Why Vitas got fat. What happened to Vitas? But, he is not only a successful project of the producer, but also one of the heroes of the Guinness Book of Records

After a high-profile story with a cyclist, the life of singer Vitas turned into a real nightmare: a criminal case was opened, concerts had to be canceled, and he suffered financial losses. Then with nervous breakdown and suspected of a suicide attempt, star producer Sergei Pudovkin ended up in the hospital.

Considering the situation as a whole, we tried to be as correct as possible. This story has been going on for over a month. On May 10, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, Vitas, as they say, got into history. Rearranged the car in the parking lot, and under rear wheel his car was hit by the bicycle of Muscovite Olga Kholodova.

The girl opened the car door: they say, you don’t see where you’re going?! According to her, the singer, who was sitting in the driver's seat, barely moved his tongue, and then took out "an object that looked like a gun." The policemen called with difficulty - Vitas refused to go out for a long time - fished the artist out of the car. Some of the carelessly walking passers-by began to film what was happening on video. Vitas' wife rushed at the amateur cameraman like a tigress - with fists and cursing: "Don't you dare shoot!" Now a criminal case has been initiated against the singer, and under two articles: "Threat to kill" (he threatened a cyclist) and "Use of violence against representatives of the authorities - police officers." The singer faces a real term of up to 10 years.


The singer is from Odessa. In the seaside Ukrainian city, we managed to find the artist's childhood friends. One of them, also Vitaly, told us about how Vitas grew up and matured. “Here is his house,” our interlocutor shows. - Now Vitalka has a mansion on Rublyovka and another house in China, and as a child he lived in a modest "kopeck piece". The walls are thin.

And the neighbors were indignant when Vitalka began to develop his voice - he sang. They knocked from behind the wall: they say, stop yelling! But even they could not lead him astray - from childhood he decided that he would be a singer and always famous. Vitaly kindly shows me school number 60, where Vitas studied. And also the "musician", where future star Graduated from the accordion class. Both buildings are in need of repair for a long time, the plaster has peeled off.

In a word, also not comme il faut. “In Odessa, the standard of living is generally modest,” my guide explains. - Problems with work. Miserable wages. Young people, like in Russia, drink. Vitas managed, thanks to his talent, to get out of poverty and hopelessness. And now ... I read the news and comments about him on the Internet ... I wish I hadn't read it! I don't believe he could behave like this.

This is some kind of misunderstanding. It is clear that if an artist like Sergei Shnurov got into such a story - you can easily believe it, a scandalous character. But Vitas has a completely different type, he is serious. It's the same as if, excuse me, Kobzon attacked someone. - But Vitaly's wife Svetlana also behaved, to put it mildly, strange: mat-remat, "I will kill you all" ... - Sveta defended her husband. Why was he filmed - is he a monkey? Sveta was still softly expressed. She is also from Odessa, a fighting girl. She and Vitalik have known each other since the age of 13, she is a very close person to him.

And here in Moldavanka (a district of Odessa) they will tear for their own! Both Vital and his wife are often in Odessa, they come to Sveta's parents. They still consider themselves Odessans. We see each other, communicate - after all, childhood friends. Vital, of course, can drink - a living person. But in a deranged state, I never saw him either in his youth or in adulthood. True, about the singer's mother, who passed away a few years ago, in the same Odessa they say sad things. When the only son left for Moscow at the age of 14, Lilia Mikhailovna became terribly homesick. She began to take a drink, fell ill, fell ill, and soon she was gone.


We tried to contact Vitaly's father Vladas Grachev. But he has withdrawn from communication. And never spoke with words of support in television talk shows. As, for example, the singer's mother-in-law did - Svetlana's mother ardently defended her daughter and son-in-law in the program "Let them talk" on Channel One. According to our information, for some reason, Vitaly and Vladas do not communicate. “I saw Father Vitalik a few months ago on the street, he was walking with a suitcase - he works as a gas welder,” the Odessa friend of the artist, mentioned above, told us.

Vladas Grachev has a page on the social network. It contains information that Vladas is married, and also sings and performs in concerts. There is even an opportunity to invite him to a corporate party! Vitas is not among his close circle of Internet friends. But the "second dad" is not indifferent to the fate of the artist. The doctor and scientist Sergey Patalakh performed in the program “Let them talk” a year ago.

He said that he had an affair with Vitaly's mother and that Vitas was one hundred percent his son. - Leading Malakhov said at the end of the program, allegedly the result of a DNA examination is negative: Vitas is not my son, - says Sergey Alexandrovich. - But when, after the broadcast, I asked to show me this paper - the conclusion of the experts, the presenter's eyes ran, and then he said that he had no time, and ran away. From which the question follows: was there an examination? Or is it just profitable for TV people to make a scandal, and make me look like a fool? All my friends, among whom there are many serious people, scientists, know: in fact, Vitas is my child. And my elderly mother knows it. And I'm glad I showed myself to my son in that program.

“Now I don’t communicate with Vitalik, he has no time all the time,” our interlocutor continued. - But with one person very close to him (I can’t say with whom exactly), we are regularly in touch. I know about everything that happens in my son's life. The story of the cyclist from the very beginning seemed very suspicious to me. Imagine for a second: a famous person on a holiday he goes out for a walk with his wife and child, some crooks notice him and decide to arrange a provocation. There were stories when grandmothers-swindlers themselves threw themselves under the wheels expensive cars, and then they began to scream heart-rendingly: they crushed me, pay for moral damage.

Someone could bring Vitalik a glass of kvass or lemonade - it was hot. And add, for example, a tablet of diphenhydramine to a glass. External symptoms - I'm telling you now as a doctor - are absolutely the same as with alcohol or drug intoxication. And Vitalik took it, drank it - he is a gullible person - and he himself did not understand why he was so lucky. Perhaps the scammers wanted to make a scandalous video and blackmail Vitalik with this video. But the police arrived and, apparently, confused them all the cards. The downed girl behaved very strangely. Eyewitnesses said that she herself leaned her bike against Vitas' car.

For some reason, only one interview with her came out on some site, where she talks about the incident. And at the same time, her eyes run, some kind of twitchy. And Vitalik sincerely worries about this whole situation, it can be seen. - Was his mother also vulnerable? - Lily never showed that she was hurt or offended. Surprisingly collected, restrained woman, not a single extra emotion. And extraordinarily beautiful. I have never met anyone like her.


There is an opinion that the "suicide attempt" of producer Sergei Pudovkin is nothing more than a way to switch the attention of the crowd that has taken up arms against Vitas. In the show party, Sergei Nikolaevich has a reputation as a cunning person. Many people remember how he closed the public to the singer Pavel Pushkin, now known throughout the country for his brilliant performances in the Voice project on Channel One. “Sergei heard a song performed by me on the radio, found me and offered to cooperate,” Pavel told us. — It was a few years ago. Pushkin innocently believed that a famous person wanted to help him, to promote him.

Pudovkin came up with the funny pseudonym Farinelli for Pavel - that was the name of the mythical singer with a magnificent voice, but with a cut off manhood. The producer said that with the help of this pseudonym, it will be possible to hook the audience. But after the concerts, the audience openly laughed at Pavel: “The castrato has gone.” A talented, promising artist turned into a laughing stock. And Pudovkin rubbed his hands contentedly: now Pasha will not be able to compete with his Vitas, with whom the voices are quite similar.


Independent psychologist Anna Tsaplina, at our request, looked scandalous video, as well as all television broadcasts dedicated to a high-profile topic. “Everyone lied in this story,” she says. - The singer and his producer, who "were confused in the testimony" during the broadcast of "We Speak and Show" on NTV: either the police hit the artist on the head with a baton, or broke his arm. Either Vitas is in the hospital, or he is being treated at home ...

What was the name of the driver Vitas: either Vladimir, or Sergei - both could not remember exactly. The behavior of the artist's wife indicates that she has a psychological disorder that is unlikely to be associated with this story - some kind of complex mental problems. She needs expert help. The victim also behaved strangely, she also has one version of events, then another. And indeed, as already noted, "running glance", jerky movements. The conclusion suggests itself: something she does not finish.

The other day, 39-year-old Vitaly Grachev, better known as Vitas, was detained for defiant behavior in an elite cottage village located in the Moscow region. The performer fired blanks at the birds. Law enforcement officers drew up a protocol under Article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Petty hooliganism”. The judge ruled to arrest the artist for seven days. As a result of the meeting, Vitas was taken in handcuffs to a special detention center located in Istra.

“Guilty. I consider the punishment absolutely fair, ”the artist shared, joking that he would start writing new album behind bars.

// Photo: frame of the plot of the TV channel "Russia 24"

According to the journalists of the Russia 24 TV channel, the singer came to court with security guards, but he did not need them. According to them, Vitas did not attract increased attention from others, and the judge did not recognize him either.

A video of the meeting was posted on YouTube. Users social networks At first, they also did not understand that it was Vitas who was shown in the plot. In their opinion, the artist has changed beyond recognition. At the same time, the artist's defenders called for an end to discussions appearance stars. Vitas' fans noted that he did the right thing by admitting his mistake.

// Photo: frame of the plot of the TV channel "Russia 24"

Earlier, star producer Sergei Pudovkin said that his artist celebrated a significant event. In China, a wax figure was erected in honor of the singer. But the neighbors did not share Vitas's enthusiasm about this and hurried to restore silence. According to journalists, Vitas' three-year-old son Maksim was present during the shooting. Therefore, a celebrity may be required to appear in the guardianship authorities in order to listen to a moralizing lecture.

Recall that Vitas is not the first time in the spotlight of the public due to problems with the law. In 2013, the Ostankino court sentenced Vitas to a fine of 100 thousand rubles. Then the artist hit a cyclist in his SUV, and then got into a skirmish with eyewitnesses and law enforcement officers. The Prosecutor General's Office reported that in the course of clarifying the circumstances, Vitas allowed himself to use violence against an official - the artist kicked the commander of the PPS company.

Later, the singer admitted his guilt and stated that he repented of his deed. The interests of the celebrity, as now, were represented by lawyer Sergei Zhorin. The court attached to the case file a letter from Vitas' colleagues in show business. The artists asked to show indulgence to Grachev. Yuri Antonov, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Marshal, Stas Piekha, Valeria and Ani Lorak spoke in defense of the performer. Commenting on the verdict to Vitas, the then representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin said that he would become " good lesson» for the performer.

// Photo: frame of the plot of the TV channel "Russia 24"

Vitas has grown stout beyond recognition. The networks can't believe it's him at all.

In the life of the famous Russian performer Vitas, a black streak began again. The artist was recently arrested for shooting while drunk and the new photos literally horrified fans: Vitas recovered greatly, many say that this is due to problems with alcohol.

Recall that recently Vitas fired at Barvikha. And now a video taken from the courtroom has appeared on the Web. On it, a 39-year-old man spoke words of repentance and confessed to his deed: on the evening of March 21, while intoxicated, he fired near his townhouse in the village of Barvikha.

In addition to the situation itself, Vitas' fans were surprised by the appearance of the artist Vitaly Grachev (the real name of the man).

Guilty. I think the punishment is absolutely fair.

Says the artist in an attempt to make amends. Thus, the court of the Odintsovo district adopted a decision on seven days of administrative arrest. The video from the trial was shown by the Russian media. But many did not recognize Vitas because of his excess weight: puffy face and gray hair breaking through.

In connection with the footage seen, many are sure that Vitas' weight problems appeared due to problems with alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle. Fans hope that the artist will still adequately get out of the situation.

But, he is not only a successful project of the producer, but also one of the heroes of the Guinness Book of Records.

1. Vitas - this is the name of the singer in Lithuanian. Vitaly Vladasovich Grachev was born in the city of Daugavpils on February 19, 1979, and then the family moved to Odessa. The boy grew up in a creative atmosphere: his grandfather Arkady Davydovich Marantsman (died in July 2013) sang in a military choir, his father Vladas Arkadyevich was a soloist in a vocal and instrumental ensemble, and his mother Lidia Mikhailovna (d. 2001) worked as a fashion designer. Vitas has Ukrainian citizenship.

2. Musical ability were also found in childhood when he demonstrated excellent hearing and excellent vocal abilities. From the age of 6, the boy was sent to a music school, where he learned to play the accordion. Later, Vitas studied jazz vocals for a long time with the teacher Anna Rudneva. He also worked in the genre of voice parody, imitating guys, girls and even old women. And at the age of 14, he composed his first work, Opera No. 2, finding the only pitch note that unbalanced all the household. He performed it in cafes and restaurants of his native Odessa, and the audience applauded him. There he was spotted by producer Sergei Pudovkin.

3. At the end of the 9th grade, Vitaly Grachev leaves for Moscow. Debut on Russian stage took place in 2000 on the "Song of the Year" under the stage name Vitas. He impressed the audience with his powerful high-pitched voice, which gave rise to several myths about the singer.

4. In 2002, at the State Kremlin Palace, the artist presented his own collection of clothes, which was called "Autumn Dreams". In the same year, the singer and his producer became honorary members of the Board of Trustees of the World League "Mind Free of Drugs". At the purification ceremony at the foot sacred mountain Tashtar Ata Vitas was presented with a "peace stone", which is 350 million years old and, according to legend, has absorbed all the goodness of the world in the history of mankind.

5. The first tour of Vitas was unprofitable. But the main task - to win the hearts of the listeners - was solved. The audience found in his voice effective remedy from depression and other illnesses. In 2004, Vitas took vocal lessons from the African American Jose, who trained the singer's vocal cords in a very brutal way: he made Vitas drink a glass of cold soda with ice and scream angrily for 20 minutes.

6. Vitas made a splash in China. After concerts in Beijing and Shanghai, he was dubbed the "space nightingale". When the singer demonstrated his vocal abilities and manner of performance, the Chinese experienced real euphoria, as the voice corresponded to the operatic traditions of the Celestial Empire.

7. After that, the singer's fans in other countries began to compare the effect of his voice with the beneficial effect on us of the sounds made by dolphins, and the singer even received such a nickname. At concerts, fans bring containers of water to "charge" them with positive energy.

8. Unlike many contemporary musicians Vitas himself composes the text, music, arranges and completes the programs. From 2001 to 2013, 12 discs were released. The most famous hits were “Mom”, “Autumn Leaf”, “Crane Cry”, “Only You”, “In the Land of Magnolia ...”, etc.

9. Vitas performed in a duet with such singers and musicians as Nikolai Gnatiuk ("Bird of Happiness"), Lucio Dalla, Demis Roussos.

10. Vitas also acted in films. He made his debut in the role of the extravagant singer Leo Sko with unique vocal abilities from the ironic detective story "Evlampia Romanova: Beloved Bastard" (2003).

In the adventure melodrama Mulan (2009), Vitas played the wandering musician Gudu.

11. Vitas likes Eastern philosophy, he even was ordained a monk on one of his trips to Tibet.

12. The singer's repertoire includes compositions on Italian: "La Donna Mobile", "O Sole Mio", "Nessun Dorma", "Tibetan Plateau" in Chinese, songs in Romanian, Polish, English. Not without reason, in 2011, Vitas received the status of a world star, becoming the best foreign artist of the year according to MTV ASIA.

13. Vitas met his wife back in Odessa and secretly took her to Moscow. The young runaway was only 15 years old. Miraculously, they crossed the Ukrainian border - the girl had no documents, but at night the border guards considered her to be the daughter of a large family. In 2006 they got married. And in 2008, a daughter, Alla, was born.

14. In the summer of 2013, the singer was in the spotlight of the press because of the scandalous antics. While drunk, Vitas ran over a cyclist in the All-Russian Exhibition Center area, and then roughly insulted the policeman. This cost him a fine of 100,000 rubles. This unpleasant fact in the singer's biography only increased interest in his work - the singer's concert schedule became four times denser, and the fees tripled. According to the producer, today Vitas' performance costs 50 thousand euros, and all the artist's tours are scheduled until 2016.

15. Fans of Vitas' creativity sometimes make him Original gifts. Such a surprise was the statue erected in honor of the singer in Shanghai.

Vitas is a Latvian singer who burst onto the stage in 2000 with the song "Opera No. 2". Energetic unearthly falsetto captivated the audience, and the mysterious image of the artist gave rise to many rumors. It was even rumored that under the scarf Vitas hides the gills and in fact he is an amphibian. At some point, the singer disappeared from the radar.

While everyone was wondering where Vitas had gone, he was building a career abroad. So, he became the first foreign singer who conquered Chinese listeners - in the PRC they erected a monument to him and invite him to act in big films.

In 2012, Vitas returned to Russia with a big solo concert, gathering 30% of the audience from television screens. More about life path this mysterious artist, which rumors about him are true, and which are the fruit of the fan's imagination, read below.

Childhood and family

Vitaly Vladasovich Grachev, aka Vitas (Latvian modification of the name Vitaly) was born on February 19, 1979 in Daugavpils, but soon after his birth the family moved to Odessa, where Vitaly spent almost all of his childhood. He has Ukrainian citizenship.

The artist's mother, costume designer Lidia Mikhailovna, died in 2001. The father of the future singer, Vladas Grachev, was a soloist in a vocal and instrumental ensemble. Grandfather, Arkady Davydovich Marantsman (died in 2013), also had a good voice and sang in a military choir.

The future singer graduated from Odessa general education school No. 35. From 6 to 9 years old he mastered the accordion in music school. Later, Vitas studied jazz vocals for a long time with the teacher Anna Rudneva, worked in voice parody and plastic theater. In parody numbers, Vitas portrayed not only boys, but also girls and even old women. He even learned to copy complex dance moves Michael Jackson.

Vitas wrote his first hit "Opera No. 2" at the age of 14. With this composition, he performed in local restaurants. In one of them, the novice singer was noticed by producer Sergei Pudovkin, who invited the young man to Moscow.

The beginning of the way

After the ninth grade, Vitas went to conquer Moscow. IN Russian capital he released a video for the song "Opera No. 2", which immediately captivated the audience with its eccentricity. The theme of loneliness ran through the whole song as a red line, and the video exacerbated it. The video tells the story young man with gills around his neck, who lives in the bathroom of an abandoned house and only occasionally goes outside, covering his neck with a scarf.

Vitas - Opera No. 2

It was after this clip that rumors spread that Vitas was actually an amphibian man. And absolutely everyone doubted Vitas' piercing falsetto. Alla Pugacheva directly and decisively demanded to demonstrate her vocal abilities at the rehearsal of "Christmas Meetings". The artist took a dizzying note and dispelled all doubts.

Vitas "surpassed" Sergei Penkin, whose voice in 4 octaves is called silver. The singer takes five and a half octaves and can even sing in bass. Absurd versions were put forward in the yellow press, allegedly Vitas was castrated in childhood in order to achieve such a timbre. The singer's producer explained unusual voice of his ward by a feature of the structure of the throat. Experts believe that Vitas does not sing as much as pronounces the text in recitative.

At first creative way fans, in search of an answer to the question of who Vitas is, climbed onto the Internet, where they stumbled upon the artist's website. The resource turned out to be incredibly stylish, “fancy” and technically complex at that time - even experienced computer scientists appreciated this. It turns out that the site was written by the artist himself: computers and programming are his second passion after music.

The site opened with the words "Never gives live interviews." Refused to communicate with the press and producer Sergei Pudovkin. They argued such secrecy from the media by the fact that "Vitas is beyond gossip and beyond speculation." However, a little later the producer spoke. It turns out that they were hiding from the press for the sake of PR, because, according to Sergei Pudovkin, you can’t start “promotion” with talking to journalists on musical and near-musical topics.

As the artist himself admits, his songs are born quite unexpectedly. Sometimes a new melody appears right during a rehearsal, and sometimes during phone call, then Vitas starts humming a freshly baked composition. If the creation is successful, then it is immediately arranged.

Career heyday

In 2001, Vitas released his debut album Philosophy of Miracle, which included 13 songs. The artist sang in a duet with such performers as Nikolai Gnatiuk ("Bird of Happiness"), Lucio Dalla, Demis Roussos. Vitas even performed the song with his grandfather Arkady Marantsman. fruit joint creativity became the composition "Friendship".

In 2002, Vitas and producer Sergei Pudovkin joined the Board of Trustees of the World League of the Mind Free of Drugs organization. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, the Dalai Lama, Kofi Annan, Tina Turner, presidents of more than twenty countries also got there and became honorary members of the League.

In the same year, in the Kremlin Palace, the artist presented his own collection of clothes, which was called "Autumn Dreams". There were 42 models on the show women's suits, most of which have already been shown in Alma-Ata, Tel Aviv, Vilnius, Tashkent, Berlin and Ashkelon.

Also, 2002 is the release date of Vitas' 2nd album called "Smile". In 2003, the artist released 2 albums: this is the disc "Mom" and the cover disc "Songs of my mother", which included many Soviet hits, including "Kings Can Do It", "In the Land of Magnolias", etc. Another disc was released in 2004 - the album "Kiss for Eternity" included 11 songs. By this time, Vitas decided to move away from the mysterious image of an amphibian boy to a more classic look, in connection with which interest in his person has noticeably decreased.

Where did Vitas go?

You might think that by the middle of the 2000s, Vitas' star of fame had finally sunk. The singer disappeared from radio and TV channels, there was no news about new concerts and upcoming albums. In fact, the singer conquered the world audience: if in Russia his work was in many ways ahead of its time and was ambiguously received (many of the artist’s tours did not even become commercially profitable), then abroad Vitas was received with open arms.

In particular, Vitas liked the people of China - now his official Chinese fan club has more than a million people. He is the only one Russian singer, which conquered Asian listeners. Why is Vitas so loved in China?

In 2006, already desperate to regain his former glory on the Russian stage, he accepted an invitation from the leadership of China Central Television to appear on the air as part of the Year of Russia, which was held in the Middle Kingdom as part of improving relations between the two countries.

The singer's performance was watched by millions. After him, Vitas signed a contract for performances at the largest concert venues Beijing and Shanghai. The Chinese called him the "cosmic nightingale" and the "lord of the dolphins", as well as the reincarnated Milarepa - a sacred figure in Buddhism, a yogi practitioner and a singer. Fans erected a three-meter monument to Vitas: on it the singer is depicted in the image from the Opera No. 2 video - naked, with gills and an accordion. In 2011, MTV Asia awarded him the title of "performer of the year".

In China, Vitas has a villa, and every autumn and winter he gives a big tour of the country. The singer admits that he does not walk the local streets alone - the fans do not let him pass quietly, trying to snatch something in memory of the idol.

Experts explain the singer's success with incredibly spectacular performances and an unusual voice timbre for China. The singer himself believes that his inner world he just turned out to be close to the Chinese, and he never prevaricates in his work, because the listener always recognizes falsehood.

Moreover, in China, Vitas became a blockbuster star. In 2009, he starred in the big-budget blockbuster Mulan, based on the Chinese epic. He could also be seen in the historical drama "The Founding of the Party" (2011), the musical "Become Famous Overnight" (2012) and the Russian-Chinese TV series " Last secret Masters" with Viktor Loginov in the title role.

The Museum of Digital Technologies in Beijing has a stand dedicated to Vitas and his unique voice.

Vitas at the Beijing Digital Museum

Vitas managed to become famous on the other side of the Atlantic. In 2015, the live performance of the singer of 2001 with the composition "7th Element" unexpectedly fell in love with English-speaking Internet users. Now on YouTube, this video with the title “Weird Russian Singer” (“Strange Russian Singer”) has more than eighty million (!) Views and more than a million likes. “I have no idea what is happening in this video, but it’s impossible to tear myself away!” – such comments can be seen under this video.

Clip of Vitas, which is so loved all over the world


In May 2013, in Moscow, Vitas, in an Infinity car, ran over cyclist Olga Kholodova and rammed two cars. The woman survived but was seriously injured. Witnesses surrounded the singer's car before the police arrived. According to eyewitnesses, Vitas refused to communicate with anyone and threatened the audience with a Makarov pistol (later it turned out that this was a dummy). And when the authorities arrived, he refused to take a test for the level of alcohol in the body, hit one policeman, and called the rest “cocks”. As a result, criminal cases were opened against the singer under Art. 119 part 1 and art. 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Vitas ran into a cyclist and threatened her with a gun

While the Vitas case was in court, his producer opened his veins. Fortunately, the suicide was prevented; The man was placed in a mental hospital.

Vitas escaped from the criminal case with a hefty fine and deprivation of rights for a year and a half. A year later, Muscovite Elena M. filed an application against Vitas - allegedly the singer invited her to go on vacation together, she refused, and he broke the window in her apartment.

In March 2018, the police came to Vitas because the neighbors complained about the shooting. No one opened the door for the arrival. Law enforcers broke into his house and brought Vitas to the department. It turned out that the singer from a group of friends shot at the crows with a pistol loaded with blank cartridges. As a result, he was charged with petty hooliganism and arrested for 7 days.

Vitas' personal life

Many fans were surprised to learn that one of the most mysterious singers of our time has a completely ordinary and even classic family: a beautiful wife and two children. At the same time, the love story of Vitas and his wife Svetlana Grankovskaya resembles rather an action-packed novel.

WITH future wife Vitas met at the age of 19, when he was just taking his first steps towards fame on the Odessa stage. Behind the scenes of the theater of musical comedy, he saw a girl - it was love at first sight. It turned out that she was 15 years old and she still goes to school.

I saw the girl standing on the right throughout the song. I really liked her. When the song ended, and besides, the lights were turned off, I carefully walked around the entire stage from the left sidestage, hugged her, kissed her on the head.

From the first minutes of meeting, the singer realized that he could not live a day without his beloved. Realizing that society would not approve of a relationship with such a young person, he decided on an act bordering on a crime: asking Sveta's mother for permission to “steal” her daughter from her for a couple of hours, he literally stole her. The lovers boarded a train and went to Moscow, where their love affair began. independent life. Later, the woman received a note from her daughter, in which she asked not to look for her and let her find happiness with her loved one.

In 2006, the singer proposed to Svetlana, and she answered “yes” without hesitation. Two years later, the first-born, daughter Alla, appeared in the family. And on the first day of 2015, Vitas became a father for the second time - the boy who was born was named Maxim.

Vitas' daughter followed in her father's footsteps. In October 2019, she performed in front of a full auditorium in the city of Zvenigorod near Moscow. The proud dad posted a video of her performance on Instagram, adding that his daughter would soon conquer Chinese television. "Just the same": Vitas in the image of the lead singer of AC / DC

On the first day of spring 2017, a big solo concert Vitas - all tickets were sold out.

As far as creativity is concerned, Lately Vitas, by the way, dyed platinum blonde, often pleases fans with new songs. In 2018, he presented 4 new videos at once (“Roll With the Beat”, “Give”, “Symphony” and “Symphony 4”). That's a lot, considering he's only released two music videos in the previous five years.

Vitas shot clips for "Symphony" and "Symphony 4" in collaboration with musician Petr Dranga. The video for the song "Delala" returned to the listeners the old Vitas - surreal, immersed in a fantasy world. The situation in the video echoes Opera No. 2, only the hero of Vitas no longer hides his gills under a scarf, but wears a mask of either an amphibian or some creature from a medieval bestiary.

Vitas - Delala

The video for the song "Delala" was released just in time for the singer's anniversary. In February, Vitas turned 40. According to the tradition that has developed in Russia, the singer did not celebrate this birthday, and even, being superstitious person, warned relatives not to congratulate him in any case.

In the summer of 2019, the singer held a big tour of China, the USA, gave two concerts in Japan and 40 in Russia, and also performed at the Tomorrowland international rave festival together with Australian DJ Tammy Trumpet. He performed his hit "The Seventh Element" and a new composition - with one voice Vitas performed "In the Cave mountain king» Edvard Grieg.

Vitas at the Tomorrowland festival

October marked the release new song Vitas "You are so close."
