Parrot - pictures and photos for kids, fun facts. How to draw a parrot

Recently, having made, I was so inspired that I immediately wanted to make masks of all the birds! Who do we start with?

With a parrot! Ho-ro-sho... just... what does he look like?

So it turns out that first I will study (and tell you) how parrots look and how to draw them, and then, you see, it will come to a mask. This is such a solid approach.

Let's start mastering the image of a parrot with this:

First draw a parrot with a pencil

I could not establish the name, but the bird looks in the most typical way: flashy-bright plumage, lean body, narrow wings, large head (with a large brain - parrots are smart) and a powerful beak. These beaks are just the sharpest hallmark parrots - a large, very steeply curved upper beak (with notches along the edges and a short mandible included in it.

Let's draw a parrot step by step:

We start drawing from the largest - from the torso. In a sitting bird, it is tilted. The wings are folded on the back, the tail looks like a folded fan.

Almost forgot! – After all, we have a tradition: we learn to draw birds and animals and draw our own coloring along the way.

So we have just taxied to this stage -

I will paint it myself as in the photo:

And without relaxing, we draw another parrot - Kakadu!

In this reference picture, a cockdu is marching on the grass so decisively and purposefully that one immediately recalls the song of a parrot (performed by V. Vysotsky) from the rock opera Alice in Wonderland:

Me, a parrot - a pirate of the seas:

I was born in a thousand some year
In a banana-liana thicket.
My dad was a scarecrow dad Kakadu,
Then still not speaking.

But soon I left the virgin forest,
The terrible Fernando Cortes took me prisoner.
He started yelling at poor dad,
And Papa Fernande couldn't answer.
Could not, could not answer.

And to take revenge - from dawn to dawn
I learned three words, only three.
Stubbornly forced himself - repeat:

Listen to everyone, wow, hey-gay!

A storm overtook us on the way back,
It was especially difficult for me.
English frigate called "Brig"
He boarded our ship.

There was a hand-to-hand fight for three nights, two days,
And the evil pirates captured me.
So I began to sail on different ships,
Near the equator, in the northern ice.
On various pirate ships.

They gave me coffee, cocoa, food,
So that I greet them: "How do you do?"
But I repeated from dawn to dusk:
"Caramba!", "Corrida!!" and "Damn it!!!"

Listen to everyone, wow, hey-gay!
Me, a parrot - a pirate of the seas.

For a hundred years I sailed as a pirate, and so what?
Some sailor lost
Sold me into slavery for a penny
And I was already speaking.

Turkish pasha knife broke in half,
When I told him: "Pasha, salaam!"
And just kondrashka grabbed Pasha,
When he found out what else I was writing,
I read, sing and dance.

I saw India, Iran and Iraq.
I'm an individual, not an ass-fool.
Only savages think so.
Caramba!, Bullfighting!! and damn it!!!

First, with a pencil, the general contours.

Then I thought - the paws in the grass are not visible, I can only draw by analogy, such as in rooks or chickens. Well, I reconstructed it according to the idea and wanted to start drawing a luxurious tufted Kakadu, but something interfered, some doubts. It doesn't work and that's it. I'll go for a walk, unwind. On the way I went to a pet store, and there was a whole rack of cages for all sorts of parrots. Haha! We need to take a closer look - well, my heart felt that I screwed up in the drawing. In fact, the paws of parrots are arranged as follows: four fingers, of which the first and fourth are directed back, and the second and third are directed forward. So that. It’s good that I decided to find out - the details are a great thing, you can’t be mistaken.

Good afternoon, today's lesson is devoted to the topic of how to draw a parrot. This is very interesting topic, which will help you learn how to draw not only parrots, but also other birds. In this lesson, we will dwell in detail on the structure of birds, their wings, paws, different head shapes.

And of course, we will tell you and show you step by step how to draw a parrot. This is the largest representative of the species - the Macaw parrot. Parrots of this species reach a length of up to 95 centimeters. This is a very beautiful and bright bird, its color can be green, red, blue and yellow tones.

Ara parrots live in tropical forests. They lead a pack life, but pairs create on long years. Ares live from 30 to 80 years. So, let's get down to our lesson, Ara.

Step 1
Before you start drawing a parrot, let's figure out how to draw the body parts of birds. Let's start with the wings. The wings of parrots, however, like those of other birds, are created from several simple shapes that help maintain the correct proportions. Wings can be formed from feathers of different lengths and shapes.

Step 2
On the paws of parrots are four fingers with claws. Two fingers point forward and two back. This construction is most common in arboreal birds, which are parrots. The claws are very long and curved, which allows a firm grip on the branch.

Step 3
Parrots have a strong, curved beak. Its shape and size depend on the species. The picture shows examples of several types of parrots. They differ not only in beaks, but also in size, head shape, color, and so on.

Step 4
It's time to learn the lesson - blue-yellow Macaw. Drawing its main contours is quite simple, the main thing is to try to do it right.

Step 5
We draw the head, neck and a large, curved beak. It is very important to draw the beak correctly so that the parrot looks like the species we have chosen. As we discussed in step 3, the beak determines the type of bird.

Step 6
Now let's draw the body and folded wings.

Step 7
Let's draw the paws, as indicated in step 2, as well as a long tail with feathers.

Step 8
Let's add round eyes and a white mask that characterizes Macaws. Don't forget to draw the nostrils.

Step 9
Let's add a few last details and the parrot is ready!

Our parrot is ready, we hope you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a parrot. If you want to be the first to know about our new lessons that are published weekly, you can subscribe to the newsletter, as well as register on our website and publish own lessons drawing. You can read our website rules here. Good luck!

Swan, parrot, etc. In the case of drawing parrots, especially macaws and cockatoos, no colors are enough to convey the natural variety of colors, but still the drawing will turn out to be unforgettable! Even with the correct display of the shadow, it will look win-win.

Fine art lesson

Let's hold a master class "How to draw a parrot and some other birds correctly." They can be depicted in a stationary state, sitting, and in flight. Consider how to draw a parrot with a pencil step by step. Our parrot will fly.

Step one. Begin

We begin to draw any bird, including a parrot, from an oval (torso, body) in the center of the sheet. Draw a tail to it from below, initially looking like a regular triangle. In the upper part (on the sides) in different directions we draw two arcs, which will later become the wings of a bird.

Step two. Draw wings

Let's shape the wings. In all birds, they look almost the same, differing only in width and scope. We draw lines to the arcs so that we get the shape of peculiar leaves. We control proportions.

Step three. Head

The next step is drawing the head. We draw a circle above the oval of the body - this is the head of the bird. In it we make markings for the eyes and draw two small circles.

Step Four

We draw the beak of our parrot. Next to the eyes, carefully, paying attention to the size, we draw a small beak.

Step five. feathered

On the resulting blanks for the wings, we draw feathers in detail along the edge, making them elongated. This process is laborious and will take a lot of time. The feathers should be in contact with each other and be almost the same in shape - widened towards the bottom, narrowed at the base to give the wing some pomp. After we have everything turned out, we outline the outline of the head, eyes, beak, torso and each wing, clearly drawing all the feathers. It is necessary to erase the extra drawn blanks.

Step six. Final

The lesson "How to draw a parrot and some other birds correctly" is almost over. The last step there will be drawing small parts, such as eyes, paws, on them - small claws, feathers on the chest and tail. We give our bird fluffiness. We erase all unnecessary auxiliary elements. If desired, you can paint the parrot in various colors, make it bright and unique, but you can also leave it in the form

Ara parrot

Now we know how to draw a parrot or another bird, and we can easily cope with such a task. The parrot is ready in flight, the lesson is over. But you may have a question about how to draw Let's answer it. The drawing process will be almost the same, but with a number of changes. The differences are that the claws and paws of such birds are much more massive than those of ordinary parrots, and, accordingly, this must be shown in the figure. Draw a tuft of feathers to the head, and where the muzzle of the parrot is, add a lighter color (a few tones are enough).


By this principle, you can depict a number of other birds in flight, you just need to maintain the proportions that characterize a particular species, and slightly change the shape of the wing, body, paws and head.

So, to the question of how to draw a parrot or another bird, we give the answer: “Easy, entertaining and simple!”

Talkative, funny and noisy parrots are liked by both children and adults. Usually they are depicted as grass green or bluish with a wavy back and a long stepped tail. Few people know that the feathers on the forehead of a bird fluoresce under ultraviolet rays. This important property helps the bird during the nesting period, when the male needs to choose a female. So how to draw a parrot?

It is a small bird with a powerful and curved beak. The wings of a parrot bend down, so they look like a quail. On grayish paws he has 4 curved and long fingers. In the male, the color of the wax is purple or Blue colour, and in the female - in blue and brown.

Green budgerigar

Now we can move on to the drawing itself. How to draw a budgerigar? We draw a circle, then a long ellipse, in the center of which the circle is placed. We divide the upper part into 4 parts. Set the border of the tail and paw.

In the upper left part you need to draw a wax, and in the right - an eye with a pupil.

Lower the beak from the wax.

Now we need to draw the parrot's head in more detail. To do this, we use hatching.

In the lower left part of the head, draw a speck. On the wing you need to place several rows of wings.

We draw a piece of a twig in the paw of a parrot.

Erase extra auxiliary lines.

We shade the left part of the bird, and make out the upper one with horizontal short lines.

We paint over the head with yellow, which should smoothly turn into light green.

Color the entire body of the bird green.

Fast way for kids

The next master class will talk in detail about how to draw a parrot for children. You should draw a circle - the head of a parrot, make a larger circle below. Draw a hooked beak on the head.

Draw an eye and paint over it, leaving a light spot. Draw a wax on the beak. Now you need to make 2 fingers with which the parrot holds on to the reed.

Connect the head to the body with a smooth line, draw 2 more fingers.

Now you need to finish the wing and divide it into 2 parts with a curve.

Also, there is also such an example of drawing a budgerigar.

Incredible Macaw

How to draw a parrot macaw? This representative is larger and more impressive. Color color is different special paints. Yellow, orange, blue and green can be found on its feathers. They can be easily tamed, the bird can say several dozen words.

Bird with blue and yellow color

We draw a circle that will be the head of the aru. A little lower, you need to draw a larger circle, and under it you should draw half of a somewhat elongated circle.

Divide the head into 4 parts, connect with smooth lines with a circle of larger diameter. Draw the tail area below and make a blank for the paw.

We detail the head: an oval eye with a pupil, a few wrinkles near it and the upper part of the beak.

You need to add the lower part of the beak and bound the head with zigzag hatching. Dotted line to zone the area near the eye.

Draw feathers for the macaw parrot.

Add a few rows for the wing and tail. Decorate a log in the paws of a bird.

Erase extra lines.

Coloring a parrot from its beak. It must be black. Near the eye do horizontal lines.

The top of the head is painted green. Neck, back, wing and tail painted blue.

The rest of the body is made yellow. The neck is painted over with black, the paws with gray.

We make the log brown.

red handsome

The drawing technology is similar to the previous one: an oval head, which must be limited by a curve, an elongated body and a long elongated tail.

Draw a vertical line under the bird and finish it with hooked claws. On the head draw a beak, eyes and eye area.

Place several rows of feathers on the wing and tail. Connect the head to the body.

A few feathers will hang down. You need to make them bigger.

Erase extra lines.

We decorate the bird: the beak and the eye area are yellow, the upper part of the head is done in red, the tips of the feathers are shaded in blue.

Paint over the middle of the plumage with yellow, and the lower feathers with blue and red. The log should be brown.

Children's drawing

It is easier for children to work according to an exact algorithm. We start the drawing with the pupil, which is placed in the eye socket. A little further draw the upper beak.

Now you need to separate the upper part of the head, the eye area.

Finish the open wing and separate a few feathers there.

Limit the belly and draw the claws.

Just draw the tail and the second wing.

Make 2 horizontal lines on the wings.

We decorate the bird: blue feathers, make the upper zone yellow, like the beak. Leave the area near the eye white, make the rest of the bird red.

Such simple methods and technology will help brighten up more than one quiet, family evening. Developing a child, parents should bring into his life not only joyful moments, but also new knowledge about the world around him.

Hello friends! In this lesson you can learn how to draw a parrot step by step with a pencil.

gray autumn days bring on sadness and boredom. There are not enough bright colors and emotions that the warm sun gave just recently. To avoid sadness, we suggest you draw a parrot in stages with a pencil - our picture will turn out bright, and the character is extremely cute. The drawing is not complicated, but it looks impressive, and we are sure that you will like both the process and the result. So, let's get started, in the end we will get such a bright and cute picture of a parrot, drawn with colored pencils.

Tools and materials:

  • Kraft paper sheet - you can use plain paper or cardboard;
  • Eraser;
  • Pencils (simple and colored).

Stages of work:

We draw two identical circles that intersect. They will become the basis for the body of the drawn parrot. If you are drawing for the first time, keep the circles small and leave some room around the edges for background and details. Try to make the strokes light, for this you need to practice working with a pencil;

The parrot will sit sideways. Let's outline the eye, tail, wing and beak. If you need to draw a parrot for a child, show him the process of drawing each detail separately;

Let's draw the details and erase the auxiliary lines. Our drawn parrot takes shape and it becomes clear how it will look next. If you are not satisfied with any part of the parrot's body, draw it again, first erasing the extra lines with an eraser. Do not be afraid to redraw the image, improving your skill over and over again;

So, now we know how to draw a parrot, namely a sketch of such a drawing. You can start coloring! Let's start with the lightest parts. Draw a beak and an eye with white color, highlighting them against the background of dark paper. If you were drawing on plain white paper, leave this part untouched;

Let's add volume to the eye using the following colors: brown, green, beige, blue. By the way, if you are drawing a budgerigar for children, you can use absolutely any colors that you like, even the craziest variations of bright colors will look very cool;

The body of the drawn parrot will turn red. Add shadows with black pencil. To easily draw a parrot with colored pencils, choose high-quality materials, the use of which will not sadden you in the process;

To ultimately draw a beautiful parrot, we will carefully consider color scheme his plumage. Draw the feathers in yellow, blue, orange and black. At this stage, the final look of your parrot drawing depends on the accuracy of the strokes;

For the branch we use brown and yellow. If you wish, you can draw the whole jungle against the background of a parrot, but we decided to limit ourselves to just one branch;

For a leaf on a tree you will need yellow, green and blue. Are you already starting to like the result? It seems that it's time to take a look at the work and look for flaws in it in order to correct it later, isn't it?

The background is shaded with white. The work is done. We learned how to draw a parrot with a pencil in stages, it will not be difficult for children to master such a drawing. If you liked the lesson, do not forget to send it to your friends, let them also be happy to have the opportunity to create a beautiful drawing.

We also offer another simple way to draw a parrot, let's look at that too. We start drawing a parrot from the head. First draw the shape of the beak and the top line, you should end up with something like this.

Now let's draw the lower part of the parrot's beak with one smooth line, and on the side - a circle with a dot in the form of an eye. look, the parrot is already becoming recognizable, which means we are on the right track!
