How to draw an egg shape. How to draw an egg with a pencil

Very philosophical question What came first, the egg or the chicken? By the method of scientific poke and testing, we still found out that the chicken took first place. But the eggs are harsh guys and are looking for revenge, revenge. Training their will power, preparing themselves physically and mentally, they came here to seek the truth. And today we will have a lesson about how to draw eggs. Any experience in life will be useful. Ask where painted eggs can come in handy? Yes in any critical situation. Your mother is preparing to bake a cake, but in the morning you filled up 10 raw eggs, as they decided to take up operatic vocals. To avoid punishment, you take paper, draw eggs and, with a clear conscience, leave it in the refrigerator. Only then do not stutter about the papers in the pie. Or, for example, you return home at night, and several gopniks pester you on the street intelligent people, politely asking: Drive the money here on! However, you remember about the painted eggs, pull out a piece of paper and hand it to them, parrying: Here are the painted eggs for you. The guys are confused, and you are already at home drinking tea with lemon in intensive care. Alternatively, eggs can be eaten. Real ones, preferably. Real man food, no ambiguity. I broke a couple into a pan - that's all. You can also cook, but it takes more time and a lot of waiting. Too much for a real man. Only fry, only hardcore.

Let's talk about eggs closer:

  • Tired of eating eggs? Make a ball out of them. The method is simple and ingenious in all its glory. You take vinegar, put an egg, leave it for 2-3 days. Then you take it out, throw it on the floor - and it jumps back. I tried it myself, had fun all day.
  • There are people who are gray hair being afraid of eggs is called ovophobia. Rumor has it that Alfred Hitchcock twitched and hid in corners at the sight of a chicken egg.
  • And it is not only a delicacy of harsh men. African egg snake - this is the standard. If a man sometimes allows himself to gobble up a piece of bread with sausage, then the snake in the egg business is a Spartan. He only eats eggs, period.

How to draw eggs with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, we need a specialized tray, and, of course, a frying pan. An inseparable part of the picture. We draw all this in accordance with the picture below.
Step two. There are 10 eggs in a standard tray. Especially for them we draw squares. As you can see, one instance has already moved its body into the pan - we also allocate space for it.
Step three.
Step four. Our frying pan turned out to be kind of nondescript. We fix it, add its colors and shine. We notice the egg shell on it - and draw. We can also tint the tray a little, it will not be worse for anyone.
Step five. We draw a face with emotions of fear and horror, since one of them has just been fried in a fiery hyena.
Let me know what you think of this lesson and also

A few eggs in a clay bowl will help us learn how to work with tone and how to model volume with light and shade. Using three simple pencils (hard, soft and medium) we will try to reproduce five different tonal gradations on paper and achieve soft tone transitions.

So, we put the eggs in a bowl and leave it on the table in natural light (but not in the bright sun!). An even more expressive contrast between light and shadow is obtained when using an artificial light source - for example, a table lamp. However, at the same time, we also leave the main light on, because in the strictly directed bright light of a small light bulb, the shadows look too hard and deep, which makes the tone transition boundaries too sharp.


  1. Three simple pencils: hard H, medium hard HB and very soft 4B
  2. Eraser or eraser
  3. A3 paper sheet or art book
  4. Drawing board or other base
  5. Four push pins and tape

1. On a color photograph, it is clearly seen that the illuminated side of the eggs has a lighter mushroom, and the other side is darker (but it is easiest to notice this in a black and white photograph, since the image is devoid of bright colors, which usually “eat up” most of our attention).
It is better to work in natural light, although it varies: depending on the location of the sun in the sky, this happens during the day, but with partly cloudy, sometimes within a few seconds.

Sit comfortably!
It is very important to choose the optimal position before starting work, in which it will be equally convenient to draw and look at the object that you are trying to depict. In other words, the artist's eye must move freely and quickly from model to drawing and back.

2. On a sheet of drawing paper attached with buttons or tape to the drawing board, draw the contours of the bowl and eggs with a simple pencil N. And now, attention: looking at the model, we squint our eyes! Isn't it true that what we see through the eyelashes loses color, but acquires the contrast characteristic of a black and white image? It immediately becomes noticeable that in the intervals between the eggs the tone is the most saturated, so we shade these areas with the side of the tip of the HB pencil. A smooth transition from one tone to another can be obtained by rubbing the shading with your finger.

3. By constantly measuring the ratio of dark to light areas of the surface, we can easily notice the changes that occur in natural light over time.
To complete this drawing we used three pencils: HB for midtones, a harder H, whose stroke is lighter and deeper, and 4B, a pencil that gives the darkest tone and softest stroke.

If in the future you want to trace all the stages of your creative growth, put down on each work the date of its creation

4. We cover the upper, most brightly lit part of the eggs with a medium tone using an HB pencil, and then weaken this tone by rubbing the shading with your finger, since the middle tones in the illuminated areas should be almost transparent, and in the shaded areas - as dense as possible. When drawing a bowl, we also use midtones. The figure clearly shows that the space between the eggs and the darkened part of the bottom of the bowl are made in the darkest colors.

Easter, or they say the Resurrection of Christ, unites the peoples of different countries. This is a big Christian holiday that gathers the whole family for festive table. On this day, it is customary to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Of course, the housewives come up with a lot of additional dishes, but the basics remain the same. Easter eggs are also dyed in onion shells, various stickers are glued on them, and they are painted by hand. We will do it in a more original way - we will draw an Easter egg with a pencil. Let's be adherents of classic coloring. Our drawing will show multi-colored eggs that are neatly stacked in a wicker basket and decorated with a pink ribbon bow. So, let's quickly figure out how to draw an Easter egg.

Let's check the tools and materials, and then proceed to the drawing easter egg:

1. White sheet;
2. Simple pencil;
3. Eraser;
4. Handle;
5. Colored pencils (yellow, brown, pink, red, green, blue, light green, blue, orange).

After making sure that we have all the necessary details, now we will learn how to draw an Easter egg with a pencil in stages:

Stage 1. First we need to depict a wicker basket in which Easter eggs will lie. Let's start with its basics. Let's draw one big oval, and then add a smaller oval inside it. The small oval will touch the inside of the top line, as if merging into it. Stage 2. Next, add a handle from above, which is attached to a small oval (right and left). The handle has a small thickness, but is wrapped with a ribbon. Ribbon ties into a bow on the top left side. In the next stages of the lesson we will learn how to draw an Easter egg. Stage 3. Now let's draw six eggs that are located inside the basket. We make them a little different in size to create more natural look. The top of the eggs is narrower than the bottom. So the easy way we learned how to draw an easter egg step by step Stage 4. Due to their texture, the eggs will have highlights that we outline with a simple pencil. Let's add texture to the basket, dividing it into several segments. On each segment, add more horizontal dashed lines. We make the lines a little rounded, and thicken the edge of the neck of the basket Stage 5. Outline all the main lines with a black pen or a thin marker. We do not outline the highlights, because it is better to show them more carefully, otherwise black spots will turn out. Stage 6. With a yellow pencil, draw the entire surface of the basket. The shadow is highlighted with a light brown pencil. We will draw them around the contours. Stage 7. Let the tape be Pink colour, but give it volume with a red pencil. Redapply color smoothly.

Stage 8. The brightest stage of the lesson is coming - drawing Easter eggs. Almost all eggs will have their original color, except for two green ones. But they are located in different
parts of the basket (one is on foreground, and the second - on the back).

So, we get a finished drawing of Easter eggs in a basket.

To create a real festive mood for Easter, you need not only to cook traditional dishes, but also decorate the room accordingly. For this purpose, any thematic images made on paper with your own hands are suitable. So that you can easily cope with the task, we have prepared detailed step-by-step master classes that will tell you how to draw an egg and Easter cake, which have long been considered the main elements of a classic Easter still life.

More suitable for beginners simple lessons on drawing with a pencil the usual attributes of Easter, and advanced artists will not disregard a lesson on depicting a unique piece of art - Faberge eggs. For a more visual description of the process, master classes are equipped with step by step photos and video material. Based on such information, make a spectacular and catchy holiday drawing anyone can do it without any effort.

How to draw an egg with a pencil in stages for beginners - a master class for children

A simple and accessible children's master class will tell novice artists how to easily and quickly draw the main symbol of Easter - an egg. The work is absolutely elementary and does not represent any complexity. You just need to clearly follow all the tips of the lesson and be careful when creating an image.

Necessary materials for a children's master class on drawing eggs for Easter

  • paper
  • ruler
  • simple HB pencil
  • simple pencil B2
  • eraser
  • set of colored pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw an Easter egg with a pencil

How to draw an egg and Easter cake for Easter - a step-by-step master class with watercolors

Easter cake surrounded by colorful, bright eggs is a traditional version of the Easter still life. How to draw this plot watercolor paints, the master class below will tell. There are no great difficulties in the work, but accuracy and perseverance to complete the task will undoubtedly be required. You will have to pay special attention to the subsequent coloring of the pencil sketch. It is very important that the colors do not mix and do not create obscure dirty spots on the image.

Necessary materials for a master class on drawing eggs and Easter cake for Easter

  • landscape paper
  • watercolor paint set
  • round squirrel brush
  • simple HB pencil
  • eraser
  • liner

Step-by-step instructions on how to paint an Easter cake and eggs in watercolor

  1. Make a preliminary sketch on a sheet of landscape paper. Mark a conditional horizon line, depict the outlines of the Easter cake, eggs and candles with rough straight lines.
  2. Draw a candle more clearly and in detail: make a flame above the wick, and work out the melted wax a little lower. With a short curved line, specify the place where the candle enters the cake. Round the bottom of the cake, and draw icing on top. Give the eggs a more streamlined shape by adding smooth lines and removing everything sharp corners characteristic of the original sketch.
  3. Start detailing the picture and draw an ornament of elongated leaves on the far right egg. Decorate the second egg with the image of large flowers with 5-6 petals and a large round center. On the third egg, located on the left side near the Easter cake, make a graphic linear pattern.
  4. With an eraser, remove all unnecessary details and carefully “clean out” the drawing, freeing it from unnecessary strokes.
  5. With a black liner, work out all the contours of the drawing and small parts, as well as paint on the missing elements in the ornament of eggs.
  6. Dip the brush in brown paint and paint over the base of the cake. Act carefully so that dark paint does not get on the glaze.
  7. Paint over the candle in red, and around the flame, using a rich yellow tint, depict a halo of reflection from the fire.
  8. In a light blue tone, work out the table around the Easter cake and eggs. Add violet to the blue tint, mix well and dilute strongly with water so that the paint becomes almost transparent. Paint the surface of the glaze with the resulting composition.
  9. Paint the eggs with bright, juicy, contrasting colors.
  10. Pay attention to the background. Near the horizon line, use darker brown colors, and closer to the top of the image, gradually switch to a light, delicate tone.
  11. Leave the finished drawing on the table to dry very well, and then arrange it in a frame or passe-partout and hang it on the wall.

How to draw a Faberge egg in stages - a master class with instructions, photos and videos

The Faberge egg is a unique work of art that delights everyone who just looks at it. It is quite difficult to depict it on paper and not everyone will cope with such a task. But if at hand step by step master class with photos and videos detailing how to draw a Faberge egg step by step, the task becomes quite feasible. The main thing is to be careful and follow the instructions clearly. Then everything will work out and the work will look spectacular, bright and attractive.

Necessary materials for the phased drawing of Faberge eggs

  • paper
  • simple HB pencil
  • eraser
  • set of colored pencils
  • kit gel pens

Step-by-step instructions for the master class on drawing the original Faberge egg

  1. Make a preliminary sketch on paper. Approximately in the middle of a sheet located horizontally, outline the location of the main part of the egg and the opening oval cover.
  2. Then draw a mesh on the base for the future pattern, and decorate each intersection of the lines with a four-pointed symbol.
  3. Directly under the base of the egg, draw the beginning of semicircular curved legs.
  4. Under the open lid, make a contour sketch of the carriage with wheels and doors. Underline the contour of the lid with a yellow pencil, and tint the surface itself with a gray tint.
  5. Go over the gray tone with a red pencil. Then make a few strokes with a white marker around the carriage, and paint over the top of the lid more dark color to create the effect of a curved surface.
  6. With a yellow pencil, emphasize the grid of the pattern on the base of the egg, tint the empty rhombuses of the pattern with a black marker, and go over it with red to make the color more complex and multifaceted.
  7. Paint over the surface located under the carriage with yellow color. With a black marker, work out the contours of the coats of arms crowning the intersections of the grid lines of the drawing. With a white marker, apply a few strokes on the right side, thereby giving volume to the drawing. Above each black coat of arms draw a white curved "hat".
  8. Paint the carriage with red and yellow shades, and show the details with white and black markers.
  9. Use a yellow pencil to emphasize the rim at the base of the egg and draw the legs. Draw them gracefully curved and add an ornate pattern around the edges. Underline the contour with a black marker, and add volume using semicircular strokes of a white marker.
  10. Engage in the detailing of the carriage and the space under it. First go through all external lines with a white marker, and then highlight the most significant details in black.
  11. Draw the lid more brightly and richly. Mark the outline with a white tone, darken the inner edges, and draw a lock on top.
  12. Light short strokes white tone give the space a panorama so that the image of the egg goes forward.
  13. Draw a cast shadow from the legs and base under the egg itself with a simple pencil.
  14. Once again, with a black marker, go over the drawing, highlighting the contours of the grid and coats of arms.
  15. With an eraser, remove all auxiliary lines, insert the picture into a frame and hang it in a conspicuous place.

How to draw an egg for Easter - a video tutorial for beginners

A simple and understandable video tutorial will tell novice artists how to draw a beautiful and bright egg for Easter. To complete, you will need paper, a blue liner and a set of colored gel pens. If there is some doubt in your abilities, you can use a simple pencil instead of a liner and use it to make a preliminary sketch. This will allow you to correct the image and, if necessary, remove unsuccessful strokes or details. The pattern for decorating the egg is simple, but at the same time catchy. In the end, it needs to be decorated with bright, contrasting shades that blend well with each other. Willow twigs, delicately peeking out from behind the egg itself, serve as a refined and elegant addition to the pattern. They give the composition naturalness and turn a simple image into a real festive picture, which is pleasant to look at both adults and children.

A very philosophical question - which came first, the egg or the chicken? By the method of scientific poke and testing, we still found out that the chicken took first place. But the eggs are harsh guys and are looking for revenge, revenge. Training their will power, preparing themselves physically and mentally, they came here to seek the truth. And today we will have a lesson about how to draw eggs. Any experience in life will be useful. Ask where painted eggs can come in handy? Yes, in any emergency. Your mother is preparing to bake a cake, but in the morning you filled up 10 raw eggs in yourself, as you decided to take up operatic vocals. To avoid punishment, you take paper, draw eggs and, with a clear conscience, leave it in the refrigerator. Only then do not stutter about the papers in the pie. Or, for example, you return home at night, and on the street several gopniks of intelligent people pester you, politely asking: Drive the money here! However, you remember about the painted eggs, pull out a piece of paper and hand it to them, parrying: Here are the painted eggs for you. The guys are confused, and you are already at home drinking tea with lemon in intensive care.

Alternatively, eggs can be eaten. Real ones, preferably. Real man food, no ambiguity. I broke a couple into a pan - that's all. You can also cook, but it takes more time and a lot of waiting. Too much for a real man. Only fry, only hardcore.

Let's talk about eggs closer:

  • Tired of eating eggs? Make a ball out of them. The method is simple and ingenious in all its glory. You take vinegar, put an egg, leave it for 2-3 days. Then you take it out, throw it on the floor - and it jumps back. I tried it myself, had fun all day.
  • There are people who are afraid of eggs to their gray hair, and this is called ovophobia. Rumor has it that Alfred Hitchcock twitched and hid in corners at the sight of a chicken egg.
  • And it is not only a delicacy of harsh men. African egg snake - this is the standard. If a man sometimes allows himself to gobble up a piece of bread with sausage, then the snake in the egg business is a Spartan. He only eats eggs, period.

How to draw eggs with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, we need a specialized tray, and, of course, a frying pan. An inseparable part of the picture. We draw all this in accordance with the picture below. Step two. There are 10 eggs in a standard tray. Especially for them we draw squares. As you can see, one instance has already moved its body into the pan - we also allocate space for it. Step three. Step four. Our frying pan turned out to be kind of nondescript. We fix it, add its colors and shine. We notice the egg shell on it - and draw. We can also tint the tray a little, it will not be worse for anyone. Step five. We draw a face with emotions of fear and horror, since one of them has just been fried in a fiery hyena. Let me know what you think about this tutorial, and also leave a comment about what other tutorials you would like to see on the site.

Do not ring eggs, try to draw the following lessons.
