The winners of the fifth award “Steppe wolf. Steppe wolf music award winners announced

Award " steppe wolf”, named after the novel by Hermann Hesse, is awarded for musical achievements since 2008. The nominees for this award are selected by a panel of journalists and critics, and the winners are determined by a poll of experts. According to one of the founders of the Stepnoy Volk, critic A. Troitsky, this is the only musical award that is given for talent.

In the "Debut" nomination, the sympathy of the experts turned out to be on the side of the St. Petersburg band Ifwe, playing in the pop genre. The group, created in 2011, recorded their debut album "All My Joy", released by the independent Russian label "Snegiri" in the summer of 2012.

The figurine of the wolf went to the group "Red Banner Division of the Name of My Grandmother", whose track "Astronauts" from the mini-album "Oboe" won in the "Song" nomination. The 13-member Moscow Indie Orchestra outperformed the records of other nominees, among which were the songs of the Aquarium and DDT groups. However, these teams also did not remain without awards.

The winner in the "Album" nomination was the disc "Otherwise", released by the group "DDT" in the fall of 2011. The concept of the first of the two parts of the album was compared by a number of critics with the ideas characteristic of Pink Floyd's The Wall. The second part of "Otherwise" is a collection of songs recorded in different years. The Moscow show of the group was recognized as worthy of victory in the nomination "Concert".

In the category "Voice" the winner was the vocalist of the St. Petersburg group Chikiss Galya Chikis, for whom critics recognize amazing romanticism and ability to work in different genres. The prize in the nomination "Text" went to the project in the rap style "Eat Bird", created by members of the Yekaterinburg group "4 Positions of Bruno" Nicole Babak and Alexander Sitnikov. In the Music category, the winner was guitarist Pavel Dodonov, who works with Andrey Lysikov, better known as Delfin.

The cover of Disappointment of the Year, the second album released by NRKTK, was recognized by experts as worthy of victory in the Design category. In the "Video" nomination, the video directed by Andrey Airapetov for the song "I Awoke" by Scofferlane was recognized as the best. The video was filmed at the China-Town-Cafe club, which won an award in the "Institution" category. In the category "Film" the winner was musical Sergey Lobanova "Chapiteau-show", noted in 2011 special prize jury of the Moscow International Film Festival.

In 2012, the "Steppe Wolf" got the nomination "Musical resource". The portal was declared the winner in this category. This resource with a literary and musical section works according to the “pay what you want” scheme. This principle of content distribution differs from the traditional one, in which stores and record companies act as an intermediary between the listener and the author.

In the “Media” category, the magazine “Afisha” was awarded the sympathy of experts, and in the “Internet” nomination, it was worthy of the “Steppe Wolf” a joint project and "Re:Aquarium", anniversary groups.

The winner in the Catalyst nomination was Vasily Shumov, the leader of the Center group founded in Moscow in the late 70s, known as a poet, musician and creator of projects in the field of photo and video art.

In the category with the mysterious name "Something", the title of laureate was awarded to the project of Vasya Oblomov, Leonid Parfyonov and Ksenia Sobchak. The premiere of the first video in the style of rap, recorded by the participants of this project, took place on the air of the Dozhd channel in early 2012. Song from the face Russian people, published on the YouTube service, gained more than a million views in the first days.

At a press conference held at the Central House of Artists, the names of the musicians who will perform at the Second music award"Steppe wolf". The list of participating groups was announced by the ideologist of the Stepnoy Volk award, curator of the festival Art programs Music, music critic Artemy Troitsky. The groups Barto, Center, Andrei Makarevich, Petr Nalich, Nikolai Voronov, Alina Orlova, Alexander F. Sklyar, Noize MC, Tatyana Zykina and others will present their concert sets at the Central House of Artists.

Recently, the nominees for the Second Stepnoy Volk Music Award have become known, the award ceremony of which will take place on June 14 at the Central House of Artists. This year, the list of contenders includes both the Russian rock legends Aquarium and Center, as well as the well-known media heroes Lyapis Trubetskoy and VIA Gra", as well as completely new musical phenomena this year - Alina Orlova, Komba BAKH and Tatyana Zykina. The absolute leader in the number of nominations was the Mumiy Troll group, announced in six categories - "Video", "Disk", "Internet", "Voice", "Design" and "Song".

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The Museon Park in Moscow hosted the fifth Steppe Wolf award ceremony: the winners in 16 nominations were presented from the stage by the founder and ideologist of the project, Artemy Troitsky, who handed out small wooden wolves, carved and colorfully painted by the artist, as prizes.

Yuriy became one of the heroes of the evening - the performance of the DDT group in support of the "Otherwise" album earned an award in the "Concert" category, and the disc itself became "Album of the Year".

Having received the prize, the venerable Shevchuk thanked Boris Grebenshchikov for the song "Young punks", recorded by "Aquarium" back in 1980 - in his opinion, "Stepnoy Volk" is just doing what it collects and systematizes this young element. , by the way, the award also almost went - the fourth volume of Aerostat, which included the texts of the musical and educational program, which the leader of the Aquarium hosted on the Kultura radio, received the most votes in the Book category. However, no winners were announced in this nomination - there were too few rivals.

The first who got the opportunity to take the spinning top into their own hands were the musicians of the St. Petersburg group Ifwe, who won in the Debut nomination. They had to compete with heavyweights, both in a figurative sense - for example, with a Ukrainian pop singer, already giving solo concerts on the thousands of Moscow venues, or with the poetess performing melody recitation concerts, and in the direct - with the heavy "alternative" Tomsk trio Jack Wood. No less interesting was the alignment in the nomination "Resource": the contenders for victory were the "cloud" service "Zvooq.Ru", which took over the last year right off the bat ". Music" and

the Thankyou.Ru portal, which distributes tracks by rock performers using the “pay what you can” system, became the winner.

The editor-in-chief of the laureate portal Alexander Berger told Gazeta.Ru that the share of users who pay musicians money for their albums is last years increased, and the average payment on the site approached about half the cost of a regular music CD.

In some categories, there was interesting picture- The winners were quite obvious, but the map of nominees did not become less interesting because of this. For example, Vladimir Putin almost became the “Catalyst of the Year”, and his rivals were a music critic and two producers who organize folk concerts and festivals - Andrei Klyukin and; Troitsky credited the President of the Russian Federation with "creating revolutionary situation in the country".

The winner in this nomination was the leader of the group "Center", who has been engaged in "protest music" for many years on his concert and studio label "Content".

This year, perhaps his most high-profile project was the "White Album" - an Internet release recorded in solidarity with the activities of the opposition, a response to the political and cultural actions of writers and artists. The "White Album" was also nominated in the "Internet" category, but here the tribute project "Re:Aquarium" on the pages was named the winner.

Equally unexpected was the presentation of the award in the nomination "Words" to the Yekaterinburg hip-hop project with the wild name "Em Bird".

Their - and indeed very exceptional - texts seemed to the experts more significant than the words from the songs of Lyapis Trubetskoy, Noize MC and even DDT. No less surprising was the victory in the nomination "Song" of the composition "Astronauts" by a wonderful acoustic ensemble of twelve people called "The Red Banner Division named after my grandmother", whose rivals were entirely rock grandees - ("Cosmobombs"), DDT ("Freedom") , "Auktsyon" ("Khomba"), "Aquarium" ("Back to Arkhangelsk").

But in the category "Something", it seemed that the winner was predetermined: it featured Pussy Riot,

who looked like indisputable favorites next to the Sobchak-Oblomov-Parfyonov trio, who performed the song Preved Medved on the Dozhd TV channel, and the former editor-in-chief of Om magazine Igor Grigoriev, who was carried away by kitsch-pop and last year released the album Dreams of My spring." Moreover, Troitsky came out to announce "Something of the Year" in a pink balaclava hat. But it was the television trio that won; however, the "owner" of the award preceded the presentation of the spinning top with the statement that "today we are all Pussy Riot."

Troitsky, by the way, did not abuse political gestures that evening. There were, in fact, only two of them - the second was the wish that crowned the evening to hold the next meeting in the same country, but in another state.

Much lesser sense of proportion was demonstrated by the aforementioned, who arranged a uniform musical performance: he brought a dozen and a half people on stage in T-shirts with the inscription "a *", together with whom he performed the composition of the same name, full of social pathos. His performance looked like a worsened version of theatrical actions that the director is engaged in in his theater "Partizan", and the performer himself in his freaking looked like the acting Zhanna Aguzarova.

Surprisingly, Steppenwolf, which at first was a small personal enterprise exporting its own addictions, has turned into perhaps the most objective pop culture award -

the list of its nominees captures the situation in music and related genres almost brighter than the list of laureates. However, the contenders and winners of the "Steppenwolf" are determined by the jury, which, among others, includes music critics and Alexander Gorbachev, music historian and others. Well, the reason for this strange objectivity of the subjective award was indicated by its founder: “For me, this award is a kind of farewell ceremony for musical process as it was twenty years ago; way to look at it a little from the side."

The best album was "I think they didn't invent a word for this" by the SBHR, the composer was the leader of Zorge Evgeny Fedorov, the song was "The Thaw" by Konstantin Meladze

Music critic Artemy Troitsky at the 4th Stepnoy Volk independent music awards ceremony at the Cosmonaut club in St. Petersburg.

Moscow. June 13th. site - The organizers of the independent music award "Stepnoy Volk" announced this year's laureates. The awards ceremony attended by an Interfax correspondent was held at the Central House of Artists.

This year, the award was presented in 20 nominations - "Startup", "Public" and "Sound Source" were added to the previous 17. The composition of the expert council of the award has also increased. To 20 figures music industry 10 bloggers joined.

In nomination " Album of the Year"The winner was "I think they didn't come up with a word for this" by the SBPC group. The shortlist in this category also included albums: Leonid Fedorov & Kruzenshtern and Steamboat - "Be Everywhere", Sonic Death - "Home Punk", 4 positions Bruno - "I'm ordered", Zemfira - "Live in your head", Lyapis Trubetskoy - "Matryoshka", Alpha-Beta - "Slow down the ambition". Initially, 72 performers claimed the prize. To be nominated, it was not necessary to release an album on a physical medium It was enough to put it on the Web.

Winner in the nomination " Voice"was the leader of Therr Maitz group Anton Belyaev, also known as a participant in the second season of the show" Voice ". A total of 54 performers claimed the victory. Katya Pavlova (Alpha-Beta, Okudzhav), Inna Zhelannaya, Valentina Manysheva (Tinavie), Nadezhda Gritskevich (Naadya), Kira Weinstein (Kira Lao).

Laureate in the nomination " Movie"was a documentary film about the Auktyon group -" More "directed by Dmitry Lavrinenko. best video was the video of the rock group "Lyapis Trubetskoy" for the song "Warriors of Light".

The best composer was the frontman of the Zorge group - Evgeny Fedorov (nomination " Music"). Laureate in the nomination " Song" became Konstantin Meladze with a song for the film series "Thaw" performed by Paulina Andreeva.

the best concert bloggers and experts recognized Zemfira's concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in Luzhniki, which took place on December 13. Honorary Award Winner" Our everything"became Boris Grebenshchikov, who was also recognized best author texts (nomination " Words").

the best public became the VKontakte community Motherland. Other contenders for the prize were also Indie Music, Wandering Audio, New Albums, and Big Sister's Boots. The publication "Afisha-Volna" received an award in the nomination " Media".

In nomination " Sound source"won social network"In contact with". The torrent tracker, Yandex.Music, iTunes, also claimed the prize.

the best book about music became a book of a journalist and music producer Alexandra Kushnir, dedicated to the life and work of the leader of the group "Pop-mechanics" - "Sergey Kuryokhin. Crazy mechanics of Russian rock."

In nomination " Nugget", which is aimed at musicians from the provinces, the winner was Praline from Nizhny Novgorod. In this nomination, the winner was personally chosen by the founder of the award, music critic Artemy Troitsky.

laureate in new nomination "Startup"became the club and studio Dewar's Powerhouse. the best festival became Picnic "Posters".

In nomination " Debut"The Okudzhav group won.

In nomination " Design", which is awarded for the best visual design of albums, singles or websites, was won by the Megapolis group, which launched the media project " From the Life of the Planets". The same group became a laureate in the nomination " Something", which was created for achievements that don't qualify for any of the other categories.

In nomination " Catalyst", which is awarded to people or organizations that help music develop, won the crowdfunding project.

Laureate in the nomination " Place"became the Moscow "Glavklub".

The Stepnoy Volk Award was established by the Moscow Central House of Artists, the Moscow Open Book Festival and music critic Artemy Troitsky. The award is given once a year based on the results of voting by independent experts. According to Troitsky, the award he founded is "the only award that puts innovation and talent at the forefront." No award was given in 2013.

The Steppe Wolf Award was created in 2008 as part of the Moscow International Open book festival by music critic Artemy Troitsky and is positioned as an award that “puts innovation and talent at the forefront”, the winners of which are chosen not by hype, but by the quality of music. The winners of the "Steppe Wolf" were determined by the opinion of experts - well-known musical figures.

Over the years, such domestic musicians as Yuri Shevchuk, Mumiy Troll, Dolphin, Noize MC, Zemfira, Lyapis Trubetskoy, Sergei Shnurov, and many others have performed at the Stepnoy Volk.

At the press conference of Stepnoy Volk it became known that performances by Zorge, SBHR, Alpha-Beta feat. have already been confirmed this year. Katya Pavlova and Okudzhav.

But this is not all the participants - the full line-up of the ceremony will be announced later. A shortlist has also been announced, which is published below.

Yulia Strakovich "Digitalization"
Alexander Kushnir "Sergey Kuryokhin. Crazy mechanics of Russian rock"
Mikhail Idov "Ches"

"Lyapis Trubetskoy" "Warriors of Light"
DJ Oguretz "Let the Music Fuck You"
"Mumiy Troll" "It seems"
"Leningrad" "Bag"
"Lyapis Trubetskoy" "Matryoshka"
Dakh Daughters "Roses/Donbass"

"Fedorov and Kruzenshtern" "To be everywhere"
Sonic Death Home Punk
“SBHR” “I don’t think they invented a word for this”
"4 positions Bruno" "I'm booked"
Zemfira "Live in your head"
"Lyapis Trubetskoy" "Matryoshka"
Alpha-Beta "Slow Down"

Anton Maskeliade
Fanny Kaplan
Dakh Daughters

Ivan Dorn "Dance of the Penguin"
Konstantin Meladze "Thaw"
"Aquarium" "Harvest Festival at the Palace of Labor"
Scofferlane & Jack Wood "Safety Spell"
"Okudzhav" "Adults"
"Aquarium" "Governor"

Mujuice "Metamorphosis" (album)
"Megapolis" "From the life of the planets" (website)
"Mumiy Troll" "SOS to the sailor" (album)
Reissues of albums on the label "Geometry"
"Auktyon" (label - whatever that means (Ed. note))
"NOM" "Star Pile" (DVD)

Ilya Cherepko-Samokhvalov ("Loop of Predilection", "Cassiopeia")
Kirill Ivanov (SBPC)
Boris Grebenshchikov
Vadim Korolev (Okudzhav)
Andrey Makarevich

The Retuses
Konstantin Meladze
Leonid Fedorov
Alexander Manotskov
Anton Batagov
"Mutaphoria Lily"

CATALYST (crowdfunding)
Volna Records (network label)
Sergey Krasin (Fancy Music)
David Macfadyen (Far from Moscow)
Alexander Gorbachev ("Afisha")

"Electro Moscow"

Volna Records (label)
"Glavclub" (club) (crowdfunding)
Dewar's Powerhouse (club and studio)
"Megapolis" "From the life of the planets" (project)
« dark horses» (label)

"20 years of Tequilajazzz" in "Glavclub"
"From the life of the planets" "Megapolis" in the "Gogol Center"
Lyapis Trubetskoy at Stadium Live
Zemfira in Luzhniki
"30 years of "Auktsion" in Arena Moscow

Beat Film Festival
Kuryokhin Next at the Gogol Center
"Megapolis" "From the life of the planets"
DJ Oguretz
Persecution of Andrey Makarevich

Stadium Live
Dewar's Powerhouse
"16 Tons"
"Gogol Center"

Moscow FM

indie music
"Wandering Audio Recording"
"New Albums"
"Big Sister's Boots"

"In contact with"

Sergei Mikhalok
Boris Grebenshchikov
Mikhail Borzykin
Andrey Makarevich
Oleg Nesterov

"Wild Mint"
Picnic "Afisha"
Park Live
« Homestead Jazz»
