Broken cup. Thank you for telling the truth To the section "About our smaller brothers"

>> Literature Grade 2 >> Literature: L. Tolstoy. "Truth is the most expensive"

Lesson 23


Goals: to educate students in honesty, diligence; learn to find the main idea of ​​the work.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Checking homework.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message topics, goals.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The truth is the most expensive"

Lev Nikolaevich lived long life and wrote various works. He worked hard. I reworked my compositions several times, rewrote them 10-12 times to make them better.

Lev Nikolaevich loved work, he was also engaged in peasant work: he plowed the land, mowed grass, sawed and chopped firewood. He built huts, laid stoves, sewed boots. He believed that any work is useful and necessary; You can only respect a person who works all his life.

For a very long time L.N. Tolstoy lived in his house in Yasnaya Polyana. Now there is a museum that is visited by people from all over the world. In a neighboring village, Lev Nikolaevich set up a school and began to teach peasant children from textbooks that he had written himself.

He spent a lot of time with children: in winter he went sledding, skating, skiing with them; in the summer I went with them to the forest.

2. Work on a new piece. Reading in pairs the story "Truth is the most expensive."


The boy was playing and accidentally broke an expensive cup. Nobody took it out. Father came and asked:
- Who broke?
The boy shook with fear and said:
- I.
Father said:
- Thank you for telling the truth.

– What is the main idea this work?
- What did the boy look like to you? And the father?
What does this story teach?
- Compare the main character of the story "Truth is the most expensive" and the fable "Liar".

- How did you feel about this story?
(interesting, sad, instructive).
What did you especially like about the story?
(The boy told the truth)"

Analysis of the work.
- Who is the main character of the story?
What happened to the boy?
(He broke the cup).
How did the boy do?
(Told the truth).
How do you evaluate the boy's act?
(He did well, rightly).
If you were in the place of a boy, what would you do?
(They did the same as the boy from the story “Truth is the most precious thing”).

Homework: prepare expressive reading works.

Literary reading. Grades 1-2: lesson plans for the program "School of Russia". Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.

Last name, first name _______________________________________ Option 1

A. S. Pushkin "Swan, crayfish and pike"

I. A. Krylov "Kitten"

L. N. Tolstoy "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

* "Thank you for telling the truth." _____________________________________________________________

* “There is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Russia ...” __________________________________________________

* “And who in the mind will go to the stomach to sing hungry ...” _____________________________________

3. Read. Decide what genre this piece belongs to.

Jumper Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes.
 story  fable  fairy tale  poem
4. Collect a proverb. Draw an arrow between the beginning of the proverb and its end.
You want a lot - but it's an hour for fun.

Business - time, but at least drop it apart.

Friendly - not heavy, who is gaining the skill of the mind.

He obtains happiness, you will lose the last.

Verification work on the topic "Russian writers".

Last name, first name __________________________________________ Option 2

I. A. Krylov " old grandfather and granddaughters"

A. S. Pushkin "Dragonfly and Ant"

L. N. Tolstoy “At the Lukomoye there is a green oak ...”

2. From what works are these lines? Write down the title and author.

* “The teacher laughed and said: “You wait a moment to boast, but learn.” ____________________________


* “You stupid fool! Come back, bow to the fish ... "_________________________________

* "... And the pike pulls into the water" _______________________________________________________________


3 .Read. Decide what genre this piece belongs to.

Place a check next to your chosen answer.
Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, they took it,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!
 story  fable fairy tale poem

4. Collect a proverb. Draw an arrow between the beginning of the proverb and its end.
Much to wish - and all for one.

Who honors parents will always come in handy.

Literacy to learn good not to be seen.

One for all, he never perishes.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Test work on literary reading for the 3rd quarter in the 1st grade (PNSh)

The purpose of the work: - to check the assimilation of the topic "Oral folk art"; - students' understanding of how the riddle works, the laws of a boring fairy tale, what are the difficulties of tongue twisters, how and when people turn to nature ...

Verification work on literary reading Grade 2. "Native speech" by L.F. Klimanov and others. EMC "School of Russia"

The material is intended to control the knowledge of students after passing the thematic sections of the textbook "Native Speech" Grade 2. L.F. Klimanova and others ....

Verification work on literary reading according to the program of RO L. V. Zankova. (grades 3-4)

By program literary reading RO systems by L.V. Zankov are not provided verification work after completing each section. To check the depth of assimilation of the studied works, knowledge of art...

History since broken cup is one of the most popular moralizing stories designed for childhood.

Who yesterday broke the ball

Cup on the sideboard?

Peter had nothing to do with it,

And hit Pete.

Remember this small fragment from the poem by S.Ya. Marshak? It was published in 1954, first in the Ogonyok magazine, and then in the format of a separate book.

In the middle of the 20th century, this incident was constantly depicted in pictures.

And long before that - in 1869 - on the same topic short story wrote L.N. Tolstoy. So short that it is easy to quote in full:

“The boy was playing and accidentally broke an expensive cup. Nobody took it out.
The father came and asked: “Who broke it?”
The boy trembled with fear and said, "I am."
The father says: "Thank you for telling the truth."

In this story, the relationship between the father and the child has always alarmed me: why did the boy “tremble with fear”? Where does he get this fear, if not from a terrible experience?

In the first issue of the magazine "Pioneer" in 1936, A.P. Gaidar's story "The Blue Cup" was published. However, the subsequent reviews of the story were criticized both for the "plotless" form and excessive psychologization.

In a word, the plot is popular, and over time, minor amendments were made to it: Soviet period the cup ceased to be called "dear" - it became "daddy's" (and dad died) or "mother's favorite" (mother is alive).

Incident from which the child was to recover life lesson(the need to confess one's wrongdoings), a series of consecutive pictures is devoted.

This story in pictures basically repeats the plot of the story “Why?” by V. A. Oseeva, published in the late 1940s. The story was written in the 1930s and it begins with the words: "We were alone in the dining room - me and Boom." At Oseeva, a boy sitting at the table, playing with a dog, lost his balance and grabbed the tablecloth with all the ensuing consequences. On the story in pictures, the drama has a slightly different plot.

In any case, for the Soviet child, this story accessible to children's understanding was a lesson in honesty and a measure of morality.

A variation on the same theme was the filmstrip "Who broke the cup?" (author - Yuri Khazanov). Instilling the same morality in the little viewer, Yuri Khazanov turned Boom into a cap, dad's cup into a “beautiful orange” (which, of course, reduced the drama of the event).

I'll digress a little from the topic. In the filmstrip there is a frame with the following caption: "There are probably people who allow their dogs to lie on the couch ... But Vova's mother - never."

I affirm with all responsibility: not probably, but definitely - there are such people!

In the 1980s, broken dishes became more relaxed. And the eternal moralizing plot acquired a slightly different content. The plot pictures began to be called “Unexpected oversight”, and instead of teaching honesty on this material, children began to be taught to console another person (the boy who broke the cup) and provide mutual assistance. Interesting inversion! Now the boy is not blamed and punished - now he is consoled, helping to eliminate the consequences. This suggests that now the guilty have begun to leave the right to emotions.

When an adult breaks a cup, even an expensive one, they say “for good luck!” as a consolation to the culprit. What if the child breaks the cup?

Apparently, before the cups were always on the tables, and the children played in the same rooms with the ball. That was life!

Test number 3 "Russian writers" Grade 2 Option 1.

1. Emphasize genre and theme of the work of L. Tolstoy "Kitten".

1) a story about animals 2) a fairy tale about animals

3) a story about nature 4) a fairy tale about nature

2. Do you know the name and fatherland of Krylov? Highlight the answer.

1) F. Tyutchev 2) I. Krylov 3) S. Yesenin 4) I. Tokmakova

4. Finish the sentence. Highlight the answer.

Swan, Pike and Cancer are heroes...

1) Russian folk tales 2) poems by I. Tokmakova

3) stories by L. Tolstoy 4) fables by I. Krylov

A. S. Pushkin "Swan, crayfish and pike"

I. A. Krylov "Kitten"

L. N. Tolstoy "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Thanks for telling the truth

“There is a Russian spirit, there it smells of Russia ...”


“And to whom will it go into the mind to sing hungry on the stomach ...”


Highlight the answer.

Jumper Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
Didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls in the eyes.

1) story 2) fable 3) fairy tale 4) poem

Test number 3 "Russian writers" Grade 2 Option 2.

F. I. ____________________________________________________________

1. Underline the title of the poem.

1) “Autumn morning” 2) “The birdhouse was empty ...”

3) "Dragonfly and Ant" 4) "Old grandfather and granddaughter"

2. Do you know the name and fatherland of Tolstoy? Highlight the answer.

1) Alexander Sergeevich 2) Lev Nikolaevich

3) Ivan Andreevich 4) Mikhail Mikhailovich

3. Determine the meaning of the expression. Highlight the answer.

Stay with nothing.

1) Stay with nothing. 2) Stay with old friends.

3) Stay with a miracle. 4) Stay with your interests.

4. Finish the sentence. Highlight the answer.

The story of L. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and granddaughters" teaches ...

1) love children 2) respect elders

3) tell the truth 4) be hardworking

I. A. Krylov "Old grandfather and granddaughter"

A. S. Pushkin "Dragonfly and Ant"

L. N. Tolstoy “At the Lukomoye there is a green oak ...”

6. From what works are these lines? Write down the title and author.

“The teacher laughed and said: “You wait a moment to boast, but learn”

"You fool, you fool! Come back, bow to the fish ... "


"... And the pike pulls into the water"


7. What genre does this work belong to. Highlight the answer.

Once a Swan, Cancer and Pike
Carried with luggage, they took it,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are climbing out of their skin, but the cart is still not moving!

1) story 2) fable 3) fairy tale 4) poem
