Susanna Jamaladinova (Jamala): The story of my Armenian roots begins in Karabakh. Seven facts from the biography of the winner of Eurovision Jamal Jamal history

Why does the current winner of Eurovision Susana Jamaladinovna - the same singer Jamala - do not like to talk about her family, who completely refused to move to Kyiv?

She insists that her father does not want to leave the house in the expensive resort village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta: “We were among the first Crimean Tatars who bought a house in the Crimea. My mother taught piano, and my father is a conductor by profession. But he realized that he would not be able to provide for his family if he made music, and began to grow vegetables and fruits. We have there big garden- there are figs, and persimmon, and pomegranate ... ".

It took me a long time to persuade my parents to leave. But they said no, Jamala says. - They built a house with their own hands and grew a garden, and now I asked for a second to give up all this .... They are, of course, in the Crimea. All my attempts, conversations were crowned with nothing. Mom can't leave dad, dad can't leave grandfather... It's very painful and hard. I understand that they cannot go. That pomegranate tree that grows in our yard, persimmon, figs ... This house, it's impossible to leave everything like that. They are not even afraid of, say, dying, no matter how scary it may sound, but they refuse to leave this house.

To put it mildly, Jamala is a hypocrite. None of her family is going to die at all. On the contrary, the family really thrives. All relatives of the "Ukrainian patriot" received Russian citizenship and are quite satisfied with their lives. Moreover, they unanimously issued the so-called. "Putin's certificates" about rehabilitation and now receive crazy benefits on utility bills - 50% discounts on water, electricity and gas, use free vouchers to a sanatorium.

The only problem for Jamala’s parents is that the Tatar neighbors themselves reproach their father: “Why did your daughter decide to sing such a song?”

This is all at the level of bazaar conversations. I keep telling them not to pay attention,” Susana reassures.

Although no matter what the crazy daughter sings, no one throws grenades and Molotov cocktails into the yard of her parents. Normal people live here. This is not Maidan Ukraine, the Crimeans do not suffer from “embroidery of the brain”.

A few months ago, the Bandera blockade hit the singer's family hard. So, according to Jamala herself, her father was ready to independently heat the house with firewood, just not to leave his native Crimea. However, today all Ukrainian villagers are offered to drown with dung. Having remained in the "Muscovite occupation", Jamaladinov Sr. is spared such a prospect.

In Alushta and Simferopol they gave light for at least a couple of hours, but my father was told that there would be no light for two months. The father replied that he had firewood and coal... The only problem was communication. Here it is difficult. Mom was very bored. And when we met with her, my mother was crying ..., - the Eurostar shared.

Fortunately, my mother comes to visit me often. She helps her sister look after the children, takes care of the big house. So I try to give her a break, entertain her. We are like two friends: we walk a lot, go to the cinema and go shopping.

No one in Crimea prevents such contacts. The singer said that she managed to see her family after the energy blockade of the peninsula. However, for some reason, she refused to comment on the current situation on the South Bank. Otherwise, we would have to talk about the frantic influx of Russian holidaymakers. And we would have to compare the well-being of our own Crimean old people with the nightmare of Ukrainian reality.

Here is another characteristic revelation of Jamala:

My dad sends fruit from our garden to me in Kyiv every autumn and winter. Persimmon, figs, pomegranates. Now, on the so-called border with Crimea, he has to give a bribe to let these fruits pass - he leaves a box of persimmons or figs for the border guards. He always tells me about it with tears in his eyes, because he collected these boxes for me with such love! I answer him: “Baba, this is such a trifle! The main thing is that they were allowed to transport at least that way. ” We rejoice in trifles that should be the norm for everyone.

It remains to add that the Ukrainian border guards are robbing the old Tatar man. One box for yourself - and a whole container ahead, to Kyiv, spitting on the "Poroshenko-Islamist" blockade.

However, today the Jamala family has a very specific reason to hate the Russian administration. The Jamaladinov clan suddenly lost an illegal tavern on the coast! Like many Mejlis institutions, the resort tavern did not meet any sanitary standards, worked without taxes and was closed. As they say, a quote without comment:

Now new government“ennobles” the coast by inhuman methods. Demolish all cafes and restaurants in the coastal strip. A tractor arrives and razes to the ground what people have been investing in for many years. Leaves without a piece of bread, because everyone lives a dream of summer and tourists.

And I, for example, it was thanks to such an institution that I received higher education. We had a family cafe with four tables: my mother cooked, for example, manti, my father cooked pilaf, I washed the dishes, and my sister served and counted the people in the hall. Without him, neither I nor my sister would have had the opportunity to study at the conservatory.

Jamala's sister Evelina married a Turkish citizen and moved to live in Istanbul.

Susanna grew up in a family of professional musicians. Her mother is a wonderful singer and teacher of a music school, and her father is a conductor by education, they began to teach their daughter from early age everything they know about music. Now the parents run a small boarding house in the Crimea.

Showed her extraordinary vocal ability Jamaladinova was still at the age of three, and already at the age of nine she recorded an album of 12 children's songs. To the amazement of the sound engineer, she showed real professionalism, spending only an hour in the studio recording.

Susana went to music school Alushta, where she studied piano. She later became a student music school the city of Simferopol, where she already studied opera vocals.

Having moved to Kyiv full of opportunities, Jamaladinvoa continued her musical education enrolled in the National Academy of Music. While studying there, she actively attended various festivals and competitions. Her first notable victory was the third prize at the Crimean Spring.

Over time, Jamala caught the eye of the famous Ukrainian choreographer Elena Kolyadenko, who eventually became the producer of the singer and made her the main soloist in her musical "Pa", which premiered in 2007. The singer became known to a wide audience of listeners thanks to the competition " New wave", where she not only took first place, but also showed herself as a bright and memorable singer.

In 2009, Jamala took part in the production of the opera "Spanish Hour", and a year later she played in opera performance based on Bond. In 2011, the artist's debut album For Every Heart was released on iTunes, and in 2012 she won the Stars at the Opera show on the 1 + 1 channel.

In the spring of 2013, Jamala's second album All or Nothing was released. In the same year, she terminated her contract with producer Elena Kolyadenko, wanting to be not just popular performer, performing songs in Russian, and experiment with different musical genres. She is interested in expressing herself in soul, jazz, classical and blues.

Personal life

Single. Have no children. He carefully hides the details of his personal life from prying eyes and the media.

Interesting Facts

Real name - Susana Jamaladinova

In 2012, she took part in the show of the channel "1 + 1" - "Stars in the Opera", paired with Vlad Pavlyuk. As a result, the duo won

Learned to swim at nine months through the "Swim Before You Walk" program

From 2001 to 2007 she was the soloist of the vocal quintet Beauty Band

Being a Crimean, she does not publicly recognize the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula, the Republic of Crimea to Russia

In 2010, she starred in the film " True story about scarlet sails", and in 2013 the singer in the film "Guide, or flowers have eyes"

In 2010, she took part in an opera production by Vasily Barkhatov based on Bondiana, where her performance was noted by the famous British actor Jude Law

Her father - Crimean Tatar and mother is Armenian


2011 - For Every Heart (on iTunes)

2011 - Live At Arena Concert Plaza (on iTunes)

To put it mildly, Jamala is a hypocrite. None of her family is going to die at all. On the contrary, the family really thrives. All relatives of the "Ukrainian patriot" received Russian citizenship and are quite satisfied with their lives. Moreover, they unanimously issued the so-called. "Putin's certificates" about rehabilitation and now receive rabid benefits on utility bills - 50% discounts on water, electricity and gas, use free vouchers to a sanatorium.

The only problem for Jamala’s parents is that the Tatar neighbors themselves reproach their father: “Why did your daughter decide to sing such a song?”

This is all at the level of bazaar conversations. I keep telling them not to pay attention,” Susana reassures.

Although no matter what the crazy daughter sings, no one throws grenades and Molotov cocktails into the yard of her parents. Normal people live here. This is not Maidan Ukraine, the Crimeans do not suffer from “embroidery of the brain”.

A few months ago, the Bandera blockade hit the singer's family hard. So, according to Jamala herself, her father was ready to independently heat the house with firewood, just not to leave his native Crimea. However, today all Ukrainian villagers are offered to drown with dung. Having remained in the "Muscovite occupation", Jamaladinov Sr. is spared such a prospect.

In Alushta and Simferopol they gave light for at least a couple of hours, but my father was told that there would be no light for two months. The father replied that he had firewood and coal ... The only problem was communication. Here it is difficult. Mom was very bored. And when we met with her, my mother cried, - the Eurostar shared.

Fortunately, my mother comes to visit me often. She helps her sister look after the children, takes care of the big house. So I try to give her a break, entertain her. We are like two friends: we walk a lot, go to the cinema and go shopping.

No one in Crimea prevents such contacts. The singer said that she managed to see her family after the energy blockade of the peninsula. However, for some reason, she refused to comment on the current situation on the South Bank. Otherwise, we would have to talk about the frantic influx of Russian holidaymakers. And we would have to compare the well-being of our own Crimean old people with the nightmare of Ukrainian reality.

Here is another characteristic revelation of Jamala:

My dad sends fruit from our garden to me in Kyiv every autumn and winter. Persimmon, figs, pomegranates. Now, on the so-called border with Crimea, he has to give a bribe to let these fruits pass - he leaves a box of persimmons or figs for the border guards. He always tells me about it with tears in his eyes, because he collected these boxes for me with such love! I answer him: “Baba, this is such a trifle! The main thing is that they were allowed to transport at least that way. ” We rejoice in trifles that should be the norm for everyone.

It remains to add that the Ukrainian border guards are robbing the old Tatar man. One box for yourself - and a whole container ahead, to Kyiv, blaming the "Poroshenko-Islamist" blockade.

However, today the Jamala family has a very specific reason to hate the Russian administration. The Jamaladinov clan suddenly lost an illegal tavern on the coast! Like many Mejlis institutions, the resort tavern did not meet any sanitary standards, worked without taxes, and it was closed. As they say, a quote without comment:

Now the new government is using inhuman methods to “ennoble” the coast. Demolish all cafes and restaurants in the coastal strip. A tractor arrives and razes to the ground what people have been investing in for many years. Leaves without a piece of bread, because everyone lives a dream of summer and tourists.

And I, for example, it was thanks to such an institution that I received a higher education. We had a family cafe with four tables: my mother cooked, for example, manti, my father cooked pilaf, I washed the dishes, and my sister served and counted the people in the hall. Without him, neither I nor my sister would have had the opportunity to study at the conservatory.

Jamala's sister Evelina married a Turkish citizen and moved to live in Istanbul.

Jamala is a singer, actress, People's Honored Artist and a brilliant phenomenon of the Ukrainian stage. The variety of genres of songs strikes literally from the first notes of all Ukrainian fans and others outside the country. Winner international competition“Eurobachennia 2016” and simply talented artist Jamala passed a long and thorny path to the pinnacle of success, which deserves special attention, which we will talk about in this article.

Jamala's family history and childhood

The future singer with the charming pop name Jamala was born on August 27, 1983 in small town Kyrgyzstan. The singer's childhood and adolescence passed near Alushta, namely in the village of Malorechenskoye. Surprisingly, by nationality and origin, Jamala is Crimean, Tatar and Armenian. So, she inherited the Crimean Tatar nationality from her father, and Armenian from her mother.

Historically, the great-grandmother and her children were deported from the Crimea in 1944. Papa Jamali really wanted to return to his homeland, and with the help of cunning, he still managed to do it. In 1986, Jamal and his family managed to return to Ukraine.

As you know, in the 1980s there was an unspoken ban in Crimea on the sale of any real estate to the relatives of the Tatars who were deported. However, my family found very good house and six years later, the parents formalized it with the help of a divorce. It may sound strange, but mom and dad had to fictitiously divorce in order to maiden name mothers make a deal to buy a house”, comments Jamala.

The singer's parents, like the rest of the inhabitants of the resort village, were engaged in the tourism business - their boarding house is located near Alushta. Mom played the piano perfectly and, when she was pregnant with the future singer, she accompanied the performing soloists. This is probably why little Jamala sang when she was one and a half years old. The girl developed extremely quickly, for example, at 9 months old she swam, and at 9 years old she was firmly convinced that she wanted to choose the path of a singer.

First musical steps

The real name of the singer is Susanna Jamaladinova, and Jamala is just a creative and very successful pseudonym from the initial syllable of the surname. To fulfill her desire and pop career, the girl went to a music school and actively participated in almost all children's competitions. Thanks to perseverance and perseverance, she won the "Children's Rain" creativity contest. Then, as a prize, she recorded music album, whose songs were broadcast on the Crimean radio. Loving dad and mom did not really want their daughter to make a career as a singer, but at the same time they did not try to dissuade Jamala. At the age of 14, the talented Jamala entered the Simferopol Music College. During her studies, she studied opera and classical music, and after her classes went to the basement, where she played in a jazz group called “Tutti”. In fact, it was her own group.

When the budding singer turned 17, she entered the National Academy in Kyiv. Bye selection committee at the time of admission, she did not hear Jamali's range of four octaves, they did not want to accept her for study. It must be said that the singer was the best student of the course and continued to dream of solo career in Milanese opera house La Scala. It is likely that she would have developed a career in this direction if it were not for her love for jazz and endless experiments with it.

The birth of a new star

The musical biography of the artist began with early childhood and the first important performance on stage occurred at the age of 15. This was followed by performances at Ukrainian, Russian and European competitions, and with them well-deserved prizes, special awards and prizes. Once Jamala's performance at a jazz festival in Italy was heard by Elena Kolyadenko, a popular choreographer in Ukraine. It was she who took the singer to perform main party in the musical "Pa" and recommended to take part in the annual competition for young performers - New Wave. So, Jamala New Wave, for which it was marked by a start in her career and another successful turn in her biography.

"New wave" and a new round of career

Jamala prepared her performances at the 2009 festival in Jurmala for quite a long time and very diligently, as a result of this, a pseudonym was born. Jamala was selected first in the city of Kyiv, and then in Moscow. Literally the first performance loudly declared the talent of the singer. The contestant received a standing ovation from Alla Pugacheva herself, and Jamala's performance with the composition "Mama's Son" did not go unnoticed. In 2009, she won and received the New Wave Grand Prix. The victory in the competition was a powerful impetus for her stellar career. After participating in the New Wave, several solo concerts Jamal called "The Revue Show" in Ukraine. She also actively participated in television projects and the tour schedule was so intense and tight that there was simply no time left for anything else.

World class popularity

Jamala was in the top of the most sought-after and popular artists not only in national show business, but also in Europe. Then “Cosmopolitan” awarded her the title of “Discovery of the Year”. In addition, she received international award“ELLE Style Award” in the well-deserved nomination “Singer of the Year” and the award “Person of 2009” in such a nomination as “Idol of the Country”.

In the same year, the already recognized artist Jamala received an invitation to the main opera part called “Spanish Hour”. Jude Law was smitten with her golden voice - English actor when she sang in a staged performance-opera dedicated to Bondiana. By this, Jamala only proved her love for opera.

The first disappointments or How Jamala “tempered”

The artist did not stop at the victory in the New Wave festival and, in 2011, she participates in the Eurovision qualifying round. Then she performed with a new composition called “Smile”, but already in the final she was waiting for a loss. This caused a huge scandal online among fans. Jamala herself openly stated that she doubted the honesty of the closed voting and was confident that the referee results were fictitious.

I have no desire to be associated with the manipulations and ambitions of some individuals, no matter whose interests they are hiding behind here. I'm more than sure that the people who are going to influence the so-called vote just want to humiliate me and other performing artists. Therefore, I decided for myself that I will not participate in demonstrative showdowns and final voting, the only purpose of which is to earn more money on the Eurovision hype”, Jamala said and put an end to the current situation.

Despite all the difficulties that threw up star life the singer presented her first album, which included her own songs. In March 2013, the second album “All or Nothing” was released. A few years later, Jamala presents new album with the Ukrainian name “Podih”. This disc includes compositions that were written, both independently and in collaboration:


“Drifting Apart”


"Sister's Lullaby"

and others.

Eurovision 2016 and the long-awaited victory

Purposefulness and desire to finish what she started led the singer to the fact that she again decided to participate in Eurovision from Ukraine. According to Jamala, dad was sick and worried about her during this period with all his heart and soul. He even went to his grandfather to tell that Jamala wrote a song with which he would definitely win.

At the end of the qualifying round, the singer presented a single, which turned out to be dedicated to the memory of her family's ancestors. The song “1944” is the story of the Crimean Tatar people who were deported in 1944, among whom was her great-grandmother Nazylkhan. With this song, Jamala's performance caused a storm of emotions and delight of the judges, as a result of which she passed qualifying round. All of Ukraine rejoiced with her. Then, regardless of nationalities, it made a splash and made people think about the history of the Ukrainian people as a whole.

Jamala won Eurovision 2016

1944" - a hit that became history

Jamala became the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Sweden. In the person of the singer, Ukraine won Eurovision for the first time in extended period. She achieved one of the main goals of her life, which won the respect and love of Ukraine. After music competition Jamala presented a mini-album, where there was a new composition with which the girl won and four more songs. Then the singer released a full studio album under the same name. In addition, there was a concert by Jamala, as the winner of an international competition. In the same year, the star was awarded the title of People's Artist.

Jamala performs the song "1944" at Eurovision 2016

On stage, she is always very emotional and extravagant, but in real life she is calm, restrained and punctual. Jamala does not comment on her personal life and almost always jokes that she simply does not have enough time for this. Despite this, in April last year, the singer married Bekir Suleimanov, with whom relations developed back in 2016. The couple's wedding took place in the capital, taking into account their nationality in Tatar folk traditions. But this is already her personal story, about which the singer has been silent for so long.

Talented Jamala - talented in everything

As the saying goes, talented person— is talented in everything and Jamala is a vivid confirmation of this! 2017 gave her a chance to test herself in new role. The singer tried herself as an actress and she succeeded. She played the maid of honor in the film "Polina". In addition, Jamala became a cameo character in the film called “Jamala's Fight” and in the documentary “Jamala.UA”.

Today, the singer diligently invests all the money earned by Jamal into her work so that her music and videos are on par with the hits of world stars. If you are not yet familiar with her work, then hurry up to download and listen to at least one song or watch a video. Believe me Ukrainian singer and will not leave you indifferent.

Watch Jamala's winning performance at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016:
