By placing the product in a dry, cool place, it may not lose its shelf life for up to 3 months. By placing the jar of seasoning in the refrigerator, it can be stored for up to 6 months. And putting the potion in the freezer, it will be suitable for a whole year. Such longevity of grains is the merit of their high fat content, they oxidize and change their chemical composition very slowly.

How to consume sesame seeds

When the benefits and harms of sesame seed are revealed, how to take it will not be tricky. As in most other seasonings, the range of use of grains is quite wide, it is used as:

  1. Sprinkles for baking. Having molded the usual pies from the dough, they need to be greased with a beaten egg and sprinkled with sesame seeds, on such a surface the seasoning will be securely fixed and will not fall off during baking. Even without the baking process, grains can be sprinkled on ready-made sandwiches, pizza. The grains ground in a coffee grinder can also become an addition to flour for culinary creations.
  2. Smoothie ingredient. Having thrown to the banana, milk, honey and berries placed in a blender 1 tsp. this seasoning, you can get a very tasty and nutritious drink.
  3. Bonings for cutlets and chops. By adding seeds to egg batter for meat, chops will get new taste and will be an excellent part of a healthy diet.
  4. Seasonings for salads. A simple sprinkling of this seasoning will already enrich the salad with useful trace elements and make the meal more satisfying. By the way, ready-made cereals can also be sprinkled with this product.

The degree of heat treatment, how to take sesame seeds and the benefits and harms of it will not change. The product practically does not lose its useful properties under the influence of high temperatures. Therefore, whether to roast the seeds or not depends solely on the taste preferences of the cook. Not wanting to spend time in the kitchen, grains can be eaten raw, but not more than 1 tbsp. l. per day.

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One of the oldest oil crops in the world is sesame, also called sesame (Sésamum índicum). In Russia, sesame is most often used in gastronomy. But using such a useful product only for making desserts and buns is too wasteful, so let's take a closer look at the properties of sesame seeds.

From this article you will learn:

Features of the composition of sesame and its calorie content

Sesame, despite the size of the seeds, has the richest composition of vitamins and minerals, and hence a huge number of useful properties:

  • Retinol is a natural antioxidant involved in almost all chemical processes in the body. In addition, he is responsible for the health of the human eye;
  • Sesamin - reduces the amount of cholesterol, is also an antioxidant;
  • Fetin - maintains mineral balance;
  • Tocopherol - is involved in the supply of oxygen to the body, affects the tone of the walls of blood vessels;
  • Vitamins of group "B" - have a positive effect on nervous system and brain. Deal with the consequences of stressful situations;
  • A group of useful macro and microelements - iron and phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, zinc and potassium.

Sesame seeds have a high calorie content, due to the high concentration of oils in the nucleoli. Fifty percent of the volume of the seed is its oils.

Due to the high amount of calcium in sesame seeds, sesame seeds are especially useful during periods of life when the bones are most in need of nutrition - during adolescence, during pregnancy and in old age.

Interesting! IN Eastern culture There is a legend about the magical elixir of immortality, one of its main ingredients was sesame. Until now, miraculous properties are attributed to this plant due to its beneficial composition.

Sesame seeds: useful and medicinal properties

The benefits of sesame seeds have been known to mankind since ancient times. Due to their composition, these small nucleoli have a positive effect on many aspects of health:

  • Excellent remedy for rejuvenation;
  • Riboflavin acts on hair, skin and nails;
  • Vitamin PP and thiamine is a stable work of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • Useful for diseases of the joints, as well as for the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Phytosterol, well removes cholesterol, and is an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis and obesity;
  • For women aged 45+, it is useful for the presence of phytoestrogen - a substitute for female hormones;
  • Improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, a pleasant bonus for men in this case will be a long erection

A spoonful of sesame oil every day is the key to a stable metabolism. And also, the oil helps with stomach ulcers, gastritis and perfectly removes dangerous toxins from our body.

Most often, for medicinal purposes, oil and powder are produced from seeds, they are used as follows:

  • In the manufacture of drugs for various purposes. These are ointments, and rubbing, and injections;
  • Plasters and compresses are impregnated with oil, this helps the rapid healing of wounds;
  • To cleanse the intestines, enemas with sesame oil are prescribed;
  • As a means to improve blood clotting and increase the number of platelets;
  • Against toxins, if you periodically take about 30 grams of sesame powder;
  • To enhance lactation. By the way, sesame seeds make mother's milk more nutritious, but do not get carried away, oil in large quantities can add bitterness to milk.

On a note

It is not necessary to carry out heat treatment of sesame, in this case, the seeds will lose about 90% of their useful properties. It is better to soak them in water, so they will become larger in size and easier to chew.

Useful properties of black sesame seeds

Sesame is black and white depending on the color of the seeds. They ripen at the same time, but black has a brighter taste and aroma, and besides, it does not need to be cleaned, unlike white. Each species has its distinctive features. For example, black is rich in iron and is recommended for people suffering from anemia. Black sesame seeds have several other useful properties:

  • Contains less fat than white sesame;
  • The maximum amount of antioxidants supports health and prolongs youth;
  • For pain from gastritis, drink a tablespoon of black sesame oil - the pain will immediately recede;
  • Black nucleoli also work well for stress, insomnia and general unfavorable emotional state;
  • Helps to strengthen the heart muscle, prevention of heart disease.

What are the benefits of white sesame seeds?

White sesame seeds are more widely used. They are believed to have more refined taste and not so strong and bitter. White nucleoli are also not deprived of useful properties:

  • High level vitamins K, C and E contributes to the fight against cholesterol;
  • Excellent prevention of malignant tumors;
  • The oil is made from white sesame, from which it turns out to be of better quality;
  • Used in the fight against constipation;
  • Sesame milk is made from white nucleoli.

You should not eat sesame seeds on an empty stomach, this can lead to nausea and vomiting due to irritation of the mucous membrane.

Contraindications and harm of sesame seeds

Unfortunately, all healthy products carry some harm to the body.

Sesame also has its contraindications:

  • A large amount of fat negatively affects the body, so you should not get carried away with white sesame if you have a tendency to be overweight;
  • Overeating these seeds threatens liver problems;
  • Sesame is contraindicated in case of his personal intolerance by the body;
  • Do not get carried away with small seeds for people with thrombosis;
  • During pregnancy, the use of a large amount of black sesame, saturated with calcium, can lead to the absence of a fontanel in an infant;
  • Do not eat sesame with urolithiasis.

It is necessary to carefully use the beneficial properties of sesame seeds in order to avoid contraindications.

I'm used to using sesame seeds as a topping for baking or salad dressings. It is very unique and delicious!

In addition, they make from these seeds, which has a number of useful properties, like seeds.

In the article you will find many useful advice that will definitely help you! After all, sesame helps to cope with high , and with and even strengthen your teeth!

Use folk remedies And !

Sesame or sesame (Sesamum Indicum) is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. It has been valued as an oilseed plant for thousands of years. For many centuries it has been used as a medicinal plant. And now scientists confirm its medicinal properties.

What are the health benefits of sesame seeds?
They contain a lot of calcium and magnesium.

White and black sesame seeds are known, but they differ not only in color:

1. Black seeds.
They have a higher iron content than white ones. Usually sesame oil is obtained from them, they are also best suited for medical use.

2. White seeds.
They contain more calcium than black seeds and are used to treat calcium deficiency. But black and white seeds are high in fatty acids, vitamins, and dietary fiber.

Health benefits of sesame and sesame oil.
It has now been established that sesame seed and its components have more than three dozen documented medicinal properties. Sesame seeds have the highest oil content of all known oilseeds.

Sesame seeds contain up to 55% oil and 20% protein. They contain a lot of amino acids (tryptophan and methionine), linoleic and oleic acids, vitamin E and lignans, which have high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.

1. Helps patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
In type 1 diabetes, it prevents and lowers blood pressure. Sesame seeds contain a lot of magnesium, which can help prevent diabetes. Sesame seeds are among the top 10 foods high in magnesium.

In addition, sesame seeds are effective in lowering blood pressure and magnesium is a key nutrient to assist in lowering blood pressure.

In 2011, a study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition showed that sesame oil improved the effectiveness of the sugar-lowering drug glibenclamide in type 2 diabetics. Another study published in 2006 in J Med Food showed that when used in the diet of sesame oil (with the rejection of other vegetable oils), it lowered the level of glucose and arterial hypertension in diabetics.

2. Reduces high blood pressure.
In a study published in 2006 in the Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, it was shown that sesame oil in patients with arterial hypertension leads to systolic and diastolic blood pressure to normal values, a decrease in lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status. True, the authors make a reservation that the patient should replace all vegetable oils with sesame.

3. Eliminates gingivitis (plaque).
In traditional Indian medicine, sesame oil has been used for oral hygiene for thousands of years. Morning mouthwash with sesame oil for 5 to 10 minutes for a long time allows you to:

Prevent tooth decay
Eliminate bad breath
bleeding gums,
Dryness in the throat
Useful for strengthening teeth, gums and jaw.

Clinical studies confirm that the use of this oil rinse (sipping in the mouth) compares favorably with chemical mouthwash (chlorhexidine) in improving plaque. In addition, this procedure stops the growth of strep plaques in the oral cavity and saliva in children.

4. Good for the health of babies.
A study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research in 2000 showed that sesame oil massage improved children's growth and sleep (after massage) compared to almond oil.

5. Helps with multiple sclerosis.
The studies were conducted in an animal model of multiple sclerosis, the so-called experimental autoimmune encephalitis. It turned out that sesame oil protected mice from developing the disease by reducing IFN - gamma secretion, a key factor in initiating autoimmune inflammation and damage in the nervous system.

6. Protects against kidney damage from antibiotics.
Sesame oil protected rats from gentamicin-induced kidney damage by reducing antibiotic-induced oxidative damage.

7. Prevents atherosclerosis.
Sesame oil prevents the formation of atherosclerotic lesions in mice fed an atherogenic diet. The compound found in sesame seeds is sesamol, which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory lignan. This compound may be partially responsible for the anti-atherogenic properties of sesame oil.

Many studies have examined the medicinal properties of sesamol and have shown that it has more than twenty beneficial pharmacologically active properties, many of which may improve cardiovascular health.

In 2013, a study was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology to investigate the effects of sesame oil consumption on endothelial function and arterial inflammation.

The endothelium is the inner layer of cells that line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries. The endothelium is involved in vital vascular functions and regulates blood pressure, blood clotting, vascular inflammation, and others.

Naturally, hypertensive patients have severe endothelial dysfunction, which can lead to other cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke due to blood clots. blood coagulation markers, after 60 days of daily consumption of 35 g of sesame oil.

The antithrombotic properties of sesame have been confirmed in many publications.

Sesame oil will slow down the development of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is now considered a chronic inflammatory disease mainly due to endothelial cells. The anti-inflammatory properties of sesame can protect against the development of atherosclerosis.

In a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Research Food in 2010, it was shown that sesamol partially blocks the formation of a blood clot in the initial stages of atherosclerosis, prevents the production of molecules that promote inflammation and thrombosis in endothelial cells.

The results of this study prove that sesamol acts at the molecular and genetic level, has a measurable effect on the expression of genes that are involved in the development of atherosclerosis.

8. Reduces depression.
Sesamol in sesame oil has been shown in animal studies to have an antidepressant effect.

9. Protects DNA from radiation damage.
Sesamol protects against gamma-induced DNA damage. Most likely, scientists believe, this is due to its antioxidant properties.

It is able to reduce mortality in radiation mice, in part by preventing a decrease in damage to the intestines and spleen. Compared to melatonin, another powerful antioxidant, it was found to be 20 times more effective.

10. Blocks the development of cancer cells.
The fat-soluble lignin sesamin has been studied to inhibit the proliferation of a wide range of cancer cells, including:

1) Leukemia,
2) Melanomas,
3) Colon cancer,
4) Prostate cancer,
5) breast cancer,
6) Lung cancer,
7) Pancreatic cancer

The anti-cancer effects of sesamin have been linked to an effect on NF-kappaB. Researchers believe that sesame deserves to be recognized, along with garlic, honey, turmeric and several other substances, as a readily available nutritional medicine that, if consumed regularly, can save the life of a person with a serious disease like cancer. To fight cancer, you can use sesame oil in your diet. Or you can simply add a tablespoon of sesame seeds to yogurt, cereals or salads. These seeds can regulate your hormones and eradicate cancer, it is especially useful in breast cancer.

11. They are good for skin health.
Sesame seeds contain zinc, an important mineral for healthy, glowing skin. Sesame oil is helpful for this.

How does sesame oil affect the skin?

1) It preserves the elasticity of the skin, its softness.
2) Helps produce collagen.
3) Helps to tighten facial skin and control pores.
4) Helps restore damaged skin, even with burns.
5) Prevents the appearance of wrinkles by preventing damage from the harmful rays of the sun.
6) Regular use of sesame oil can prevent skin cancer.

12. For the treatment of anemia.
Sesame seeds are useful in treating anemia and weakness due to their high iron content. Especially black seeds.

13. To improve bone health.
Sesame seeds are a good source of calcium, which is essential for bone strength. A handful of sesame seeds contains more calcium than a glass of milk. In addition, sesame seeds contain other substances that, like calcium, are essential for bone strength. A handful of sesame seeds is better than calcium supplements.

14. Promotes digestion.
The high fiber content allows sesame seeds to support a healthy digestive system and colon health.

15. Promotes hair growth.
Sesame seed oil contains many nutrients such as omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 that promote hair growth. It is also rich in vitamins that nourish the hair roots. Massaging your hair with sesame oil along with olive or almond oil may be more beneficial.

16. Eases toothache.
Sesame seed oil can help relieve toothache by gargling (pulling) the oil in your mouth. This procedure not only removes streptococci from the mouth, as described in point #3, but also relieves toothache and whitens teeth.

17- Relieves pain and swelling in arthritis.
As already mentioned above, 28 gr. sesame seeds contain 0.7 mg of copper. This mineral is essential for antioxidant enzyme systems to strengthen bones and joints. It helps reduce pain and swelling due to arthritis.

18- Reduce stress.
Some of the nutrients found in sesame seeds have the ability to reduce stress. Magnesium contained in sesame relieves stress, as it can regulate muscle function, relax them. Vitamin B1 has calming properties that are used in the treatment of depression.

19. Protects the liver from harmful effects.
In Chinese medicine, it is believed that this sesame can help alleviate epidemics of liver damage from modern drugs. And sesame seeds containing sesamin are an excellent hepatoprotector, that is, a protector of the liver.

It is now known that sesamin protects liver cells from the destructive effects of alcohol and many drugs. Several animal studies have shown that sesame oil reduces oxidative stress in the liver. It has also been found that sesame oil can combat the harmful effects of acetaminophen on the liver. Sesamin helps the liver by maintaining intracellular levels of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Acetaminophen is known to reduce glutathione levels in the liver.

Sesamin also reduces free radical levels and inhibits fat oxidation.

I hope that now you know more about the benefits of sesame seeds, and you will use it or sesame oil more often in your diet.

Sesame is a herbaceous annual plant that belongs to the sesame family. The genus sesame contains approximately 30 species of plants. Sesame loves heat very much and grows, as a rule, in tropical or subtropical zones. It cannot be wild. As for the birthplace of culture, there are several versions. Some say that it began to grow in India, others say that in Pakistan and Africa. One thing we know for sure is that even before our era, sesame cultivation was practiced in Arabia, India and Ancient Rym. After all, this is a plant that loves heat very much. Today, there are sesame fields in Central Asia, Krasnodar Territory and Azerbaijan.

For normal growth and development of the plant, the air temperature should be approximately 30 degrees. In addition, before sowing seeds, it is necessary that the soil warms up to 16-18 degrees. If the temperature drops even by 0.5 degrees, the plants die. Before sowing sesame, the soil is well prepared (fertilize and remove weeds). When sesame begins to ripen, its leaves are pubescent in order to withstand the winds. Around the beginning of autumn, the plant begins to turn yellow, the leaves fall off. It's time for the harvest. You need to harvest very carefully, because the opening of the pods can occur even from a loud click. As a rule, one pod contains 50-100 seeds.

Procurement and storage

The healthiest raw sesame seeds. The fact is that during heat treatment, a lot of nutrients are lost. Store raw seeds for a long time not desirable. If sesame seeds lie for more than a month, they begin to go rancid. What can not be said about sesame oil, which is obtained by cold pressing. By the way, this oil is very healthy and retains its vitamin and mineral properties for 9 years. The taste of sesame oil is similar to olive oil, but it is less bitter and more aromatic. You can not fry in such oil, as it will immediately catch fire. It is made to dress salads, and is also used as a cream or make-up remover.

Application in everyday life

The benefit of sesame seeds is that they contain a large amount of vitamin E, which has a rejuvenating effect. One hundred grams of the product can satisfy the daily need for calcium. The seeds are rich in zinc and phosphorus, which are involved in the construction of tissue. It is often credited with the prevention of osteoporosis. The fiber of sesame seeds prevents various diseases of the digestive system; promotes bowel to regular function.

The oil, which is made from seeds, is considered a strong antioxidant, therefore it helps the body fight cancer cells. The oil obtained from sesame seeds cleanses the body very well and removes harmful products. Sesame seeds, getting into the body, moisturize the intestines, which itself have a mild laxative effect. Although this product cannot be called low-calorie (its calorie content is 582 kilocalories). Therefore, it is better to consume the seeds in small quantities.

Composition and medicinal properties

  1. Sesame by medicinal properties can be called a fabulous plant.
  2. With the help of sesame seeds, you can neutralize toxins in the body, so they are taken to improve and cleanse the body. For such purposes, use in powder (20 grams per dose).
  3. For prevention, use sesame powder three times a day before meals.
  4. As an antitoxic agent, sesame powder is used 25-30 grams per day.
  5. It is best to add crushed seeds to honey and drink diluted with warm water on an empty stomach.

Application in traditional medicine

For eye disease

Sesame will help to overcome irritation or minor damage to the eyeball. In order to make a medicine for the eyes, you need to take sesame oil (necessarily filtered) and bury the eye before going to bed one drop at a time. This operation is a little painful, but the results are worth it.

With bronchial disease

In order to get rid of bronchial disease, you need to drink a tablespoon of sesame oil per day. This will help you breathe much easier.

For tumors and hardenings

In order to remove hardening and swelling, it is necessary to mix sesame oil with egg white and apply in the form of lotions and compresses.

For skin injuries

Sesame is great for injuries when used with flaxseed oil. To do this, you just need to regularly splice the sore spot and the result will be amazing.

To reduce platelet count

If you have a problem with poor skin clotting and a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, apply one tablespoon of sesame oil three times a day before meals.


  • Unfortunately, there are no products in the world that bring only benefits to the body. For some, herbal products help in the treatment, for some, on the contrary, they worsen their well-being. That is why, before you include in the diet even the most, at first glance, healthy foods, understand side effects that they can have on the body. For example, eating sesame seeds on an empty stomach can cause thirst and nausea.
  • Sesame also has its contraindications. It should not be used for people who suffer from thrombosis. Also, it is not advisable to take it for people who are allergic to nuts or other foods.
  • There is an opinion that sesame burns weight well. This is not entirely true. Yes, sesame helps the intestines work better, but it has such a large amount of fat that instead of the desired weight loss, you can, on the contrary, get a couple of extra pounds.
  • That is why, before you start actively using sesame seeds or oil in food, check the reaction of the body. Start with half the dose that is prescribed in the prescription. If after a few days you feel an improvement, then the product affects the body well. But if you feel signs of an allergy, immediately stop taking oil or sesame seeds.
