Michel Andrade is a songbird of Bolivian-Ukrainian origin. Michelle Andrade - Ukrainian singer with a Latin American soul Michelle Andrade biography age

Coming soon to 1+1 new season Dancing with the stars The date of the premiere of the new season of Dancing with the Stars has become known. Another one has confirmed her participation in the show bright participantpopular singer Michelle Andrade. Let's get to know her better!

1. The 21-year-old beauty was born in Cochabamba, one of largest cities Bolivia. Her father Mario is a Bolivian, it was he who instilled in her a love of music, because he was a member of a folklore group. Mother Svetlana is Ukrainian. In 2010, Michelle moved to Ukraine, entered a music school in piano and at the same time took up vocals. It was here that her star journey began ...

2. At one time she took part in the Ukrainian vocal show, and her professional career began in 2016, when Michelle Andrade became an artist of the production center Potap and Irina Gorova MOZGI Entertainment. “I couldn’t believe that all this was happening to me. Potap said that over time I will understand why they chose me for cooperation, ”said the singer in an interview.

In turn, the producer explained how Andrade impressed him:

“Michelle is a versatile artist who combines stunning beauty and the power of her voice, you can’t take your eyes off her! This is a new pearl of modern show business. Michel is a real cocktail of feelings and emotions.”

3. Michelle loves to discover new facets of herself. As a child, she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball and dancing. Also, the girl speaks several languages ​​- Spanish, English, Ukrainian and Russian. She also has acting skills: not so long ago, 1 + 1 viewers saw her in the TV series The Help, where she played the maid Lara.

“I think that a modern artist should be versatile: it’s not enough for a singer to just sing well, you need to be able to dance, develop as an actor, try yourself in different areas. Of course, when I'm on stage, it's a special feeling! But it is important that both music and cinema are creativity, to which my soul lies, ”said the star.

4. One of the highlights of the bright Ukrainian-Bolivian performer is an artistic whistle. She demonstrated her skills in the song Stop whistling, and also whistled the Anthem of Ukraine in the Social Life program.

5. In April 2018, she released her first mini-album La primavera boliviana. The disc includes five songs: the solo version of Amor, Zima, Stop whistling, Musica and Tayu.

6. Michelle has a "happy tattoo" done behind her ear. “This is a certain force that helps me. She is always with me. She is like a symbol. And I believe in it,” shared the singer.

7. In addition, the girl is not at all afraid of heights and performs tricks with pleasure during her performances. I wonder what tricks she will show on the floor of Dancing with the Stars. We'll find out soon!

We remind you that the new season of Dancing with the Stars will be released on 1+1 on August 26. The coach of the Voice became the judges of the dance show. Children, prima ballerina National Opera and also a choreographer. Follow our news to be aware of all the impressive events of the bright show!

Her mother Svetlana is Ukrainian by nationality, and her father Mario is Bolivian. Michelle was fond of music since childhood, was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball and dancing. In 2010, at the age of 13, she moved to Kyiv. There she learned Ukrainian and Russian. She entered the music school No. 36 in the piano class and at the same time took up vocals. After graduation, she entered the faculty pop vocal.

Popularity came to Michelle in 2013 when she took part in the 4th season of the Ukrainian show X-Factor. She managed to break into the top 24 best performers. At the audition stage, rapper Seryoga voted against her, but in 2014 he invited Michelle to perform leading role in his short film Gaggio.

Thanks to sound producer Vadim Lisitsa, she met Alexei Potapenko (Potap), who offered her cooperation. According to Potap, he has not met such a beautiful and talented singer since meeting Nastya Kamensky. October 2, 2016 Michelle Andrade performed for the first time at big stage with Potap's band Mozgi at a concert organized by the M1 TV channel. Their joint track was called "Amor", and a video was released in December of the same year. This song has three versions - Russian, Spanish-English and Spanish-English-Russian. Michelle herself took part in the work on the Spanish-language version. In February 2017, she became the host of the hit parade of the most popular TOP-10 clips on the M1 TV channel.

On November 2, 2017, Michelle's first solo video clip for the song "Stop whistling" was released. The author of the song was Alexey Potapenko (Potap) and Alexey Zavgorodniy (Positive). Michelle sang the chorus of the song with a whistle. The video was filmed at a shipyard, according to the script, Michelle hunted her ex.

On November 4, 2017, its first big solo concert. On December 9, 2017, Michelle Andrade, together with the Mozgi group, won the Project of the Year nomination at the M1 Music Awards. III element".

On December 15, 2017, she released the song "Winter" and a video for it on her Youtube channel. This is a collaboration with members of the Mozgi group Ed Kamenev (Dr.Ed) and Ruslan Storozhik (RusOne), the author of words and music is Alexey Potapenko (Potap).

On February 14, 2018, Michelle Andrade released the song "Musica" and the lyric video for it on her Youtube channel. Michelle wrote this song last summer after a difficult breakup for a girl with her boyfriend, and timed its release to Valentine's Day.

April 25, 2018 at the Kiev restaurant "Manu", Michelle Andrade presented her first mini-album "La primavera boliviana", the official release took place on April 27. The disc includes five songs, this is the solo version of "Amor", "Winter", "Stop whistling", "Musica" and "Tayu".

On May 10, 2018, All Stars MOZGI Entertainment sang together in Ukrainian for the first time - Vremya i Steklo, MOZGI, Michelle Andrade and released the song "Promin", the song was written as a soundtrack to the film "Skazhene Vesіllya".

On May 17, 2018, Michel Andrade released a video for the song "Musica" on her Youtube channel, the video was directed by -

With a Latin American soul, he conquers the post-Soviet show business and brings beauty, youth and positive to the masses. This is Michel Andrade.

She was born in Bolivia, and at the age of thirteen she moved to Ukraine, where she has been living for eight years. The girl considers herself Ukrainian-Bolivian. From the moment Michelle left Latin America, until recently, the singer had never been to her homeland, which she missed very much, because a huge family of twenty people remained there.

Andrade says that when she lived in Bolivia, all the relatives gathered every Sunday at her grandmother's house and spent time together. It is precisely such sincere evenings in the circle of her relatives that she lacks in her second homeland. Ukraine is a different world, people here are more closed, silent and less emotional. At first, this attitude to life somewhat confused Michelle, but then she appreciated this feature of the Ukrainian nation, because adrenaline and drive are needed to win the audience.

Even in Bolivia, the girl was engaged in gymnastics. Having started solo career, she devotes a lot of time to dancing, goes to the gym three times a week. Michelle leads active and healthy lifestyle life, and also believes that sport, to a greater or lesser extent, should be present in the life of every person. Potap and Nastya became role models for the young singer, who last years devote a lot of time to sports.

The Ukrainian audience saw Michel Andrade for the first time on qualifying rounds vocal show "X-factor". She was among the best, but at the last test of the training camp she was a little worried, which became an obstacle to passing to the next round.

Michel Andrade and Potap's production center MOZGI Entertainment

The singer admits that she is still in shock, but has already realized the idea that she is part of one of the most successful production

Michel Andrade does not hide the fact that she owes her rapidly developing career to the same "X-factor". Despite the fact that the young sixteen-year-old singer did not manage to reach live broadcasts, her bright appearance and strong voice were remembered by many viewers.

It was after this vocal show that popularity came to her in all its manifestations: the girl began to be invited to various open parties and concerts. At one of these events was the sound producer of "Brains Production" Vadim Lisitsa.

He appreciated the appearance and talent of the young Michel Andrade and wrote on Facebook that he would like to meet her. The girl did not believe at first, thinking that it was a fake. But when she found out that she was invited to Mozgi Bar, all doubts were dispelled.

Unfortunately, she did not see Potap at the first meeting, but she met Irina Karavay.

The biography of Michelle Andrade is full of sharp turns and unexpected meetings, but courage helps this girl achieve any goals.


A year ago, a song was written and a video for the song Amor was shot. The featuring of Michel Andrade and the group "Brains" was a success, the song was loved and sung everywhere.

solo singer

At the end of last year, the girl began a solo career. Michel Andrade's song "Stop whistling" revealed another talent of the performer - artistic whistling. The beauty said that everyone in Bolivia knows how to whistle, because it is a cheerful nation.

Michelle Andrade is a Ukrainian-Bolivian singer who announced herself in the 4th season of the X-factor project. exotic appearance and a pleasant voice brought her popularity after the first performances. Michelle performs hits in 5 languages, bringing Latin passion to pop music.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born in Cochabamba, a large city in Bolivia. Michelle's mother is a Ukrainian woman who traveled to a distant land in search of her first love. Mario's father played in his youth variety ensemble and instilled in his daughter a love of music.

The first 13 years of Michelle's life, the family lived in Bolivia, and the girl remembers this time with pleasure - cozy family dinners, numerous guests, unique national dishes.

In 2010, her father received an offer to work in Ukraine and moved, taking the whole family with him. However, soon he had to return back due to his grandmother's illness, and Michel and his mother stayed in Kyiv, where the creative part of the biography of the young performer began.

The girl graduated from a music school, where she studied vocals and piano, learned Ukrainian and Russian. IN Latin America she was also fond of rhythmic gymnastics, dancing and volleyball, but later she finally decided to change sports to music and entered the faculty of pop vocals.


At the end of August 2013, Michelle made her debut in the Ukrainian TV show "X-Factor". Then the bright brunette was only 17 years old. The first song she performed from the stage was the song Set fire to the rain. Then 3 judges out of 4 voted for her. The only refusal came from the rapper, who later, however, appreciated the girl’s vocal abilities and even invited her to his short film"Gagio".

Michel Andrade's song "Endless Love" ("Amor")

After the TV show, Andrade began to collaborate with the production center MOZGI Entertainment. In October 2016, she took part in a concert organized by the M1 TV channel, which later became finest hour young artist.

Her first hit was the song "Endless Love" (Amor), later translated into 3 languages, with the Spanish version written by Michelle herself. In December of the same year, a video was shot for the composition, which quickly rose in the rating of the M1 channel and was subsequently awarded the "Project of the Year" award.

Michel Andrade's song "Stop whistling"

In November 2017, the singer's second video for the song "Stop whistling" was released, filmed with the participation of director Illarion Efremov. It was there that the fans first heard the singer's trick - the performance of part of the melody with an artistic whistle, which she then used in other hits. The video sequence for "Stop whistling" turned out to be very extravagant. In it, Andrade, dressed in leather underwear, is looking for an ex-boyfriend who hid from her at a construction site.

For the New Year 2017, Michelle, together with Ed Kamenev, Ruslan Storozhik, prepared a new song "Winter". By that time, she was already a frequent guest of popular concert venues and festivals, for example, "Atlas Weekend", and also managed to perform as an opening act at the "Olympic".

Zhenya Kot and Michel Andrade in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Andrade plans to be realized not only as a singer. The girl tried herself as a TV presenter, actress and dancer. Since 2017 she has been leading music program on the M1 TV channel. Michelle also played the role of Lara in the series The Maids and became a member of the show Dancing with the Stars, where Zhenya Kot was her partner. In addition, Andrade starred in the feature film "Producer" by Alexei Durnev, where she got the role of a video blogger girl.

Personal life

Andrade talks little about his personal life and often becomes the object of gossip because of this. For example, she was credited with an affair with producer Irakli Makatsaria, a competitor in dance show. Both artists later denied the rumors. Andrade said that she had not yet met a decent guy and now her heart belongs to the stage.

The public is aware of her first romance, which began when the girl was only 14 years old. The singer broke up with a young man due to constant jealousy, and she was very upset by the breakup. Later, in an interview, Michelle admitted that she had been dating Nikita Lomakin, a partner in the X Factor, for 5 years. The artists decided to end the novel, although both remember each other with warmth.

“It seems to me that these are the kind of relationships that everyone would like to have, because they were very bright, beautiful and romantic,” the artist shares.

Michelle boasts a chiseled figure and always strives to emphasize her original outfits. However, unusual dresses and heels are only part of the public image. IN Everyday life Michelle prefers sneakers, classic jeans and minimalist accessories. Her favorite brand is Victoria's Secret. The girl has a small tattoo behind her ear, and the artist believes that she brings her good luck.

The singer does not have a husband and children, but she has a pet, Mickey the Yorkshire Terrier. Michelle's height is 170 cm, weight is 55 kg. She regularly goes in for fitness, but does not limit herself in food, preferring to work off extra calories later in the gym. Andrade maintains a page in "Instagram", where he uploads photos from dance rehearsals for shows, professional photo shoots and interviews.

Michel Andrade now

In 2018, the first mini-album La primavera boliviana of 5 songs was released, which Michelle presented at the Manu restaurant in Kiev. The collection includes the hits “Winter”, Amor, “Tayu”, “Stop whistling”, as well as the new composition Musica, which the girl wrote for St. Valentine's Day and dedicated to her ex-boyfriend. Later, the director shot a video for it.

Michel Andrade song "Hasta La Vista"

Also in May 2018, the single "Promin" was released, written specifically for the film "Skazhene Vesіllya", and new song Hasta La Vista in Russian and Spanish, which Michelle dedicated to everyone who has ever suffered love failures.


  • 2018 – La primavera boliviana


  • 2014 - "Gaggio"
  • 2016 - "Valentine's Night"
  • 2018 - "Servants"

| Russian groups

05.11.2017 21:33

Smiling expressive brunette Michelle Andrade (Michelle Andrade) became famous after participating in the Ukrainian project "X-Factor 4" in 2013. It was there that Michelle first announced herself, after which she was noticed by producer Alexei Potapenko (also known as the singer Potap) and actively engaged in the promotion of a talented girl.

But we suggest starting from the beginning.

Michelle Andrade: family, childhood

The girl has always been very artistic, she dreamed of acting in films and singing on stage.

Michelle's mother Svetlana recalls that from childhood she told Michelle about her distant second homeland, which she first saw at the age of 13.

Very quickly, Michelle moved to live in Ukraine, in Kyiv. Andrade learned Ukrainian and Russian, and in 2010 she entered a music school in piano and at the same time studied vocals.

Back in Latin America, Michelle studied professionally rhythmic gymnastics played volleyball and danced.

The passion for music was passed on to the girl from her Bolivian father Mario. He worked as part of a group performing songs with folklore motifs. Her passion was supported by her older brother Paolo - during home concerts, he always accompanied her on the guitar.

Michelle cannot imagine her life without daily music and dance classes and successfully combines them with her studies at the pop vocal faculty at the Kiev Institute of Music named after R.M. Gliera.

Michelle Andrade (Michelle Andrade): the beginning of a solo career

Popularity came to Michelle after participating in the vocal talent show "X-Factor" (Ukraine), which started on August 31, 2013. She for a long time followed this competition different countries, but could not imagine that at the age of 16 she herself would become a participant in the 4th season of the project in her native country.

"I always wanted to study at a music school. In Bolivia there was School of Music but it was very far from my house. Therefore, if I had not moved to Kyiv, I would not even have known that I could sing. I watched The X Factor, I really liked how they sing there, how they develop. I couldn't wait to come to the project. Decided to go to the audition

Michelle told before going on stage "X-Factor".

Mom and dad Andrade came to support their daughter.

Having conquered the jury with her sincerity and performing the song Adele - Set Fire To The Rain, she overcame all stages of the training camp and entered the top 24 best performers in the country.

Rapper Serega was the only jury member in the X-Factor project who said "No" to Michelle at the audition stage. But it was he who, after participating in the project, in 2014 invited her to play the main role in his author's film "Gaggio".

For the first time, Michelle appeared on the big stage on October 2 at Stereo Plaza (Kyiv), when the M1 music channel organized a big celebration of Ukrainian-Korean friendship, which brought together the best performers from both countries. An unexpected surprise was the performance of the Mozgi group - a team of brutal artists appeared on stage along with new singer Michel Andrade. This evening they presented a joint incendiary track about the all-consuming power of love.

"Amor" is the first track in the history of Mozgi that we let a girl in! The Russian version of "Endless Love" was written by me and Pozitiv, and Michelle took part in its adaptation to Spanish. It is thanks to the temperamental sensuality of this singer that the dance song acquired a special lyrical connotation.

Potap (Aleksey Potapenko), a member of the Mozgi group, a producer of MOZGI Entertainment, commented on the performance.

Michelle Adrade is the new name of the MOZGI Entertainment production center, young Ukrainian singer with a hot Latin American soul! When Potap met her for the first time, he said that he had not met such a beautiful and talented singer since meeting Nastya Kamensky. And everyone who meets Michelle at least once says that this girl will become a real star.

“Our acquaintance with Michelle took place thanks to the sound producer Vadim Lisitsa. Already after the first meeting, we fell in love with this girl and did not doubt for a second that she would become part of the family of the MOZGI Entertainment production center! Michelle is a versatile artist who combines stunning beauty and the power of her voice, it is impossible to take your eyes off her! This is a new pearl of modern show business. Michelle is a real cocktail of feelings and emotions!”

Alexey Potapenko spoke.

Michelle is amazing sunny man and a talented hardworking artist who is absolutely unlike any other artist in modern show business. That is why we do not impose any masks and completely trust her individual image. This girl does not give a minute of rest to herself or to us. She is stunningly beautiful, she dances and sings cool, writes songs! Michel is a diamond, the radiance of whose facets you will soon see!”

Irina Gorovaya, producer of MOZGI Entertainment assured.

None of them were wrong! IN this moment Michelle actively performs at big events. Her vocals and artistic appearance instantly catch the eye of the audience.

Michelle Andrade (Michelle Andrade): music, songs, clips


The song "Amore" was presented on October 2, 2016 and became the first in Michelle Andrade's career. The track was recorded in collaboration with the band Mozgi.

In December 2016, the presentation of the video for the song "Amore" took place:


On September 14, Michelle's first solo song entitled "Stop whistling" was presented, and on November 2, a clip shot by Alan Badoev was presented for the track.

On May 17, 2018, Michelle Andrade presented a video for the song Musica, directed by Alan Badoev.

On November 1, 2018, the musical novelty "Asta la vista" was presented on the network. On November 29, 2018, a video was presented for the song, in which Michelle dances incredibly sexy.

Michelle Andrade Filmography

2016 St. Valentine's Night Night of St. Valentine (Ukraine) / student
2014 Gadzhyo (Ukraine, short film) / main role

Michelle Andrade: interesting facts

Michelle has a lot of photos with her mom on her blog:

And only in one photo Andrade with dad. It can be seen that the daughter is very similar to her father. They say that if a girl looks more like her dad, then she will be lucky in life.

Michelle has a beloved Yorkie named Mickey.

For a long time, Michelle attended dance lessons at the Luck Out Club Dance Studio

By the way, the members of this particular club are dancing in the first solo video of Nastya Kamensky "This is my night".

Michelle Andrade Social Media

Instagram: instagram.com/mishvirmish
Vkontakte: vk.com/id163675002
Vkontakte group: vk.com/mishvirmish
Facebook: facebook.com/mishvirmish
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCn-L2skxYwPPBGsfjLYl2rA

P.S. The biography of Michelle Andrade is written and updated by the editors of the site devushka.ru. We kindly request when copying the text - please put an active link to the site devushka.ru.

And if you want to correct our mistake or add information about the star - write in the comments. Thank you:)

Michel Andrade
