Word sketch of a picture autumn day falconers. Essay-description based on the painting by I.I.

Days of free visits at the museum

Every Wednesday, admission to the permanent exhibition "Art of the 20th Century" and temporary exhibitions in ( Crimean Val, 10) for visitors without a guided tour is free (except for the project "Avant-garde in three dimensions: Goncharova and Malevich").

Right free admission expositions in the main building in Lavrushinsky Lane, the Engineering Building, the New Tretyakov Gallery, the house-museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsov is provided in next days for certain categories of citizens in order general queue :

First and second Sunday of every month:

    for students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of education (including foreign citizens-students of Russian universities, graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) upon presentation of a student card (does not apply to persons presenting student trainee cards) );

    for students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (from 18 years old) (citizens of Russia and CIS countries). On the first and second Sundays of each month, students holding ISIC cards have the right to visit the exhibition “Art of the 20th Century” at the New Tretyakov Gallery free of charge.

every Saturday - for members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).

Please note that conditions for free access to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for details.

Attention! At the ticket office of the Gallery, entrance tickets are provided with a face value of "free of charge" (upon presentation of the relevant documents - for the above-mentioned visitors). At the same time, all services of the Gallery, including excursion services, are paid in accordance with the established procedure.

Museum visit in holidays

Dear visitors!

Please pay attention to the opening hours of the Tretyakov Gallery on holidays. The visit is paid.

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Congratulations on the upcoming holiday and we are waiting in the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery!

Right preferential visit The Gallery, except as provided for by a separate order of the Gallery's management, is provided upon presentation of documents confirming the right to preferential visits:

  • pensioners (citizens of Russia and CIS countries),
  • full cavaliers of the Order of Glory,
  • students of secondary and secondary special educational institutions (from 18 years old),
  • students of higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as foreign students studying in Russian universities (except for student trainees),
  • members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).
Visitors of the above categories of citizens purchase a reduced ticket in general order.

Right of free admission The main and temporary expositions of the Gallery, except for cases provided for by a separate order of the Gallery's management, are provided for the following categories of citizens upon presentation of documents confirming the right to free admission:

  • persons under the age of 18;
  • students of faculties specializing in the field visual arts secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of Russia, regardless of the form of education (as well as foreign students studying in Russian universities). The clause does not apply to persons presenting student cards of "trainee students" (in the absence of information about the faculty in the student card, a certificate from an educational institution with obligatory indication faculty);
  • veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, participants in hostilities, former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during World War II, illegally repressed and rehabilitated citizens (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • conscripts Russian Federation;
  • Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Full Cavaliers of the "Order of Glory" (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • disabled people of groups I and II, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled person of group I (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled child (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • artists, architects, designers - members of the respective creative unions Russia and its constituent entities, art historians - members of the Association of Art Critics of Russia and its constituent entities, members and employees Russian Academy arts;
  • members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
  • employees of museums of the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the relevant Departments of Culture, employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and ministries of culture of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • museum volunteers - entrance to the exposition "Art of the XX century" (Krymsky Val, 10) and to the Museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsov (citizens of Russia);
  • guide-interpreters who have an accreditation card of the Association of Guide-Translators and Tour Managers of Russia, including those accompanying a group of foreign tourists;
  • one teacher of an educational institution and one accompanying a group of students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (if there is an excursion voucher, subscription); one teacher of an educational institution with state accreditation educational activities in an agreed training session and having a special badge (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying a group of students or a group of military servicemen (if there is an excursion voucher, subscription and during a training session) (citizens of Russia).

Visitors to the above categories of citizens receive admission ticket denomination "Free".

Please note that conditions for preferential admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for details.

It is impossible not to recall the famous painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan “Autumn Day. Sokolniki. He wrote it in 1879 and to this day it is on place of honor in the Tretyakov Gallery. Two aspects make this picture famous and exclusive, the fact that this is the only landscape in which the artist depicted a human figure, and the fact that this lonely lady walking in the park was painted not by the author himself, but by his friend, brother famous writer, Nikolai Pavlovich Chekhov. The time of writing the picture was very difficult for our author. After the decree forbidding the stay of a Jew in Moscow, Levitan was forced to move to Saltykovka. All his landscapes of that period are sad and nostalgic.

In the picture we see dark tall pines. They evoke some melancholy and feelings. Small trees grow along the path. Yellow leaves, barely hanging on small twigs through the raging wind. The same wind nailed a shock of leaves to the edges of the path, as if freeing the passage for a mysterious lady. And what is this woman? Maybe it's just a random passerby, walking in the park on an autumn day. And perhaps this is not an accidental woman. Maybe she meant something to the author.

Looking at the picture, you can understand the mood of the author. Those dull colors, the overcast sky billowing from strong wind the trees and the dark figure of a woman speak of his longing. And the very fact that the woman was not drawn by the artist himself gives her even more mystery and mystery.

 Probably a great achievement for Levitan was the recognition of his painting and its place in the Tretyakov Gallery. And although many more works of the author have found their home there, but it is the dark figure of a woman that will always be the first. Many of his landscapes are called musical, lyrical, poetic. So is the picture “Autumn Day. Sokolniki has become an inspiration for many poets and musicians.

1879. Oil on canvas. 63.5 x 50. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

This heartfelt work was evidence of Levitan's assimilation of poetic traditions and achievements of Russian and European landscape and originality of his lyrical gift. While similar images of a narrow alley strewn autumn leaves, meet and , and the revival of the park landscape by a lonely female figure in Levitan, apparently, was also associated with the impression of Polenov’s paintings “Grandma’s Garden” and “Overgrown Pond” shown at the exhibition in 1879, the work is self-sufficient and organic. In it, they sound purely and completely already specifically and achieved, perhaps, an unprecedented measure for Russian painting, a measure of the unity of the etude immediacy and the “pictorial” poetic content of the landscape.
Painting «Autumn day. Sokolniki was noticed by the audience and received, perhaps, the highest rating possible at that time - it was acquired by Pavel Tretyakov, the founder of the famous State Tretyakov Gallery, sensitive lover landscape painting, who placed above all not the "beauty of nature", but the soul, the unity of poetry and truth. Subsequently, Tretyakov no longer let Levitan out of his field of vision, and for a rare year did not acquire new works from him for his collection.
Alexander Pushkin.
days late autumn usually scold
But she is dear to me, dear reader,
Silent beauty, shining humbly.
So unloved child in the native family
It draws me to itself. To tell you frankly
Of the annual times, I am glad only for her alone,
There is a lot of good in it; lover is not vain,
I found something in her a wayward dream.

How to explain it? I like her,
Like a consumptive maiden to you
Sometimes I like it. Condemned to death
The poor thing bows without grumbling, without anger.
The smile on the lips of the faded is visible;
She does not hear the yawn of the grave abyss;
Still purple color plays on the face.
She is still alive today, not tomorrow.

Sad time! oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.
In 1879, the police evicted Levitan from Moscow to the summer cottage Saltykovka. A tsarist decree was issued forbidding Jews to live in the "original Russian capital." Levitan was eighteen at the time.
Levitan later recalled the summer in Saltykovka as the most difficult in his life. There was intense heat. Almost every day thunderstorms covered the sky, thunder grumbled, dry weeds rustled under the windows from the wind, but not a drop of rain fell.
The twilight was especially poignant. Lights were turned on on the balcony of the neighboring dacha. Nocturnal butterflies fluttered in clouds against the lamp-glasses. Balls clattered on the croquet ground. The schoolboys and girls fooled around and quarreled, finishing the game, and then, late in the evening, female voice sang a sad romance in the garden:
My voice for you is gentle and languid...
Summer is over. Rarely was the voice of a stranger heard. Once, at dusk, Levitan met a young woman at the gate of his house. Her narrow arms were white from under black lace. The sleeves of the dress were trimmed with lace. A soft cloud covered the sky. It was raining infrequently. The flowers in the front gardens smelled bitter. Lanterns were lit on the railway booms.
The stranger stood at the gate and tried to open a small umbrella, but it did not open. At last it opened, and the rain rustled against its silk top. The stranger walked slowly towards the station. Levitan did not see her face - it was covered with an umbrella. She also did not see Levitan's face, she only noticed his bare dirty feet and raised her umbrella so as not to catch Levitan. In the wrong light he saw a pale face. It seemed familiar and beautiful to him.
Levitan returned to his closet and lay down. The candle smoked, the rain roared, the drunks sobbed at the station. Longing for maternal, sisterly, female love has since entered the heart and did not leave Levitan until last days his life.
The same autumn. It was his first painting, where gray and Golden autumn, sad, like the then Russian life, like the life of Levitan himself, breathed cautious warmth from the canvas and ached at the hearts of the audience.
A young woman in black walked along the path of Sokolniki Park, along the heaps of fallen leaves - that stranger, whose voice Levitan could not forget. “My voice for you is both gentle and languid…” She was alone among the autumn grove, and this loneliness surrounded her with a feeling of sadness and thoughtfulness.
“Autumn Day in Sokolniki” is the only Levitan landscape where a person is present, and it was painted by Nikolai Chekhov. After that, people never appeared on his canvases. They were replaced by forests and pastures, foggy floods and impoverished huts of Russia, mute and lonely, as a person was mute and lonely at that time.
Konstantin Paustovsky. Isaac Levitan

Alexander Pushkin.
My voice is for you and gentle and languid
The late silence of the dark night disturbs.
Near my bed is a sad candle
Lit; my poems, merging and murmuring,
Flow, streams of love, flow, full of you.
In the darkness your eyes shine before me,
They smile at me, and I hear sounds:
My friend, my gentle friend... I love... yours... yours!..

Painting by Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Autumn Day in Sokolniki" in 1879 is the only one of its kind and happy for the artist!

The fact is that in this picture the first and last time in the artistic life of Levitan, a man was depicted at work. It was not Isaac Ilyich himself who painted the lonely fragile figure of a woman. In this he was helped by his friend, brother of the writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Nikolai Pavlovich Chekhov.

The history of this particular painting is wonderfully described in the essay by Konstantin Paustovsky "Isaac Levitan".

Levitan did not graduate from the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He had no diploma, no money. In addition, according to the tsarist decree, Jews were forbidden to live in the capital, and he was evicted to Saltykovka, located near Moscow. There, for the first time, Isaac Ilyich, who was eighteen years old at that moment, began to paint in the air, learning, on the advice of Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov, to convey "air" in the picture.

Since the artist had no income, he was extremely poor and did not consider it possible to communicate with the circle of summer residents who were in the village at that moment.

The young man spent the whole summer in the reeds, on a boat with a sketchbook, trying to convey the summer state of the rural landscape.

Laughter, running children and a young voice singing romances excited the young man. One day he saw his neighbor at the end of summer at a brisk pace, walking past his dwelling. She carried a small umbrella in her hands, and the sleeves of her elegant dress were trimmed with black lace, emphasizing the whiteness of her hands. Longing, inspired by the words of the romance, the beauty of the Moscow region served as an occasion for the artist to write autumn landscape. high cloudy bright sky almost closes at the horizon with a path strewn with fallen leaves. The forest is still dark and the grass is still green, but the young maples planted along the droshky are already shining with the autumn flame of yellow, orange and red leaves.

Memories of a mysterious neighbor forced Levitan to turn to his fellow student Nikolai Chekhov, who inscribed a sad silhouette into the landscape.

fragile female figure seems so lonely, so small in this endless airy space framed by the mysterious dark wall of the forest. The woman is dressed in black, as if in mourning for the summer.

This painting was the first one purchased from Levitan by Tretyakov for his collection.

All the life of the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan was under close attention Tretyakov, who often bought his work.

Levitan's work is marked by a special ability to "talk" with nature and show the beauty and charm of completely simple, inconspicuous corners of his country.
