What secrets are hidden by the famous sculptures of the Krasnodar Territory and Russia. Famous monuments of krasnodar Bratsk military memorial complex

Monuments of Kuban


The settlement of the Caucasus by primitive man came from the south and was long and difficult. The oldest remains of human life in our region date back to 700-600 thousand years ago. One accidental find helped establish this. On the bank of the river Psekupsa tool was found primitive man- hand axe.

Photo of the nature of the Kuban

The climate of the region was then relatively warm. Its lands were distinguished before by their fertility. The vegetation was very diverse. In the steppe part, forbs and the duration of the green cover were striking. Preserved at that time, to a greater extent, such plants as boxwood and yew. Mountains and forests abounded in a variety of wildlife. There were deer and roe deer, bison, bears and leopards. The waters of the region and the seas washing it abounded with fish. Man wandered, collecting edible plants, roots, fruits and hunting animals. Traces of this ancient man found not only on the river. Psekupse, but also along the course of the neighboring rivers Apchas, Martha, as well as on the river. White. With the gradual cooling of the climate, associated with the advance of the glacier from the north, human life changed. Hunting for large animals is becoming one of the main human activities. He uses caves as dwellings, and where there were none, he settles under rocky sheds, builds simple dwellings, covering them with animal skins. Many cave sites are known. These are the Big Vorontsovskaya Cave, Khostinsky, Navalishenskaya, Atsinskaya, Lkhshtyrskaya.

Through the mountains to the sea with a light backpack. Route 30 passes through the famous Fisht - this is one of the most grandiose and significant monuments nature of Russia, closest to Moscow high mountains. Tourists travel lightly through all the landscape and climatic zones of the country from the foothills to the subtropics, spending the night in shelters.

Krasnodar is a large city, administrative and Cultural Center Krasnodar Territory. History and significant events cities are reflected in the monuments. The monument to Catherine II is considered the symbol of Krasnodar. In honor of the patroness of the city, Great Martyr Catherine, there is a monument on the main street. It is customary to attribute the monument to Suvorov, the Kuban Cossacks, Lavr Kornilov to historical sculptures. New and original compositions appear in the city. Among them are "Dog's capital", "Guest", a monument to the purse.

Monument to Catherine II

Belongs to the category of restored monuments. The original monument was opened in 1907, but thirteen years later it was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The author is Mikhail Mikeshin. In 2006, a new monument to the Empress appeared in Krasnodar, restored with 100% accuracy (the author is Alexander Apollonov). Bronze Catherine, 13.8 meters high, stands on a pedestal. In her hands is a scepter and orb. In the center of the pedestal is a Letter of Complaint with the text dated June 30, 1872. At the feet of the Empress stands the first three chieftains of the city and Prince Potemkin-Tauride.

Monument to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The monument is dedicated to the patroness of the city, St. Catherine. Was installed in 2009. The eight-meter statue of the Saint stands on the rotunda in the form of a bell. The rotunda is decorated with figures of angels; anyone can enter it and feel protected. The monument stands on the main alley of the city, consecrated by Metropolitan Isidore. Fountains are broken near the monument. The complex is equipped with night lighting.

Monument to A. V. Suvorov

The monument dedicated to the great commander was opened in 2004. The event was timed to coincide with the 275th anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich. Alan Kornaev's project won the competition. Suvorov did a lot to join the Kuban to Russia and restore order in this region. In gratitude, Krasnodar decided to erect a monument to him. The monument is a bronze Suvorov, standing on a high pedestal.

Monument to the Kuban Cossacks

The monument was solemnly opened in 2005, it is located near the building of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory. The author of the composition is the sculptor A. Apollonov. Cossack-pioneer sits astride a war horse. He is dressed in the spirit of the Cossacks-Cossacks of the 18th century. The sculpture is on a pedestal. The height of the statue itself is just over four meters. The height of the monument together with the pedestal is 7.2 meters.

Aurora monument

The monument to Aurora was opened in 1967. The authors of the monument are sculptor I. Shmagun and architect E. Lashuk. The sculpture is made of forged aluminum, its height is 14 meters, together with the pedestal the height is just under 17 meters. The Soviet Aurora is a Komsomol member, she holds a star held high in her hands. It is considered a symbol of faith in the happy future of the country.

Monument to I. E. Repin

The bust of the great painter Ilya Repin was unveiled in 1993. The author of the project was the sculptor Olga Yakovleva. Ilya Efimovich played a big role in the life of the city, here he created sketches and sketches for the painting “Cossacks composing a letter Turkish sultan". The bust is made to the waist and stands on a pedestal. The artist holds paints in his hands, and behind his shoulder is a picture frame.

Monument to A. S. Pushkin

The monument to the Russian poet was opened in 1999, in honor of the 200th anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich. The authors of the project are the sculptor V. A. Zhdanov and the architect V. I. Karpychev. The figure of Pushkin is cast in bronze. Alexander Sergeevich, dressed in a tailcoat, stands on a high pedestal. Pushkin's arms are clasped on his chest, his dreamy gaze is directed into the distance. The monument is located on Pushkinskaya Square, a favorite place for young people.

Monument to G. F. Ponomarenko

In September 2002, the grand opening of the monument dedicated to the composer Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko took place. The authors of the composition were sculptor O. Yakovleva and architect Yu. Subbotin. The composer wrote folk music, the songs for which were sung by Lyudmila Zykina, Veronika Zhuravleva. He gave 24 years of his life to Krasnodar. The monument represents Grigory Fedorovich, who sits on a stone. With one hand, the composer leans on his favorite instrument.

Monument to G. M. Sedin

The bust of Gleb Mitrofanovich Sedin was installed in 1981, on a high pedestal. The sculpture was created by N. A. Bugaev. Today, the monument is located next to the machine-tool plant named after Sedin, where he once worked. Gleb Mitrofanovich was an ardent Bolshevik and fought for the rights of the factory workers and the entire city. He was killed by the leadership of the White Guards in 1918, during the establishment of Soviet power.

Monument to Clara Luchko

The sculpture was unveiled in 2008. The authors are sculptors from Moscow D. Uspenskaya and V. Shanov. Klara Luchko is an actress who played a Cossack girl in the film "Kuban Cossacks". Luchko loved Krasnodar, calling it her second home. The height of the monument is 3.5 meters, it stands on a pedestal. The monument has become an unspoken symbol female beauty and happiness. After the registry office, the newlyweds often drive up to the monument, laying flowers to it.

Monument to A. Pokryshkin

In 2013, a monument to Alexander Pokryshkin was unveiled on the territory of the aviation school. The military test pilot made more than 650 sorties, developed new tactics (Kuban whatnot and high-speed swings). He destroyed 59 enemy military aircraft. The figure of the great pilot is made in full height stands on a high pedestal. Alexander Pokryshkin in a military flight uniform looks forward proudly, his hands rest on his hips.

Monument to E. D. Bershanskaya

The monument was inaugurated in 1988. Located near the Krasnodar airport. It is dedicated to Soviet female pilots who fought during the Great Patriotic War. Evdokia Davydovna Bershanskaya was the commander of the Taman Aviation Regiment. The Nazis nicknamed the Bershanskaya regiment - night witches. The bronze figure of the pilot stands on a low pedestal.

Monument to General Lavr Kornilov

The monument to General Kornilov was unveiled on April 13, 2013, on the anniversary of the commander's death. Kornilov died in the Kuban in 1918. The authors of the monument are A. Kornaev and V. Pchelin. The monument stands next to a small house in which the general lived last days. The three-meter figure is made of bronze. The general is dressed in an officer's uniform of the white army, an overcoat is thrown over his shoulders.

The monument is dedicated to the soldiers who liberated Krasnodar and Kuban from fascist invaders. It was opened in 1965. The authors are sculptor I.P. Shmagun and architect E.G. Lashuk. On a high pedestal stands the figure of a soldier, the liberator of the city. The statue is made of concrete, its surface is minted. The warrior holds a weapon in his hands. On the sides of the monument there are two steles, one depicts a battle for the city, the other depicts a meeting of residents with returning soldiers.

Monument to the Sons of the Kuban who fell in Afghanistan

The monument was opened in 1998. The authors are sculptor A. Apollonov and architect S. Galkin. It is dedicated to the young people of Kuban who died in the war in Afghanistan. For 10 years, the Kuban gave 263 human lives. On a high stele hangs the figure of a dead soldier, and above him is the figure of an angel. The basis of the monument is the symbol of a black tulip (that was the name of the plane on which the bodies of dead soldiers were brought home).

Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan

The sculptural composition embodies the painting of the same name by Ilya Repin. The artist made sketches while in the Kuban. The author of the project is Valery Pchelin. The monument is cast in bronze, in the form of a natural picture and framed with a frame. On the central part of the upper crossbar there is a scroll with a letter from the author; the main dates of this historical event are carved on it.

Monument to Ostap Bender

The protagonist of the novel "12 Chairs" is loved in Russia and immortalized in many cities. Krasnodar was no exception. The figure of Ostap is made in life size stands on the terrace of the Golden Calf cafe. The bronze Bender has a bright yellow nose. According to the legend, if you rub the tip of your nose, then a person will get rich. A sign hangs over Ostap's shoulder: "Rub his nose - there will be babos."

Monument Sobachkin's capital

In 2006, a small and unusual sculptural composition. The author is Valery Pchelin. Mayakovsky nicknamed Krasnodar the "Capital of Dogs". The author embodied the lines of the poet in sculpture. On the main street of the city, a couple of dogs are standing on their hind legs, dressed in the latest fashion of the last century. The dog carries a top hat in his hands, and his “girlfriend” carries an umbrella. folk omen says that if you rub your nose, you will be lucky in love. And if the paw, then any trip will be successful.

Sculpture Pirate

This is a fun composition made in an urban style. Located in the city park. The pirate is depicted not in the usual, but in a comedic form. He has a big bulbous nose, a drooping mustache and a sloppy beard. Instead of a leg - a piece of wood, also there is no second hand, instead of it there is also a hook on which a lamp hangs. Next to the pirate is a dilapidated chest.

Monument Guest

The city sculpture dedicated to the guests of the city was opened in 2012. The authors are sculptor Vladimir Zolotukhin and his wife Serafima. The composition stands next to the bus station. A young man of twenty-five sits on a suitcase and looks around. He holds a Kuban apple in his hands. According to the sign, in order to attract good luck for a long time, those who wish need to rub the toe of their left shoe.

Monument to the purse

The sculpture is an exact copy of the "Purse" from Melbourne. Was opened in 2008. The foreign equivalent is 14 years older. A large and stuffed wallet was installed in one of the business centers of the city. It is made of granite chips, and the clasp is made of stainless steel. Length - two meters, width - one meter. There is a common omen among the townspeople that if you rub your wallet on the monument, it will be constantly full of money.

Almost every monument of art has a double bottom

The great Italian sculptor Michelangelo Buonarotti, when asked how to create a brilliant creation, answered that you just need to take a block of material and cut off everything superfluous from it. In almost every statue there is a riddle or secret history that you want to open. Today we will help you to do this on the example of the famous monuments of the Krasnodar Territory, Russia and the world ...

H the city of Krasnodar

Restored empress

Mikhail Mikeshin, Boris Eduards, Alexander Apollonov, monument to Catherine II, 1895, 2006

Let's start with the most expensive sculpture for the Kuban people. The monument to Catherine the Great is located in the central part of Ekaterininsky Square, the territory of which is considered the place where Krasnodar was founded. This is the second monument dedicated to the Empress. The first one was erected back in 1907 - in gratitude for the fertile Kuban lands donated to the Cossacks. The project of the monument was developed by the famous artist and sculptor Mikhail Mikeshin in 1895 - for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army. The sudden death did not allow Mikeshin to complete the work - Boris Eduards became her successor. However, in 1920 the sculpture was barbarously destroyed by the Bolsheviks. The fact that a monument to the Empress once stood here was forgotten for a long time. Only in the 2000s, it was decided to restore it according to old drawings. New monument- the brainchild of the famous Kuban sculptor, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Alexander Apollonov. Work on the restoration of the monument lasted four years. Grand opening monument to Catherine II took place in 2006. It immediately became a symbol of the Kuban capital.

Cossack ... on a horse or on a horse?

Alexander Apollonov, monument "Cossacks - the founders of the Kuban land", 2005

April 7, 2005, one of the most revered holidays Orthodox Church- The Annunciation took place in the regional center historical event- the grand opening of the monument to the Kuban Cossacks on the square in front of the administration building of the Krasnodar Territory. The bronze figure embodies the collective image of a Cossack defender, enlightener and pioneer. The military judge Anton Golovaty became the historical prototype. Initially, he was dressed in the image of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. However, by order of the then governor Alexander Tkachev, the uniform of the Black Sea Cossacks was used in the final version of the project. The monument itself is a rider on a horse. By the way, serious passions flared up about the gender of the animal. Originally it was... a horse. But the Cossacks were indignant - after all, a real Cossack in those days would never allow himself to ride a mare. Therefore, the sculptor had to attach a gender difference to the animal.

Goddess from the trolleybus

Ivan Shmagun, Yevgeny Lashuk, Aurora monument, 1967

"Aurora" is undoubtedly one of the main attractions of the Kuban capital, its calling card. The total height of the statue, made of forged aluminum, is 14 meters, and together with the pedestal - 16.8 meters. A sculpture was installed near the city cinema of the same name in the center of Krasnodar. She personifies the Komsomol goddess-winner. However, few people know that the real name of the "aluminum lady" is Taisiya Gordienko. She is a native Krasnodar, born before the Great Patriotic War. She became a goddess in a Budyonnovsk overcoat, with a rifle over her shoulder and a star in her hand, quite by accident. Once, 20-year-old Taya was in a hurry to go on a date. She was riding in a trolleybus, and suddenly two respectable men approached her. They looked at the girl for a long time, talked, and then offered to become a model. To stop the persecution, Taisiya promised the men to come on the appointed day. Sculptor Ivan Shmagun and architect Yevgeny Lashuk believed, although they did not know the name or address of the girl. Tai kept her word. Appeared - so fragile and short. But it was in her that the artists saw the Komsomol goddess: an obstinate look, wide cheekbones, a proud nose ... Eight years later, the Aurora was recognized as a monument of art, and in 1981 - an architectural heritage of Krasnodar.

Dogs in love

Valery Pchelin, sculpture "Dogs in love", 2007

Ten years ago, during the celebration of the City Day, Krasnodar received a unique gift - a monument to dogs in love. In his sculpture, the author Valery Pchelin captured two of our smaller brothers, who met on their first date under the building with a clock, at the corner of Mira and Krasnaya streets, and went for a walk, holding their paws. The sculptor was inspired by Vladimir Mayakovsky's poem "Krasnodar", written in the capital of the Kuban, in which the city is referred to only as "the dog's capital". According to the author of the composition, now a young man waiting for a late girl will not feel lonely. When you look at this sculptural group, your mood immediately improves and you want to smile. In addition, many Krasnodar residents believe that if you rub the paws of dogs, your wish will come true...

Miracles of Kuban

Life source

Gurgen Najaryan, "Valley of Death" memorial complex, 1974

The memorial complex "Valley of Death" is located in the village of Myskhako in the Hero City of Novorossiysk. It includes several monuments, as well as a plane tree, personally planted by General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev on September 6, 1974. The memorial takes us back to 1943, reminding us of the heroic defense by Soviet soldiers of a small foothold of 30 square meters. kilometers, called Malaya Zemlya. For 7 months, fascist planes and cannons fired at this small piece of land, on which there was not a meter of area left where a shell or bomb would not fall. In front of the entrance to the memorial complex there is a stele, the inscription on which reads: “The left flank of the Malaya Zemlya troops was provided with ammunition, food and everything necessary for life and combat along this valley. Here was the only source drinking water...» This source was a well in Myskhako, located in a shallow valley near Koldun Mountain. Now large stone steps lead to it. During the war, the soldiers called it none other than "the source of life in the Valley of Death."

kind doctor

Vasily Polyakov, sculpture "Doctor Aibolit", 2011

The monument to Dr. Aibolit in Anapa is a unique creation. Something similar is only in Vilnius. Such a gift was made for residents and guests of the resort 6 years ago. The author of the sculpture, Vasily Polyakov, knowingly chose this particular character of Korney Chukovsky for his work. The doctor has become a symbol of health, for which, in fact, vacationers come to Anapa. "The kindest doctor" can be found in Central park sitting under a tree surrounded by his beloved patients - various animals, also cast in bronze. Despite the young age of the composition, a couple of urban legends are already associated with it. For example, to get rid of all ailments, you need to rub the medical cross on Aibolit itself. And if you stroke a squirrel on the head, joint problems will disappear ...

Wonders of Russia

great country

Mikhail Mikeshin, Ivan Schroeder, Viktor Hartman, Millennium of Russia monument, 1862

The monument, located in Veliky Novgorod, was erected here in honor of the millennium of the calling of the Varangians to the territory of Rus'. This monument represents the entire history of Russia, together with its many glorious commanders, statesmen and representatives of the world of culture. Many patriotic Russians believe that the Millennium of Russia reflects the spirit of our great country. The monument itself is a ball-power, which is installed on a special pedestal in the form of a bell. Each part of this thematic monument symbolizes certain periods of Russian history, and the whole of it radiates pride for the country and symbolizes its greatness. During the Great Patriotic War, the German general von Herzog ordered the monument to be dismantled and taken to Germany. In the winter of 1943-1944 work began on its dismantling, but the occupiers failed to bring the plan to its logical conclusion. January 20, 1944 Novgorod was liberated Soviet troops. After that, work began to restore the sculpture in its former form. Already by November 2, 1944, the second grand opening of the composition "Millennium of Russia" took place.

Mystic Bronze Horseman

Etienne Falcone, monument to Peter I, 1768-1770

The Bronze Horseman - a monument surrounded by mysterious stories. One of the legends associated with him says that during the Patriotic War of 1812, Alexander I

ordered to take especially valuable works of art out of the city, including a monument to Peter I. At this time, a certain major Baturin got a meeting with the personal friend of the tsar, Prince Golitsyn, and said that he was haunted by the same dream. Baturin sees himself on Senate Square. Peter's face turns. The rider leaves his cliff and heads along the streets of St. Petersburg to Kamenny Island, where Alexander I lived then.

The rider enters the courtyard of the Kamennoostrovsky Palace, from which the sovereign comes out to meet him. “Young man, what have you brought Russia to? Peter the Great tells him. “But as long as I am in place, my city has nothing to fear!” Then the rider turns back, and the "heavy-voiced gallop" is heard again. Struck by Baturin's story, Prince Golitsyn conveyed the dream to the sovereign. As a result, Alexander I canceled the decision to evacuate the monument. He stayed put!

TO the ring that never

did not call

Ivan and Mikhail Motorins, Tsar Bell monument, 1735

This is a real monument to the Russian foundry Art XVIII century. The height with the jumper is 6.24 m, the diameter is 6.6 m; weight - 202 tons. Installed in the Moscow Kremlin near the bell tower "Ivan the Great". The Tsar Bell was born with the light hand of Empress Anna Ioannovna. It is possible that the empress wanted to fit all her ambitions into this monument, since when the desired size was announced, foreign craftsmen thought that the empress "deigned to joke." Wish royalty taken seriously only by the Motorin family of sculptors. The father and son suffered many setbacks with the creation of the bell, since the approval of the project alone took three whole years. The first casting ended in a complete collapse, which the elder Motorin could not stand. His son nevertheless brought the matter to an end, and now the "Tsar Bell" proudly rises above the paving stones of Red Square. Despite the huge amount of effort expended, the voices of the bell were never heard ...

Wonders of the world

Horned Moses

Michelangelo Buonarotti, Moses, 1513-1515

In his famous sculpture, Michelangelo depicted Moses with horns. Many art historians attribute this to a misinterpretation of the Bible. The Book of Exodus says that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the tablets, it was difficult for the Jews to look into his face. At this point in the Bible, a word is used that can be translated from Hebrew as both “rays” and “horns”. However, from the context it is clear that we are talking it was about the rays of light - the face of Moses shone, and was not horned ...

Color Antiquity

Antique statue "August from Prima Port".

For a long time it was believed that ancient Greek and Roman sculptures made of white marble were originally colorless. However, recent studies by scientists have confirmed the hypothesis that the statues were painted in a wide range of colors, which eventually disappeared under prolonged exposure to light and air.

The suffering of the Little Mermaid

Edvard Eriksen, The Little Mermaid, 1913

The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen is one of the most long-suffering in the world: vandals love to spoil it the most. The history of the existence of sculpture is very turbulent. It was broken and cut into many pieces. And now you can find barely noticeable "scars" on the neck, which appeared from the need to change the head of the statue. The Little Mermaid was beheaded twice: in 1964 and 1998. In 1984, her right hand was sawn off, and in 2006, the unfortunate woman was spattered with green paint. And just recently, unknown activists, outraged by the mass slaughter of whales in the Faroe Islands, doused the Little Mermaid with red paint, and also left a message: “Denmark, protect the whales of the Faroe Islands!”

"Kiss" without a kiss

Auguste Rodin, The Kiss, 1882

The famous statue of Rodin "The Kiss" was originally called "Francesca da Rimini" - in honor of the noble Italian lady of the XIII century depicted on it, whose name was immortalized " The Divine Comedy» Dante. The woman fell in love with Paolo, the younger brother of her husband Giovanni Malatesta. While they were reading the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, they were discovered and then killed by their husband. On the sculpture, Paolo can be seen holding a book in his hand. In fact, the lovers do not touch each other with their lips, as if hinting that they were killed without committing a sin. The renaming of the statue to a more abstract one - "The Kiss" (Le Baiser) - was done by critics who first saw it in 1887.

The secret of the marble veil

Raphael Monti, "Marble Veil", mid-19th century

When you look at the statues covered with a translucent marble veil, you involuntarily think about how it is even possible to make this out of stone. It's all about the special structure of the material used for these purposes. The block, which was to become a statue, had to have two layers - one transparent, the other more dense. Such natural stones are hard to find, but they exist. The master had a plot in his head, he knew what kind of marble he was looking for. Worked with him in a special way. As a result, the remains of the transparent part "shone through", which gave the effect of a veil.

Lost hands of Venus

"Venus de Milo", about 130-100 years. BC e.

The figure of Venus occupies place of honor at the Louvre in Paris. A certain Greek peasant found her in 1820 on the island of Milos. At the time of discovery, it was broken into two large fragments. In her left hand, the goddess held an apple, and with her right hand she held a falling robe. Realizing the historical significance of this ancient sculpture, officers of the French navy ordered the marble statue to be taken away from the island. As Venus was being dragged over the rocks towards the waiting ship, both of her arms broke off. Tired sailors flatly refused to return and look for the remaining parts.



Nika of Samothrace, 2nd cent. BC e.

The statue of Nike was found on the island of Samothrace in 1863 by Charles Champoiseau, a French consul and archaeologist. Carved from golden Parian marble, a sculpture on the island crowned the altar of sea deities. Researchers believe that unknown author created Nike in the 2nd century BC as a sign of Greek naval victories. The hands and head of the goddess are irretrievably lost. It is assumed that the right hand, raised up, held a goblet, wreath or bugle. Repeated attempts were made to restore the original position of the hands. However, they all spoiled the masterpiece. These failures make us admit: Nika is beautiful just like that - perfect in her imperfection ...

On April 13, 2013 Kornilov commemorations were organized in Krasnodar. The event is dedicated to the commander of the Volunteer Army on the day of the 95th anniversary of his death. On this day, a monument to the White General Lavr Kornilov was solemnly unveiled.

st. Kalinina, 100

Memorial Arch "Kuban is proud of them"

The Memorial Arch "Kuban is proud of them" is located on the former cathedral square back in the 60s of the XX century, where the military temple of Alexander Nevsky was previously located.

st. Red

Monument to Catherine II

Initially, the monument to Catherine II was erected in 1907 in Krasnodar and destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1920. The monument was restored and inaugurated in 2006.

st. Red

Monument to A.S. Pushkin

Bicentennial anniversary of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin was solemnly celebrated in the Kuban and throughout the country in 1999. Over two centuries, much has changed in the country, as in general and throughout the world, however, Pushkin's personality and his contribution to world culture will never be in doubt. Alexander Sergeevich wrote poems that bring people kindness, respect, love for the traditions of past generations.

st. Krasnaya, d. 8

Monument to Clara Luchko

The wonderful actress Klara Luchko, who is loved and remembered in the Kuban land, is immortalized on the monument in the image of a young Cossack Dasha Shelest, the heroine of the film "Kuban Cossacks".

st. Postovaya

Monument to the soldiers of the Red Army

The obelisk is dedicated to the soldiers who took part in the liberation of the city from the Whites in 1920.

Rostov highway

Military Brotherhood Memorial Complex

The memorial complex was solemnly opened on the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory on May 9, 1985 in the city center along Severnaya Street.

st. Northern

Obelisk in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army

The monument has a truly amazing fate. It was installed at the end of the 19th century and for several decades was along with the Arc de Triomphe and the monument to Catherine II, so to speak. calling card the capital of the Kuban. However, the turbulent revolutionary years did not spare the remarkable work of art.

st. Red

Monument to Yekaterinodar residents, victims of the Civil War in Russia

On November 7, 1998, the memorial monument "Reconciliation and Accord" was solemnly opened on the central alley of the park named after. Gorky. The monument is dedicated to civilians and soldiers civil war burned in the flames, regardless of their beliefs and affiliations. Only eight decades after the end of the Civil War, the inhabitants of Krasnodar honor the memory of both.

st. Zakharova, 34

Memorial Complex to the Kuban People Who Died in the Fight for the Motherland

The grand opening of the memorial complex took place in 1967 on the significant day of the 50th anniversary of October revolution almost in the very center of the city along Severnaya street. The memorial monument is dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars.

By the twentieth anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the capital of the Kuban was decorated with a wonderful monumental complex. On Victory Square, opened next to the Gorky Park, a five-meter figure of a Soviet soldier, the winner of German fascism, has risen. With a proudly raised head, in the hands of the famous PPSh assault rifle, and under the feet of a defeated fascist banner. So remembered Soviet soldiers inhabitants of thousands and thousands of towns and villages of Eastern Europe from the Volga to the Elbe.

Never forget the exploits of the soldiers-liberators and the inhabitants of the Kuban. The Hitler regime ruled our land for half a year, staining itself with monstrous crimes for which there is no justification. Not easy for parts Soviet army liberation of the capital of the Kuban. 1800 soldiers laid down their lives in the battles for Krasnodar. The monumental complex is dedicated to their memory.

On the sides of the central figure of the warrior-liberator, like bowed banners, two steles are installed. On the left is the moment of the fierce battle for Krasnodar, and on the right - a cordial meeting by the inhabitants of the city of their liberators.

The monument is cast from concrete with diorite filler, its entire surface is carefully minted. A container with historical information about the heroes-liberators of Krasnodar, as well as the names of its authors and builders.

Four decades have passed since the opening of the complex, but it still attracts the attention of Krasnodar residents and guests of the city. Every year, on the day of the Great Victory, hundreds of Kuban people come to the monument to lay flowers and bow to the memory of Soviet soldiers.

Monument to Catherine II

The monument to Catherine II is the most famous monument in the south of Russia. It is located in historical center city ​​of Krasnodar, on the square. A.S. Pushkin, the former Atamanskaya Square.

A monument was built according to the project of the famous St. Petersburg sculptor M.O. Mikeshin for the centenary of the Black Sea Cossacks' resettlement to the Kuban. After the death of M.O. Mikeshin, the work on the monument was continued by the sculptor B.V. Eduards.

The grand opening of the monument took place on May 6, 1907. The monument was a statue of the empress, from whose feet a long scroll falls - a letter dated June 30, 1792, for military service "giving" land in the Kuban to the Black Sea Cossacks. At the base of the figure are Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky, military judge of the Black Sea army Anton Golovaty, ataman Sidor Bely and military captain Zakhary Chepiga. On the other side were placed banners and military signs granted by the Empress to the new land and its army. On the back side of the monument were placed the figures of a blind kobzar and his guide. Below is the text of the kobzar. On the facade was placed a list of the victories of the Black Sea, and later the Kuban Cossack army, a list of the victories of the heroes depicted on the monument. On the lower plinth, around the pedestal, all the Kuban atamans were listed. The monument existed for thirteen years, remaining the main attraction of the city, but in 1920 it was dismantled and destroyed.

On September 9, 2006, the monument was recreated by the Krasnodar sculptor A.A. Apollonov. The restoration of the monument lasted several years, many fragments had to be invented anew, comparing them with museum counterparts. The sculptor added the names of the last appointed Kuban chieftains. Copies of ancient Cossack bronze cannons are installed on three sides of the plinth; three cast-iron lanterns are included in the ensemble of the monument. The brackets of the lanterns rest against the shields with the monogram of Catherine II, and the spiers of the lanterns are decorated with heraldic eagles made of gilded bronze.

The monument to Catherine II is necessary for us to know the history of our city and the Cossacks.

Monument to A.S. Pushkin

Monuments erected by people - like beacons light the way for future generations, guide us like ships around reefs, shoals and hidden currents modern life. True, some of the monuments are destroyed after some time by the people themselves, and the light goes out with them. In some cases, this is justified, since a monument erected to a tyrant, a conqueror, a false prophet leads people on an unrighteous path. But, fortunately, there are people whose fate and legacy will remain an example for all ages and for all generations.

The year 1999 passed under the sign of the bicentennial anniversary of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. For two centuries, much has changed both in our country and around the world, but the personality of Pushkin, his contribution to world culture never occurred to anyone to question. The poems of Alexander Sergeevich bring people love, kindness, respect for glorious traditions past generations.

Kuban, like the whole country, solemnly celebrated the anniversary of the poet. Concerts, theatrical performances were held throughout the region, and the culmination of the festivities was the opening of a monument to Alexander Sergeevich in the center of the Kuban capital. All leaders of the region, numerous guests from other regions, creative intelligentsia and, of course, ordinary residents of Kuban came to such a significant event.

To loud applause, a snow-white veil descended from the monument, and a bronze figure of a brilliant poet appeared before the audience, shining in the sun. A thoughtful look, a proud posture - this is how the authors of the monument imagined Alexander Pushkin, sculptor Vladimir Andreevich Zhdanov and architect Valery Ivanovich Karpychev.

The creation of a monument is a long, very laborious process, and it is all the more pleasant that the Kuban masters managed to complete their work in a short time. The monument was installed on a pedestal on the night before the grand opening, barely leaving the workshop of the Sedin plant, where it was cast by the most experienced master Hamid Achokh.

Only a few years have passed, and Pushkin Square has become one of the favorite places for Krasnodar youth. It is here that lovers meet, young parents walk with their children, and it is believed that this will always be the case.

Monument to dogs in love - a meeting place for Krasnodar residents

During the celebration of the City Day, Krasnodar received a unique gift - a monument to dogs in love. In his sculpture, Valery Pchelin captured two dogs who met on their first date under the building with a clock, at the corner of Mira and Krasnaya streets, and went for a walk, holding hands.

The sculptor was inspired by the idea of ​​Vladimir Mayakovsky's poem "Dog's Life" - "brutalization of people and humanization of animals." The author of the story wrote it in Krasnodar, which he called Sobachkin's capital.

Today, two bronze figures of dogs in love, dressed as people, stand near the building with the old clock, where Krasnodar lovers often make dates. Now, as the artist hopes, a young man waiting for a late girl will not feel lonely. When you look at this sculptural group, your mood immediately improves, you want to smile and your soul becomes brighter, and this is great. The monument to dogs in love is “made for the joy of people”, so that a gloomy person, when he sees it, is amused. According to the city's architect Alexander Kuznetsov, the sculpture will grant wishes if you "rub the dog's paw".

The image of a dog is usually personified with devotion and love. It is these animals that often brighten up the loneliness of their owners. This devotion can last for years, which deserves respect and recognition. That is why monuments to dogs are not such a rarity.

In Russia, there are still many monuments dedicated to four-legged friends.

There are many such legendary dogs around the world. Perhaps that is why, of all animals, the most monuments are dedicated to her.

Monument "Cossacks - the founders of the Kuban land"

April 7, 2005 in Krasnodar in front of the administration building of the Krasnodar Territory, the grand opening of the monument "Cossacks - the founders of the Kuban land" took place.

The monument by famous Kuban sculptor Alexander Apollonov was cast in Rostov and delivered to the capital of Kuban by helicopter on March 12. The opening was scheduled for April 7, as this year this day fell Orthodox holiday Annunciation.

Work on the creation of the monument began long before the events described. On June 2, 2003, a competition was organized and held for best project. It was attended by seven author's teams of leading Kuban masters. Months of creative searches, disputes, agreements, and then "jewelry" painstaking work over the casting of sculpture in the Rostov art studio. From Rostov to Krasnodar, more than one hundred kilometers of road with bridges, settlements, power lines, where a massive sculpture simply cannot be carried out. And then the pilots of the Black Sea Fleet came to the rescue. The Ka-32 helicopter, putting aside missiles and torpedoes, helped a comrade-in-arms to get to his last line.

According to the sculptor A. Apollonov, the bronze figure is a collective image of a Cossack pioneer, protector and educator. The military judge Anton Golovaty became the historical prototype. Initially, the rider was "dressed" in the image of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who moved to the Kuban at the end of the 18th century. However, by order of the governor A. Tkachev, the uniform of the Black Sea Cossacks was used in the final version of the project.

The height of the Cossack sculpture is 4 meters 20 centimeters, the total height of the monument together with the pedestal is 7.2 meters.

In his speech, the governor of the Kuban, A. Tkachev, said: "I am sure that this monument was created for centuries, and I would very much like our children, passing by, to think again - who we are and what we are, and about our purpose on Kuban land.

Then, in honor of the opening of the monument, a parade of Cossack hundreds, troops of the Krasnodar garrison, cadets of military schools and pupils cadet corps. The solemn ceremony ended with a performance by the Kuban Cossack choir.

Monument to G.F. Ponomarenko

On September 14, 2002, a solemn event took place in the park on the central street of the capital of the Kuban, not far from the Avrora cinema - the opening of the monument People's Artist USSR composer Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko. It was pouring all over the district, and at the same time, truly folk music. The soloists of the Kuban Cossack Choir were ready to endlessly "drink" the master's favorite songs that day. From all over the former Soviet Union friends, relatives, and just big fans of Grigory Ponomarenko's work came together. Unveiled a monument best performers songs of the famous composer Veronika Zhuravleva and Lyudmila Zykina.

Grigory Fedorovich gave the last 24 years of his life to the Kuban. For him, our region has become a truly native home, where his talent could be fully revealed. The memory of him will be kept in the hearts of the Kuban long years, and now you can pay tribute to the composer at his monument.

The idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of Grigory Ponomarenko came almost immediately after his tragic death in a car accident. An open competition was announced. 12 submitted their projects at once creative groups. The duet of famous Krasnodar masters - sculptor Olga Yakovleva and architect Yuri Subbotin - was the winner.

It's been hard work for two years. Initially, the monument was created from plaster right in the artists' studio, and after approval, it was cast in bronze in Minsk.

When you look at the monument, you can immediately see the composer's kind and cheerful character, a wise and slightly cunning squint of the eyes, familiar to every admirer of the master's talent. And at hand is the button accordion, so dearly beloved by Grigory Fedorovich. Let him remain in our memory just like that, and with him the songs of the People's Composer will remain in the Kuban.

The initial project provided for the installation of the monument right next to the Philharmonic Hall, where it was supposed to create a small square for it. However, due to various circumstances, the idea was not immediately realized. Only in 2005, on the day of the city, the monument to Ponomarenko was installed in its rightful place.

Monument in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army

This monument has a truly amazing fate.

Having appeared in Yekaterinodar at the end of the 19th century, for two decades it was, along with the monument to Catherine II and the Arc de Triomphe, a kind of hallmark of the capital of the Kuban. But the turbulent revolutionary years did not spare these wonderful works of art.

The creation of a memorial obelisk was timed to coincide with the celebration of the bicentennial of the Kuban Cossack army, solemnly celebrated in October 1896. The Yekaterinodar City Duma has identified serious cash and entrusted the creation of the monument to the best Kuban architect Vasily Andreevich Filippov.

In fact, the Kuban Cossack army was created in 1860 by merging the Black Sea and Linear Cossack troops, and the bicentennial anniversary was celebrated in 1896 by the Khopersky regiment, the oldest in the Linear army, called up for official service in the ranks Russian Army Peter the Great during the assault on the Turkish fortress of Azov. About these events, as well as about the heroic service Kuban Cossacks four memorial obelisk plates tell the glory of Russia.

The construction of such a large-scale monument for Yekaterinodar was not an easy task, and its grand opening took place later than the anniversary - in May 1897. However, in festive events literally the whole Kuban participated, because the obelisk symbolized the unshakable connection of many generations of Zaporozhye, Black Sea, Linear, Don and, of course, Kuban Cossacks.

In the 20s of the 20th century, the gilded double-headed eagle, a symbol of imperial Russia, disappeared from the top of the obelisk, and in the 30s the monument was completely dismantled. Such a flagrant injustice was corrected at the very end of the century. During the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army, a new laying of the monument took place, and two years later it appeared before the inhabitants of the Kuban in its original form. Such a complex work on the reconstruction of the obelisk was performed by the leading Krasnodar sculptor Alexander Alekseevich Apollonov.

Sculpture "Aurora"

In the high point in the city of Krasnodar stands the majestic building of the best Kuban cinema, and next to it is the personification of the goddess of the morning dawn, the statue of Aurora. This architectural composition closes Krasnaya Street, being its best decoration. True, before us is not an ancient goddess from Ancient Greece, and the Soviet Komsomol girl - in an overcoat, with a rifle behind her shoulders, holding a star in her hand raised high - a symbol of faith in the bright future of our country.

"Aurora" now stands on the spot where once there was a barrow with a Cossack guard post. In Soviet times, archaeological excavations were carried out here, but the barrow turned out to be empty.

Work on the monument and the construction of the cinema began in preparation for the 50th anniversary of Soviet power. The authors of the monument were chosen the best masters Kuban Honored Sculptor of the RSFSR I.P. Shmagun and artist-architect E.G. Lashuk, and the author of the project of the entire complex was the architect of the Sochi branch of the Yuzhgiprokomunstroy Institute Serdyukov E.V. Moreover, Shmagun and Lashuk performed all the work on the creation of the monument free of charge and donated their work to the city.

The grand opening of the complex took place on May 7, 1967. With a huge confluence of Krasnodar residents and guests of the city, the leaders of the Kuban cut the ribbon, the light cover fell off the sculpture, and the majestic and inimitable sculpture of the Aurora appeared before the audience, which stood behind last years a real symbol of the Kuban capital.

The total height of the sculpture, made of forged aluminum, is 14 meters, and together with the pedestal, the total height of the monument is 16.8 meters. Unfortunately, the inscription engraved on the pedestal has not been preserved: “Power to the Soviets, peace to the peoples.”
