Winx coloring game. Winx coloring game for girls Winx coloring game with paints

Do you want to put your hand into the image of your favorite heroines of the Winx animated series? You can do this in the Winx coloring game!

If people don't create, the world will stop. And let the Winx fairies already be drawn by the best cartoonists; this does not mean that there is nothing more to bring to their image! The Winx coloring game convinces like nothing else that if you add a little creativity, a painfully familiar world can be transformed very easily and naturally. Make it yours, down to every shade, down to every feature.


The Winx coloring game for girls gives you complete creative freedom! The picture shows all the Winx fairies together, but you can color each one separately - it’s much more convenient, you’ll agree. Choose colors yourself, focusing only on your taste and desires.

Do you want to have fun with your friends? Well, how do you like Bloom's red face and Muse's purple skin? Maybe after your intervention the girls will look like real aliens, retaining only their facial features! This is your creativity, because it is known that the artist only needs to say “I see it this way”, and that’s where the questions will end!

Or maybe you want to create the most romantic images? Do you want to carefully select colors and make your favorite Winx fairies stunning beauties, even better than they look in the animated series? Yes, the task is not easy, but you can cope with it! It is enough to let your imagination go free and allow yourself to have fun properly.

Controls in the game Winx coloring

Using the mouse, dip the brush into the paint of the color you need and click on the fields of the picture that require painting. The Winx coloring game uses intelligent technology that allows you to paint over all identical elements with one click, even if they are separated from each other by contours.

If you love drawing, if you can’t tear yourself away from coloring books, if you admire the sorceresses from the Winx Club, then the game Winx Coloring Book for Girls invites you to have an interesting relaxing time creative process coloring your favorite heroines.

Winx Club

All girls are fascinated by stories about magical fairies and fairy kingdoms. Young artists enjoy coloring books with such characters, fashion fans dress them up in dress-up games, others act out various scenes from their lives.

In his cartoon Winx Club, director Iginio Straffi depicted a magical dimension from the fantasies of girls. In this wonderful world, sorcerers are rampant, witches commit their crimes, evil monsters strive to take over the world, and the forces of good in the form of fairies fight evil. Its main characters are 6 brave girls endowed with magical powers.

The Winx cartoon is so loved by girls all over the world that a lot of them have been developed based on it. different games: coloring books, dress up games, adventure games, puzzles, etc. Now every girl can take part in the adventures of brave heroines in their favorite game genre.

Main characters coloring pages

In the game Winx Coloring Book for girls young artists given the opportunity to reveal their creative talents and paint the Winx fairies to your taste. On the screensaver of the coloring book we are greeted and invited to play together by the sorceresses Stella, Muse and Leila.

We press the “Play” button and find ourselves in the game itself. Members of the magical anti-evil unit Winx froze in the group photo. Their eternal enemies, the Trix witches, cast a spell on the photographs of the fairies, so they became black and white. So the villains wanted to ruin the photo album of the Winx girls, in which they chronicled their victories.

The Winx sorceresses really count on your artistic talents. After all, the spell can be lifted by a girl who sincerely loves them and knows how to draw. Quickly pick up a brush in the game and let’s start painting. On the right side playing field You will find a limitless palette of tones to choose the right color for your coloring book.

On foreground Princess Aisha or Leila from the planet Andros is sitting. Her distinctive ability is the ability to control the pink substance Morfix. Usually in games the girl has brown hair, Blue eyes and dark skin. But you can create a completely different image for her in coloring.

Behind her, to her right, sits Tecna in the game, and to her left is Muse. Fairy Tecna represents the planet Zenith and is half android. If the coloring sticks to the colors of the cartoon, then Tecna’s hair should be painted fuchsia and her blouse lilac.

Muse from the planet Melody. Give this oriental beauty black hair in her coloring book. In the game, in the very background of the coloring book are the brightest girls of the Winx Club. In the center is the club leader - Bloom. Color her hair gold and make her eyes azure. To her left is the fairy who discovered her magical talents and brought her to the Magix dimension - Stella. In the games, she is a striking blonde with green eyes. On the right in the coloring book, Flora is the mistress of the forces of the Earth with brown hair.

At your discretion, you can color the girls like in the cartoon, or create them new image. Show your talent!

Winx is a cult television animated series, known in almost all countries of the world. The cartoon tells about the School of Sorceresses and fairy girls, friends who, by the will of fate, are forced to constantly save the world from dark forces.

The idea of ​​​​creating the series belongs to the Italian animator, screenwriter and director, as well as the founder of the largest animation company in Italy (Rainbow) - Iginio Straffi. The series premiered on January 28, 2004 in Italy, and already in 2007 the series was released on screens in more than 130 countries.

Winx in its concept resembles some others cultural works, for example, the School of Sorceresses from the cartoon was created by analogy with the School of Magic from Harry Potter, and the idea of ​​​​fairy girls came from such series as Sailor Moon and Mile little pony- women's animated series that were extremely popular in the mid-90s.

Winx coloring pages- this is another way to spend time with the heroines of the popular Italian animated series.

Among games of this category, they are in great demand winx coloring games with their favorite characters. Vicks sorceresses are loved by everyone, from small to great. In the games presented on our sites, you can change the color of your favorite character's hair, eyes, and clothes. This is facilitated by a large selection of colors; you will have a large palette from which to choose desired color. Many parents often wonder whether children can be allowed to play computer games, because they are addictive and addictive to the keyboard. Many experts answer this question very unequivocally - in the era of computers, children can and should be given the opportunity to play computer games, especially in coloring books. By playing games for girls, the child learns to select colors. Perhaps he will be able to learn more colors and shades that were previously unknown to him. Online is another reason to learn how to draw pictures yourself without teachers. Funny coloring pages with your favorite characters leave behind, great mood. After all, throughout the game you will be able to see how your character changes. And in order to lift your mood even more, you can create a comic image and experiment with colors. Do something not standard, not usual for you. For example: It's not every day that you see a person with green hair or pink skin. I'm experimenting, show your creativity!

We really hope that you are interested in this section. If yes, then all you need to do is click on any game you like. Just one click and you will enjoy almost every . I can name another advantage of using our website - you don’t have to go through a long and tedious registration. In general, sharing your personal information on the Internet is very dangerous. Not well-wishers can use this information against you. Let's not talk about bad things! To make the game even more fun, invite your friends. In the company of Winx sorceresses, they will feel comfortable, just like you. We make sure that every winx coloring game our website was exciting, attractive and just plain fun. Our entire team really hopes that you and your friends will like the games. And so that your favorite coloring books are with you all the time, and you can easily paint them in reality. You can download your favorite picture to your computer, then simply print it. If you run out of sketches, visit our website again and replenish your supply. And this is the greatest benefit that everyone brings to themselves online. winx coloring games for girls.

All girls love to draw, and you, young fairy, do you like to draw and paint? If you like, help the Winx fairies color the pictures, as they have repeatedly helped others fighting the forces of evil and defeating them, choose and color your favorite heroes, cartoon characters, select the right colors and shades. And for the smallest fairies, we have selected very simple but interesting coloring pages that do not require special skill.

Children's coloring pages online on the Winx Club website for girls.

All online children's coloring pages on our website are completely free, you can play them without registration as much as you want, whenever you want. Now you don’t need any paints or paper; pencils and markers can also be put aside for a while. In a matter of minutes, you can paint a picture in the desired color, or you can experiment a little, using the colors that only you like. Don't be afraid to fantasize and think creatively, play and enjoy. Well, if you get bored and still decide that it is more convenient to color them on paper, you always have the opportunity to choose the coloring book you like and print it on a printer.

Play on ours, help your heroes restore lost colors.

To parents.

Children's coloring books online are a unique opportunity to develop the desire for creativity in children. Physiologically, after being born, a baby sees everything in black and white; other colors appear to him only as shades of gray. Over time, as he grows older, new colors are added to his “visual palette”. Our website contains online children's coloring books for all ages, starting from the age of 3, when the child already knows the basic colors, their names well and strives to learn shades. Children's coloring books online help teach a child perseverance and accuracy, develop fine motor skills, contribute to making independent decisions. In addition, online children's coloring books help develop girls' aesthetic taste and love of art. Help children discover them creative potential, do not limit their desire for creativity.
