Olga Buzova: “I let go of the past, I want love. Olga Buzova: “I didn’t even know what could be worse!” Interesting facts about Olga Buzova

However, observant fans were able to see something completely different in her photographs: the artist has a rounded tummy and she may be pregnant! They think that's why Olga's Lately wears loose clothing.

In addition, Buzova's maternal instinct has somehow suspiciously awakened lately. Recently, her little fan danced a dance for her and gave her little girly gifts. In response to this, Olga became emotional, gently hugged the girl and did not want to let her go. Some commentators noted that it was clearly time for the girl to have a baby. Perhaps the artist listened to their words? Pregnant or not?

Buzova herself does not comment on the guesswork of the fans, therefore, in order to sort out this issue, starhit.ru journalists got in touch with her mother, Irina Aleksandrovna. Here is what the woman said: “Personal life is everyone's space. And these rumors about Olya's pregnancy are being spread by someone not for the first time and not for the first year! Therefore, I will not even humiliate my daughter with these questions. Everyone earns as best they can: Buzova is pregnant, of course, top news. But this is nonsense, and I can’t comment on it in any way, ”said Irina Alexandrovna.

Buzova's mother also noted that there are no worthy suitors on the horizon yet. Let the list grow! If my daughters want to have children, I will be happy for them. Now Olya is at work. Like a bee,” says Irina Alexandrovna.

Recall that the last officially confirmed romance with Denis Lebedev ended utter disappointment for Olga. Young people met on a specially created project "Marry Buzova" and everything seemed to be fine. However, when the fan decided to congratulate Olga on her engagement, the TV presenter responded sharply and admitted that Lebedev undermined her mother's health. “Are you out of your mind? Do not text me anymore. Thank you very much for your support, of course, but you hurt me when you write about one person who brought my mother to an attack, ”said Olga Buzova.

It turned out that Lebedev meanly deceived the star and communicated with her only for the sake of PR. “I can’t be with a person who deceives me, cheats, uses, betrays and sells me! Unfortunately, everything that the media has been exaggerating for so long turned out to be the bitter truth! We had a very difficult conversation. All the facts of these horrific correspondence Denis personally confirmed to me! Hiding behind words about boundless love, the cosmic connection between us and our false "openness to the world." Yes, he managed to mislead me for a long time, ”Olga said about Denis. Although Lebedev is still persistently seeking the girl, she is adamant. Recently, a man met a TV presenter at the Kazansky railway station with a huge bouquet, but Buzova ignored this gesture.

The couple decided to continue their relationship outside the project, and fans are already prepared to watch further development this beautiful couple. But together the young people were not for long.

Last night Olga informed her fans that she broke up with Lebedev. According to her, the reason for the breakup was a lie on the part of a man who came to the project only to be promoted on a reality show, while for Olga it was very important.

Olga Buzova with whom she meets today 2018: Parting with Lebedev

The reason for the breakup was the information that the artist gave the brother ex-wife Denis. He said that the man took money from his sister to develop the business, for which the girl was forced to sell the car to her mother and borrow one million rubles. When everything was ready, Lebedev simply took the money and left her with a bunch of debts.

The brother of the deceived girl said that the cheese maker at that time had problems associated with the use of drugs. In addition, Olga was told that Denis was a very hot-tempered man who repeatedly raised his hand to one of his mistresses, while he continued to live on her money and led a wild life.

The Russian artist said that she does not meet with Lebedev and will not continue, because she considers him a soulless monster who only lies, and at any opportunity will sell and betray her.

Fans are sure that the reason for the breakup lies in the fact that Lebedev had a mistress, with whom he was seen this weekend. The businessman himself has not yet commented on these accusations, only saying that the project has come to an end, and his relationship is developing further.

Olga Buzova with whom she meets today 2018: The personal life of a cheese maker

Non-publicity and some secrecy of the businessman caused the lack of information about his personal life before the show. Only after passing the casting of the TNT channel, Denis decided to advertise what was happening in the zone of private romantic preferences. For the sake of the beauty and Instagram star Olga Buzova, the businessman risked being under the watchful eyes of television cameras.

However, it was not possible to hide from journalists the presence of children, or rather a small son, who was reported by the site “ Komsomolskaya Pravda” immediately after the start of the reality show.

As for the wife, the rules of the project were strictly observed, when the businessman came to the casting of the show, he was single, and the question of the presence of his wife in the biography of the cheese maker was not raised.

Denis tells a lot more about hobbies and hobbies. The young man is a master of sports in truly masculine martial arts: karate, hand-to-hand combat. Lebedev loves leisure, and in general prefers not to sit still. Car racing, motorcycles, hunting, fishing, swimming - everything that makes up the leisure of an entrepreneur cannot be counted.

In 2018, the measured life of cheese maker Denis Lebedev changed dramatically. Once on the air of the project “Deputy for Buzova”, which started on the TNT channel, the businessman instantly became one of the main contenders for Olga’s hand and heart.

Even before the start of the show, the viewers were delighted to watch Denis chopping wood with a bare torso in the promo video of the project. Looking at the photo of a young man, the fans compared the blond with the prince from the cartoon about Shrek and Nikolai Baskov.

The first acquaintance in the launched project only convinced the audience of sincerity, attractiveness and charm young man. Athletic, handsome blond, who also does not suffer from problems associated with a small salary, Olga immediately liked it. The girl, who expressed dissatisfaction when trying to kiss her on the cheek by other participants, embarrassedly allowed Denis to do this.

However, there were rumors. Information appeared on the Web that Buzova and Lebedev knew each other before the project and had long been happy in a romantic relationship. Participation in the show became an additional advertisement for the cheese maker company.

Anyway, filming ended long before the first episode aired. Participants are required to observe the intrigue. And the answer to main question who managed to win the beautiful Buzova, the audience received in the final of the show.

The very next day after the debut release, Internet resources replicated photos in which Olga and Denis were captured in an informal setting far outside of Italy, where the shooting took place.

To be more precise, inquisitive paparazzi caught the girl and the reality TV hero fighting for her heart on a walk in Moscow. In addition, ubiquitous journalists, tracking Instagram Stories, figured out that young people were in the same spa at the same time. The obvious conclusion about a joint holiday suggested itself. To avoid a scandal, Denis hastened to remove compromising photos from social networks and close the page. Only now it was already difficult to stop the flurry of rumors.
On October 14, the final of the show took place, in which Denis Lebedev won.

Olga Buzova opened the doors of her apartment to journalists for the first time. The film crew of the program "Live" was the first to visit the star. Andrey Malakhov saw the conditions in which the TV personality lives, and found out with whom she spends her evenings.

It turns out that despite the fact that Olga now and then gives apartments to close people, she herself is now renting housing - in the hope of an early housewarming. There are no men's slippers in her house, but there are a lot of beer and sausages in the refrigerator. On the shelves in the corridor there is a huge number of beautiful shoes, and in the dressing room - a lot of a wide variety of outfits. In the bathroom, as expected, there is a jacuzzi, and next to it on a hanger hangs a gift from Philip Kirkorov - a bathrobe with Olya's portrait embroidered on it and the inscription Superstar. There is also a dressing room in the apartment, full of costumes, gifts from fans, portraits, letters and… crowns.

For the first time in the history of Russian show business, Buzova also opened the doors to her bedroom. There were a lot of huge teddy bears in this room, and Olya's bed has a ladder so that her little dogs Eva and Chelsea can climb up to their mistress.

But most importantly, during the visit of Andrei Malakhov, Olga Buzova made a loud statement - she is ready to become a mother! “I myself am surprised at this desire,” Olya admitted. “It comes to the heart when you hug other children. For the first time, I felt one hundred percent that I am ready and want to devote my life to my child. But there is a problem: you need a man to give birth.”

Buzova does not hide - she missed the male affection. “The whole country already wants to marry me, and I don’t mind, I want a family, I want a daughter,” the star says, noticeably worried. “I can give so much now not to dogs, but to my children!” The problem is that Olga wants children only from the man she loves, who will be faithful to her and will love her herself, and not her popularity and opportunities. And such a person is hard to find ....

Olga admitted that she suffers from loneliness, but at the same time she is not afraid that she will be left alone for life. She believes that at some point in her life there will be more than just work. “It means that today the country needs me more than a man,” says one of the richest women in Russian show business. “The country makes its choice, the country wants me, but I don’t see men around me. There are only cowards around me.” The first man to be out of diapers will win my heart."

Will Olga be able to find such a man soon? Why does dad Buzova take offense at his daughter? Why does Philip Kirkorov protect Olya from all attacks and call her a goddess and a plowman? Why does the director of the gymnasium where Buzova studied not let the star on the threshold? The answers are on Live.

Today Olga Buzova is one of the most popular personalities in Russian show business. It is not surprising that many are interested not only in her creative endeavors, but also in her personal life. In addition, the girl loves everyone's attention, so she often shares new events in her microblog. It is from there that most subscribers can find out who the aspiring star is dating and what's new in Olga Buzova's life.

Does Buzova have a young man

It is known that after a divorce from a football player, Olga Buzova's personal life does not add up. The girl completely stopped believing in men and treats all suitors with caution. However, she believes in what will appear in her life. worthy man who will accept her for who she is.

Not so long ago, Buzova provoked rumors about her affair with Comedy resident club Timur Batrutdinov. As it turned out, they went on vacation to Thailand in a common company of friends, so they often spent time together. Also, many noted that new joint photos appeared in their microblogs from time to time.

After returning to Moscow, the guys admitted that there can only be friendship between them, since they have known each other for more than 12 years.

After some time, Olga admitted that a completely different man was caring for her. She noted that her heart was beginning to thaw a little, and the pain of parting with ex-husband not so noticeable anymore. Insiders immediately began to speculate about who could get her attention. As it turned out, a businessman named Mikhail became her secret admirer.

But the girl never confirmed that they were dating. In addition, Roman Gritsenko, a participant in the Dom-2 television project, has been seeking favor for several months. famous TV presenter. While Olga Buzova does not reciprocate, but also does not miss the opportunity of a little flirting.

For several months now, information has appeared in the media about the new relationship of the star diva. Despite this, Olga is in no hurry to spread that she is dating someone. Fans have only to guess about her new hobby.

Last news

Attempts to become a happy and beloved woman led Olga to a new grandiose project - “Marry Buzova”. For a long time the girl diligently kept silent about the show and only in April officially confirmed that she would again seek her love on television. The casting of applicants has already started, so all men from 18 to 40 years old can send their profiles to compete for her heart.

According to the artist, she is tired of putting her personal life into the background. Now Buzova does not have a man with whom she would meet, but she really hopes that she will soon find her ideal.

It also became known that showman Stepan Menshchikov could become one of the participants in the new project. They met Olga back in 2004, when they took part in the filming of Dom-2. Even then, Stepan showed interest in future star, but in the end the guys decided to remain friends. Now Menshchikov dreams of confessing his love to the TV presenter and making her truly happy. Well, whether he succeeds or not, only time will tell.

Recall that the popularity of Olga Buzova is growing every day. In the well-known social network The singer has more than 12 million followers on Instagram. This only says that she is moving towards her goal in the right direction.

Despite the large number of ill-wishers, the girl is of constant interest to a huge audience. It is quite possible that after a while it will be a great competition for many media personalities.

The perfect man

Olga Buzova recently gave candid interview"StarHit", in which she spoke in detail about her life. The girl shared new achievements in her career:

  • opening a restaurant
  • recording a new album;
  • song presentation, etc.

In addition, the artist touched on personal topics. The journalists managed to find out what kind of man she would like to see next to her. Olga said that she was ready to date a person who would be less popular than her. In a relationship, it is not material wealth that is important for her, but what her chosen one will be like and what emotions he can give her.

Buzova noted that she really wanted the man to be able to provide her with reliable protection and support. And most importantly, his feelings must be sincere.

In fact, the casting will take a long time and the participants will have to endure a tough selection. The list of requirements for candidates has already been announced. According to the scriptwriters, the role of the groom for the most enviable bride in Russia should be claimed by:

  • ambitious guys;
  • accomplished men;
  • reality show participants;
  • creative personalities;
  • athletes.

After that, all participants will go on a trip to one of the most romantic countries in the world, where they will be waiting for a long-awaited meeting with the incredible Olga Buzova.

The famous pop diva and TV presenter is gaining momentum in popularity and successfully making money on promotion own name. In this regard, she has many fans and followers on Instagram who are interested in who Olga Buzova is dating now.

The girl does not make official announcements about her personal life, determined to keep it a secret. Nevertheless, she is credited with stormy romances with famous businessmen, a participant in the show "Dom-2" and even with Philip Kirkorov.

But recently there was information that the owner of the BUZfood restaurant stopped hiding her boyfriend behind a veil of secrecy.

yandex_ad_1 Relations popular singer with Kirkorov

Throughout June 2018, the media regularly wrote about who Olga Buzova was dating now and how her relationship with the subject of sympathy was developing. But the girl did not comment on the assumptions of journalists and fans in any way, providing an opportunity for new rumors to appear.

Particular attention of the public was attracted by the relationship that began between Philip Kirkorov and Buzova. Artists who have collaborated on musical project, appeared everywhere together.

The king of popular music and the aspiring pop star behaved ambiguously. But then it turned out that Kirkorov and Buzov were not connected at all. romantic relationship, but the contract.

The aspiring performer found herself a rich patron who paid for her PR from a well-known in circles Russian stage singer. That is why they appear together on stage and social events.

Relations with a participant in the show Then there were rumors that Olga Buzova was dating none other than a participant in the show comedy club Timur Batrudinov. Their collaboration in the film "Zomboyashchik" only reinforced the suspicion of fans. Then the girl appeared at Timur's birthday, heartily congratulating him on his 39th birthday. But that was where it all ended, as for the rest of the evening the young people talked with friends and did not show feelings in public.

Then their photos from a joint holiday in Thailand appeared on the Internet, followed by short videos. True, followers in the following months were deeply disappointed, because it turned out that all these Instagram posts were a joke.


Real relationships confirmed by colleagues

The girl was credited with novels with different men but no one has been able to guess for sure. Fans have learned about who Olga Buzova is dating directly from her colleagues.

The former director of the Tatu group told reporters that the singer was dating a well-known Moscow businessman. It was he who assisted her in opening her own restaurant and helped to conclude a contract with Kirkorov.

These words were confirmed by Nikolai Baskov, who sincerely believes that the pop diva has very mediocre vocal abilities.

The intrigue increased when Buzova gave a brief interview for the Sobesednik magazine. The girl admitted that she was going to get married and plans to move to Europe. Then on official page Olga Buzova wrote that she was already planning a wedding, which would take place not on the territory of the Russian Federation, but abroad.

yandex_ad_2 The event is planned for a minimum number of guests, most of whom will be relatives and close friends.

Publication from Olga Buzova (@buzova86)

17 June 2018 at 1:52 PDT Currently, Olga Buzova has begun to devote less time to work and allows herself to rest abroad. Followers hope to see pictures from the wedding and finally find out who stole the heart of a charming and sincere presenter. This event has become the most anticipated summer season 2018.
