The line of health on the hand palmistry. Line options on the hand

The line of health is not visible on every hand. To find this trait, you need to look at the base of your wrist. The line of health on the hand goes from the beginning of the palm and ends near the little finger, reaching the hill of Mercury.

The absence of such a trait is a good sign. This means that the person will not have serious diseases. If the line is still detected, it is worth taking a closer look at the state of one's own health, in time to support it.

general characteristics

One of the ways to diagnose the physical and mental state is palmistry. The line of health is secondary, its second name is the feature of Mercury. Most often, this band is very weakly visible, it is especially difficult to find it on a man's hand.

A clear line of health in the palm of your hand indicates a weak immune system. Such a person is usually prone to seasonal diseases, suffers from a lack of vitality. He needs to regularly replenish his energy supply, take vitamins, and often be in the fresh air.

A prominent, but weakly expressed, Mercury band speaks of mental and emotional problems. A person does not know how to withstand stress, needs outside support. Such a person needs to learn how to manage his own emotions in order to experience negative experiences without loss for himself. It will not be superfluous to seek help from a psychologist.

A sinuous line indicates a weak digestive tract. A person is likely to suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so he is advised to pay special attention to nutrition. Perhaps you should reconsider your diet, it does not hurt to consult a nutritionist.

A deep and strong line, merging with the line of the mind, warns of an increased risk of brain diseases. If there is the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to undergo a full examination so as not to start the situation.

Appearance Features

Ideally, the trait of Mercury should begin at horizontal line on the hand, pass next to the line of life, smoothly reaching the hillock of the same name. If the strip exactly matches the described standard, you have a physically strong, hardy person in front of you. He rarely gets sick, has practically no health problems. Such an individual will feel cheerful even in old age, and in adulthood he will achieve considerable success in business.

The ideal line of health reflects not only harmony in the state internal organs but also spiritual aspects of personality. A person cares about external circumstances, but pays enough attention inner world. He can become a good speaker, trader or inventor.

Breaks in the line of Mercury are considered a good sign. This symbolizes the possibilities for overcoming the disease. If, after a break, the band reappears on the hill of Mercury, we can talk about good endurance in old age. A strong streak of life or a developed hill of Venus should serve as confirmation of this omen.

However, the large number of gaps points to numerous difficulties. A person is able to avoid health problems only at the cost of incredible efforts. He should take care of proper nutrition, give up all bad habits, choose moderate sports training.

If the line of health intersects with the line of life, the physical body is weakened. The point of intersection will correspond to the age at which the turning point will occur. Having found such a sign in his palm, a person should not be afraid or despair. As a rule, the intersection of lines indicates an important life stage which will soon begin in his life.

At such moments, a person should reconsider his views in order to learn important lessons. If he does not feel sorry for himself and accepts the circumstances, he will emerge victorious from any situation. He will get valuable experience, as well as increase its inner strength. Do not neglect the state of health, it is recommended to analyze your lifestyle and, if necessary, change it.

Meaning of symbols

The health line on the hand may contain several important signs. Let's describe the most significant of them. Deciphering the symbols on the line of Mercury helps a person understand the main obstacles on his path to success and learn how to overcome them.

1. An asterisk located at the intersection of the lines of health and mind is considered a sign of traumatic brain injury. If it is in contact only with the line of health, this indicates a too mobile psyche. Such a person is often stressed, very vulnerable and sensitive.

2. A triangle on the health line indicates that all difficulties will be resolved sooner or later. This is a positive sign that gives hope for recovery.

3. Islets indicate physical ailments. The larger they are, the longer the disease will be. A large number of such formations indicates diseases of the lungs and throat.

On the hand of an entrepreneur, the islets can determine not only health, but also career. If there are a lot of them, this indicates financial problems, the risk of losing a large amount.

  • The double line of health is interpreted as an indicator of excellent health. The owner of such a hand will avoid trouble, and accidents will not bring him serious injuries.
  • The triple feature of Mercury also indicates a strong body and increased energy. Such a person knows how to achieve success, he has strong character and a sufficient supply of vitality.
  • A bifurcation of the health line indicates good career chances. This is a good sign that distinguishes successful and strong people.

Now a person will be able to determine their own or someone else's state of health along the line on the arm. Knowing the meaning of the symbols and having received an explanation of palmistry, he will be able to prevent the negative development of events and live a long happy life. Fortune telling by hand allows you to look into the future and better deal with problems in the present.

Since the line of Mercury is a reflection internal state, it can be deformed and modified during life. If a person manages to correct the situation, he will change the shape of this feature or completely remove it from his palm. The disappearance of negative symbols or the alignment of the bar is a positive sign. This indicates that the person began to live harmoniously.

Write your opinion

The desire to know what will happen in the future has always been with people. Especially this interest is directed towards health, no one wants to get sick. Palmistry believes that the Health line shows the presence of diseases in a person and helps to decipher it. personal code longevity.

Health Line Meaning

The meaning of this trait is ambiguous. It should be considered in conjunction with other signs on the hands, take into account the color and depth of the lines. Very often, the line of health runs diagonally across the entire palm. It has several names:

  • health line;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • communication;
  • charisma;
  • hepatic line;
  • Mercury line.

These names changed over time and depended on who undertook to interpret them. But there has always been a single rule: if there is a line on the hand, then the longer, thinner and smoother it is, the better for the owner. It is a paradox, but the absence of such a feature on the hands speaks of good health.

The line of Health from the hill of Mercury to the base of the palm indicates a person who is lucky and with good health

Hans Hürliman believed that the line of Health on the hand speaks of a person's spirituality and his intellect. Andrew Fitzherbert wrote that the line of Mercury is associated with the subconscious and only partially with health. Johnny Finch theorizes that this trait is the vagus nerve and reflects the patient's thinking ability.

The line of Mercury is usually considered in conjunction with other features and general qualities of a person, his psychotype. This is necessary in order to get a quality interpretation of the Health line.

A sudden illness can ruin any career. Very often, when visiting a palmist, they ask about possible problems in this area. Correct decoding of the line of Mercury will help prevent illness and save the situation.

IN modern world palmistry believes that the presence of the Health line speaks of material well-being in conjunction with feeling unwell and many diseases. The owner of this trait is disabled and unbalanced.

If the Health line is absent, then the person has a calm character, very rarely gets sick, does not give in to stress and can work for a long time.

The classic version of the trait on the hands is rare. Not everyone is in good health. If the line responsible for health is defective (short, broken or with additional signs on it), then this is much worse than its complete absence.

Line location

Palmists argued for a long time about where the line responsible for health should begin. After observations, conclusions were drawn that it arises on the hillock of Mercury (on its front side). Then she goes under the fourth finger and moves to the line of Life.

In men and women, such a skin fold shows not only physical, but also mental health. This minor feature can start at the wrist and end at the little finger.

Ideally, the branch of Mercury should flow smoothly along the arm, straight and clear, without turning anywhere. It's even better if it doesn't exist at all.

Palmistry says that this line becomes thinner or deeper depending on the genotype of the subject. The downward direction of the line of Mercury is due to the fact that it is the direct opposite of the line of life. The closer they are to each other, the more forks and branches, the less energy the subject has, the weaker his energy tone. The critical moment is at the point of contact between these two folds.

The Mount of Mercury influences the Health line. It starts from this hillock in a person with a rich imagination, active thinking and violent fantasy.

If the hepatic trait begins at the Mind line, then the person is very irritable and wayward. His anxiety for any reason eats up his vital energy, because of which all diseases arise.

If the branches on the line responsible for health stretch to the life line, then a person may experience mental breakdowns. He is waiting for trials, prolonged depression. More often this happens when these two dashes are combined.

The interpretation of the Health line is affected by its location relative to the hills on the hand.

The meaning of the long crease down the arm: a long but rather nervous life.

The line of Health on the hand, not connected with a weak Headline and located at a distance from the life line, indicates an irritable and nervous nature. But this will not affect the lifespan.

If the features of the Head and Health are straight, coming from the hillock of Mercury, then the person is all right with willpower. He controls his emotions, irritability does not threaten the loss of energy potential. Despite the sensitivity, he will be able to do mental work and constantly improve.

If the Health line extends beyond the Mercury hill, then nervous tension will affect the state of health and lead to a general exhaustion of the nervous system. Such people are sometimes said to be "burning at work." They are overly diligent and prone to self-criticism, which entails a general malaise.

The beginning of the deepening from the Heart Center shows weakness in the work of the heart muscle in a nervous and excitable person.

On right palm age is determined by the location of the line. To do this, you need to make a division into 15 segments of 5 years. Start counting from an imaginary point above the center of the palm.

Line characteristic

The meaning and characteristics of this sign are influenced by several facts that should be dealt with before drawing final conclusions. These factors include:

  • depth;
  • thickness;
  • definition;
  • form;
  • color;
  • additional signs.


The clearer and deeper the line, the weaker the human immunity. He cannot resist the influence of external negative factors. If the depth of the bar changes, then health and career will also change. The thinner the dash, the more attentive you need to be to your condition, avoid overeating and go in for sports.


A person with a clear line of Mercury never gets sick. Such individuals have a lot of energy and desires. Strange, but often among them are alcoholics and criminals. Such people do not feel well in closed spaces. Unbridled energy drives them to the street for physical work. They are unrestrained rude and quick-tempered. Negative qualities are enhanced if the owner of such a trait has red hair. If the hair color is black, a person is very fickle in his impulses and undertakings.


A thin strip indicates a painful psyche and weak emotionality. But the gallbladder, liver and digestive tract work well. This guy is very successful in business. His Vital energy will be distributed correctly and harmoniously.

A very broad feature of Mercury does not allow a person to endure great physical exertion. They can lead to diseases of the digestive system. Bile will be poorly secreted and pain attacks are inevitable. To alleviate the condition, you should constantly keep a diet.


The line going to the hill of Mercury from the very base of the palm indicates a happy and lucky person. He has good health if the trait without any damage.

  1. Poor health and failure in business accompany people with a discontinuous trait. An experienced palmist will be able to calculate the time period in which the business will be most profitable.
  2. A curved line indicates a disease of the esophagus, intestines and stomach.
  3. A line in the form of a wave is an accurate indication of a chronic disease of the gallbladder and liver. It is expressed in frequent bouts of cholecystitis, malaria, and in the advanced stage it turns into jaundice. The occurrence of rheumatism is a consequence of unbearable character. Gout, heart rhythm disturbance, inflammation of the rectum - all these diseases accompany people with a wavy line of health. Such people in business area precarious position. Good and bad periods alternate constantly.
  4. A dashed staircase-like line leads to frequent hospital visits due to dyskinesia, colitis, and enteritis.


The yellow color of the Mercury trough reflects bad job liver. A blue shade of the depression is rare. They are usually busy people. physical labor. People with pale yellow dashes have a bad temper.

Additional signs

Additional signs may appear on the health line: dots, dashes, triangles, crosses, etc. Any of them adds a special meaning to the code in the palm of your hand.

  1. If the lines intersect repeatedly, then the disease is just beginning. If the shape resembles a chain, then there will be problems with the lungs.
  2. The sign of the cross does not bring anything good to the owner, an early death is possible.
  3. Square - good sign: if there was a disease, then there will be no pathology and everything will end with recovery.
  4. Small dots are small problems, a headache and a little nervousness in a relationship.
  5. The reproductive system should be checked for those who have a star sign. If it is at the intersection with the Head feature, there is a risk of mental disorders due to infertility or impotence.
  6. A terrible disease will go away, death will be defeated if the trident looks at the hill of Mercury.
  7. The appearance of an island indicates the occurrence of some kind of chronic disease of the internal organs. The shape of the island in the form of a bead predicts ENT diseases.

When deciphering the code, it is imperative to consider the ratio of all stripes in the palm of your hand. If the trait is combined with the Mind trait, then this may mean a brain disease or its pathological changes.

An experienced palmist, in case of danger, will surely predict the time period in which danger may lie in wait for a person. To do this, the palm will be conditionally divided into 3 parts (maturity, youth and old age). Between the band of the Head and the Heart are all the problems of adulthood, old age is closer to the finger.

The line of health on the hand changes throughout life. It undergoes changes during periods severe conditions person, his psycho-emotional shifts or in case of failure of internal systems. If the palmist warns about this, it is necessary to examine and understand the causes of the disease in order to overcome the disease at an early stage.

The dotted line of Health warns of diseases

Better not to do independent study palms, if there is no knowledge and skills. Leave it to the experts, otherwise you can get unnecessary stress. Only a correct understanding of the code will prevent unpleasant events prepared by fate.

The line of health, or the segment of Mercury, will indicate diseases that threaten life. Another name is the feature of hepatica (from lat. hepar- liver). The straighter it is, the better.

In addition, according to the signs on the line, they judge about commercial success and mental health. Depending on them, the segment will predict mental disorders and imminent death. or long and successful life in abundance.

In this article

On which hand should you look at the health line

In palmistry, it is customary to divide the lines by hand. The patterns on the right palm show life. Patterns on the left palm - fate.

The line of Mercury is an exception to the rule. Unlike other marks, hepatica on both palms shows the current state of health. In many ways, the depth of hepatitis depends on how much time a person devoted to health.

How to find the health line

Despite the fact that a smooth and clear line is a rarity, even a novice palmist can find it. The line of Mercury departs from the hill of the same name to the line of life, outlining the hill of the Moon. Usually, the hepatica is intermittent, torn, or winds in a chain.

In women, the line is clearer and deeper, unlike men. The reason is that women pay more attention to health.

The line of Mercury is heterogeneous and looks like a sprawling tree with many branches and additional segments around. They are judged:

  • about health problems;
  • the time when the disease occurs;
  • about the chance of recovery.

In my practice, there are cases when the line was not visible at all and people were frightened. In vain. This is a sign of good health and lack of anxiety. And also the fact that in the future problems are not expected.

Interpretation of the health line

A clear and straight line is a sign of a long-liver. This feature is visible throughout the palm. It stretches without branches from the line of life to the hillock under the little finger. The owner of the direct trait has strong immunity. This is a gift from above.

A thick or double line is a sign of a gifted speaker. This is evidence that a person is marked by Mercury, the patron of languages ​​and rhetoric. Health problems with a double line are minor.


In most people, the trait is heterogeneous. Depending on the clarity and depth, hepatica consists of the following lines:

  1. Dotted - most common. Means passion for bad habits: smoking and alcohol. The dotted line is a warning that health will take a devastating blow due to addictions.
  2. Dashed lines are a sign of constant health problems: headaches, weakness and loss of strength. If the line consists of small strokes, then the owner lacks vitality and endurance. If intermittent hepatica crosses the weak line of the head, then the person is restless. This is a sign of a nature prone to emotions that devour health.
  3. Pale segments are a sign of trouble. Such a person is sick. I have often observed pale lines in people with a predisposition to gastritis and stomach ulcers. After my advice to change the diet, their well-being improved. And the lines gained depth and clarity.
  4. Wavy segments are a sign of disturbances in the heart rhythm. The owner is advised to check the cardiovascular system.
  5. A straight line is an indicator that a person cares about the spiritual and physical health. Straight as an arrow, the line of Mercury indicates excellent health.

Influence on character

The intersection of the line of health with the hill of Saturn is a sign of a kind-hearted person. It's a sign disinterested friend who will always come to the rescue.

The intersection with the hill of Apollo is a sign of an intuitive who feels people and knows how to behave in society. He knows how to please others and successfully uses it.

If the hepatica has many branches directed upwards, then this is a sign of an extrovert. The owner seeks support and recognition in society. He is sociable and easily makes new acquaintances.

If the branches are directed downward, then this is a sign of an introvert. Such a person is hard to get acquainted with, preferring loneliness to noisy companies.

In practice, I was convinced that there are no pronounced extroverts or introverts. The lines confirm my observation. Usually, in humans, the branches from the hepatica are directed in both directions: up and down.

good luck triangle

This rare sign, which is formed by three lines: health, head and life. If the lines intersect, forming a triangle, then you have a minion of fate in front of you.

He is extraordinarily lucky, smart and never mortally ill. The owner of the triangle experiences life's hardships easily, without being executed or suffering.

Meaning of breaks and extra stripes

The line that breaks in front of the hill of Mercury and continues from its middle is a sign of a defeated deadly disease. This disease will never return.

Frequent breaks are multiple minor diseases that will not cause much trouble. If the line is renewed and duplicated by a parallel line, then this is a sign of support for the guardian angel.

If the line is divided into small homogeneous segments, each of which is turned to the line of life, then the owner will face intense nervous work. If a person has flat nails in addition, then this is a sign of paralysis.

A health bar that crosses or sends a branch to the life line is a sign of an exhausted state, sometimes close to death.

A red spot along with a gap is a sign of peptic ulcer. A black spot is a severe complication of an ulcer. The dark line of health is evidence of hepatitis or cholecystitis.

The lines that go to the line of health from the mound of Mars are torment and suffering. Sign nervous breakdown and subsequent decline in vitality.

A feature of Mercury, which is accompanied by small segments along the entire length, means that a person will receive support from relatives. In such a family, a good emotional background, which gives strength to fight diseases.

A line of health that ends with a fork means that the wearer will never get fatally ill. This is the mark of a scientist. Such a person is destined to make important discoveries, therefore heavenly forces they protect him.


Additional signs are found in each person. Deciphering them is easy:

  • The line winds like a chain - a disease of the lungs.
  • The cross is a serious illness, a threat to life.
  • The square is a sign of protection and healing.
  • Points along the entire length of the line and near it - stress, headaches and irritability.
  • Star - diseases of the organs of the reproductive system. In extreme form: impotence, infertility and difficult childbirth. If a star arose at the intersection with the head line, then the owner is a potential madman.
  • The triangle is a symbol of good luck.
  • The trident, which is directed to the hill of Mercury, is a sign of triumph. This is victory over death. The owner survived clinical death or cardiac arrest, but survived.
  • The island is a sign of chronic diseases. If the island is small and looks like a dot, then the person has problems with the nasopharynx and larynx. If the owner, in addition, has long nails, then there is a high probability of getting tuberculosis. The island that appeared at the intersection with the head line is a sign of brain disease.

The most dangerous signs

First dangerous sign- a large break in the health line. This is a sign of a chronic illness that arose due to intrusive memories. To prevent this from happening, let go of thoughts about the past and live in the present. Otherwise, there is a high probability of losing the future.

Another dangerous sign is a short hepatica. This is an interrupted life that ends prematurely. The palmist is able to determine the time when this will happen, and prevent a terrible blow of fate.

The intersection with the life line is another alarming sign. This is a sign of burnout. The owner of intersecting lines needs help, he reacts too violently to events in life. Over time this will lead to serious illnesses internal organs or mental health problems.


Palmistry will not replace a full medical diagnosis. After all, there are many diseases, but only two hands. Through thoughtful analysis, you will point to weak spots and susceptibility to disease. In combination with the ability to determine the time by hand, the information will be especially valuable.

It is wrong to deduce a judgment in isolation from the general pattern from the presence of only one hepatica and marks on it. To confirm diseases, refer to other features, marks and shape of the nails.

Relate to alarms with due attention. Make time for your own health. Here's what he said about it Nobel laureate in Medicine 1985 Michael Brown :

If you are engaged in the prevention of heart disease, waiting for the first symptoms, then the first symptom may be death from sudden cardiac arrest.

A little about the author:

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. To step into the fire during life, which opens the gates of immortality, and gain true freedom.

Health line on hand, or Mercury line is one of the most important. It should be interpreted especially carefully in order to, if necessary, correct the lifestyle or prevent the development of a particular disease. In addition, the line of health can tell about the oratorical abilities of a person, the dexterity of the mind.

How to find the line of Mercury?

The line of health on the hand originates at the place where the hand passes the wrist, then goes towards the edge of the palm, and ends at the tubercle of Mercury (located at the base of the little finger). It is interesting that the worse this line is visible on the hand, the better, that is, a weakly manifested or completely absent line of Mercury speaks of good human health.

Health line on the hand: interpretation

Considering the line of health on the hand, you need to pay attention to how it is located in relation to other main lines.

The most negative sign intersection or merging of the line of health with the line of life(an arcuate line from the inner edge of the palm to the wrist). This indicates the weakness of the body and the possibility of developing serious diseases, as well as a tendency to bad habits. In this case, you need to pay special attention to health and regularly undergo examinations to prevent the onset of the disease.

When the line of Mercury does not touch the line of life, then such a person has an irritable, easily excitable character, but at the same time dangerous diseases excluded from his life.

If line of health originates from the line of the heart(passes from the edge of the palm approximately to the base index finger), which means that heart disease is possible. Such a person is characterized by increased nervous excitability. The line of health is not on the segment between the lines of the head and the heart - a certain period of life a person will not have health problems at all.

When the line of health on the hand is clearly visible only to the line of the mind (goes from the beginning of the line of life towards the edge of the palm), and is not traced below, this is a sign that in the middle of life a person will overcome the inclinations identified in him in early years(for example, frequent colds, etc.)

If, on the contrary, the line of health is clearly visible only after the line of the mind(of the head), then there is a risk of developing a nervous disease in connection with the mental activity in which a person is engaged. In this case, it is recommended to change the occupation or diversify it with active physical activity.

Take a look at your health line. If you see thin satellite line, running parallel from the edge of the palm - this is a good sign that speaks of a happy life.

Mercury line shape

In addition to the connection of this line with others, it is important to consider its very form. If the health line on the hand consists of segments, this is a sign that a person has several diseases, probably related to the digestive tract. Also, the dashed line indicates problems in business. If the segments of the health line towards the line of life disease may be associated with nervous system possible nervous breakdowns.

The line of health is crossed by small dashes - the probability of accidents. If the line bifurcates in the wrist area, then serious health problems await a person in old age.

Wavy health line- predisposition to diseases caused by stress and nervous strain.

good luck triangle

When a triangle formed by the lines of health, mind (head) and life is clearly visible in the palm of your hand, this is a sign of special luck. A person marked with such a triangle is a real lucky man, a favorite of Fortune. He is lucky in the most different areas The universe favors him throughout his life.

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This line appears on the hands of people with poor health, but many palmists also associate with it material well-being. This seems justified, since the state of health largely determines the ability to work.

The line of health, also known as "hepatica" (line of the liver, from other Greek. hepatica), crosses the palm diagonally, starting at the base of the little finger or at the line of the heart and reaches almost to the wrist (). In some cases, this line connects with or crosses the life line. Then the intersection indicates a disease, and in the case of a merger, prolonged health problems.

The absence of a health line on the hand indicates a strong physique, balanced character and resistance to stress. The appearance in the palm of a smooth, well-defined line of health also speaks of excellent health, the presence of business acumen and high working capacity. If this line stretches from the hill of Mercury to the hill of the Moon, resourcefulness, cunning, imagination and extraordinary eloquence contribute to the achievement of material wealth.

The wavy line marks potential health problems that come from nervousness, anxiety, and stress. A broken line shows the difficulty in a business or career due to health problems. If the breaks on the line are connected by a sign in the form of a rectangle or square (), then this means outside help - first of all, good medical treatment or solving financial problems. If the line of health is crossed by several small lines of influence (i.e. the line is crossed out), then this marks a person prone to accidents. One or more islands on the health line indicate a potential need for hospitalization.

If the line bifurcates at the end (i.e., in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist), then this sign indicates some kind of situation that threatens health in old age. A thin secondary line - "satellite", running from the edge of the palm and parallel to the line of health, promises a happy life.

"Triangle of Luck"

If the line of the mind, the line of life and the line of health form a clearly distinguishable figure in the form of a triangle (
