Where better to live scales. Our zodiac sign and the countries we choose

It would seem that today flights into space, so to speak, to the stars, are quite common, and living according to the horoscope (checking with these very stars), it seems, is ridiculous. How absurd it is to believe in the World Through the Looking Glass, in ghosts and in the fact that some kind of mystical story can happen to anyone.

But, despite the fact that scientists have proved, as they themselves think, that the stars have absolutely no magical effect on the inhabitants of the earth, the desire to live according to the horoscope (“check with the stars”, relatively speaking) does not weaken, but rather, on the contrary . However. If faith, no matter what, is good, makes you think about the meaning of life, helps you overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, then is it really important what exactly makes a person make the right decision?

If someone decides that he feels more confident, having decided to live according to the horoscope, then to health. If someone believes that he is "helped by heaven", and fine. If someone thinks that he is protected from bad thoughts and deeds by relatives and friends who have gone to another world - the world of the dead, but continue to "protect" from the World Through the Looking-Glass, what's wrong with that?

It is probably worse if they stop believing in the creative power of goodness and light, choosing for themselves the path to darkness. Meanwhile, this is also faith. Faith is destructive, killing, generating evil and violence. Fresh in the memory of recent tragic events related to the terrorist attack in Volgograd (2013), for those who lost their loved ones in this monstrous tragedy. What did the young girl believe in, who decided in such a monstrous way to interrupt her stay in this, earthly world, taking the lives of the young, who looked with hope into the future and without their will, and crippled more than a dozen? But, after all, she believed in something, otherwise she would not have done what she did.

Who knows, maybe now her rebellious, lost soul has to "answer" before more "powerful forces" than those who moved her to this madness. Who knows. And what about those who commit mass atrocities in the name and on behalf of the "Almighty"? What do they believe? Here's an interesting observation. The one who tries to live according to the horoscope, believing that the stars warn of some, negative consequences, and those who want to avoid these consequences, “protecting” themselves, as a result, do not commit bad deeds that could harm someone. In any case, consciously.

And according to psychologists, there is a logical explanation for this. One way or another, but the actions of one are necessarily reflected in someone, either from a close environment (we are talking about a “direct” impact), or someone who is not personally familiar with (indirect impact) . It's unavoidable. And, the more carefully a person makes a decision (regardless of who “prompted” this decision to him, the stars, or “guests” from the World Through the Looking-Glass), the more likely that his decision will have a minimized negative impact on someone who this decision will affect one way or another.

Periodically stumble upon your horoscope, but do not take it seriously? And try to live by the stars. It would seem nonsense. Live in a normal rhythm and compare what is happening with what was predicted. But it was not there...

Change your plans

Let's start with the fact that just during the experiment I moved to a rented apartment. This is where my adventures began.

I postponed the date of the conclusion of the contract twice, because my horoscope just screamed: “ Not today baby! You're in for a bad story. Need to pick up things from another apartment? Well, no, travel is not for you today.

All in all, this story has dragged on considerably. The next week the forecast was more comforting. I appointed suitable date according to the stars and the business burned out - I found an excellent bright apartment with an adequate owner. All documents were processed quickly and without any "muddy" stories. Coincidence? Let's see.


    rescheduled an important meeting several times;

    cherished the budget like the apple of an eye;

    avoided conflicts, agreeing to everything.


Listening to a horoscope in the morning is not such a useless exercise, especially when you are planning something significant.

Rebuild yourself

I am a modest and quiet girl. But what if the virtual astrologer tells you: “Aries will have to go all out today. You have a goal and you achieve it by any means. Of course, to free yourself from inner shackles, raise your ass and rush towards adventure.

Perhaps the stars did their job, but my tongue got loose, and I fired with all my heart: I told my man what I didn’t like, defended my interests at work (forgive me, my chief editor), even got a cashier in a hypermarket. Result? Do you know, beautiful! I, here, became much easier: I spoke out, gave vent to feelings and did not regret it. It is necessary to periodically arrange such emotional unloading. By the stars, of course.


  • cleared karma;
  • opened the third eye;
  • She told her mother that she was independent.


The life change was a success. Thank the stars for this.

Get over a bad day

What is a bad day for you? Spilled coffee, chewing gum on your favorite blouse, a shameful mistake at work, for which you are still ashamed, a sudden illness or lost documents?

It is clear that all of the above situations were about me that day. And you will be damn wrong if you think that all these troubles were promised to me in the morning by a horoscope. On that very “black” day, my forecast read: “In the evening nice meeting which will soon grow into something more. Much more ... It seems that such phrases are inserted if the sky is covered with fog and the stars are not visible. Something needs to be written. Astrologers, by the way, have no days off!


  • stumbled;
  • fell;
  • proudly got up and went.


If the stars are wrong, then someone needs it.

Submit to the stars

You probably thought that on a subconscious level, I myself provoked what was happening. No matter how! For the purity of the experiment, I lived for one week according to the standard schedule, comparing what happened during the day with the prediction in the horoscope.

60% of the time my day was described carbon copy. More than half, after all! This experiment helped me to live one day and release my feelings. I realized that it’s better not to rely on a horoscope, but it’s still worth listening to the advice of astrologers.


  • A lot of emotions at the end of the day, when almost everything converged;
  • Even more impressions, when almost nothing came together and panic sounded in my head: “My God, this is not written in the instructions, and now what to do with it ?!”;
  • “Lost reality”, because it is very difficult for me to live according to the “star rules”, and not in accordance with my feelings.

Editor's output:

If you have been living according to a horoscope for a long time, perhaps even predicting your own fate from the stars, then give me your number.

I would advise people who are too categorical about the “wisdom of the stars” to moderate their indignation and at least occasionally glance at the horoscope. As it turned out, it can be useful!

Astrologers say that the stars determine our character, so each sign of the zodiac corresponds to certain life principles. To believe in horoscopes or not is up to you.

We have prepared a list of the basic principles of the signs of the zodiac. Check if they match your worldview and beliefs.


1. The best protection is an attack.
2. Either I'm the only one, or without me.
3. Emotions control my behavior. 4. Stubbornness is normal.
5. I don't have the patience to listen to you.
6. No one will do it better than me anyway.
7. I will always be young and energetic.
8. I am ready to make bold decisions when others are in a daze.
9. I will cut off seven times, and then I will measure.
10. Don't argue with me, I'll still win.


1. I was born to be a taster.
2. I can wear this thing for another 10 years, but it doesn’t tear.
3. Hurry - make people laugh.
4. A lot can be achieved with caress and a kind word.
5. Food is my idol.
6. Comfort is more important than experience.
7. When I rest, the world ceases to exist.
8. Better to lose than fight.
9. I am content with little, I don’t touch someone else’s.
10. Better to buy boots than go to the movies.


1. It can be worse, if only more.
2. To serious people - serious attitude.
3. I do not like to delve into, I choose the first one that comes across.
4. Now or never.
5. One phone is good, but four is better.
6. Got an idea? Take action!
7. I am here, I am there, I am everywhere.
8. One head is good, but two is better. Especially if both are mine.
9. Who knows more, he gets more.
10. I am always different.


1. Why throw something away if you can vilify for another season, or two, or ten.
2. My past determines my future.
3. My home is my castle.
4. Rare, but high-quality purchases are better.
5. Nothing is more comforting than food.
6. The best place for meetings - my home.
7. If you wait, then everything will work out.
8. The main thing is to always have salt, matches and candles.
9. My calling is to patronize someone.
10. It is better to live where there is an opportunity to hide.

a lion

1. I am so radiant that I can outshine the sun.
2. If you do something, then a large-scale one.
3. Of course, I am kind, but you still bow and kneel.
4. Best or nothing.
5. It is necessary not to save, but to earn.
6. Status is more important than salary.
7. This world is made for me.
8. Smile and compliment - that's the whole secret of success.
9. Ready to help you, but I don't need your help.
10. I will lead you to success.


1. Beauty should not be defiant.
2. True ladies are found only among Virgos.
3. Better to underdo than overwork.
4. Big tasks put pressure on me.
5. Perfectionism is my everything.
6. The head is more important than the heart.
7. Order in the head and in the closet is the key to success.
8. You need to live for yourself, but in such a way as to help others.
9. Modesty adorns a girl.
10. You can achieve a lot with work and patience.


1. It's hard for me to take sides.
2. You don't always have to burn bridges.
3. Sometimes it's hard to make a choice.
4. Everything must be done on a whim.
5. Beauty will save the world.
6. People will follow me to the ends of the earth.
7. Principle will not feed.
8. To win a war, sometimes you have to lose a fight.
9. Arguing is an ignoble occupation.
10. One in the field is not a warrior.


1. I am open only with the elite.
2. Jealousy sometimes takes precedence over common sense.
3. I don't show my feelings.
4. My look is able to incinerate anyone.
5. Love is the main thing.
6. Being a knight is an honor.
7. You can't run away from yourself.
8. Having fun just like that is stupid.
9. Every event has causes and consequences.
10. Sometimes I need to splash poison on someone.


1. Everyone must be responsible for their actions.
2. You need to solve problems as they come.
3. Responsible people are boring and dependent on other people's opinions.
4. My conscience sleeps forever.
5. It is better to wait for the prince than to do something.
6. My smile and beautiful eyes can melt any heart.
7. Solving problems is not for me.
8. Best holidayleisure.
9. I am a bad debtor, I quickly forget everything.
10. Big and good are synonyms.


1. My stamina gives me a head start.
2. I can handle everything alone.
3. Only fools break the law.
4. Everything I have, I deserve.
5. Everything in life must be planned.
6. It's good where we are not.
7. Patience and endurance solve any problems.
8. Reach the heights to look down on everyone.
9. I will always be young at heart.
10. You go quieter - you will continue.


1. The main thing is to be different from others.
2. Friends more important than family.
3. Sex isn't even in the top ten on my priority list.
4. If you want something new, forget about the old.
5. Better to think about good deeds than making them.
6. It's hard to be a good man, but we have to.
7. All the best is waiting for us ahead.
8. Prejudice is for fools.
9. Everyone should be the way I want.
10. I am the kindest and most active person in the world.


1. It is better to help with a word than with a deed.
2. Alcohol is to me like water is to fish.
3. Order is boring.
4. I will do it tomorrow... Or the day after tomorrow... Or sometime later.
5. To promise is not to do.
6. Work does not tolerate haste.
7. Understanding others is easier than understanding yourself.
8. First impressions are always deceptive.
9. I always have a lot to do. What? I will not say.
10. If you put pressure on me, you will have to do everything yourself.

Someone prefers to live where it is quiet and green, someone - where it is safe or prestigious, and for someone it is important that there are a lot of shops and establishments nearby where you can have a great time. A lot of it depends on your zodiac.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

Aries feel comfortable where the infrastructure is well developed, where within walking distance there is everything you need for normal functioning, from large stores to cultural and entertainment venues. Representatives of this sign are not so much interested in the prestige of the area as the opportunity not to waste extra time on solving everyday problems. The presence of a large number of transport is also welcomed, with the help of which you can quickly get anywhere.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Taurus like to live where there is a lot of greenery - there is a park, a forest nearby, or at least a square and a courtyard planted with trees. In addition, it is important for them that all kinds of children's institutions are within walking distance: a kindergarten, a school, a clinic. Moreover, when choosing housing, representatives of this sign are guided by the presence of these institutions, even if they are not yet parents. And Taurus is impressed by the comfort and rational layout of the dwelling and the territories adjacent to it.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

By and large, the twins don't care where they live. It is much more important for them that the space that they consider their own is fully equipped according to their tastes, preferences and requirements for comfort. However, the presence fresh air in any case, it is welcome, as is a well-developed transport structure, and it is also desirable that there are all kinds of fairs, bookstores, service stations and consumer services nearby.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancers are comfortable in residential complexes, which are practically a miniature city, and even better, an impregnable castle. Yards closed from strangers, the presence of small shops in the fenced area, in which customers are known by name, children's institutions, family cafes and strict security - this is what is important for representatives of this sign. Cancers also feel good in cottage settlements, on quiet streets with low-rise buildings, where neighbors do not stick their curious nose into their affairs.

Lions adore a beautiful view from the window, it is important for them that the panorama is not blocked by various buildings and other urban factors. In addition, representatives of this sign strive for luxury even in small apartments, but this does not mean that they have stucco and gilding everywhere; housing should reflect inner world the owner, and not overshadow him with his pomposity, so the artistic mess and simple furnishings of the Lions often coexist with truly valuable items.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

It is important for virgins to be proud of their home, and the reason for this may be a prestigious area, the presence of some sights nearby, even a memorial plaque announcing that some kind of outstanding person. For them, the cleanliness of the entrance and the surrounding areas, the availability of medical facilities, chain stores with ongoing promotions and everything that makes housekeeping easier and saves time and money are important for them.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

On the one hand, the safety of the home and neighboring territories is important to Libra, and on the other hand, they love it when life is in full swing around and people do not close from each other, when you can easily go to the neighbors and there is no need to lock all the locks. In addition, representatives of this sign are comfortable where everything breathes beauty and harmony, there are decorative elements in the form of decorations on the house and sculptures, fountains, flower beds and figuratively trimmed trees in the yard.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are comfortable living where the energy is favorable for them, in places with a certain history. Representatives of this sign prefer brick and stone (rather than panel) houses with thick and soundproof walls, when it is possible to isolate themselves from neighbors and from everything outside world. They spend a lot of money on security, not because they're afraid of something, but because they can't stand random visitors. It is also important for them to appearance at home did not betray its true content.

Sagittarians feel comfortable everywhere. "My home is my castle" is not their motto. For them, housing is just a place where you can spend the night, wash and arrange a little respite for yourself, and they do not bother about the location of the house, amenities and developed infrastructure. It is not troublesome for representatives of this sign to take children to school on the other side of the city and travel three blocks to a store or clinic. Although they like it when there are places nearby where you can have great fun.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns prefer privileged areas and elite residential complexes. In addition, they like to have own house, built according to an individual project (but, as a rule, in a classical manner) and thoroughly equipped, with all the amenities and obvious indicators of their status. For representatives of this sign, housing is a sign of prestige, so it should a priori cause admiration and envy. And it is also important for Capricorns that everything that is necessary for life support is nearby.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

First of all, it is important for Aquarius to have their own housing, which does not need to be shared with a bunch of relatives. For them, this is a kind of sign of freedom, and it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a prestigious area or on the outskirts. However, if the representatives of this sign are purposefully looking for an apartment, they will most likely stop at a new building or a house with unusual architecture and layout. In addition, the presence of a number of cultural institutions and interest clubs is welcomed.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces are comfortable where there are few neighbors, and there are no noisy establishments nearby and in the house, but there is a green area nearby, there is a reservoir (or better, when windows overlook all this) and there is pristine silence. For representatives of this sign, the house is a place where you can truly relax and not experience negative emotions about the atmosphere surrounding the home. In addition, it is important for Pisces that there are retail outlets nearby where you can get an excellent discount.

Text: Nadezhda Popova
