Aladdin's Magic Lamp Stanislavsky Theater reviews. Aladdin's magic lamp

« Magic lamp Aladdin "in the musical theater. Stanislavsky - the first Russified version of this opera in Moscow. The music for it was created by the famous italian composer Nino Rota - author popular songs from the films Godfather and Romeo and Juliet. In the cultural environment, this Oscar and Grammy winner has earned fame as the creator of original works in opera and ballet genres.

"Magic lamp of Aladdin" in the musical theater. Stanislavsky: an adult approach to children's opera

Nino Rota's opera has already traveled half the globe. And only in Moscow, in the musical theater. Stanislavsky, the performance "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin" was seriously modified and remade specifically for the children's audience. According to creative team this stage, most classical works for fairy tales, they are still “tailored” to the tastes of adult viewers. It is difficult for kids to be imbued with love for high art if for one and a half to two hours they are forced to sit quietly and watch how it is not clear who is dancing and singing something.

Therefore, the play "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin" in the musical theater. Stanislavsky, firstly, was significantly reduced, but not to the detriment of big picture: just removed some of the musical repetition that is in the original. Thus, out of three actions, only two remained, but they are very dynamic and bright.

Secondly, I had to seriously work on the "picture". The very name of the performance already contains the word “magic”, so its creators had to seriously puzzle over how to recreate various miracles in the most plausible way. As a result, children simply cannot believe their eyes when golden rain falls from the sky, and the evil sorcerer appears simultaneously in several places, including an animated projection on the screen. Such an opera will certainly be remembered by the young spectator and will lay the foundations of good taste in them.

We offer at an affordable price to buy tickets for the play "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin" in the Musical Theater. Stanislavsky online

We know how hard it can be to stand in line for tickets with a child. Such a tedious beginning can completely discourage young viewer desire to watch opera. Therefore, we offer you an easier way: at an affordable price, buy tickets for the play "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" at the Musical Theater. Stanislavsky online. In this case, you will not even need to leave your home, and making a purchase will take no more than a couple of minutes.

By the way, only on our website you get a unique opportunity to book specific seats for the opera "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" in the Musical Theater. Stanislavsky. To do this, open our interactive floor plan, select any of the available seats and add to the web basket.

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« Magic lamp of Aladdin" - one of many opera performances aimed at a younger audience. The production is based on an oriental tale, included in the collection "1000 and One Nights". A familiar story plays out on stage. The potter Aladdin, with the help of a genie from a magic lamp, was able to defeat Jafar, an evil sorcerer, having won the heart of the beautiful princess Budur. The performance is permeated with the symbolism of the East, where the music of the composer N. Rota fits perfectly. Eastern culture emphasized by stylized costumes, where the scenery recreates the unique atmosphere of the Ancient East.

The opera production of Aladdin's Magic Lamp was first shown in 1968 on Italian. A few decades later, the viewer was able to see her on German. A little later, a French version appeared. The modern "Lamp of Aladdin" in the theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko is presented to the Russian audience at mother tongue, thanks to which it has become more in demand among our compatriots. Every fan of opera performances will be able to take advantage of the unique opportunity to visit the performance. AND to buy tickets you can set up on our website.


East market

The market is bustling with life. What is not here: fabrics, carpets, clothes, perfumes, jewelry and jewelry! Merchants shout over each other, trying to sell their goods. Here comes Aladdin with his friends. They are busy playing and do not pay attention to others. Merchants are trying to calm down a noisy company.

A strange stranger is looking at Aladdin attentively. From his clothes, you can guess that he came from very distant countries - most likely from Africa.

Having called one of his friends, the stranger asks to tell him about Aladdin. From the story it becomes clear that Aladdin lives in poverty. His father, the tailor Mustafa, has died. The mother barely makes ends meet, and Aladdin, instead of finding a job, plays and smokes all day long.

“I am his uncle,” the stranger announces loudly and says that he is Mustafa's brother. He has made a fortune in distant lands and has now returned home to live with his family. He promises Aladdin a rich and happy life.

magic cave

Uncle took Aladdin to the mountains. The road was long and difficult. Aladdin was tired, but his uncle continued to lead him further and further, promising to show unprecedented miracles.

Uncle explained to Aladdin that he needed to go down into the cave and find an old lamp there. A magic ring will help you overcome all dangers. Only one person in the world can take the lamp, and that is Aladdin. Under his spell, the entrance to the cave opened, and Aladdin went in search.

Going down into the cave, Aladdin saw countless treasures. For a moment he forgot everything, blinded by the sparkle of the jewels. Unable to resist, he took a few stones with him. Coming to his senses, Aladdin took the lamp and hurried to the exit.

But instead of helping him get out, his uncle tried to quickly take the lamp for himself. Aladdin was seriously scared, and his uncle got angrier and angrier. Having lost his temper, the sorcerer (you, of course, already guessed that it was not an uncle, but an evil wizard) decided to leave Aladdin in the cave forever.

The entrance to the cave closed, and Aladdin realized that he would never see the light again. He raised his hands pleadingly, and accidentally touched the ring that was placed on his finger. A powerful genie appeared - the servant of the ring. By order of Aladdin, the genie opened the exit from the cave.

Aladdin's house

Hungry and tired, Aladdin returned home. He gave his mother an old lamp found in a cave. If you sell it at the market, you can get some money. To make the lamp look just a little newer, the mother decided to wipe it. Another genie appeared - a servant of the lamp. On Aladdin's orders, he brought a lot of delicious food on sumptuous platters. Aladdin and his mother ate their fill.

One day Aladdin went into a jewelry store. He saw the same beautiful pieces of glass that he once found in a magical cave. The jeweler explained to Aladdin that these were not just crystals, but precious stones.

Heralds announced that Princess Badr-al-Budur was approaching. But no one is allowed to see the beauty. Whoever looks at her will be executed. Aladdin was very curious. He decided to break the ban and look at the princess. Badr-al-Budur came out accompanied by maids. Her appearance was accompanied by the song:

Like a pearl you are from the foam of the sea

You appear to us, oh Badr-al-Budur!

You, like the moon, float in the clouds

In the silence of heaven, oh Badr-al-Budur!

Aladdin immediately fell in love with the beautiful princess. And she… Badr-al-Budur also dreamed of love.

Aladdin told his mother that he had decided to marry Princess Badr-al-Budur. As a gift to the Sultan, he decided to hand over the stones brought from the cave. After all, thanks to the jeweler, he learned that these are not just colored glass, but real jewels. No matter how his mother dissuaded him, Aladdin stood his ground. Badr-al-Budur will be his wife. For this, he is ready to risk his life.


Sultan's Palace

Courtiers and petitioners praise the Sultan, the most powerful ruler in the world. Among the crowd is Aladdin's mother. The Sultan noticed the bundle she was holding and decided to find out what was inside. Slightly alive with fear, Aladdin's mother told that her son was asking Badr al-Budur for his wife, and gave the bundle to the Sultan.

Seeing the precious gifts, the Sultan shook with greed. If Aladdin brings him more treasures, he is ready to give him the princess as his wife. Servants walked one after another, carrying baskets of jewels. Aladdin proved that he would not yield to wealth and power to the Sultan himself.

And Badr-al-Budur did not need any jewelry. A beautiful young man seemed to her a guest from heaven. Badr-al-Budur became the wife of Aladdin, and they lived in love and harmony in a luxurious palace that the genie built.

Kidnapping of Badr al-Budur

One day Aladdin went hunting. An incomprehensible anxiety seized Badr-al-Budur. She was distracted from her sad thoughts by a merchant who changed old lamps for new ones. The maid found an old lamp lying around and gave it away, not knowing about it. magic power. The evil sorcerer (and it was him again, not the merchant) grabbed the lamp and ordered the palace, along with the princess and all the inhabitants, to be transferred to their possessions.

Returning home, Aladdin did not see either the palace or the princess. Luckily, he still has the magic ring. The genie of the ring could not bring the palace back, but he was ready to help Aladdin find his beloved.

Palace in Africa

Laughter and cheerful songs ceased to sound in the palace. Badr-al-Budur and the maids longingly recalled their former happiness. But then Aladdin's voice rang out, and he ran into the princess's chambers. Joyfully met him Badr-al-Budur. Waiting for the return of the sorcerer, Badr-al-Budur gave him a sleepy drink, and he fell asleep soundly. The magic lamp was back in Aladdin's hands.


Aladdin ordered the palace to be returned to his hometown and never again parted with the beautiful Badr-al-Budur.

Marina reviews: 128 ratings: 129 rating: 34

On a snowy spring day, Kira and I met another species theatrical art: opera. For the first acquaintance, we chose the opera "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" at the Moscow Academic musical theater them. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Everyone knows the famous fairy tale about Aladdin, and the more interesting it is to watch the performance, knowing all the plot twists. Enjoy great music beautiful voices, interesting scenery and original costumes.

You can admire the costumes endlessly; how bright and interesting they are, with beautiful embroidery, lots of beads, shiny fabrics. The abundance of transparent fabrics creates a magical flair around the beautiful Budur. Even secondary characters costumes are thought out to the smallest detail: wide oriental pants, unique headdresses; various wraps. In the oriental bazaar, you will not find townspeople in the same costumes: bright fabrics, oriental styles, unimaginable headdresses. It turned out to be a real market in the East: crowded, noisy, multi-colored. It is unlikely that any spectator remained indifferent to the brilliance precious stones! It would seem that the colors and brightness are already over the edge, but the children dressed in rubies, topazes and diamonds added even more sparkle to the scene in the Sultan's palace! BRAVO!

Very interesting scenery: so simple at first glance, but at the same time in each scene they turn either into an impenetrable forest, or stalactites-stalagmites of an underground cave, or into the mirrored walls of a beautiful palace.

It was very interesting: how do the creators of the performance realize the huge Genie - the slave of the lamp. With the help of a huge screen and multimedia technology, everything turned out like a fairy tale! It was really gigantic! And what's interesting: not at all like the Genies I've seen in the books. It turned out completely unique and, I would even say, unexpected)

To all actors, ballet, orchestra - BRAVO! Their collective work, wonderful music, magnificent costumes turned the oriental fairy tale into real magic! Sequins and soap bubbles are a very unexpected solution for the theater. Princess Budur dancing in the rain of sparkles is a magical sight!

The genie of the ring (Dmitry Kondratkov) appeared only a few times during the performance, but each of his appearances was enchanting! Genie is a fan of Michael Jackson - this is something unexpected) His attire, movements! It's great that in such a serious musical theater there is a place for a sense of humor. BRAVO!

If you want a bright, magnificent and interesting spectacle, then oriental tale and MAMT is what you need! You will be taken to Magic world"1001 nights", where evil wizards, glitter of precious stones, many-sided and crowded oriental bazaar, magical things with obedient Genies and, of course, love will be waiting for you!
If you have not yet decided whether you like opera or not, then an opera based on a fairy tale that you know well - a good option for the first acquaintance with the art of opera)
I really enjoyed the performance and recommend this opera for a must visit for children and their parents)

MAMT is a magical place in itself! Blue color, which meets you everywhere attracts and you understand that this is love at first sight and forever)

Inna Usoltseva reviews: 76 ratings: 114 rating: 157


Today I watched the premiere opera "The Magic Lamp of Aladdin" in "Stasik". Yes, I just looked. Because visually, the performance was not just a success, but turned out to be incredibly spectacular and truly spectacular.

Surprising in their brilliance and special oriental expressiveness, the costumes, as well as minimalistic cubist-style scenery, perspective video projections and dazzling light and animation special effects created such a bright visual perception and accurate inner sensations picture that it seemed completely unnecessary to sing here.

And indeed, musically, the opera (if it can be called that at all) turned out to be very weak, starting from the vocals (although who would doubt the mediocrity of the Stasik vocalists) and ending with the musical material, the composer of which was the legendary Nino Rota. Yes, it was that Nino Rota - the famous film composer, Oscar winner, winner of the Grammy and Golden Globe awards, who wrote music for the works of F. Zeffirelli, F. Fellini, L. Visconti and, of course, F. Coppola (who does not know soulful beauty melody from "The Godfather"?)

And yet, I believe that it is better for film composers to write music for the cinema, and not for the live stage. Specificity musical illustration film action is special when it is necessary to support the silent feelings and actions of the characters with certain melodies, to enhance the atmosphere of the action.

Vocals are still important in opera. Here you need to sing and the music should not only convey the emotions of the characters and the nuances of the circumstances, but also easily fall on the text, emphasize the expressiveness of the voice and simply go into the background in the right places, leaving the vocalist free to express the feelings of the hero.

Today we watched the orchestral accompaniment of the visual action - a beautiful "cinema", where it is not necessary to sing at all (even unnecessary), it is better to just be silent and enjoy the beauty of the stage picture and quite convincing musical accompaniment.

The Italian Nino Rota is known all over the world as the author of music for the films of Fellini, Visconti, Zeffirelli and Coppola. But famous composer, Oscar and Grammy winner, wrote and symphonic works, operas and ballets. He set the fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" to music in the mid-sixties. Then her journey around the world began. The opera will be performed in Russian for the first time at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre. Premiere is today.

Preparing for children's play- also a show. Behind the scenes, they don’t just sing - a kilogram hat should sit comfortably, flights should be accurate and fast, the mood should be appropriately fabulous and, of course, lamps - there are a lot of them, and all with genies inside.

“The fire of the magic lamp will radiate all over the world with these little lamps. And every child in the world will get it so that the dreams of every child can come true, ”says Sergey Nikolaev, artist of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater.

The magic lamp, as in the story of Scheherazade, Aladdin finds in a cave, among high rocks and gloomy gorges. The evil sorcerer appears in different places at the same time - and on the screen in the form of animation too. Indeed, there are miracles on the stage - the sorcerer's staff is really magical, the good genie fulfills wishes, and golden rain falls from the sky.

It seems that the only difficulty, apart from creating miracles, that the directors faced was the choice of artists. Aladdin was rehearsed by three teams, and all together they were looking for a character, and with Princess Budur everything turned out to be quite difficult.

“Princess Budur I even have 4. And I suggested that they draw lots, because, in my opinion, everyone is good. Someone is better in the plastic part, someone is better in the vocal part, ”says Lyudmila Naletova, stage director of the play.

To draw lots before a premiere in this theater is an exceptional case. All the princesses refused.

“If, for example, I took the first performance, it would be unfair to other people. Either I would take the last one or none - this is also unpleasant. Therefore, I think that it is better for the organizers of this celebration to do this, ”says the artist of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater Maria Makeeva.

The choice is made, the performance is ready. There are no discrepancies with the plot of the tale. But the music had to work. Nino Rota has an opera in three acts, at the Stanislavsky Theater - in two. The score was reduced, achieving dynamism, contrast and brightness - all for children.

“Some scenes were cut, but not to the detriment of the musical material, only for the benefit of the dramaturgy: some repetitions that the author has, musical phrases that are similar to the text, but repeat musical material”, - said conductor Vyacheslav Volich.
