Which fairy tale has a clown. Fairy tales about clowns Chizhik and Caramel

* Teach sound-letter analysis of words.

* Strengthen the skill of syllable reading words.

* Develop visual and auditory perception, logical thinking, imagination, memory.


Notebooks; colour pencils; pen; rebus "Vasya"; posters; clown portrait; colored chips for analysis; split alphabet.

Organizing time






Sign the picture - CLOWN.

Sound-letter analysis of the word CLOWN


Divide the word into syllables;

Write down a syllable-stressed scheme;

Build a sound house;

Color the rooms for sounds;

Write the word in letters.

Solution of the letter puzzle: what is the name of the clown? (Vasya.) The clown came to life and walked through the country of words to amuse the people. Came to town and put up a poster: “Showing tricks. Payment for tricks- kilogram of rubbish. I take garbage from the nobles. Clown Vasya.

After reading this ad, the hostesses began to urgently clean their apartments.

And this was the first trick that the clown showed people. The whole city immediately found out who they are dirty. Those who could not scrape together a whole kilogram of garbage, the clown Vasya put on the most best places and the show began.

Word transformations

The clown asks to put the word COP in letters on the board and on the desks, and then turns it into the word CHEESE, which he treated his audience to. From a pile of garbage, he took a candy wrapper and turned it into a bow (how did he turn the word FANTIK into the word BANTIK?)

The clown gave the girl a bow, took out a stick, turned the word PALKA into the word DAW and released the bird into the wild (turn the word PALKA into the word DAW on your own, which letters should be changed?)

Physical education "Exercise for a clown"

Any exercises familiar to children are used.

Tricks from words

Clown Vasya invites everyone to his school of magicians. Poster reading:

* How did the pumpkin croak?

* How was a hut built from a bathhouse?

* How did the clown make a house out of smoke?

* How did you turn a cat into a mole?

* How did you launch the carriage into space? Read before playing:

If you take a big word,

Take out the letters one and two,

And then collect them again -

New words will come out.

Clue: PUMPKVA, mole, FROM Bath, smoke, ROCKET. Work in notebooks: write down the resulting words: KVA, CANCER, HUT, HOUSE, MOLE, ROCKET.

Summary of the lesson

Tell the story about the clown Vasya to parents and educator.

Thank you ABC!

(final lesson on teaching literacy in the group preparatory to school)

* Consolidate and generalize the knowledge and skills of children received at speech therapy classes during a year.


Notebooks; colour pencils; pen; rebus "I want to know everything"; posters; isograph "Penal".

Speech therapist. My friends! Congratulations, you have learned all the letters of the Russian alphabet, learned to analyze the sound-syllabic composition of words, write, read, solve puzzles, charades, puzzles, crosswords. And in this you were helped: diligence, patience, curiosity and perseverance, and, of course, friends who helped to discover the secrets of literacy. They came to say goodbye to you. This is TIM and TOM, ZVUKOVICHKI, KOL'S BELL, AMU, LORD OF syllables, LETTER, SERVANT ERROR. Among them is not only Her Majesty the LITERATURE QUEEN.

Let's go to her. I would really like our trip today to be...

Children read the words, finishing the phrase of the speech therapist.

Once, at the end of winter, the clown Chizhik decided to play the fool. By a happy coincidence, the snow had not yet melted, and Chizhik thought that before playing the fool, he should be piled up. And he began to mold and sculpt an impressive figure from the snow. He blinded a huge ball, attached a slightly smaller sphere to it, and attached a small head, the size of a basketball, on top. I built hands from branches, eyes from buttons, a nose from carrots, and I didn’t even forget about the mouth, just drawing it with gouache.
- A great fool turned out! - Chizhik praised himself and, running up, tried to knock down the newly created sculpture. But it was not there! The snow person did not want to wallow at all. Chizhik tried this way and that, with his hands and feet, and even with a shovel, tried to implement his idea. But nothing worked. Only he rolled himself in the snow and became white-white, like a snowy owl ...
And completely exhausted, Chizhik shouted: "Well, wallow, I blinded you to wallow!"
- I would be glad, but I can’t, - the snowman unexpectedly answered, - for some reason I turned out smart for you ... And in general, it’s time for me to go north, to Santa Claus, another Snowman mailer will not hurt him to help. Bye!
The snowman extended his hand-branch to Chizhik, helped him get out of the snowdrift, laughed and slowly walked away towards the polar star. And Chizhik remained standing with his mouth open in surprise ...
- Chizhik! Why are you rolling in the snow? - Caramelka, who went out into the street, asked in surprise.
Chizhik closed his mouth, blushed in embarrassment and said, “Yes, I was lying around here ...
- Whom?
- Myself...
And he was both amused and somehow offended. But the joy was still more resentment, because Santa Claus quite by accident had another good helper.

Bylinochka about the parcel

One Sunday, when the clowns Chizhik and Caramel returned from a children's birthday party to the magical land of Veselyandiya, they saw a package on the threshold of their fabulous house. The package was like a package, nothing special, just like an ordinary gift box. Only now the postal stamp was on the box in the form of a kangaroo. As soon as Caramel picked up the package, this stamp jumped off the box, slapped its tail, giggled maliciously, and galloped home into the nearest brambles.
- An amazing thing, - said the clown Chizhik.
- Yeah, - said Caramel, - Something I don't really want to open this package.
- It's not good, someone sent us a gift, but we won't see it, it won't turn out very respectfully.
- Then let's open it!
Chizhik and Caramel opened the box, and there is an ordinary magic wand. And next to it is a note: "Drop me! You will know!".
Threw Chizhik magic wand into the blackberry thickets, and she, not reaching the berries, turned around, and, describing an arc, hit Chizhik on the top of his head!
- Wow! - said Caramel, - let me try!
Caramel launched a magic wand in the direction of the fabulous lake, and she, a little striking on the water surface, returned and clicked Caramel on the nose!
- So what, did you find out anything? - Chizhik asked puzzled, re-reading carefully the note from the parcel.
- I learned something! - Thoughtfully twirling the wand in her hands, Caramel answered, - Firstly, the grandfather of this wand was a boomerang, and a boomerang is such an Australian hunting tool that always returns to the owner ... Secondly, cabin boy Sklyanka is now in Australia, from where and sends us such funny gifts, and thirdly, we urgently need to send something equally funny to the cabin boy in return!
- Yeah ... I figured it out! - said the clown Chizhik, - And let's send the cabin boy a carpet-weaver! She will hang him on the wall in the cabin, and in the middle of the night, as he begins to tie rhymes with sea knots, as he begins to read poems to her, loudly, loudly, that will be fun on the ship!
- Exactly! Let's go pack the carpet!

Fairy tale about a circus performer

One day, Caramelka heard Chizhik's joyful cry coming from the yard.
"Hurrah!" Chizhik squealed jubilantly, "it worked out! Now I'm the best circus performer!"
Caramel was surprised and went into the yard to see what exactly made the clown Chizhik so delighted. When she came out, she was even more surprised, because she saw Chizhik, just smeared with chalk, and many, many circles, ovals and circles drawn everywhere, on the path, on the walls of the fairy-tale house, on the roof, and even on the birdhouse .. .
- Caramel, I am now the best circus performer, because I learned to draw perfectly even circle! - said Chizhik, looking at Caramel somewhat condescendingly.
- Wait, Chizhik, I'm... Why are you the best circus performer? Because you used up all our crayons to draw circles?
- You do not understand anything! I read in the dictionary that the word "circus" comes from the Latin word "circus", which means "circle". And all clowns are circus performers! So the best circus performers should be able to draw a perfectly even circle! I learned!
- In that case, Chizhik, you are not a circus performer, you are a compass! Caramel laughed.

Bylinochka about sunbeams

Once, on a hot, hot summer day, the clown Chizhik wanted to catch a sunny bunny. I looked after one - plump, nimble. He chased and chased him, tried to grab him, tried, but nothing came of it.
"Some shy hare got caught," Chizhik thought, "and why did I choose the most harmful one? Or maybe he's just wild?"
And Caramelka, who sympathetically watched Chizhik’s futile attempts, said: “Chizhik, you can’t catch a sun bunny! Sun bunnies are the wildest animals in a fairy-tale land, they are terribly afraid of playing with someone and being late home for dinner, to my mother-sun”
- It's clear...
- But! There are still not very wild sun rabbits, those can be caught. If you quietly approach and stroke their ears, they will immediately freeze in place and will sit quietly until the mother-sun calls them over the edge of the earth. Then they will politely and imperceptibly melt until the morning...
- Great! And how to distinguish them in appearance?
“Think for yourself,” Caramel laughed.
And Chizhik, puzzled even more, went to the fabulous library to look for a book about the habits of sunny rabbits.

How Chizhik drew birds

"Albatrosses, pelicans, gulls, ducks, eggplants," said the clown Chizhik, taking out an easel and brushes to paint a picture of marine life as a gift to Captain Coco. "The main thing is not to forget anything, the names of sea birds are so complex ... albatrosses, pelicans, gulls, ducks ... these, like them, eggplants!" - Chizhik muttered, deftly applying the first strokes of watercolor paint to the canvas with a brush.
Three hours later the picture was ready. The art turned out so bright, cheerful and festive that the clown Chizhik wanted to show the picture to Caramelka before sending it as a gift to Captain Coco.
- Watercolor! Oh, Caramel, and I drew a picture about sea birds! Chizhik boasted.
- Wow, how cool, - said Caramel, - A wonderful picture, there are so many different waterfowl here! Who is this?
- Albatross!
- And this?
- Pelican.
- You made it beautiful! And these are gulls and ducks, I guessed it myself ... Chizhik, why do you have eggplants in the picture, they don’t grow in the sea?
- And you don’t know anything, Caramel, they not only grow, but also hunt fish, and they scream disgustingly, disgustingly, loudly, loudly, I myself read in the marine encyclopedia!
Then Caramelka burst out laughing and said: “What a funny mess you are, Chizhik! Cormorants! Cormorants are sea birds, and eggplants grow near our magic house in the garden. They are blue. They grow quietly and silently. "
- Oh, again I mixed everything up, now the captain will have to draw another picture as a gift ... And I tried so hard, - the clown Chizhik was upset.
- Don't have to, give this one. It turned out fun and fantastic! - said Caramel, - In addition, from last year's birthday I have a gift from the cabin boy Flask, a bandana with embroidery, she embroidered herself, so I water the cormorants growing on the bush from the watering can, and they peck!

Bylinochka about the incomprehensible

Once, from a particularly distant expedition, the pirate Kokos sent the clown Chizhik a picture book as a gift. Chizhik read it, read and read, did not understand anything. More precisely, I understood half of it, and half I didn’t understand at all. And why he didn’t understand - Chizhik didn’t understand either. And the smart clown Karamelka looked at the book and said: "Nothing surprising - the letters in the book are Japanese!"
- And the pictures? - Chizhik asked.
- Do you understand them?
I just understand them...
- So the pictures are Russian!

A story about a dog

Once the clown Chizhik made a dog out of a modeling balloon. The dog turned out to be angry, biting. But as soon as she was about to bite Chizhik, she immediately burst out of anger. And the clown Chizhik decided to make henceforth only good animals.

Bylinochka about gifts

Once, at a children's birthday party, the clown Chizhik lost his gifts. Well, completely out of my head where he put them! And Caramel says: "Do you see the arch of colorful balls? Look under the arch!" Chizhik looked under the arch, and for sure! It was there that he left gifts for the children. Chizhik and Caramel took gifts from under the arch, and gave them to all the children!

Tale of the fish

In the early morning, when the birds and butterflies were still asleep, the clown Chizhik started to fish, bit-bit, bit-bit. I fished out a lot of different fish, but all the fish turned out to be somehow boring, taciturn. Peskariki, crucian carp, perch ... Ordinary fish, not fabulous at all.
"It's strange," thought Chizhik, "where did such a boring, ordinary fish come from in the fairyland of Veseland, maybe I fished it wrong?"
Chizhik released the fish back into the magic lake, returned with a fishing rod to the fairy-tale house and shared his bewilderment with Karamelka.
“Nothing surprising!” said Caramel, “you just fished, so you fished out the usual one. And in order to lure a magical fish, wonderful, you need not to fish, but to be weird! Let's go to be weird on the shore!”
Chizhik and Karamelka took their clown props, bright balloons, a lot of all sorts of children's tricks and went ashore to play weird! They freaked out, freaked out, freaked out, and freaked out: the Golden Fish, the Miracle-Yudo fish-whale and the Pike, whose decrees helped Emelya from another fairy tale a lot. And until the very evening they laughed merrily with the fish, shared with them funny land stories, and they, in turn, all sorts of fun from aquatic life.
And when the sun began to sink towards the horizon, and the crayfish, yawning, whistled from the other side, the clowns and wonderful fish said goodbye and dispersed, swam to their homes, very pleased with each other!

Tale of Mocus

Once the clown Chizhik learned to do magic tricks with a magic album, and it was summer, so the clown Chizhik breathed fresh air, listened to the birds, basked in the sun and at the same time was engaged in a useful and fun business. Suddenly, thunder struck, a downpour fell from a clear sky, and before Chizhik had time to come to his senses, he and his magical album became completely wet.
- Eh, the focus will not work now. Everything is wet now! - Chizhik complained to Caramel when he returned to the fabulous house.
- It's okay if everything is wet - let it be not a trick, but a mocus! laughing, consoled Caramel.

Bylinochka about the robot

One day, the clown Chizhik took his magic tablet and wanted to know in what sea his friends, the pirates Kokos and Flask, are now swimming with Caramel. But for some reason, the robot Index, who lived in a magic tablet and always regularly found everything he needed, this time slipped Chizhik some abandoned bays, some incomprehensible addresses, various pictures, in which, in addition to the real Captain Kokos and the cabin boy, Flasks met completely different pirates, and sometimes not pirates at all.
"It's strange," thought Chizhik, "maybe someone bewitched Index's robot? What do you think, Caramel?"
- No, Chizhik, this is not witchcraft, most likely Index's robot fell into a state of stupidity, it happens, it's made of iron, that's why it breaks sometimes, and when engineer Gluck comes to visit him for repairs, he is so keen on improving Index, which sometimes changes his serviceable parts to new, but completely untested ones. Look!
- Where?
- To the Index icon!
- I'm watching...
- Read what is written under the icon?
- "Index! Losing everything!"
- Here! And before it was "Index! I know everything."
- And now what to do? How do we know where Coconut and Flask are now?
- And let's send them a letter in a bottle and wait for an answer.
- Let's!
Chizhik and Karamelka wrote a letter to Captain Kokos and cabin boy Sklyanka, put it in a bottle of strawberry juice, sealed it with colored magic plasticine, threw it into a fairy-tale river and the river carried the bottle into the sea.
- Eh, - Chizhik said dreamily, - maybe it's not so bad that engineer Gluck is now experimenting with the Index robot, because we remembered such a wonderful way of delivering letters, romantic, fabulous, marine.
“Come on, Chizhik, first we’ll wait for a response from the pirates, and then we’ll decide whether it’s good or bad that the Index robot is constantly being repaired,” Caramel said with a sigh.

caring home

Once the clown Chizhik decided to go outside, opened the door of the magic house, stepped on the threshold and ended up in the closet! Before the clown Chizhik had time to be surprised, a hat with earflaps fell on him from the top shelf of the closet, exactly on the top of his head. Chizhik, without thinking twice, went out of the closet and again tried to go outside, took a step outside and found himself for some reason not on the street, but near the shelf with shoes that stood in the hallway, and Chizhik's legs hit exactly in winter boots! "Something strange happened to our door," thought the clown Chizhik and decided to get outside through the window. He opened the sash, stood on the windowsill ... Bam! Found myself in the dressing room, wearing a coat! Moreover, the mittens flew off the hanger, and, chirping loudly, landed right on Chizhik's hands. Although the word "landed" clearly did not fit here, but Chizhik was so dumbfounded that he did not find a more suitable word to explain strange behavior mittens. "Tame them, cuddle them, okay, I'll figure it out later... But how can I get into the street?" Chizhik thought. Through the fireplace! Chizhik squeezed into the fireplace and climbed up the chimney, but as soon as he stepped from the chimney to the roof, he ended up in the closet again! A strange hissing was heard, a warm scarf was wrapped around the neck of the clown Chizhik, and, after grumbling rather, it calmed down ... Completely bewildered, Chizhik again went to the door, opened it, looked out into the street, and carefully, on tiptoe, tried to get out ... It turned out ! And on the street it turns out that the first snow fell during the night, a noticeable frost hit, and all the branches of the trees of the fairy-tale country were covered with nice frost! "That's why the magic house did not let me go for a walk, he took care of me!" Chizhik guessed and gratefully stroked the wall of the house. The little house chuckled merrily, but then he remembered that it was big and important, and, creaking its architraves instructively, fell silent. "Next time I'll dress myself according to the weather, and not as it comes into my head!" - Chizhik promised and joyfully galloped to the lake - to look at the thin, sparkling ice.
And when Chizhik breathed fresh air, admired the snowflakes, he returned to the fairy-tale house, and he and Karamelka began to prepare for the next children's holiday. Collect props, invent funny Games and magic tricks for children, prepare prizes and surprises

Scary stories about clowns can scare even the most daring adult. It would seem that clowns should amuse and delight. But for some reason, many clowns cause wild fear and a desire to hide under the bed. We found two of the best horror stories about clown nights. We do not recommend reading to children under the age of twelve.

Read a horror story at night about a clown and Masha

Once Masha asked Santa Claus for a talking clown. She wrote a letter before the New Year and mailed it. Masha knew that Santa Claus never answers letters, but only reads them and grants wishes. But suddenly, in the mailbox before the holiday, the girl found a letter.
“Dear, Mashenka. Santa Claus is writing to you! The talking clown is a very scary gift. I beg you to ask me for something else. After all, a clown can tell you very unpleasant and scary things. I'm waiting for your answer!"
The girl quickly ran to her room and wrote another letter to Santa Claus. She once again urged me to give her a talking clown. She didn't want anything else. Santa Claus had to fulfill the desire of a stubborn girl. He climbed into the farthest pantry, which was in a distant closet. He was very afraid. But still I took the clown out of the pantry and put it in a bag with other toys. He sat on a deer, but the clown began to whisper:
- You can't fly. Your deer will get sick. - Santa Claus heard the words of the clown and immediately the deer fell to the ground. Grandfather ran up to his deer, tapped his staff and the animal quickly got to its feet. At the same time, the deer was still too weak.

“Don’t listen to what the clown says,” said Santa Claus. And they rushed to distribute gifts.
At midnight, Masha looked under the tree and saw her clown there. He smiled. The girl hugged the clown and pressed it to her.
- Which good gift Masha said. Suddenly the clown spoke.
This will be your last holiday. You will turn around and realize that you are in a dark forest, and your parents are very far away. They won't look for you. And behind the tree, a terrible gray hungry wolf is waiting for you.
Masha shrugged. She understood that the clown was saying unpleasant things, but she knew that she was at home. She turned around and saw that the dark forest had hit her, and below she was standing barefoot on the cold snow. Since then, Masha has never been seen again.

Scary story about a killer clown and Petya

Petya downloaded an application with a game about a clown to his phone. He went through many levels and finally reached the very end. After the final battle, Petya read:
“Congratulations! You have won a super prize - a meeting with the Master Clown! Come tomorrow at noon at 666 Zelenaya Street. If you don’t come, the Clown will come to you and drink your blood.”
Petya was not afraid, he did not even think about missing the meeting with Master Clown. After all, he always dreamed of meeting the hero of his game. The boy came to the meeting place and saw a real clown with a red nose in a bright suit.
— Hello, Petya. You won the game! For this I give you this money! - the clown handed the boy a lot of money and Petya was shocked. "Now it's time for me to run." Run to the shops and spend this money.
Petya did not believe his luck. He had never been given real money for playing games on his phone. He went to the shops and bought a lot of toys. The next day, he saw a friend with red eyes in class.
— Why were you crying? he asked Pasha's friend.
- Yes. I had to sell my dad's gold watch to give the clown the money. Otherwise, he threatened to kill my family.
- What a nightmare! - Petya said and realized that the clown gave him money stolen from other children. Petya wanted to return the money, but he had already bought the toys. The boy was angry that he got involved in this game and met a clown.
In the evening, the game received a notification that new levels were released. Petya decided to play again, but lost. Immediately he received a notice.
“The new level was won by the boy Vanya. He deserved a prize - a lot of money. Come tomorrow at 666 Zelenaya Street and give me back the money I gave you. If you don't come, I'll drink your blood."
Petya realized that he had no money, but he did not want to steal from his parents. He did not go to the clown and hid from him in the basement. He sat there for a very long time and was afraid to go outside. And then I realized that the closet doors were jammed, Petya could not open them. Suddenly he heard someone walking towards the door.
“Hahahaha,” Petya heard the angry cry of the clown, “and now I’ll go to your friends.”
Petya was never seen again.

We have created more than 300 costless fairy tales on the Dobranich website. It is pragmatic to remake the splendid contribution to sleep at the homeland ritual, the recurrence of turbot and warmth.Would you like to support our project? Let's be vigilant, with new strength we will continue to write for you!

In one circus, a clown named Dynamic lived and worked. It was a very sad, very sad clown. No one ever saw a smile on his face, and there was always sadness in his eyes. The speaker did not know how to make people laugh, and at his performances the children cried because he told sad tales. After his performance, other artists - jugglers, acrobats, magicians and trainers could not cheer up the audience, although they tried their best. Therefore, they scolded their colleague behind the scenes. Even the director of the circus, Doctor of Artistic Sciences Tsirkul, sometimes got angry and told Dynamics to stop such scenes. “After you, dear Speaker, we cannot make the audience laugh! - he said in his office, where, after the performance, a sad clown with a bowed head would come. - Soon they will stop going to us, and all because you are not doing what a clown should do! Get fun! Tell funny stories, jokes! Read cheerful poems!

The speaker promised but couldn't help it. He went out to the arena, began his performance, and again the audience left the circus all upset and in tears. Why was the clown like this? No one knew this, although everything was very simple. He didn't have a friend. A faithful friend with whom he could perform, with whom he would share bread, to whom he would trust all his secrets. But you know how hard it is in the world for a person if he does not have a true friend.

Once, when it was raining outside, and everything was wet in the circus too - from the tears of the audience, director Tsirkul could not stand it and drove the clown away, saying that he no longer wanted to tolerate such an artist who scares away customers. "You need to go to Theatre of Drama and learn tragic roles there! - in the hearts he said goodbye to him. “I will only accept you back when you become a funny clown and show a funny performance from which the audience will fall with laughter.”

The clown took his backpack, put his cap, sandals, his suit there and, locking his trailer with a key, walked down the street away from the circus. Everywhere water flowed in streams, it was even possible to drown in the formed puddles, it was cold, the north wind was blowing. In this weather, people were sitting at home, and no one even wanted to stick their nose out. Occasionally, buses and cars rushed by, splashing him from head to toe. The drivers did not understand what Dynamic was doing in such weather on the street, where he was going.

And Dynamic walked, not knowing where. He was sad. "Oh, to find a friend!" - he dreamed, and then through the howling of the wind he heard some thin squeal. More precisely, squealing. The surprised clown stopped. “Maybe it was a fantasy,” he thought, and then he heard those strange sounds again. He leaned over the trash can and saw a small dog sitting in a pile of rags. It was obvious that the dog was hungry. In addition, he was cold, he was trembling all over.

- What is your name? the clown asked.

“Sharik,” answered the dog, continuing to tremble and squeal.

- What are you doing here?

Sharik reproachfully looked at Dynamics, saying, why are you asking such stupid questions, can't you see that I don't have a home.

"So you're all alone?" the clown guessed and took off his backpack. In one of the pockets he found sausage and bread and treated the dog.

“Alone, completely alone,” Sharik nodded and began to eat the treat. - I have no one - no brothers, no sisters, no parents.

"You know, I'm alone too," said Dynamic thoughtfully. - And I, unfortunately, have no friends ... Listen, let's be friends? he suggested. We will be good and true friends.

Sharik looked at him and asked:

- Aren't you going to offend me, beat me with a stick or drive me out into the street?

- No, of course not! Speaker exclaimed. - Although I am a sad clown, but a kind one. And he never beat or chased anyone away.

- Fine! Sharik rejoiced. - What is your name?

The speaker introduced himself.

Are clowns sad? Sharik was surprised. - After all, they are all cheerful and cheerful, they should make people laugh ...

Dynamic had to explain why he was the sad clown. “I left the circus because my colleagues didn't want to work with me,” he said. “After all, no one likes it when the audience cries from such numbers and leaves the circus in upset feelings!”

“You know,” Sharik barked merrily. - I'm also almost an artist. I can count, jump through a hoop, solve riddles and even sing!

- Wow! Dynamic was delighted. “So you and I can make funny numbers?” I'm glad to be working with you! After all, we are now friends!

“Of course,” the dog replied. - And now you will not be sad, but a cheerful clown.

And they went together back to the circus. They were so infatuated with each other interesting stories and laughed that they did not even notice the cold and rain. They were so amused that the surprised faces of the residents began to look out of the houses, they say, what happened there, since in such bad weather it’s funny to someone. And they saw a walking clown and a dog. People immediately understood that they were friends, real friends, and they felt good together.

Dynamic and Sharik, having come to the circus, the first thing they looked at was the director. Doctor Cirkul stood at the window, and he was very sad. After all, he drove away the clown whom he loved in his soul, even if Dynamic was the saddest of the artists. And what he did bad thing, he was worried. In fact, the director was a very kind person.

And he was very happy when he saw Dynamics, and even accompanied by a furry friend.

- I'm ready to perform with a new number! said the clown, clapping his hands. - Now I am the most cheerful artist, because I have a true friend. Here he is! - and he introduced the dog. – This is Sharik, my partner. We came up with some very funny scenes.

- That's good! Dr. Tsirkul rejoiced. - Then go to the arena. The audience hasn't left yet. They sit and wait for new interesting performances.

The clown and Sharik ran to the arena. Seeing Dynamics, all the spectators were ready to cry, and the children even wrinkled their faces and hiccups set in. But Dynamic laughed so fervently that everyone was surprised at first. And when Sharik appeared on the stage and began to jump through the hoop, do somersaults and show tricks, everyone clapped their hands. The audience really liked a couple of clowns, and now they were happy to go to the circus, because now there was not a sad, but a cheerful Speaker and his faithful friend, Sharik.

And, of course, the director was happy, because the best artists lived and worked in his circus.

Artist Alisher Taksanov


It happened once.

It happened once at six o'clock in the evening.

It happened one evening at six o'clock at a very big city. In Moscow.

An ad was placed in a newspaper:

Dear fellow people!

If you know clowns from the circus or from life, tell them that a school for clowns is opening on the street named after the grandmother of cosmonaut Anton Semenov. In it, clowns will be taught to read, write and behave well. Then there will be work on television or in the best circuses of the country. We are waiting for you, dear clowns.

We are waiting for you tomorrow.


The next morning, a whole demonstration of clowns lined up at the entrance to the school. There were fat clowns and thin clowns, white clowns and Negro clowns. They made noise, shouted, jumped and played various musical instruments. On watering cans, on violins, on harps, on frying pans.

A very important guest arrived in a big black car - the Minister for Education and Entertainment.

Then a strict citizen in glasses and a man's green hat came out of the school. She took out a report from her briefcase and read:

Dear clowns, we will work hard.

Here part of the demonstration disappeared. These were the noisiest clowns.

We're all going to be exercising!

Another part of the demonstration disappeared around the corner. They were fat clowns.

And we will wash properly!

Negro clowns escaped in this place. They were not Negro at all, but non-washy people.

There are only two clowns left. A young man and a girl.

Then a very young woman ran onto the porch - the director of the school. She said:

What are you doing, Vasilisa Potapovna? So you scare all the students. You didn't even say we had a living corner. We will sing songs. Go to the zoo. And so it is inconvenient for us to open a school. It turns out that there are more teachers than students.

The same number, - objected the woman in the hat. She was the head teacher of the school. There are two of us and two of them.

What about Uncle Shakir? He's the third, - the director of the school did not agree.

Comrade Shakir is not a teacher. Comrade Shakir is a janitor.

So he can teach you how to sweep. So he's also a bit of a teacher. And it turns out that there are more of us ...

Thank God that the postman came up here and brought a telegram. Vasilisa Potapovna in a green hat read:



I don't understand, she said. - Why did he fly out of the taiga. And for what? Since he knows how to write telegrams, he has nothing to do here.

Here the training master intervened from the machine:

Clown Sanya is probably a hunter. He lives in the taiga. Polkan is his faithful dog. They flew to you on a plane to study.

But how did he write a telegram if he is illiterate? Vasilisa Potapovna continued to ask.

I don't think he wrote it, - the minister explained, - he dictated it over the phone. Directly from the taiga.

Suddenly an airplane appeared in the sky. Two points separated from it, over which two parachutes flashed. It was the clown Sanya and the faithful Polkan who arrived.

Hooray! they all shouted.

Only Polkan turned out to be not a faithful dog, but a faithful goat. It was a goat hunting, service and sentry. A new special Michurin breed. She was still a rider and tracker. She was raised by Sanya himself in the taiga at a dog kennel. You will learn more about her.

Well, now everything, - said the director. - There are three students, you can open a school. You can cut the ribbon.

This is usually done by the most honored guest. That guest was the Minister for Education and Entertainment. And Vasilisa Potapovna gave him the scissors.

Wait a minute, said the headmaster. - Our school is fun, and it should be fun to open it.

She removed her scarf from her head and blindfolded her guest. And he went, snapping the scissors. Here the minister went up the stairs. And at the door stood a bearded janitor comrade Shakir.

Chick! .. - the scissors clicked.

And Uncle Shakir's huge beard fell to the floor. It became visible many orders on the chest.

The minister became embarrassed, got back into the car and drove off.

Then Vasilisa Potapovna took the scissors and cut off a bag of food from one citizen.

Finally, the clown Natasha - the youngest student - cut the ribbon and Irina Vadimovna invited everyone to the class. She said:

I am Irina Vadimovna. I will teach you to write and read. In addition, I am the director ... This, - then she pointed to the green hat, - Vasilisa Potapovna. She is the main teacher. Will teach you good behavior.

Then the clowns started to rise.

I am the clown Sanya from the taiga, - said the clown Sanya from the taiga. - My Polkan is sitting next to me at the desk. We never part. Polkan, voice!

Polkan shouted:


I hope you don't sleep in the same bed as Polkan? - asked Irina Vadimovna.

No. He sleeps under the bed.

It's wonderful that you are such lovebirds. But still, Polkan's place is in the yard or in a living corner, and not at the desk.

Uncle Shakir came and tied Polkan to a peg in the yard. Polkan was dissatisfied. And then he screamed out the window for a long time.

My name is Natasha, - said young Natasha. - I want to act on TV and act in films. I want to be the most famous.

And my name is Shura, - said the third clown. He was very red. - I'm a little crazy. I'm with a shift.

He blushed a lot.

Interesting, interesting, - said Vasilisa Potapovna. - What is your shift?

If I think about something strongly, it immediately appears. I have such a property.

Everyone thought about this property. And Irina Vadimovna asked:

Please think about ice cream. To have it with cream. In cups.

Shura began to think so hard that even the hair on his head began to stir. And ears too. Bang! And on the table in front of him appeared a vase for ice cream. And it has two brushes. One is for teeth, the other is for shoes. And two tubes - black and white. With toothpaste and shoe polish.

So I knew! Shura exclaimed. - It's all because I didn't brush my teeth and shoes today.

Natasha touched the brushes. And the clown Sanya took Shura by the arm and took him aside.

I wanted to bring a dozen cedar cones from the taiga here. For gifts. Yes, I forgot in the confusion. Is it possible to make sure that I have at least a couple? But the healthiest.

Shura thought hard and deeply for his comrade. Goggled his eyes straight. Clap! And two big bumps popped out on Sanya's forehead! And what is interesting - not cedar at all.

Wow! - business Sanya gasped. - And I also wanted to ask for an imported flashlight. Now I would be all glowing!

It seems like we all got to know each other! - said Irina Vadimovna.

But then the door opened and another person entered. He was completely grown up. Shaved, with a tie and a large briefcase.

I am Comrade Pomodorov,” he said. - Arrived at the courses of increase of managerial departments. Here are my documents. The guide sent me.

Your management made a mistake, - the head teacher said instructively, - you need a neighboring house. Courses for increasing the caretaker there. This is a school for clowns.

Management can't be wrong! Tomatoes objected.

Okay, stay, - allowed the headmistress. - Sit on the first desk. We will be more interested in you. Let's start the first lesson.

But then the bell rang, and the first day of classes ended.

APPS for the first day of class

Application first. WHERE POLKAN COME FROM

(Note from the newspaper "Modern Lumberjack")

Listen to it, guys, and then try to retell it to your parents. Or stupid junior comrades. It is called:


It happened at a distant taiga outpost. The goat Masha gave birth to seven kids. Perhaps too much. Autumn time, with grass interruptions.

“He won’t feed him,” the hostess decided. “Six more back and forth, and the seventh will have to be drowned!”

But the mistress's son, a young taiga hunter Sanya, decided to save the seventh goat. Just at this time, puppies were born to Naida's border service dog. Just two. Although expected four.

The young hunter put the seventh kid to the puppies. And Naida began to feed him.

Time passed. The kid grew by leaps and bounds. A month later, he already firmly knew his nickname Polkan, knew how to serve a thrown ball and easily carried out the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Run!” and "Voice!".

Sanya stubbornly brought up Polkan. Every morning he ran with him a dozen or two kilometers.

He taught me to follow the trail, jump over the fence, walk on a log and a tightly stretched wire.

Polkan became an amazing creature. He could lie in wait for hours. He could easily pierce a metal barrel with sharp horns. He knew how to carry a sled and a cart. And don't forget to give milk. After all, in the end, Polkan was a goat.

And once Polkan detained an intruder at the border. It was a hardened spy of a hardened foreign intelligence service. He was well prepared to fight dogs. He knew the techniques against biting, but did not know against butting. And Polkan took him, one might say, with his bare horns.

For this feat Polkan was awarded. The famous goat was awarded a certificate of honor and a valuable gift - button accordion.

Polkan did not really need this tool. And young Sanya constantly played it.

It seems to us that the experience of the young Michurin hunter is worthy of all kinds of study and implementation in the national economy.

Correspondent Zhuvachkin


As soon as the bell rang and the first day of classes was over, Comrade Pomidorov took the briefcase under his arm, said goodbye to everyone and left.

The girl-director Irina Vadimovna jumped on a motorcycle and sped off into the city.

And Vasilisa Potapovna lined up the clowns in order of numbers and led them to the school yard, where there was a special two-story extension. There were rooms for students and a dining room.

At the entrance stood the sister-hostess, she is the brother-cook Aunt Fekla Parkinen. With big bread and salt and delicious borscht soup.

Oh, how elegant and beautiful you are! And my name is Aunt Fekla. Very easy to remember. Here are glasses, and these are glasses, and behind them is my aunt ...

Beet! - said Natasha.

But Aunt Thekla was not even offended. She fed everyone with dinner and invited them to come and eat delicious crackers at any time.

Then the clowns were called to look at the rooms.

Natasha got a large room with a chandelier, a sofa and even a kitten. There was a list of things on the wall. It was written there:

Chandelier - one.

Sofa is one.

Kitten Vaska is one thing.

Natasha was delighted with the kitten Vaska - "one piece." She immediately rushed to Aunt Fekla to ask Vaska for one saucer of milk. And Shura and Sanya were settled together. Their room had two chandeliers, two sofas, two wardrobes, two table lamps. There were even two TVs. And two mirrors, so as not to push in front of one in the evenings.

Look guys, does everything here meet twice? Maybe there are items that are less. For example, how many genders are there? And ceilings?

How many football players are here? Walking excavators? Bowhead whales?

Not much? Is it true? They simply don't exist.

When there are no objects, they say that they are zero. There are zero football players, zero excavators, zero bowhead whales.


Our clowns are doing well in their school. I think you guys are doing pretty well at home too. At least, workplace you have. This is a comfortable table.

It is necessary that pens, pencils, erasers, plasticine, chewing gum and all kinds of joy lie on it. And so that the light fell on the left. If the light is on the right, then the shadow from the hand will prevent you from creating drawing masterpieces.

If your parents didn't give you a place like this, if they don't understand something, sing them a song about the workplace.

My words, your music. So sing:


Children-guys who do not have a job:

With dad and mom

We know it

Have your own desk at work

Or a machine.

So give us

permanent place,

For everyone to master

And I, for the sake of progress,

I ask parents

Give children a notebook

And in pencil.

Kids are kids who have…

Let in our apartment

From furniture closely -

Wardrobes and sofas

They are on the way.

But still a child


parents urgently

And I, for the sake of progress,

I ask parents

Give children a notebook

And in pencil.

Children, guys, at ...

Scientists and enlightened people

Our country is very

And much needed

So we won't chill

We are literate urgently

Should learn.

Just U…

And I, for the sake of progress,

And dads and moms I ask -

Give children a notebook

And in pencil.

If the song doesn't work, draw a poster with a table, a chair, and a table lamp. Hang it on a brush or a broom and walk around the apartment, shouting these slogans:




And this is the most dangerous call for parents:


They won’t give you a kitten right away, but you will probably get a job.


First, Vasilisa Potapovna decided to educate clowns a little. She said:

Dear students! If a person is cultured, he simply must be able to write and read.

And not true! - Natasha immediately objected. - I, for example, cultural. I don't fight. I don't spit where I shouldn't. And I can't write.

And I'm cultured! - Shouted the clown Sanya. - I have two whole handkerchiefs. One is mine. One for Polkan. And I can't read.

But a cultured person should know everything, Vasilisa Potapovna insisted. That's why he reads newspapers!

And I listen to the radio, - modest Shura objected. - And I know everything too. How many degrees in the suburbs. What are the current events in Africa.

What are the current events in Africa? - asked Natasha. - Is Aibolit still there?

So, it turns out that studying is not necessary? - Vasilisa Potapovna was confused.

It turns out that this is how it turns out, - answered Shura.

There was a rumble of a motorcycle. It was Irina Vadimovna who arrived. Behind her appeared Tomatoes with a briefcase under his arm.

What were you doing here?

Vasilisa Potapovna explained to us that it is not necessary to study at all! - shouted joyful Natasha. - You can listen to the radio and know everything.

What if you need to write a letter to a friend?

We will phone him.

What if there is no phone?

We will draw this letter, - Natasha did not let up. - With the help of pictures.

OK! - said Irina Vadimovna. - In that case, we will conduct an experiment. The clown Sanya and I will go to a living corner. He will draw a letter. And you will read it.

The clowns were delighted and began to wait. And Comrade Pomidorov was reading a newspaper.

In a living corner, Irina Vadimovna said to Sana:

Do you remember the telegram you sent us from the taiga?


Here, draw her.

Sanya thought hard. Then he took a pencil and drew this picture:

The headmistress looked up and said:

I don `t understand. After all, the telegram was like this: “Meet me. I've already taken off. Clown Sanya from the taiga and his faithful Polkan. And no flies.

And there are no flies here. This is a bee. She buzzes. So you need to read: w-w-w. And this is a child. Together it turns out: w-w-w-wait. I am drawn next.

What are you doing?

I'm already healing.

What does it have to do with it?

And despite the fact that it turns out: w-w-w-wait. I'm already healing. That is - I'm already flying in an airplane. I mean, flew out.

What. Makes sense, the manager agreed. - Only you and the plane draw ... And there was also a telegram about Polkan.

Sanya agreed and finished drawing. Here's what he came up with:

In other words:

F-child plane, I'm already flying with Polkan.

Then Sanya whistled, and Polkan rushed in from the yard, knocking on the parquet with his high heels. Sanya shoved a letter into his mouth and ordered him to take it to the clowns.

And so Polkan burst into the classroom with a message in his mouth. Everyone rushed to him. The first, as usual, was Natasha. She began to read:

Oh, it's all very simple. When Sanya was little, he was bitten by a fly. So he even flew up. He was sick and suffering for a long time. And he decided when he grows up, he will become a doctor and will treat animals.

And what? Vasilisa Potapovna said. - Very Touching story. Maybe that's how it was.

No, said Shura. - It should be read differently. Look: Polkan, already, doctor ... Well, this is a poem.

Polkan got sick

Like a little child.

Fly all to me

He's not jokingly sick.

We will make amendments, - said the poetic Shura. - Learn the fly.

And the tail must be taken into account, - put in Natasha.

And take into account the tail. Here's what will happen:

Polkan is all healthy

Like a little child.

He flies like a fly to us,

Twisting your tail.

Vasilisa Potapovna was amazed. How did so much poetry come out of such a small letter? Just now Polkan was ill with a high temperature, and now he is already healthy, "twisting his tail." Vasilisa Potapovna herself only shook her head.

At this time, in a living corner, Irina Vadimovna was talking with the clown Sanya.

You used to live, Sanya, in the taiga. Your hunting squirrel goat was tracking. Around open spaces, fields, motorcycles. And now you have to work. Learn to write and count.

Only write! Sanya objected. - I don't have to count. I really want to correspond with one girl. I saw her in Ogonyok. And I decided to be friends with her. He pulled out a magazine wrapped in cellophane from under his shirt and showed the portrait. She is strict and serious.

Very good girl! - praised Irina Vadimovna. We will definitely get to know her better. I think I even know where she lives.

Polkan is all healthy

Like a little child.

He flies like a fly to us,

Twisting your tail.

They give! Irina Vadimovna laughed. - You sent them a telegram, and they composed a whole poem.

Then Sanya told everything about his letter.

Such a letter should be sent along with the writer, - said Comrade Pomidorov. - To let him figure it out. How do I know that this is a LJ-child, and not a W-same-child?

Maybe we can do another experiment? - said Irina Vadimovna.


There is such a popular appeal: "Hide matches from children." Write it with pictures.

The clowns conferred for a long time in the corner with Comrade Pomodorov. Then they brought a drawing. There was a woman in the corner. She was washing something in the trough. And there were many, many matches around.

What does it mean? - asked Irina Vadimovna.

And Vasilisa Potapovna only blinked her eyes from under her glasses.

This is a laundress, - said Natasha. - These are matches. So it comes out: LAUNDERWORK MATCHES. That is, HIDE THE MATCHES. This is clear to anyone, even the underdeveloped.

No, - Irina Vadimovna did not agree. - Even the highly developed will not understand anything here. Whether it's "Hide the matches", or it's "Wash the firewood." You can’t do it with drawings ... But what about surnames? Does Comrade Pomidorov need to draw a tomato in his passport?

The clowns were sad. In fact, you can't get very far in drawings.

And now let's draw conclusions, - the headmistress said strictly, but cheerfully. - People communicate with each other by means of conversation, letters, telegrams, notes and gestures ... for example, clicks.

She said so and gave Sana a click. Because he put his hand in the aquarium and communicated with the fish by catching.

We can even talk to people who have long since died. And understand them, because we can read the books written by them.

I really love old books, - said Natasha. - They're so big. You can build a house out of them. If you crack someone with such a book, he will immediately become wiser. Twice.

And Irina Vadimovna continued:

And all our speech consists of separate requests, thoughts, descriptions.

They are sent as offers. Here is an example of a sentence for you: "The boy is stuck in the snow."

Let everyone come up with a proposal, - suggested Vasilisa Potapovna.

Comrade Pomidorov was the first to come up with:

Citizen Petrov went to the bank and got stuck there.

Clown Sanya picked up:

Citizen Petrova went to the bank and got stuck there.

Natasha developed this idea.

Their children Petya and Tanyusha went to the bank and got stuck there. Poor.

And the clown Shura was silent.

Why are you silent? - asked Irina Vadimovna. - Think of something.

What to invent? Everyone is already stuck ... In this bank.

APPENDICES for the second day of classes

Application first. UNKNOWN

This, guys, is a photo from the Ogonyok magazine. A portrait of the girl with whom hunting Sanya wants to correspond. What can you say about her? How old is she? What is her job? Why is he sitting in this chair on the street? If she has children? How do they behave?

Let mom write your story. And in twenty years you will read it. And you will be very happy.

Application second. Aunt Fekla's lesson

Here are glasses, and these are glasses,

And behind them is Aunt Thekla.

She cooked a delicious dinner and said:

I don’t know what they teach you at school, but I would like to teach you how to behave at the table. The main thing is to eat more. It is very useful. The more a person eats, the more fat he gets. The more he gets fat, the more he gets healthier.

And in our taiga, fat people feel bad! Sanya said. - If he wants to sit on a horse, the horse will lie down. He wants to climb a tree - the tree will bend.

Well-mannered people don’t climb horses and don’t sit on trees,” said Aunt Fyokla. - They live at home, watch TV. And the guests are taken care of. Here you are, Shura, why don't you take care of Natasha? Pass her the meatballs, please.

Shura reached for the cutlets, but the clown Sanya ran around the table and grabbed the plate from the other side.

Give it back. I want to be educated.

And I want to be educated.

I want to be polite too!

Then the plate broke, and the cutlets flew to Natasha on their own. And the pasta went the other way. They fell on Aunt Thekla. And she got a beautiful old hairstyle. From pasta.

Aunt Thekla got angry and hit both of them with a spoon. Thus ended the conversation about politeness and upbringing.

Application third. DRAWING FOR ATTENTION

This is the room where the clown Natasha has been living in for two days. See, it's a complete mess. Everything is lying around and hanging in the wrong place. Pantyhose are on the chandelier, fashionable boots are on the table, and in the closet behind the glass the kitten Vaska is jumping - “one thing”. It's probably the same in your rooms.

If Natasha needs to urgently go on a business trip, she will not leave earlier than in a week. Because only an experienced detective can find a coat, boots and a toothbrush.

Try to find in the picture five items needed for a trip to another city - a toothbrush, a comb, a suitcase, a wallet and an alarm clock.


In the morning everyone came to the door and were shocked. Because there was a lock on the door. And next to it was a note:

"Vacate the premises immediately. Here will be placed courses to increase supply.

Comrade Tarakanov.

Irina Vadimovna told the students:

Last time we said that we convey all thoughts and desires to each other by proposals. This note contains three sentences. "Vacate the premises immediately." "Here will be placed courses to improve the quality of supply." And Comrade Tarakanov. Clear?

Sure, Sanya said. - It's just not clear.

What's not clear?

It is not clear what to do with the room. Release or not.

In no case. We continue our studies. I ask you to retell this note in your own words.

Can I? Natasha screamed. - I've already figured it out. In your own words, you should say this: “Dear clowns, get out of here as soon as possible. Here they will teach not you, but supply managers. Friend of all insects."

Very good. But what does the friend of insects have to do with it?

Since he is a friend of cockroaches, in other words, he is a friend of insects.

Tarakanov is such a surname, - Tomatoes intervened. - This is my boss. He is in charge of all the supply departments in the region.

Irina Vadimovna began to angrily pull the bell. And Natasha screamed:

Oh Shura! Shura! Think and make sure that we have a key!

Shura thought, buzzed. Then he put his hat on the ground and said:

Once! Two! Three!

The hat flew up and hit him right on the head. And everyone saw that a trickle of water was beating from the ground. It turned out to be a beautiful spring, a key.

Good key! - said Irina Vadimovna. - Wet. Just don't reveal anything to them.

Then she asked Pomidorov:

Where does the insect friend work?

He sits in control. Or running around the city. The manager checks.

He won't get far! - hot Sanya shouted. - Polkan, come to me!

Polkan was tied to a peg in the yard. He galloped along with the peg. Sanya let him smell the note from the door and ordered:

Polkan rushed forward along the trail. Only the hooves clattered.

Stop! - shouted Irina Vadimovna. - Wait! He will chew him up.

Where there! Polkan was already nowhere to be seen!.. The sleigh too.

Then Irina Vadimovna roared with a motorcycle and flew out after her, scalding everyone on the turns with pebbles.

The rest of the clowns also rushed in pursuit, but Vasilisa Potapovna spread her arms and caught them. She said:

Stop running! Let's continue outdoors!

The clowns obeyed and did not run anywhere.

Now we will take pieces of chalk, - said the teacher, - and all as one, in a single formation, we will draw and parse this frightening phrase: "He will bite him."

Shura immediately drew how Polkan was biting Comrade Tarakanov.

Comrade Pomidorov drew how Comrade Tarakanov gnaws on Comrade Polkan.

And Natasha, as soon as she saw asphalt and chalk, began to draw classes and jump.

That is, classes went on as usual.

Polkan ran along the trail, lowering his head to the ground and putting his horns forward. Behind him on a long leash is Sanya.

Comrade Tarakanov, who closed their school, was a mischievous person. But he knew the rules of the road well. He crossed the road only where such a sign hung:

But Polkan also behaved wisely. If the red light was on, he would never run forward and did not stick under the wheels. Went only for green.

He himself did not violate, and did not give to others. One old woman suddenly rushed forward to run across the road in front of the bus. Polkan grabbed her skirt with his teeth and held her in place. That is saved.

The pale driver jumped out of the cab and kissed Polkan.

But Irina Vadimovna and her motorcycle were not lucky. Sanya turned into an alley. She wanted to rush after him, but she saw a sign:

It means that cars are only allowed to drive straight ahead. It turns out that thoughts and orders can be transmitted not only by words, but also by signs.

Irina Vadimovna drove “only straight ahead” and lost sight of the nimble Sanya and his faithful horned friend ...

Comrade Tarakanov's trail led Polkan and Sanya to the subway.

The attendant argued for a long time. She brought Sana instructions. And said:

You see: "Entrance to the subway with cats and dogs is prohibited."

Sanya pushed the instructions aside:

Dogs and cats are prohibited. And with goats service and sentry is not prohibited!

The duty officer looked through the instructions hopefully, but there was nothing else. She gave in.

She only ordered to roll up Polkan's horns. How skiers wrap sharp ends so as not to scratch passengers. Sanya took off his scarf, wrapped Polkan's horns around him, and rushed down the escalator.

Vasilisa Potapovna taught classes. Shura and Natasha played classes. Comrade Pomidorov was disciplined.

Everything that we say, - the educator asserted, - we say in words.

No, Natasha objected. - We speak with our mouths.

We speak with words! For example, there is the word "candy".

Candy is not a word. This is such food. Very tasty.

Vasilisa Potapovna began to boil:

We speak in words. Children, call on your imagination to help. And you, Comrade Pomodorov, too.

The students are focused.

Imagine I had candy. We ate it. What's left?

A piece of paper, - Natasha said quickly.

No, not paper.


Not really. Not a bit of a bag. Here you are, Comrade Pomidorov, tell me what's left?

There was a feeling of deep satisfaction. A feeling of gratitude towards the teaching staff.

Where is the feeling of gratitude? the teacher screamed. - They ate the candy, but the word "candy" remained.

Candy is not a word. This is food in a piece of paper, ”Natasha said again.

Guard! - Vasilisa Potapovna quietly pronounced the word "guard".

If there were sweets, - said Tomatoes, - we would figure it out.

Natasha took Shura aside:

Try hard. Teaching aids are urgently needed. The Golden Key is the best. And not less than a kilogram.

Shura nodded and immediately began to buzz and crackle. Then he put his hat on the ground.

Now the oil will hit! Tomatoes said.

But the oil didn't hit. When the cap was lifted, underneath lay a beautiful golden key. Not less than a kilogram.

Who needs it! - Vasilisa Potapovna was indignant. - We need candy.

And we also need the key, ”said the economic Tomato. - We can open the lock now.

And sure enough: they inserted the key, the lock opened.

Hooray! the clowns screamed.

Candy is such a thing in a piece of paper, - said Vasilisa Potapovna. - And what is "hurrah!"? Is this something in a box?

The clowns looked around.

There is no "cheers".

Indeed, there is no such thing. But there is such a word. There is also the word "please". But there is no such thing. Because words and objects are completely different things. It happens that two objects are called by one word. Let's say there is a word "hat". This word is called both a headdress and a muddler.

Exactly, Natasha agreed. - It happens that the word is one, but there are several objects. For example, there is only one train at the station, and there are ten cars.

There are no wagons here. Wrong example.

And we have such a subject at work - the boss. The same subject can be called the second word - "leader", - said Tomatoes.

And I am such an object! Shura was surprised at himself. - You can call me too. different words. I am both a "clown", and a "citizen", and a "student".

She finished her classes and sent the clowns to the cafeteria.

Tomorrow please don't be late!

Her heart was restless.

Where did my motorcycle manual go? And where is this my favorite "clown", "hunter" and "citizen" with his four-legged animal world?

The four-legged animal world is Polkan.

You see, the subject is one, but there are three words.

APPENDICES for the third day of classes

History to retell


More recently, in the newspaper "Modern Lumberjack" we described a case in a dog kennel. How a service dog raised a kid.

And yesterday, in the metropolitan metro, dozens of passengers could happily watch the continuation of history.

A well-built young man entered the car, leading a beautiful proud animal on a leash. It was another service goat.

Polkash, - said the young man, - to the leg!

And the goat silently carried out the order.

The young schoolboy Vitya Merezhko, who was in this car, was so shocked by what he saw that he stood up and gave the animal a seat.

Questions poured in from all sides.

Does she know commands?

Does she give milk?

Does she need to be vaccinated against rabies?

How many times a day should I take her out for a walk?

And the young man answered all questions positively.

A foreigner entered the car. Or maybe not a foreigner, but his hat was from a foreign country. And from straw.

Polkash got so excited that she got up and immediately bit off a piece of her hat. The young man also got excited, became shy, and they, together with the goat, left the car. Only the hooves clattered on the marble floor. It seems that it was the Kyiv station.

I think our readers will be pleased with such a rapid introduction of service goats into life. And the relevant executives will support the valuable undertaking of the youth by opening the Service Goat Breeding Club in Moscow.

Because this new friend humanity can not only detain a criminal, go hunting, but also give milk, and in extreme cases, meat.

Correspondent Zhuvachkin


This, guys, is a street - Kutuzovsky Prospekt. Somewhere here is the Main Directorate of Supply Managers. It's on the other side of the street. And on this one stands an agricultural citizen, Uncle Vitya Chizhikov.

You see, next to him is a goat Mashka, a wolf and a bag of cabbage. The goat is simple, not service. And the wolf is semi-predatory.

The fact is that Uncle Vitya lived in a suburban area. In a house with a garden. Cabbage grew behind the hedge, and a goat walked along the hedge.

The area began to expand. And on the site of Uncle's house, they decided to build a powerful horizontal skyscraper.

Uncle Vita was offered a good apartment. But he doesn't want to. Because he is used to living on earth with a wolf and cabbage. He loves to work in the garden and breathe the air.

So Uncle Chizhikov came to the Office to ask that they not give him an apartment, and that his house be moved crane out of town. Or they would install it on the roof of a city building. And put a garden on the roof.

To get to the Office, he needs to cross the street. He cannot take everything at once: the wolf, the cabbage, and the goat. He only has two hands. And one is already taken. It contains a briefcase with statements and a gift. (A rooster sits there.)

If he takes the wolf, the goat will eat the cabbage. If he takes the cabbage, the wolf will eat the goat.

How should he be? To move correctly. And so that no one eats anyone.


At the Kievskaya station, Polkan pulled Sanya out of the car and rushed along the trail to the escalator. He ran out, clattering his hooves, into the street and led the owner to the building of the Office of Supply Managers.

Irina Vadimovna was standing at the gate there.

Hello! - she said. - That's right, a friend of all cockroaches works here.

She turned to the watchman:

Let us pass. We are visiting Comrade Tarakanov.

What for?

We brought him milk, - said Sanya.

Where is it? Let me tell you, - the watchman looked at the whole trinity with an attentive look.

It is in Polkan, - said Sanya. - That is, in a goat. Pass along with Polkan. And along with me.

Something today everyone is coming to us with goats! - the watchman was surprised. - And I'll see if there is a pass for your milk. Prepare documents.

Polkan and Sanya had no documents. Irina Vadimovna too. Of course, the watchman could have missed them. But he was Comrade Tarakanov's nephew. He didn't want his uncle to be bothered for nothing.

Well, them with their milk! Uncle's peace is more important. And then they still gobble him up.


Everyone arrived on time. And Irina Vadimovna immediately asked:

Well, what do you understand here without me?

All! the clowns screamed. - We speak in sentences. That sentences are made up of words. That objects are called words.

Great. - Irina Vadimovna took out a bird from her purse. - Who is this?

Sparrow! Sanya understood.

Right. I took it from the cat. We will release it now.

Sparrow rushed into the window.

You see, he flew away, and the word "sparrow" remained with us.

Dear children and comrade Pomidorov, - Vasilisa Potapovna intervened, - give similar examples.

Please, - said Pomodorov. - Citizen Petrov flew away on a business trip, but the word "citizen" remained.

Natasha immediately turned on:

His wife, citizen Petrova, flew off on a business trip, but the word "citizen" remained.

And Sanya also shouted:

Their dog Tuzik flew off on a business trip, but the word "dog" remained.

Shura was silent.

Why are you silent, Shura, - said the headmistress, - come up with something.

What is there to invent? Everyone has already left.

Suddenly the postman appeared. With a letter.

Oh what fun you have here! What are you doing here?

We are going through the difference between objects and words! Natasha told him. - Do you know this difference?

Who doesn't know her? We know everything at the post office. I can even sing you a song about it... Look how many musical instruments you have.

And the teachers sat down at the instruments, and the postal representative sang:


Let's say I'm carrying a package

For Dr. Petrov.

Package - subject,

And in it - hello.

"Hi" is such a word.

Children must remember

And know how two-two

What is in the world

Objects and words.

Thank you, says Petrov.

"Thank you" is the word.

For this word I'm ready

Kiss Petrov.

Children must remember

And know how two-two.

What is in the world

Objects and words.

Here with a full bag of newspapers

I'm walking away again.

And the bag is my subject.

And "far" is such a word.

Children must remember

And know how two-two

What is in the world

Objects and words.

After this song, for some reason, Comrade Tomatoes thought and felt sad.

Is there anything you don't understand? - asked Irina Vadimovna.

How could a package come to Comrade Petrov if Comrade Petrov had just left on a business trip?

Indeed, the headmistress agreed. - But I think it was another Petrov - his brother.

The postman left. Irina Vadimovna had a letter in her hands. It was like this:

The national economy of our region needs competent supply managers. To improve their learning, a large room is needed.


Comrade Tarakanov

Head of the Supply Department

There is one mistake in this paper, - said the headmistress. Which?

There is no seal in it,” said Comrade Pomidorov. - That's why it's invalid.

It's good that it's not valid. But this is not the error. After all, the order can be understood in different ways. You can do this: “Stay in school! I won't let anyone leave the premises." And you can do this: “I don’t allow anyone to stay at school. Leave the premises." It all depends on how you read. Between what words to stop. On paper, this stop is indicated by a dot. Or a comma.

We will make a stop so as not to leave anything! Natasha screamed.

The most important thing is that they do not capture us at night, - said Tomatoes. - There have been such cases. And then they will never be evicted.

Thank you Comrade Pomodorov. We will take care of this.

When the clowns left for dinner, she called Uncle Shakir:

Our school is being taken over by the enemy.

Foreign military?

No, caretakers. You will have to hold the line tonight. We will give you a gun. And ammo. Cartridges loaded with salt.

In no case! Vasilisa Potapovna intervened sternly. - What are you? Shooting people with salt is so cruel. Better than granulated sugar. It's already better.

APPENDICES for the fourth day of classes


Here is the envelope of the letter sent by Comrade Tarakanov. The address is written on it: “Moscow, street named after the grandmother of cosmonaut Anton Semenov. School of clowns.

Every person, or factory, or kindergarten has an address.

Letters, newspapers, gifts are brought to this address. And sometimes the person himself, if he is small and lost.

You must remember your address by heart. Do you know your address well? This book was published by Comet Publishing. The address of the publishing house is as follows: 191002, St. Petersburg, Zagorodny, 10. If you liked the book, write to us about it. Moreover, the book should teach you how to write. And we will immediately understand how you learned. And if there are no letters from you, it means that you did not manage to get this edition.


Uncle Shakir stood with a gun at the door of the school. Stood. Stood. Tired. Then he brought a chair to the post. And he was already at his post. With a gun on my shoulder. Sat. Sat. Sat. Tired.

Then he brought a cot to the post. And I decided to lie down for a bit. With a gun on my shoulder. He decided to fight sleep. Struggled. Struggled. Struggled. Struggled. Struggled. I thought about brooms. Asleep.

And the enemy does not sleep. Some people showed up. They grabbed a cot... They wanted to carry sleepy Uncle Shakir to the town square. Cram into a midnight trolleybus. For him to go there, I don't know where. Where does it go, I don’t know what, and asks: “Your ticket?”

And Uncle Shakir didn’t have a ticket, but he had a gun. And he is a hot man: and it is not known how it would all end ... But ...

But then Polkan intervened. He firmly remembered the order of his master Sleigh: "Let everyone in and let no one out."

Polkan growled:


And he rushed at the carriers. They flew off in different directions. And Uncle Shakir was abandoned.

Uncle Shakir shouted:

Guard! My yours are being carried away!

He snatched a gun from under the blanket and banged sugar wherever his eyes looked ...


At night, when the shot rang out, one of the clowns woke up. He put on his shoes, jacket, hat and ran out into the yard.

Here is the hanger. Guess who ran out of the house at night.


The next day Uncle Shakir said:

I am at my post. I'm holding a weapon. I look with one eye. Vydyrug…

What's out? the clowns screamed.

“…Suddenly, some kind of dark force appeared. And pushed me into bed.

Everyone began to ask where this dark power came from. And Natasha asked:

Where did the bed come from?

I don't know, - Uncle Shakir answered. - I think I brought it myself. I was like hypnotized.

And he told everything in detail.

... He, as if hypnotized, lay in bed and took aim in different directions. He was very brave. But still evil force wrapped him up and put him to sleep. He lost consciousness.

Then, like a mine exploded under him. He was thrown aside along with the cot. And Polkan fell on him from above or below.

Uncle Shakir woke up - there were enemies all around. He and let's shoot. What was strength.

Then the clown Sanya picked up his heroic story:

I hear shooting at night. I thought - the hunt was opened. I leaned out - I look, Uncle Shakir is firing from a gun. Polkan screams. Some people are hiding in the distance. One is fat, the other is tall, the third is green. Then everything was quiet. I went back and stuck.

These are our people, - Tomatoes said. - Caretakers. Dynin, Grushin and Tarakanov himself. I recognized them immediately. Height, thickness and greenness.

Why didn't you chase after them, Sanya? - asked Natasha.

I put on someone's shoes in the dark. On a high heel. You don't run into them.

Irina Vadimovna thanked Uncle Shakir for his faithful service. And she allowed him to rest for two days.

Uncle Shakir decided to renew the school fence during these two days of rest. Any swing-sandboxes. And generally work well.

And who will be on duty at the facility today? asked Comrade Pomidorov.

Today I will be on duty! Vasilisa Potapovna said. - They won't get through.

Irina Vadimovna told her: “Thank you” and offered to teach. And she jumped into her motorcycle. And before she had time to be in the saddle, a faithful motorcycle carried her out into the street. She decided to go to the ministry and find out who and why wanted to drag Uncle Shakir away.

The Minister for Education and Entertainment welcomed her with joy:

How are you? Has Uncle Shakir's beard grown already?

Not yet. And we don't care about beards at all. Uncle Shakir himself was almost stolen.

I do not know who.

She spoke about recent events. About letters and attacks.

Uncle Shakir is being dragged today. Tomorrow Vasilisa Potapovna is being carried out. And the day after tomorrow - students. So we will remain without people.

The minister said:

This room was given to us temporarily. Previously, it belonged to the caretaker. Brooms, whisks and counting machines were kept there. The caretaker became cramped. Therefore, Comrade Tarakanov and his comrades are trying to survive you.

I'm afraid they'll overdo it...

That's right, this Tarakanov is a great enthusiast. He is very assertive. You need to hold out. Soon they will build a new building.

We'll hold on.

Irina Vadimovna started the motorcycle. Then the minister called out to her from the window:

Here's a present for Uncle Shakir. Wig beard. Now it is fashionable... Among the intelligentsia.

Vasilisa Potapovna taught a lesson:

You already understood that fairy tales, stories ...

- …reports consist of proposals. And sentences are made up of words.

Aunt Thekla entered the classroom with a jar.

What offer do you have? the teacher asked.

I have a suggestion for everyone to drink fish oil. Children, eat fish oil.

This is a very good offer. How many words does it contain?

Of the three, - said Natasha - From CHILDREN, from EAT and from FISH OIL.

What is she wrong about? asked Vasilisa Potapovna.

The fact that we are not children, - said Tomatoes.

The fact that fish oil should not be eaten, but drunk, - said Shura.

No. The mistake is that FISH OIL is two words. One word FISH. The second is FAT.

The door swung open and a skinny citizen with a beard entered. He shouted:

How many words does the sentence BEARDED UNCLE consist of?

And he answered himself:

From two. From UNCLE and BEARD.

The citizen took off his beard, and everyone saw the thin Irina Vadimovna.

She took the lesson.

Now I will give you the words ATHLETE, CART, READS, LUCK, HORSE, NEWSPAPER. And you make some suggestions out of them.

Comrade Pomidorov was the first to think. He stood up, as if in a meeting, and said:

I ask for words.




And it is possible! Natasha screamed. - THE HORSE READS THE NEWSPAPER. ATHLETES DRIVE THE CART.

In our caretaker department, a CART is called an abusive letter, ”explained Tomatoes. - Therefore, you can also say this: the ATHLETE READS THE CART.

Here Pomidorov's fantasy raged, and he shouted:


And what? - supported Irina Vadimovna. - Imagine - a live newspaper. Heading EVENING HORSE. Photos and articles on the sides.

I would definitely order such a horse, - said Sanya. - It is very convenient in the countryside. The postman arrived on it, we read it, and it went to the neighboring village.

But while "Evening Horse" is not yet available. And the sentence ATHLETE READS A HORSE is incorrect. We took a word from one sentence and put it into another. And the proposal must be in order.

Order should be not only in the sentence, - said Pomidorov solidly, - but everywhere. On transport. At work.

I'll sing you a song about announcements, - said Irina Vadimovna. - It talks about the order of words in a sentence.

Vasilisa Potapovna sat down at the piano. And Irina Vadimovna began to sing.


known ads

We need in order

For the people to know

Reading ads:

What? Where? When? And why?

For what? And for whom?

“The kindergarten needs a laundress.

Call kindergarten.

"Lost dog

Nicknamed Marmalade.

"Summer cottage for rent

With a goat and a garage."

“There will be a lecture in the theater

About life abroad.

"Need a cart with a horse

And movers to the warehouse.

“Living space is changing:

Moscow to Leningrad.

"The teacher teaches singing

And drawing."

And "Nanny Needed"

To a good family."

Typesetter in a printing house

Suddenly dropped a set ...

Mixed up in ads

Words and sentences

And in these WHERE? WHEN? FOR WHAT?

Cheese happened.

Kindergarten needs a laundress

With a cart to the warehouse.

“The teacher is changing:

Moscow to Leningrad.

"Summer cottage for rent

And a loader with a garage.

“There will be a lecture in the theater

"Goat Abroad".

"Dog teaches singing

And drawing."

And "It takes a horse

To a good family."

The people laughed

Reading ads.

Who couldn't laugh

Came into confusion.

The clowns laughed. And comrade Pomidorov was perplexed:

He must have been reprimanded.

Typesetter. To no longer confuse.

That's right, - Irina Vadimovna agreed. - I think they also lost the bonus. And they removed it from the Honor Board, if it hung there.

We don't have those! Tomatoes said. - We have worthy ones hanging.

The bell rang. The lessons are over.

APPENDICES for the fifth day of classes


Guys, this is a commission. She looks around the school: is everything in order here, are the students offended, do they sleep properly?

Aunt Thekla treats everyone to tea. Try to find out who Comrade Tarakanov is here?


Story to retell

In our age, when everyone is nervous, it's stupid to stay up all night! Vasilisa Potapovna decided. - I'm going to bed. Let my technical thought not sleep.

She brought a cot and a blanket. Then I found a small iron barrel and placed it on the very edge of the roof. Just above the porch. She tied a fishing line to the barrel. She stretched the other end of the fishing line to the gate.

Now, if any swindler or caretaker opens the gate, such a roar will be heard! .. He will raise not only Vasilisa Potapovna to his feet, but the entire police of the city. Just pull the gate towards you.

The teacher went to bed. The stars were laughing in the sky. She lay and recalled her tent-carriage youth.

And on the roof of the school there lived one curious crow. The one that pops up everywhere. She took it and went downstairs to see - what was it they made here without her? Sat on a rope...

How the barrel will fly off! How it rumbles! How Vasilisa Potapovna will jump out of the cot! How to scream! How frightened a crow - and faint!

The heroic teacher understood what was happening. Reinstalled the barrel. And she began to do artificial respiration to the crow. Somehow pumped out the crow and went to bed.

Then a police patrol arrived. Find out what happened here? Who rumbles barrels at night? Are the police scared?

As soon as the policeman pulled the gate towards himself in order to enter the yard, the fishing line would stretch! The barrel will collapse! And let's rumble!

The policeman jumped on the barrel and calmed down with sambo techniques. At the same time, the noise was such that the motorcycle almost ran away.

Vasilisa Potapovna jumped out of the cot again. He sees - everything is in order, around the police ...

They installed the barrel with the patrol. Order ... The teacher went to bed. And the patrol went to the motorcycle. He will push like a gate to get out, the fishing line will stretch. How to pull the barrel!

How the barrel will fly off, and the policeman under the knees! How does he attack her! How to give!

Vasilisa Potapovna did not rest much that night. But the caretaker, because of this noise, did not even come close.


In the morning the headmistress came to school first. She pulled the gate towards her. And the barrel rumbled again.

Vasilisa Potapovna did not even wake up. So she was tormented at night.

But then Polkan became furious. He attacked the barrel with horns. And let's butt. She bored him worse than a bitter radish overnight. Polkan drove the barrel around the yard, broke through the fence and jumped out into the street.

A construction worker walked behind the fence. He had a crowbar in one hand and a shovel in the other. He was fat and suspicious. (Actually, it was the supply manager Dynin in disguise. From the fire organization. His comrade Tarakanov sent to spy on the clowns.)

The disguised Dynin sees that a barrel is being rolled at him. Barely managed to jump on it. And in order not to fall, he began to touch with his feet. So on the barrel and went.

It's a fun picture. Polkan pushes a barrel down the street. She rolls with a roar. And along the barrel, supply manager Dynin runs with a shovel and a crowbar. He runs in one direction and rides in the other. So I rolled up to the main caretaker's house. I drove up to the porch. To the watchman-nephew.

Here Polkan calmed down and ran home. And Dynin went to report everything to Comrade Tarakanov.

So, they say, and so. It's hard to get into the school. The object is protected. People, and barrels, and police, and service goats. But they have a violation. Water is flowing in the area. Probably a pipe burst.

We will fine, - said Comrade Tarakanov. And he told me to keep watching.

And there were classes at school. Irina Vadimovna explained to the clowns:

You learned that our speech consists of sentences. That sentences can be divided into words. But words can also be divided. Into parts!

There are as many parts in a word as there are times when we open our mouth. For example, I say MA-MA. I opened my mouth twice. So, the word MOM has two parts.

And in the word ZAVKHOZ there are two parts! - Tomatoes happily made the discovery. - HEAD and HOS. ZAV is the manager. HOS is an economy.

And I understood everything! Natasha screamed. - The word CHAIR consists of five parts. Because it has four legs and a back.

Here the uncertain Shura intervened:

They completely confused me. In your opinion, Irina Vadimovna, the word CHAIR consists of one part. We open our mouth once. And they say - from many parts. From seats and legs... Then it turns out that the word CENTIPLE consists of forty parts. She has forty legs.

No, - Irina Vadimovna reassured him. - The word CENTIPEE consists of five parts. CENTIPEDE. It's very easy to count.

Absolutely impossible! - said Natasha.

That's right, - Irina Vadimovna agreed. - Shit, my mistake. There is a break for two hours.

She called the sleepy Vasilisa Potapovna. They started a teacher's council. And the clowns at that time walked around the site near the school and screamed.

GAY-KA - two parts.

MAY-KA - two parts.

BA-LA-LAI-KA - many parts.

One comrade Pomidorov shouted differently. After all, he knew how to count.

He shouted like this:

One, two - VET-KA.

Three, four - CELL-KA.

Five, six, seven, eight - TA-BU-RET-KA.

Then the clowns took their musical instruments, lined up as if for a demonstration, began to walk around the school and divide everything into parts. What caught my eye.

One, two - GAL-KA,

Three, four - PAL-KA.

Five, six, seven, eight - PO-LI-VAL-KA.

One, two - PI-VO.

Three, four - WATER,

Five, six, seven, eight - P-SHE-HO-DY.

In the annex part of the school, in the kitchen, there was a lot of work going on. Vasilisa Potapovna and Aunt Fekla Parkinen, under the guidance of Irina Vadimovna, prepared a pie for the clowns.

They were kneading the dough. Chopped cabbage into a thousand pieces. They wanted to teach clowns to count with the help of a pie. Finally the cake is ready. Irina Vadimovna brought Polkan to the class. Painted his horns red. She combed her hair. He looked like an old writer. Then the clowns were called.

Irina Vadimovna said:

Today is Polkan's holiday. World Cabbage Day. He has a pie. This pie should be divided among all. How many guests are here?

Natasha began to bend her fingers:

Shura, Sanechka, Natasha, Pomidorov and Polkash.

How much did it turn out?

Natasha showed her fingers:

That's how much.

Yeah, five, - said Irina Vadimovna. - Now invite Uncle Shakir to the table.

Sanya immediately ran after the watchman. Uncle Shakir came all dressed up. In a fashionable wig beard. And, embarrassed, he sat down at the table.

Now how many are you? the headmistress asked.

Six, - answered Tomatoes.

Great. There are six of you at the table… that is, animals… That is, five and one. And only six...

- ... pie eaters, - nimble Natasha put in.

Right. Six invitees. And you have to share the cake between them. How to do it?

Very simple! Natasha screamed. Let's take turns biting him.

Nothing will come of it,” Sanya said. - My Polkan bites, no one else will have to bite. Look at his teeth!

Let him bite the last one, - suggested Shura.

Then it may turn out that he will not get anything at all! Sanya objected. - Comrade Pomodorov also bites well. And the holiday is in honor of Polkan.

I can do without your pie! - Tomatoes was offended.

Here Irina Vadimovna intervened:

OK then. Everyone is here. You can bite the pie right off the plate. It's even convenient - you don't have to wash the dishes. And if you go to visit the English queen? Will you also take turns biting pies? And Polkan will take part?

The clowns fell silent.

Wouldn't it be easier to cut the pie into pieces? Vasilisa Potapovna suggested.

Hooray! Natasha screamed. Let's split it in half like this. And like this in half. There were many pieces. Let everyone take it now.

She took a piece herself. Sanya took a piece. Shura took. And Comrade Tomatoes took it. And that's it. There are no more pieces left. Uncle Shakir and Polkan remained uncovered by the pie.

Have you eaten your bites yet? the headmistress asked.

Then put it back. And think again.

We will cut them again, - Sanya suggested. - Cut each piece in half. There will be a lot of them. Enough for everyone.

And so they did. And everyone again took a piece. Sanya took, Natasha took, Tomatoes took, Shura took. Uncle Shakir took it. And they gave Polkan. And there are two extra pieces left.

Well? - asked Irina Vadimovna. I see there is a remainder. Not completely divided. Will you put everything on a plate again and cut it again?

Polkan has nothing left to put in, said Natasha. He has already eaten his piece.

Here Vasilisa Potapovna could not stand it.

If you put and cut endlessly, you will make just cabbage out of a cabbage pie. We must learn to count. There is no other way out.

There is, - the shy Shura objected. - You and Aunt Fekla take these pieces for yourself. And you will also be guests.

No! No! cried Aunt Thekla in a tragic voice, as if on a stage. She was very shy. - I'm full, full, children.

May I have a piece? the headmistress asked.

Certainly! the clowns screamed.

God bless! The pie split. And you could no longer think about mathematics.

Everyone ate cake and drank tea with pleasure.

On this pie ... that is, the lesson is over.

It was very delicious lesson. That is a pie.

Sanya went to accompany Irina Vadimovna to the motorcycle.

Irina Vadimovna, he said. - The nights are getting chilly. Polkan can catch a cold. He starts sneezing, you can't stop him.

What do you propose? Should I buy him a coat?

We need to move him indoors. Under my bed.

We will build him a good one-room booth, - said the headmistress. - In the meantime, let him spend the night under the porch.

It was a great way out - to arrange Polkan under the entrance to the school.

Sanya asked Shakir for a saw and cut a hole in the porch. Not on the steps, of course, but on the side. Polkan succeeded own house. True, sometimes different legs stomped over his head. And the trash was falling. But Polkan was not a sissy.

APPENDICES for the sixth day of classes


Story to retell

Shura and Natasha stood at the post and talked. And they divided into parts everything that came across their eyes.

Oh, SUN! Natasha said.

Oh, SE-LO! Shura picked it up.

Oh, FO-NAR! Natasha said.

Oh, PO-GUS! Shura supported.

And then it got completely dark, and the stars came out. Shura immediately noted this:


Oh, TERRIBLE! Oh, STA-LO! - said Natasha.

And suddenly, under the porch, someone stirred and sighed.

Oh, Shurochka! Make it so that we have sabers in our hands.

Shura thought and hummed. Once! And they had a rake in their hands.

What did you do? Natasha asked in a whisper. - Are we going to turn the hay?

At this time it was still dark. The key gurgled louder, and mist came from it. And under the porch someone puffed. It got really scary.

Oh, Shurochka, Natasha said quietly. - Make it so that we have spades in our hands. So that we become like knights in helmets.

Shura hummed again. They had fire helmets on their heads, and gaffs appeared in their hands.

Are you completely messed up? - asked Natasha. Do we want to put out fires?

Still, it's more fun with a gaff! Shura said.

Here Natasha, as if hitting a hook on the porch. And from there, as if from a barrel:


Either spies there, or caretakers ... In general, devilry- not ours.

Guard! - said Natasha.

Oh mom! Shura said.

And something worked for him. Because a strict aunt in curlers appeared on the porch. With a broom and a scoop. It was the brother-in-law's mother from the city of Kasimov. She was apparently sweeping the floor at her house in her favorite city, and Shura called her from there.

Mom waved the broom a few more times, and then looked up.

Oh, Shura has arrived!

They started hugging! But mom hugs and looks around.

Oh what is this?! This is Moscow!

She realized that the unknown force of her brother-in-law pulled her out of the house and dragged her to the capital of our Motherland. That she, like a peasant serf, without an evening dress, without high-heeled shoes, and even in curlers!

It's just AWESOME! (In this word, guys, one part.)

It's just WOW! (And this word has two parts.)

Well, send me home, BE-ZO-BRAZ-NIK! (And in this word, guys, there are many parts.)

She lightly cracked her son with a broom. Although Shura was clean, dust-free, and did not need to be swept.

Shura buzzed to send his mother to Kasimov. Bang bang! Mom stayed in place, and the dog Bobik from the same city appeared.

Then grandfather in the chair.

Then TV in front of grandfather.

In short, everything that was in Kasimov appeared in my mother's room. And it became completely unclear who came to whom.

Either mom and grandpa to Moscow, or Shura and Natasha to Kasimov.

Suddenly mother noticed Natasha.

What kind of lady is that with a stick? And why do you have a samovar on your head? You disgrace us!

Ugh! Finished my studies! spat grandfather.

I'm not going anywhere until I figure everything out! Mom raged.

And I won't leave! shouted the grandfather. - I'll go to the Tretyakov Gallery!

But for some reason the TV disappeared. Yes, and the grandfather himself dissolved.

And my mother's broom disappeared.

Don't think to send me back! Mom ordered.

I want to hold you!

Shura hummed with all his might. But as luck would have it all disappeared. And the dog, and grandfather, and, finally, mom herself.

But she managed to hit Shura on the head with the disappearing shovel. If not for the helmet, Shura would have a great bump. And she wouldn't disappear as quickly as her mother.

There was a ringing from the helmet, and Polkan jumped out from under the porch at the noise. Service and watchdog. Then Shura and Natasha realized who was sighing and puffing down there. And all their fears are gone.

Application second. SECRET MEETING

Story by picture

You see, guys, a secret meeting of supply managers. Above the clock. They show 12 o'clock at night.

Tarakanov himself is in a high chair. He says:

Ugliness! For more than a month, our crowbars and brooms have been lying in the yard under a tarpaulin. And the room is empty... That is, it is occupied, but not by us... In general, it disappears. Can't we, the caretakers, the pride of the district, be able to cope with the clowns? Moreover, they have our man introduced there - Tomatoes.

He is no longer ours, - said the plump Dynin. - He already has them!

Here the supply manager Grushin intervened:

I have a plan. Give us three days, three fire trucks and three electric welding masks.

Fine! Tarakanov said. - Write me a statement in triplicate.

At this time, the clock began to strike.

Question: If three caretakers write one application in triplicate, how many sheets of paper will be wasted?

Application third. VERY SHORT

That night, Aunt Thekla was stroking the kitten Vaska, sitting on the porch, and looking at the star.

And I feel sorry for him, this Tarakanov. He has such a disgusting last name. He suffered with her all his life. My poor Tarakanchikov!


At last the morning came. The clowns came to class. And Irina Vadimovna came, or rather, flew in on her motorcycle.

Today we will have a lesson in nature, she announced. - In the Moscow Zoo.

There is more nature! Tomato agreed.

The clowns happily went to visit the striped tigers, black swans and white ice cream vendors.

Vasilisa Potapovna remained near the school. She walked in circles around a shiny motorcycle.

“Of course, it’s not pedagogical when the teaching staff rides on such rumblers!” - she thought, making the first circle.

“But there is something in it!” - she thought, making the second.

“And who in our time can live without a motorcycle?” - she decided, having made the third.

Making herself comfortable, she gripped the handles even tighter. She wanted to see herself.

“I must be very beautiful!” she thought.

Uncle Shakir! Do you have the biggest mirror? Vasilisa Potapovna asked Uncle Shakir.

Will now be!

He went to the clowns' annex and took the mirror off the hanger. The mirror lay on his back and looked up. And the blue sky reflected in it. And Aunt Fekla Parkinen was looking out of the kitchen into the yard.

Oh, the sky is! - she said.

Here Vasilisa Potapovna pressed some kind of pedal. The motorcycle below her snarled and sped forward.

Stop! shouted Vasilisa Potapovna.

Whoa! shouted Uncle Shakir with a mirror.

Only the motorcycle did not listen. He burst into a roar and flew out with the teacher away from the gates of the school.

On the way, Irina Vadimovna said to the clowns:

Words, as you remember, are divided into parts. MOTHER. DAD. Parts can also be divided. To sounds.

What are sounds? - asked Natasha.

This is all we hear with our ears. When we close our eyes

The clowns did everything immediately. They immediately closed their eyes. And they just heard a terrible sound: UUUUU-AAAA-RRRRRR! Because a motorcycle Vasilisa Potapovna flew by.

The clowns were frightened and rushed in all directions with their eyes closed. They jumped out onto the road.

A trolleybus was driving straight at them. He hums like:

Everything on the street was mixed up. Clowns, like chickens, rushed in front of cars. Cars honked and flew after the clowns. It's good that the policeman will whistle:

And how to raise the wand. All traffic stopped.

Irina Vadimovna began to pull clowns from different places. Clown Sanya from the taiga was on a tree. Shura and Natasha dragged each other out from under the nose of the trolleybus. One Tomato proudly and calmly ran in front of the trolleybus.

Now I know what sound is, - said Natasha. - This is when Shura cracked you on one side, and a cyclist ran into you on the other. You can't see anything, but it's ringing in your ears.

It's not like that, - said Irina Vadimovna. - Tell me, how are your ears ringing?

3-3-3-3! It looks like a fly got in there.

And how was the trolleybus buzzing?

uuuuuu! Comrade Pomidorov barely escaped him.

And how did the policeman whistle?


Here it is - 33333-333, UUUUUUUU and TRRRRR and there are sounds.

The clowns were shocked. Especially Tomatoes.

I will definitely tell my mom about this. And leadership.

The zoo appeared ahead. Irina Vadimovna said:

Now we will buy tickets and everyone will have a chocolate bar. By the way, what sound does the word CHOCOLATE begin with? she asked Natasha.

And I don't want chocolate. I want an eskimo.

Fine. What sound does ESKIMO begin with?

Don't know.

And how does it end?


No, Irina Vadimovna smiled. Eskimo starts with the sound E and ends with the sound O.

At the zoo they looked at different animals.

This is a tiger, - said Irina Vadimovna. - When he is unhappy, he says the sound RRR! And these are snakes. Their favorite sound is SHSHSHSHSHSH.

Then the clown Sanya shouted:

And these are wolves! In our taiga they howl - UUUUU!

The wolf in the cage was delighted and also shouted:


Comrade Pomodorov was surprised:

When I was with my grandmother near Novgorod, I also heard this UUUUUUUUU! I thought it was an electric train. At that time I was still thinking: “Wow, how many electric trains got divorced near Novgorod!”


In the corral nearby, wild goats began to worry. They screamed: Eeeeeeeee!

Then the camels and donkeys screamed, and finally the giant elephant blew his trumpet. Run from the zoo.

And the clowns remembered all these sounds.

And it turns out that the zoological caretaker Kabachkov-Tykvin has been watching them for a long time.

He followed the clowns, hiding behind a mug of beer. So that Comrade Pomidorov does not recognize him. And did not expose.

Near the queue to ride donkeys, they almost ran into nose to nose. Kabachkov dodged in time and hid among the children. He even had to ride on a small cart.

But he followed the trail again. When he saw what a disgrace the clown Sanya made with the wolves, he was delighted:

We jumped, my dears! .. We quickly call the police. We take everyone. And our building!

He took out his supply manager's whistle and wanted to blow it. But…

Notice, guys, what sound does the word NO end with?

… But at this time he was standing, clinging to the cage with the monkeys. What can not be done at the zoo. Because the huge orangutan Zeus stretched out his paw through the bars and took Kabachkov-Tykvin by the belt. With the other paw he took away the beer. I tried a little and spit it out. It's bitter.

Kabachkov silently began to break free. Where there! Zeus held him by the waist with the force of a crane.

At this time, the monkey Grusha put its paw into a pumpkin pocket and pulled out the keys to the cage. With her other paw, she took away the whistle. So Zeus and Grusha saved the clowns from the police.

And the clown tour came to the elephant house. Irina Vadimovna read:


Lives in Africa. He needs three boxes of carrots a day. Five boxes of potatoes. And two boxes of oranges.

Will he eat it all? Natasha was amazed.

No way, - Pomodorov answered firmly.

How many boxes do you get? the headmistress asked.

APPENDICES for the seventh day of classes


History to retell


This afternoon at the Moscow Zoo, for some unknown reason, unrest broke out among the animals. The animals began to howl and growl. First wolves, then tigers, then other predators and animals.

The manager of the zoo, Kabachkov-Tykvin, gaped at the noise and lost his vigilance. Then the tropical monkey Pear pulled out the keys from his pocket. She opened the lock and fled.

Look! people shouted. - The monkeys are running!

The monkey grabbed a hat from a passer-by pensioner Yuri Kiselyov and with this hat climbed onto an electric pole.

Kiselyov climbed after her.

The monkey ran along the wires. Sparks flew. Wires burned out. The frightened monkey fell down right into the ice cream box. To the dismay of the seller.

She grabbed four packs of popsicles on a stick and jumped into the pool with the walruses. She lay on the water and took turns biting her ice cream.

The angry pensioner continued the pursuit. But when he was near, Grusha thrust two popsicles into his hands, and he almost drowned. He had to leave the monkey and urgently eat ice cream. Moreover, he could not understand in any way - should he pay for this popsicle? He wasn't going to buy it.

During this time, the monkey managed to swim to the shore on a walrus and climb into the zoo director's office. There she stuffed the main seal in her cheek and dragged the waste basket away.

Then she climbed the tallest tree. Sitting there without clothes and in a green hat, she threw garbage from the basket at passers-by. Mostly orange peels.

Several volunteer visitors climbed the tree. The monkey flew around them, licked the seal and put the inscription "Moscow Zoo" on the volunteers.

Having gathered on one branch, the volunteers could not stand it and were forced to fall down.

Here at last the supply manager Kabachkov-Redkin took action. He placed a table with delicious food under the tree. The monkey climbed down, removed the seal from its mouth, and began to stuff its cheek pouches with nuts.

The seal was saved. And the African Pear disappeared outside the zoo along with the green hat.

Kabachkov-Sveklin received a reprimand.

Correspondent Zhuvachkin.

Application second. EXCURSION IN MOSCOW

story in pictures

The motorcycle with Vasilisa Potapovna worked wonders. Spinning around in place. Ride standing on one rear wheel. On one front. Jumped over puddles. I just rode up the stairs. Professional motorcycle racers did not know how.

On one street, Vasilisa Potapovna joined the escort of motorcyclists accompanying the guest of honor. Flowers were thrown all over her because she was driving ahead.

But the motorcycle became furious again and again carried the head teacher to wind around the city.

And where did she just not visit that day. She was at the Bolshoi Theater - the pride of opera and ballet. And in the Kremlin - the heart of Moscow. There are many old buildings and churches. There is the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell. (Everyone who has ever been to Moscow knows this place. Many people know well that it is located next to GUM. GUM is such a store. Where everything, everything is sold.)

Vasilisa Potapovna ran into the Tsar Bell. Looks, there is a fragment nearby:

Fathers! I broke it!

From the Lenin Hills she opened a brilliant view of Moscow. But now it's closed. Because she was taken out to the high-rise building of the University. A large number of Russian and foreign students study there. And they all ran away in horror from Vasilisa Potapovna's motorcycle.

Vasilisa Potapovna will remember Komsomolskaya Square for a long time. And not because three stations gathered there. But because here, because of her, a car with sour cream drove into a car with sunflower oil. And it immediately felt like a winter day. Everything is white - snow and yellow - oil. Passengers glided like a skating rink. The trains could not start and go in all directions - to the north, to the west, to the south, to the east.

Everyone was rescued by cats and dogs. They ran from all over the city and began to clean the area and lick passers-by.

At Poklonnaya mountain, where Napoleon waited in vain for the keys to Moscow, the police tried to catch Vasilisa Potapovna with a net. At the last minute, the frenzied motorcycle made a complete U-turn and… took off. The network caught an ordinary fire truck. Fat Dynin jumped out of it and began to swear at the police.

Thank God that Vasilisa Potapovna ran out of gas and she died out. And at the school itself.

The returning clowns rolled Vasilisa Potapovna into the yard.

And we saw an elephant! they shouted at each other. - And we looked at the tiger!

But Vasilisa Potapovna was not surprised by this. She saw this today!


That night Comrade Pomidorov was on duty at the door. He did everything according to instructions. And the instruction was simple - do not let strangers in.

If the caretakers come, call Uncle Shakir and set Polkan on.

In extreme cases, call the police.

Tomatoes stood on the porch. It's past midnight. Another person in Pomidorov's place would be afraid of the dark. But the instructions didn't talk about it. And Pomodorov was not afraid.

Suddenly a fire truck pulled up. People with square faces entered the porch. And they pointed a fire hose at Comrade Pomidorov.

Hands up! Give me a room!

Who are you?

We are bandits! Rogues!

In short, we are the underworld! - explained the oldest, the fattest.

Do you have documents that you are criminals? asked Tomatoes.

We have pistols! - They lied for the good of the cause.

Pistols don't count, said Tomatoes. - I can take the gun. This does not mean that I am a criminal. Do you have, for example, a certificate from the police?

We didn't take it with us!

That's when you take it, then come. And so we can't do anything.

Fire bandits with welding faces, almost crying, left.

And see that there is a seal on the certificate! - Tomatoes shouted after them. We've got serious business here. And not some factory "Buttons"!

He stood proudly on the porch all night, like a speaker on a podium. Such an unbreakable rock. And Aunt Thekla brought him tea on a tray.

My dear Pomidorchikov, she said, is completely cold.


On this day, everyone was ordered to come with pens, notebooks and pencils. They all did. And Tomatoes even brought typewriter.

Vasilisa Potapovna met the clowns on the porch and checked whether they had taken everything they needed and whether their hands were clean.

Where are your pencils and notebooks? she asked Natasha.

I forgot in the room. Under the cabinet.

And I never forget anything! - Tomatoes proudly announced. - Because I have everything on a rubber band. Tie - on an elastic band. He pulled off his tie and flicked it. - Documents - on an elastic band. Even gloves in a raincoat and those with rubber bands.

The clowns rejoiced. They began to pull objects and click them on Pomidorov.

Shame on you," said Vasilisa Potapovna. - You offend a comrade by slapping him with different things.

Sanya and Shura listened while they clicked and clicked.

Then the headmistress intervened:

Do you want me to show you a trick?

We want! they shouted.

Irina Vadimovna took rubberized gloves from Comrade Pomidorov's raincoat and gave one to Sana and another to Shura. And told them to keep gloves in their mouths. And ordered them to disperse.

This is a strange job. Nothing like it. But that's the focus! Sanya and Shura diverged farther and farther, the rubber band was pulled tighter and tighter.

Ready? the headmistress asked.

Ready! - answered fast Sanya and released the glove. How she will fly! How to slap Shura in the face.

Well? - asked Irina Vadimovna. - Like?

I do not like! Shura replied.

Do you understand what the hint is here?

Got it! Shura replied.

But I didn’t understand, - said Sanya.

Then we'll repeat.

She gave the clowns gloves again. And again ordered to disperse.

Shura, are you ready?

Ready! Shura replied.

How the glove will fly! How will Sanya crack this time. It was then that he, too, realized what transparent clarity was.

No one else clapped Pomodorov. Irina Vadimovna started the lesson.

Yesterday we learned what sound is. Today I will show you how sounds can be recorded. Let's take the sound A. What words begin with it?

Watermelon! Automobile!

I start with this sound, if you approach me seriously, - said the clown Sanya.

If you approach me seriously, I am Alexander.

And I'm Alexander! Shura shouted.

And I end with this sound. Because I am Natasha.

And my wife ends with this sound. Because she is Pomodorova.

Well done! And now I will show how this sound is recorded. Here is the letter A.

All the clowns also wrote the letter A.

Irina Vadimovna took the guitar and sang:

Everyone knows: the letter A -

The letter is very nice.

And yes, the letter A

Main in the alphabet.

love this sign

And Andrey and Allochka.

Stick like that and stick like that

And in the middle is a wand.

Everyone clapped and began to sing along and draw.

Since you are such good fellows, I will show you more how the sound U is written. It is written with such a letter “U”.

The clowns wrote the letter "U" in their notebooks.

Now let the smartest of you tell me what is the difference between a letter and a sound?

Each of the clowns considered himself the smartest, but no one knew what the difference was. And Comrade Pomidorov did not consider himself the smartest. And yet he knew the difference.

We write letters and see with our eyes. We hear sounds with our ears.

Well done, Comrade Pomodorov!

Just then, the phone rang in the teacher's room. Irina Vadimovna ran to talk. And the lesson was taught by the strict Vasilisa Potapovna.

Let's play the best children's game with you.

To football! Sanya screamed.

In a rubber band, - said Natasha.

In guessing thoughts, - said Shura.

In dominoes, - explained Tomatoes.

The game is called "Loading the ship," the teacher explained. - It is necessary to invent objects that we call words with the letter A and the letter U, and drag them to the ship.

The clowns understood everything and started loading.

Irons! Natasha screamed.

Great! - praised Vasilisa Potapovna. - Georgia!

Bleaks! Ducks! - came up with the fishing and hunting Sanya.

Taken on a boat.

Are these courses for caretakers? You need to take part in a big supply manager competition.

But we are not caretakers. We're students.

Nothing, nothing. Not all at once. Although you are students, you were allowed to compete. You are to field a team of five with a guard dog.

Come to the stadium.

And what is the prize for the winners?

Large supply cup in the form of a vacuum cleaner. And another personal prize - a golden broom. The winners will go to the big supply games in Rio de Janeiro. Who took the call?

Director. Irina Vadimovna. And who delivered?

Deputy Tarakanov for sports Sverchkov.

Loading was in full swing in the classroom.

Apricots! shouted Tomatoes. - Pineapples! Oranges! Two boxes!

And everyone really wanted fruit. Shura dispersed and began shouting fruity words indiscriminately:

Apples! Pears! Grenades! One box!

And then he began to buzz and crack. Earned.

Stop it! Natasha screamed. - Turn off. And then there will be an explosion!

And everyone understood that Shura would now get the wrong grenades. That and look, the war at the school will begin. But no one knew how to turn it off.

Shura clicked, and for sure - live grenades appeared on the table. A whole iron box. Though now go to the enemy to attack.

And just then Irina Vadimovna came in.

Get down! she screamed.

Everyone collapsed to the floor.

The lesson is over! the headmistress continued. - Do not panic, march from the class crawling!

Shura, Sanya, Natasha, Vasilisa Potapovna and comrade Tomatoes crawled to the exit without panic. Behind was Irina Vadimovna.

But the clowns liked the game. And they continued to load the ship.

Students! Pupils! Natasha said.

Instructions! continued Tomatoes.

All of a sudden, all the U and A words disappeared. The clowns rummaged through the brains, but there was literally nothing.

Hives! Sanya offered uncertainly.

All! Natasha screamed. - Loading finished!

One loader hive uuu-dropped. The bees jumped out and y-terribly bit everyone.

Irina Vadimovna called Uncle Shakir (he was an old front-line soldier) and asked to do something with the grenades. To hand over somewhere or to discharge.

Uncle Shakir took the box into the yard and buried it deep, deep. In the garden next to the fence. This he did wrong.



Story to retell

Irina Vadimovna nevertheless decided to put up a team to participate in the supply games. And then the clowns came to the stadium. It was noisy in here. Music played and balloons were sold. Huge posters hung over the stands:



The competition program was as follows:

1. Sweep a path of 100 meters with a broom.

2. With the help of a dog to detain a malicious robber.

3. Find a malfunction in the watering machine.

Write out the missing part and fix the car.

4. Arrange a delicious table for yourself and the judges.

And it was all like a relay race. That is, it was possible to proceed to the next type of competition only after the previous one was done.

The competition has begun.

Ten people from different teams went out with brooms to the dusty paths. A shot from a pistol - and the panicles started working. A cloud of dust rose. The participants rushed forward.

But Natasha is standing. Why do you think it's worth it? What is she waiting for? But then her path will be the cleanest.

Of course, Sanya and Polkan began to detain the robber.

The competition went like this. There were ten sheets of slate on the stadium. The robbers (they were such disguised caretakers) took the slate and carried it into the distance. Athletes let a guard dog follow the trail. Not every dog ​​will follow the slate trail. Because it doesn't smell like sausage. But even when the dog finds a crook, try to bite him. He has a slate in his hands, and he blocks it.

But Polkan did not bite. He ran up and how he would hit the slate sheet with his horns. The sheet collapsed and covered the building materials dragger. And Polkan stood on top like a monument in the park of culture.

After that, Shura began to fix the watering machine. There were ten of them in the stadium. One didn't have a wheel. The other has a cabin. The third has numbers. Etc.

And the sports caretakers had to run to the base, write out and get these things to the warehouse.

The car that Shura got did not have a steering wheel, that is, a steering wheel, there were no “wipers” for cleaning the glass.

Shura set to work. He seemed to think, how he buzzed ... At first everything turned out wrong for him. Instead of a bagel, a loaf appeared in the cockpit. And instead of a windshield wiper, a real janitor with a broom appeared. Uncle Shakir.

But Shura did not calm down and started working again. Fuck! And instead of a loaf, a round cake appeared. And instead of brushes, toothbrushes appeared on the glass. It was already better than at the beginning.

The stubborn Shura did not calm down. And for the third time, everything turned out just great! The car has been fixed. And there was still cake.

It remains to make a delicious table. Aunt Fekla Parkinen and Vasilisa Potapovna entered the fight.

They cut sausage, peeled vegetables and wiped dishes with towels. The table is set. And as a decoration there is a chocolate round cake from a watering machine. Judges are invited.

Together with them, Uncle Shakir in a new wig beard sat down at the table. Everyone thought he was a great scientist.

Very tasty table! the judges said.

And to the music, the team of clowns was awarded a big supply manager prize. Cup in the form of a vacuum cleaner. And the clown Shura was given a personal prize - a golden broom - for the excellent repair of the sprinkler.

And another team of clowns was invited to the international supply games in the foreign city of Rio de Janeiro.

Application second. DESPERATE SLED OFFICE

It was night. The moon shone. Although it doesn't matter. On the porch of the school stood the clown Sanya and Uncle Shakir in a wig beard. Sanya was on duty, and Shakir came to smoke.

Uncle Shakir got in difficult situation. He really liked his wig beard and he wanted to wear it. But his own old beard was growing strongly, and he did not know what to do with it.

He consulted with Sanya all the time. And so he showed him and so.

Suddenly, at twelve o'clock in the morning, three strangers burst into the gate.

Here, - said the types, - they brought it.

What did they bring? - Sanya asked.

Documents brought that we are swindlers. Bandits. References from the last place of work.

What for?

And then! Give away the space!

Hole! Uncle Shakir said. - Bandids of the Uzigid have a revolver and a knife. Where is your knife?

The knife is a formality, - said the main fat robber impudently. - You'll still cut yourself with a knife.

Get out, you bitch! - Uncle Shakir ordered.

How do you leave? - shouted the crooks. - Give the room. And then we'll call the police.

We'll call the police! Sanya said.

We call no one. We make them ourselves! Uncle Shakir said.

Then the crooks began to attack. One grabbed Uncle Shakir by the beard and pulled. He wanted to drag his uncle off the porch. And the beard - one! - and remained in his hands. And he flew down together with a beard. Right on Polkan's horns.

Uncle Shakir got angry. How to attack two other bandits. Sanya will help him! Polkan how to give! The crooks will scream:



How they run! Help and flew in different directions. Like swallows. One bandit ran into the fence in the dark, broke through it and jumped out into the street. The other two are behind him. The thickest one stuck in the hole. Polkan had to run away and help.

The rest of the night passed quietly.

Application third. FIRST DICTATION!

Guys! Now you should take a pen or pencil and write down my story. About the heroic Sanya. Not the whole story, but the main part of it. How the bandits screamed as they ran away from the school.

It sounds like this:



Recorded? Well done boys! I give you five.


In the morning, Irina Vadimovna was the first to arrive at the school. She saw a round hole and said:

Tomatoes came and also said:

Shura, Sanya and Natasha rushed in from the dormitory and also shouted:

And Vasilisa Potapovna even said this:

Oh-oh-oh yourself!

Well done! You all read this hole correctly. She wrote the letter O. Someone helps us to study it.

Sanya explained who these assistants were:

At night, unidentified people arrived in a fire truck. With papers. They wanted to take the school away from us. But Polkan gave them so much that they made this letter in the fence from a running start.

These are my crooks, - said Tomatoes. - They didn't have any papers last time. It was I who sent them for the papers.

These are the bandits of Comrade Tarakanov, - said Irina Vadimovna. - They will take away our school. Uncle Shakir, what are you doing?

Uncle Shakir was making something in the corner with a hammer and planer.

I make syskvorechniks.

The starlings have already flown away.

The sykvortsy flew away, the sinigiri flew in.

Put down your birdhouses, uncle, and patch up the hole in the fence, please.

Uncle Shakir began to nag and make noise. The clowns have become distracted.

Then Irina Vadimovna said:

While Uncle Shakir is working, we will go around the city and look for the letters O. Whoever notices the letter, let him shout it. He will be given candy as a reward.

The first to see the letter O was the clown Sanya. Even two.

Look, the bus with the letters O is coming.

He was given two candies.

Natasha saw a huge viewing wheel with booths and screamed:

Look what a big O I see. Give me a kilo of candy.

She was also given one piece of candy.

Shura the clown removed the cover of the water manhole:

See. I also have the letter O. Look how heavy.

Everyone began to look at this letter. Except Comrade Pomidorov. Because he fell into this very hatch.

Oh! Natasha screamed. - Comrade Tomatoes is sitting in the letter O! Give me some candy.

But the candy was given not to her, but to Comrade Pomidorov himself. Because he alone was not covered by sweets.

And Natasha asked:

Irina Vadimovna, explain to me a mysterious secret. And why is our street named after the grandmother of cosmonaut Anton Semenov?

And Irina Vadimovna told.

There lived one pilot in the world. The famous Anton Semenov. On his plane, he did wonders. He could fly both in the sky and in the water, like a submarine. He could fly under the bridge and land his car on the roof of an oncoming bus.

He knew how to make a "dead loop". This is when the plane writes a big letter O in the sky. And while the plane was flying upside down, Anton Semenov opened the cockpit cap and jumped down. And the most amazing thing is that he knew how to get exactly into his cockpit, into his pilot's seat, during the exit of the aircraft from the loop. At the lowest point of the heavenly letter O.

Then he was in the cosmonaut corps. And most of all flew in space.

And the command decided to name one of the streets of the city in honor of such a skilled pilot.

The decision was approved. Plates have been prepared. They called the people. Music played. And then one well-known journalist Zhuvachkin asked Anton:

Tell me, to whom do you owe your success?

The journalist expected that Semyonov would say something special - about the team, about his native school, and he said:

I owe all my successes to my grandmother Vera Petrovna.

Here are those on! - the press got excited. - Is it possible?

How it happens! Anton answered. And he told the disturbing truth.

At the beginning of his childhood, he was a big idler, couch potato and lazy. I didn’t want to wash, do exercises and learn lessons. All this was forced to do by his grandmother. She got up with him, jumped over the rope, washed her face and wiped herself with ice water. Together with him she taught lessons and painted. And from plasticine, she sculpted simply better than anyone in the class.

When he graduated from school, Vera Petrovna persuaded him to go to the aviation institute. She also studied military equipment, went skiing, shot a gun, jumped with a parachute.

In the end, he learned for life to be neat, combed and educated. Even when he flew in space for many days, he kept thinking about his grandmother. He was very tired, he had little strength left, but he returned to earth neat, shaved, in a washed shirt and ironed trousers.

Hooray! shouted the people after hearing the story. - Long live the grandmother of Anton Semenov!

And the leader said:

Our grandmothers are the best in the world. They bring up real heroes. I just bow to this advanced old lady.

And the well-known journalist Zhuvachkin suggested:

Why not name this street after her? Is she like this?

Everyone agreed. Since then, the street has been called NAMED AFTER THE GRANDMOTHER OF COSMONAUT ANTON SEMENOV.

The clowns remembered their grandmothers and sighed.

And they decided that when they learn to write, they will definitely write warm letters to their grandmothers.

When the clowns returned from their walk, Irina Vadimovna gave them their homework:

You already know the sound O and the letter O. And there is also the sound Y and the letter Y. It is written like this: Y. I ask you to find words that begin with this sound. If you do not find such words, think of words so that Y was at the end. And then you will be MO-LOD-TSY!

APPENDICES for the ninth day of classes


Story to retell

Comrade Tarakanov scolded the caretaker with all the strength of his talent:

Ugliness! Nightmare! Horror! Horror! Where is the big supply cup in the form of a vacuum cleaner? Where is the golden broom? Dozens of caretaker craftsmen cannot defeat four stupid clowns and two teachers!

There is only one teacher, - fat Dynin corrected. - And the second educator.

Especially! I'll give you five minutes to think. Let everyone come up with their own plan to capture the building.

…What is five minutes? Is it a lot or a little? In one page there will be a second application. And then you guys will know everything...

... The construction manager Grushin was the first to take the floor:

While the number of caretakers is increasing across the country, our building has been taken away and we have nowhere to store brooms. They are under a tarp and can germinate. I suggest renting a plane and parachuting onto the school.

To this the caretaker Dynin objected:

Never. The wind may rise, and we will be carried to the zoo to the lions. And there are lions behind barbed wire, almost as if they were free. You can tear your pants or even the abyss.

How to be?

Or maybe announce a military alarm on the radio, ”Kabachkov suggested. - They hide in the basement. And we quietly take the school.

But Comrade Dynin objected again:

I don't play invaders... They'll beat you up!

Tarakanov got angry:

You don't like everything. And what do you suggest?

We must do as smart people did during the siege of cities. We went through this in second grade.

And what did you go through during the siege of cities?

They were digging holes.

Who is behind this proposal? asked Tarakanov solemnly.

Everyone agreed with the digs.

Comrade Trushin, prepare the equipment for digging. And people please.

And if passers-by ask what we are digging for?

You say - an underpass for the population. For the holiday.

For what holiday? Grushin was surprised.

For our main holiday. To the Day of the Caretaker.

At this point, the meeting adjourned. The school was in grave danger.

Application second. WHAT IS FIVE MINUTES

Guys! Take a saucer. Turn it upside down and place it on a piece of paper. If there is no paper, do not be sad, draw on the tablecloth. Take a pencil and circle the saucer. Get a circle. If you don't have a pencil, take oil paints or shoe polish.

Now divide the circle into four equal parts. Remember how they shared the pie for the English queen? And each part was divided by shoe polish into three more.

How nice it turned out. Mom's tablecloth is unrecognizable. But we almost got the clock. You just need to make arrows.

If you do not know how to draw them, carefully remove them from the wall clock. Dad will put it in later.

We've got a watch. When one arrow, a large one, passes one division, five minutes will pass.

Is it a lot or a little? You can boil an egg in five minutes. Watch half of the animated film. Turn the apartment upside down. Quarrel with a friend.

Is it possible to reconcile in five minutes? Clean the apartment? I'm afraid not. In general, breaking, quarreling, turning over is much easier than repairing, cleaning and putting up.


Construction vehicles have been raging around the school since morning.

Irina Vadimovna asked through the roar:

Which of you came up with words that start with Y?

The clowns were silent.

Correctly be silent, - said Irina Vadimovna. - There are no such words. And name the words where Y at the end.

BULLDOZERS! - said Pomodorov, looking out the window.

Tractors! Sanya supported him.

Underpasses! - said Natasha.

Fine. Now name the words where the sound Y is in the middle.

Comrade Pomidorov, without looking up from the window, began to say:

Comrade D-Y-nin, Comrade Kabachkov-T-Y-Queen.

What's with the zucchini and pumpkins?

These are such caretakers. And in general here, at the construction site, there are no workers. Only disguised caretakers. There, Comrade Tarakanov himself is spinning ... or rather, directing.

Again, they are up to something. But let's not digress. I want to introduce you to one good letter. For this I need an assistant. Come on, Sanya, invite your Polkan here.

Sanya leaned out the window and shouted to the whole street:

Polkan, come to me!

Polkan stopped chewing grass, raised his head and ran to the front door. Rogami opened it, clattered across the parquet floor, and entered the classroom.

Me-me-me! Polkan shouted.

You hear the syllable ME performed by Polkan. If Polkan was a watch cow, he would say MU. Both begin with the sound M. Come on, Polkan, repeat your ME.

Me-me-me! Polkan shouted. And from somewhere below, from under the porch, a faint "Me-me-me" was also heard.

What's this? Natasha screamed. - Someone is laughing at our Polkan. Someone is teasing him.

Me-me-me! Polkan shouted again.

"Me-me-me!" came from below.

Maybe it's an echo? Shura asked. And he shouted: - Y-Y-Y!

And from below still came “Me-me-me!”

Sanya at that time was already on the street. He dived under the porch. Soon he ran back, holding a small goat in his hands.

The headmistress was so surprised that she almost hummed in the manner of Shura.

Who is this?

Polkan's son, - announced Sanya.

This is how we have a day! - Irina Vadimovna said cheerfully. - Call Aunt Fekla here.

They ran after their aunt.

Congratulations, said the headmistress. - Meet Polkan's son. Keep this creature warm.

Aunt Thekla wrapped the creature in an Orenburg downy shawl. Moreover, the creature managed to bite off a piece of a scarf. And Irina Vadimovna took the lesson further.

The sound M, from which the word ME begins, is written like this: with the letter M. The words MOM, SOAP, MILK begin with this letter.

I saw this letter on the street at the entrance to the subway! Natasha informed everyone.

What does the letter M look like?

On a broken bench! Sanya said.

And everyone imagined a bench on which the elephant sat.

And it also looks like a swing, - said Natasha.

And exactly. The clowns presented two columns, and between them a plank on strings.

And now it will an important event! the headmistress said solemnly. - We will write down the first syllable in life. Or even the first word. First we write the letter M, then A. We get MA.

If you write MA twice in a row, you get MAMA! - quickly shouted Natasha joyfully.

And Shura, and Sanya, and Comrade Pomodorov solemnly wrote the word MAMA.

Congratulations! - said Irina Vadimovna. - You wrote the first word in your life.

And I can write another second, - said Shura. - This is the word "MUMU". That's what the candy is called.

Immediately all the clowns wanted candy. And Shura too. He buzzed.

Now something will happen! whispered Natasha.

Cow, - decided Tomatoes.

Irina Vadimovna really wanted to turn off Shura, or at least distract her. But she didn't know how to do it.

Clap! Shura worked.

There was no cow. There were no candies. There was a little dirty dog.

I don't understand anything! Shura said.

And I, too, cannot explain this phenomenon of nature, - said Irina Vadimovna.

They called Valisa Potapovna. She is an experienced teacher.

Vasilisa Potapovna thought about it, and then she understood everything.

This student was once read the story of the writer I. Turgenev "Mumu". The student forgot about it. And now he does not even remember what it was about. But in the corners of his memory, in the corners of his head, fragments of knowledge lingered. That is information. And when he thought about Mumu sweets, the corners slipped him a half-forgotten dog.

Natasha respectfully looked at the brother-in-law's head:

She is round. Where are the corners?

Here Shura agreed with everything. He shouted:

Exactly, just read this story to me. There was also a janitor, Uncle Shakir.

Not Shakir, but Gerasim, Vasilisa Potapovna corrected.

Right, right, agreed Shura. - He still spoke badly.

You see, everything was explained, - said Irina Vadimovna.

At that joyful moment, Sanya asked:

Irina Vadimovna, in order to write a letter, how many words do you need to know?

At least ten.

Does that mean I can't chat yet?

With that girl from Ogonyok! Remember? You even said you know where she lives.

Then Irina Vadimovna said to the clowns:

Now you will write the word MOM three times in a row. And as a reward I will lead you to one interesting place. To the Tretyakov Gallery.

The clowns screamed

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

And they wrote: MAMA, MAMA, MAMA and MUMU, MUMU, MUMU.

Learning, it turns out, was interesting and fun. Remember this guys. Only Tomatoes asked for leave:

I have repeatedly visited this center of culture as part of supply manager delegations. I'd rather watch this build. She looks suspicious to me. Why is an underpass needed here, when there is a courtyard and there is no street.

APPENDICES for the tenth day of classes


The Tretyakov Gallery is such a museum. Here are collected paintings by Russian artists.

They hang on the walls in beautiful halls. People walk and look at them. Nobody makes noise or runs. Even our clowns. Irina Vadimovna quietly explains:

Here is a picture of the artist Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs". It depicts ancient warriors. They guard the border from various raids.

So they are border guards?


Why don't they have a dog?

There were no border dogs then. And there were no spies. At that time, entire detachments or even armies of nomads violated the border. They started destroying the country. And the task of the heroes was not to detain the offenders, but to quickly jump into the city to their army and warn of the danger ...

It seems to me that the average hero is similar to Comrade Pomodorov, - said Natasha.

Yes, agreed Irina Vadimovna. - Only he should have a seal instead of a club.

Whose picture is this? asked the shy Shura.

This is a very famous painting "The Rooks Have Arrived". Artist Savrasov. On the one hand, she is a little sad, and on the other, she is somehow all bright.

Here in Kasimov, - said Shura, - it is also very sad in the spring. And there is no club.

Tell me, Sanya, what do you feel when you see this picture?

That we have a club.

And I'm starting to shiver a little, - said Natasha. - And I want to get a new raincoat from the closet. Because spring.

You and I, probably, understand painting in the same way, - said Irina Vadimovna. - Because I want to roll out the bike too. And buy sneakers.

Irina Vadimovna, - Sanya asked, - why do you need art when you have a camera? And everything can be photographed.

How do you take a photo of the old? Old time. For example, rich men?

I will invite artists. I'll put them on horseback and take pictures.

Let's say. And there is such a famous painting "The Death of Pompeii." Rocks are falling from the sky. Buildings are collapsing. So, will we put artists there too?

Nothing will come of it.

Right. Nothing will come of it. The artist often conveys his mood with a picture. Draws special lighting. What does not happen in life. He can make the same landscape both sad and cheerful. Both summer and winter. Both light and dark. And the photographer that, will the sun curtain?

The clowns began to think about all this.

And here is another picture. Artist Kramskoy. "Unknown".

Clown Sanya stopped and did not believe his eyes. This is the girl from "Spark". With whom he wanted to correspond. He went to school because of her. Dropped Taiga. And she hangs here.

What's this? old picture? - Sanya asked. And his voice trembled, like that of Polkan or little Polkanchik.

Ancient, - the headmistress honestly admitted.

And the old girl? Isn't there one like this now?

I think no.

Sanya was terribly sad. Irina Vadimovna asked:

Well, now you're not going to teach reading and writing?

I will answer you tomorrow...

Everyone has enough sad mood happened. As in the picture of the great Russian artist Savrasov.


Story to retell


Today, an interesting event took place on the street named after the grandmother of cosmonaut Anton Semenov.

Sun was shining. A group of builders enthusiastically built the crossing.

Suddenly, under the fence of one building, the workers stumbled upon an iron barrier. It was either a beam or a metal container. In other words, a box.

The builder Grushin immediately brought a gas welding machine, on which the builders of the neighboring house cooked soup, and began to cut a hole in the box with fire.

The metal began to hiss, and then gradually explode. There were grenades in the box.

Guard! shouted the heroic builders.

And as one, they all took refuge in the basement of a neighboring house.

And over the transition raged the flames. And the sky was littered with fragments and flying gas welding cylinders. It was like a fireworks display.

A pit was formed at the construction site. It filled with water from a nearby spring. It turned out to be a pond.

This pond will be the decoration of the city! - said the chief supply manager of the district, comrade Tarakanov. - Pupils from the caretaker school will be taught to swim here. They will not only work well, but also dive and swim perfectly.

No, it is not in vain that the winged words go among the people:


Correspondent Zhuvachkin

Application third. STORY BY PICTURE

Here, guys, is a living corner of the school. Aunt Thekla Parkinen went to feed the animals. She carried another glass of tea for Comrade Pomidorov and sausages for Uncle Shakir.

Here grenades began to explode. Aunt Thekla was frightened and got everything mixed up. Hay for the kid, worms for the fish, nuts for the squirrel, sausages for Shakir, tea for Pomidorov, and watermelon rinds for Polkan.

Find her mistakes. And feed everyone right.


The eleventh day was very sad. The clown Sanya has disappeared.

Irina Vadimovna roamed around the city on a motorcycle, looking for him.

The lesson was taught by a senior teacher.

Vasilisa Potapovna said:

Dear students! Now I will introduce you to the sound N. It is written like this: N. This is the letter N. What does it look like? She looks like... looks like...

On two uncles who carry a basin! Natasha said quickly.

Where did they get it?

Dragged from the pelvic plant.

This is not pedagogical, - said Vasilisa Potapovna. - I don't agree with that.

This letter is like two frontline builders carrying a frontline stretcher! - corrected Natasha Pomidorov.

This is another matter, - Vasilisa Potapovna was delighted. But then she got worried. - And they don’t ... not ... by chance ...

No, of course not, - Tomatoes reassured her. Why do they need them?

That's good. And now let's add the familiar letters to these builders: A, O, U, S. What will happen?

ON, BUT, WELL, WE! - said Natasha.

And Pomidorov opened the typewriter and also scribbled:


Vasilisa Potapovna was happy.

And now, students, let's write the letter D. This letter denotes the sound D.

The clowns wrote down D. And suddenly there was some kind of crack.

What is this? Shura asked.

It's my brains that are cracking, - answered Vasilisa Potapovna. - I can't figure out what the letter D looks like.

On a boat with a sail in the sea! Natasha screamed.

On an old hat again, - said Tomatoes. - Paint a face under it and believe it.

And also on the roof of the house, - said Shura. - If the house itself is in fog.

Vasilisa Potapovna gladly agreed.

And now, - she shouted, - let's put the letters A, O, U, S!

The students "leaned". They got: YES, DO, DO, DO. Vasilisa Potapovna should live and be happy. And her brains are cracking again.

Why are you cracking again? asked Comrade Pomidorov.

I don't know, the teacher replied.

Yes, it’s not she who’s cracking at all, ”Natasha said. - And here is the citizen in the green hat, who is on the branch.

Natasha, Pomidorov and Shura rushed to the window. And sure enough, a citizen in a fur coat and a green hat was sitting on a branch. And he cracked.

Yes, it's not a citizen. It's a pear monkey! Pomodorov explained. - She escaped from the zoo. I read about her in the newspaper.

And why is she yelling?

Because she has a police whistle behind her cheek. She pulled him off.

Let's lure her, - suggested Natasha.

Clowns began to show the monkey candy, sandwiches, pencils. But the monkey was smart. She sat on a tree and waited for all this yummy to be away from the clowns and closer to her. The pear was caught many times, and she knew well how it was done.

Then Natasha said:

I came up with. Let's get all the good stuff here. Especially if there are nuts. She ran downstairs to Uncle Shakir and brought a birdhouse from his workshop. Natasha poured nuts into the birdhouse and threw it to Grusha. The monkey caught the birdhouse. She put her paw at him. She grabbed the nuts in her fist and dragged her paw out of the birdhouse. It drags, but the cam does not let go. But Grusha does not want to unclench his paw - so as not to release the nuts.

Then Shura ran and brought another birdhouse. Nuts were also poured into it and thrown to the crackling monkey.

She grabbed it again, launched the second paw, but again she could not pull it out.

Oh, said Natasha. - She looks like a boxer. Only instead of gloves birdhouses.

And again they ran downstairs and brought another birdhouse. They threw him out again. The pear caught him and put his third paw behind the nuts ... But he can’t pull it out.

Pomodorov thought and said:

There is such a famous fable "The Monkey and Glasses". It was invented by the fabulist comrade Krylov. I will soon also write a fable: "The monkey and the birdhouses." “The monkey, in old age, has become weak as birdhouses ...”

And the Pear is holding on to the branch with its last paw. Nothing to do, rushed for the fourth birdhouse.

But she can't run! - says Vasilisa Potapovna. - She's going to fall.

And you look down, - answered Shura.

Vasilisa Potapovna looked. Below, under the branches, a pond. The day is warm...

They threw her a fourth birdhouse. She grab him! And rather stick a paw. And that's a mess. All paws with birdhouses, but this one without.

We called the zoo.

Take your fool. It prevents people from learning.

The car arrived soon. And in it Kabachkov-Tykvin. He put Grusha in a bag. And he rolls his eyes.

I, - he says, - is obliged to give you an award for a monkey. One hundred rubles. Let one of yours, better this one, - he pointed to Shura, - will come tomorrow to the wasteland to the zoo. And we will ... settle accounts with him.

In the head of the insidious Kabachkov-Tykvin, a cunning plan to capture Shura, and then the school, matured.

He chose Shura because Shura was the most frail. After all, everyone knows that Shura watched a lot of TV and never did physical education. Then Grusha leaned out of the bag and how she cracked Kabachkov with a boxing birdhouse. She didn't like this Kabachkov for some reason.

APPENDICES for the eleventh day of classes


Guys! You already know that syllables can form a word. And also, you remember, if you swap words in a sentence, you get rubbish.

Remember the ad song? What happens if syllables are swapped in words?

We take the simplest poem. About mom:

Here we see mum.

And at ma-we we-lo.

Ma-ma mo-et ra-mu,

Something would be number-lo.

And if suddenly

Swap all parts

That's nothing we are with you

Let's not understand:

Here we are dim-wi-mu-ma.

And we-ma lo-we.

Ma-ma em-mo mo-ra

Would-something-number lo-would.

Application second. STORY FOR RETELLING

Guys! Read this statement. And then try to retell it.

Chief manager of the District Council


from Zoo manager



Comrade Tarakanov! Native!

I declare to you that we can steal one cleaver. That is, a clown. This clown will come to us for a bonus to the wasteland.

We put him in a bag. And we take it. And then we tell them to give us the school, otherwise we will not give up their cleaver. That is, a clown.

Written on Thursday.

Application third. ABOUT Aunt Fekla

Aunt Fekla Parkinen was very worried about Sanya:

He doesn't eat anything, so he's gone. If I were fat, I would never get lost.

She fed the clowns dinner. I took pies with jam in a handkerchief and went to the city radio.

Where are you going? they asked her at the entrance.

To the chief.

And who are you?

Aunt Fekla. Aunt me.

The watchman picked up the phone and said:

Then my aunt came to our boss.

And there they thought that the aunt of our boss had arrived and shouted:

Skip immediately.

And Aunt Thekla passed with her pies.

What do you need? the chief asked.

Our clown Sanya is lost. Let them find him ... And these are pies!

Don't make me laugh, - said the chief. - I'm worried about Africa. I have a coup in America. I have a new breed of cows bred in Kostroma. I have a reduction in concrete prices. And you and the clown. - But he became interested in pies: - With jam?

With jam. And I always pay for the radio.

Well, judge for yourself, what is more important, a fire in Japan or Sanya?

It's hot in France. People in shorts go to work... Or Sanya?

Five million blacks without work go around Africa ... Or is your clown?

Do they pay for the radio?

Here the chief could not stand it and how he would bang his fist on the table. And there was a pie on the table. With jam. It's like he's splashing.

The radio commander pressed some button, and immediately two such ... well, sort of athletes ran into the office.

Take this aunt away from me! - shouted the chief. - It's impossible to work!

The athletes picked up Aunt Fekla and carried her.

He doesn’t eat anything,” Aunt Thekla told them about the boss, “that’s angry. All nervous.

The chief heard these words:

That's what. Call the police...

No need ... - tragically screamed aunt. - Only not this!

- ... to the police. And let them find Sanya for her. Tell me that I insisted ... And asked!


The next day, just as the clowns were seated for training, a policeman came in. In front of him, head down, walked the clown Sanya.

Everyone rejoiced. They rushed to kiss Sanya and the policeman.

Ours, - answered Irina Vadimovna. - Did he do something?

He wrote on the fence ... Words ...

Not words, but letters, - Sanya shook his lowered head. We can't write words.

We can, - objected Natasha. For example, the word MOM.

And what did you write on the fence, Sanya? the headmistress asked.

wow! wow! wow! wow! wow! And also: Wow! AU! AU! AU!

Everything is clear, - said Irina Vadimovna. And she smiled sadly, - he wrote WA! Because he is suffering. After all, this is how children always cry: “Wow! Whoa! And he wrote AU because he is looking for. Calling. After all, if people are lost, they always call each other: “Ay! Ay! Is it clear to you?

Why is he suffering? - the militiaman has taken an interest.

His friend's girlfriend disappeared, - Natasha explained. Whom he wanted to be friends with. He says: I don't like life now. I'm going to jump into the well now.

Comrade dear, - the foreman shook his head. - Is life better in a well?

Worse, - Pomidorov explained to him. - It's wet and cold.

If the girl is missing, you should not jump into the wells. You need to contact the police.

He took out a notebook.

The name of? How many years? Where was born?

I don't know, Sanya answered.

You don't know, but you want to live in a well. Maybe you have a photo?

Here, look.

A beautiful girl,” the policeman said thoughtfully. - Somewhere I saw her ... Well, that's what. If your girlfriend does not show up, come to us. We will reproduce this photo. We will hang portraits around the city. So, they say, and so, a man disappeared. If you know where he is, please let me know. We have a good population, they will find it in an instant. There will be order.

He patted Sanya on the shoulder.

And let's without these UA! Your beauty will be found. There will be complete order.

The good militiaman went to his militia.

Irina Vadimovna says:

Now our guest said the word ORDER. What sound does it start with?

From the sound of software, - answered Sanya.

No. From the sound of P. Where can we hear such a sound?

In porridge, - said Natasha. - When the porridge puffs, it does this: P-P-P-P-P.

And the hedgehogs in the forest puff when they are angry, - said Sanya, more or less revived.

Irina Vadimovna took the chalk.

And this sound is recorded like this: P. This is the letter P. What does it look like?

To the football goal! - Sanya screamed quite alive.

Then Shura raised his head to the sky and said:

I hear something is about to happen.

And sure enough, Aunt Thekla entered the classroom.

And I P-prepared a P-gift for you. P-pies. With P-jam. P-please. P-get it.

The pies lay on a tray in the shape of the letter P.

A delicious letter, the clowns decided.

Now let's try to combine it with other letters, - said Irina Vadimovna, - with the letters A, O, U, Y.

If you combine with the letter A, there will be PA! Natasha screamed. - It happens in dances. And if you connect twice, there will be a PAPA.

And I will connect with the letter O, - decided Shura. - There will be software. - If you take two VPs, you get POPO. There is a well-known such clown, Oleg Popov. I wrote almost the entirety of it. Only at the end some sound interferes. I can't write it...

The sound that bothers you is the sound B. It is written like this: B. Remember?

Certainly. He looks like glasses. My mom has these.

But the main thing is this, - continued Irina Vadimovna, - if you do not know how to write any sound, do not be sad. Put a cross. Here's a +. You want to write POPOV, but you don't know how to write the letter B. Write like this: POPO+.

Here Natasha will be delighted:

Oh, I'll write this with this cross! And the word PAR. Like this: PA+. And the word LAPA. Here it is + APA.

Clowns got excited - you can't stop. Sanya connected the letter P with the letter U. It turned out PU. I thought and added PU.

Here is my word.

But there is no such word, - objected the teacher. We never say such a word.

But my gun speaks. When I shoot from two barrels: PU-PU.

And Shura connected P with the letter Y. And wrote PY +.

What does it mean? - asked Irina Vadimovna.

I think the word is POUGH! Tomatoes said. - This is how Comrade Dynin breathes when the elevator is not working.

And the kettle breathes like that too! - said Aunt Fekla.

This word PIR! Shura finally explained.

There is no such word! Natasha objected.

Why not! I have heard many times: "TYR-PYR - eight holes!"

Now there is a break, - said Irina Vadimovna. - Rest, eat pies. And then we will study the sound of Sh.

The clowns went into the corridor.

I know, - said Comrade Pomidorov, - there are different sh. There is Minsk sh. There is Yaroslavl sh. I have seen it many times.

Here even Aunt Thekla laughed with a tray:

When the break was over, Irina Vadimovna said:

The sound Sh is written like this: Sh. What does it look like.

On a broken hairbrush! - said Natasha.

What words start with it?

The word SHURA, - said Shura. - AND CHOCOLATE.

MUSHROOMS, - Natasha came up with. - HUTS, SCARFS.

And let's load the ship with the letter Sh, - suggested Comrade Tomatoes. - I will complete the plan as soon as possible.

We'd better play another game, said the teacher. - Let everyone find an object that is indicated by a word with the letter Sh. Whoever finds more objects wins.

Hooray! the clowns screamed. And they ran straight from the spot to look for it. There was no one for ten minutes. Then the clowns began to return with a "catch". Sanya came first.

Here, - he said, - hunting chocolate. And this is a cutlet named Sh-nitzel.

He was given two points.

Then Natasha came and brought a dog on a rope.

This is Shabaka Sarik. That is the dog Sharik. Give me two points.

Why two?

Because she has now eaten Sanya's schnitzel.

Sanya immediately screamed:

What's happened? Can't bring a textbook? I lost a point because of you!

He ran away to get more glasses. He comes running and unwinds the water hose. He has a fireman's helmet on his head.

Uncle Shakir ran into the classroom for Sanya:

Here I'll poke your ears. Why are you touching property?

He even managed to pull Sanya by the ear. And then Sanya shouted:

And I have a point for Shakira. And for Shakira.

And although Shakir left, Sanya got three more points!! He is screaming:

I am a winner!

Let's wait for Comrade Pomidorov and Shura, - said Irina Vadimovna.

Comrade Pomidorov just enters and introduces the old woman. And the old woman leans in. Comrade Pomodorov says:

Here is the old lady. Shakir grandmother. This is Shuba. This hat.

He got three points.

Clown Sanya was terribly surprised. And he asked Irina Vadimovna:

Usually people say "gorgeous grandma". And he says "shakirnaya". This is wrong!

Right! This is Shakir's grandmother. Uncle Shakira's grandmother, the headmistress explained. - She came to visit.

Finally, the sad Shura came. Completely empty.

He's fine," said Natasha. - He wants to do what he wants.

I'm not doing well today. Everything is the opposite.

How is it the other way around?

And so, so ... Just don't laugh ... Whatever I say in Sh, everything disappears. Well, I'll say CHOCOLATE. All. He is not here. You won't find it in any stall.

Why in a stall? Sanya said. - I had it in my pocket. Now let's see.

The pocket was empty.

Guard! Everything is lost! I'd rather eat it.

A cap! Shura said. And immediately Shakir's grandmother's hat disappeared from her head.

Fathers! Grandma screamed. The hat is gone! Call my grandson Shakir soon!!

Shakir! they all shouted. And Shura wanted to scream. But Natasha rushed and covered his mouth.

Oh, Irina Vadimovna, now we will be left without a watchman! Let him say something else.

Shura looked around and said: PANTS!

And all the clowns were left in their shorts. Like they are athletes.

Hold me! Shura said. - And then everything will disappear with the letter S! They quickly wrapped his head in a jacket so that he would not look at anything and say nothing.

And the headmistress told the clowns to write different syllables with the letter Sh.

And everyone wrote: SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI, SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI. And the clown Shura was sitting on the sidelines.

Why don't you write SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI? - asked Irina Vadimovna.

And I write SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI, - answered Shura. - I type on a typewriter.

But how? How do you type SH, SH, SH, SH when you're sitting in the corner? And all wrapped up.

So what? And sitting in the corner you can print SHA, SHO, SHU, SHI. On a typewriter. Look here.

And everyone saw how he thought, and the machine began to pound:


Well done! - said Irina Vadimovna - Just not a person. Telegraph.

Can you type the word SHAR? - asked Natasha.

I can, - answered Shura. And then the machine began to rumble: SHA + ...

You are our pride! You are the best student! - said Irina Vadimovna.

APPENDICES for the twelfth day of classes


After the lesson, the clown Sanya approached Irina Vadimovna.

Irina Vadimovna, you said that there are no words for the letter Y. And Uncle Shakir said: why are you touching PROPERTY? So there are words that start with the letter Y?

You understand, Sanya, - the headmistress answered, - at Uncle Shakir native language Tatar. This language has such sounds that are not in Russian. But it is difficult for him to pronounce some sounds of the Russian language. And instead of the word PROPERTY, he says PROPERTY. He wants to say GAME, he gets GAME.

I understood everything, - said Sanya. - I also know that there are children who cannot say R, they say L. Instead of HORN they say SPOONS. Instead of RED they say SKI.

There are such children. Some sound sick. They need to go to special doctors - speech therapists. These doctors are very funny. They have a lot interesting books. And they should not be afraid.

Application second. CASE IN A WASTELLAND

Clown Shura took a bag for money and went to the wasteland to the zoo to receive a prize for the monkey Pear.

It was quiet. And imperceptibly three people approached him with one bag.

Hello! Shura said.

Hello, - they answered and stuffed it into a bag. As if it was not Shura, but a potato.

At first everything was fine, only the bag twitched. Then, all of a sudden, the abductors' trousers disappeared right on the street. That is pants. The kidnappers remained in their shorts. Turned into potato-bag athletes.

Of course, these were not athletes. These were supply managers - comrade Dynin, comrade Kabachkov-Tykvin and comrade Grushin from one construction organization.

They dragged the clown to the apartment of the caretaker Dynin. There he was locked in a closet. And they began to confer and rejoice.

But they failed to rejoice. They began to look for slippers, so as not to stain the Dyninsky floor, the slippers disappeared. A corkscrew was enough to open a bottle of "Citro supply manager", but there is no corkscrew ... And where, by the way, did the beautiful fur coat of the hostess disappear? Comrade Dynin even began to look askance at his comrades and disrespect them a little.

Application third. SH-PEELING MACHINE

This, guys, is such a special machine. It separates the letter Sh from the object. For example, they threw a CORKSCREW into the car. And the AX flew out. Then the letter Sh popped up separately.

A MUSHKA flew into the car. Once! The machine hummed, and, please, FLOUR fell down.

The fireman came running. Starshina. From Comrade Tarakanov's Office.

What kind of car is this? Who allowed to build? And how is it with you in terms of fire protection?

And got into the car.

And what happened guys?

Right. The letter Sh fell out of the car, and the old man got out - because he is an OLD.

What did you do to me? he muttered.

I had to push it back into the car and pull it out from the back. He's not old anymore. And such as it was - a little worn.


In the morning, a note was brought to school:

“Leave the premises, get your clown.

Four unknowns.

Irina Vadimovna ordered Vasilisa Potapovna to teach, and she got on a motorcycle and rushed off to the main regional organization. To the district council.

Vasilisa Potapovna began the lesson:

Do you remember how tigers roar in the zoo? Rrr. This tiger sound is written with the letter R. What does it sound like?

On the flag, - said Natasha.

Wonderful. What words start with this letter?

R-gun! shouted the shooting Sanya.

Comb, radish, - said Natasha.

Routine and report, - came up with Comrade Tomatoes.

Well done! Vasilisa Potapovna said. - And now let's combine this sound with the familiar A, O, U, Y. What will happen?

Ra, Ro, Ru, Ry! the clowns screamed.

Well, just pioneers! - the teacher was delighted. Let's write it all down.

Clowns began to diligently write: ra, ro, ru, ry.

And in what words do these syllables occur ... Let's say RO?

In RO-mashka, - said Natasha. - And in RO-z.

In RY-be and RY-si! Sanya shouted from the taiga.

In the RA-permission and in the RA-order, - said Comrade Pomidorov.

And before, the syllable “RA” was encountered in the word Shu-RA,” Natasha added and sighed heavily.

Why met? Doesn't it meet now? asked Vasilisa Potapovna.

Not found. Gone. Because Shura himself is gone.

And everyone remembered Shura.

Irina Vadimovna promotocycled past the watchman of the district council and came straight up the stairs to the office of the Chairman. The entire leadership rushed to the rumble. And the Chairman himself.

What's the matter? - he asked.

And here's what! - Irina Vadimovna gave him a stealing note.

The chairman of the district council read it:

It's all the caretakers who are rebelling. They can't forgive that they were pushed aside. Economic people. They do not want to scatter the premises.

They've gone too far. Watchmen are stolen at night. They make digs. They drag people by their beards, - Irina Vadimovna advanced. - And now the best student was stolen.

I'll have to figure it out, - said the Chairman. - I'll go to your school in the evening and see what's what on the spot.

Irina Vadimovna got on a motorcycle and rushed back.

Meanwhile, Comrade Dynin and the caretaker were waiting for an answer from the school. But the school was silent, and no one vacated the building.

No answer,” said Comrade Kabachkov-Tykvin. - We need to think of something else. Comrade Tarakanov will turn our heads away.

Let's think! ordered the skinny Grushin. - TO tomorrow we have to take over the premises.

What day will tomorrow be?

Tomorrow will be a big day. Community Worker's Day. There is no better gift than our building for Comrade Tarakanov.

I have an idea, - said Denin. We need to set them on fire.

But as? asked the skinny Trushin.

And so. My grandfather was a supply manager in a partisan detachment. And he has some left.

Mines? Grushin asked. - Machine-gun belts?

No. Smoke bombs.

So what? asked Kabachkov.

And it's very simple. We're throwing a smoke bomb. Smoke billows from the windows. We get into the car and quickly arrive under the guise of firefighters. We take things out of the house, save people. When the checker goes out, the room is clean and ours. We run to report to Comrade Tarakanov.

Hooray! - shouted the caretakers.

And the clown Shura from the closet heard all this. Ah, if that checker was here, he would immediately make it disappear. But in the first place, she wasn't here. And secondly, Shura's sha-disappearing ability has deteriorated. Because already the fur coat, and the slippers, and the pants, and the corkscrew have returned to the caretaker. And by the way, returned fur hat on the head of Shakir's grandmother. Everyone looked at it and said, “Oh! Greetings from our Shura!

Oddly enough, at the same second, the caretaker also thought about Shura.

And what do we do with the prisoner? - asked the caretaker Dynin. Since the conversation turned to mines, grenades and checkers, he also switched to military jargon. - Maybe let go?

In no case! Kabachkov protested. - He'll tell you everything.

So I'm going to feed him all the time? Denin asked.

Well, not all the time. Before the school takeover. And not alone. We will take turns keeping him. And pass from house to house, like a shepherd in a village.

Joyful housekeepers ran after the smoke bomb. And behind the fire truck.

And Shura, anxious, anxious and almost ill, was sitting in the closet.

"What to do? What to do?" he thought. And even began to glow with tension. Oh, how difficult it was for him.

But let's leave Shura alone. Let's not interfere. Let him think and shine.

There was a lesson at school. Vasilisa Potapovna said:

All letters are vowels and consonants. Vowels can be sung. Here, for example, listen. - She sang:

A-A-A was born in the forest.

In the forest, she woo.

In winter and summer Y-Y-S,

Green O-O.

And consonants are not sung. These are letters such as P, M, W and N. Try to sing them.

The clowns dragged on. Moreover, Tomatoes soloed:

P-P-P was born in the forest.

In the forest she is N-N.

In winter and summer R-R-R.

Green Sh-Sh.

They didn’t sing anything, but they stumbled all the time. Irina Vadimovna had just arrived.

Do you sing? she asked.

What are you singing?

The difference between vowels and consonants.

Now this is not what you need to sing. We must sing a song of protest. We're about to be taken over.

And they decided that the clowns would urgently learn a protest song. And when the chairman comes, they will sing it.

The clown Shura has not yet decided how he can deliver the letter to his people. But he began to compose. He wrote in his mind:

“Ay! Ay! - I call them. - Whoa! Whoa! "That means I'm not well."

Shura was so tired of writing that he began to boil.

Then he figured out how to write the word SHASHKA. He did not know how to write the letter K, and he got it - SHASH + A. And the surname DYNIN was written as DYN + N. The word SMOKE turned out easily. He even managed to form such a complex word as MISSING. It turned out PROPA +.

The most difficult thing remained - how to convey this letter or this telegram to your own?!?!?

Electric sparks were already pouring out of the Shura.

A black Volga drove up to the school, and the Chairman of the District Council himself got out of it. He climbed the stairs and went into Irina Vadimovna's office.

Irina Vadimovna showed him the clown class, the living corner and everything else.

They went back to the office to talk. Suddenly, music was heard under the window and an announcement voice was heard:

"Protest song!"

And the clowns sang:

We first take the flour

Let's prepare a place

And then pour water

And we get the dough.

What it is? asked the Chairman.

The students are singing.

And what do they sing?

Protest song. They protest against the actions of your caretaker.

And what about water and flour?

By God, I don't know.

And from the street rushed:

Well, if there is dough,

So there will be fluff.

They love to eat donuts

Smart boys.

The chairman leaned out the window and saw that the clowns were not only singing, but actually baking donuts on the camp stove. Together with aunt Fekla. He laughed.

Wow! This is not a protest song, but a song about the dough. How useless they are!

They are not stupid, they are naive, - said Irina Vadimovna. - Kind and funny.

Then Polkan galloped into the room, he brought a bag of donuts in his teeth.

You were in a bad mood, - the headmistress continued, - they improved it. When clowns live in the city, everyone has more fun. Both children and adults. And because they are illiterate, troubles happen to them.

They pop up everywhere. They go to the place where the shepherd is drawn. Because they love dogs. And it says: WARNING! ANGRY DOG! And they don't understand. And then they fly out of their pants. Then they climb into the transformer box. There is a skull painted on the door. And they want to meet the skeleton. And read the word DEADLY! do not know how. Therefore, it was decided to create a school for clowns. And the caretakers want to take it away. You see, they have nowhere to store brooms.

Brooms are also needed, - said the Chairman, but not very confidently.

And then a strange thing happened. Typewriter suddenly jumped on the table.

What's happened?! - The chairman imperceptibly shuddered.

I do not know. Let's get a look.

And the typewriter was typing Shurin's letter with might and main.

Is she magical? the Chairman asked quietly.

AU! AU! AU! wow! wow!


No. This is the clown Shura delivering the letter. Well, the one that was stolen. He can type from a distance.

Now I understand, - said the Chairman. - Not a man, but a telegraph.

But I don’t understand anything,” said Irina Vadimovna. - What is this SMOKE and POSHAR?

Smoke and fire, I think smoke and fire. But what is this letter +? I don't remember that one,” said the Chairman. - We didn't go through that. She wasn't there.

It's not a letter. This is such an icon. Clowns put it on when an unfamiliar sound comes across. DYNIN is written here, but GONE here.

Then I understood everything, - the Chairman was delighted. - The housekeepers want to throw a smoke bomb. Make it look like a fire. And quietly seize the room.

Time after time it doesn't get any easier! - said Irina Vadimovna. - What to do now?

And nothing, let them capture. I will help you. I have a present for you.

Then it was like this. Irina Vadimovna ordered to pack all things (even aquariums) into convenient bundles. Carry half a can and another living corner to the kitchen to Aunt Fekla. Irina Vadimovna put rubber suction cups on Polkana's horns. And she ordered the clowns not to leave the school for a second.

APPENDICES for the thirteenth day of classes



At midnight, smoke poured out of the windows of one of the houses, one of the districts of our city.

Fire! Fire! - the people got excited. - Let's go look.

But it was not possible to see. From one of the alleys flew a beautifully equipped car. And well-trained firefighters began to put out the flames and pull things out of the room.

As it turned out later, it was a school for clowns. For our favorite colors of the city. Probably, one of the flowers mishandled electrical appliances and set fire to it. The actions of firefighters were skillfully directed by the fire supply manager Dynin.

Go ahead, he said. - And now back! ..

Back, he said. - And now forward! ..

Since childhood, I loved to watch the fire, - said Comrade Dynin. That's why I joined the fire department. The carcass of fires is constantly growing. If earlier we put out five fires a month, now we put out ten.

It only remains to wish Comrade Dynin and his glorious team even greater success. Citizens are proud of their firefighters. They can sleep peacefully!

Correspondent Zhuvachkin

Application second. HOW THE FIRE ENDED

... Smoke was billowing from the windows of the school. Because the supply manager Dynin did not spare the smoke bombs. The housekeepers, disguised as firefighters, boldly threw themselves into the "fire" and pulled things out into the street - tables, flowers, chairs, blackboards.

Everything was thought out by them and debugged. Only once Polkan could not stand it, he ran up and how Dynin was hit with his horns. It had suckers on its horns. And he stuck to Dynina. So they walked for some time in single file.

Get off you! shouted Denin.

And Polkan himself would be glad, but it didn’t work out. But he helped Dynin carry things. Pushing him up the stairs all the time. Dynin was even afraid that Polkan stuck to him for life. But soon Polkan fell off. Here soon the caretaker saw the Chairman of the district council himself.

Well? - he asked. - Pulled out?

Everything to the last! - answered the proud caretaker. We'll seal the building soon.

Well done. Now take everything there. See the big new house there?

The fire brigade hastened to carry out the task. The chairman praised them.

And now move the clowns from the extension to the new building. Only quietly.

The caretaker firefighters rushed into the annex, as if into battle. They lifted the sleeping clowns and carried them right on the beds to another house. Natasha woke up and asked:

Oh, where am I going? Please stop my airplane bed!

The chairman tells her:

You are dreaming.

And Natasha calmed down.

Then the Chairman praised the caretaker and said:

In the morning I ask you all to come here. And bring your chief, comrade Tarakanov.

Joyful firefighters rushed to the car.

And return this one that was stolen. My favorite clown Shura! added the Chairman.

Application third. DIAL 01

This is a picture of a phone. Do you know what number to dial if there is a fire? 01. Clear?

In the old days, if something burned - a house or a haystack - people ran to a special fire bell and beat it. That's where it came from: "Dili-dili, dili-bom, the cat's house caught fire."

And now they ring not the bell, but the telephone:

Dili-dili, dili-din

Dial 01.


In the morning, the district radio broadcast a speech by the correspondent Zhuvachkin.

“Dear comrades!

Today, on the Public Worker's Day, our city received a big gift from public utilities workers. Or, as the people say, from supply managers. They built a beautiful new building and gave it to the clowns. This building will house a school for clowns. For these bright colors of life.

Long live our dear communal caretakers!

Happy sailing!"

The people rejoiced at such an event and rejoiced. Near the new building music played and there were dances.

Irina Vadimovna called the Chairman of the District Council:

Tell me how did it all work out?

Very simple. We were preparing a new building as a present for supply managers. And since they like the old so much, since they fight for it so much, we decided: let it be their way. And they gave you a new one.

I invite you very much to the grand opening, - said the touched headmistress. - To cut the ribbon.

Let Tarakanov do it. He is the main culprit ... of the celebration. He will arrive quickly. I will give him a car.

Just at this time, the caretaker brought the captured Shura.

Hooray! the clowns screamed. And Shura rocked for a long time.

Then they prepared a ribbon and scissors and began to wait for Comrade Tarakanov.

The Volga has arrived. Green Tarakanov got out of the car. Greeted everyone by the hand. I greeted Comrade Pomidorov for a particularly long time. And everyone thought:

“How is my Tomato here, has it grown? Is he a good fit for me? We have a clear shortage of leaders."

He was blindfolded. Clown music blared. And Tarakanov went. Straight to Uncle Shakira. Uncle Shakir, horrified, raised his wig beard to keep it from being cut off, and stuck out his belly with suspenders.

And exactly. It was on them that Comrade Tarakanov walked with scissors. Pants fell off. Tarakanov was terribly embarrassed, got into the chairman's car and drove off. To tell the truth, he wasn't held back very well. And Irina Vadimovna solemnly said:

I congratulate all of you, dear clowns! And you, Vasilisa Potapovna! And you, dear uncle Shakir! I am sure that we will learn even better.

Then she hugged the clown Shura by the shoulders and said:

Come on, dear Shura, make sure that we have a beautiful board with the inscription: SCHOOL OF CLOWNS.

And Shura thought. And Shura buzzed.

Now there will be a lid! Tomatoes said.

There was a crack. Shura worked. And above the entrance appeared a beautiful marble plaque with golden letters. It was written on it: "SH+OLA+LOUNOV".

Because Shura did not yet know how to write the sound K. He did not know that this sound is written with the letter K. And the first thing Irina Vadimovna said at the new school was.
