And real. Interesting story

I still can’t find an explanation for what these phenomena are - knocks ... Not those knocks when suddenly someone says, a twig knocked on the window or the wind blew

I want to assure you right away: I know what I write and what I mean.

It was 10 years ago, by that time I was a high school student (grade 9). My sister and I lived in the village with my grandmother in own house. And it happened that at night, lying in my bed, I heard knocks on the window and always 3 times. It has always been the way a person knocks: with the finger of the hand on the glass. The only difference was that the knock was calm and measured.

Last night I woke up because my legs were numb, as if something heavy was lying on them. This is usually how the cat sleeps. I open my eyes, look at my feet - no one, but there is heaviness! Waking up, I think that I may have been in bed. I close my eyes and somehow do not attach any importance. I wake up already because I hear how clearly male voice says my name several times. Quietly so, with a breath: “Iraaa ... Iraaa ...” I think maybe my husband woke up. Although he never calls me by my first name, usually just “cat” (well, we have such a special joke). I turn my head - my husband is quietly snoring next to me. And then, in his ear, it was as if someone gave a short, loud laugh. I jumped on the bed, if you can call it that, because I could only lift my upper body.

The story happened in 2010, my father and I went to St. Petersburg for a couple of days, to see the sights of our cultural capital. I myself am from a small town where there is nothing but grocery stores, the population is about 30 thousand.
So, we set off in our car without a navigator, the road was not close, 12 hours on the road. I will not go into the details of my stay in St. Petersburg. After spending a couple of days there, we made our way back. We left during the day.
So, closer to the point, my father and I are driving along the road, and he says to me: “I know a shortcut.” Well, I think dad has been riding around Russia all his life, right up to Far East knows what he's doing.

This story happened in a small provincial town on the banks of Ladoga. On the outskirts of the town in the private sector, opposite a small wooden shop under a rock, there was once an old house. It was built immediately after the war, and the owner of the tower was a mentally ill woman with strange last name Tararakh.
When we settled in this area in the mid-80s, a large construction site began on the site of the demolished Tararakh shack. A large area was fenced with a mesh fence. The place itself was very successful - on a hill with a magnificent view of Ladoga. The foundation was erected by one person, a man of about forty, physically strong, muscular with short haircut. For about six years, Aleksey alone poured the foundation under the house manually, using a trolley and a small concrete mixer.

Mysticism is always with us. We may not notice it, but, sometimes, it bursts into our lives because of rash acts - abruptly, unexpectedly, leaving a mark on the memory on long years. One such incident happened when I was studying at a military school.
Probably, in all military universities of the country there were Honorary cadets enrolled in the payroll of the company for their accomplished feats. This was ours - Hero Soviet Union, Guards Junior Lieutenant Malozemov. In the now distant 1940, the school had a different profile - it trained commanders of tank units. With the outbreak of war, he switched to an accelerated training course, which the above-mentioned officer completed. He lived in the barracks, on the second floor, where our company was located. In January 1943, as the commander of a tank platoon, junior lieutenant Malozemov died in the battles for Stalingrad, burned alive in a tank.

The strange calls to my home landline started in January 2013, some time after the death of my 77-year-old mother. The phone rang as usual, but there was no answer to the usual “hello” either. Strange sounds came from the tube, similar to the sounds of a distant metal workshop. Some dull thumps of metal on metal, and, it seems, even distant unintelligible voices. All this continued until you hang up the phone. At first they thought it was a failure in the telephone line. In any case, that's what I thought. When these calls began to be repeated with a certain frequency, my son gave out.

Great manga. I really liked it, the work of Naoki Urasawa captured me from the first chapters and did not let go until the very end. Anime and manga rarely evoke emotion in me, but some scenes from Monster chilled me to the bone.
Plot in the manga is beyond praise. I won’t talk about it, because spoilers, the plot is already described in the annotation. I will not say that it is completely realistic, there are implausible moments, and if you look closely, you will notice that events often occur due to very unlikely accidents. But I don't think it ruins the manga at all. I still read without stopping, it was very interesting, there were enough unexpected twists and tense moments.
Characters are another strong point Monster. I really liked that there are no standard characters for Japan, such as OYASH, loli-tsundere, and so on. All the characters are well written, each with its own character, experiences, emotions and goals. Rarely where you will see such living and realistic characters. They want to empathize, rejoice at their victories and grieve at their defeats.
Panache, for my taste, excellent. There are no eyes on half a face, everything is quite detailed and qualitatively drawn.
I rated this piece 10 . I recommend it to everyone, it's definitely worth a read.

Very good work. As far as the characters are written, the drawing (if you still count for that year) is suitable, the atmosphere is dark, gloomy, but does not cause rejection.
There was only one moment when I shed a tear, it was about

Herr Grimmer

He was revealed, in my opinion the most.
It makes you think and reconsider some details in your life.
Of course, in the middle it was a bit boring and the end left some misunderstandings 9/10

So you want evil for the entire human race?
- I hated their breed immeasurably.
- But does such a thing inspire you with anger?
Without exception, the entire poor human race?
And in our century there is...
- No, I hate everyone!

For a long time I could not choose from which side I should start talking about the monster. Somewhere before chapter 40, I thought to start with a passage in the spirit of "The artist from the author is not important, but he is an impeccable writer", but very quickly changed my mind.

Naoki Urasawa - you're a fucking lunatic. Visual prowess, interesting design and smart panel placement combine with incredible story and the people in it.

mangaka writer prescribes a huge string of stories, in which even the characters declared as the main ones may be missing a whole volume. There is only one person present in the shadows throughout most of the manga. The lack of focus on the main characters gives screen time to the rest. And here the main merit of this manga appeared - it makes the drawn characters come alive.

I can't imagine where I can feel, literally touch and empathize with a neo-Nazi dwarf, a femme fatale, a hired killer and other types ... with whom I would never be imbued with sympathy.

The kid before his death eats ice cream, and he says that his bad mood has disappeared somewhere

This same half-man

Hired killer refused to kill the target due to the fact that he deliciously savored coffee with five spoons of sugar

Cop became a detective after watching shows like CSI: Miami

Such details do not take up much space in chapters. Three panels on the strength, but incredibly deepen the disclosure actors, being a buff, so to speak, or better to say a boost to the next aspect

I never believed the emotions on the pages like in a monster. They are shown so sincerely, they are so filled with life that you involuntarily experience them yourself. All the strong emotional moments of the plot are written out by the author perfectly. Not without flaws, but excellent

The combination of one major and one minor aspect color their actions. Each bit of the monster's story is distinct, but at the same time, it can't be seen outside of the manga as a whole.

Causes, motives, origins, family ties - all these fragments are eventually added up by the reader himself into one huge world after the fall of socialism. Literally amazed at how some of the characters are interconnected.

It is worth noting for some a plus, and for some a minus: There is no character who would come out at the end and catalog in his long tirade all the information accumulated over a hundred and fifty chapters and conclusions from different branches of the plot. For example, it was interesting for me to play Sherlock and connect the whole web of chains of events in the halls of the mind

Part of the artist The mangaka's is not far behind the writer's. Character designs are memorable, some of them have a special basis in the form of any animals:

The monster takes up a rather controversial and controversial topic and reveals it with the help of new storytelling methods. artwork.

The motif of the monster is the nature of man, whether man is born initially evil or whether he is originally a tabula rasa.

The dilemma that pervades all small and big stories Monster.

Two points of view, two philosophical positions are represented by two characters. Claimed protagonist and antagonist.

Accordingly, Dr. Tenma stands for anthropological optimism, and Johan for anthropological pessimism. What I really appreciate is that they defend their point of view and refute someone else's, without slipping into the namedropping of philosophers and writers, in the whole work there is not a single reference or mention of Hume, Celine, Rousseau, Mencius, quotes from Moliere (well, except for the beginning of my text ).

Monster serves both points of view well without overtly sympathizing with one position and without using names for a long time dead people.

The end of the story is open and leaves the last word for the reader. Which side will win is decided by the reader or viewer, his personality, worldview, personal experience.

Alas, the Monster has flaws, there are two of them. One can interfere with your reading quite seriously, and the second is related to the drawing. The problem is quite common among almost all comics media: by the middle, due to the need to release new chapters, the story begins to artificially slip, the dynamics fall, and the number of actions per chapter decreases. The situation got better

There is a nitpick about the art, but it's not serious. The mangaka does mediocre full-page spreads. What is a comic strip? This is either the final page, forcing you to open the next issue out of curiosity, or the peak of emotionality. No matter what emotion, the main thing is the pinnacle of a certain act. In Monster, these are just drawings on two pages and with many objects.

That awkward feeling when, before going to bed and preparing to meet New Year, writing, * censorship *, two hours, * censorship *, a huge review, trying, on the tablet and clicking on another link - an inscription came out with a Yandex stop, just before the ACTUALLY END OF THE REVIEW, and on the site, instead of the text, I saw that you need to login to your ACCOUNT again *eye twitches*. Well, I don’t blame anyone, just emotions, otherwise, maybe now I’ll learn to write less (yeah, right now) and sit out of the blue (on one link) and write. And so, this is the tenth review dedicated to the department with the "horror" genre: Horror is not a genre for the faint of heart viewers and readers. What does he offer us? It's fear, anxiety. How storylines go and end usually in films? - these are banal sick ambitions of people or monsters / werewolves / vampires, etc., who will slowly kill one by one until the end of the film, smiling and giggling (not always), and pursuing Mr. G-I / in, even though he / and left from there , where he/them tried/is to finish off, but, in the end, he/she will still look for him/them and kill/yut, but either the villain/s/them will be killed. And there are other versions of the plots of this bloody, nervous delirium, but we will not talk about it. And you know, you saw, you read it. And so, what does it give us? Maybe adequate morality, which is unlikely, because these are just films, for thrills, a gloomy, melancholic atmosphere, drive and adrenaline. I don’t really like this genre, but not because it’s scary, but just not for me. After all, in any case, your favorite and not favorite heroes will die (not a fact, but still, half of the heroes will be killed for sure). And I saw this more than once, and what was the point of watching the movie? Well, yes, I know what your thoughts are, but I hope not so profound (strange). Like "g-g-gee, it's a thrill when they cut, dismember, catch, piss, etc., and that's all the gusto, but the fact that they survive won't survive is not very important" (if it seemed that you were exaggerating, then this analysis for your consideration. Personally, I was not going to generalize, there are just such people) - yes, happy endings do not always happen here, after all, this is horror with mysticism and blood and corpses, as well as survival with liquidation, where usually you always see logic, from bad guys, because they have their own reckless ambitions that stupidly develop into a sick hobby, but there is a horror movie with not just sick ambitions without logic, because there is a tragedy and therefore the negative hero does not care what happens to others, because of his own, as I remember, - own destiny. This is me about "Saw" (I watched it in pieces and then 1/2/3 parts and I just can't stand it, not that powerful emotions I feel, but I just disdain with a stone face from the disgust of the film for some supposedly completely inhuman maniacs of people, and I ask fans of such horrors and the film not to throw slippers, it’s just my personal opinion, I don’t despise those who love it, the main thing is that I myself didn't go crazy and start killing *chuckle*). Wait, what about anime and manga? - well, since I don’t watch this genre, because I don’t like it, I can’t say much about what and how it is, but it can be worse (and extraordinary). For example, one person almost begged me to watch horror anime. I watched one of the first two episodes (and then because the situation was such that there was nothing left to do but watch the horror of anime), and I decided that I definitely wouldn’t watch * smiles with closed eyes, with nervous tic*, although I didn’t intend to, well, not a fact. This is about cicadas (when cicadas cry, sort of). Just squeamish about the guy who almost swallowed a needle in some kind of bun or something, and where he killed himself in the body. booth, because of the curse of a certain person - this did not please me, but she looked out with a stone face, without emotions. And the same person pushed earlier on another anime, also a horror movie, as I understand it. There is a moment where people's bellies were ripped open and they were stuffed with candy, it seems (yeah, got caught, maniacs, they recognized anime, right?! *plays with eyebrows and smiles*). Well: beep: stupidly I don’t like such crazy stories, not because it’s eerily disgusting or scary. Actually, *grumbles*. But that viewing did not unsettle me and I remained a good girl without manic whims *smirk* (no, seriously...). Of course, not all manga and anime are like this, I think, but still, I will think about my principle for watching / reading bloody and illogical horror films (oh, yes, I read two volumes of Bizengast "and, at that time, it was my first manga, but it seems it's not quite a manga, yeah. I just clarified this point. And I kind of liked it, but it was a long time ago, especially the first manga, the first impression, but now the interest may fade if I undertake to read other parts that I personally do not have , just read someone else's manga) But, I want to add that I would not mind reading a manga/comic based on fnaf or something like that, about these animatronics, guards and, of course, as everyone calls him "Purple Gay" (what do you think is stupid an idea for a fnaf manga? And if it's not a stupid horror movie, but a shounen-ai/yaoi? Yeah, you're interested, yaoi snakes? And just tell me that you wouldn't want to see this kind of plot, where a guard comes to a guard, follows him, he giggles pompously, ties him in. In an attractive pompous voice with riddles, he answers the guard's banal questions, such as "who are you, why, what are you doing, why?". And he teases with death, intimidating the victim, while being playful, and the victim is perplexed and angry, and so on and so forth, blah blah blah, naturally a normal plot, and not only this moment with the strange coming and going, and the torment of the guard, and also the rest of the details *innocently smiles, rolling his eyes). Oh, Scott would go nuts. He may have conceived it as some kind of grandfather, almost under fifty, nondescript, and not as fans depict him with long hair, a small stubble on his chin, or how it can be called *sleepy*, a crazy smile, charming, and a "playful" in love who sticks to art (and mini comics), to pm (which, according to the plot of the game, is probably a fch, but let's do it without theories and blah, blah, blah *dracula's voice*. I categorically don't care what and how it is, I didn't really find out anything, didn't put my theories, etc., I don't even like the game itself, I'm neutral about it, and in general I tried the game a little, for the sake of interest, to look at the mechanics of the game and at the screamers, well, just at the game that I heard about many times. *, well, the comic side of cartoons with dialogues, as well as fan songs, videos, etc. *winks*). I guess I have a stupid fetish for such an image with charisma, like PG, where the fans portray, but in the original, he is still not such a villain and definitely not scary, although he staggers in a springtrap, despite the fact that he has already been killed , but somehow he behaves like other animatronics (tsits * sharply made a hand gesture with index finger pulling it to the right *, remember what I wrote about theories and blah, blah, blah? I don’t need this, if you want to comment in order to satisfy your craving for expressing knowledge on these facts, then find a suitable topic *dejection*). Damn, again I dragged out with scribbling and moved away from the topic a little *sigh*, but after all, this also applies to "horrors" *smile*. So, I wanted to say by this that I probably don’t particularly like genres where murder, horror stories, tragedies, and so on. And also that this genre is not bad, it gives a special atmosphere, to some extent adrenaline, but it's more like in a movie than on a piece of paper or in animation. All in all, sharp feelings, insane ambitions from negative heroes, and shows the dual motives of the villain and egocentrism, cynicism, and the concept of aspect understanding to events, and the decision to prevent the awkward actions and intentions of negative heroes who crave to kill without common sense or for the sake of justice, because fate is somehow wrong turned around and the evil began to take revenge on everyone, *scratches the back of the head* uh, mmm, well, and so on and so on ... I have not yet lost the habit of everyday life, comedy, romance, relationships of couples, especially guys, happy endings and other nonsense. But if there was a mangaka who would draw a manga about fnaf (not a single, and preferably at least a shenen-ai). By the way, about the oboaz fch from the fans: Long before I saw art of this type, I just madly liked the type of appearance of the character, where there is no shaved chin. I don't know, but I just liked this type. Already tired of cute guys, reminiscent of schoolchildren, even though they are over thirty and above (and big cute eyes, m.'s dystrophic body - I don’t like it). In general, as much as I read the genre with guy relationships (you understand what genre I'm talking about *awkwardly frowns*), I would like to have a bunch of links to manga from you, where they are kind of brutal with stubble on their chin, but not with beards and a mustache (please don’t throw “BAR” at me (I’m not talking about such brutal, hairy, scary jocks, and I don’t read it myself * grumbles *). (scenes eighteen plus).Purely shonen-ai will suit perfectly.(I know that there are a lot of yaoi people here, and I don’t need it here), and also, if there are links to bizengast (all parts, in Russian), I hope , otherwise I tried to find it recently, but I didn’t look much (is it really that such a manga is not posted on the Internet, it’s not gold, or there is a problem with the translation. Someone wrote something about this when I was looking, I need to re-read it). and in advance with the coming New Year (I write purely for decency, I don’t need to respond, you can mentally, and few people managed to read *chuckle* to the end. Sorry for typos, if there are, (the keyboard on the tablet is my enemy). And, of course, praise to the site and translators! As well as them with the coming. Not only readers. Goodbye 2015...! *wipes tears with lip rubbing* - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 31/12/2015.

It was quite light in the morning and sunbeams dazzled and refreshed the once extinct colors of the world. Della narrowed her eyes and turned into the shadows.
- Good morning!! - Deuce opened the curtains the room shone in the rays of the hot sun. - Did you get enough sleep? I heard you get up at night.
“I had a bad dream,” the girl drawled, stretching and pulling off the blanket, “Brrrr, but it’s still cool here,” she hugged herself and began to rub her shoulders.
- Get dressed and let's go to breakfast, - the guy smiled and disappeared behind the door to the kitchen.

Della quickly slipped on a maroon blouse and faded navy blue jeans. With a smooth gait, she paraded in front of the mirror and headed to the kitchen. The kitchen was small, but very comfortable and bright. There was a refrigerator in the corner in front of the door, and glass cabinets hung above it and to the corner of this wall. In some places there were open shelves and they diluted this lightness, which is given with the help of glass. In the center stood round table, on which there were already two plates of breakfast, and in the center was a vase with soft pink roses.

Deuce stood at the stove, and humming something, turned over the pancakes. Della leaned on the door frame and watched this process. It was so calm and sweet and it seemed that all the problems were over. Roses were blooming outside the window, small front gardens and fruit trees were blooming leaves, giving a honey, unforgettable smell.

Deuce, we've known each other for a long time and...
- Did something happen, Della? Speak up, don't be shy...
Deuce, I think I love you. I don't know if that's how you feel about me or if it was just pity, but...
- I don't love you... You hear, I don't love you!!! - the guy banged on the table and the dishes plaintively clinked.

Della stood and realized what was said a minute ago, and then she jumped out of the house and, slamming the door, ran to the lake. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her hands shook, and her legs almost did not obey. Running to the lake, she fell on the grass and covered her face with her hands. She was shaking and she did not understand what had happened, choking with tears, trying to remember all the good things that had happened. For several hours she sat by the lake and thought about everything, put the events in their places. Gathering her strength, she got up and walked towards the house. Deuce was sitting on the veranda and, with his head on the table, looked into the distance and thought about something.

Deuce, I have an offer for you ... - she did not have time to finish, because the guy attacked her, and the two of them rolled into the house.
- I love you Love! - Almost crying and breaking into a scream, yelled Deuce. His gentle hands rested on his neck, and his lips quickly joined the artery. There was a scream filled with pain and fear.
- Deuce, no! The guy immediately pulled away from her. The girl, clutching the wound on her neck, crawled to the wall. Blood trickled down his neck. Her nerves failed and she fell to the floor.
