Conspiracy on neighbors - relations will improve! Prayer for protection from harmful neighbors. We speak water for spoilage

Noise at night, garbage in the stairwell and a warehouse of unnecessary things, the stench of numerous pets, floods due to problems with plumbing - a short list of what you can encounter thanks to neighbors. To get rid of such troubles, you can contact the police, but will this give the desired result? Doubtful.

Magic is exactly what will help solve any problems with neighbors (for example, constant noise)

But there is an opportunity to acquire new problems and exhaust them by feeding the bureaucratic apparatuses. What to do in this case? Magic, which has been serving people faithfully for thousands of years, will help get rid of bad neighbors.

A variety of rituals for neighbors

Despite the fact that all the following rites from neighbors are aimed either at getting rid of them or at establishing relations with them, they differ in methods, the necessary ingredients, and even the days on which they must be performed.

However, since they are united by one goal - the desire to live comfortably and calmly in own house– there is a need to unite and describe them. The main rites that protect against evil neighbors include:

  1. Neighbor protection.
  2. Conspiracy to move neighbors.
  3. Against harmful neighbors.
  4. Powerful conspiracy to photography.
  5. Conspiracy against neighborly noise.
  6. Conspiracy on a nail.
  7. Conspiracy for respect.
  8. Curse protection.
  9. Protective conspiracy on the fish.
  10. A charm from a neighbor's witch.

Protection from neighbors

This ritual can force the neighbors to move out, or at least cool their ardor in order to improve the quality of life of the conspirator.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

Salt is one of the necessary products for the ritual.

  • salt;
  • Glass bottle;
  • 3 leaves of laurel;
  • 3 garlic heads;
  • 3 dill seeds;
  • 3 black peppercorns.

How to conduct a ritual

To perform the ritual, the magician must wait until sunset and perform the ritual in the following sequence:

  1. A tablespoon of table salt, 3 bay leaves, 3 garlic heads, 3 dill seeds and 3 black peppercorns are thrown into the bottle, saying:

    “Unite into a single whole to protect me, the servant of God (name), protect my house, protect my family, and everything that is in my house. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  2. Having collected all the components in the vessel, it must be shaken off three times, saying:

    “In the name of all protective forces, calm down the noisy ardor of your neighbors, let them not interfere with me, the servant of God (name), me and my family. So that neither rain nor thunder breaks the peace and silence. Yes, it is said that it will come true. Amen".

The charmed bottle is hidden at home in a quiet place away from prying eyes. Thus, it will work as a home amulet.

Conspiracy to move neighbors

If the neighbors are already completely baked, there is a way to get rid of them forever. This magical ritual will help them say goodbye. It is held on the last day of the waning moon during sunset.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the magician will need:

  • wax candle bought in the temple;
  • 200 ml cup;
  • matches;
  • salt;
  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • chicken feather.

How to conduct a ritual

In order for the annoying neighbors to move out, you need to carry out the ceremony in this way:

  1. A secluded place is selected in advance, where other people will not disturb during the ceremony. No one should see or hear how a person conducts a ritual. If there is a forest nearby - great, it is ideal.
  2. As soon as the sun sets behind the sky, you need to go to the chosen place with the above ingredients.
  3. A wax candle is placed in the soil so that it is stable, lit, and salt is poured into a cup of oil, after which it is placed so that the flame of the candle illuminates the vessel.
  4. Holding a chicken feather with the right hand, they speak:

    “Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their homes, and how the chickens will perish in a new nest. May there always be peace and quiet in my house of the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  5. After reading the plot, the feather must be dipped in olive oil.
  6. They're heading home. Approaching their monastery, they draw a line with a charmed pen between the neighbor's "nest" and their own.

Against harmful neighbors

In the fight against neighborly anger, this simple and effective conspiracy.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator only needs to have:

A wax candle will help in the fight against harmful neighbors

  • wax candle;
  • matches.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual to perform is unusually simple and is performed as follows:

  1. The conspiracy is carried out at midnight, but you need to make sure that no one notices the ceremony.
  2. They approach the neighbor’s door with a lit wax candle and “draw” circles for it in a clockwise direction, saying:

    “My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise. How quiet the river is at night, so, neighbor, don't grumble. Bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor, be. We have nothing to share, we must be kinder. Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth. Let there be no quarrels and evil between us.

  3. After reading the plot, they drip candles near the door with wax on the floor or on the door itself. It is important that no one notices this spot.

Powerful conspiracy on the photo

Usually, this conspiracy is resorted to only if other rituals turned out to be weak in the face of neighborly arrogance and the pressure of ignorance.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • photo of an angry neighbor;
  • a piece of black cloth;
  • three identical wax candles;
  • matches;
  • plastic bag.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is carried out strictly during the waning moon at sunset according to the following algorithm:

  1. A photograph of a bad neighbor is wrapped in a piece of black cloth.
  2. Wax candles are lit and placed in a triangle around a photograph wrapped in cloth.
  3. When all the above conditions are met, the words of the conspiracy are read:

    “As the candles burn, and the wax melts from them, so let the anger of the servant of God (name) melt. The servant of God (name) will not touch me in word or deed. He will no longer do dirty tricks, spread gossip. My word is strong and tenacious. Amen".

  4. After reading the text, the candles are left to burn out.
  5. Candle stubs and a photograph of a neighbor in a cloth are placed in one bag, which is subsequently hidden in the western side of the house away from prying eyes.

For three days after the ritual, nothing can be taken out of the house.

Conspiracy against neighborhood noise

This ritual is well suited for people whose neighbors ruin their lives exclusively with noise: turn on the TV or music loudly, walk noisily or shout regularly. The ceremony is performed on the waning moon.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator needs:

For the ritual, you need a broom made by yourself

  • a broom that was made by hand (you can use oak, spruce or birch - as you prefer);
  • salt.

How to conduct a ritual

Getting rid of the noise of neighbors with the help of magic is many times easier than in any other way, and will not make anyone nervous again. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. With a broom, previously self-tied, they sweep all the dirt and dust from their door in the opposite direction, speaking:

    “I dare all extraneous noises from myself, I fence off all harmful people from my apartment (house!”).

  2. After the noise is swept out of the monastery along with the dust, they return home to strengthen and increase the effect. To do this, fry a little salt, reading:

    "Salt is red-hot, strong, no one can overcome its strength."

  3. Taking the fried food, they go to the apartment or house of a noisy neighbor and pour salt near the door (or threshold), drawing a line.
  4. Shutting off the noise with a salt barrier, they slander:

    “May no evil noise come out of this apartment, may it no longer disturb me or anyone else.”

This completes the ritual, but in order to avoid relapses, passing by the doors of interfering neighbors, they say in a half whisper:

“You show respect for everyone who lives here, it is always quiet and calm in your apartment.”

Conspiracy on a nail

If you can't wait to get rid of the evil neighbors, you can perform a ritual with a charmed nail. It acts swiftly and effectively, however, it will not be an easy task to complete it, because, like other conspiracies, it must pass in strict secrecy from everyone.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

Holy water is a necessary attribute of the ritual

  • small carnation;
  • Holy water;
  • matches;
  • a candle purchased in the temple.

How to conduct a ritual

For everything to be successful, you need to get rid of annoying neighbors in the following order:

  1. On the full moon, they light a candle, bought in advance in the temple, and temper a carnation on its flame, saying:

    “I will temper the nail with fire, I give it great strength, so that it will help me sell the apartment from the servants of God (names).”

  2. Having spoken carnations, they sprinkle their monastery with holy water, saying:

    “Let no one else’s noise, no cry, no sound harm my house.”

  3. On any of the following days, under any pretext, you need to get into the apartment of unloved neighbors with a charmed carnation and drive it into their joint, saying:

    “Yes, they will not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to calm people.”

Considering how difficult such a task can be - to drive a nail into a joint imperceptibly - it is allowed to use a needle, spoken in the same way. However, in the case of her, it will take much longer to wait for the result.

Conspiracy for respect

It happens that relations with neighbors were neutral or completely positive, but at some point everything deteriorated: quarrels, scandals, gossip and other unpleasant problems with them began. In this case, a special conspiracy can restore good relationships and sow peace.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed on the waning moon according to the following algorithm:

  1. Early in the morning they come to the neighbors' doors and read:

    “Scream and noise, go to the black water of the king of the swamp, the snake under the well. There they are free, but we are calm. Amen".

  2. After reading, you need to cross yourself three times and bow three times.
  3. Having thus bypassed all the neighbors with whom they do not get along, they approach their doors, read the same plot, cross themselves and bow.
  4. The same is repeated at noon and at sunset.

Amulet from the curses of neighbors

If the neighbors do not shy away from evil rumors and curses, you need to defend yourself with a special conspiracy in order to save own life and health, as well as the life and health of loved ones living in the same apartment or house.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual, the magician will need:

To perform a magical action, a vessel with water is needed.

  • 3 candles purchased in the temple;
  • a vessel with water;
  • matches.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is quite simple, but it can effectively protect the monastery from the curses of its neighbors. To successfully carry it out, you need to perform the following steps in the evening on the waning moon:

  1. Candles are placed on a solid surface with a triangle, and a vessel filled with water is placed in the very center between them.
  2. They light candles and bend down in front of the water in such a way that you can touch the surface of the water with your breath, repeating the words twelve times:

    “I light three candles, I destroy all evil, so that an evil, dashing person can neither think evil nor think and say evil against me, the servant (s) of God (y) (your name). Turn to him at the root, put an iron knitting needle between your tongue and cheeks. And put three tyns near me: one iron, another copper, the third damask from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. After the conspiracy, they wash their face with water and say:

    “What I picked up (a) from my tongue - I washed it off (a), gave it back (a), removed all curses (a) now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

  4. Candle stubs are collected and carried to the nearest crossroads, where they are left, saying:

    “How many people here go back and forth, and as not one of these pedestrians enters my house, so the slaves (names of neighbors) of God’s servant (y) (your name) from now on forever do not know, do not curse , do not trample my thresholds, put your corner in the tongue on an iron knitting needle. Finished business. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protective plot on fish

Another good and simple conspiracy that will help protect your home from neighbor's slander and all sorts of negativity.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator will need:

  • a pot of water;
  • fish;
  • needles;
  • gauze.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Put a pot of water on the stove and put the fish in it. Leave it to cook for an hour and a half.
  2. When the fish is boiled, needles wrapped in gauze are thrown into the pan and left to boil with the fish.
  3. At the end of the term, they say to the vessel:

    “Just as fish swim in the water, dumb, so let my neighbors go dumb, but don’t open their filthy mouths in vain. They only smile, but let them forget about quarrels and swearing with me forever. Amen, amen, amen."

  4. Having spoken all the contents, needles in gauze are carefully removed from the pan.
  5. Everything else - fish and broth - is attributed to a living source of water and poured into it, saying: "Not only fish, it is also useful for people to be silent."
  6. Returning home, you need to take the charmed needles and carefully, so that no one notices, insert harmful neighbors into the door jambs. If the jamb cannot be pierced, the needle is pushed behind it or thrown from above. The main thing is that the needle should be discreetly behind the door frame of the neighbors.
  7. Inserting the needle, say in a whisper:

    “But now you will be dumb as fish, but agree with me in everything. Amen".

Charm from the neighbor's witch

If one of the neighbors is doing magic, it immediately becomes noticeable: various kinds of linings appear like needles, puddles at the door, and sometimes even soil. In this case, in order to avoid a negative impact, it is recommended to conduct a special ceremony.

What is needed for the ritual

You can protect yourself from a neighbor's witch with a purchased silver item.

To perform the ceremony, you will need to buy any silver item.

How to conduct a ritual

The rite is desirable to perform on the days full moon to get the most out of it. The sequence of actions is simple:

  1. You need to pretend that relations with the neighbor witch are improving.
  2. Then you need to go to the store and buy any item made of silver. When paying, you need to casually say:

    "I'm taking the world for (neighbor's name)."

  3. The seller must hear these words, but if he asks something or tries to clarify, he must remain silent and ignore it, quickly leaving the store.

The purchased item is presented to a neighbor witch. If she suspects something or refuses a gift, something must be done so that she at least touches the silver.

There are many ways to moderate the ardor of overly loud residents of your own house, and one of the most effective is a conspiracy or ritual from noisy neighbors.

There are many rituals in magicians that affect unwanted people, they differ in the principle of action, but they have the same goal - to ensure that you live peacefully at home.

This is a simple but very effective magical ritual that can work in many ways. In some cases, under the influence of this magic, the neighbors soon move out for some reason, in others they become more accommodating and quiet, but be that as it may, it will provide you with complete peace in the house.

To perform this magical ritual, you will need a tablespoon of salt, an empty glass bottle, three bay leaves, three heads of garlic, three dill seeds and three black peppercorns.

When all the ingredients are collected, wait until the sun goes down and throw everything into the bottle in the order in which the items were listed. At this time, you need to constantly pronounce the words out loud:

When all the ingredients are in the bottle, shake the vessel three times and say the words:

“In the name of all protective forces, calm down the noisy ardor of your neighbors, let them not interfere with me, the servant of God (name), and pray to the family. So that neither rain nor thunder breaks the peace and silence. Yes, it is said that it will come true. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you will have to hide the bottle in a secluded place where no one will ever see it. This vessel will be a talisman for your home and will act against bad neighbors.

How to get rid of bad neighbors

If you want the annoying neighbors to move out of your house forever and never bother you again and interfere with your life, then this simple magical ritual that needs to be performed at sunset before the new moon will suit you.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • yellow church candle;
  • half a cup of olive oil;
  • tea spoon;
  • chicken feather.

With these ingredients, you need to go to a remote deserted place where no one will definitely disturb you. Place the candle on the ground, pour the salt into a bowl of olive oil, and place the bowl next to the candle.

Now pick up a chicken feather and say the words of the conspiracy:

After pronouncing the last words, you need to dip the pen into the oil. With this pen, you need to draw a line between your apartment and the apartment of your neighbors.

Ritual from evil neighbors

This effective magic plot from bad neighbors should be carried out at a time when people behind the wall are making noise, or doing all sorts of nasty things to you. If you know the time when the noise usually starts, then the ritual can be performed half an hour before this time. Read the words of the conspiracy forty times:

“You, neighbor-atamanushko, don’t make noise, don’t be a fool. Go to the forests, and make noise there, over the waters and mud with black dope, but over hazels and bogs. Like willow and aspen do not grow without roots, so in my house, the servant of God (name), there will be no flashes or shadows. No fright, no noise of any kind. There will be peace and quiet in my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and with intercession Holy Mother of God. Amen. Amen. Amen".

These same conspiracy words can be used in another way. You have to write them in your own hand clean slate paper and fold it four times. This paper will need to be securely hidden next to the house of evil neighbors, in which case they will become calmer, more accommodating and will behave adequately.

Conspiracy on the neighbor's door

To make the neighbors move out at midnight, stand in front of the door of annoying neighbors, take a candle with a lit flame in your right hand. A lit candle is driven clockwise in front of the door, and the following plot is read:

“My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise.
How quiet the river is at night, so, neighbor, don't grumble.
Bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor, be.
We have nothing to share, we must be kinder.
Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth.
Let there be no quarrels and evil between us.

After the ceremony is completed, you need to imperceptibly drip wax from a candle in front of a neighbor's door.

Prayer to George the Victorious

To tame neighborly enmity, you can apply the prayer to George the Victorious.

“Holy passion-bearer George the Victorious! As you cast down your evil enemies, so may my enemies be cast down. Protect me, servant of the Lord (name), from the machinations of my enemies, from evil deeds, from an unkind word, from an envious thought. Let them leave their unclean plans, may the Lord's forgiveness be to them for their sins. May my word be strong, may the Lord be merciful to my requests. Amen!"

So that the neighbors do not bother

A very simple ritual to get rid of evil people. Read these words:

“It’s not you who spit in me, but I spit in your eyes (names). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Similar ritual:

“I spit on all my enemies. Go, my drools, to them forever, close their eyes to me forever. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Collective amulet

When not only you, but also other people suffer from a hated neighbor, you can apply such a conspiracy. It is necessary to write the full name of the impudent woman on a piece of paper, write “kind soul” on the bottom. Roll the paper tightly and place it in a plastic bag, secure with tape.

Then you need to find a house where no one lives, or an apartment, put the packed leaf in the mailbox. As long as the amulet is in the mailbox, the annoying neighbor will not bother you.

Strong conspiracy on the photo

Such a ceremony is performed only as a last resort, when all measures to calm a bad person are no longer in effect.

Take a photo of your neighbor who is bothering you. The ceremony is performed with a waning moon. The photo is wrapped in a piece of black fabric. When the sun goes down, you need to light three candles (necessarily the same), arrange them in the shape of a triangle. A piece of fabric is spread out in front of you, the photo is placed in the middle. Read the following words twelve times:

When the candles burn out, they need to be removed in a bag. A photograph wrapped in a piece of cloth is placed in the same package. The package must be removed to a secluded place on the west side. For three days you can not take out or give anything from the apartment. As long as the photo is hidden from prying eyes, the neighbor will not bother you.

For the neighbors to move out of the house

This simple ritual will help you get rid of the bad person living next to you and help him move to another place as soon as possible. For the ceremony, you need to prepare the following ingredients: buy a yellow church candle, pour half a cup of olive oil, a teaspoon of salt and a chicken feather. You need to go to a deserted place. The candle is set in the ground, salt, pour the salt into a cup of olive oil. The cup is placed near a burning candle. Then they take a chicken feather in their hand and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their homes, and how the chickens will perish in a new nest. Let it be in my house. The servants of God (name) will always be quiet, but peace. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

When the words have been spoken, the pen is dipped in olive oil. With such a pen, a line is drawn between the neighbor's apartment and your apartment.

Charms for the home

Having moved to a new home, you can also get rid of bad neighbors with the help of amulets:

  1. Buy a decorative whisk in the souvenir shop. To make a charm out of a panicle, weave a willow branch with a stem of sedge grass. Hang a broom over the entrance to your house.
  2. Take a juniper twig and place it in a vase. Such a talisman will help neutralize bad energy emanating from hated neighbors.

A conspiracy from neighbors will be useless if you yourself behave impolitely towards others. No matter how the relationship between you and your neighbors develops, it is better not to quarrel, but to try to find a compromise. Radiate more goodness and everything will be fine.

A variety of rituals for neighbors

Despite the fact that all the following rites from neighbors are aimed either at getting rid of them or at establishing relations with them, they differ in methods, the necessary ingredients, and even the days on which they must be performed.

However, since they are united by one goal - the desire to live comfortably and calmly in their own home - there is a need to unite and describe them. The main rites that protect against evil neighbors include:

  1. Neighbor protection.
  2. Conspiracy to move neighbors.
  3. Against harmful neighbors.
  4. Powerful conspiracy to photography.
  5. Conspiracy against neighborly noise.
  6. Conspiracy on a nail.
  7. Conspiracy for respect.
  8. Curse protection.
  9. Protective plot on fish.
  10. A charm from a neighbor's witch.

Protection from neighbors

This ritual can force the neighbors to move out, or at least cool their ardor in order to improve the quality of life of the conspirator.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • salt;
  • Glass bottle;
  • 3 leaves of laurel;
  • 3 garlic heads;
  • 3 dill seeds;
  • 3 black peppercorns.

How to conduct a ritual

To perform the ritual, the magician must wait until sunset and perform the ritual in the following sequence:

  1. A tablespoon of table salt, 3 bay leaves, 3 garlic heads, 3 dill seeds and 3 black peppercorns are thrown into the bottle, saying:

    “Unite into a single whole to protect me, the servant of God (name), protect my house, protect my family, and everything that is in my house. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  2. Having collected all the components in the vessel, it must be shaken off three times, saying:

    “In the name of all protective forces, calm down the noisy ardor of your neighbors, let them not interfere with me, the servant of God (name), me and my family. So that neither rain nor thunder breaks the peace and silence. Yes, it is said that it will come true. Amen".

The charmed bottle is hidden at home in a quiet place away from prying eyes. Thus, it will work as a home amulet.

Conspiracy to move neighbors

If the neighbors are already completely baked, there is a way to get rid of them forever. This magical ritual will help them say goodbye. It is held on the last day of the waning moon during sunset.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the magician will need:

  • wax candle bought in the temple;
  • 200 ml cup;
  • matches;
  • salt;
  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • chicken feather.

How to conduct a ritual

In order for the annoying neighbors to move out, you need to carry out the ceremony in this way:

  1. A secluded place is selected in advance, where other people will not disturb during the ceremony. No one should see or hear how a person conducts a ritual. If there is a forest nearby - great, it is ideal.
  2. As soon as the sun sets behind the sky, you need to go to the chosen place with the above ingredients.
  3. A wax candle is placed in the soil so that it is stable, lit, and salt is poured into a cup of oil, after which it is placed so that the flame of the candle illuminates the vessel.
  4. Holding a chicken feather with the right hand, they speak:

    “Help me, Lord, protect me in my time of need. Let the unkind neighbors leave their homes, and how the chickens will perish in a new nest. May there always be peace and quiet in my house of the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  5. After reading the plot, the feather must be dipped in olive oil.
  6. They're heading home. Approaching their monastery, they draw a line with a charmed pen between the neighbor's "nest" and their own.

Against harmful neighbors

In the fight against neighborly anger, this simple and effective conspiracy can come to the rescue.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator only needs to have:

  • wax candle;
  • matches.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual to perform is unusually simple and is performed as follows:

  1. The conspiracy is carried out at midnight, but you need to make sure that no one notices the ceremony.
  2. They approach the neighbor’s door with a lit wax candle and “draw” circles for it in a clockwise direction, saying:

    “My head doesn’t hurt, my neighbors don’t make noise. How quiet the river is at night, so, neighbor, don't grumble. Bright as the heavenly path, you come to me, my neighbor, be. We have nothing to share, we must be kinder. Let my neighbor (Name) be quieter than water, lower than grass, softer than earth. Let there be no quarrels and evil between us.

  3. After reading the plot, they drip candles near the door with wax on the floor or on the door itself. It is important that no one notices this spot.

Powerful conspiracy on the photo

Usually, this conspiracy is resorted to only if other rituals turned out to be weak in the face of neighborly arrogance and the pressure of ignorance.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • photo of an angry neighbor;
  • a piece of black cloth;
  • three identical wax candles;
  • matches;
  • plastic bag.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is carried out strictly during the waning moon at sunset according to the following algorithm:

  1. A photograph of a bad neighbor is wrapped in a piece of black cloth.
  2. Wax candles are lit and placed in a triangle around a photograph wrapped in cloth.
  3. When all the above conditions are met, the words of the conspiracy are read:

    “As the candles burn, and the wax melts from them, so let the anger of the servant of God (name) melt. The servant of God (name) will not touch me in word or deed. He will no longer do dirty tricks, spread gossip. My word is strong and tenacious. Amen".

  4. After reading the text, the candles are left to burn out.
  5. Candle stubs and a photograph of a neighbor in a cloth are placed in one bag, which is subsequently hidden in the western side of the house away from prying eyes.

For three days after the ritual, nothing can be taken out of the house.

Conspiracy against neighborhood noise

This ritual is well suited for people whose neighbors ruin their lives exclusively with noise: turn on the TV or music loudly, walk noisily or shout regularly. The ceremony is performed on the waning moon.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator needs:

  • a broom that was made by hand (you can use oak, spruce or birch - as you prefer);
  • salt.

How to conduct a ritual

Getting rid of the noise of neighbors with the help of magic is many times easier than in any other way, and will not make anyone nervous again. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. With a broom, previously self-tied, they sweep all the dirt and dust from their door in the opposite direction, speaking:

    “I dare all extraneous noises from myself, I fence off all harmful people from my apartment (house!”).

  2. After the noise is swept out of the monastery along with the dust, they return home to strengthen and increase the effect. To do this, fry a little salt, reading:

    "Salt is red-hot, strong, no one can overcome its strength."

  3. Taking the fried food, they go to the apartment or house of a noisy neighbor and pour salt near the door (or threshold), drawing a line.
  4. Shutting off the noise with a salt barrier, they slander:

    “May no evil noise come out of this apartment, may it no longer disturb me or anyone else.”

This completes the ritual, but in order to avoid relapses, passing by the doors of interfering neighbors, they say in a half whisper:

“You show respect for everyone who lives here, it is always quiet and calm in your apartment.”

Conspiracy on a nail

If you can't wait to get rid of the evil neighbors, you can perform a ritual with a charmed nail. It acts swiftly and effectively, however, it will not be an easy task to complete it, because, like other conspiracies, it must pass in strict secrecy from everyone.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual you will need:

  • small carnation;
  • Holy water;
  • matches;
  • a candle purchased in the temple.

How to conduct a ritual

For everything to be successful, you need to get rid of annoying neighbors in the following order:

  1. On the full moon, they light a candle, bought in advance in the temple, and temper a carnation on its flame, saying:

    “I will temper the nail with fire, I give it great strength, so that it will help me sell the apartment from the servants of God (names).”

  2. Having spoken carnations, they sprinkle their monastery with holy water, saying:

    “Let no one else’s noise, no cry, no sound harm my house.”

  3. On any of the following days, under any pretext, you need to get into the apartment of unloved neighbors with a charmed carnation and drive it into their joint, saying:

    “Yes, they will not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to calm people.”

Considering how difficult such a task can be - to drive a nail into a joint imperceptibly - it is allowed to use a needle, spoken in the same way. However, in the case of her, it will take much longer to wait for the result.

Conspiracy for respect

It happens that relations with neighbors were neutral or completely positive, but at some point everything deteriorated: quarrels, scandals, gossip and other unpleasant problems with them began. In this case, a special conspiracy can restore good relationships and sow peace.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed on the waning moon according to the following algorithm:

  1. Early in the morning they come to the neighbors' doors and read:

    “Scream and noise, go to the black water of the king of the swamp, the snake under the well. There they are free, but we are calm. Amen".

  2. After reading, you need to cross yourself three times and bow three times.
  3. Having thus bypassed all the neighbors with whom they do not get along, they approach their doors, read the same plot, cross themselves and bow.
  4. The same is repeated at noon and at sunset.

Amulet from the curses of neighbors

If the neighbors do not shy away from evil rumors and curses, you need to protect yourself with a special conspiracy in order to protect your own life and health, as well as the life and health of loved ones living in the same apartment or house.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ritual, the magician will need:

  • 3 candles purchased in the temple;
  • a vessel with water;
  • matches.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is quite simple, but it can effectively protect the monastery from the curses of its neighbors. To successfully carry it out, you need to perform the following steps in the evening on the waning moon:

  1. Candles are placed on a solid surface with a triangle, and a vessel filled with water is placed in the very center between them.
  2. They light candles and bend down in front of the water in such a way that you can touch the surface of the water with your breath, repeating the words twelve times:

    “I light three candles, I destroy all evil, so that an evil, dashing person can neither think evil nor think and say evil against me, the servant (s) of God (y) (your name). Turn to him at the root, put an iron knitting needle between your tongue and cheeks. And put three tyns near me: one iron, another copper, the third damask from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. After the conspiracy, they wash their face with water and say:

    “What I picked up (a) from my tongue - I washed it off (a), gave it back (a), removed all curses (a) now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

  4. Candle stubs are collected and carried to the nearest crossroads, where they are left, saying:

    “How many people here go back and forth, and as not one of these pedestrians enters my house, so the slaves (names of neighbors) of God’s servant (y) (your name) from now on forever do not know, do not curse , do not trample my thresholds, put your corner in the tongue on an iron knitting needle. Finished business. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protective plot on fish

Another good and simple conspiracy that will help protect your home from neighbor's slander and all sorts of negativity.

What is needed for the ritual

For the ritual, the conspirator will need:

  • a pot of water;
  • fish;
  • needles;
  • gauze.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Put a pot of water on the stove and put the fish in it. Leave it to cook for an hour and a half.
  2. When the fish is boiled, needles wrapped in gauze are thrown into the pan and left to boil with the fish.
  3. At the end of the term, they say to the vessel:

    “Just as fish swim in the water, dumb, so let my neighbors go dumb, but don’t open their filthy mouths in vain. They only smile, but let them forget about quarrels and swearing with me forever. Amen, amen, amen."

  4. Having spoken all the contents, needles in gauze are carefully removed from the pan.
  5. Everything else - fish and broth - is attributed to a living source of water and poured into it, saying: "Not only fish, it is also useful for people to be silent."
  6. Returning home, you need to take the charmed needles and carefully, so that no one notices, insert harmful neighbors into the door jambs. If the jamb cannot be pierced, the needle is pushed behind it or thrown from above. The main thing is that the needle should be discreetly behind the door frame of the neighbors.
  7. Inserting the needle, say in a whisper:

    “But now you will be dumb as fish, but agree with me in everything. Amen".

Charm from the neighbor's witch

If one of the neighbors is doing magic, it immediately becomes noticeable: various kinds of linings appear like needles, puddles at the door, and sometimes even soil. In this case, in order to avoid a negative impact, it is recommended to conduct a special ceremony.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ceremony, you will need to buy any silver item.

How to conduct a ritual

It is advisable to perform the rite on the days of the full moon in order to extract the maximum benefit from it. The sequence of actions is simple:

  1. You need to pretend that relations with the neighbor witch are improving.
  2. Then you need to go to the store and buy any item made of silver. When paying, you need to casually say:

    "I'm taking the world for (neighbor's name)."

  3. The seller must hear these words, but if he asks something or tries to clarify, he must remain silent and ignore it, quickly leaving the store.

The purchased item is presented to a neighbor witch. If she suspects something or refuses a gift, something must be done so that she at least touches the silver.

A curse… Ancestral Curse… These words, if they do not cause fear, then certainly are not too pleasant for any of us. Especially if we are talking about yourself or someone close. That is why it is important to know how to get rid of the curse. In this article, we will talk about what a curse is and how to deal with it.

It is possible to get rid of the curse or remove any black magical effect! And there are various methods to do this. However, please note that it is necessary to carry out the rite of deliverance as early as possible, since every day the power of the curse can increase.

Before you begin to study the rituals for getting rid of the negative impact, you need to understand what a curse is and what effect it has. A curse is usually understood as a negative message towards a person, a negative verbal wish. The strength of such a message will depend on whether some other magical actions were carried out to consolidate the effect or the message was single.

It is believed that any curse makes a hole in a person's aura. And this applies even to a frivolous household curse, such as "Yes, burn it all ...". The word is material, so it is worth watching what you say, what your loved ones and those around you say.

It is much more difficult when the negative impact is directed by the magician. Such rituals are performed by enemies or at their request. The heaviest is the birth curse.

What are the curses

In general, all curses are of the following types:

household curse
A light wish or a bad phrase addressed to a person. Often such words are spoken by both acquaintances and strangers, offended or angry at anyone.

Curse on yourself
Such influences include those when a person on a subconscious level inspires himself with something bad. Let's say helplessness, loneliness, bad luck. In this case, he is too fixated on the problem.

Ancestral Curse
This option the strongest and at the same time the rarest. After all, it can be brought by a person who is a little familiar with magic, or a real magician. People of several generations throughout their lives can suffer from this impact.

As you can see, there is nothing fatal in this magical effect. It is important to identify it in time and get rid of the curse as soon as possible. Below we will look at several methods that will help remove this black action.


efficient and effective method, if you need to get rid of a curse, it counts as a tablet rite. It will require one nail and a small wooden board, the size of two palms. It is best to perform the ceremony during the waning month, because at this time the most powerful rituals are obtained.

So, on the tablet, you first need to write all your problems that you think are caused by the curse. You need to write in a circle, starting from the outside of the board, going clockwise inward. If one side is not enough, you can continue with the back.

When all the troubles are written down, a nail is driven into the board. After that, the board is buried in the ground for exactly a week. And when the week has passed, the board is dug out. You need to remove the nail from it and throw it away at the crossroads. The board should be broken into small pieces, and then they will need to be burned.

If at the moment of burning the plank, you think about someone, then most likely it was this person who directed the negative at you.

Protection from household curses

There is one powerful phrase that can be used in situations where someone wishes you harm.

So, let's say, when you stepped on someone's foot in public transport, and the offended person looked askance at you and muttered something to himself, you can repeat the words three times in your thoughts:

“Whatever you wish for me, take it for yourself, but yearn for life with you!

This phrase will protect you from negative influences and any evil directed at you. The main thing is not to forget to pronounce the magic words.

Our Father

For Orthodox people in the fight against any negative impact, the prayer "Our Father" will be effective. It is necessary to read it every morning, starting with the waning month.

The duration of the ritual is one month. It is very important not to miss a single morning, since the effectiveness of the ceremony may depend on this.

Ritual with water

If a negative impact has been confirmed on you, then you can get rid of the curse with the help of a ritual with water. It will require a bowl of water.

During the waning month in a basin of water, you need to wash your feet well, saying:

“I don’t wash my feet, I wash off the evil spirits!
I wash with water, I rid myself of black!

The words are repeated throughout the time you wash your feet. By the way, you need to wash them well, with soap and a washcloth.

After washing, it is necessary to pour out the water at the crossroads, saying three times:

“Wherever the water goes, everything unclean goes there.
The dark curse will let me go, leave me!

You need to leave the intersection without turning around and silently go home. If in a month you do not feel better, then the ceremony can be repeated, again for a waning month.

Thread and fire

If you do not have too strong an impact, any other than generic, then this rite will do. In order to get rid of the curse, you will need a linen thread, a candle, a saucer, an aspen twig. The thread must be pulled along your body in height, and where it touches the top of the head, bite it off. After that, it is wound on an aspen branch.

All this is done with a lit church candle. Now you need to set fire to a branch with a thread from a candle and let it burn out. While it burns, the plot is read countless times. Countless - arbitrary, from memory, as much as possible.

“The fire is holy, it burns, it burns, it removes witchcraft from me.
It’s not the thread that burns, the curse burns out, it passes from me!

The ashes must be collected on a saucer, after which it must be buried in a deserted place. On this, the ceremony is considered completed.

If the presence of a negative impact is confirmed, then it must be removed immediately. By choosing one of the methods, you will remove black magic in the shortest possible time and improve your life.

How to get rid of the curse - video

No matter how friendly and kind person you were not, it is impossible to live life and not acquire at least one enemy or ill-wisher. It happens that you have been greatly offended and an ordinary offense can turn into a real element against someone who is your enemy. Of course, everyone decides for himself whether to forgive the offender, that is, leave the situation as it is, or go further and make sure that the guilty person bears his punishment. How to make damage to the one who offended what words to read and what does it give?

In order for retribution to triumph, people often wonder what to do if you have been jinxed, how to damage the one who greatly offended, cast a curse, can this be done from a photograph, this is what we will talk about later. Some try to use terrible black magic methods such as a coffin plot and are not afraid of the consequences.

Bringing Repentance Through Prayer

To punish the enemy, you can use very in a simple way- by reading strong prayer. For this variant, no additional items are needed, including a photo of the offender. However, before you start saying the words of the prayer, you must visit the church yourself, take communion and be sure to put a candle for the health of your offender, this will protect him from disastrous consequences and will not completely destroy him. What can be achieved using this method without the use of black forces? You will instill in the mind of the one who acted badly towards you, kindness and repentance, he will feel very bad about what he did to you. If this is what you want, you need to say, when you come home, these words of slander:

“You are forgiven, I don’t hold a grudge against you, I let go of resentment, like a bird in the sky. Before you is the guilt that you did to me, I want you to understand that you did not do the right thing. May God help you fix everything. Amen". And trust your words to the warm wind.

Chicken Egg Punishment

How to bring damage to someone who has greatly offended or jinxed you? Although the ritual uses the usual egg, its essence is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that a ritual performed at home can punish the enemy using the power of black magic. It is desirable that you know the victim personally, only in this case, damage to the egg will work.

To carry out the rite of spoilage, you will need one rotten egg and a container in which you will cook it. Throw an egg into boiling water, saying these words:

“I cook my anger, I send you, I cover you, my enemy, with evil, I wash with the wind. Let everything that appears here be covered with spots on your fate. Feel everything you've done to me. To whom, if not you, to experience evil.

Do not be afraid to show the maximum of feelings that have boiled up in relation to the offender, this will make damage to the enemy more powerful. After being spoken the last word take the egg out of the water and let it cool. Already a cold egg is thrown to the front door of the victim of the ritual of spoilage.

Damage to a coin

We learn about another way to punish the offender to damage your enemy, spend it with a coin. It is important to find a coin of a small denomination, preferably a 1 or 2 kopeck coin. What is the meaning of this corruption? When a meeting with the enemy occurs, it is necessary to imperceptibly throw this coin at his feet, saying the following words to himself:

“I carry you with the cross, but I’m not asking for happiness, but trouble. May you fully feel what you have done to me.”

After he steps over, or steps on the coin, the damage will take effect. In order to consolidate the result, you need to whisper after him: “Paid”. In no case should you pick up coins from the ground, their purpose has already been fulfilled. In a few days, unpleasant events will occur in the life of the offender, which will make him reconsider his recent actions and feel fully guilty for them.

Damage by photo

Most often, the person who dared to offend you is at a certain distance from you. To punish him, despite the distance between you, you can apply damage to the photo. Also, fortune-telling is often carried out on cards from a photo. Choose an image that clearly shows the person's face and their eyes look forward. Also, for the ritual, you will need two candles.

Late at night, being completely alone, light both candles and place them on the table at a certain distance from each other. At the resulting distance between the candles, put a photo, look at it and say these words:

“Let blackness and darkness surround you now, you will be friends with the devil. You have no way to the light, stay in the deep darkness. Now you will live in fear, you will not deserve happiness forever.

When the last word of the conspiracy is spoken, take a gypsy needle and pierce your finger so that a few drops of blood come out. Blood will be needed in order to draw a cross of corruption on the photo, which will not be so easy for the victim to get rid of. This photo must be kept until you know that the offender is being punished for what he did.

Magic and conspiracies, how to punish the offender.

Prayer - To punish enemies and offenders. (Curse of Judas)

Romanian rites: punishment of the offender with the help of damage "33 misfortunes"

Damage on the needle

This option of applying damage is also called return magic, that is, you return everything bad that the offender caused you. What you need for the ritual:

  • 2 needles used in sewing, one of which should be longer and thicker
  • Black threads to cast a spell
  • photo of the offender (you can take it from any social network profile)

Insert the smaller needle into the eye of the larger one so that it looks like a cross. The place that forms the connection is tied with a black thread, this will symbolize the dependence of the victim of the rite on your will. When the connection is ready, you need to say the following words:

“I will ruin your life with a needle, mine is good, yours is pure evil. I found out everything (I found out), I found out about you (I found out), I return everything that I sent (sent) to me, choke.

The stage of witchcraft is over. Now you need to quietly get to the place where the offender lives and insert a thick needle not far from him. front door, the joint is perfect. Throw a photo torn into pieces nearby. It is important to insert the lining in such a way that the small needle looks at the sunset, which will be a symbol of the fact that a series of events will begin to occur in the life of your enemy that will bring a lot of grief and frustration.

We speak water for spoilage

If you suspect that someone wants to harm you in one area or another of life, use fortune-telling, and then you can inflict damage, which will only take effect if the enemy fulfills his sinister plan. To conduct such a ceremony you will need:

  • pure water
  • water tank
  • a mirror that will fit the full face
  • The Bible, without it, the ceremony can be dangerous for you
  • Candle

Light a candle, preferably a church candle. Pour water into a glass or any other transparent container, place the glass an on top of the Bible. The mirror must be placed in front of you, pronounce the words of the conspiracy so as to see your reflection in the mirror. Think only about who hurt you, focus on those negative emotions that the offender causes in you, then proceed to pronounce the words of the conspiracy that you need to read to the person in a quiet voice:

“He walks in the forest, walks in the field, howls like a wolf, wanders, wanders. Evil in the soul, resentment in the memory, I will never forgive you. If you come to me with evil, you will receive evil a hundredfold.”

Now it remains to pour the charmed water near the offender's house or on his photograph, the damage will begin to act on the fifth day after the rite of damage.

Damage to stone

In order to take revenge on the offender at home, you can use a stone with which you damage the person who harmed you. In addition to the stone, find a large long rusty nail and the most common hammer. All actions will need to be done carefully so as not to get hurt, otherwise you will harm yourself not only physically, but on an energy level, find ways to place objects for the ritual correctly. Take a nail and place it with the point in the middle of the stone. Then you need to hit the hat several times, pick up the strength so that, God forbid, do not split the stone. Whisper these words:

“Stone to stone, water to water. With an edge I break your will, I will not let you leave unpunished. Whatever you deserve, get it."

Damage will be induced only if the stone has not cracked, but traces of a blow with a hammer on a nail are clearly visible on it. By the way, if you need to take revenge not on one person, but on several at once, you need to take as many stones as there are people.

Ancient rite of corruption

People caused damage in ancient times, because the sense of justice was always relevant and they chose different ways. To perform the ancient rite, you will need:

  • One candle
  • paper and pencil

Let's describe all the actions in stages:

  • Imagine in your mind how your abuser will look, how he revels in having harmed you.
  • With a needle on the candle wax, write his name
  • On paper, you need to write the magic words that our ancestors used, they sound like this “Zammu Wigor”
  • On the words you need to drip warm honey
  • Roll a ball out of paper
  • With a knife you need to make a small cut in the candle
  • A rolled paper ball is inserted into this incision.
  • Light the wick of the candle, wait for the moment when it burns out to the end
  • The cinder must be buried near the house where the offender or his entourage lives. It is advisable to bury the cinder under an old tree or in a cemetery where the coffin with the deceased was recently buried.

How to punish a person if you do not know who the offender is

It happens that you were offended, but you do not know exactly who it was and why he was doing it. What to do in this case, is it possible to punish an unknown person and stop what he is doing? Yes, magic offers such an option to make a curse. In order to conduct such a ceremony, you will need:

  • black tablecloth
  • Mirror
  • Three matches and candles

Sit at the table in moonlit night, it is desirable that at this time there was a full moon. You should have a mirror in front of you. Place a candle on the right. The first two matches need to be lit and immediately put out, they are needed in order to wake up the right one. magical power. Light a candle with the third match, say these words, looking at the fire:

“I am sitting in front of the mirror, thinking about you, who is doing bad things for me. Let retribution catch you and not leave you, you will burn like a witch.

Look in the mirror without blinking, wait for the moment when the reflection is not your face, but the face of the person who harms you. When this happens, say these words:

“Go away, scoundrel, from my life, choke on your envy, I treat you to it.”

After that, spit at the mirror three times and break it at the crossroads of two roads or in the cemetery. This ritual corresponds to black magic.

How to put protection

If you quite often become the object of envy and whispering behind your back, you should take care in advance not to become a victim of malicious intent on the part of ill-wishers, without which there is no life. After all, as you know, human envy can turn into the evil eye and cause a lot of harm.

So, if all of the above can be attributed to you, then you need to prevent bad things from happening and put strong protection at the energy level. To perform a protective ritual, you will need:

  • Blank sheet
  • Pen or pencil
  • Black thread
  • A glass of water, preferably with a saint

On the sheet you need to write the names of those people who can harm you, that is, they will be the alleged offenders. It is important to write the maximum information that you know, that is, it can be dates of birth and even the profession of a person. Then twist the paper, tie it with black thread and put it in water. You need to store such water with paper in the refrigerator, and every Wednesday you need to read the following words before going to bed:

"Diragon amata gar. Let all evil pass me by, let these people not be able to do me any harm, otherwise the curse will overtake them.

Be sure that these people no longer pose any danger to you, as they are sealed at the energy level. Even if this happens, now you know how to recognize the curse and envy, how to damage the offender, how to curse and send retribution on him.

Strong conspiracy against noisy neighbors

How to influence noisy neighbors without entering into long negotiations with them? How to make yourself heard, without unnecessary emotions? Appeal to magical rituals the best option in order to get rid of ill-mannered people living nearby. They just turn off the music and stop being loud. A conspiracy from bad neighbors will not harm you, because the truth is on your side.

Salt Conspiracy

You will need a dry broom, collected by yourself, for example, birch or spruce, salt. At midnight, on the waning moon, sweep the rug at your door, away from it, saying:

“I dare all extraneous noises from myself, I fence off all harmful people from my apartment (house!”).

Then fry salt in a shallow frying pan, saying:

"Salt is red-hot, strong, no one can overcome its strength."

Pour it in a thin strip under the threshold (in front of the door) to those who annoy and harm, with the words:

“May no evil noise come out of this apartment, may it no longer disturb me or anyone else.”

The salt will darken, and will not be evident.

You can also, passing through the myom of the doors of unloved people living nearby, pronounce:

“You show respect for everyone who lives here, it is always quiet and calm in your apartment.”

This will also be a kind of conspiracy against the neighbors.

You should accurately voice your desires: if you want silence, ask for it correctly, magic hears everything literally. For example, a grandmother living above you listens loudly to TV, you should not ask like this: "so that this demonic box burns down at a harmful grandmother." The result may be the most unexpected and the concept “burned out” is far from abstract, especially for those nearby. It’s better to ask like this: “I wish her hearing was restored” or “I wish that my grandmother would be tired of watching TV in the evening.” Perhaps she will have a hearing aid or an evening hobby.

A slander to make the evil neighbors move out

Ritual with a nail or needle

In a hardware store, buy a carnation, on the full moon, light a church candle and ignite it on fire, read the following words.

“I will temper the nail with fire, I give it great strength, so that it will help me sell the apartment from the servants of God (names).”

Then sprinkle your apartment with holy water:

“Let no one else’s noise, no cry, no sound harm my house.”

On any other day, you will need to get into the house of people who harm you and stick (drive) carnations into their jamb, with the words:

“Yes, they will not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to calm people.”

In order for this action to be quickly completed, you need to choose a small carnation that can be imperceptibly stuck.

In this ritual, you can also use a needle, such a magical lining can be left completely unnoticed. But the ritual on the needle will take longer.

Conspiracy to make neighbors kinder

Sometimes the people next to you, not even noisy, cause great trouble with their arrogance, rudeness, and you want to make these harmful comrades kinder. In this case, there are strong conspiracies.

Salt ritual

For such a sacrament, you need to borrow salt from your neighbors. On the new moon, put garlic in a bottle (you can clove), sprinkle with this salt and read the following:

“We have exchanged salt, we have exhausted quarrels, may there be peace between our homes. Amen".

Rite in the cemetery

To pacify a neighbor who gathers a daily noisy company is possible only with the help of rituals aimed at his sober lifestyle. To do this, you will need a bottle of vodka, candles, food and sweets. You should visit the graves of his loved ones, if this is not possible, then find a few unkempt graves and clean them up. Before leaving, leave food, sweets there, saying:

“I take care of you, and you take care of the servant of God (name), so that he takes up his mind and stops drinking.”

On a full moon, put the bottle on the window so that the light hits it completely. Arrange candles around her and light, say these words:

“How disgusting you are to me, water of fire, so you would become disgusting to the servant of God (name), so that he would not look at you, would not think about you, would not want you, my words are strong as a stone!”.

Put out the candles, leave the bottle until dawn under the moon. The next day, under any pretext, give it to someone who gives you trouble. The same can be done with products, which you can then treat to a living person nearby, unless of course he accepts them. Such a ritual will not help to evict a neighbor, but he will behave more quietly and become more friendly with you.

Prayer for protection from harmful neighbors

You can perform a ritual on the husk from the seeds. You need to know that sunflower seed husks often lead to, such a conspiracy should be used as a last resort with the most scandalous and drinking people, with whom it was not possible to agree in a good way.

Seed husk conspiracy

Prepare the husk, scatter it in front of the door of the neighbors on the full moon, reading these words:

"Litter outside the threshold, quarrels in the house, there is no reason to stay here anymore."

There are cases of extreme necessity, and the family is socially stable, quite peaceful among themselves, in order to evict them, you can use the husk with such speeches:

“Just as there is a lot of husk, so let you have a lot of money so that you can buy yourself a house twice as much, twice as good and move out of here as soon as possible.”

Instead of the husk, you can conduct a ritual through the garbage. Pick up a lot of small pieces of paper, collect various cores and use the same text to speed up the move.

From floods and other damage

Often there are people who flood those who live on the floor below. Perhaps they are not evil, and it's not even their fault, but the fact remains, we must make sure that there are no more floods.

First of all, you should visit the church and light candles to your defenders, as well as to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to perform a miracle and put those who will not stop annoying you on the true path. Then, on the growing moon, stand under their door with a lit candle in your hands, let the wax drip onto the floor. Read the following:

“Lord, work a miracle, give them forever the memory to turn off the water in their absence, give them money to fix all the taps and pipes, help them establish relationships with those who monitor the condition of the house so that they always come to them on time. Amen".

A prayer read from the bottom of your heart cannot fail to bring happiness to your home. It's good to burn church candles near the threshold and pass fire along the perimeter of his door with a request for humility.

When and how will rituals work?

Each ritual is effective and powerful, but reinforcing it with faith will bring much more success. Relocation conspiracies require patience, since neither physically nor legally can be carried out in a short time. A conspiracy from bad neighbors works much faster, about two weeks after reading.

They will be more effective if you devote more than one day to the ritual, but several suitable for this number: 3, 9, 12, 33, 40, 90. Harmful people living nearby can be appeased by prayers and candles set for their health and cordiality. The more often you remember them with kindness, the really kinder they become.
