Node in the preparatory group on the theme of tools. Summary of GCD in the preparatory group for musical development "In the cave of the mountain king

Nizamova Leysan Madekhatovna,



Novy Urengoy

Integration of educational areas:



"reading fiction"






Perception of fiction

Material and equipment: Subject and plot pictures, envelopes with split pictures depicting people with different professions, a magnetic board, a presentation "Professions", cards with pictures of people with different professions, cards with pictures of different tools.

Program tasks:


Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Practice writing descriptive stories

To consolidate the knowledge of children that different things help people in their work - tools.


Continue to orient children in areas human activity(science, art, production and services, Agriculture), their significance for the life of the child, his family, kindergarten and society as a whole

Develop the ability to listen and hear the question; ability to generalize; logical thinking; children's interest in the process joint activities; visual attention and perception.


To cultivate interest in classes, the formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding.

Raise in children interest and respect for people working in kindergarten

Activity progress:

IN. : Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. And today we have a guest. Guess the riddle and find out who it is.

He is, of course, the most important
The mischievous naughty is funny.
He's wearing a big blue hat
Clumsy and muddler. (Dunno)

Children: Dunno

IN.: Right.

Enters Dunno to the music, in the hands of a chest of medium size.

Dunno: Good afternoon! (Wipes his forehead with his sleeve) Tired, found this chest on the moon. Opened and looked at the contents. And there, some kind of envelopes, did not understand anything ?! I thought I had found treasures. Decided to bring it to you. Can you help?

IN.: Well, can you guys help?

Children: yes, yes!!!

Dunno takes out the first envelope and hands it to the teacher.

IN.:"Guess the Riddles"

IN.: guys for this we need to go to the screen. I will read you a riddle, if you answer correctly, a picture will appear on the screen.

Interactive presentation. download professions.pptx (275.26 KB)

Showing the presentation "Professions in riddles"

Dunno: Well done boys!

IN.: And let's play.

Children and Dunno: We agree.

Mobile game "Who needs this item?"
(a pointer, a wand, a book, a ladle, a steering wheel, a violin, a brush, a bucket, a broom, a stethoscope are on the carpet)
Children move in a circle to the music. The music stops - the children take the items and say who needs this item.

Dunno: I have another envelope. (gives to teacher)

IN.: Game "Collect the picture"

For this game you need to stand in pairs. We will distribute to each pair Dunno split pictures and try to collect them.

Subject: Tools. Tools

Target: Inventing mini-tales about various "magic" tools.
Tasks :
Correctional and educational:
clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic “Tools and tools;
develop the ability to build different types statements, observing their structure;
improve the pronunciation side of speech: consolidating the skill of correct and clear pronunciation sounds, be able to find the place of sound in a given word, develop a distinct pronunciation of words and phrases;
enrich the speech of pupils with grammatical forms and constructions, clarifying the understanding of the meaning of complex words;
activate the mental activity of children.
- develop phonemic processes;
- develop articulatory, general motor skills, breathing, voice;
- develop mental processes: attention, memory, thinking;
- develop communicative competence;
Correctional and educational:
- foster a sense of goodwill, responsibility and cooperation;
- to form communicative, activity, information, health-saving competence of preschoolers;
- to form a positive attitude of children to the teacher and to each other.

Course progress.

  1. Organizing time.

Guess the riddles:
I dug the earth - I was not nearly tired. And whoever dug with me is tired. (Shovel)
A fat one will beat a thin one, a thin one will beat something. (Hammer and nails).
Leaves fall in the garden, I quickly sweep them away. (rake)
Ate, ate oak, oak. Broken tooth, tooth. (Saw).

  1. Exercise "Who needs what."

A mechanic needs a wrench to unscrew and tighten nuts.

A gardener needs a watering can to water the flowers.

A carpenter needs a saw to cut boards.

A vegetable grower needs a shovel in order to dig beds.

Hairdressers need scissors to cut their hair.

A carpenter needs a hammer to hammer nails.

3. "Tell me a word":
Lumberjacks cut boron - everyone has ... (axe)
A wooden one helped dad to hammer in a nail ... (hammer)
Dust on the floor - serve .... (broom)
Near the school, all the guys remove the snow ... (with a shovel)
4. " From what - what?
Choose a word for the tool.
Cast iron - cast iron
rubber - metal -
Made of steel - made of plastic -
From stone - from oak -

5. Finger gymnastics:
I have, as in the workshop,
Everything you need is at hand (Alternately clapping your hands, fists)
Drill, screwdriver and saw,
And a thimble and a needle
And an ax and two drills,
Hammer and pincers.
(Alternately bending fingers)
Master, don't be sad
At the workplace (Alternately clapping hands, fists
6. "Name the action"
Shovel - dig
with an ax
7. Exercise "What is superfluous?"

Rake, calculator, pruner, shovel.

Mortar, trowel, syringe, brick.

Phonendoscope, parachute, medicine, thermometer.

Planer, saw, ladle, chisel.

Needle, thread, comb, scissors.

Brush, palette, shovel, paints.

8. Mobile exercise "Old Maple".

In the clearing chime -

It's sawing old maple.

cross saw

Took half a barrel

Tears the bark and cuts the veins,

Yellow sawdust splatters.

Children stand in pairs, depict work with a saw.

Just grunted the old trunk

And went, went, went.

Raise your hands up, slowly bend down.

Rumbled to the ground with his left side,

Drowned in deep snow.

Lie down on the left side, stretch

  1. Reading by the educator of the story of L. Chersky "The broom and the old ram."

There was an old broken drum and a broom in the corner. And the drum complained:

It's a shame for me to stand next to a broom! After all, I am a necessary thing, and you, a broom, only sweep the rubbish.

Broom listened and answered:

You, drummer, speak the truth. My job is to sweep the rubbish and such unnecessary things as an old broken drum.

Reading session.

What were the objects in the corner?

What was the drum complaining about?

What did the broom say to that?

What was the drum like?

What can you say about the broom?

Re-reading the story by the teacher.

Collective compilation of a retelling.

  1. End of class.

Subject: Treasure. Abstract directly educational activities in the preparatory group.

Author: Volkova Gulzifa Sagymbaevna.
Educator MKDOU Kidyshevsky kindergarten "Teremok". Uisky district, Chelyabinsk region.

Region Integration: "cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".
Types of children's activities: Playful, cognitive-research, musical-artistic, communicative.
Target: Promote development cognitive interests, mental abilities and the desire for creative activity.
1. To develop in children the ability to distinguish and abstract properties, analyze, correlate reality and model, "read" symbols.
2. Learn to combine sounds into syllables from the first sounds of the names of objects.
3. Contribute to the development of speed of reaction, develop the ability to follow the rules, work in a team.
4. Learn to coordinate your actions and work together to achieve the goal.
5. To develop children's musical abilities, creativity. Collective playing skills on musical instruments.
Materials: Mini-museum in the music hall, tokens for the game: "Cats and mice", cards with numbers, cards with pictures, cards for composing syllables of letters.
Preliminary work: Conversation with children about treasures: "Would they like to find a treasure?" Visiting a mini-museum " Folk instruments", games: "Cat and Mouse", "Sound Lotto", Find the meaning", "Arithmetic". Playing children in the orchestra on musical instruments.

GCD progress.

(In the morning after breakfast, the postman brings the children a letter containing a plan where the treasure can be found. I ask if they would like to find the treasure? The children’s answers are yes! According to the plan, the children determine that the treasure is in the music room along the wall where the mini-museum is located ).
-Here, guys, we came to music hall where, according to the plan, is the treasure. What do we start?
- Guys, what folk proverbs do you know about the treasure?
The answers of the children: "Where there is a way, there is a treasure", "The healer's treasure is necessary", "To be sure, there is a treasure here", "Treasure is not given to everyone."
-Well done! "The treasure is not given to everyone!" -That's right!
And we will try to find our treasure. The treasure is hidden here, behind the cards, and where exactly we will find out only when we complete the task. What task we must also guess from the designation.
Exercise 1."Choose the meaning."
-What image should I include?
(On a white paper there is a strip of 4 cells, the first shows the day, the second shows the sun, the third shows the night, at 4 the children pick up a card with the image of the sun).
-That's right! (open a large card (drawing paper) and see a balalaika).
-What is it? (Answers of children-balalaika).
- Well done! Let's move on to the next card.
Task 2:"Make a word."
- From the first sounds of the names of objects, guys, you need to make syllables, then a word.
(In the pictures - bear, snail; zebra, raccoon, yogurt - the word "museum").
-What syllables did you get? (children's answers)
-What word are we reading? (Museum). What does this word mean, guys? (children's answers).
- Yes, a museum is a collection of rare things, wonderful items in any branch of science and art, antiquities.
- Well done! Open the card! (We see accordion, domra, balalaika).
- Guys, what are these musical instruments for? (Children's answers: to cheer up people, play them when they are sad, to have fun). - Well done, right! Let's move on to the next task!
Task 3:"Name the hero of the story."
(In the picture, Emelya-children call the hero of a fairy tale).
-Where else do we meet this hero of a fairy tale? (Answers of children in the song "Emelya"). That's right, we open the card. What is it? (Noise instruments in the box). Children's answers are noise percussion instruments.
-What are they for? (To play along with the songwriters). Let's sing the song "Emelya", and Rodion, Misha, Katya, Vika will play along with us.
(Children sing the song "Emelya". Soloists: Misha plays on spoons, Rodion on a rattle, Vika on bells, Katya on a tambourine). - Let's move on to the next card.
Task 4: game "Cats and mice", on the blocks of Gyenesh.
Children determine by the designation in the picture that the cat is from the game "Cats and Mouse." Hush, mice, don't make noise, don't wake the cat Vaska. Vaska the cat will wake up and disperse the round dance. "After these words, the children stop, turn to the cat. The cat stands in the middle and with last words puts on a cat token and says the following words: "One, two, three, four, five, I start to catch up" and, for example, puts on a token with a yellow, triangular-shaped symbol. This means that yellow and triangular-shaped mice run away. There are 4 cat tokens in total: a thick blue symbol, a red symbol, a yellow round symbol, a triangular symbol). clockwise from the parts a whole circle of "cheese". Each child receives one piece in general, 2 whole circles of "cheese" in blue and red are obtained.
-Here we played and collected "cheese" - well done, guys !!! Let's move on to the next task.
Task 6:"Put down number cards."
-You guys need to pick up a card with a number, a card with the image of the corresponding number of items. (Children each receive a card with a number and complete the task.) - Well done and coped with this task, open the card.
What and who do we see? (A girl walking for water with red buckets). - What kind of girl do you think? (Children's answers are Katya from the song "They sent a young woman"). - What instruments will be needed for this song? Children call: tambourine, rubels, spoons, a clapperboard, a bell. Children sing the song "They sent a young woman" and play along with the instruments: Katya on a tambourine, Dasha on a tambourine, Stepa on rubels, Rodion on spoons with Misha, Karina on a clapperboard and Vika on bells. (While the children play and sing , I endure imperceptibly "treasure").
-Guys, what is it that glows there? (Children's answers are a treasure! Children notice a chest that is shiny, glowing (Christmas tree lights) in it are beads, toys, board games).
- Yes, guys, "Treasure is not given to everyone," but you, well done, tried today and of course you deserve it! Now we will take this chest and look at our "treasure" together.
To the music, the children leave the room.

Consolidation, formation and development musical ability children, allowing them to apply their knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors .



Synopsis of directly educational activities in music for children preparatory group"In the world of musical instruments"


Consolidation, formation and development of children's musical abilities, allowing them to apply their knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors(required for learning to play musical instruments).



  • Consolidate and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.
  • Enrich lexicon musical terms.
  • To form the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing in harmony and expressively, conveying the character of the song in singing.



  • To cultivate communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.


  • Physical Culture.
  • Socialization.
  • Reading fiction.
  • Communication.

Preliminary work:

  • Read Russian to children folk tale“Turnip”, and then, together with the children, choose musical instruments to “sound” the steps of Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bugs, Cats, Mouse.


  • Multimedia installation for viewing slides.
  • Musical instruments: drum, rattle, spoons, tambourine, maracas, bell; homemade tools (boots - runners).
  • Visual aid: tables - houses for placing pictures depicting musical instruments.


Children enter the music room.

Sounds E. Grieg "Morning" from the suite "Peer Gynt",

Music Director (greeting)Hello guys!

Children respond to greetings.

Musical director. Guys, today we will go to an unusual country. There is no such country in any of geographical maps, but it is there where they love music. This is a country musical instruments. And we will go to this country with you in boots - runners. Dress them up soon.

Children put on "boots - runners" made of kinder - surprise.

Musical director. So, are you ready to hit the road? Let's go!

Let's walk together in step

Cheerful march will help us!

Sounds "March" music. F. Nadenenko. (I hour march)

Here we run on toes.

Sounds "March" music. F. Nadenenko. (II hour run)

Musical director. Guys, here we are with you. Look how beautiful our country of musical instruments is. How many different musical instruments are in it(we enumerate). They are all so different, but still they can be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments into groups:drums, wind, strings, keyboards.

Musical director:Well done boys! The musical instruments were preparing to meet you, but they were so excited and fussed that everyone was confused. Now you and I must help them find their houses. Can we help?

Children . Yes!

The teacher demonstrates the houses to the children.

Everyone on earth has a home.

Nice and fun and cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel, the fox has a hole,

An owl has a hollow, a robin has a nest.

Well, musical instruments live in these houses.

The first one we will help will be percussion musical instruments, because they were the first to appear on Earth, and are the simplest and most unpretentious. The game will help us put them in their places« Musical Guess.

Game "Musical Guess"

The teacher asks children riddles about musical instruments.

  1. Who in the orchestra will help you,

He can beat a complex rhythm.

Any rhythm, from different countries.

Well, of course,…………….(Drum)

The child who guessed the riddle attaches a picture with the image of a drum to the cell of the table-house.

Musical director:In ancient times, the drum was made from the skins of animals obtained by hunting, and it was important in people's lives. They used it, for example, as a telephone, in order to transmit information over long distances, or to warn of the danger of their neighbors who lived very far away.

  1. wooden crumbs,

Knock a little.

You can sip on them

And you can play "Lady".(Wooden spoons)

Children place a card with the image of wooden spoons in a table cell.

  1. The palm is tapping on him,

Shakes freely.

And he rings, thunders.

He doesn't hurt at all.(Tambourine)

Children place a card with the image of a tambourine in a table cell.

  1. You take me in your hands.

Shake my hand.

Wooden, mischievous.(Ratchet)

A card with the image of a ratchet is placed in a table cell.

Musical director:Ratchet not only sang along with the tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also protected the garden from pests. She crackled loudly in the wind and scared away crows and rooks.

  1. You take it in the palm of your hand

A call will be heard.

Ding-ding-ding, dong-dong-dong

Whose call is this? (Bell)

A card with the image of a bell is placed in the table.

  1. He looks like a rattle

Only it's not a toy! Maracas)

A card with the image of a maracas is placed in a table cell.

Musical director:Guys, our percussion instruments are not only funny musicians, but also skillful storytellers. Let's tell our guests the Russian folk tale "Turnip" together with them.

Children with the help percussion instruments voiced the fairy tale "Turnip".

Fairy tale "Turnip".

The “storyteller” (teacher or child) tells a fairy tale, and the children act out.

Grandfather (walks heavily, limps) - drum, slow pace, rhythmic pattern with pauses.

Grandmother (walks quickly and minces) - ratchet, rhythmic pattern is more calm, moderate pace.

Granddaughter (runs skipping) - tambourine, rhythmic pattern consists of eighths and quarter notes, fast pace.

Bug (runs and barks loudly) - spoons.

Cat (not in a hurry and purring) - maracas, rhythmic pattern with eighth durations, fast pace.

Mouse (hurries and looks around) - a bell, a rhythmic pattern with eighth durations.

Musical director:Like this an interesting fairy tale we told you along with the tools. Guys, wind musical instruments have also prepared a game for you. The game is called "Guess who sings?" And for starters, let's remember what wind instruments we met in previous lessons?

Children list the wind instruments that they met onprevious lessons: flute, trumpet, saxophone, pity.

Musical director: wind instruments will sing for you in turn, and you must find out which instrument sang for you?

The game "Guess who sings?"

The teacher gives the children to listen to the soundtracks of the sound of various wind instruments. Children, having recognized this tool, find a card with its image and fix it in the cell of the table - the house.

Musical director: Guys, look at our wonderful houses. Two are already occupied. The instruments are comfortably placed in their windows. This shows that you have listened very carefully in previous lessons and that you have many friends who are musical instruments.

An excerpt from Vivaldi's violin concerto.

Musical director:

Smooth bow movements

The strings tremble.

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

How clear is the overflow of sounds.

They have joy and smiles.

Sounds like a dreamy tune

Its name is violin!

It's time, guys, to talk about stringed instruments. Stringed instruments prepared colorful slides for us, telling about their diversity.

slide 1

Every violin has a bow.

He is a loyal, devoted friend.

When the violinist leads the bow

And the violin cries and sings.

slide 2

"The harp is a magical instrument" -

Said the thoughtful poet.

As soon as the strings touch the hand -

And gentle sounds will flow.

slide 3

Guitars sounds by the fire.

There is so much light and goodness in them.

Like the most intimate friend

Her melodious, gentle sound.

slide 4

Under the harp, sonorous tunes

Boys and girls fell in love.

At weddings, the psaltery sang,

And the young were blessed

slide 5

Louder than balalaika

Not in the whole world.

She is native Russian

Folk instrument.

They sang to it, they danced

They mourned and sighed.

On holidays under ahh, ohh

The buffoons had fun.

(Annex 2)

Musical director:Guys, only one house remained free. What group of instruments will we put in it?

Children answer: Keyboard instruments.

Musical director:First place of honor should occupy our good piano, which plays a lot for us musical works, and is the main assistant on our holidays and classes.

A card with the image of a piano is placed in the cell of the table - the house.

Musical director:In another way, this instrument is called the piano. If its name is translated into Russian, then it will sound like "loud - quiet." Hammers live inside keyboard instruments that strike tight stretched strings, and give rise to beautiful sounds of music that can tell about a beautiful morning, a cold winter, a good grandmother's fairy tale and an evil Baba Yaga, beautiful butterflies and wonderful flowers.

Musical director:Guys, what keyboard instruments do you know yet?

Children's answers: Piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Cards with the image of these tools take their places in the table.

Musical director:Guys, so we helped musical instruments find their houses. I am sure that you will never forget such a beautiful country of Musical Instruments. We will definitely come back here, but for now, before we go to kindergarten, we will make a gift to our friends - tools. Let's sing a song for them, and our piano will help us.

The song "The World of Music" words and music by E. V. Mashechkova is performed.

Musical director:Let's say goodbye to our friends - the instruments. Close your eyes and count to 5

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Back in kindergarten.

Musical director: Guys, did you enjoy our trip?

Children talk about what they did in the lesson, what they liked.

The music director says goodbye to the children, the children leave the hall.

Elena Lupikina
"Tools". Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic "Tools"

Technologies used: Dybina O. In "What was before ..."; Ushakova O. D "Riddles, rhymes, tongue twisters"

Purpose of the lesson:

Expand children's understanding of different types tools, about their use in the work of people different professions.



To teach children to guess riddles, form adjectives from nouns, replenish vocabulary.


develop children's memory, logical thinking, coherent speech.


Educate in children respectful attitude to the work of adults.

Materials for the lesson: Presentation on the topic "Tools" (author's,

Y/and “Who needs what?”

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment:

Guys, today we will talk about tools. What are tools? (Tools are items that help people in their work) - slide 1;

II. The first tools appeared a very long time ago. They were still used primitive people. At first it was just a stone tied to a stick.

Which one do you think modern instrument he looks like? (it looks like an ax). Right. With the help of such tools, people built a dwelling, got food, made items necessary for life - slide 2;

Then people learned how to make iron tools - slide 3; The profession of a blacksmith is still in demand today.

IN modern world a power tool appeared, which greatly facilitated the work of people - slide 4;

III. Game "Guess the Riddles"

Do you want to solve riddles about tools? (Yes)

(the teacher reads the riddle, the children guess, after which the picture appears on the slide, and then explain their answer)

1. A lot of teeth, but does not eat anything? (Saw) - Slide 5

(a saw is needed to saw something off)

2. A thick one beats a thin one, a thin one will break through something. (Hammer and nail) - slide 6

(A hammer is needed to hammer a nail)

3 They have hard labour, all the time something is squeezing. (Vise) - slide7

(Different parts are fixed in a vice so that it is convenient to process them)

4. She started dancing with the screw, and he got stuck in the board spinning! (Screw and screwdriver) - slide 8

(Screw screws are screwed in)

5. On the mirror on the rink

On a single skate.

He rode once -

And the whole skating rink fell apart. (Glass cutter) - slide 9

(Glass cutter is needed to cut glass)

6. At the humpbacked horse

wooden sides

From under his hooves

White shavings run

wooden river

wooden boat

And hovering over the boat

Wood smoke. (Planer) - slide 10

(The planer cuts the boards so that they are smooth)

7. We will squeeze the nail with our claw, P- once and no nails. (Ticks) - slide11

(Pliers are needed to pull nails out of boards)

8. This stone circle

Instruments' best friend

Whirl sparks above him

Sharp makes blunt. (Whetstone) - slide 12

(A sharpener is needed for sharpening tools)

IV. Physical education minute

Tyusha Plush tostyachok (springs)

Nailed a hook to the wall (the fist knocks on the fist)

Knock, yes knock

Knock, yes knock

The old nail suddenly bent (arms in fists bend and unbend)

The nail is bent like a worm

And the fat man from the chair breaks! (to squat)

He sniffed his nose merrily,

Bloomers pulled up, (get to their feet)

Counted my freckles

Smoothed the curls to the crown

Tyusha Plush does not roar (jumping on 2 legs)

Even if you're unlucky!

v. Didactic game"Who needs what to work?"

People of different professions use tools in their work.

Let's play the game "Who needs what?". Here are pictures of people of different professions. Name the professions of people in the pictures and match them with pictures with the tools they need in their work.

Picture options:

Joiner (Planer, chisel, saw, hammer);

Carpenter (Axe, saw, hammer);

Plumber (wrench, cutting machine, hacksaw);

Auto mechanic (Hacksaw, wrench, vise);

Gardener (Trimmer, shovel, rake, watering can);

Lumberjack (Chainsaw, ax);

Doctor (Syringe, tweezers, thermometer);

Hairdresser (Scissors, hair dryer, comb, clipper);

Glazier (Roulette, glass cutter);

Seamstress (Iron, needles, scissors, pins);

Shoemaker (Hammer, knife, awl).

VI. Game "Finish the sentence"

For example:

Builders need construction tools;

The gardener needs ... (garden tools);

The doctor needs ... (medical instruments);

The seamstress needs ... (sewing tools);

The carpenter needs ... (carpentry tools);

Shoemaker needed. (shoe tools).

VII. The game "What's wrong?"

Axe, tongs, glass cutter, drill. Slide 13 (The drill is a power tool, and the ax, tongs, glass cutter are manual)

Vice, needle and thread, hammer, drill. Slide 14 (The needle is a sewing tool, and the vise, hammer and planer are construction tools)

Tweezers, syringe, thermometer, tape measure. Slide 15 (Roulette is a construction tool, and tweezers, a syringe, a thermometer are medical)

Awl, watering can, spatula, rake. Slide 16 (Awl is a shoe tool, and a watering can, shovel, rake is a garden tool)

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, what did we talk about in our lesson? (About tools)

What kinds of instruments do you remember? (gardening, carpentry, etc.)

Draw and color the tools that you have at home, in the country or that your parents use at work.

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