How to draw a spruce: a master class. How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step for children in the cells? How to draw a fir tree with a pencil in stages? How to draw a Christmas tree with paints in stages

Each of us at least once tried to draw trees. Here we will teach you this simple art and show you how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step. step by step lesson will clarify difficult points, and in the end, even a child will draw a spruce or Christmas tree very simply. For drawing we need the most simple materials- pencils and paper, it would also be nice to get hold of an eraser, but if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter. It will also be very cool if you have paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils - then the drawing will turn out to be colorful and attractive. Let's get started!

So, to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, we need a piece of paper. Let's draw a base on it that determines the height of our spruce, and also mark the line of the earth - you should get like this.

On top of the base, we begin to draw the shape of the branches of the Christmas tree. The top of the spruce will be thin, and then everything will expand. Try to keep the lines neat.

We draw the middle part of the tree.

The lower part must also be drawn carefully.

Now we need to draw a spruce trunk with a pencil. As you can see, even a beginner can handle drawing a Christmas tree. Also, under the tree, you need to draw some grass so that everything looks pretty. The silhouette of the spruce turned out to be quite recognizable, and even if you drew such a tree for the first time, I'm sure you did just fine.

To make the drawn spruce look neat, we will remove everything superfluous with an eraser. As a result, such a sketch will come out, which would be great to colorize.

I chose green shades, but you can draw blue spruce or snowy, it all depends on your imagination. I also recommend watching the lesson How to draw Christmas tree you will definitely like it!

A decorated Christmas tree brings a festive mood to the house even in the absence of snow and frost. You can also draw it on paper if it is not possible to put an evergreen tree in the room. She will have custom shape, but the decorations will be traditional - plain glass balls, a ribbon bow and long golden beads.

Necessary materials:

- landscape sheet;
- eraser and pencils.

  • Christmas tree with pencils

Christmas tree with pencils

Stages of drawing a Christmas tree:

1. Our forest beauty will be very unusual, because the shape of the trunk should be drawn at the initial stage in the form of an arcuate line. Below we add a small pot, which is used for flowers.

2. At the top of the arcuate line, draw a chic bow, which will be instead of the central star. From the decoration we draw lines to the sides to determine the shape of the Christmas tree.

3. We draw the branches of the Christmas tree, which will consist of five levels.

4. We decorate the Christmas tree with round balls and beads, which we cling from one branch to another. We also draw a trunk in the form of vertical lines and around it a little artificial snow in a pot.

5. First of all, we use a light green pencil, with which we paint over the prickly branches of the Christmas tree. Carefully apply strokes to the areas around the beads and Christmas balls.

6. We paint over with red and burgundy pencils a chic bow at the tip of the Christmas tree, a pot and a small number of Christmas balls.

7. But the beads themselves will create a golden color using yellow and orange pencils. We will also make several spherical toys on the Christmas tree of this color.

8. With a brown pencil, paint over the tree trunk, and also work out the shadow in the red areas of the picture.

9. With a darker shade of green we paint over the Christmas tree, and with a soft blue color we create a shade on artificial snow at the base of the tree.

10. Now use a sharpened black pencil so that every detail in the drawing has a neat and clear outline. In addition, we create a shadow for them in all areas winter illustration. If possible, very small details in the form of beads can be worked out with black gel pen or liner 0.1 mm.

Source: Drawing the contours of the Christmas tree

Finished Christmas tree drawing New Year will bring good mood and a charge of fresh emotions to their original view and bright colors.

If you find understandable diagrams of how to draw a Christmas tree in stages with a pencil or paints easily and beautifully, then even those who have minimal artistic talent will succeed in making a Christmas tree. Among all the crafts and drawings that can be done for the New Year 2018, drawing a Christmas tree is the easiest.

IN this material we have given two of the simplest phased way how to quickly and easily draw a Christmas tree yourself. Even a child can master such a scheme. But, if your baby is still too small, then you can draw a Christmas tree yourself, and give your child his creation for coloring.

Important! If the task is to give friends, colleagues and relatives something special, made by hand, then you can create beautiful postcards in tandem with your child or kids. Have to take beautiful leaf paper, draw a Christmas tree on it with a pencil, and give the children paints, felt-tip pens, crayons or other materials to color them to their taste.

How to draw a Christmas tree in watercolor

A decorated Christmas tree with all kinds of tinsel and Christmas tree decorations creates a pre-holiday winter time Christmas mood. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to draw an evergreen tree with decorative elements for the New Year.

Necessary materials:

- watercolor;

Water container;

Thin brush;




Liners 0.7 and 0.1 mm.

Stages of drawing a Christmas tree:

1. When creating a Christmas tree, draw auxiliary lines for the structure. To do this, first, using a ruler and a pencil, draw a vertical line. From its top we draw lines to the sides. So we get the frame of the Christmas tree, on which we hang beautiful star.

2. On the left side, we begin to draw branches of the Christmas tree.

3. Also draw them on the right side. Below we add wide branches and artificial snow, which should look voluminous.

4. We begin to decorate the forest beauty and for this we take wide ribbons. They are “stacked” neatly over the entire surface of the branches. Under the top of the Christmas tree, where there is already a star, add a voluminous bow.

5. Fill in the empty spaces on the tree with beautiful fluffy bows, Christmas tree decorations in the form of glass balls and Christmas mistletoe. We distribute everything evenly to beautifully fill the branches of an evergreen tree.

6. With light green watercolor we create the first layer on the Christmas tree. We paint with a brush all the branches, including the top and lower branches at the base.

7. Mix on the palette an emerald green shade of paint with a drop of black. We get a dark shade with which we create a shadow on our Christmas tree.

8. With strokes of blue paint diluted with water, create a light shade of snow under the Christmas tree. Then we will increase the color in some parts and clean the brush of blue paint, because now we should take yellow watercolor. In such a sunny color we create round-shaped Christmas decorations and a star on the top of the Christmas tree. Now we mix red, burgundy and dark brown watercolor to get a new shade for ribbons and bows.

9. Using liners, we create a decorative stroke and work out the details, creating volume and texture in the drawing with strokes.

10. So we get a drawing of a Christmas tree in watercolor for the New Year. But painting with paints is not so difficult! Is not it?!

How to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully with a pencil

To begin with, you can try to draw this simple tree. If it will be difficult, you can refer to other schemes, detailed photos which are given within the framework of this material.
To implement this method of drawing a Christmas tree, which is described, you will need to draw a triangle. Then make the top and down the waves to create a kind of twigs.

It remains to draw the missing parts of the tree, and then simply erase the auxiliary triangle of the tree, which was originally taken as the basis. Now draw a trunk, bucket or pot where our New Year's beauty will stand.

We constantly write "Christmas beauty", so do not forget to additionally decorate your Christmas tree with garlands and New Year's toys and, rain. It remains only to paint a sketch of this beautiful Christmas tree.

In order to use this method to cope with how to draw a Christmas tree in stages
pencil, easy and beautiful, you should start simply with vertical line. She will immediately indicate the height and size of the Christmas tree. The height of this line is the height of the tree. It turns out that the longer the line, the longer and larger the tree will be.

Now on the top of the line you need to draw a star - this is the top of the New Year's tree. A standard-sized Christmas tree should have three levels. You should start from the top. It is drawn right under the mountain-shaped star. Add jagged ends to this level. Now draw the second part of the Christmas tree, also make it jagged. The last, lower and largest mountain remains, which imitates the needles and branches of a fluffy beauty. It remains to draw the trunk, which will be visible only at the bottom of the tree. Now decorate the New Year's beauty at your own discretion.

This is a beautiful and simple drawing. Of course, at the time of bright and magical new year holidays You can't just leave it like this. Take paints, colored pencils, crayons and start decorating the Christmas tree so that it finally becomes really festive and elegant.

No. 3 (paints)

In this method, we will consider not how to draw a standard Christmas tree, but how to depict exactly stranded. Despite the fact that these trees differ little from each other. In the figure, the spruce will look more natural and natural. As if they took it from the forest and immediately put it on our drawing.

Interesting! There are many myths about the appearance of spruce. For example, someone draws its shape based on an oval, others believe that only rectangles should be chosen, and still others insist on a triangle.

First you need to determine the height of the tree and its general outline. Here you should focus on the pyramid and remember that at the top the tree is narrow, at the bottom it will be as wide as possible. Also, the higher the branches grow on the spruce, the shorter they will be on the trunk. So, first you need to distribute the branches on the trunk. It is better to start with the branches of the upper, first

The lower the branches go, the more massive they become. You can even use it to color them in, the green color is a richer, darker shade. You need to consistently draw branch after branch, draw small branches. But this is the only way to really achieve a real similarity between the tree in the picture and what can be found in the forest. We offer.

These are the main options for how to draw a Christmas tree in stages with a pencil, easily and beautifully. It should, if it is not clear enough from the description in words, just look at the given photos. There should be no difficulty in drawing a pretty Christmas tree. Good luck and may the new year be beautiful and bright, and the decorated painted Christmas trees delight with their positive and pleasant appearance.

Drawing of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus - the most new year theme children's drawings. You can draw a Christmas tree in different ways, the main thing is to correctly draw the proportions of the branches of the Christmas tree and needles, needles. The Christmas tree should be "slender" and beautiful with "fluffy" and dense needles. It is not difficult to draw a Christmas tree, but in order for the Christmas tree to be even and beautiful, I offer my own version of the lesson " How to draw a Christmas tree"with a pencil, as usual in stages. On last step The drawing is easy to color with colored pencils.
To draw beautiful Christmas tree, the top of the crown must be decorated with an asterisk and draw a lot of bright toys on the branches. In order to create the mood of the upcoming holiday - the New Year, in the picture with the Christmas tree, draw Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden next to it. There are tutorials on the site.

1. Christmas tree drawing. General outline

Christmas tree drawing will correct form, if you first draw a general outline in the form of such a simple geometric figure. The shape of the Christmas tree will be even and neat if you draw a dividing line exactly in the center, which will serve as the trunk of the Christmas tree and at the same time a guide for the entire drawing. To create a volume of spruce branches in the drawing, it is necessary to draw an angle protruding towards the viewer at the bottom of the contour.

2. Approximate contours of needles and branches

Since the tree is all covered with needles, it is not necessary to draw branches for it. But still, in order to christmas tree drawing was beautiful and correct, you need to make a simple markup that will allow you to break the drawing into sections of the intended branches.

3. Spruce branches in detail

The real Christmas tree that will stand in your home is not exactly like this drawing of a spruce. But the main thing for us is to draw a beautiful and symmetrical Christmas tree, and then decorate it with toys and draw a suitable interior. Therefore, we will draw a Christmas tree schematically, making symmetrical sharp edges of branches on both sides of the Christmas tree. From the center line of the trunk, draw the sharp edges of the branches, thanks to this, the Christmas tree in your drawing will be fluffy and beautiful.

4. Detailing the Christmas tree pattern

Fill in with arbitrary strokes the remaining gaps between the edges and the middle of the Christmas tree. Try to make them symmetrical on both sides. Do not press hard on the pencil, because we are planning to color the Christmas tree at the last stage with colored pencils.

5. Finish drawing the Christmas tree

At this stage, you need to make the drawing of the Christmas tree more "clear". sharp and hard pencil draw as many main contour lines as you can. To make the tree look beautiful, try to draw symmetrical branches on both sides. Now we can say that the drawing of the Christmas tree is completely finished. It remains only to decorate it with New Year's toys and an asterisk on top of the crown.

6. Decorations for the Christmas tree

What's a Christmas tree without decorations! Of course, you need to draw a lot of bright toys and, most importantly, color the needles. green pencil. Next to the Christmas tree, you can draw boxes with gifts and, if necessary, the interior surrounding it, including the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. If you need to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, deer and other forest animals, then on our website you will find such lessons.

The drawing of the Snow Maiden is made on graphics tablet step by step. You can use this lesson to draw a Snow Maiden with a regular pencil.

On New Year's Eve, many children want to draw Santa Claus and a Christmas tree. A drawing of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will also be needed for New Year's wall newspaper and for an original, "handmade" greeting card.

If you need to draw a New Year's card with a picture of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, then a reindeer may well complement such a drawing.

Drawing a brown bear requires some preparation, practice in drawing animals. You need to be able to reflect the character of a ferocious and dangerous beast in the drawing. Of course, if you are drawing children's illustrations for New Year's card with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, then the bear should have a good-natured look.

It's not easy to draw a kitten. Firstly, the kittens are small, and secondly, they are very mobile. Drawing will take a lot of time, and it is impossible to make a kitten sit still for even a minute.

If you need to draw a Christmas tree in the forest, you can draw several forest "inhabitants" near the tree, such as a fox.

All children love to make snowmen in winter. Try to draw a snowman, fixing your impressions on a piece of paper.

On the eve of the New Year 2018, kindergartens and schools across the country will host festive events. AND we are talking not only about such long-awaited matinees by all children, but also about creative exhibitions and art competitions with works young talents. Since such events are dedicated to the New Year and everything connected with it, various holiday symbols often act as the main themes of children's works. For example, almost none children's drawing during this period, it is not complete without the main green beauty - Christmas tree decorated with garlands and toys. It is not surprising that the question of how to draw a Christmas tree in stages, easily and beautifully, on the eve of the holiday, is very relevant, especially for novice artists. In today's article we have collected simple master classes with a photo and video on the image of a Christmas tree with a pencil and paints (watercolor, gouache). We really hope that thanks to these lessons, your child will easily learn how to draw the most beautiful and festive Christmas tree for the New Year.

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands in kindergarten - a step by step master class with a photo

First of all, we bring to your attention step by step master class how to draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands in kindergarten. The technique described in detail below is very simple to perform, so pupils of older groups can easily master it. All the details on how to draw a Christmas tree in toys and garlands for kindergarten in the next master class with a photo step by step.

Necessary materials to draw a Christmas tree with toys, garlands for kindergarten

  • landscape sheet
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • markers

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Christmas tree in toys and garlands in kindergarten

How easy it is to draw a Christmas tree for a child with a pencil in kindergarten - a lesson with a photo in stages

Technique how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil is easy from next lesson, also suitable for a small child in kindergarten. It differs from the previous one in that it lacks a ruler and drawing. Read more about how easy it is to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil for a child in kindergarten in the lesson with a photo below.

Necessary materials to easily draw a Christmas tree with a pencil for a child in kindergarten

  • pencil
  • eraser
  • landscape sheet

Step-by-step instructions on how to easily draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in kindergarten for a child

How to draw a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 with a pencil easy and beautiful to school - a master class in stages for beginners with a photo

The next master class on how to draw a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 with a pencil is easy and beautiful not only for school, but also for novice artists. If desired, the finished work can be supplemented with toys and painted with bright colors. All the subtleties of how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully for the New Year 2018 with a pencil to school in the master class for beginners below.

The necessary materials to draw a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 with a pencil easily and beautifully to school

  • pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • paper

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully for the New Year with a pencil to school for a beginner

How to draw a Christmas tree with paints (gouache, watercolor) to school - a master class in stages for beginners, video

Now that you know how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully with pencils for school, you can move on to a more complex technique of drawing with paints (gouache, watercolor). This option is ideal for beginners, as the video tutorial below describes in great detail all the intricacies of painting with paints. Of course, this master class is not suitable for a child in kindergarten for the New Year 2018, but kids can learn some tricks from it. Learn how to draw a Christmas tree with paints (gouache, watercolor) to school with garlands and toys from the following video with step by step lesson.

In this tutorial I will show you an easy way to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil. If everything is done correctly, even a child can easily cope - the main thing is not to be lazy and try again and again if it doesn’t work out. Get your pencils and paper ready and you're good to go. step by step drawing. In order to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, it does not take much time, usually the whole process, along with coloring, takes from 10 to 20 minutes.

The first step in drawing a Christmas tree is the base. The Christmas tree has a triangular shape, narrowing at the top and expanding towards the bottom, so we draw such a neat triangle. It will need to be deleted later. If you are just learning to draw, it is better not to use a ruler for sketching - practice drawing everything by hand. So, we have drawn the base of the Christmas tree, you can proceed to the next step.

Further, from the very top of the Christmas tree, we begin to gradually draw its contours of the branches in this way. At the top of the Christmas tree we draw narrower, gradually its branches will expand. In the process of drawing a Christmas tree, be sure to note what shape each section has, and try to repeat as accurately as possible.

We continue to draw until the very bottom of the Christmas tree. Drawing a Christmas tree will be easier if you have a base, as you will have something to focus on, and you will not get confused in the proportions of this tree.

Draw a star on top and a tree trunk on the bottom. At this stage of drawing a Christmas tree, you can erase the base so that it does not interfere with us and no longer distract us from the main task, it has already completed its function.

We begin to decorate our painted Christmas tree with garlands with bows. If you want to draw a beautiful Christmas tree, try to show your imagination in the process of creating decorations. Remember what your favorite Christmas tree looked like, look at photos and drawings on the Internet and try to repeat.

You can draw on the Christmas tree with a pencil any decorations that you like best. It can be plastic or glass shiny balls, bows, figurines of animals and characters, and much more. The easiest way, of course, is to draw balls, and if you are drawing a Christmas tree with a child, you can limit yourself to only them.

Don't forget to color your Christmas tree in green, as well as give color to toys and other decorations. Nearby you can draw and , as well as and . You can also depict colorful gifts and in general any background to fill the Christmas tree drawing with a festive mood.

We hope that you had fun drawing a Christmas tree, and everything turned out great. Here is another way to draw a Christmas tree, we will show you how to draw only a Christmas tree without toys, and you can add the rest to your taste. This drawing of a Christmas tree is a little more complicated, but more realistic, so it will fit more experienced artists. Let's start with this slightly curved base of our painted Christmas tree.

As a basis, we draw several such triangles overlapped by each other. In our opinion, it turns out very nice.

Make the base lines light, because on top we will draw spruce branches. We start drawing a Christmas tree from the very top.

Gradually we move lower and lower.

At this stage, we draw the lowest layer of the branches of our Christmas tree for the new year.
