We draw a spruce in stages. How to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil: easy and beautiful

In anticipation of the New Year, children often draw a Christmas tree for days, but it does not always come out beautiful for them.

You can easily teach your child how to draw a Christmas tree and decorate with balls.

Today I showed my granddaughters how to draw a Christmas tree in Photoshop, but it is very easy to draw such a Christmas tree on paper.

Take a sheet of paper or an album, a pencil and an eraser. Ask the child how he will decorate the hedgehog and prepare pencils, felt-tip pens or paints with a brush.

Tell your child the rules for working with paints.

Prepare and moisten paints with clean water;
mix paints on a palette (white paper) without forgetting to wash the brushes;
evenly cover the surface of the background and characters in the composition;
at the end of the work, wash the brush, do not leave it in a jar of water, but wipe it with a cloth;
at the end of the paint, put the pencil in boxes or in a pencil case.

How to draw a Christmas tree

Step by step instructions on how to draw a Christmas tree.

1. Draw a triangle. Now draw a star at the top of the triangle. Leave enough space to add the rest of the tree.

2. Draw the top part of the Christmas tree, which consists of three branches, as shown in the picture. Don't try to draw too precisely, lines that aren't quite straight will look better. The ends of the branch lines must join the star.

3. Now add two more rows of spruce branches. Moreover, in each subsequent row of branches, one more is added. Thus, row 1 - three branches, row 2 - four branches, row 3 - five branches.

4. Then just draw a bucket under the tree and attach to the tree with two lines that will be the spruce trunk. Add two lines in the center of the bucket in the form of a ribbon, as shown in the picture. Erase all auxiliary lines.

5. Draw a bow on the ribbon and draw a ball on each branch. Give the star at the top of the tree a sparkling effect. Our Christmas tree is ready! You are great!

6. Now you can start decorating.

Whatever your child draws, be sure to praise him and hang the resulting masterpiece on the wall so that the kid feels like a real artist.

How to draw a Christmas tree

We offer a version of the Christmas tree, which you can decorate as you wish.

Draw with your child, he can easily repeat your drawing in parts.

I hope that your kid was able to draw a Christmas tree that he likes.
We wish you success!

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On the eve of the New Year 2018, kindergartens and schools across the country will host festive events. AND we are talking not only about such long-awaited matinees by all children, but also about creative exhibitions and art competitions with works young talents. Since such events are dedicated to the New Year and everything connected with it, various holiday symbols often act as the main themes of children's works. For example, almost none children's drawing during this period, it is not complete without the main green beauty - Christmas tree decorated with garlands and toys. It is not surprising that the question of how to draw a Christmas tree in stages, easily and beautifully, on the eve of the holiday, is very relevant, especially for novice artists. In today's article we have collected simple master classes with a photo and video on the image of a Christmas tree with a pencil and paints (watercolor, gouache). We really hope that thanks to these lessons, your child will easily learn how to draw the most beautiful and festive Christmas tree for the New Year.

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys and garlands in kindergarten - a step by step master class with a photo

First of all, we bring to your attention step by step master class, how to draw Christmas tree with toys and garlands kindergarten. The technique described in detail below is very simple to perform, so pupils of older groups can easily master it. All the details on how to draw a Christmas tree in toys and garlands for kindergarten in the next master class with a photo step by step.

Necessary materials to draw a Christmas tree with toys, garlands for kindergarten

  • landscape sheet
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • markers

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Christmas tree in toys and garlands in kindergarten

How easy it is to draw a Christmas tree for a child with a pencil in kindergarten - a lesson with a photo in stages

Technique how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil is easy from next lesson, also suitable for a small child in kindergarten. It differs from the previous one in that it lacks a ruler and drawing. Read more about how easy it is to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil for a child in kindergarten in the lesson with a photo below.

Necessary materials to easily draw a Christmas tree with a pencil for a child in kindergarten

  • pencil
  • eraser
  • landscape sheet

Step-by-step instructions on how to easily draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in kindergarten for a child

How to draw a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 with a pencil easy and beautiful to school - a master class in stages for beginners with a photo

The next master class on how to draw a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 with a pencil is easy and beautiful not only for school, but also for novice artists. If desired, the finished work can be supplemented with toys and painted with bright colors. All the subtleties of how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully for the New Year 2018 with a pencil to school in the master class for beginners below.

The necessary materials to draw a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018 with a pencil easily and beautifully to school

  • pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler
  • paper

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully for the New Year with a pencil to school for a beginner

How to draw a Christmas tree with paints (gouache, watercolor) to school - a master class in stages for beginners, video

Now that you know how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully with pencils for school, you can move on to a more complex technique of drawing with paints (gouache, watercolor). This option is ideal for beginners, as the video tutorial below describes in great detail all the intricacies of painting with paints. Of course, this master class is not suitable for a child in kindergarten for the New Year 2018, but kids can learn some tricks from it. Learn how to draw a Christmas tree with paints (gouache, watercolor) to school with garlands and toys from the following video with step by step lesson.

Drawing master class for children 4-5 years old "Herringbone"

Author: Ostanina Victoria Alexandrovna, educator of MDOU DS KV "Rainbow" SP "Silver Hoof"
Description: Let's draw! This master class gives you the opportunity to take gouache, brushes and start painting! And what do we especially want to draw on the eve of the wonderful holiday of the new year? Of course the Christmas tree! But what if you can’t draw very well, but really want to? I offer you a very easy and simple way to draw: the poke method. Don't be afraid to try, start drawing!
Purpose: The master class provides a wonderful opportunity to teach children how to draw a Christmas tree. Every educator, teacher primary school can safely introduce drawing by the “poke” method into his work. And caring parents can draw small Christmas trees and large spruces together with their children!
materials: white sheet of paper, gouache, brushes, glass of water, cloth napkin.


Soon, soon will come to us
Bright holiday New Year!
We will dream with you
And gifts to choose!
To make the holiday brighter
I didn't forget about the tree!
Here are toys with tinsel
We hung with you!
May the good Santa Claus
Our magician red nose!
All the guys in order
Handing out chocolate!
That's probably exactly what every boy and every girl dreams about. New Year. We want the holiday to come to us as soon as possible! And what is needed for this? We need a tree! And the trees grow in the forest!

Reminds me of my childhood! In the early bright morning, my grandfather and I always went to the forest for a Christmas tree. We tried to choose the most beautiful!

And they dressed her up at home. Everyone tried to choose the most beautiful and favorite toy and tried to hang it on the most visible
place! Here we have such a beauty.

I would like to say in the words of Elena Ilyina:
In the door crack -
You'll see
Our tree.
Our tree
Up to the ceiling.
And on her
Hanging toys -
From stand
To the top…”
But now in our modern developing world, you don’t have to go into the forest, you just have to stand on a chair and get a magic box from the closet in which an artificial Christmas tree is stored.

And now the toys...

Now we decorate the Christmas tree.

And no hike in the woods, no magic. But you can make the world brighter without destroying a single Christmas tree! How, you ask? Just! You need to plant a Christmas tree under your window! And dress her up every year!

And I suggest you draw a forest beauty. Make it easy and simple! I propose to use a simple drawing method for work - the “poke” method.
Basic rules for drawing using the poke method:
1. Draw with a hard semi-dry brush. This means that we do not dip the brush into the water before setting the gouache on the brush.
2. After washing off the paint from the brush, it is necessary to blot the brush on a cloth. This is necessary to keep the brush semi-dry.
3. To draw a picture, we do not apply it with traditional strokes, but we poke it into a sheet of paper, holding the brush vertically. Hence the name - the "poke" method.
4. After setting the paint on the brush, the first “poke” should be done on a spare sheet of paper, as this will allow the drawing to be more evenly colored. The first "poke" always leaves a brighter trace, which is not always necessary in work.
5. When drawing a large object, such as the body of an animal, it is important to first go along the contour, and then proceed to fill in the middle.
Once you understand the basic rules, you can get started.
We draw a Christmas tree:
1. Let's start with the image of the trunk of the Christmas tree. To do this, we need a brush number 3 protein.
First, draw the trunk itself. We make the crown thinner, and to the bottom of the trunk we make a thickening, applying strokes close to each other. I start each stroke from the crown and smoothly lead to the very bottom, spreading to the sides. Now we draw branches - small semi-arcs, starting from the trunk and spreading to the sides.

2. Now we draw needles. We make it unusual and interesting way- by the "poke" method. Let's not forget the rules.
We start work from the base of the branch.

And so we continue to the very end. And so on each side of the branch, making it fluffier with each “poke”.

3. We do the same with each branch. First, on one side of the tree,

Then the second side, trying to make parallel branches the same.

4. Now, with darker gouache, add bright colors to the bottom of each branch.

5. Each Christmas tree in winter forest falls under a snowfall, and snowflakes and even a lot of fluffy snow remain on its paws. That's it for this we need white gouache and a hard semi-dry brush. Again, using the “poke” method, draw fluffy snow on top of each branch.

The Christmas tree is ready. Let's make a frame. To do this, we use blue gouache and draw a frame using the “poke” method. By placing the "pokes" tightly to each other right near the edge of the sheet. Try not to rush to make the frame dense and bright. Now our Christmas tree is ready.

It will become a worthy decoration of our house on the eve of the most beloved holiday by all children.

Whatever place we find her, she will definitely please us!

Even a child can draw such a Christmas tree. This is how I saw and drew a Christmas tree Vanya, 5 years old.

You can decorate our Christmas tree by hanging painted tinsel and balls on it.

Or draw a whole forest.

Show your imagination. Don't be afraid to experiment!

For him, a canvas in the form of a triangle is created on paper, the shape of which will result in a Christmas tree with symmetrical sides and the desired size. To do this, you can use a ruler or a regular triangle, with which it is even easier to draw neat lines.

The top of the triangle will become the top of the Christmas tree, the branches of which can have both clear lines and imitate needles if the lines of the pattern are not created straight, but in the form of jagged cutouts. As the sides of the triangle expand, the branches of the tree become more massive. The lower part of the drawing may end with an image of a tree trunk or simply snow, in which the sprawling branches of a New Year's beauty are buried.

If there are doubts that it will be possible to make the branches the same in size, then thin lines can be drawn inside the triangle itself. horizontal lines, which will serve as a border between the branches of the Christmas tree, allowing you to get them symmetrical. According to this scheme, difficulties with how to draw a Christmas tree in stages with a pencil, easily and beautifully and in a matter of minutes, will not arise at any level of professionalism and artistic skills.

Interesting! In this technique, a pencil may not be the only possible tool. With the same success, the base part of the Christmas tree can be outlined with felt-tip pens, and painted over with paints. The original will help to make a Christmas tree and voluminous applications when toys and garlands are not drawn on top of an already finished drawing, but are glued from other materials. You already know, ?

The second way to draw a Christmas tree is easy and beautiful

In order to use it and find out how to draw a Christmas tree in stages with a pencil, easily and beautifully, a slightly different template is used than the one described above. The triangle is replaced by a vertical line indicating the height of the future tree. Adjusting the size with this method is very easy: the higher the line, the larger the spruce itself.

The drawing will begin with the image of a star crowning the crown and at the same time acting as the top of the tree. In total, the Christmas tree will have three levels, the upper one in the form of a triangle is drawn directly under the star. The jagged ends of the bottom line of the triangle imitate branches. It is advisable to make them not quite straight, but with a slight crescent-shaped bend, the protruding part of which will be directed downward.

The second triangle is drawn larger and wider than the first, as the tree expands from the crown down to the bottom of the trunk. The largest triangle is the last one. The teeth on it should be present in the same way as on everyone else, otherwise the drawing will be more schematic and not reminiscent of a real fluffy beauty. We also tell Dogs by zodiac signs.

The last step is to draw a tree trunk, the same vertical line helps to make it even and not make a mistake with the center. You can decorate the spruce according to your taste and imagination.

Christmas tree

In anticipation new year holidays the question of how to draw a Christmas tree becomes especially relevant. After all, it is she, the green beauty, the center of the holiday. Round dances are led around her, they decorate her, gifts are hidden under the lower spreading paws. And what can be a winter landscape without its thick and fluffy branches under the snow. We offer several interesting lessons how beautiful and unusual to depict a popular winter tree.

Step by step example

First of all, we will analyze how to draw a Christmas tree in stages. To do this, let's try to draw a festive tree, with decorations and garlands.

Stage 1
Let's prepare the basis for the future drawing. To do this, draw an equilateral triangle with a base slightly smaller than the sides. In the center of the base, we denote the trunk or the installation site of our spruce.

Stage 2
Let's give the appropriate shape to the contour, as shown in the figure.

Stage 3
Let's outline the decorations with light lines: a garland, balls and a star.

Stage 4
Auxiliary lines depict gifts lying under the lower branches. The sketch is ready.

Stage 5
We draw with a pencil (or a felt-tip pen, or a pen) more saturated lines: first a contour, then jewelry and gifts. For a more voluminous drawing, let's add details: threads of balls, additional strokes of twigs and ribbons on gift boxes.

Stage 6
Delete auxiliary lines.

Stage 7
The finished drawing can be colored or left in black and white. In the second case, it makes sense to add shadows under the balls, on gifts, to depict the glow of a garland and a star.


The method below on how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil is quite simple. For its implementation, you only need good pencil medium softness and a little patience for drawing needles: in this case, the spruce will turn out to be the most realistic.

First of all, let's draw a trunk and a piece of land where the tree grows from.

Then we will begin to fill it with branches with needles, starting from the top.

You should not try to make it very even, because in nature trees do not have perfect symmetry. Let some branches be a little shorter, some longer. It is more important to carefully and tightly fill them with needles.

Draw branches with needles to the very base.

Now you need to add volume to the drawing by adding shadows on the trunk, below the branches and near the grass on the ground. The drawing is ready.

Beautiful tree

The proposed method of how to beautifully draw a Christmas tree under the snow is very unusual, but at the same time simple.

We depict the triangular contour of the Christmas tree.

This contour, starting from the top, fill unusual shapes, as it shown on the picture. This is the snow lying on the branches. Fill it not symmetrically, but as evenly as possible.

After that, for the atmosphere, you can add snow on the ground and snowflakes.

Now you need to draw the branches themselves. To do this, under the white specks of snow, we tightly shade small areas, as shown in the figure.

The remaining unfilled areas are worked out with lighter shading to indicate soft shadows.

The result is very good and unusual.

A simple example of a Christmas tree

This way how easy it is to draw a Christmas tree is suitable even for young and not very young people. experienced artists. The resulting tree can be painted and decorated with Christmas decorations, and “powdered” with snow in the winter forest.

Let's figure out how to draw a Christmas tree beautifully in stages.

Step 1
We draw the visible part of the trunk with the root system.

Stage 2
We begin to fill the tree with branches with needles from below. The smaller and more detailed the depicted needles, the more fluffy the spruce will turn out.

Stage 3
Gradually narrow the outline of the tree to the crown. The Christmas tree is ready.

Christmas tree

This is another easy option on how to draw a Christmas tree.

First of all, we draw an auxiliary contour - a triangle on a leg.

Along this contour, with rounded lines, we mark the Christmas tree branches, as shown in the figure.

We connect them into a common figure and add a visible trunk.

We remove the auxiliary lines and decorate with a star on top, Christmas balls, a garland and candies.

The Christmas tree is ready!

An example of a Christmas tree in pencil

The sequence below of how to beautifully draw a Christmas tree with a pencil will be useful for both the New Year's version and an ordinary Christmas tree. A complex and beautiful result is achieved not so much by special skills as by accuracy and patience. Be sure to try to portray such a tree!

You should start with the auxiliary lines of the contour of the tree itself, the trunk and the stand.

According to the triangle of spruce, we note the position of the branches, first the main ones, then filling the small ones.

The sketch is ready. Now we refine the drawing with a darker pencil or felt-tip pen. Let's start with the decorations. On Christmas balls with light spots we imitate a glossy sheen.

It's time to get down to the branches. Along the auxiliary lines, we begin to apply needles. First along the contour, then - inside.

Let's select the trunk and branches that look through the needles and decorations and draw a stand.

Fill the entire tree with needles to make it look fluffy.

The finished Christmas tree can be supplemented with bright flowers.

Useful video lesson

Be sure to take a look at this video lesson. It shows 10 various ways Christmas tree drawing.
