A glass of water (film). Eugene scrib - a glass of water, or cause and effect Where to buy tickets for "A glass of water"

And again I got to the performance, which I had long wanted to get. Namely, for the play "A glass of water or a conspiracy in English" from Sergei Aldonin at the theater "Bulgakov's House". I had very high hopes for him and I was not deceived in them!
E.Scribe's play "Glass of Water". Many people remember the television production of the same name in 1979 with Kirill Lavrov, Natalya Belokhvostikova and Alla Demidova. I didn't see her. And perhaps this is good, since the film (as far as one can judge from the reviews) is a classic, quite serious with a little bit of English humor interspersed. But the performance of Sergei Aldonin is a completely different story.
Queen Anna - Elena Morozova
Bolinbrock - Sergey Aldonin
Duchess of Marlborough - Tatyana Lyutaeva
Abigail - Zoya Mansurova
Meshem - Philip Pale
Marquis de Torcy, Thompson - Vadim Sitnikov
Cardinal - Philip Sitnikov
Ladies of the Court - Ekaterina Lebokina, Maria Matto
The performance turned out to be unusual (I didn’t expect anything else from Sergei Aldonin) in good sense words. On the background historical events the love story of Abigail and Meshem unfolds. He is a poor nobleman who came from the provinces to London to seek his fortune, she is a saleswoman in a jewelry store that went bankrupt, a distant relative of the Duchess of Marlborough. Poor, rather naive, still with ideals, in love with each other. It would seem that their history has no future. But by chance, on their way they meet Bolinbrock - an intriguer and adventurer who wants to take revenge ex-wife- the Duchess of Marlborough, to return wealth, and, by some kind of movement of the soul, to help lovers along the way. And not a weak intrigue is twisted!
Bright costumes, interesting, albeit uncomplicated scenery, music, dancing. This performance uses many instruments that make it bright and interesting. English humor is interspersed with allusions to our reality (there is also the "mood color is black", and a couple of lines from Soviet hits, and much more). It would seem that one can slide into clowning, but the director manages to keep the line beyond which humor turns into vulgarity. Here is a mixture of melodrama, comedy, farce - everything in moderation.
The acting is simply incredible! I especially want to note the performer of the role of Abigail - Zoya Mansurova, who played for the first time in this performance. Firstly, the fact that she was only being introduced into the play was completely unnoticeable. Secondly, she is very artistic and plastic. Her character was sincere and very convincing. A kind of young simpleton, who is actually not so simple. She literally transforms when she enters into a struggle for her love, and in a struggle with the mighty of the world this. Just bravo!
Sergey Aldonin was just great. His character, in my opinion, is the brightest in this production. He literally gushed with humor and intrigue. I would go to this performance again if only to see his Bolingbroke again. This is some kind of miracle!
The heroine of Tatyana Lyutaeva was similar to other characters that the actress played in her life. And she really suits this image - Strong woman, smart, cunning, but not alien to weaknesses, such as love. Wonderfully played!
For the first time I saw the actress Elena Morozova. And her Queen Anne was very unusual. Either a fool, or just a very stuffed woman, from which everyone twists ropes. And she wants simple human happiness - close friends nearby, a brother, a loved one. At times, her heroine caused laughter, at times she was sincerely sorry.
Philip Pale did not become a discovery, as he is familiar from his film works. And in principle, it looks just as good on stage as it does in the movies. Convincing, very well suited to the image of Meshem.
I want to separately note the choreographic inserts in the performance. I really love choreography in different manifestations. And similar "decorations" in performances are a nice bonus for me. And in this production, my soul just sang and enjoyed both the plastic inserts themselves and the music.
In general, everything worked out for me personally in this performance and it was very organic - the historical background, costumes, humor (sometimes with a hint of banter), dances, actors. It didn’t even bother me that the performance, instead of the declared 2.5 hours, went on for more than 3. I was very interested. But what was surprising was that quite a lot of people left both before the intermission and during the intermission. In the back sat 3 ladies aged 50+, who were simply languishing for the entire first act and could not wait for the intermission to leave. I sincerely cannot understand them.
My only gripe is with the theatre. I was here before (4 years ago) and hoped that something had changed. Alas... Extremely uncomfortable chairs. The spectators actually sit with their knees up, reclining. This is inconvenient and by the end of the performance, the back is simply taken away. And very, very, very stuffy in the hall. Open at intermission front door and it becomes easier to breathe. But by the end of the performance, oxygen is simply not physically enough. This is very uncomfortable! Well, no software. The chaperon girl apologized that they did not have time to print, I had to clarify the performers with her.
Would I still go to this show? Definitely yes! Even despite its duration and uncomfortable room.
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Eugene Scribe

Glass of water

Cast: Ulyana Kravets, Maria Sokolskaya, Ivan Dergachev.

Glass of water

A Glass of Water is a play by the French playwright Eugene Scribe. On the small stage of the Moscow Art Theatre. A.P. Chekhov, it was embodied through the efforts of director Yuri Kravets. The play takes place in the 18th century in the Royal Palace of London, where the War of the Spanish Succession is being discussed.

The main characters of the play - Queen Anne, Minister Lord Bolingbroke and Officer Masham - are involved in political intrigues. Anna falls in love with an officer. But she is not alone - the Duchess of Marlborough and a young jewelry saleswoman also breathe unevenly towards him. Politics and love passions are closely intertwined and keep the audience in constant suspense. To be in the thick of these events and understand what role a glass of water plays in the play, buy tickets to the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov and come to the performance!

The production is a political satire, but it does not lose anything from this, but rather gains, acquiring originality and a peculiar flavor. Psychological dialogues and subtle English humor will not let the audience get bored. An unexpected surprise in the performance is the main " actor"- a glass of water, which turns out to be fateful for the whole country ...

Directed by Yuri Kravets, the audience of the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. He knows Chekhov from modern performances (“Telephone of Trust” and “Mechanics of Love”). This time he decided to show the audience the classics, inviting magnificent stars to participate in the production - Stanislav Duzhnikov, Kristina Babushkina, Uliana Kravets, Artyom Volobuev. Thanks to their talent, the production turned out to be sincere, fun and exciting.

You can buy tickets for the play "Glass of Water" both for yourself and as a gift. Like the play and young generation and older viewers. It is perfect for family viewing. A series of funny comical scenes, intrigues and love passions will not leave anyone indifferent!

Where to buy tickets for "Glass of Water"?

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If you do not have the opportunity to print them, order a courier. We carry out home delivery promptly to any district of Moscow.

Elena Kovalskaya reviews: 871 ratings: 240 rating: 988

A member of the French Academy, Eugene Scribe (he was accepted to the envy of Hugo, who was refused) understood the technology of creating a theatrical product better than other playwrights. Still - his deft pen belongs to several hundred plays. His intrigue drives the action with the precision of a clockwork, not a word is uttered in vain, the actor has something to do at every moment, and the public has something to watch with their mouths open. Leave such a play at the mercy of the actors, and the play will take them where they should be. "Glass of Water" is one of the Frenchman's most clever plays, absolutely self-acting. It takes place in the 18th century at the English court, at a time when Britain was competing with France in the War of the Spanish Succession. Bolingbroke weaves political intrigue at the court of Queen Anne, and the rivalry between the queen and her lady-in-waiting the Duchess of Marlborough for a young ensign named Mesham helps him resolve the issue in his favor. Minor reasons - here main idea Scribe - generate historical consequences. A minor play, as confirmed by him personal experience generate the most capital. Scribe's plays are still able to improve the contents of the box office, but they are unlikely to bring fame to the director. Nevertheless, Sergei Aldonin (a young student of Mark Zakharov; his graduation performance “The Master and Margarita” was accepted into the repertoire of the Stanislavsky Theater several years ago) for a re-debut on repertory stage chose the win-win "Glass of Water". Against the background of such a text, the quality of directing is not so clearly visible. Aldonin filled the action with dance numbers performed by court mummers. The artist Alla Kozhenkova placed the English court in the scenery of the carnival, so that Queen Anna, infantile, dreamy, red-haired and more like a virgin Elizabeth (Elena Morozova), becomes a hostage not only to Bolingbroke intrigues, but also to carnival tinsel, behind which you cannot discern reality. In the program of the performance according to the laws of the commercial theater, participation is announced famous actors- Elena Safonova, Era Ziganshina, Vladimir Korenev, Peter Krasilov. In the performance that I saw, Morozova shone confidently, with dignity, without fuss, surrounded by a nameless masquerade, against which only Aldonin himself stood out - he played Bolingbroke. The actor Aldonin is wonderful, grotesque, expressive, perfectly feeling the form, which cannot be said about the masquerade organized by him. As for the director, he disappeared into the "Glass of Water" with little or no sediment.

Elizabeth reviews: 743 ratings: 1109 rating: 542

In the city where Nina Chusova rules the show, if the performance follows a similar path, then the comparison is inevitable - and not in favor of Sergei Aldonin, both the director and the performer of the role of Bolingbroke - there is not enough lordship, nobility. Clever man but not a lord, not even a nobleman. To the Duchess of Marlborough - Era Ziganshina - the same remark: there is no nobility, but it should be.
It turned out like Chusova, but ... Smaller fantasies, the budget, excuse me, is poorer. Although to the credit of the director - I think he did not imitate, he just came to the same conclusion.
How wonderfully, gently and subtly plays Elena Morozova - Queen Anna! It looks like Anastasia Vertinskaya in the "Twelfth Night" of the old Sovremennik, but at the same time somehow in her own way, but the finale with her active participation is clearly superfluous.
The costumes are excellent, and the design of the queen's robes is especially good.

Elena KKK reviews: 280 ratings: 417 rating: 236

The performance is very ... original. Against the background of other performances in general, and not among Aldonin's productions. Among the latter, with a correction - Aldonin's, which were written taking into account his participation in the performance - just quite typical and recognizable: humor, improvisation, costumes, general dances in smoke to the original "aspirated" music, masks (with noses) ... Declared in the program as "court fireworks in two acts" - and this accurately conveys the essence of what is happening on stage. Fireworks :) Three hours of laughter is something. But even more "something" is that some part remains in all this, allowing you to feel something, experience and even think ... But laughter is still the main thing. The whole performance is built on it, a million jokes, a sea of ​​improvisations - this must be seen, it is impossible to retell :)
Better try on the actors ...
Queen Anna (Morozova E.) is simply incredible. The impression that the whole performance rests on it. The image is wonderful, I'm in awe :))) It can be quoted endlessly:) "I am the Queen of Logic ..." (c) :)))
The Duchess of Marlborough (Lushina L) is also beautiful. It's funny that she (the duchess) reminded me so much of a character from a completely different play that at first it was unsettling.
So, next... Abigail. I personally did not look. "Little Abigail" is much larger than everyone who is on stage there, and plays ... Well, she is so straight and slightly heavy, it seems to me that she plays, maybe well, but not quite in the rhythm and style of the performance fits...
Meshem... mmm... Meshem... Today Vadim Sitnikov entered the role of Meshem, and he was introduced perfectly, in my opinion :) Gorgeous Meshem, it's very clear why everyone is thrilled with him))) And we also recognized the Master in him from the May 15 MiM, so it's doubly nice)))
Bolinbrock. Bolinbroke really upset me. No, I have nothing against Korenev, I don't seem to know him. But, for my taste, Bolinbrock from him ... no: (Heavy, straightforward, not improvising, not funny. Somewhere it may be by the way. And here ... eh: (No, I have a good imagination, I I can imagine, "how it would be if", especially since in Bolingbroke's speech and gestures, sometimes one could still see what was clearly written not for him :))) But okay.
All in all, I'm glad I watched it. Maybe I'll even wander there - relax and admire Queen Anne.

Stryker reviews: 31 ratings: 26 rating: 33

Yesterday (01/17/07) I was at the "Glass", I really (!) liked it, the performance exceeded expectations! Judging by the reviews and ticket price, I thought that I was going to a "passing" performance, but I liked it no worse than " masculine.." and "Man and Women".
The staging is not exactly a "classic", of course, but the costume, meaning and intrigue are kept classic. Music inserts, dances - everything looks harmonious.
I am glad for Aldonin and the theater - it turned out well.
Also, I think I had the best possible squad - Korenev, Krasilov, Koreneva, Lushina. Everyone played well, Korenev - excellent, but what was Elena Morozova (Queen Anna) ..
A masterpiece is not when they say "he played great", a masterpiece is when you do not feel that a person is playing, on the contrary - you see that he is himself on stage in this role. I kept trying to catch at least a hint of the Queen's pretense, but .. I did not find it.
Honestly, it was worth going to the play just because of her, in order to understand that this could be so. "Demon queen, la la.."
Maybe it's worth going again to see how Aldonin, Ziganshisha and Iskander play. But it’s definitely not worth changing Krasilov - Samarin is too “replaying”.
The plot itself is good, you can learn intrigue, but the ending was unusual, and the performance won even more.

You must go, you won't regret it!

Elena Smirnova reviews: 73 ratings: 73 rating: 16

"Court fireworks in two acts"

"A glass of water, or Consequences and causes" - a play in five acts written by the outstanding French playwright of the 19th century, Eugene Scribe. The main characters of the play are real historical figures, but the plot itself is a high-class dramatic intrigue seasoned with witty jokes.
In my distant childhood, I listened with rapture more than once under the heading "Theater at the Microphone" to the play "Glass of Water" by the Maly Theater. The imagination drew images of beloved characters - Viscount Bolingbroke and officer Masham, with whom everyone is in love (Queen Anne, the influential Duchess of Marlborough, young and poor Abigail).
Then a film was released on TV screens, in which the great Kirill Lavrov and Alla Demidova played, brilliantly played out the “duel” between Viscount Bolinbroke and the Duchess of Marlborough. But ... in general, the film by Yu. Karasik seemed boring and uninteresting to me.
And now, many years later, I met with another story about the intricacies of intrigue at the court of Queen Anne - the play "GLASS OF WATER or Conspiracy in English" at the Theater named after M.A. Bulgakov, where the director was the talented Sergey Aldonin, who called his production "court fireworks in two acts."
And, indeed, the performance is very dynamic, spectacular, simply mesmerizing!!! With bright costumes, wonderful music and dancing.
And with what grotesque actors play their roles!!! And in this there is no equal to Sergei Aldonin himself, who plays the role of Bolingbroke and dilutes in the course of action the sparkling remarks written by E. Scribe with simple Russian humor that reflects our reality.
Above all praise here is my beloved Olga Tumaikina (Duchess of Marlborough) - a born comedian with her own charm!!!
Another decoration of the performance was Queen Anna performed by Agnia Ditkovskite! Before that, I knew her only from film roles and could not imagine her in a comedic role. BRAVO!!!
The main characters of the play, around love story which unfold all the intrigues (including political ones!!!), Masham and Abigail, or rather the actors who played their roles, clearly lost to this magnificent trio (unfortunately, I don’t know them, and there were no programs in the theater).
Despite the fact that the final monologue of Queen Anne, invented by the director, seemed inappropriate to me, and the “end”, as you know, “crowns the cause”, the impression of the performance was very good.

greyny reviews: 3 ratings: 3 rating: 10

It is strange that on the site most of the ratings of this performance are laudatory. A significant part of the hall fled during the first act, but we hardly sat through until the break. The acting is at the level of the most primitive youth serials and frankly loses even to provincial amateur theaters. There is no question of any creative rethinking of the classics. The performance is clearly aimed at the same audience that laughs at Petrosyan's jokes and enjoys the flat-parallel humor of all sorts of "happy together". I recommend taking an intelligence test before buying tickets. If it turns out to be more than 90, then it’s better not to go.

La_Cornaline reviews: 2 ratings: 2 rating: 2

"Glass of water"

An amazing performance that stands out so much from the rest of the repertoire! Clever, funny to the point of colic in the stomach and a little sad - a bright extravaganza of emotions! Impressions that never fade away for more than one evening!
Huge respect to Sergey Aldonin for this production, for the roses for the Countess of Marlborough and red trousers, more modern than ever)))
I recommend to everyone!

weile-me.livejournal.com reviews: 1 ratings: 3 rating: 1

It's undeniable best performance theater. And maybe many theaters. And the reason is the simplicity of choosing an actress. Always the second in Morozov's program - the real first and only.
Describing the performance without remembering it is pointless. Talking only about her is also pointless, since it can only be seen and felt.
More specifically, if you have not seen the performance - run! I run into the hall.
Yes, this is a one-man show. Yes, there are not quite appropriate modern jokes. But the truth of the theater is born there - when both men and women cry in the hall. And not from pity for the character, but from the fact that feelings break out, from true words, from the sincerity of Morozova.

That's how the world works - one and a half acts of laughing, one and a half of crying. And all in one breath.

For some reason it seems to me that after each performance, Morozova should be given a ticket to the resort - to rest ...

Svetlana Kryukova reviews: 2 ratings: 2 rating: 0

I liked the performance "Glass of Water" in general. Main female characters: Queen Anne performed by Olga Levitina and the Duchess of Marlborough - Irina Bogdanova were especially remembered. Viewing this performance left a good impression and gave a cheerful mood.

Olga Zatulivetrova

In the 17th century, when the theater was just emerging in Rus', it was called a "disgrace".
It looks like in last years everything I see on the stages of many theaters seems to be slipping back to its medieval name. Everything that happened on the stage cannot be called anything other than a disgrace.
It is so painful to see how the temple of art turns into a temple of vulgarity and indecency. How disfigure classical plays, turning them from drama to farce ...

Natal Frost reviews: 2 ratings: 3 rating: 0

We watched "Glass of Water" just yesterday. Amazing performance! Elena Morozova in the role of Queen Anna is very convincing, she perfectly got used to the role, but she is not an easy one. Sergei Aldonin as Bolingbroke and Lyudmila Lushina as the Duchess of Marlborough are simply incomparable! Highly recommend!

zambrozia reviews: 1 ratings: 1 rating: 0

I am not a big theatergoer, and therefore my opinion will be purely philistine. Personally, I liked it. If you are not a hypocrite and easily relate to reading the classics with humor, then this is what you will like. But if you are a stickler for strict rules classical theater, then you should not go. Lots of humor, unexpected musical accompaniment and interesting choreographic digressions. Simple and with a laugh about the complex and pompous.

Early 18th century England, together with Austria, Prussia and other countries, is waging an endless and exhausting war for the Spanish inheritance against the Franco-Spanish coalition. England is ruled by a weak-willed and compliant Queen Anne, who does not make decisions without consulting those around her. In fact, the reins of government are in the hands of Lady Churchill, the Duchess of Marlborough. This is a woman of a strong mind, resolute and courageous, experienced in palace intrigues. Her husband, the famous and greedy Marshal Marlborough, is in command of the English army and is not at all interested in ending the war, which drains the state treasury, but successfully fills his pockets.

The Marlborough party, that is, the Whig party, is opposed by the opposition of the Tories. It is led by Henry St. John, Viscount Bolinbroke, a keen political player who breathes deeply in the turbulent sessions of Parliament like an English sailor at sea. Until the age of twenty-six, he thoughtlessly enjoyed life and spent his fortune until it dried up. To improve things, he marries a charming woman with a million dowry and a million whims and shortcomings.

Married life soon becomes unbearable, Bolinbroke parted with his wife and passionately interested in politics. His wife belongs to the Whig party. Naturally, he adjoins the Tory party. He speaks in parliament calling for peace with France and publishes angry articles about military corruption in his newspaper The Examiner. Bolinbrock tries to get an audience with Queen Anne for the French ambassador, the Marquis de Torcy. In this he can be helped by Arthur Mesham, a guard officer in the palace.

Two years ago, this young provincial nobleman, lost in London, is about to throw himself into the Thames because he does not have twenty-five guineas. Bolinbroke gives him two hundred guineas and saves him from death. Meshem hopes to convey to the queen a petition for a position at court and one day he almost manages to break through the crowd at the carriage when the society dandy pushes him away and flicks his nose. However, the petition has been submitted, and Meshem receives an invitation to an audience, but when he goes to the palace, the crew of the same dandy pours mud over his only decent camisole. It would seem that everything is lost, but suddenly he has a mysterious patron - he gets the place of the queen's page, then the rank of ensign of the guards regiment and hopes for new blessings with the only condition - he should not marry.

Meanwhile, he is passionately in love with the charming Abigail, who worked in a jewelry store until his owner went bankrupt. Now she is promised a place at court, and the promise also comes from a mysterious benefactor, who turns out to be the queen herself. However, the appointment depends on the all-powerful Lady Marlborough. The naive Abigail hopes that Lady Marlborough will help her, since she is her relative, the daughter of Lady Marlborough's cousin who has entered into an unequal marriage. Bolinbroke explains to the girl that there is no limit to the deceit of the Duchess. Bolinbroke, Meshem and Abigail form a defensive and offensive alliance against Lady Marlborough.

Bolinbroke hopes that if Abigail gets a place in the court, he will be able to influence the queen. Meshem's duties include daily serving the Queen with the newspaper "Fashionable People" - all other sources of information are excluded by the favorite. Meshem undertakes to deliver to the queen the letters of the Marquis de Torcy, envoy of Louis XVI, and the newspaper Examiner with an exposing article by Bolinbrock against the Marlborough party. However, the duchess intercepts "illegal investments" and caustically informs Bolinbroke that he is in her hands - she bought all his debt obligations for next to nothing and intends to put him in prison. Bolinbroke is delighted that he has such a worthy opponent and is about to strike again in Parliament.

Meshem, meanwhile, meets his long-time offender in the palace park and kills him in a duel. No one has seen him, but he faces the death penalty under the harsh dueling law. He must run. Bolinbroke manages to deliver a note to the queen, in which he cautiously recommends Abigail. The queen would like to bring the girl she liked closer to her, but the duchess, fearing outside influence, convinces her of the undesirability of such an act. However, she reports that she found a way to give the rank of captain to a diligent young man, to whom the queen turned her favorable attention, - Meshem. The queen is pleased with the favorite and forgets about Abigail. The girl is in despair.

Fortune smiles on Bolinbroke again - he becomes the heir to a huge fortune, since the dandy killed by Meshem in a duel is his cousin Richard, the embodiment of greed and insignificance, the most cruel of his creditors. The bonds are immediately redeemed, Bolingbroke is in control again. He demands severe punishment for the killer, but as soon as he learns from Abigail that it is about Meshem, he convinces her not to worry - he will try not to find him. At this moment, Meshem appears. He did not run at all, because a messenger with an order for a new appointment caught up with him. He is ordered to be with the queen. The mysterious patron sends him signs of a new rank - diamond tips for aiguillettes. Abigail recognizes the diamonds that she herself sold to Lady Marlborough when she was in a jewelry store. The incognito of the patron is revealed (Meshem does not know about it at that moment), and Bolinbroke gets the opportunity to deliver another blow to his opponent.

Abigail finds a place with the queen and immediately becomes her favorite. The queen complains to Abigail about the lack of freedom in everything and vaguely hints that she is carried away by a certain young officer. Knowing nothing, Abigail offers her help to the queen. Bolinbrock is finally admitted to the queen and tries to touch her with stories of the people's misfortunes, hardships and sacrifices caused by the war. She frankly misses and perks up only when she is informed that the duchess is interested in continuing the war, which keeps her husband with the army and allows her to indulge in sweet pleasures with Meshem. The queen is furious. So Bolinbroke learns that she also loves Meshem.

The Duchess announces to Meshem that she intends to give him an important assignment and asks to come to her after the evening reception with the Queen. Inadvertently, she becomes aware that it was Meshem who killed Richard Bolinbroke. The queen also decides to make an appointment with Meshem and during the reception must file symbol: in the presence of guests, she will complain about the heat and ask Meshem for a glass of water. Bolinbrock informs the duchess that a certain noble lady is going to make an appointment with Meshem. In exchange for this information, he receives an invitation to the court for the Marquis de Torcy. The Duchess is unpleasantly intrigued. During card game, to which, unexpectedly for everyone, the Marquis de Torcy is admitted, the queen asks Meshem to give her water. The Duchess is completely confused and makes mistake after mistake. Instead of Meshem, she serves a glass of water and knocks it over the queen's dress. The queen is angry, they exchange barbs. The result is the resignation of the duchess. But she doesn't give up. Through her supporters, she manages to convince the queen that she loves not Meshem, but a completely different one. The queen is ready to forgive her. Bolinbrock clears up another misconception. The Duchess vows to disgrace the Queen. Meshem brings papers for the queen's signature on the dissolution of parliament and the appointment of Bolinbrock as minister. A terrible noise makes him hide on the balcony. The duchess appears, accompanied by a crowd of courtiers, and discovers Meshem in the queen's private quarters. Abigail falls to her knees and asks for forgiveness for having secretly received Meshem from the queen. Bolinbrock adds that Meshem, accused of the murder, came to say goodbye to his wife, Abigail Churchill. The queen, after some hesitation, forgives Abigail and Meshem and announces the appointment of Bolinbrock as a minister and the beginning of peace negotiations with France. So Lord and Lady Marlborough are cast down, the world is concluded - and all this thanks to a glass of water, as Bolinbroke says.

Eugene Scribe

A glass of water, or Cause and effect


Queen Anna.

The Duchess of Marlborough is her favorite.

Henry St John, Viscount Bolingbroke.

Meshem - Ensign of the Guards Regiment.

Abigail is the cousin of the Duchess of Marlborough.

Marquis de Torcy - envoy of Louis XIV.

Thompson is the Queen's valet.

The action takes place in London at St. James's Palace.

The first four acts are in the reception hall of the palace; the fifth act is in the queen's boudoir.

Act one

Luxurious hall in Saint James Palace. The door is at the back of the stage. Two doors on the sides. On the left side is a table with writing instruments; on the right - a table on one leg.

Phenomenon I

Marquis de Torcy, Bolingbroke (enter through the door to the left of the viewer), Meshem (sleeping in an armchair, which stands on the right side of the stage).

Bolingbroke. Yes, marquis, the queen will receive the letter, no matter what it costs me... I swear to you!... And she will treat it with the attention that the envoy of the great king deserves.

Torcy. I count on it, Sir St. John ... Your decency, your friendly feelings towards us allow me to entrust the honor of France and mine to you.

Bolingbroke. And you are doing well… Anything can be said about me; that Henry St. John is a spendthrift and a freethinker, a wayward and fickle mind, a provocative hack and a restless orator ... with all this I can agree ... but no one will say that Henry St. John ever sold his pen or betrayed his friend.

Torcy. I know and place all my hopes on you. (Exits.)

Phenomenon II

Bolingbroke and Meshem (asleep).

Bolingbroke. About the vicissitudes of war! .. About the fate of conquering kings! The envoy of Louis the Fourteenth cannot get an audience with Queen Anne at Saint James Palace! .. And in order to hand her a diplomatic note, he is forced to resort to a whole network of tricks and intrigues ... we are talking about a love letter!.. Poor Marquis de Torcy, he will die of grief if his mission is not crowned with success... After all, he loves his old sovereign so much, who still flatters himself with the hope of an honorable and glorious world!.. What to do!.. Old age This is the age of disappointment...

Meshem (through a dream). Oh, how beautiful she is!

Bolingbroke. And youth is the age of illusions. Here this young officer visits happiness even in a dream.

Meshem (through a dream). I love you...I will always love you...

Bolingbroke. Poor young man. He sees her even in his dreams. Ba! Young Meshem! Old friend!..

Meshem (through a dream). What happiness... what wealth... it's too much for me.

Bolingbroke (hitting him on the shoulder). In that case, dear friend, let's share it.

Meshem (getting up, rubs his eyes). What is this?... Sir St. John... waking me up?!

Bolingbroke (laughing). And ruins.

Mesh. You, to whom I owe everything!.. Poor schoolboy, poor provincial nobleman lost in London, two years ago I was about to throw myself into the Thames, because I did not have twenty-five guineas ... and you gave me two hundred, which I did not return to you and still!

Bolingbroke. Oh my friend, I would like to be in your place ... I would gladly exchange with you ...

Mesh. Why?

Bolingbroke. Because I owe a hundred times more.

Mesh. Oh heaven!.. So you are unhappy?!

Bolingbroke. Not at all... I am ruined, that's all!.. But I have never felt so good, never have I been so cheerful and free. Five years of wealth dragged on like never before in my life ... Burning through the state, I was fed up with pleasures. There had to be something to do! At twenty-six, it was all over.

Mesh. Is it possible to?

Bolingbroke. Oh, I couldn’t do it sooner… In order to improve my condition, I was married to a charming woman… But life with her was impossible… A million dowries and as many shortcomings and whims… I return the dowry and win again: my wife shone at court , she belonged to the Marlborough party, she was a Whig ... you understand that I had to become a Tory. I found myself in opposition: I owe my happiness to it. Because from that day my vocation awakened, my craving for politics made itself felt. My passionate soul, hitherto in a state of rest, found herself in her midst! In the atmosphere of political passions, stormy meetings of the House of Commons, I breathe deeply, I feel like an English sailor at sea, I am here at home, in my element, here are my possessions ... Movement - happiness ... peace - misfortune. During my idle youth, and especially during the period family life I thought about killing myself twenty times.

Mesh. Is it possible to?

Bolingbroke. Yes…on the days when I happened to accompany my wife to the ball. But now I want to live! It would be a pity to go to the next world. Besides, I don’t have enough time for this: there is not a single free minute left for myself ... Member of the House of Commons, well-known journalist ... I speak from the rostrum in the morning and eat in the evening. Let the Whig Ministry triumph, let it rule over England and Europe, I do not stop fighting. I'm alone, I have only a few friends with me... but the losers often keep the winners awake. Lord Marlborough, at the head of his army, trembles at the mere thought of a speech by Henry St. John or an article in our paper, The Examiner. With him - Prince Eugene, Holland and an army of five thousand ... With me - Swift, Pryor and Etterbury. He has a sword, we have a seal! Let's see which side will win... The famous and greedy marshal wants a war that empties the state treasury and fills his pockets... I want peace and the development of industry. This is better than any conquest will ensure the prosperity of England! That's what you need to make understand the Queen, Parliament, the country!

Mesh. It is not so easy.

Bolingbroke. Of course! .. Brute force and laurels won by cannon cannonade deafen the crowd, it does not even occur to them that the famous general can be a fool, a tyrant or a swindler. But Lord Marlborough is just that. I will prove it, I will show how he furtively throws his victorious hand into the state treasury.

Mesh. You won't!

Bolingbroke. Already done, written and signed. The article is ready ... it will appear this morning ... I will repeat it tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I will repeat it daily. There is one voice that will eventually be heard, it sounds louder than trumpets and drums ... this is the voice of truth! .. But forgive me ... I seem to imagine myself in parliament and made you listen to a whole lecture on politics - you, my dear friend, who has completely different dreams in his head ... dreams of wealth and love.

Mesh. Who told you?

Bolingbroke. You yourself. You are silent in reality, but talkative in your sleep... I warn you!..

Mesh. Really!

Bolingbroke. Now, through a dream, you congratulated yourself on some kind of happiness and wealth. Oh, you can safely name the noble lady to whom you are so indebted ...

Mesh. I?…

Bolingbroke. Unless it's my wife... you don't have to name her... I understand and appreciate your delicacy.

Mesh. You are mistaken, there is no noble lady here. True...I must confess...I have a secret patron...I don't even know his name...must have been some friend of my father...maybe you?

Bolingbroke. No.

Mesh. Meanwhile, I could only suspect you ... Poor orphan, the son of a brave nobleman who fell on the battlefield, I decided to apply for a position at the queen's court. The difficulty was to reach Her Majesty and submit her petition. And one day, on the day of the opening of Parliament, I boldly broke through the crowd that surrounded her carriage. I had almost reached it when some nobleman, whom I had pushed, turned around and, believing that he was dealing with a schoolboy, gave me a flick on the nose.

Bolingbroke. Really!

Mesh. Yes, sir... I still see his impudent, mocking face... Oh, I remember it and will recognize it among a thousand, if I ever meet! But at that moment the crowd separated us and threw me to the queen's carriage. I submitted my petition to her and waited fifteen days in vain for an answer! Finally, I receive an invitation to an audience with Her Majesty ... I, of course, hastened to go to the palace, dressed in my best dress, but, of course, on foot ... for a very simple reason ... And now, almost at the very goal, two steps from Sainte -Dzhemsky Palace, just opposite the balcony on which the ladies of the court were sitting, the carriage overtook me and doused me with mud from head to toe ... Me and my only satin camisole! ... and he laughed again! .. Enraged, I rushed after him, but the carriage disappeared, and I returned in complete despair to my miserable housing ... Farewell, audience ...
