Detailed map of Eastern Europe. Eastern Europe

Europe is part of the Eurasian continent. This part of the world is home to 10% of the world's population. Europe owes its name to the heroine ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. inland seas- Black, Mediterranean, Marble. The eastern and southeastern border of Europe runs along Ural ridge, the Emba River and the Caspian Sea.

IN Ancient Greece believed that Europe is a separate continent that separates the Black and Aegean Seas from Asia, and the Mediterranean Sea from Africa. Later it was found that Europe is only part of a huge mainland. The area of ​​the islands that make up the continent is 730 thousand square kilometers. 1/4 of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsulas - the Apennine, Balkan, Kola, Scandinavian and others.

The highest point in Europe is the top of Mount Elbrus, which is 5642 meters above sea level. On the map of Europe with countries in Russian, it can be seen that the largest lakes in the region are Geneva, Chudskoye, Onega, Ladoga and Balaton.

All European countries are divided into 4 regions - Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern. Europe includes 65 countries. 50 countries are independent states, 9 are dependent and 6 are unrecognized republics. Fourteen states are islands, 19 are inland, and 32 countries have access to the oceans and seas. On the map of Europe with countries and capitals, the borders of all European states are indicated. Three states have their own territories, both in Europe and in Asia. These are Russia, Kazakhstan and Türkiye. Spain, Portugal and France have part of their territory in Africa. Denmark and France have their territories in America.

The European Union consists of 27 countries, and NATO members - 25. The Council of Europe has 47 states. Most small state Europe - the Vatican, and the largest - Russia.

The collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the division of Europe into East and West. Eastern Europe is the largest region of the continent. IN Slavic countries the Orthodox religion prevails, in the rest - Catholicism. Cyrillic and Latin scripts are used. Western Europe unites Latin-speaking states. This part of the continent is the most economically developed part in the world. The Scandinavian and Baltic states unite to form Northern Europe. South Slavic, Greek and Romance countries form Southern Europe.

Europe is part of the Eurasian continent. This part of the world is home to 10% of the world's population. Europe owes its name to the heroine of ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Inland seas - Black, Mediterranean, Marmara. The eastern and southeastern border of Europe runs along the Ural Range, the Emba River and the Caspian Sea.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that Europe is a separate continent that separates the Black and Aegean Seas from Asia, and the Mediterranean Sea from Africa. Later it was found that Europe is only part of a huge mainland. The area of ​​the islands that make up the continent is 730 thousand square kilometers. 1/4 of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsulas - the Apennine, Balkan, Kola, Scandinavian and others.

The highest point in Europe is the top of Mount Elbrus, which is 5642 meters above sea level. On the map of Europe with cities, it can be seen that the largest lakes in the region are Geneva, Peipus, Onega, Ladoga and Balaton.

All European countries are divided into 4 regions - Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern. Europe includes 65 countries. 50 countries are independent states, 9 are dependent and 6 are unrecognized republics. Fourteen states are islands, 19 are inland, and 32 countries have access to the oceans and seas. The map of Europe in Russian shows the borders of all European states. Three states have their own territories, both in Europe and in Asia. These are Russia, Kazakhstan and Türkiye. Spain, Portugal and France have part of their territory in Africa. Denmark and France have their territories in America.

The European Union consists of 27 countries, and NATO members - 25. The Council of Europe has 47 states. The smallest state in Europe is the Vatican, and the largest is Russia.

The collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the division of Europe into East and West. Eastern Europe is the largest region of the continent. In the Slavic countries, the Orthodox religion prevails, in the rest - Catholicism. Cyrillic and Latin scripts are used. Western Europe unites Latin-speaking states. This part of the continent is the most economically developed part in the world. The Scandinavian and Baltic states unite to form Northern Europe. South Slavic, Greek and Romance countries form Southern Europe.

List of Eastern European countries. Tourism: capitals, cities and resorts. Maps of foreign states of the Eastern Europe region.

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“Eastern Europe is what we are” - so even some 20 years ago a citizen of the USSR could confidently say. Times have changed, but this statement is still not far from the truth: Eastern Europe includes Russia proper, Ukraine and Belarus, and also, depending on the speaker's pan-Slavic views, Moldavia, Bulgaria and Romania. Actually, this division is even more conditional than the division of the rainbow into seven colors: sometimes this term is understood as the countries of the former socialist camp (which means that the Czech Republic, Slovakia, as well as the once constituent parts of Yugoslavia - now six Balkan republics), sometimes go deep into history even further, including here parts of Austria, Hungary, etc.

Eastern Europe

Be that as it may, one thing is indisputable: Eastern Europe is the closest geographically and spiritually to Russia part of the Old World, which, even if it is not on the list of the most popular destinations outbound tourism, but has its own dedicated army of fans. It would not be an exaggeration to say that only a lazy and principled supporter of “real” foreign tourism did not bother to visit the resorts of Crimea. Well, although Belarus does not have a gentle sea and wide beaches, it can offer a real eco-vacation in the green expanses of Central Russia: centuries-old oak forests, a delicious abundance of mushrooms and berries, a variety of game and wild “hunting” animals, lakes, nature reserves, healing mud and mineral waters ... in general, there is a complete "gentleman's set" of a tourist destination.

Eastern Europe is the closest geographically and spiritually to Russia part of the Old World, which, although not on the list of the most popular outbound tourism destinations, has its own dedicated army of fans.

For those who want to “break away” from Russian reality a little more radically and at the same time not go too far to the west, we advise you to pay attention to our distant Eastern European neighbors. In Moldova, for example, in addition to all kinds of eco-baits (dales and villages, forests and fields ...) there is also a very specific result of this very ecosystem - wine, cognac and champagne. It is not surprising that tours "under the degree" fly here simply "with a bang": many wine roads pass through the country, and everyone will be able to choose their own path - in a direct and figuratively- Based on the level of physical and moral preparation. In addition, lovers should definitely get here. national history: so many Jewish and Gypsy memorable places not to be found on the whole planet!

The objects of tourist interest in Bulgaria are Golden Sands (as well as the lesser-known resorts of the Black Sea coast), which have become a byword, plus a remarkable number of mineral springs and other deposits of natural healing “appliances”. Don't forget to grab the well-known bottle of rose oil from the Valley of the Roses. Romania, in addition to the above (beaches, balneology, ecotourism), offers tourists a gloomy but attractive Middle Ages: Transylvania and the castle of the notorious Count Dracula, fortified churches and monasteries and entire ancient cities, as if descended from a medieval engraving.

Among the pleasant "chips" of tourist Eastern Europe are a trifling flight (no more than 2 hours in the air), familiar climate, lack of a language barrier and a completely native, benevolent population. Among other things, it is easy to come to the nearest Eastern European countries by simply driving your own car!

Interactive map of Europe online with cities. Satellite and classical maps of Europe

Europe is a part of the world located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth (on the continent of Eurasia). The map of Europe shows that its territory is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. The area of ​​the European part of the mainland is more than 10 million square kilometers. Approximately 10% of the world's population (740 million people) lives on this territory.

Satellite map of Europe at night

Geography of Europe

In the 18th century, V.N. Tatishchev proposed to accurately determine the eastern border of Europe: along the ridge of the Ural Mountains and the Yaik River to the Caspian Sea. At present, on a satellite map of Europe, one can see that the eastern border runs along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, along the Mugodzhar mountains, along the Emba River, the Caspian Sea, the Kume and Manych rivers, and also along the mouth of the Don.

Approximately ¼ of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsulas; 17% of the territory is occupied by mountains such as the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Carpathians, the Caucasus, etc. The highest point in Europe is Mont Blanc (4808 m), and the lowest is the Caspian Sea (-27 m). The largest rivers of the European part of the mainland are the Volga, Danube, Dnieper, Rhine, Don and others.

Mont Blanc Peak - highest point Europe

States of Europe

On political map Europe, it can be seen that approximately 50 states are located on this territory. It is worth noting that only 43 states are officially recognized by other countries; five states are located in Europe only partially, and 2 countries have limited recognition or are not recognized at all by other countries.

Europe is often divided into several parts: Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern. To countries Western Europe include Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Liechtenstein, Ireland, France, Monaco, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

On the territory of Eastern Europe are Belarus, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania.

Political map of Europe

In the territory Northern Europe the Scandinavian countries and the Baltic countries are located: Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.

Southern Europe is San Marino, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Vatican City, Greece, Andorra, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Malta and Slovenia.

Partly in Europe are countries such as Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The unrecognized entities include the Republic of Kosovo and the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.

Danube river in Budapest

Politics of Europe

In the field of politics, the leaders are the following states of Europe: France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. To date, 28 European states are part of the European Union - a supranational association that determines the political, trade and monetary activities of the participating countries.

Also, many European countries are part of NATO - a military alliance in which, in addition to European countries USA and Canada are participating. Finally, 47 states are members of the Council of Europe, an organization that implements programs for the protection of human rights, protection environment etc.

Events on Maidan in Ukraine

For 2014, the main centers of instability are Ukraine, where hostilities unfolded after Russia annexed Crimea and the events on the Maidan, as well as the Balkan Peninsula, where the problems that arose after the collapse of Yugoslavia have not yet been resolved.
